solved TOPIC: Return on investment, key performance indicators, and Web analytics

TOPIC: Return on investment, key performance indicators, and Web analytics associated with social media.
Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals. While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment.
Please Note: The UC Library staff are very helpful with assisting students in using the UC Online Library journal database. Please contact them if you have issues. In addition, the instructor has provided additional resources, including a research tutorial, in the “Course Resources” folder in the “Content” area of the course.
Assignment Requirements:

Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.
Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.
Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).
Structure your paper as follows:

Cover page
Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
Purpose of Research should reflect  the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.
Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).
Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.
Conclusion in your own words
References formatted according to APA style requirements

solved Self Grading + ReflectionDeadline: May 14Submit here!In your Self Grading

Self Grading + ReflectionDeadline: May 14Submit here!In your Self Grading + Reflection,This is the last component of your Final Project, and where you will reflect and self grade. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE FINAL PROJECT. Answer each of the questions below, and clearly label and space #1 , #2 , and so on. Self Grading Criteria + Reflection:Go back to the Grading Criteria / Rubric that you submitted on April 9th. Copy and paste that here, YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR RUBRIC FROM WHAT YOU SUBMITTED. Grade yourself with the total points possible for each criteria visible. Remember, you are grading yourself based on the criteria you submitted with 100 total max points, Final video consisting of 7 minutes 20 / 25What was your goal or objective with this project and how did you approach this project? Did your initial idea change, grow, take shape, or shift?What was the process of articulating your own goals and assessing them within the project like? Were there specific points that you struggled with or gained? How does this affect your reflection on the work?If you attended the zoom critique session, what were some points that stood out to you? How did these responses challenge, question, or shift your perspective to the work? If you did not attend the zoom critique session, are there specific points you would like feedback on?Write a 150 word response about how your project addresses the Final Project Assignment Guidelines which is quoted in italics below. Please write in your own voice, and be specific.”Your project must be in conversation with one of the artists and readings that we have gone through or will go through in the course. This is not a literal conversation, but can be. Meaning that you should be able to discuss your final project in relation to something that we have explored in (this) class in a relevant and considered manner.”if you already incorporated this into a project statement, you may reiterate that or explore this question through a more informal voice. Give your project a title (if it doesn’t already have one)! List 3 projects that you can explore during the summer, these may be different iterations of this project, or something entirely different.OPTIONAL: This question is an open space, you may use this section to address or reflect on anything in the final project or class that was not accounted for in the prior questions!Grade Breakdown for entire Final Project1st Draft Proposal: 25 pointsFinal Proposal: 25 pointsSubmission of Grading Criteria: 25 points Complete Self Grading + Reflection: 25 points <-- this is what is due hereYour grading criteria accounts for: 100 points <-- this is what we your grading criteria (question 1) accounts forTOTAL FINAL PROJECT: 200 pointsNOTES:-You must complete all of these questions in order to complete the final project! -If you submitted images or a video for your final project, your submissions need to be made downloadable to me. -Feel free to email me, or set up one last office hour with me if it will help you reflect.

solved Assignment 1: Fitting the Pieces Together: Creating a Timeline of

Assignment 1: Fitting the Pieces Together: Creating a Timeline of Events The Only Sources that can be used are attached. Also, the questions that need to be answered are in the attached PDF.What to submit/deliverables: A timeline of events based on the sources provided in the assignment.What is the value of doing this assignment? You are bombarded with information every day—from news and social media, from family and friends, from instructors and peers at school, and from colleagues at work. This information is often unclear, misleading, or based on partial knowledge. You need to piece together incomplete information, or information from different sources (some credible, some less so, and some that represent different perspectives), in order to solve problems and make sense of evidence.In this assignment, you have the opportunity to practice your problem solving skill working through information (some more credible, some less) in order to piece together the events of an unfortunate workplace incident. This will give you the opportunity to practice your problem solving skill by identifying and presenting clear and accurate information as the first step in the problem solving process. You will use different sources of information as clues you must piece together, identify important questions to follow up on, and uncover connections that will allow you to reach evidence-backed conclusions. Doing so will not only help you be successful in this course. Learning to use credible information will also help you solve problems in your personal and professional life.This assignment will lay the foundation for your second assignment where you will make (or decide against) disciplinary recommendations based on your findings.Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your problem solving skill by analyzing different sources of information in order to create a timeline of events to help you piece together the details of a problem (a workplace event).What you need to complete this assignment: To complete this assignment, you will need the following resources:Michael’s Loss Prevention Interview TranscriptSarah’s Loss Prevention Interview TranscriptRachelle’s Loss Prevention Interview TranscriptSecurity Camera Footage (a time-stamped transcript)Office Layout MapScenario: A valuable piece of technology testing equipment went missing from your company after arriving in a shipment. The same day, a seemingly identical item was posted for sale on an internet auction site. Three employees were present within the 90-minute window that the item went missing.You are the director of Viewpoint, the company’s employee relations department. Being the Viewpoint director, a role in Human Resources, means that you are an advocate for all employees and that your primary responsibility is to relate employee concerns to leadership and provide guidance on situations involving employee discipline (as requested). The inventory manager has asked you to assist in this loss prevention case by constructing a timeline of events as the first step.

