solved In this assignment, you will apply course concepts to the

In this assignment, you will apply course concepts to the analysis of a real-world case study, Internet Development, CCS, and Customers. You will examine the challenges faced by Trent McGuire, a manager in communication & customer services at a large mutual fund company, whose department is not communicating with the Internet Development department which created serious customer service issues.
The failure of the two departments to communicate has led to numerous issues: the company has become reactive to customer response rather than proactive, and customer satisfaction has gone down. The conflict between them* has caused morale to dip at the company to the point where coworkers in other departments mock the situation.
In order to bring about organizational change, the dysfunctional interdepartmental communication at this mutual fund company should be addressed.
Your analysis should address the following questions:

What can McGuire do to facilitate effective communication between his department and the Internet development team?
How do systems theories, cultural theories, and critical theories of organization and communication relate to this case and its key players?
Does it matter if “the grapevine” (people not directly involved that circulate rumors and/or false information) is making fun of these two departments within Internet services?
Should top management be involved? Why or why not?

*The case study references a conflict between the Hatfields and Mccoys who were two rival American families with a bitter feud that fought and killed each other during and after the American Civil War. Their hatred of each other has become a piece of American lore.
This assignment requires you to apply the concepts introduced in course readings (i.e. the Zaremba textbook and assigned readings) to support your analysis. You must use a minimum of three direct in-text references (although you will likely use more) in your analysis, and you must use APA 7th citation in your essay.  You must also include a references page at the end of the essay that follows APA formatting.
You must use a thesis statement to guide your essay. You must also use the provided rhetorical form to structure the essay. Guidelines on both are found below.
Gather your evidence in order to support your thesis. 

Read the case three times.

First reading: Identify key facts, issues, themes, and role-players.
Second reading: Highlight and annotate text that discusses problems within the company and between the two departments.
Third reading: Highlight and annotate text that discusses the various negative effects the lack of communication between departments has had on the communications department’s ability to address customer concerns.

Write a thesis statement.

***NOTE: this sample thesis is not to be copied directly; it is a working draft to support your own writing and words. ***
Trent McGuire’s communications department has failed to clearly communicate with the internet services department because ______________________________________; (list as many causes as you discover) therefore, he should____________________________________ (list as many recommendations as you are offering in your final section) in order to establish effective communication, restore morale within the division, and raise customer satisfaction.

solved Case Study Assignment: Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults

Case Study Assignment: Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and ChildrenWhen seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the results.Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, body measurements can provide a general picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture—among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information can be a delicate process.Photo Credit: Getty Images/Hero ImagesFor this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their children’s health and weight.To PrepareReview this week’s Learning Resources and consider factors that impact the validity and reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You also will review examples of pediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to one of the following Assignment options by your Instructor: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests (option 1), or Child Health Case (Option 2). Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignments from your Instructor.Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you were assigned. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather?Also, as you search the Walden library and credible sources, consider what the literature discusses regarding the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool.If you are assigned Assignment Option 2 (Child), consider what health issues and risks may be relevant to the child in the health example.Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion.Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s health.The AssignmentAssignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pagesAssignment Option 1: Diagnostic Tests: Rapid strep testing in childrenInclude the following:A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.What is its purpose?How is it conducted?What information does it gather?Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.

