solved Assignment DetailsCommunication is essential in every aspect of life. To

Assignment DetailsCommunication is essential in every aspect of life. To research career paths and potential positions, network, and share your skills, you need to use both verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The following are three different activities for you to complete with your family or friends. Please follow the instructions provided within the description of each exercise. After you have completed these activities, summarize your findings in an APA-formatted paper.Your paper should include the following:A description of each exerciseA discussion of the results of each exerciseResearch on the importance of listening skills in the communication process, using at least 3 non-course-related sourcesAPA formattingSummary Paper DetailsSelective Listening Exercise: You will need to complete this exercise with another person. Create a list of like items (e.g., a list of fruits). This list needs to be at least 15 words long (the longer the better). In this list, you will repeat certain words. For example: Banana, Orange, Apple, Peach, Banana, Figs, Pear, Plums, Figs, Berries, Melons, Figs, Cherries, Limes, Pear, Tangerine, Lemon, Pear. Give the other person 30 seconds to write down as many of the words as possible. What were the results? What conclusions about listening can you draw from this exercise?Vacation Exercise:undefinedPoor Listening Habits: Everyone is guilty of not listening effectively from time to time. Below is a list of 5 poor listening habits. Look through this list. Which of these habits are you guilty of? How would you react if someone you were speaking to committed one of these bad habits?Jumping to conclusionsInterrupting the other person before he or she has finished what he or she wanted to sayThinking about your reply instead of listening to what the other person is sayingChanging the subject to something you want to talk aboutProviding advice when it is not asked forGrading CriteriaGrading CriteriaPercentagesDeliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear.Summary and analysis of the Selective Listening Exercise.Summary and analysis of the Vacation Exercise.Summary and analysis of the Bad Listening Habits Exercise.Research on the importance of listening to the communication process.45%Scholarly research supports the writer’s position and is properly acknowledged, and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluding title page, abstract, table of contents, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference pages). Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences. 20%Critical thinking: Position is well-justified; logical flow; supported with examples20%Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion, proper paragraph format, and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable.10%Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors5%

solved Explain why program planning is important and describe the four

Explain why program planning is important and describe the four to five main components of program planning. [Insert your response here] Step 1: Gather Community Data: Interview Interview two members within the community, including at least one key informant in the community, using these questions as well as any additional questions you think are important:(Indicate the names and contact information for your interview subjects)How long have you lived in your community?What health issues do you perceive to be the worst in the community, and which populations do you believe are most impacted by these health issues?Why do you think these issues are the worst? What barriers contribute to the issues? (e.g., no public parks, pollution from a nearby factory, no major hospitals or grocery stores)What barriers do you think exist that prevent these issues from being addressed?What resources are available in your community to address these health issues?Identify relevant data and statistics from online sources about your community or area. The following websites can be used to locate information:County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. (n.d.). How healthy is your community? Retrieved March 4, 2019, from for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). State, tribal, local & territorial public health professionals gateway: Data & benchmarks. Retrieved from in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce. (2019). Health data, tools, & statistics. Retrieved from for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). State snapshots. Retrieved from States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Community facts. Retrieved March 22, 2019, from can also gather data from local health department websites, CDC websites, and other reputable health websites. [Insert your interview summaries here] Step 2: Gather Community Data: Statistics [Insert your data here] Step 3: Draw Conclusions What differences exist between the perceived health issues within the community as opposed to the actual health issues in the community? (This is the difference between the interview responses and the online data collected.)Identify one primary health issue in the community consider. [Insert your conclusions here] Step 4: Contributing Factors Identify at least two social determinants of health that may contribute to the selected health issue.Identify at least two potential barriers that relate to the health issue. [Insert your response here] Step 5: Resources Available Identify at least two resources currently available to address the health issue.How might you address the needs within the community? Be sure to describe how you will utilize resources and address the barriers within the community. [Insert your response here]

