solved Case 2: Having completed your case analysis on your first

Case 2: Having completed your case analysis on your first hospitality company now choose a hospitality company in another sector of the industry that you are interested in but have not previously explored. Note: no duplication of company choices are permitted within your Cohort Group. In other words, everyone in your group MUST choose a different company. This includes all choices from the first case study as well.Case Study Analysis is the practical application of the strategic management process. Working on case studies provides a structure to develop and practice the research and analytic skills you will use in business. A comprehensive and thorough analysis should include, but not be limited to the following: the company’s mission/vision, internal strengths and weaknesses (including financial and stock market analysis), a description of elements in the external environment (opportunities and threats), a problem and possible solutions for this problem. For more information on case study analysis, review the following:What is Case Study Analysis?Writing a Case Study AnalysisSome suggestions before you begin: Be practical – make reasonable assumptions and supplement the information you find in the case with additional research.Be realistic – recognize that there is never one single best solution, so justify your recommendations. Consider what will best benefit the company.Be specific – avoid generalities, use numbers and exact data when possible.Be original – make logical managerial decisions and assessments.Case Study Analysis FormatSection One – BackgroundBriefly state the salient facts of the case in narrative form – include history and pertinent background information. Be concise and precise. Approximately 1 page. 10 points.Section Two – Problem StatementBriefly state the central problem in narrative form, and then list the symptoms of the problem. Approximately 1 page. 10 points.Section Three – SWOT AnalysisBullet and list in rank order – the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relating to the case. Label the bullets using the information in the text and related Power Points. Four lists with a minimum of 4 points in each. 20 points.Section Four – Financial AnalysisGenerate a minimum of 2 financial ratios to assess the financial performance of the company. For each ratio provide:ratio name, ratio definition, report the ratio result (product) of the most recent 2 years, report whether or not the findings for this ratio are poor, satisfactory or excellent. Explain. 10 points.Section Five – Alternative SolutionsList a minimum of 3 alternative solutions. Assign a strategy name to each solution (see: illustrations in Weeks 3-6). Include at least 3 benefits and consequences (pros/cons) for each potential solution. Note – “do nothing” is NOT a solution! 1-2 pages. 25 points.Section Six – Conclusion and Recommendations Out of the proposed solutions, choose one that you believe is best. Explain. Design an action plan for the solution. Explain how it would solve the original problem within the case. 1-2 pages. 25 points.Helpful Hints (How to Get an A)All work must be word processed.All work must be error free.All work must be on time.Content and style are BOTH important.Label each section.Include a title page, table of contents, reference page, etc.Give credit where it is due.

solved This week let’s discuss one of the five cases you

This week let’s discuss one of the five cases you found in working on your occupational fraud assignment.
By Wednesday, choose one of the cases you reviewed.  Please choose the most outrageous, funny, or interesting case.  At the beginning of your post, state the name of the company and fraud perpetrator, as well as a link to the case.  Please describe how one of the three elements of the fraud triangle applies to this case.  Add your thoughts and opinions.
By Sunday, explain how the two remaining elements of the fraud triangle apply to this case.  Add your thoughts and opinions.

USPS, Joseph Winstead (Links to an external site.)
Hello all,
I think we could use a little humor, and the case I chose starts like this: “Neither wind nor rain nor even ice storms kept Joseph Winstead from doing his job as a mail processor for the U.S. Postal Service in Washington. But pretending he was serving on a jury did.”
Mr. Winstead decided to take an extended vacation from his US postal job, by seizing opportunity with a jury duty invitation. While he had been selected as part of the jury on a case, he was excused later in the process, before deliberations. Instead of reporting back to his day job, he decided to pretend that he was still on the case, produced fake courthouse documentation to prove his attendance on the case, and continued collecting a salary from his employer – $31,000 in wages that he didn’t earn. He was discovered after he tried to use the same technique a second time, a few years later, but this time his supervisors got suspicious and opened an investigation. This second time, he only went as far as claiming 40 days of jury duty and collected $7000 of undeserved money. He won a steady sentence of 14 months of prison and asked to pay back $38,923.95 to the USPS.
The article doesn’t make any reference to Mr. Winstead’s financial situation or whether he was dissatisfied with his job and his pay, but we can definitely recognize the opportunity that tempted him. He would have gotten away with his “mischief” if he hadn’t used it again. To keep the tone of the article, the moral of the story is: diversify your technique.