solved ScenarioYou are a consultant who regularly works with organizations to

ScenarioYou are a consultant who regularly works with organizations to conduct evaluations of their organizational culture. Company X is a thriving business that is constantly looking to grow and improve. Leadership at Company X recognizes the importance of assessing their corporate culture as it relates to the company’s performance and effectiveness.You have been contacted by Company X to perform an assessment of Company X’s culture. The company is expecting you to provide insight on which aspects of the culture need improvement and the culture’s impact on organizational effectiveness and performance.You will perform an evaluation of the company’s organizational culture and provide recommendations that leadership can act on. Company X’s human resources (HR) manager has provided you with assessment data collected from an employee engagement survey and an annual productivity report.It is your responsibility to evaluate and summarize the assessment data to provide insight on the aspects of culture and its importance related to the organization’s effectiveness and employee performance. You will present this to several stakeholders. Your summary will be a valuable tool for the HR manager to evaluate and support the culture in the future.DirectionsEvaluation: The culture of an organization is unique and has a strong influence on the people and performance of the organization. To be truly successful, an organization must effectively establish and communicate the culture. Summarize the state of Company X’s organizational culture to share with stakeholders, including the HR manager. In your summary, you should address the following using the Cultural Assessment Data to support your evaluation:Describe the company’s culture in detail. Consider one or more of the following to inform your response:Shared assumptions, values, and beliefs among members of the organizationThe type of culture and subcultures that exist within the organizationAreas of agreement or disagreement among employees on their perspective of the organizational cultureExplain the strengths and weaknesses of the organizational culture.Identify the aspects that support (or hinder) the company’s effectiveness and performance.Recommendations: Using the conclusions from your evaluation, create recommendations for Company X’s HR manager to move forward with assessing the culture in the future. In your recommendations, you should address the following:Describe in detail the best practices to effectively administer a cultural assessment. Consider strategies the new HR manager can use to mitigate potential biases in the data.Recommend effective strategies to improve culture within the organization. Consider one or more of the following to inform your response:The roles of management and leadership in regard to supporting the organizational cultureHow the company should effectively demonstrate or communicate cultural improvements to their employeesHow your evaluation and recommended strategies will affect the organization’s effectiveness and performanceWhat to SubmitFor this project, you must submit the following:Organizational Cultural Assessment SummaryYour summary should include an evaluation and recommendations. Your summary must be 750 to 1,250 words in length (plus a cover page and references). Cite any and all sources appropriately

solved I have gone and provided some statistics and feedback for

I have gone and provided some statistics and feedback for your analysis. That Assessment Tool part was done well overall and shows that your group clearly spent A LOT OF TIME gathering the information; I don’t even know how you found some of it for your community but there was no county or even state data to compare with; which is part of the assignment but I would take either state or county as much of this as you could locate anyway (you will see what I included as feedback)The part that I think needs additional clarification or most important to revise for the points; however, are Section 8 (30-40 pts) & Section 9 (60-90 pts) (not done per assignment guidelines) as there are no community nursing diagnoses written as nursing diagnoses?) and I am having difficulty identifying exactly what your priority problems for your community are that CAN BE ADDRESSED BY THE community health nurse.Your paper discusses homelessness and poverty (though your community has a very high annual income) but regardless homelessness and poverty are not changeable factors that the community health nurse can address so I am having trouble identifying what you feel are the priority health problems to be addressed by the community health nurse for your community of Miami Lakes? Your paper mentions lung cancer, obesity, alcoholism and inadequate nutrition as problems experienced by the homeless and those living in poverty (which needs a reference to support this claim). Are these the specific 6-8 priority health needs of your community? I just need them listed out clearly. There is in Section 9 there is mention of children, adults and older adults but I am not sure what this means? You have the information in this paper somewhere; but some of this information needs to be supported with literature or with specific info from your findings (I provide some examples).For instance, the paper mentions Diabetes as a health problem affecting people over the age of 50 years (also needs literature to support) but the majority of your population in Miami Lakes is under the age of 50? So the priority problems should reflect the data or be supported by your data for your community so is Diabetes a priority health concern for your community? Children are mentioned but I don’t know in what way this is significant? Adults and older adults are also discussed but I am not sure how this relates to the priority health problems and how these are community nursing diagnoses?Regardless I am almost done with going through and adding my feedback. The Identification of Priority Health Problems/Needs (30-40 pts) needs to be specifically spelled out as something that the community health nurse can address and again laid out as outlined in the assignment instructionsYour paper includes a Section 9 but (worth 60-90 pts) but this was to he specifically written as 6-8 community nursing diagnoses which are not included in the groups paper submission. These were to be based off your priority identified priority needs. I feel you have the information in the data you have collected it is a matter of organizing it to identify priority community needs/problems and then writing the community nursing diagnoses. The last section needs to be written as Community Nursing Diagnoses which if not means you would miss out on 60-90 points in the assignment (which is a lot of points).

