solved I’m working on a Marketing exercise and need support. 1.😎

I’m working on a Marketing exercise and need support.

1.😎 DQ (P) – Discussion Question 1 – (PDQ directed at upcoming PA) Graduate LevelPrior to reading this DQ, please read the PA 2 assignment and understand what theassignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the PA 2assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ1.Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronicjournal database, research six (6) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer yourupcoming PA 2 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way thatit can justify any arguments you may present in your PA 2 assignment and should be differentfrom the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include anexample of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and soforth).Please note: This article summary should not be the only article researched for your PA 2assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched to fully answer yourPA 2 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the researchnecessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or in itsentirety in your PA 2 assignment.Important: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as yourreference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, youshould see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articlessummarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summaryMUST include ALL of the following in your DQ post (include every item in the bullet list below,or you will not receive full credit):Do these in order:● In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.● Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.● Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.● Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.2. 😎 In 3-5 pages consider the four (4) stages of the product life cycle (introductory, growth,maturity and decline), define your marketing objectives under each one of the four stages, andexplain how you will use the marketing mix to create your marketing strategy under each oneof the four stages. Don’t forget to consider the level of competition under each stage beforeyou develop your strategy.Remember, you must have at least six (6) peer-reviewed sources plus the textbook3. Discusses the importance of being “nimble” in all aspects of a firm’s operation – that is, to be ina position to be maximally flexible, adaptable, and speedy in response to change.● Identify two firms in two different industries that you believe exhibit a nimble nature intheir operations.● What specific evidence leads you to believe these firms are nimble, especially in theirchannel and supply chain activities?In a word, answer 1,2 and 3. 1&3 are discussion question, 2 is a paper.

solved The case studyJerry and Communication Barriers -Effective Communication as a

The case studyJerry and Communication Barriers -Effective Communication as a MotivatorOne common complaint employees voice about supervisors is inconsistent messages – meaning. one supervisor tells them one thing, and another tells them something different. Imagine you are the supervisor/manager for each of the employees described below. As you read their case, consider how you might help communicate with the employee to remedy the conflict.Jerry is a 27-year old who is a foodservice manager at a casual dining restaurant. Jerry is responsible for supervising and managing all employees in the back of the house. Employees working in the back of the house range in age from 16 years old to 55 years old. In addition, the employees come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. For many, English is not their primary language. Jerry is SERV Safe® certified and tries his best to keep up with food safety issues in the kitchen but he admits it’s not easy. Employees receive “on the job training” about food safety basics (for example, appropriate hygiene and handwashing, time/temperature, and cleaning and sanitizing). But with high turnover of employees, training is often rushed, and some new employees are put right into the job without training if it is a busy day. Eventually, most employees get food safety training. The owners of the restaurant are supportive of Jerry in his food safety efforts because they know if a food safety outbreak were ever linked to their restaurant; it would likely put them out of business. Still, the owners note there are additional costs for training and making sure food is handled safely. One day Jerry comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the restaurant. Things haven’t been going well at home and he was lucky to rummage through some of the dirty laundry and find a relatively clean outfit to wear for work. He admits he needs a haircut and a good hand scrubbing, especially after working on his car last evening. When he walks into the kitchen he notices several trays of uncooked meat sitting out in the kitchen area. It appears these have been sitting at room temperature for quite some time. Jerry is frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he is beating his head against a brick wall when it comes to getting employees to practice food safety. Jerry has taken many efforts to get employees to be safe in how they handle food. He has huge signs posted all over the kitchen with these words: KEEP HOT FOOD HOT AND COLD FOOD COLD and WASH YOUR HANDS ALWAYS AND OFTEN. All employees are given a thermometer when they start so that they can temp food. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.Questions: 1. What are the communication challenges and barriers Jerry faces? (01.50)2. What solutions might Jerry consider in addressing each of these challenges and barriers? (01.50)3. What Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) would be helpful for Jerry to implement and enforce? (02)

solved Can you help me understand this Accounting question? What is

Can you help me understand this Accounting question?