2. Amazon: Vu Anh Nguyen (Links to an external site.)
For this particular case definitely the element of opportunity was the most obvious driving force. Mr. Nguyen was a selling support associate based in Tempe, Arizona. His job was to provide support for third party sellers and provide refunds for purchases to Amazon customers. He was charged with wire fraud as he abused his employee status to provide refunds to himself and others totaling $96,508. He was also charged with identity theft due to stealing credit card information and using name of one of the third party accounts he managed in order to purchase items for himself.
Mr. Nguyen perhaps believed that he was going to get away with issuing refunds to accounts and get away with it, as an Amazon customer I have never had trouble with getting a refund due to a defective or unsatisfied purchase, but I can’t help to imagine that all these refunds have to be audited to make sure that people or employees don’t take advantage.

solved Read the  Additional Case Study JIT after a Catastrophe.pdf

Read the  Additional Case Study JIT after a Catastrophe.pdf related to Chapter 16. You can find the JIT case in MyLab Operations Management by following these steps:

Click on “Chapter Resources” 
Click “Chapter 16″ 
Click “Media Assets” 
Check “Case Studies” 
Click “Find Now”
Click on “JIT after a Catastrophe”

Using an organization that you are familiar with, describe your perception of its strategy regarding the number of suppliers to have for key components. Do you have any concerns with that strategy? Be sure to reference elements of the readings in your discussion.
After posting your inital response to the questions, respond to at least two others’ posts in the discussion.

Reply on these two peers’s post: 
First post : Maddey
One organization that I am familiar with that I mentioned in my last discussion post was the trucking center, which is called Freightliner. They deal with several suppliers daily bringing them different parts for semi-trucks, to either deliver to other shops or to fix other trucks at their shop. Freightliner depends on their suppliers a lot to bring them their supplies that they need to fix the semis and to deliver the parts that their customers want. Their customers also depend on them for their parts and services that they offer. If Freightliner didn’t have the supplies to offer their customers, they can find it somewhere else, but it might not be as convenient as some places might like. Some of Freightliner’s suppliers are Cummins, Caterpillar, and Detroit. Their strategy is a little risky because all of the suppliers and consumers depend on each other. If one of them goes out of business, then they will all suffer. Another thing that happens with suppliers is that when a product isn’t delivered in its designated time, it effects the customers and Freightliner. This is because the mechanics can’t fix the trucks because they don’t have the parts because they weren’t delivered, so the customers are then having to pay for their trucks to sit in the shop every hour they are waiting for the parts.  

Second post: Alma
In high school when I worked at a fast food restaurant, I got the chance to learn, order, and organize inventory to help out the managers. By doing this, I quickly realized that a good chunk of our supply comes from 1 supplier which at first seemed logical, but I quickly realized sometimes it wasn’t the best soultion. I understand how beneficial it is to get all supplies from 1 supplier, but I remember certain times when the supplier delivered 2 or 3 days later than usual and we had no ingredients or products to give our customers. That is one of the downsides of relying on 1 supplier, however this didn’t happen often but if it did I am sure that the company would switch suppliers. I would also say that the company focused on JIT which usually runs smoothly and allows the company to have less inventory on hand than needed, but when there are problems with the supplier, like late deliveries, they affect the company’s inventory and the ability to produce sales. JIT is a great technique for some companies, but for some it isn’t. If my old fast food company still uses the same supplier, they could try switching inventory methods and not relying on JIT; they should have more inventory and backups if the deliveries continue to be late regulary. 

solved 2-3 Paragraphs each responseWeek 7ReplyStrategic Planning and Organizational Management in