solved I have gone and provided some statistics and feedback for

I have gone and provided some statistics and feedback for your analysis. That Assessment Tool part was done well overall and shows that your group clearly spent A LOT OF TIME gathering the information; I don’t even know how you found some of it for your community but there was no county or even state data to compare with; which is part of the assignment but I would take either state or county as much of this as you could locate anyway (you will see what I included as feedback)The part that I think needs additional clarification or most important to revise for the points; however, are Section 8 (30-40 pts) & Section 9 (60-90 pts) (not done per assignment guidelines) as there are no community nursing diagnoses written as nursing diagnoses?) and I am having difficulty identifying exactly what your priority problems for your community are that CAN BE ADDRESSED BY THE community health nurse.Your paper discusses homelessness and poverty (though your community has a very high annual income) but regardless homelessness and poverty are not changeable factors that the community health nurse can address so I am having trouble identifying what you feel are the priority health problems to be addressed by the community health nurse for your community of Miami Lakes? Your paper mentions lung cancer, obesity, alcoholism and inadequate nutrition as problems experienced by the homeless and those living in poverty (which needs a reference to support this claim). Are these the specific 6-8 priority health needs of your community? I just need them listed out clearly. There is in Section 9 there is mention of children, adults and older adults but I am not sure what this means? You have the information in this paper somewhere; but some of this information needs to be supported with literature or with specific info from your findings (I provide some examples).For instance, the paper mentions Diabetes as a health problem affecting people over the age of 50 years (also needs literature to support) but the majority of your population in Miami Lakes is under the age of 50? So the priority problems should reflect the data or be supported by your data for your community so is Diabetes a priority health concern for your community? Children are mentioned but I don’t know in what way this is significant? Adults and older adults are also discussed but I am not sure how this relates to the priority health problems and how these are community nursing diagnoses?Regardless I am almost done with going through and adding my feedback. The Identification of Priority Health Problems/Needs (30-40 pts) needs to be specifically spelled out as something that the community health nurse can address and again laid out as outlined in the assignment instructionsYour paper includes a Section 9 but (worth 60-90 pts) but this was to he specifically written as 6-8 community nursing diagnoses which are not included in the groups paper submission. These were to be based off your priority identified priority needs. I feel you have the information in the data you have collected it is a matter of organizing it to identify priority community needs/problems and then writing the community nursing diagnoses. The last section needs to be written as Community Nursing Diagnoses which if not means you would miss out on 60-90 points in the assignment (which is a lot of points).