What is the present value of the following cash flow stream at a rate of 15.0%? Years:01234 CFs:$0$1,500$3,000$4,500$6,000Select one:a. $10,261b. $10,859c. $9,962d. $12,453e. $12,154Clear my choiceQuestion 2Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textYou plan to invest in securities that pay 11.2%, compounded annually. If you invest $5,000 today, how many years will it take for your investment to grow to $9,140.20?Select one:a. 6.36b. 5.63c. 4.60d. 5.85e. 5.68Clear my choiceQuestion 3Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textSuppose a U.S. treasury bond will pay $1,050 five years from now. If the going interest rate on 5-year treasury bonds is 4.25%, how much is the bond worth today?Select one:a. $852.72b. $673.65c. $878.31d. $656.60e. $750.40Clear my choiceQuestion 4Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textWhat is the PV of an annuity due with 5 payments of $7,900 at an interest rate of 5.5%?Select one:a. $41,997.01b. $40,573.38c. $43,776.54d. $35,590.69e. $41,285.20Clear my choiceQuestion 5Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textWhat’s the future value of $4,400 after 5 years if the appropriate interest rate is 6%, compounded semiannually?Select one:a. $5,913.23b. $4,612.32c. $7,214.14d. $5,381.04e. $5,794.97Clear my choiceQuestion 6Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textLast year Thomson Inc’s earnings per share were $3.50, and its growth rate during the prior 5 years was 6.6% per year. If that growth rate were maintained, how many years would it take for Thomson’s EPS to triple?Select one:a. 15.99b. 15.13c. 17.19d. 15.81e. 13.41Clear my choiceQuestion 7Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textLast year Dania Corporation’s sales were $525 million. If sales grow at 9.8% per year, how large (in millions) will they be 8 years later?Select one:a. $1,131.30b. $1,109.12c. $842.93d. $1,142.39e. $1,364.22Clear my choiceQuestion 8Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textSuppose a State of New York bond will pay $1,000 ten years from now. If the going interest rate on these 10-year bonds is 5.0%, how much is the bond worth today?Select one:a. $466.57b. $613.91c. $736.70d. $564.80e. $724.42Clear my choiceQuestion 9Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textYour grandmother just died and left you $47,500 in a trust fund that pays 6.5% interest. You must spend the money on your college education, and you must withdraw the money in 4 equal installments, beginning immediately. How much could you withdraw today and at the beginningof each of the next 3 years and end up with zero in the account?Select one:a. $13,019.14b. $9,894.54c. $14,321.05d. $10,415.31e. $12,628.56Clear my choiceQuestion 10Not yet answeredMarked out of 1.00Flag questionQuestion textWhat is the present value of the following cash flow stream at a rate of 12.00%? Years:01234CFs:$0$75$225$0$300Select one:a. $402.03b. $546.24c. $511.28d. $436.99e. $441.36

solved Paper topic (10 % of the final grade)- The biggest

Paper topic (10 % of the final grade)- The biggest question concerning the research paper is usually the first one- “What topic should I do?” I am not providing a list of suggested topics because formulating the topic is one of the most important things you will learn to do in this class, something you can carry over into other subjects
     The topic for the paper is very important, as it has to be something of appropriate scale for the length of the paper. The biggest problem of student paper topics is the attempt to be too broad. Don’t get too ambitious! The narrower the focus, the more detailed information you can pack into your 1200 words, and that is what we are looking for. Broad and general topics just don’t work that well in student papers, especially one this short. Think of this paper as really just a small piece of a much larger research project. Biography, by the way, people think biography is usually a pretty safe way to go, but remember, you are not trying to cover the person’s entire life. Find one point you think is important and focus on that. A point that is somewhat controversial is best- you are trying to contribute to a historical debate here, so the paper has to have your perspective, not simply be a reworked encyclopedia article. In the proposal, you need to state a thesis (an idea about the topic) that you will try to prove or disprove when you write the paper. 
You will need to provide a topic proposal, along with a Preliminary Bibliography of sources you can definitely get access to, including at least one primary source and at least four other valid academic sources by Friday, July 12 . 
Assignment 2
Research Paper (20% of final grade): The research paper is a research topic of roughly 1200 words, your range of choices is extremely wide, but you need to present it in your proposal earlier in the term. (see assignment one).  Your instructor will give you final instructions. Following the directions completely will be very helpful to your grade. Papers that do not follow these instructions will be subject to downgrading. This paper is due on August 9
.       Term papers must be fully documented with properly cited sources. The only acceptable notation system for this paper is the endnote system. Do not place notes at the bottom of the page or in parentheses inside the text (MLA). The citations in your paper must be numbered consecutively from one upward (do not repeat numbers) and correspond to the list of numbers in the section of the paper entitled “Endnotes.” You must cite the appropriate required works and all outside sources often and where they are relevant to the thesis and main points of your paper. A good scholarship in this area will help your grade. Lack of citations to the sources you used will lower your grade. A few citations will not satisfy the requirement for properly referencing your term paper. THIS INCLUDE BOTH ASSIGNMENTS. YOU CAN DO THE ASSIGNMENT ONE FIRST AS I WILL SEND YOU THE FEEDBACK FROM THE PROFESSOR FOR THE ASSIGNMENT TWO. THANK YOU!