2-3 Paragraphs each responseWeek 7ReplyStrategic Planning and Organizational Management in Healthcare APA Style ReplyThe “Father of Modern Management,” Peter Drucker once said, “Planning and doing are separate parts of the same job; they are not separate jobs.” Reply to each Peer about their post.The “Father of Modern Management,” Peter Drucker once said, “Planning and doing are separate parts of the same job; they are not separate jobs.” Reply 1 to Martina ( Ask me this in reference to my post):Hi !Great post. As you mentioned, “The key activities translate a strategic plan from an on-the-shelf document to measures driving market success. Unfortunately, for several reasons, 9 out of 10 companies, according to a Fortune cover story, struggle to execute their strategic plan (Rowley & Sherman, 2002).” Why do you think most companies/organizations struggle to execute plans accordingly? Do you think it’s a failure to break the implementation barriers? As a leader, how can you address it?Thank you for sharing!The “Father of Modern Management,” Peter Drucker once said, “Planning and doing are separate parts of the same job; they are not separate jobs.” Reply to Paolo :The success of an organization’s strategic efforts is interdependent on the overall composition of the organization. The organization’s stakeholders, external and internal, must be in unison to create, implement, sustain its strategic plan.Walston (2018) proposed the three elements of strategic change than are necessary to happen for the strategic to be successful. These three elements are prechange preparation, implementation or execution, and sustainment or maintenance. Each element requires the organization’s extensive evaluation, understanding, and resources prior to moving to the next phase. According to Walston (2018), the critical first step in ensuring the effectiveness of the strategic plan is to acknowledge that change needs to happen. This exemplifies the prechange preparation. In this stage, the organization performs the requires analysis to identify areas that require enhancement or change to keep the organization competitive, then formulates the plan moving forward. This stage also is the time when the organization transforms itself to accept the changes that lies ahead. Next is the execution phase which, as the name suggests, requires the implementation of the plans established in the prechange phase. This is also the phase where short-term goals can be achieved or small tweaks in the plan be applied. Lastly, the maintenance phase provides the opportunity to evaluate the results of the implementation stage and recognize areas that needs to be updated. This change supports the process for continuous improvement and development.As it pertains to this week’s discussion, planning and doing are indeed separate steps of the same task. A plan without execution is just a plan. A plan will not implement itself without the efforts of the organization and its stakeholders. On the other hand, implementing a strategic plan without proper planning and preparation can lead to disarray and lack of direction. Therefore, planning and doing are equally vital in ensuring the success of a strategic plan.References:Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.

solved Advice for the Argument AnalysisYou are the critic:Argue about Claudia

Advice for the Argument AnalysisYou are the critic:Argue about Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric. Your argument can be positive, negative, or both, as long as the thesis clearly states so. Be sure that you feel strongly about your stance. Look for patterns or tendencies that the author may use, and judge them. What is the purpose of your evaluation? Conceptually, you must argue a stance with a purpose, using examples from the text to prove your point. Argue.The structure of the essay:Introduction– One paragraph:1) Open with an attention grabber.2) Give background or perhaps an illustrative example to show the significance of the subject or the nature of the controversy.3) Consider stating the conclusion of your argument (claim) here as the thesis of your essay, and it should mention the method/plan/reasons for such an evaluation.Presentation of your argument – At least three paragraphs:1) Paragraph Reason One2) Paragraph Reason Two3) Paragraph Reason ThreeThroughout the body of your essay, to prove your thesis, build your case one point at a time, perhaps devoting one paragraph to the defense of each of your premises, or setting forth your evidence in (at least three) separate, meaningful categories (one category per paragraph). These three reasons confirm the thesis as subclaims. This means that you must have at least three body paragraphs for this part.Please remember that each body paragraph should have a standard structure:1) topic sentence – argumentative and mentions which reason from thesis2) introduction to an example (this may be a transition or explanation of context)3) the actual example: a summary, paraphrase, or quotation, cited MLA style4) argue what the reader should respond to regarding the example so that the reader absorbs your opinion rather than forming their own opinion5) concluding sentence for paragraph – argumentative and mentions which reasonConclusion – One paragraph:1) Remind the reader of the overall argument (thesis) using different wording2) Summarize3) Leave the reader with a memorable momentAfter all your evidence has been presented and/or your premises defended, pull your whole argument together in the last paragraph by showing how the evidence you have presented provides sufficient grounds for accepting your conclusion. You may also add here some conventional device to finish your essay, such as a prediction, a new example, a reference to the example with which you began (now seen in a new light), etc. Here is some more technical advice:Remember that you have to use present tense to write about texts.When you summarize, paraphrase, or quote, you must use in-text citations MLA style.You must also provide a bibliography; you are required to provide the bibliographical information of the text you are analyzing. You are welcome to use additional sources, such as commentary by another critic; however, if you use additional sources, these sources need to also be documented properly so that you do not plagiarize. Give recognition when you are providing others’ work.Every subject has a plethora of jargon, but you can evaluate a text yourself using your own words. Your professor may use some literary terminology, but only use the vocabulary if you understand it and can apply it to the text. What is most important is your overall argument about the text.