solved Check to ensure you have done all of the below:Your

Check to ensure you have done all of the below:Your posts need to be original and add something new to the discussion that hasn’t been said by a groupmate.Make sure you have met the minimum word requirements for each postat least 150 words for Part 1; at least 100 words for Part 2APA citations and references are not required for discussion posts.Write in complete sentences. Proofread your post to ensure you have fully answered all the discussion questions in a nonjudgmental manner and have not made any typos or grammar errors.Adolescent Egocentrism While adolescents’ cognition has come a long way since birth, they still do not have the cognitive ability of an adult. A particularly interesting aspect of adolescent cognition is adolescent egocentrism. Chapter 9 in our textbook introduces you to adolescent egocentrism and in our Chapter 9 lecture you learn about 3 types of adolescent egocentrism (imaginary audience, personal fable, and invincibility fable).For this discussion you need to come up with 1 clear example for each of the 3 types of adolescent egocentrism discussed in lecture. These must be original examples, not ones that were discussed in the textbook or lecture or ones that your groupmates have already shared. To come up with examples, think about yourself, your friends, or your siblings during adolescence. Please label each example so it is clear which type it belongs to and make sure to use complete sentences.EXAMPLE!Imaginary Audience:Picture your 13-year-old self getting ready for school in the morning. You are in the 7th grade, which is the peak awkward stage. You are wracking your brain trying to decide between wearing a skater dress and combat boots or the classic jeans, t-shirt, and converse. You really want to wear the first outfit because you just listened to Avril Lavigne’s “Sk8er Boi” album and are feeling the pop punk vibes, but you are worried about what they will think at school. In reality, “they” are no one in particular. The other people at your school are not paying attention to you because they are too concerned with themselves.Personal Fable:You are the same 13-year-old as in the example above. It is simply impossible to pick between the two outfits. In a rush of teen angst, you run to your bed with your head face down while screaming into the pillow. Your mom comes in your room and asks, “Why aren’t you ready for school? You are going to be late.” In this instance, your angsty teen self replies, “Mom! You don’t understand. I’m trying to be a trendsetter, but I don’t want to get made fun of. You don’t know what it’s like to be a teen girl.” Invincibility Fable:Sally is 16 years old, and her super cool, bad boy boyfriend Brad drives a motorcycle. Her mom clearly doesn’t approve of him, but Sally doesn’t care. One night, she sneaks out to go on a ride with Brad, who didn’t bring any helmets. When she asked him why he didn’t bring any helmets, Brad said nonchalantly, “You only live one, girl. Let’s enjoy the fun while we’re young.” After you will reply to that example^ !

solved 3-Part Health Care Research Paper: Research Paper attached to complete

3-Part Health Care Research Paper: Research Paper attached to complete 3-part question Part 1: Health Care Research Proposal Health care administrators must be able to make evidence-based decisions in a rapidly changing climate in order to succeed. Identify a specific health care administration issue or barrier that you want to utilize as the focus for your health care research paper. In 750-1,000 words, propose the topic for your health care research paper. Include the following: Describe the health care administration issue or barrier.Summarize the stakeholders affected by the health care issue or barrier.Discuss the relevance of the health care administration problem as it relates to health care research.Explain the role of health care and science research in solving the identified problem. Provide at least two quantitative or qualitative articles that support your proposed topic and include an explanation of why these support your topic. Part 2: Literature Review Evaluate qualitative or quantitative articles and find six to eight peer-reviewed primary research articles that provide critical support for the specific health care administration problem or barrier you want to address in your Health Care Research Paper. Use the “Literature Review: Table of Evidence” template to document your detailed assessment of each primary study. This document helps break down the components of each article to ensure the article meets the requirements for a professional health care paper. Ensure that each of your articles provides information that meets each criterion listed. Provide a detailed and clear explanation when describing how each article supports your business research topic (between three and five sentences). This assignment uses a “Literature Review: Table of Evidence Grading Form” that corresponds to the “Literature Review: Table of Evidence” template. (ATTACHMENT INCLUDED: HLT-364-RS-TABLE OF EVIDENCE) use references from research paper Part 3: Logic Model In order to develop an organized process that supports program development to resolve a health care administration issue or barrier, it is important to identify the resources, stakeholders, and outcomes. In a paper (500-750 words), use the “Logic Model Template” and create detailed inputs, outputs, and outcomes for the identified health care administration issue or barrier. You also may refer to the document “Logic Model Overview” for additional guidance. Make sure to do the following: Identify the ethical behavior and moral decision making when resolving ethical dilemmas within the issue or barrier you identified for the stakeholders. Consider any legislation or regulation that governs your field or area of research. Additionally, address one of the following: Consider how the Christian worldview could impact the ethical behavior and moral decision making when resolving ethical dilemmas within the issue or barrier you identified. How would stakeholders coming from a Christian worldview view the ethical behaviors and moral decision making?

