solved Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapters 3,

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapters 3, 4LessonMinimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)Initial Post InstructionsSt. Augustine in the 5th Century held that we are free to make choices in life. This is the idea of free will. It may seem at first glance odd for a religious thinker to say that we have free will. After all, if God exists, then God created all things. God knows already what we will do. God can cause anything to occur. If we cause things to occur, that seems to be a limitation on the power of God and not make God all-powerful.There are also religion traditions that say that we have no free will. There are some theologians in Islam who seem to suggest that is true. In order for this line of reasoning to hold true, one would need to believe free will is an illusion and that we have no control over how we live our lives, but rather that we are puppets moving and acting due to God’s will and the powers of destiny and fate. And if this then in the case, how can we possibly be responsible for our actions?The considerations above show us to what degree our religious beliefs can shape us. For instance, someone who believes in free will may experience way more guilt than someone who believes we don’t have free will and thus aren’t responsible for the choices (and consequences) of the actions we take.Personal struggles with religion and ethics occur in many places, including in the healthcare arena. Consider the following: You are a nurse in a hospital. A 12 year-old was brought to the hospital by an ambulance. The parents have just arrived at the hospital. This 12 year-old has lost a large amount of blood and requires a transfusion. The parents happen to be members of a religion that believes that blood transfusions are immoral. They want to remove the child from the hospital and prevent the transfusion even if it means the death of the child. You have to decide whether or not you will participate in an action that violates the will of the parents and aid in providing blood for the child. If you choose to participate, and even if you are able to legally justify it, you have to think about the distress you are creating for the parents. If you refuse to aid here, you may be subject to retaliation from the hospital. What is the moral thing for the nurse to do here?Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, address the following questions:What would a divine command ethicist say is the moral thing to do here? Why would they say that? Do you agree with the divine command ethics? Why or why not?Evaluate what a natural law ethicist would say is right to do. Do you agree with them? Why or why not?Given what you said are the right things to do, what would an emotivist say about your positions and judgments? What role does subjectivity play here in determining what is ethical?Follow-Up Post InstructionsRespond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.Writing RequirementsMinimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)APA format for in-text citations and list of referencesTextbook: Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.

solved Assignment overview: The rapid change in pace of today’s health

Assignment overview: The rapid change in pace of today’s health system to improve patient experiences and effectiveness of medicine is overwhelming for those who provide aid to public and private populations. The challenges of new value-based reimbursement models and providing more integrated care, creates new hurdles for health care management teams to overcome. New populations and new communities require transformation to emphasize vulnerable populations, the integration of technology to prevent care gaps, and creating a multi-provider delivery system.The two main objectives of the U.S. health care delivery system are to (1) Enable all citizens to access health care services and (2) Provide services that are cost effective and meet established standards of quality.The four key components of the health care delivery are (1) Financing (2) The care team (3) Insurance (4) The payment.ASSIGNMENT: After completing the required readings, you should have a basic understanding of the characteristics and components of the United States health care delivery system. Understanding how the health care system works and evolves provides health care administrators and leadership with awareness of the position of their organization and facilitates compliance with health regulations.Discuss in detail each component of the U.S. delivery system, its function, and how it supports the delivery of care.Describe three external forces that affect health care delivery.Discuss and expound on five characteristics of the United States health care delivery system that differentiate the U.S. from other countries.View the National Health Security Preparedness Index for your state. You may access the health care delivery tab by 1) Selecting the link below 2) Selecting “By State” at the bottom of the page 3) Select 2019 4) Select the state in which you reside 5) Scroll down and select health care delivery. Describe if your state’s overall score is: 1. Above national average 2. Meets national average 3. Below national average in accordance with the key noted. Discuss three areas under the health care delivery tab that need improvement and provide suggestive remediation efforts to improve each. Link below.Nation’s ability to manage health emergencies rises. National Health Security Preparedness Index. (2020). https://nhspi.orgReading requirements are attached. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. I really appreciate your help. Writing style and formatting:Use a 1-inch margin and a double-spaced 12 point Times New Roman font.Support your statements with evidence, not simply your opinion or feelings, because scholarly academic work builds on previous knowledge and recognizes the contributions that others have made to that knowledge.Support each idea, point, or statement of fact that is not common knowledge by citations and references.Academic papers should have at least 2, preferably 3 or more, scholarly and professional references (unless otherwise noted in the instructions and expectations for the assignment). Include in-text citations AND a reference list for each paper. You have to cite the source of the information within the body of the paper like this (Author’s last name, Year) and include a properly formatted reference list at the end of the paper (not just a list of links