solved Each student will write a technical research paper in this

Each student will write a technical research paper in this course with the outline and both the draft and final (revised) versions reviewed/checked off by the writing center. You will turn in the sheet showing your visit and the suggested changes. The paper’s length is to be 8-10 pages, including references. This paper is due 5 April 2021.Your paper will research an engineer and/or the engineering item that affected our world. This includes the teaching and exploration of the engineering profession for students in a classroom experience. You will address all 9 engineering constraints as well as what contemporary issues were considered when addressing the problem at hand and what impact did their solution have in a global and societal context.Structure: The general structure of a technical paper is outlined below.Abstract: a stand-alone paragraph that describes the thesis (central theme) of the paper. The abstract is generally completed after the paper has been written, but an initial abstract with outline sets the direction of the research and the paper.Introduction: a section to give background information on the topic. This section states why the topic is important and includes any relevant theory and results from the work of others.Main body: the section of the paper in which the topic of the paper is given its greatest development. Conclusion: a brief summary of the information in the paper and a possible application of the knowledge you learned in the research for the paper. Unlike the abstract, this section is not required to be self-contained and can therefore make references to material in the body of the paper.References: a listing of the published sources of background information for the paper. At least eight references are a minimum required in this paper. Only two references may be from an internet site.Two reference should be from a journal or professional presentation. All sources listed in the References section must be cited in the text. Use the ASCE citation format (style) Available at and posted to the CANVAS site for the course.Format: Formatting instructions are given below.Title: Limited to 10 words. The title is to be typed 2 lines below the top margin in 14-pointUPPER-CASE BOLD type and centered on the page.Author: The author’s name is to be centered on the page on the 9th line from the top margin. The name is typed in 14-point bold type. A blank line follows the name. . Text: Single-spaced, in two-column format (after title and author) on standard 8.5  11 white paper. Margins are to be 0.75 in (left, right, and top) and 1.0 in (bottom). Each column is to have a width of 3.375 in with 0.25 in between the columns. Each section of the text will be titled with UPPER-CASE BOLD text with the section title separated from the text with one blank line above and one below. Two blank lines will be used between paragraphs. Page numbers are to be centered at the bottom of the page and will begin with 1. Times New Roman 10-point font is to be used for all text.