solved Discussion Patient Preferences and Decision Making A woman, 33 years

Patient Preferences and Decision Making
A woman, 33 years old, came into the emergency department with what she termed a “terrible headache that comes and goes.” History was taken, showing that she had been involved in an accident a few months before but had not suffered any major injuries. She also said her vision gets blurry, and part of her arm feels numb with a tingling sensation during the severe headaches. The patient wanted to know what is causing the headaches, so we discussed the options. I informed her that there is a possibility she had suffered a traumatic brain injury and may require a head computed tomography scan. However, the headaches may be related to other illnesses, and a CT scan might not help. I discussed with the patient about the procedure of CT scan, the benefits, and the risk factors involved if she gets or does not get one. For example, I educated her on the possibility of ruling out serious brain injury issues like blood clots but also noted that CT scans are expensive, and they may be allergic to a dye used. On the other hand, they could go home with medication and make lifestyle changes that manage the headaches, which is cheaper and offers time to assess severity after treatment. The patient strongly felt that she needed a CT scan to ensure she did not injure her brain in the accident. 
Involving the patient in assessing treatment options gives them control and autonomy (Austin et al., 2020; Brabers et al., 2017). The process also reflects how much they trust the providers to have their best interest at heart (Nuwagaba et al., 2021). Knowing what is entailed in either treatment option, the patient felt that money was not a problem so long as she gets to know the cause of the headaches. We used the “headaches; should I have imaging tests or not?” decision tool developed by Healthwise (Healthwise Staff, 2020). In such cases, this tool provides a 5-step decision process; getting the facts, comparing options, patient feelings, decision, quiz, and summary. In the future, this tool will be beneficial to patients with any form of traumatic brain injury, wondering whether imaging tests are the best for them.
Austin, E. E., Blakely, B., Tufanaru, C., Selwood, A., Braithwaite, J., & Clay-Williams, R. (2020). Strategies to measure and improve emergency department performance: A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 28(55).
Brabers, A. E., Rademakers, J. J., Groenewegen, P. P., Van Dijk, L., & De Jong, J. D. (2017). What role does health literacy play in patients’ involvement in medical decision-making?. PloS one, 12(3), e0173316.
Healthwise Staff. (2020). Headaches: Should I have imaging tests to find out what’s causing my headaches? Healthwise.
Nuwagaba, J., Olum, R., Bananyiza, A., Wekha, G., Rutayisire, M., Agaba, K. K., Chekwech, G., Nabukalu, J., Nanyonjo, G. G., Namagembe, R., Nantongo, S., Lubwama, M., Besigye, I., & Kiguli, S. (2021). Patients’ involvement in decision-making during healthcare in a developing country: A cross-sectional study. Patient Preference and Adherence, 15, 1133-1140.