solved Step 1 Review assignment requirements. Create slides and a written

Step 1
Review assignment requirements.
Create slides and a written script document that explains how psychology influences our daily experiences. Your slides should demonstrate a hypothetical “day in the life” scenario in which a person your age encounters three different situations.

In the first situation, create a scenario in which the person uses his or her senses, perception, experiences, and memory to learn a new skill. Be sure to explain the biological structures and physiological functions associated with senses, perception, experiences and memory. The situation you describe should be engaging and realistic (not overly academic). (2-4 slides)
In the second situation, describe an example in which the person’s intelligence and cognitive abilities are involved in the decision-making process. Your example should focus on something that people look forward to in life. (2-4 slides)
In the third situation, describe an example in which stress affects the person. Include suggestions for promoting overall psychological health and well-being. This situation should be realistic by drawing from your own life experiences and those of people you know. (2-4 slides)

Step 2
Create the slides.
Using presentation applications (also referred to as slide ware) such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, organize and display the required information for each of the three sections in a series of presentational slides (also referred to as a slide deck). Note that you are not required to present this project in a live setting; however, you should design these slides as if you were doing so. If you have never created a slide deck before or need some additional help, several resources and tutorial videos are available online. Conduct an Internet browser search for the slide application you are using (for example, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote) and the search term “tutorial.” Such a search will provide videos and websites that can assist you in creating the slides and using the application.
Design your presentation with the following in mind:

Presentation title slide should be Psychology Shapes Our Daily Experience.
All slides should be contained within one file.
Label each slide with the slide title and number.
Use clear, concise bullet points.
Presentations are primarily visual. Avoid including too much written information on your slides. You can include more detailed information in the written script portion of this project.
Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools to support your message.
All knowledge gained from external sources, including course resources, must be cited in each slide for content and graphics.  At the end of the slide deck, include proper citations in APA style for the sources you used, which include images and diagrams (explore the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for examples). The source citation slide will not count toward your slide total.

Step 3
Write the presentation script.
Write the text of your script to correspond with each slide as though you were delivering a live presentation. You should write 1 to 2 paragraphs for each slide that expands on the information covered for each individual slide. The script should be written in a professional, yet conversational tone as if you were speaking to a live audience.