solved Magnus Co. controls Anand Co. and wants to prepare consolidated

Magnus Co. controls Anand Co. and wants to prepare consolidated financial statements. However, the controller of Magnus Co. did not study anything about acquisitions and does not know whether the retained earnings of Anand Co. should be reported in the retained earnings account in the consolidated financial statements.
Research and cite a specific paragraph in the Accounting Standard Codification that can help the controller to determine whether retained earnings of the subsidiary should be reported in the consolidated retained earnings. Unless specifically requested, your response should not cite implementation guidance.
Each ASC reference is structured as a series of four numbers separated by hyphens: a three-digit Topic, a two-digit Subtopic, a two-digit Section, and a two- or three-digit Paragraph. Fill in the boxes below, citing the appropriate paragraph, for example: 810 – 10 – 25 – 6.
FASB ASC  –  –  - 
Magic Co. holds 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of Jonson Co. and would like to prepare its fiscal year-end (December 31, 2019) consolidated financial statements. The separate financial statements of Magic Co. are prepared for fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. However, Jonson Co. reports its separate financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.
Research and cite a specific paragraph in the Accounting Standard Codification that can help Magic Co. to determine whether it can use the financial statements of Jonson Co. (from June 30, 2019) in preparing the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending December, 31, 2019, without any adjustments. Unless specifically requested, your response should not cite implementation guidance.
FASB ASC  –  –  - 
During the year Mike Co. made a significant change in the rate of uncollectibility in its aging schedule of accounts receivable. This change has a material effect on the balance of accounts receivable. The controller of Mike Co. wants to prepare pro forma financial statements to report accounts receivable and bad debt expense for prior periods. Which section of the Accounting Standards Codification best helps the controller to determine whether pro forma financial statements should be reported in this situation?
Enter your response in the answer fields below. Unless specifically requested, your response should not cite implementation guidance.
FASB ASC  –  –  - 
Super Insurance Co. sells whole-life insurance contracts to policyholders. The contracts are long-duration life insurance contracts. The company normally maintains its original assumptions concerning the contracts; however, recent experience indicates that the contract liabilities and future premiums might not be sufficient to cover future benefits to policyholders. Which section of the authoritative guidance best outlines how the company will recognize any premium deficiency?
Enter your response in the answer fields below. Unless specifically requested, your response should not cite implementation guidance.
FASB ASC  –  –  –