solved…Please read Chapter 2 entitled, “1493: T…Please read Chapter 2 entitled, “1493: The True Importance of Christopher Columbus,” from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me.Please be prepared to discuss at least 5 things from the chapter you found interesting, strange, or of importance.Write your discussion post in 150 words.THEN, REPLY TO THESE POSTS WITH 3-4 SENTENCES#1Five things I found interesting, strange, or of importance from Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress Columbus kidnapped Arawaks for the reason he wanted them to search for gold. When Arawaks could not find gold, Columbus kidnapped more natives and killed those who could not find gold.Along with the Arawaks’ resistance, Spaniards took prisoner them and killed them in different ways.After that, half of the 250,000 Indians were killed in two years. History textbooks show us Colombus as a big hero even though he is actually a serial killer. Five things I found interesting, strange, or of importance from Lies My Teacher Told Me: Chapter 2 Real factors behind Columbus’s arrival to America.There is no clue that Turkish Muslims’ discrimination against Europeans.However, Columbus’s Voyage led to Islamophobia in America by blaming the Turks.Columbus tortured many indigenous for the sake of his gold-finding interests.How heroically Columbus is shown to us, and how it is actually untruth. Unfortunately, history sources paint Natives as half-naked, uneducated, and savage people. I did not know how people actually are and stereotypes about them when I was a child, but I learned about lies that were told about them in high school. However, I did not know that there were 120 million Natives when Colombus came here. I think this surprising fact is proof of we have adopted this country from Native Americans. If we celebrate Native Americans day as the founder of America, that will help the country educate itself.#2When I was in elementary, I was painted a picture of Native Americans being described as not savages but people who didn’t have clothes that can cover them and all of them live in teepees. Wow I really low balled the number of Native Americans who lived here in 1942. There was 120 Million and I said 30,000. It shows how little I was taught in High School about Native Americans. I also did not know most of our ideas of Democracy came from the Iroquois Confederacy. Like Professor Bell said, most of us were painted the picture of Native Americans being savages by living with minimal clothes, teepees everywhere, hunting to survive for food, and many more inappropriate stereotypes. In my opinion, both the school system failed and maybe a little bit of ourselves as we could have done some research to see if these stereotypes are even true.The five things I found interesting are:1. The Arawak tribe greeted Columbus with respect and care2. Columbus writing a letter saying, “Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold.”3. How many colonizers they listed that took over communities. Colonizers such as Columbus, Cortes, Pizarro, and the English settlers of Virginia and Massachusetts.4. Indians in Haiti were taken as slaves by the Spanish after there was no gold.5. These same Indians in Haiti killed their newborns so the Spanish didn’t take them and they also committed suicide to not become a slave.

solved Need to modify the article according to the instruction and

Need to modify the article according to the instruction and scoring requirements! Modify each scoring item carefully! Because the scoring is strict. Especially modify Method and Result!Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews the campaign that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).Method: Identifies the type of content analysis that will be conducted and discusses: content that will be analyzed; provides rationale for content selected; describes how content will be collected; briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.Results: Qualitative content analysis that is clearly guided by the theoretical framework/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (e.g., if you reviewed Social Cognitive theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used). Findings from analyzed data are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.Discussion: Provides comparisons/contrasts to previous literature AND practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used theory to more strategically organize the campaign to realize more favorable outcomes.CriteriaPoints PossibleIntroduction describes overall purpose of paper (describes case, briefly previews type of media content analyzed and area of scholarly literature reviewed; makes argument for why that scholarly literature is best suited to the case).5 Literature review cites at least 10 scholarly sources that are appropriate for the case. Literature is concisely and effectively summarized.9Method section identifies the type of content analysis that will be conducted and discusses how content that will be analyzed; provides rationale for content selected; describes how content will be collected; briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis. Decisions reflect clear logic.6Results section takes the form of a qualitative content analysis. Findings are clearly and effectively conveyed in a narrative/descriptive format with quotes from the data interspersed for evidence.8Discussion section is clearly the product of an analysis process that was guided by the theoretical framework/scholarly literature reviewed (e.g., if you reviewed Social Cognitive theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used.)11Discussion includes comparisons/contrasts to previous literature AND practical lessons learned and/or recommendations about how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used theory to more strategically organize the campaign to realize more favorable outcomes.6Organization (solid introduction and conclusion; body text is organized topically/conceptually; clear paragraph structure with topic sentences and supporting detail)6Written quality – clarity, creativity, grammar, spelling, and punctuation6Proper use of APA citations and references.3TOTAL60

solved Assignment: Role-Playing Practice: Using the CFI to Individualize Anxiety CareSocial