solved Goal: To analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the

Goal: To analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of psychopharmacological agents for patient treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.
Chapter 7, Case 1Beth is a 23-year-old Asian American graduate student. She is currently in treatment with a psychologist for anxiety. She claims that her cognitive therapy has helped her control her worry and anxiety, but she has noticed that her symptoms have worsened this year with all of the pressures of school. In addition to worry, her mind races at night when she tries to sleep, and she claims it may often take her two to three hours to finally fall asleep. She describes herself as a “type A” person who is rather “anal” about doing well. She worries nonstop about grades but also worries nonstop about her health, money, her parents’ health, and world affairs. She is very insightful about her condition and agrees the worry is excessive and unwanted. She admits that there is really no basis for the worry, as she has a full scholarship, she and her parents are in good health, and she currently has a 3.9 GPA. She claims that she has always been rather tense, but it didn’t get to the point that she sought treatment until her senior year in college. She was worried about getting accepted to grad school and “obsessed” over getting straight A’s. She sought the help of a psychologist at the university counseling service, was placed on Paxil, and began therapy. For the most part, her symptoms disappeared, but she remembers feeling tired during the day.Chapter 11, Case 1
Lotus is a 36-year-old Asian American female who recently started a new executive position with an advertising firm. While she loves her new job and the field of advertising, she admits that the new schedule is grueling and that she often doesn’t get home until quite late. She has noticed that it is difficult for her to relax before getting to bed and her mind often wanders to the many tasks she needs to complete when she returns to work in the morning. These “racing thoughts” result in significant initial insomnia, causing her to be alert for nearly an hour or more before she is able to fall asleep. When questioned about these symptoms, she claims that she has never seen a therapist before, doesn’t consider herself to be anxious or depressed, and has never had a problem with sleeping in the past. There are no worries of money or health-related issues, and she claims to enjoy her job and the people with whom she works. She even does not find these thoughts unpleasant, as she uses the time to plan her next day. She admits that they are just a bit intrusive and that she really needs to wind down and get more rest.Questions:Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers. 

Summarize the clinical case.
Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them.
Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Include the rationale for this treatment.
Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe?   Include the rationale for this treatment.
Include an assessment of treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence.

solved Goal: To create a visual metaphor of yourself.What is a

Goal: To create a visual metaphor of yourself.What is a visual metaphor? A visual metaphor is an image that the viewer is meant to understand as a symbol for something else. Visual metaphors can be obvious, subtle, funny, or scornful, but they form a connection between imageries that artists have used across the centuries to help communicate information without words.Ask yourself: “Who am I?” Which part of your face or body will serve as a metaphor for you?What to do:Think about yourself and what defines you at this point in your life as an individual? Don’t worry about COVID, look at a bigger picture.If any part of your face or body could be used as a metaphor for yourself, which one(s) would you be? What will identify you?What other objects, things, elements, can be identified as part of you? (For a painter probably a brush, but you don’t have to be literal.)Fill a page or even multiple pages in your sketchbook with an inventory of every possible object and body/face parts you can think of that would be helpful for your composition.Search Internet for images that you are going to use as your reference points. You can draw from the photographs or from life as well. (If you Google “metaphorical self portrait ideas” you will see numerous examples, don’t copy them, acknowledge them, and find the best way you can represent yourself. There is no right or wrong way to do it.)When you are done with the research, choose a face/body part(s) that you think will be the best metaphor for you.In your sketchbook, begin working on 7-10 thumbnail sketches for a self-portrait that shows all the elements that you found. Work on the composition and meaning of your work. It should tell something significant about yourself through the depiction and placement of all the elements.Make a full scale drawing using very light pencil (mapping of your work), place all the elements on the page and take a picture of the work.Continue working on your drawing, define every shape by using shading and lines.When you are done with the drawing, take a second photograph.If you are not sure what to do or how to start, spend time online, look for inspiration or ideas. Drawing Requirements:Work on a mixed-media paper and fill minimum 80% of the page with your drawing, if you want you can use the whole picture plane.Keep 1/2-inch border all the way around (you can draw it with a pencil or use masking tape)Medium: your choice – graphite or charcoal pencils, ink pen or combination of some or all of them.You need to use at least one body/face part and minimum 3 other elements.Use principle of composition to create your drawing. Make it dynamic.Half of your drawing must use any type of shading techniques covered in a previous Module.Use various contour lines including hard and soft outlines.Have fun with it! It’s all about creativity. Expect to spend 10-12h on this project.Submission Requirements:Take pictures of all your research sketches with corresponding reference images.Images of the pages with thumbnails.Minimum 2 images of the work in progress. (First one when you are done with the compositional placement of the elements and the second one – half-way thorough.)An image of finished work.Write an artist statement (150-200 words) of who you are. It can be a literal description of your work, symbolic or conceptual.