solved Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to show

Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to show that you can read and research multiple sources and integrate them into one cohesive argument designed to reach a specific audience of college students.Skills: Use MLA format throughout the essay including citing direct quotes and paraphrases in in- text citations and the Works Cited pageintroduce quotes with author’s credibility and follow up with analysis and connection to your topicstate your thesis in the introduction and support it in the body paragraphsorganize and synthesize the information from your research from multiple sources into a logical structure that is easy for your reader to followKnowledge: After finishing this assignment you will have a better understanding of the following concepts. researching an issue with credible sources sharing your thoughts, supported by experts in a logical format persuading instead of informing using your reading and writing skills to bring attention to a worthy cause or injusticeTask: Your assignment is to write 4-5 typewritten pages (4 full pages minimum plus Works Cited page), in MLA format, persuading college students to act on behalf of an animal that needs help. Choose a theme regarding a specific aspect of animal rights or compassion: endangered species, trophy hunting, puppy mills, using animals for entertainment and profit including dog fighting and Shamu, the philosophy of treating all animals including humans with respect, or law enforcement and the fact that people who hurt animals often go on to hurt people. Think of your major or what interests you, and that should lead to a topic that you will want to write about. Research the topic and argue/persuade that college students should do something to help animals related to this specific reason.Criteria for Success:4 sources cited (2 from your research, 2 from the Patterns anthology ) outside sources preferably from library databases (no blogs allowed)Thesis statement is clearly persuasive/argumentative, not informative.Written in third person only.MLA format and grammatically sound, avoiding slang and clichesArgue, don’t give advice.Ask yourself:Does the paper accurately and thoroughly address all aspects of the prompt?Does the paper employ an effective introduction? Does the introduction offer sufficient background context to define the conversation? Does the paper assert a clear, specific thesis? Does the introduction interest the reader?Does the paper employ effective body paragraphs? Do the body paragraphs offer clear, focused topic sentences? Do the body paragraphs offer textual examples, either in direct quotation or paraphrase form?Does the paper employ proper MLA in-text citations? Are the sources fluidly integrated into the body of the paper? Are the sources introduced and contextualized? Are the sources properly cited in MLA style? 5. Did you address and overcome the readers’ opposition/obstacle? 6. Is the paper free of grammatical and punctuation errors? 7. Does the conclusion sum up the argument and avoid giving advice?

solved 1)In 2020, Emperor Corp. had expenditures related to the purchase

1)In 2020, Emperor Corp. had expenditures related to the purchase and preparation of land. The following information are related expenditures:Purchase price of the land$400,000Cost to construct asphalt parking lot$22,000Cost of commission$16,000Repairs made to broken windows in February 2022$2,700The parking lot was necessary to build before the land could be used. The parking lot has a 10 year useful life before it needs to be repaved. The commission was necessary to purchase the land. What amount should Emperor capitalize as the cost of “Land”?Show your calculation.2)On June 30th, 2020, Skadooble Company decided to replace the flooring in its building. The new flooring cost $20,000. The old flooring had a carrying value of $3,000 (Historical Cost $17,000 and Accumulated Depreciation $14,000). What is the appropriate journal entry to account for this?3)Astronominal Corporation decided to sell some of its equipment. The equipment was originally purchased on December 31, 2017 for $100,000 with a useful life of 10 years. On December 31, 2021, Astronominal sold the equipment for $75,000. What was the gain or loss recognized on the transaction (if any)? Show your calculations.4)On February 1, Stereo Lovers Co. began construction of a building. Payments began February 1st, and the final payment was made June 1st: The building was completed and put into service onSeptember 1. To help pay for construction, specific debt was borrowed (see amount and rate below). Stereo Lovers Co. also had 2 additional loans already outstanding (details below).Monthly Payments, February 1st – June 1st$240,000Specific Debt for Construction$400,000 at 8%Other General Loan #1$2,000,000 at 10% interestOther General Loan #2$4,000,000 at 16%Using this data, answer the following:A) Calculate the weighted-average accumulated expenditures. Show your work.B) Calculate the Avoidable Interest. Show your work.C) Write the journal entry needed to capitalize the interest assuming interest has already been paid.5)Briefly define which kinds of costs should be capitalized in the acquisition of a long-term asset6)Briefly describe why Land and Land Improvements are separate accounts.7)Orlando Company recently purchased land and two buildings. The $1,200 cost of removing the smaller building, which has an appraisal value of $6,200, is recorded.Which account or accounts should be debited for this transaction?a)asset(s) only (NOT including contra-assets such as accumulated depreciation)b)accumulated amortization, or accumulated depreciation onlyc)expense onlyd)asset(s) and expense8)Jim Parra and Mary Lawson, maintenance workers, repaired a broken widget in an old machine in the plant. This repair returned the machine to its normal expected operation. The wages earned during this repair, $120, is recorded.Which account or accounts should be debited for this transaction?a)expense onlyb)asset(s) only (NOT including contra-assets such as accumulated depreciation)c)accumulated amortization, or accumulated depreciation onlyd)asset(s) and expense