solved Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:A minimum of

Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:A minimum of 8 pages not to exceed 12, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standardTitle page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (page 1) A minimum of 8 pages including a summary of your understanding of the biblical implications for the topic (pages 2-11) Apply the “model for making moral decisions” studied in Unit Three What about patient autonomy? Rationing of health care resources? Conflicting views regarding end-of-life care? What could have been done to avoid this? What about privacy? Are there any federal laws which are relevant to this patient’s care? Is the ACHE Code of Ethics helpful? Does anything change if your hospital: (a) is a state-owned facility; or (b) is affiliated with a certain Christian denomination; or (c) if it is a private for-profit facility? Anything else you think to be relevant A reference page (page 12) A minimum of 6 references are required, including the text, the Holy Bible, books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals. You are the director of respiratory therapy at a large regional medical center. There is an 85 year old, female, Hispanic patient in the adult intensive care unit. The admitting diagnosis for the patient is “stroke.” Prior to admission the patient had a history of heart and pulmonary problems, and lung cancer (successfully treated by surgery and radiation 10 years ago). Tests conducted since admission have discovered early stage liver cancer. The patient has been in a comatose state ever since admission, unable to communicate or move. Since Patient is unable to breathe on her own, she is also on a ventilator.The patient was admitted 15 days ago, she is without insurance and has no proof of citizenship. The hospital business office wants to know if she can be discharged from AICU which costs the hospital $9,000 per day, or if the family will agree to disconnect the ventilator. The attending physician is new on the medical staff and is unsure of the patient’s prognosis. The AICU is full so the discharge planner is under pressure from his supervisor to free up the bed, which is needed for other critical patients.The patient’s family has been adamant that God will perform a miracle and the patient will walk out of the hospital. They are strongly against withdrawal of any life support or of reducing any standard of care. Patient’s children are all adults, natural born citizens of the U.S. who own a successful well-known local business.A local TV station has been ‘covering the story’ although they have not publicly disclosed the patient’s name. The state governor has come out publicly stating that illegal aliens are a drain on our state’s resources and should be sent back to their countries of origin. The governor’s challenger (whose daughter is a nursing student in AICU) says there is a moral duty to care for everyone.You are scheduled to meet with the hospital ethics committee tomorrow. After the meeting you, the physician, and the AICU chaplain are to meet with the patient’s family regarding the patient’s course of care.How will you prepare for the upcoming meeting with the hospital ethics committee? What issues do you expect will come up during that meeting? What will you say to the patient’s family?

solved I’m working on a art writing question and need a

I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

There are two-part to this questionPart 11.We’ve seen many representations of the ‘floating world’ from the perspective of male artists. Below is a painting by Katsushika Oi, the daughter of Hokusai (who painted the famous Great Wave Off Kanagawa). Analyze the painting and consider how it compares to works we have seen previously from the textbook and lecture that represent similar subject matter. Consider the choices she made in composing this work and what these choices convey. Do you think it is relevant that Oi was a woman? Does she present a different perspective on the floating world from her male contemporaries?(at least 250 words; 10 points)Katsushika Oi, Yoshiwara at Night, Edo period, c. 1850s, hanging scroll, ink and color on paper (103⁄8 × 153⁄4″)2.Read through your classmates’ responses and engage with at least one of them. Is there anything you feel that they missed? Are there ways you could have improved your own response based on reading others’?(5 points)Classmate’s postIn the painting Yoshiwara At Night by Katasushika Oi, women are seen inside wooden bars surrounded by shadowy figures on the outside of these bars. The perspective of this painting is from the outside of these bars facing in so that the viewer can see the women and not the faces, only thee figures, of the people, most likely men, staring into the wooden bars. Like other Ukiyo-e paintings, the women are seen with white faces and extravagant clothing, which was the beauty standard of this time. Compared to other Japanese paintings, this one is seen as very dark and shadowy. Even in other paintings that take place at night, they are lit up to be as bright as the day so the viewer to see every detail of the painting. However in this painting, Oi plays with shadows giving the painting a darker mood than other Japanese paintings allowing the viewers to make their own perception of the people staring at them from the outside. Oi follows the theme of using courtesans like other Ukiyo-e paintings. However in her painting, she shows the perspective of the women, not the men. The shadows and darkness helps to focus the viewer on the women and how this lifestyle has impacted them. In other Ukiyo-e paintings, the women are shown as beautiful, sensuous, and posing for the painter. The perspective that Oi presents is very different from male paintings of courtesans because she shows how they struggle and feel when men gawk at them while the men painters only capture their beauty and not the true emotion of their subject.Part 2This installation by Yanagi Yukinori was introduced in the lecture and covered in your textbook. Yanagi Yukinori, Hinomaru Illumination (Amaterasu and Haniwa), 1993, neon, neon transformer, programming circuit, painted steel, and haniwa figures (each haniwa figure approximately 39″ high)Like the Korean artist Pak Nam June, Yanagi Yukinori’s work is based on a juxtaposition between traditional and modern elements. However, Yanagi’s installation engages more specifically with Japan’s past and present. What do you think is the purpose of this juxtaposition? Consider the historical context of 20th century Japan with its many upheavals and how this may have caused the artist to reflect upon Japan’s relationship with its past.