solved Using the textbook (Chapter 13) and the instructor’s material, identify

Using the textbook (Chapter 13) and the instructor’s material, identify each ad’s design components such as target market, source (the type of magazine, newspaper, etc.), purpose, message content, execution style, and layout design. Then, evaluate the ad’s effectiveness. A “good” ad has congruity and synergy among all these components (That is, it has the right source, right content, right style, and right layout and design for its target market and purpose). Also, discuss what you would change to further improve the ad’s effectiveness.
Components of Promotion Assignment
Please use the following outline for assignment submission. Each component will equally contribute to your total grade. Provide a copy of the ad with the write-up.
Target Market: Each advertising piece is designed with a target audience in mind. Who is the target market(s) of the ad? Examples would be VALs segments, millennials, generation X, business travelers, female business travelers, meeting planners, travel agents, investors, senior travelers, families, high rollers, weekend travelers, golfers, and the general public. Be as specific as possible and include individual characteristics of the target market (demographics, benefits sought, psychographics, etc.)
Source and Date of Publication: For example, Conde Nast Traveler, 09/01/2020. Discuss if the source is suitable for reaching the target market of the ad.
Purpose: Each ad should have a purpose and specific objectives.The purpose of an ad would be informative, persuasive, and/or reminder.The specific objectives would be positioning, differentiation, creating an image, communicating certain benefits, obtain immediate action, steal from competitors, and so on. An ad may have more than one objective; however, a good ad should not have many objectives not to confuse the target market.
Message Content: The message content of an ad may fall into one or more of the three types of appeals: rational, emotional, and moral.
Message Execution Style: Message execution style is related to how the message is said. Particularly, the slogan (headline) of the ad should get the attention of the target market. There are different message execution styles a company can use to deliver the desired message, and you should be able to identify the style of the ads of your choice. For a list of message execution styles, please refer to Chapter 13 of the textbook and your instructor’s powerpoint presentation.
Layout and Design: This, to a great extent, will contribute to an ad’s attractiveness and eye-catching design, which includes borders, pictures, icons, colors, fonts, as well as the layout of text and pictures.
Your Suggestions: Once you identify and evaluate your ad’s components, you can go ahead and assess its effectiveness as a whole. A ‘good’ ad has consistency and synergy among all these components (that is, it has the right source, right content, right style, and right layout and design for its target market and purpose). The ad’s design will always start with the target market in mind, and all the components discussed above should complement each other in reaching them. There is always room for improvement! In this section, you will discuss what you would do differently to increase its effectiveness. In general, you will have more to discuss for a “bad”ad in this section.

solved Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.
Professional Context
Many organizations work to better local and global communities’ quality of life and promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations. As change agents, nurses must be aware of factors that impact the organization and the services that it offers. Familiarity with these organizations enables the nurse to offer assistance as a volunteer and source of referral.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you gain insight into the mission, vision, and operations of a community services organization. 
You are interested in expanding your role as a nurse and are considering working in an area where you can help to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within the local or global community. You are aware of several nonprofit organizations and government agencies whose work contributes to this effort in some way. You have particular interest in one of these organizations but would like to know more about its contributions to public health and safety improvements. You would like to report the results of your research in a scholarly paper that you could submit for publication.
Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency from the list provided. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3–5 page report.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment.
Choose the organization or agency you are most interested in researching:

American Red Cross.
Habitat for Humanity.
United Way.
Doctors Without Borders.
The Salvation Army.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
National Center for Transgender Equality.
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.
Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders.
Equal Justice Initiative.
National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Urban Triage.
World Health Organization.
The Arc: For People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Alliance for Retired Americans.
Futures Without Violence.
Blue Campaign: What Is Human Trafficking?
Covenant House.
Cultural Survival.

solved PAD 340 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview This competency