solved Research topic is should maternity (or paternity) leave be paid?

Research topic is should maternity (or paternity) leave be paid?
Complete the readings and the videos for this week. Referring both to the Eveleth article and the video that interviews Michael Eisen, explain why you think open access journals (in science or other disciplines) are or are not a good idea. No matter which side you support, be sure to address the arguments from your opposition as well.
I completely agree with the video that readers should not have to pay for academic journals and the publishers are also charging way too much for the journals to be published. I think it would be a great idea specially for students to have free open access to journals because it will ensure them to better their education rather to be settle with limited information that they found available for their research which might not even reliable for what they typically need. Some people might want to be argue that allow others to gain the free access is not fair to scientist because it cost a lot of money for the journals to be published. Understandably students with lack of access are less likely to be proficient in their scholarly research, if they eliminate the price barrier for students to get free access of journals who are relevant to their field of study; they will be more likely knowledgeable of what they are doing which will bring a better outcome. As the video mentioned, the system is terrible and according to the article the publishing fees can be thousands of dollars for each paper, however the cost is too high for readers to get access to. I like Michael Eisen’s idea that he wants to create a system where everything will gets published quickly and freely through technology.
ROSE EVELETH. December 22, 2014. Free Access to Science Research Doesn’t Benefit Everyone
Justin Monticello. How to open-Access Journal Are Transforming Science.RTF (130.346 KB)
1. Alewell, P and Pull, K., (N.D). The International Regulation Of Maternity Leave: Leave Duration, Predictability, And Employer-Co-financed Maternity Pay. International Business & Economics Research Journal. Volume 1, Number 2.

2. Heymann, J., Sprague, A.R., Nandi, A., Earle, A., Batra, P., Schickedanz, A., Paul J. Chung, P.J., and Raub, A., (2017). Paid parental leave and family wellbeing in the sustainable development era. Public Health Reviews (2017) 38:21. DOI 10.1186/s40985-017-0067-2.

3. Thevenon, O., (2014). The political economy of child-related leave policies in OECD member states: key trends and the impact of the crisis.

4. Livingston, G., and Thomas, D., (2019). Among 41 countries, only U.S. lacks paid parental leave
December 16, 2019…

5. How Parental Leave Differs Around the World
May 21, 2019 | Topic: Country Payroll…
6. Global: Update on new or proposed parental leave entitlements worldwide
August 27, 2020…

solved I’m working on a writing exercise and need guidance to

I’m working on a writing exercise and need guidance to help me study.

Next, please read the version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears that is attached to this assignment (IMPORTANT: You must use the attached version of the story. It contains specific details not found in other versions that will affect your answers!).
After reading the story at least once, go through the story and make a list of every active choice that Goldilocks makes in the story. The choices should be presented in the same order that Goldilocks encounters them. Each should be written as a simple present tense sentence that describes the choice as specifically as possible. (TIP: Follow the story’s narrative but don’t copy-paste from it!)
After you create your list, edit it so that above each choice you describe in a simple present tense sentence the situation that prompts Goldilocks to make an active choice. Be specific about the moment that prompts the choice, even if the situation is broader! For example, the first situation and active choice might be:
SITUATION: Goldilocks’ mother asks her to go on an errand
CHOICE: Goldilocks obeys her mother.