Assignment: Role-Playing Practice: Using the CFI to Individualize Anxiety CareSocial workers need to be able to identify cultural conceptions of illness and mental illness. Because studies show that anxiety and depression differ from culture to culture and within cultures, it is important to build skill using the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) to elicit how an individual has actually incorporated their cultural beliefs. While the core interview is a set of 16 questions, more detailed versions expand on each area. In this Assignment, you sensitively apply the CFI to your case collaboration partner as well as research how to address and individualize anxiety resources for your partner’s culture and needs.To prepare:Read the Diaz (2017) article and take note of their experience using the CFI and the advantages they found in the process. Also note the minority stress concerns that arise in those working with anxiety issues in different cultures.Review the CFI questions and readings in the DSM-5 on cultural variations, syndromes, and idioms.Meet your collaboration partner and take turns administering the CFI questions (and any needed subsections) to each other. Your partner will role-play an anxiety issue but otherwise be as true to their own situation as possible. Make sure to record the session. See Collaborate Ultra Assignment Guide in Required Resources.Observe how the CFI administration process goes and take any notes needed. Based on what you learn about your partner’s needs and culture, you may need to do further research in the suggested readings and library before submitting your Assignment.Review the recording and identify a 3-5 minute segment where you are the interviewer that you would like your instructor to use to evaluate the assessment skills you demonstrate.By Day 7Submit a 4-page paper, using the Diaz article as well as additional resources about culture, in which you do the following:Describe the skills or techniques you used to engage your partner during the CFI.Identify a 3-5 minute segment in your recorded role-play that best demonstrates your ability to apply culturally sensitive assessment skills.Explain which aspects of the CFI were the most helpful in learning about your partner’s personal view of the problem and situation from a cultural perspective.Describe the cultural components (e.g., race/ethnicity, religion, geographic region, socio-economic status, etc.) that may influence your partner, and analyze how those cultural components influence their mental health experience.Identify which relevant subsections of the CFI you used. Explain why you did (or did not) use a subsection as part of your assessment.Analyze how you, as a social work treatment provider, might adjust interventions for the client (your partner), their individualized circumstances, and culture of origin. Be specific and demonstrate critical thought through application of concepts in resources.Recommend a specific evidence-based measurement instrument to validate the diagnosis and assess outcomes of treatment. Explain any cultural considerations you made when determining an appropriate instrument, including whether or not the instrument was validated with diverse population… (I AM THE FIRST PERSON ASKING THE CFI INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO MY PARTNER)

solved For each part one page so the total pages are

For each part one page so the total pages are 6-7 pages.Simplified Personal/Professional Marketing Plan Elements:1.Plan introduction and duration. This is a brief introduction to the purpose of the plan, including the duration of its scope (1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc.). The duration must be for at least one year.2.Summary/synthesis of your personal raw materials. (This was accomplished as part of your Raw Materials Assessment.) Summarize and synthesize your personal raw materials in a manner that allows a reader to understand the opportunities and challenges that may face you as you construct and develop “Brand You.”3.Market segment(s) that are to be targeted. (This was accomplished if you completed the Product/Audience Match assigned earlier in the semester.) This section should include any relevant portions from your Product/Audience Match Strategy assignment that would apply to this marketing plan:a)The potential target markets for your personal/professional brand (from “Part 1: List Current Audiences” and “Part 4: List Prospective Audiences”).b) Why these audiences are being targeted (from “Part 2: Importance of Current Audiences” and “Part 5: Importance of Prospective Audiences”).c)What the people in those segments desire in a person, employee, boss, etc.; that is, the attributes of the ideal candidate to be courted by that market segment (from “Part 3: What Current Audiences Want from You” and “Part 6: What Prospective Audiences Want from You”).Note: Even though you will only mention in this document the target segments that are applicable to this marketing plan, you must still include the complete Product/Audience Match Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment.4.Objectives/Goals for your brand. (Much of this was accomplished if you completed the Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier in the semester.) List at least five clearly identified goals that have a measurable component and a time (deadline) component. Delineate how each goal will be measured to ensure, eventually, that it has (or has not) been accomplished. You can have multiple-level objectives and combine this section with multiple-level strategies from the next section if desired. The key is that all objectives must lead you to your overall goal of winning the hearts of your target audience(s).NOTE: Even though you will only mention in this document any objectives/strategies that you feel are relevant to this marketing plan, you must still include the complete Personal Marketing Strategy assignment as an Appendix to this assignment.5.Strategies and tactics designed to reach the objectives. (Much of this was accomplished if you completed the Personal Marketing Strategy assigned earlier in the semester.) Your strategies should have direct-line connections to the objectives they are designed to reach. As mentioned above (in Part 4), you can combine this section with the Objectives or leave it as a separate section. In either case, you must include a one-page figure/chart/image that depicts how the strategies and objectives are connected.6.Marketing Plan Timeline. Create a timeline for your plan where you detail the start and end dates for each strategy and tactic. You must include a one-page figure/chart/image of the timeline. You can be as creative as you like to create the timeline.