solved Essay # 2: How Does Happiness Change Everything?Purpose: As humans,

Essay # 2: How Does Happiness Change Everything?Purpose: As humans, we wonder about many ideas and concepts and realities, and one of the more ethereal and yet basic concepts we wonder about is that of happiness. In this anthology, Pursuing Happiness, you have had an opportunity to consider scholarly articles and trade articles from a variety of perspectives—economics, sociology, psychology, theology, religious viewpoints, and other views. As you read all of these works, some published in major academic journals, you hopefully began to notice that this topic of “happiness” is a real life topic and many people dedicate their careers and lives to the academic pursuit of discovering what happiness means. Your job as a writer is to explore and write an argumentative essay that has a counterargument and an argument in it so that you create a reasonable rhetorical analysis of this topic.Task: Your task is to write an argumentative essay with a Rogerian thesis statement which explores some debatable angle on this substantive topic of happiness. In order to write this essay, you will create a few things first. An introductory “hook” paragraph, which leads the reader to want to learn more about this topic. A hook could be an anecdote, a study, a quotation from a wise philosopher, a biblical quotation, or it could be something that the average reader will connect to. Whatever you do in the opening paragraph, do NOT be boring. At the end of the first paragraph, you will place your Rogerian thesis, which is a debatable thesis, and it may look something like this: (Do NOT copy these thesis statements as they belong to former students in another class—you have to create your own Rogerian thesis statement).Although Martha Nussbaum makes a philosophical argument for what happiness is and is not, other writers such as Gretchen Ruben and others contend that happiness is dependent on money and how one spends and uses it.Although some scholars argue that the pursuit of sexual pleasure is irrelevant, C.S. Lewis and others argue that the pursuit of sexual pleasure is not privileged unless we are not serious about legal/moral standards which apply equally to everybody.Once you have your thesis statement, you should be using online scholarly articles to help support your thesis and substantiate both your argument and your counterargument.Do not create a Rogerian Thesis statement and forget to defend the opposing position, which you have stated in your thesis.Create 4 to 5 pages of argument using borrowed text, in-text citations, and your commentary on quotations and summaries and paraphrases. Never lose your voice. Just because other folks are famous or published or have Ph.D’s does not mean they have a right to dominate your paper. Instead, you use their published ideas to support your positions. Always create a closing paragraph with a transition phrase such as: In closing, Lastly, Finally, In sum, In conclusion. (There may be more on my list of useful transitions in Canvas).All papers need to be uploaded as a doc, docx, or pdf document. All papers need to be in MLA format, 4 -5 pages of double spaced type. The Font should be Times New Roman, 12 Inch font. Be sure that you have your MLA address on the front page and a unique title for your essay. Whatever you do, do NOT call it Essay #2–how boring that would be!