solved Develop a thesis about your selected Heritage Site (The Great

Develop a thesis about your selected Heritage Site (The Great Wall of China). Some things to consider when developing your argument(s) might include the following: Why was this site nominated as a World Heritage site? Who are the stake holders? Was the site contested and or claimed by multiple groups of people, and if so, then why? What was the site like before it was incepted into the UNESCO list? What changed after it obtained World Heritage status? What does World Heritage mean according to UNESCO? Is that the only way to understand why a particular space or place is meaningful? Do you agree with the top down (i.e., UNESCO’s criteria as universal) approach of designating a place as a cultural heritage site? What are the costs / benefits to such an approach? Who funds and enacts the upkeep and management of the site? Is there a tension between local needs and global desires? Are there multiple local interpretations of why the site is meaningful to cultural heritage? Are there multiple local interpretations of why the site is meaningful otherwise (e.g., people live there; worship there; etc.). How does the idea of designating UNESCO World Heritage sites reframe our understanding of the past? If the site is in danger, what is putting the site at risk and are there multiple ways of interpreting whether or not said thing is an actual danger?

Research your topic. The first place to look is the UNESCO World Heritage website where you can locate the place you have chosen. It is a great resource for information on the site and will be the best source for determining when the site was nominated and incepted into the list, the current status and use of the site, and whether or not the site is at risk for endangerment according to UNESCOs criteria. Generate a thesis statement. If you need guidance on generating a thesis please review the writing materials on Canvas and contact me if you prefer to discuss.
Identify at least six sources of information (five plus total and the UNESCO link / date(s) accessed) regarding your site. The description of the site provided by UNESCO will likely help lead you to additional sources. Other sources might include primary sources from travelers, ethnographers, religious specialists, etc. or visual materials, material culture objects, architecture of the actual space, legends, literary works, newspaper articles, or secondary materials from peer reviewed journal articles and books. Please to not cite Wikipedia or the like. For each of your five non-UNESCO sources please provide annotations (in the form of an annotated bibliography). This will include the citation or bibliographic information; a brief description of the author and source type; an overall summary of what the source includes; and detailed information about what is significant about that source in terms of its relevance to your topic and argument(s).…

solved What are the differences between patient centered interviewing and clinician

What are the differences between patient centered interviewing and clinician centered interviewing?How does integrating patient centered interviewing into clinician centered interviewing help you as the provider build your list of differential diagnosis?example belowTo begin, patient-centered interviewing places great focus on the patients personal and emotional descriptions of the patient’s symptoms and how it impacts their life. With this said, this type of interviewing encourages a spontaneous description of the patient’s symptoms. Furthermore, patient-centered interviewing allows the interviewer to establish a relationship with the patients by placing the most focusing on how the patient feels about the symptoms (Jarvis, 2016). However, even though this type of interviewing provides psychosocial data from the patient, an actual diagnosis can usually not be provided with type of data collection methods (Lein, 2007). This type of method generally need to followed up with a clinical-centered type of interview. A clinician-centered interview consists of leading a patient through a series of open-ended questions that are followed by closed-ended questions. This ensures that the interview is moving from basic information to specific details. The purpose of this type of interviewing process is used to inquire about symptoms details that have not been mentioned by the patient to ensure a full HPI is been completed (Jarvis, 2016). As seen in personal practice, the use of clinician-centered method of patient interviews is the main method of interviewing used by healthcare providers. However, the main problem of only using clinician-centered interviewing is that the collected dated is altered toward physical symptoms that can be misinterpreted with psychosocial context is left out of the interview (Lein, 2007).By integrating patient centered interviewing into clinician centered interviewing, one can collect a more rounded, and complete, set of differential diagnosis. By encouraging patients to freely express their concerns, via patient-centered interviewing, authentic data can be collected. This will also in turn lead to a rise in patient satisfaction, compliancy, and knowledge retention (Csillik, 2013). Once a patient has provided all concerns, a clinician -centered interview can begin. With this said, the use of both methods of interviewing a patient is imperative to providing the best care available. The patient-centered interviewing is the foundation that clinician-centered interviewing builds upon to make an authentic diagnosis in the end. References Csillik, A. S. (2013). Understanding motivational interviewing effectiveness: Contributions from Rogers’ client-centered approach. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(4), 350-363.Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination and Health Assessment. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Lein, C., & Wills, C. (2007). Using patient-centered interviewing skills to manage complex patient encounters in primary care. Journal of The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19(5), 215-220.