Notice that the choice directly addresses the situation. There is more to this situation — Goldilocks wanting to play with her dolls, the nature of the errand, etc. — but we have focused on the moment that sets up Goldilocks’ choice!
Finally, go through your list a third time, editing it so that below each choice you describe in a simple present tense sentence the direct result of Goldilocks’ choice. Each result should lead towards the next situation on your list; sometimes the result and the next situation might even be the same! Continuing our previous example, we might now have:
SITUATION: Goldilocks’ mother asks her to go on an errand.
CHOICE: Goldilocks obeys her mother.
RESULT: Goldilocks walks along the road.
The result above sets up our next situation:
SITUATION: A butterfly flies near Goldilocks
CHOICE: Goldilocks chases the butterfly.
RESULT: Goldilocks ends up deep in the woods.
Notice that the SITUATION can be something that happens to Goldilocks instead of something she does. The RESULT can also be something that happens to Goldilocks, but it needs to be a change in situation that occurs directly because of Goldilocks’ CHOICE. And again, the CHOICE must always be something that Goldilocks (not another character!) does.
When doing this exercise, remember from class that active choices are external actions that a character can choose to do. “Thinking about something” is not an active choice because it is not external. Similarly, “being hungry” is not an active choice because no one chooses to “be hungry”; someone might choose ignore food and as a result become hungry, but it’s the person’s active choice to ignore the food that results in the hunger. Alternatively, someone might look for food and fail to find any, which will result in them being hungry, but their active choice is “look for food”. The failure to find the food and the resulting hunger would be a RESULT.

solved editing instructions _________________The assignment specifically asked students to incorpora

editing instructions _________________The assignment specifically asked students to incorporate materials from Chapter 6 of Garland’s book. You do not. * Your attempted incorporation of materials from Milovanovic’s work is poorly applied. Indeed, I am alarmed regarding your alleged citation to p. 81 of Milovanovic’s book, An Introduction to the Sociology of Law, in support of your statement, “As a result people of colour have less rights protecting them legally and are therefore more vulnerable to death penalties (Milovanovic 81).” Attached please find a jpg image of page 81. Please, please, please guard against inserting page citations that bear no relation to the point you are making. The most reasonable inferences are either, a) the student is sloppy and effectively dis-interested, or b) the student is fabricating the source reference and believes the instructor will not check out the reference. (I used the word ‘alarm’ intentionally because as noted in the marked up first page of your paper, a citation to Garland’s book is widely inaccurate).___________________________origional essay instructions The only two books you need to use for this essay are:1. Feinman, Jay M., (2006) Law 101: Everything you Need to Know about the American Legal System. Oxford University Press, 5th ed.2. Milovanovic, Dragan, (2003) An Introduction to the Sociology of Law. Criminal Justice Press, 3rd ed.NO OUTSIDE SOURCES YOU MUST ONLY USE THESE BOOKS TO ANSWERS THE ESSAY QUESTIONREAD INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY ANF FOLLOW THEM WORDS BY WORD AND CITE CITE CITEThe Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Statistical disparities associated with the death penalty would appear to belie the Constitution’s promise as it involves the lived experiences of persons of color and, more specifically, African Americans.Write a three-to-four page (double spaced, twelve point font) essay using the death penalty in America to explain why, if at all, the rights of African Americans continue to be functionally and/or systemically subordinated to whites. Restrict your sources to class and course materials. Page source references and give particular attention to assigned readings from David Garland’s book Peculiar Institution – America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition, including but not limited to Chapter 6, “State and Society in America.” Also draw and cite, i.e., include, support from two (or more) chapters of Dragan Milovanovic’s book, An Introduction to the Sociology of the Law, to support your explanation. Please avoid use of the first person, e.g., “I think,” “to me,” “personally,” etc. Also kindly do not cite slides from class outlines. You are, of course, free to take whatever position you choose, e.g., no functional and/or systemic racism exists, as the assignment is intended to evaluate your study and application of the materials versus boxing you into a particular position which may be inconsistent with your considered judgments and reasoning.