solved Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:A minimum of

Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:A minimum of 8 pages not to exceed 12, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standardTitle page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (page 1) A minimum of 8 pages including a summary of your understanding of the biblical implications for the topic (pages 2-11) Apply the “model for making moral decisions” studied in Unit Three What about patient autonomy? Rationing of health care resources? Conflicting views regarding end-of-life care? What could have been done to avoid this? What about privacy? Are there any federal laws which are relevant to this patient’s care? Is the ACHE Code of Ethics helpful? Does anything change if your hospital: (a) is a state-owned facility; or (b) is affiliated with a certain Christian denomination; or (c) if it is a private for-profit facility? Anything else you think to be relevant A reference page (page 12) A minimum of 6 references are required, including the text, the Holy Bible, books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals.You are the director of respiratory therapy at a large regional medical center. There is an 85 year old, female, Hispanic patient in the adult intensive care unit. The admitting diagnosis for the patient is “stroke.” Prior to admission the patient had a history of heart and pulmonary problems, and lung cancer (successfully treated by surgery and radiation 10 years ago). Tests conducted since admission have discovered early stage liver cancer. The patient has been in a comatose state ever since admission, unable to communicate or move. Since Patient is unable to breathe on her own, she is also on a ventilator.The patient was admitted 15 days ago, she is without insurance and has no proof of citizenship. The hospital business office wants to know if she can be discharged from AICU which costs the hospital $9,000 per day, or if the family will agree to disconnect the ventilator. The attending physician is new on the medical staff and is unsure of the patient’s prognosis. The AICU is full so the discharge planner is under pressure from his supervisor to free up the bed, which is needed for other critical patients.The patient’s family has been adamant that God will perform a miracle and the patient will walk out of the hospital. They are strongly against withdrawal of any life support or of reducing any standard of care. Patient’s children are all adults, natural born citizens of the U.S. who own a successful well-known local business.A local TV station has been ‘covering the story’ although they have not publicly disclosed the patient’s name. The state governor has come out publicly stating that illegal aliens are a drain on our state’s resources and should be sent back to their countries of origin. The governor’s challenger (whose daughter is a nursing student in AICU) says there is a moral duty to care for everyone.You are scheduled to meet with the hospital ethics committee tomorrow. After the meeting you, the physician, and the AICU chaplain are to meet with the patient’s family regarding the patient’s course of care.How will you prepare for the upcoming meeting with the hospital ethics committee? What issues do you expect will come up during that meeting? What will you say to the patient’s family?

solved For this portion of the teacher Work Sample you will

For this portion of the teacher Work Sample you will develop factors 1-5. This assignment 1 will include 1, 2, &3. Read carefully and make sure you provide responses that satisfies the requested information. Attached you will find a sample TWS. Within this sample TWS are all 7 Factors of a complete TWS. Factors 1-3 should be written together as one document, and 4&5 as a seperate documentNumber 1 is contextual that ask you to describe your community, school and students. Who are your students? How do they learn? What does your community look like? How is the economy? What is your school like? Discuss any problems you have as a teacher. This is a discussion for contextual about your students and your school and community.The second factor is Learning Goals. Link learning goals with contractual factors you have discussed in contextual. Also link LG with state and federal standards. Learning goals will tell what you want your students to know linked to state standards. Follow subsections to keep you on line with what you should report on in each section. These LG should be appropriate for your learners, challenging and has variety. Make them interesting and fitting.Number 3 is assessment. Now, how will you determine what your students know already about the LG you have chosen? You will now use pre assessment to determine what your students already know. An example of the assessment plan table is on page 8 of TWS. Activities are listed and adaptations are also on chart. Follow the chart to guide you in your discussion.4. Design for Instruction – In this section you will have administered your pre assessment to analyze student performance and know what you need to address to ensure the lesson is successful for all students. This is a very important part of the TWS. What patterns did you find with your students? You will discuss each learning goal and chart to show student performance. Then discuss what students were able to do and what they were unable. EX: The overall performance of students was much lower than expected. Majority of the students scored below 40% as indicated by the pre assessment. For goal 1 the students were to explain what their geographic area consisted of and most of the students were unable to do so. On question 10 the students did well. Just describe what you found out and how that will shape the development of your lesson. How will you continue this lesson to make sure students are reached at their level? A chart shold be developed here showing the learning goals.5. Instructional decision Making is requesting that you show modifications you made after presenting your lesson. This is a fairly simple one. Identify the modification and discuss. Number 5 is simply discussing how and why you had to change a lesson to benefit student mastery. Tell about it. what did you change and why. It ask for 2 examples of when you had to change the lesson. If a student scored below what did you change to ensure mastery.I teach 7th & 8th grade social studies at Leflore County High School in Itta Bena Mississippi. It is located in Leflore County Ms, 8 miles from Greenwood MS (the city listed in the example, in fact, some of that information can be used for my report) I have a healthy mix of alllll students. Low & high functioning. Any information to write this paper can be made up, except demographic info