solved Ms. Johnson, age 57, is referred to a gastroenterologist for

Ms. Johnson, age 57, is referred to a gastroenterologist for chronic digestive problems. For at least a year, she reports her stomach aching after eating a small meal. The pain, which has increased recently, is described as being dull and accompanied with the sensation of fullness. Ms. Johnson also experiences occasional abdominal cramping and nausea at times other than after eating. After obtaining a complete history and performing a physical examination, the gastroenterologist orders several tests. The test results support the conclusion that Ms. Johnson has chronic gastritis caused by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. · Explain what tests might the gastroenterologist have ordered, to help in Ms. Johnson’s diagnosis?· Explain how common is a bacterial cause of chronic gastritis?· Explain which other conditions can be the cause of chronic gastritis?· Discuss why the liver is important and describe the functions it serves. In high school, Jake was a tall and physically well-coordinated student who played on both the school’s basketball and football teams. Now in his second year of college, Jake visits the Student Clinic because of a sprained wrist. The nurse uses this as an opportunity to obtain a complete health history.Jake mentions he feels clumsy in comparison to how he felt as a high-school athlete. He verbally expresses his awkwardness may be related to not playing sports now. He admits to no physical activity beyond walking across campus. Jake states college demands so much study time, and he also has a part-time job. Jake states he had not been especially tall in grade school. His growth spurt came in junior high, and in high school he was a large and slender young man who reached six feet four inches in height. At one point, Jake scratched his head thoughtfully and said, “But you know, I think I’ve grown a lot since high school. And I’m still growing.” The nurse confirms Jake’s height has increased and begins to suspect Jake’s size may be due to an endocrine condition.· Explain the condition Jake might have?· Explain how would the diagnosis be confirmed?· Create a 1-page chart that shows the similarities and differences between the different types of diabetes mellitus. Additional Resources: · American College of Gastroenterology:· American Liver Foundation:· National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:· Oncology Nursing Society:· Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates:· American Diabetes Association:· Endocrine Pathology Index:· MedlinePlus:· National Adrenal Disease Foundation:· National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:

solved ScenarioCareful Seller, Inc. sold to Manufacturer and Buyer, Inc. many

ScenarioCareful Seller, Inc. sold to Manufacturer and Buyer, Inc. many parts over the years. They had very few disputes. Each time the dispute was settled under the commercial code of the buyer’s state. The commercial code sales article in that state duplicates the Uniform Commercial Code.Careful Seller, Inc. has fallen on hard times financially. Like many small companies, they do not keep a large cash reserve, and some buyers have not been paying fast enough. Ann Daniels, who owns the company and manages it, has asked the small law firm that employs you to advise her on seller’s remedies to use.The buyer and seller have a master contract that is complete and enforceable. It applies to this situation.20 customized parts have been ordered from Careful Seller, Inc. by Buyer Manufacturer, Inc. The price is $1,000 per part. They are customized with painted advertising for the Buyer’s needs. 20 parts have been shipped to the Buyer. 10 have been rejected and 10 accepted. The buyer has not paid for any of the parts. The buyer held all the parts for ten days and then returned the 10 rejected parts with a message that said they were too large for use and said that the buyer intended to use the acceptable ones and obtain cover for the other 10 parts from a different company.Ann Daniels, on behalf of Careful Seller, Inc. replied by email that she insisted on immediate payment for the 10 parts they kept and that she would cure the shipment by sending 10 replacements within ten days. Careful Seller produced 10 more parts, all conforming, but they were also rejected, due to Manufacturer and Buyer buying ten parts from another company. The buyer has paid nothing.InstructionsBy submitting your assignment to this drop box you agree to abide by the Academic Misconduct Policy set forth in the course syllabus. You acknowledge that your failure to do so could result in being expelled from the course.The Master Contract will be used to complete portions b and c of the assignment.Part of the Master ContractEach order for parts shall be governed by this contract.Customized parts orders shall be paid for in full either prior to delivery or within ten days after the first partial delivery of goods.Cure and cover when defective parts are delivered.Seller has the full right to cure any defect in parts within ten days of notification of the defect to the Seller, and the return of the defective parts. If the seller does not cure within ten days, the buyer may obtain cover parts from any other source. This paragraph is not intended to add to or change a UCC remedy, other than to give time limits.Complete the following related to the scenario:Define cover and cure in your own words, in the context of this contract. Cite a section of the law you are paraphrasing.Complete the italicized portions of the partially completed IRAC table. Use the scenario, UCC, and the contract to complete the table. Click here to download and complete the table.Select a fix for Clause 3 of the master contract. Provide an explanation of why you made this fix.

solved ABSTRACT AND FINAL RESEARCH PAPER Abstract: An abstract is a


An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form. In short, it should be a brief paragraph that summarizes what you will research and why it is important, usually between 100 and 250 words in length with pertinent references. 

Summary and Conclusions:
In this final section of your paper, the research process is concluded. You should provide a summary of your research based on the Research Questions or Hypothesis, Problem Statement, Purpose, Significance (those items noted in the Introduction section), and how you will address the items in the Introduction section with the selected Research Design (Methodology). It is in this section of the paper that the contributions to knowledge, in the realm of theory, are fully developed and described. This section also contains a discussion of the limitations of the analysis and suggestions for future research.