PAD 340 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric
This competency project is a presentation of the budgeting process for hypothetical community members. Your task is to effectively communicate the
information to a typical lay audience unfamiliar with the budgeting process, in an effort to increase community engagement. Your presentation will outline the
purpose of public-sector budgeting at the local level and include step-by-step instructions on how to review a budget. In this project, you will create a
PowerPoint presentation with accompanying speaker notes and an audio recording of your narration. This is the second of three competency projects in this
course; it is due in Module Six.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:
ï‚· Analyze the public-sector budget process and outcomes
You will create a PowerPoint presentation that answers the following questions: What is the purpose of a budget at the local level? What are the four budget
stages that a local government would use in its budgeting cycle? What recommendations would you provide community members on how they could be
involved in their community’s budget process?
Be sure your presentation adheres to the principles for planning an effective presentation discussed in Module Five. Your final presentation should include 5–8
slides with accompanying speaker notes and an audio recording of your narration. For more information on how to record yourself in PowerPoint, please review
the tutorial on the Microsoft Office website.
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.
I. Purpose of Budgeting: To introduce your presentation, you will describe the various purposes for developing a budget (e.g., nonfinancial and financial
stability, transparency). Be sure to use specific examples that would resonate with your hypothetical lay audience.
II. Budget Cycle: Then, explain all four phases (i.e., formulating, approval, implementation, evaluation) of the budgeting cycle and how they are
interrelated. Remember to define any technical terminology used for your audience.
III. Recommendations: In the final section, provide recommendations for community members on how to be more involved in their local budgeting
A. Explain the factors that might influence how much say an individual community member would have on the budget process. Use specific
examples to illustrate.
B. Identify which phase(s) a community member should be involved in if they want to have the most influence on the process and outcomes.
Justify your recommendations with supporting evidence.
C. Recommend specific strategies that community members could employ to increase their influence for your identified phases of the budget
cycle. Justify your recommendations with supporting evidence.
IV. Communication: Customize your presentation to meet the needs of your audience, including using appropriate budget-specific terminology. Your slides
should be streamlined with the most essential information, while the speaker notes/audio recording should add context and detail.
Project Two Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your community presentation project must be 5–8 slide PowerPoint presentation with accompanying speaker notes and audio
recording, and apply APA format for all references.

solved Prompt- DUE THURSDAY 4/22 – 1 page – APA format-

Prompt- DUE THURSDAY 4/22 – 1 page – APA format- 3 referencesView Real Time Cases’ Managing Chaos in Jose Andres Kitchen. While chaos can mean disorder, is this the intent of Jose Andres? Use at least one new sciences systems theory (i.e., chaos theory, complexity theory, or self-organizing systems theory) to analyze the management theories and practices guiding Chef Jose Andres’ management decisions and actions.Managing Chaos in a José Andrés’ KitchenFrom ThinkFoodGroupLeadership, Organizational BehaviorCase FocusManaging a chaotic creative process and struggling with the operational balance of art vs. science.Case IntroductionJoe Raffa is an Executive Chef at ThinkFoodGroup, the restaurant group inspired by the creative leadership of Chef José Andrés and his Spanish culinary excellence. The development team is composed of very creative individuals who are not always the most organized. Joe wants to know how would you control the chaos of last minute ideas and changes? He shares a vignette from the Las Vegas grand opening of their China Poblano restaurant to illustrate the chaos; José likes to walk into the restaurant with his pink and blue highlighters, slashing menu items that do not work and demanding new ideas be implemented immediately – in this case, just 2 hours before the grand opening. How can the development team sustain this creative tension while still innovating their culinary products and maintaining the operational effectiveness to drive the bottom line? Plan for complexity transcript-So, I am Michael Doneff. I’m the Chief Marketing Officer at ThinkFoodGroup. I oversee everything at ThinkFoodGroup that is marketing, branding, public relations, digital, offline, I also get into basically every touch point that is not the food and the service. We’re intent on being a non-corporate, very open-minded, nimble organization, but to do that and to be successful you also have to have some sort of process. I mean, Jose’s motto is “Embrace Complexity.” My version of that is, “Plan for Complexity.” You know, I think there’s a way, there’s 90% of the craziness and spontaneity that goes on here that we can plan for. Because there’s certain types of spontaneity that happen. So that’s our job to sort of manage around it. Not to stifle it, or limit it, but just really plan for it and embrace it. And create structures and processes that are often invisible to creative people like Jose, but they are what keep him going. And keep the business as a plan for him to create more of this stuff. So I think he’s appreciating it now, because in the past few years I’ve joined, Kimberly joined, and we’ve created this level platform that he’s then, he can just dance on top of it. And he doesn’t have to worry about, “Is this being done? Is this being done?” Operationally we are sound, service-wise, you know, the food when he does a tasting, or comes up with a recipe, he knows that is going to be carried through to fruition. When he comes up with a design or a logo, he knows I’ll take it from there. And I think he enjoys that, almost freedom, to be able to – that he can just come up with ideas and – and we got the rest. _x000D_
Support your statements with logic and at least three credible references (i.e., the source article and two supporting articles).