solved Your assignment is to write an essay to discuss the

Your assignment is to write an essay to discuss the changes in forms of government across Europe, including the development of democracy in Athens, and show how democracy gave way to monarchy and autocracy in the Roman empire and later in Europe during the Middle Ages. In the essay, you should discuss what a democracy was in Athens, why Athenians worked towards the common good, and instituted measures to address corruption. Also, how and why did that democracy fail and give way to a monarchy? Be sure to define each term. What individual rights did citizens have under Augustus? Finally, how did monarchy look like for the people of Europe during the Middle Ages? How did Europeans push back to try to gain more individual rights using documents such as the Magna Carta?The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was signed by King John at Runnymeade in a concession to his barons. What was the purpose of the Magna Carta? Who did the Magna Carta apply to? What legal changes were the barons trying to make or and what were they trying to emphasize to King John? How many times was it reissued? What has the Magna Carta become a symbol of? What other important documents in history are modeled on the Magna Carta?Use the documents, videos and podcasts above and your textbook to support your claim. Your essay will be graded on how well you (1) answer the questions posed; (2) develop a clear thesis statement and support it with evidence; (3) use proper citation; (4) use good English grammar and spelling to develop clear writing; and (5) explore the main ideas about democracy, monarchy, and the Magna Carta. You must cite your sources using Chicago Manual of Style Author/Date style.Details: Listen to the podcasts, watch the short video on the Greeks (only the section given), and look at the website on the Magna Carta. Write a detailed essay answering the above questions. You must use standard essay format (minimum of introductory paragraph with a strong thesis statement, at least 3 supporting paragraphs and a strong concluding paragraph).Plagiarism Tutorial: This must have been completed BEFORE you turn in your essay. You must have sent the results to my email address. This counts towards your writing grade.Topic: Democracy, Monarchy and the Magna CartaDue Date: Friday, July 9, 2021. Length: 750-1000 words (3-4 pages double spaced), including cover page and bibliography page.Format: Times New Roman, 12 point, double spacedCitations: Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date formatSources: The documentary, podcasts and webpage and your textbook ONLY!!! You should only have 5 sources on your bibliography page.Plagiarism will result in you being reported to the Dean of Students for academic dishonesty. Late assignments will not be graded. Readings To help WEBSITE: British Library, “Magna Carta (Links to an external site.)”VIDEO: PBS, “The Greeks: Chasing Greatness” [23:24-28:00 minutes]PODCAST: Civics101, “Founding Documents: Magna Carta (Links to an external site)PODCAST: Civics101: Autocracies, Oligarchies and Democracies

solved Preview Reading: Review Portfolio Project Management (PPM) in Ch 21

Preview Reading: Review Portfolio Project Management (PPM) in Ch 21 of our text (Verzuh)Review the Case Study “Stellar Performer: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.” Essay Assignment Instructions: Regarding the above readings on Portfolio Management, explain key components, primary processes and steps required.How are projects rated, ranked, and valued? Do you consider this effective or not? Why or why not?How would Portfolio Management apply in your work environment or future work? Grading Criteria:Content: Answered the above questions adequately with all core concepts covered and explained in the student’s own words (DO NOT just copy the text). Recommend 8-10 pages double-spaced. Although not required, if you reference external sources (articles, books, websites), refer to this in the body of your paper and provide a Reference List at the end of your paper. (40%)Communication: no grammatical or sentence structure errors; points were clear and understandable. Avoid first-person language and write for the intelligent layman (see below)* (30%)Application: How this would apply in real-world / work environments (20%)Submission: Submit the Essay as an MS Word document file with your NAME in the file (e.g., Smith Essay.doc) (10%). *First-person language and the intelligent layman:Avoid first-person language if possible. First-person personal pronouns include I, we, me, us, my, mine, our, and ours.Writing from the first-person point of view can, at times, weaken the credibility of the writer in research and argument papers. When the paper is written in first person, the work may sound like it is based only on personal opinion.Example: Weak: “I am writing this paper to let you know how bad I think bullying is.” (1st person)Stronger: “Bullying is a social issue that may result in devastating physical, mental, and emotional consequences for its victims.” (3rd person)Write your paper for “the intelligent layman”Write your paper assuming that your reader will be intelligent but may not be familiar with your topic and/or industry. This means that you should explain any technical concepts, avoid jargon and explain acronyms before using them.References: Follow this format if you are referencing external articles, papers, or review of websites (not required for the essay, but could be beneficial to support your points): 1) Provide a “References” page at the end of your essay (see format below for an article obtained from the journal Benchmarking)**2) If you provide a statement from an article or research paper within your paper, include this information. For example, if you wish to state that Ahmed provided a technique related to portfolio management, your statement could read: “Ahmed (2007) notes that x is the most useful method for risk management in the planning phase.” From there, I can review the References page at the paper’s end to see more detail on this research. REFERENCES**Ahmed, A., Kayis, B. (2007). A review of techniques for risk management in projects. Benchmarking, 14(1), 22-36.