Provide the final “full-list” of references used for the entire paper. They should be in APA 6th Edition format. If you have a citation in the body of your work, you must provide the appropriate reference in the Reference section. Also if you have a reference in your Reference section, you must have a citation from that work somewhere in the body of your work. The citations and references must match up.

The complete body of the paper is between 14 and 30 pages with at least 10 peer reviewed references (work with your professor for flexibility). The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, appendix or references. The paper will be based on a 26-point scale.

Major Areas to Review
Points Available

Title Page (from previous submission)
Table of Contents (revised from previous submission where needed)
Introduction (updated from previous submission where needed)
Literature Review (updated from previous submission where needed)
Hypotheses or Research Questions at least two (Include in Introduction)
The Research Design/Methodology (updated from previous submission where needed)
Summary and Conclusions:
In this final section of your paper, the research process is concluded. You should provide a summary of your research based on the Research Questions or Hypothesis, Problem Statement, Purpose, Significance (those items noted in the Introduction section), and how you will address the items in the Introduction section with the selected Research Design (Methodology). It is in this section of the paper that the contributions to knowledge, in the realm of theory, are fully developed and described. This section also contains a discussion of the limitations of the analysis and suggestions for future research.
Matching percent from direct/in-direct quotes should not exceed 10%.

solved Essay Question: Â In his discussion of the principles of

Essay Question:  In his discussion of the principles of storytelling essential to most Hollywood films Bordwell outlines the “norms” that inspire the narrative in CHC action films.
He lists goal orientation, double plotline, discrete part structure, dangling causes, and deadlines, five principles that guarantee that the plot of a film may reach a “satisfying unity”. 
In class we have seen a Western directed by Sergio Leone, who is best known for having popularized “spaghetti Westerns”, a cycle of films authored by Italian directors with stories set around the American frontier.When the film was first released in the US it encountered fierce criticism. Critics felt that it violated the “tone” of the American Western genre, while incorporating European cultural references and conventions of other action film cycles. 
Consider two or more of the principles outlined by Bordwell, as well as the discussion of narrative form in Ch.3 of Film Art. Can you identify ways in which The Good, the Bad and The Ugly conforms and/or departs from the action film norms? Does it follow a three (or four) part structure? What events create urgency? Are there pauses in the action?
You may approach the analysis of the film as follows:

Consider the narrative “rhythm” (Which events are part of the story but are not presented in the plot? Are goals clearly identified? How does the ending resolve or leave open the central conflicts?  
You could choose to elaborate on the dynamics created by the play between restricted and unrestricted narration (whose point-of-view do we share? How much do we know? Are there double plotlines?)  
Are characters clearly defined? How do traits motivate action?
What deadlines are instrumental in pushing the narrative forward? What “needs” create a sense of urgency? 
Are expectations upturned? 
In your discussion, you should point to some of the most relevant narrative/formal motifs and discuss their significance.  

Do not recount the plot. Assume the reader is familiar with the films. 
Do use the names of the characters, not the names of the actors (in The Matrix, Neo can move at bullet speed, not Keanu Reeves). If you don’t remember names, check 
Do italicize film titles. 
Do write in the present tense about the action. SherlockJr dreams of being a detective, in the eternally present tense of the film.
Do organize your argument around a thesis statement, then support it with a few, well-chosen examples. 
Cite your sources…even if you use a reference from the book. 
Grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation do matter… Eschew violence: “Let’s eat, grandma!” prompts a different action from “Let’s eat grandma!”
Other tips:
Do think of an interesting title for your paper!
Do, always, mind your spelling, do not rely only on your computer. Your spellchecker does not have a problem with a “stagecoach crossing the dessert”. We do.
Bordwel (READ this for the principals of story telling) l:

solved Each unit, you will be asked to submit a reflection

Each unit, you will be asked to submit a reflection of an online performance and make appropriate notes and observations as they relate to the class. A folder on Blackboard will be labeled “Event Assignments” and contain a number of links for approved video performances. After you watch the video, you will be required to prepare a report on some aspect of the performance and post it to the corresponding Assignment tab through this course’s Blackboard site. Reports should be approximately five hundred (550-750) words in length.
Together with the third event report, students must submit a brief paper reflecting on the event report assignment, comparing and contrasting the three experiences, highlighting specific things they learned in completing their reports, and contemplating connections between these assignments and other course material. This assignment should run about 750 words and will carry a weight equivalent to one event report for your final grade.
Some things you might write about
• Describe the venue in which the performance is being held, the arrangement/decoration/lighting of the space, and the position of the musicians relative to the audience (i.e. in the center of the room, on a stage, in the corner, etc.) • Describe the audience. How do the people attending this performance interact with one another and with the musicians? (Is silence encouraged during the performance? If so, how? Do listeners applaud and cheer after each piece? During the performance? Do people talk among themselves, dance, sing along, etc, while the music is playing? Do the interactions, clothing choices, etc. seem formal or informal? Why/how so?) • Be extremely careful not to over-generalize when you describe the audience. Qualify statements by: a) being as specific as possible (ex: “After the conclusion of the piece, the audience burst into loud and vigorous applause that lasted over a minute,” would be better than, “The audience loved the show.”) b) framing assertions in a way that makes it clear that they are your own observations and not inarguable facts (ex: “Most of the people sitting in my immediate vicinity were dressed formally. Waiting in line for a coffee at the intermission, I saw that this was also true for a larger number of the concertgoers,” would be better than saying, “Everyone was dressed very formally.” • Write about “the music itself.” Although we have gone to great lengths in this class to interrogate the relationship between music and context, part of the objective of this assignment is for you to use the vocabulary we discuss in class to describe the sounds you hear at events. Show that you can correctly describe textures, meters, instrumental ensembles, etc. in addition to the stylistic parameters specific to the genres we study in this class. • Back up your statements with examples 
LINKS: (Pick one link below on youtube to use for the assignment)

solved Think back over the entire semester. What have you learned

Think back over the entire semester. What have you learned about solving problems? You are going to create a wordle. Wordle is a free ‘word art’ tool that crunches any chunk of text in the production of a visual representation of the content. The resulting graphic emphasizes the most common words by amplifying their size based on frequency. Wordle is being used in interesting ways to provide compelling summaries of political speeches, blog posts, news articles and more. You are going to make a wordle of what you have learned about problem solving this semester. One way to make a wordle is to enter the text of a paper or speech. The more often a word appears, the bigger it will be in the wordle. You can also “cheat” and just enter words that you want to emphasize by entering them multiple times. I suggest creating a text file that you can copy and paste into the website so that you can change it easily if you want; the website will not save your text.Steps to create a wordle:1.Go to www.wordle.net2.From here you can go to Create or Advanced (found on the menu across the top)3.Both work the same way, except in Advanced you can take a shortcut by entering a numerical value to indicate frequency. (e.g. Teaching~Problem~Solving:100 ). In Create, I would need to enter Teaching~Problem~Solving more times than any other word to make it appear larger. To put word phrases together, use the tilde (~) between the words; spaces indicate different words.4.Once it creates a wordle, you can see many different representations (hit Randomize). You can play around with Layout, Color and Font.5.When you find one you like, you can print it. You can also print it to a pdf if you would like to keep it or save it. You may like to print out/save a few you like and then choose the best one. When creating your wordle, use as many words/phrases as possible (at least 25).It won’t look very interesting if you only have a few words/phrases. Think about what you have learned about and experienced with problem solving –the strategies and techniques you have learned, feelings/attitudes aboutproblem solving, etc. Be creative! Emphasize (by using frequency) the things that you feel are most important. To earn full credit, you must have at least 25 words/phrases related to problem solving of varying sizes. All words and phrases should not be the same size; the larger words/phrases represent those things that feel are the most important. Please print out your wordle or send me the pdf or a screenshot.** You will need Java to use this website. If this is not possible you may do an alternate assignment. You will still list the 25 or more words/phrases related to problem solving. Next to each word give it a relative weight (just like you would with the wordle): the things that are most important will get a heavier weight than those that are less important. Instead of creating the wordle using the website, write a paragraph describing some of the things you learned in the class and how you will be able to transfer them to other things you do.