solved Part 1: The Problem of Subjectivity in Persepolis“In life you’ll

Part 1: The Problem of Subjectivity in Persepolis“In life you’ll meet a lot of jerks. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it’s because they’re stupid. That will help keep you from reacting to their cruelty. Because there is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance . . . Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself” (154)Marjane’s grandmotherDo this part of the discussion (your initial post) by 11:59pm on Thursday April 15Before you read any other student’s post rank the following in the order in which you think they are a jerk with #1 being the jerkiest. In your ranking briefly explain in each case why they are or are not a jerkA) Momo, Thierry and Olivier 169-171,176,194-195B) Julie 183-191C) Enrique 211-217D) Markus 222-225, 229-234-2372. Before you read any other student’s post rank the following in the order in which you think Marjane is “true to herself” in her relationship with them with #1 being the relationship in which she is the most true to herself (or the least untrue). In your ranking briefly explain in each case in what sense she is or is not true to herselfA) Momo, Thierry and Olivier 169-171,176,194-195B) Julie 183-191C) Enrique 211-217D) Markus 222-225, 229-234-237Do this part of the discussion (your replies) by 11:59pm on Friday April 16As a group, through the discussion board come to a consensus ranking on #1 and # 2 and develop the group’s explanation for each ranking. Cite evidence (quotes, particular panels)Then choose one person from the group to write the Final Consensus for #1 and another person from the group to write the Final Consensus for #2Each Final Consensus should contain the group’s ranking and the group’s explanation in each case supported by textual evidence for the ranking. (We think Enrique is the jerkiest because . . . We think Momo, Thierry and Olivier are the second biggest jerks because. . . And so on. We think Marjane is most true to herself in her relationship with Markus because . . . We think Marjane is the least true to herself in her relationship with Julie because . . . And so on)Label each consensus “Final ConsensusPart 2: Lying as a New Kind of Flatness or Depthlessness in Persepolis1. Frederick Jameson identifies a new kind of flatness or depthlessness as a postmodern force field. Is Marjane’s lying this new kind of flatness or depthlessness? Explain.2. In each of the following instances Marjane lies. In each case say why she lies. Does she feel guilty about the lie? Why or why not ?The lieWhy does she lie?Does she feel guilty? Why or why not?P 13 top panels (Marjane tells her parents she wants to be a doctor)P58 top right panel (Marjane talks to some other kids)P79 bottom right panel (Marjane talks about praying)P117 (She lies to her mother)P136-138 (Marjane lies to the Guardians of the Revolution)P198 (Marjane lies that she is French)P288-289 (Marjane lies about a man saying something indecent to her)3. Marjane grows up under two political regimes that lie-first the Shah’s regime and then the regime of the Islamic Fundamentalists; sometimes she chooses to lie; once, her mother tells her to lie; and sometimes she lies for her own protection. How does such lying whether it is justified or not affect a person’s sense of self? Does lying affect Marjane’s character? ExplainPreviousNext