solved Review of Behavior Change TheoriesAs a health and wellness professional,

Review of Behavior Change TheoriesAs a health and wellness professional, it is important to understand and apply behavior change theories in clinical practice. Personal lifestyle choices and behaviors can have a positive or negative impact on health. By engaging in healthy lifestyles, one can better prevent or manage chronic diseases. A behavior change process may be necessary in order for individuals to be successful in developing long-term and positive health outcomes. Review the required weekly resources on behavior change theories and address the subsequent elements:Choose one group you would like to work with after graduating from this program (i.e. children, adolescents, elderly, chronically ill). i would like to work with the elderly.Analyze three lifestyle factors (positive and/or negative) that affect your group’s overall health and wellness. Support your analysis with scholarly sources. Select one of the Behavior Change Models (Health Belief Model; Stages of Change; Social Cognitive Theory; or Theory of Planned Behavior) and apply it to your chosen group. For example, you could apply the Health Belief Model to why some individuals with high cholesterol have not taken any action to change negative health behaviors to lower their cholesterol. Address how this behavior change model would aid you when working with this group.Analyze two factors (i.e. interpersonal, intrapersonal, institutional, community, public policy) or barriers that may impact your group’s behavior.Discuss your vision and role of how you could contribute to improving your group’s well-being. Address how self-efficacy relates to your role and your target population. The Review of Behavior Change Theories AssignmentMust be double-spaced, at least three pages in length (not including title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style (Links to an external site.), as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust include an introduction and conclusion (Links to an external site.) paragraph.Must use at least four scholarly sources (Links to an external site.). The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment. Be sure to integrate your research (Links to an external site.) rather than simply inserting it. Must cite all sources in APA style, as outlined here (Links to an external site.) and here (Links to an external site.). Must include a separate reference page (Links to an external site.) that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

solved Is Consciousness Fractal? (Links to an external site.)Â Imagine/Create a

Is Consciousness Fractal? (Links to an external site.) 

Imagine/Create a possible future

Create possible futures within the group to envision, “what if” scenarios where the world is equipped to handle the knots. As a part of this process, you must integrate art: art in the form of inspiration, art in the form of enactment, art in the form of prototyping or process. Unflatten your view by adding even more dimensionality through art. Howsoever you choose (and you are encouraged to use multiple forms) to integrate, make sure you are playful and collaborative. Keep track of how your worlds change, and how levels of reality are crossed in the process.

Design and Strategize

Use your systems understanding and your vision of a future to solve the knot Which knot do you want to solve? How can your group integrate your future vision into an educational system that can change the world given curricular creep? Funding? Other issues? Choose a singular, education-related issue, propose with collaborators and explain how it will work. How we can create a long-term, iterative and relational solution. What unintended consequences should we consider?

Present your proposal (10 pts)

Each group will present one copy of their portfolio (steps 1-4 above) for a final reflection grade
Additionally, we expect the group to share/present with the class. We want to invite your creativity and bring in your disciplinary expertise. Each group can decide how they would like to present. You can present your proposal in a variety of different ways, including (but not limited to)

A podcast
A film
A data visualization
Visual art
Performance art
Traditional PowerPoint (~ 10-15 min)

Reflect on the process of your collaboration, as well as your journey through this class. (10 pts)

A. We want you to be metacognitive about this collaboration, this capstone is just as much about the process as it is about the product. What worked? What didn’t? Which transdisciplinary tools proved useful during this collaboration?
B. Look back at your previous reflections. How have the boundaries around the way you see this part of the world (ontology) changed? Have your values? Have they been challenged? Have they remained the same?
C. As a final part of your reflection, choose any (or all) of the following outcomes from the course:

De-silo art and science from their specialized spaces
Explain how to “art” science and “science” art
Apply transdisciplinary theory and tools to reframe and resolve complex problems
Identify knowledge in terms of disciplinary and cognitive processes
Integrate arts and science paradigms to facilitate change
Understand creativity through scientific, collaborative, and transdisciplinary lenses
Identify opportunities for greater inclusion in traditional art and science paradigms

Which of these has been most helpful for you as you move forward in your academic interests and career? What topic(s) would you like to learn more about as you continue to gain disciplinary expertise in your respective fields? Why?Â