solved There are two parts to this discussion: Integrating source material

There are two parts to this discussion:

Integrating source material via a quote and a paraphrase; and
Sharing some possible types of visual elements that might be useful in your paper.

Integrating Source Materials (Quote and Paraphrase)
Here you are going to practice integrating source material.  Find a quote you like and get the complete citation for it.  Follow the instructions below, noting that both sections ask for a signal phrase to introduce the source material.  Both parts require appropriate in-text citation in the style you are using.

Following the “sandwich technique” described in this week’s required reading, post a direct quotation from one of your sources as it would appear within the body of your research paper. Be sure that you introduce your quote with a signal phrase, provide some commentary for the quote, and include the appropriate in-text citations for your documentation style. Follow the source material with closing commentary or analysis to link it to your thesis/purpose.
Next, paraphrase the same quotation and use a signal phrase and closing commentary to demonstrate how the paraphrase would appear in your research paper; include an in-text citation in the documentation style you are using for your paper. Be sure to label which documentation style you are using and include the appropriate bibliography entry as the source will appear on your works cited, reference, or bibliography page.  It is best to avoid large block quotes for this assignment, since the goal is to integrate the quote into your writing.  Simply inserting a large, indented block quote does not necessarily demonstrate that integration skill.

When you respond to peers about integrating source materials, please look for their addressing all elements of the assignment, including the signal phrase, direct quote and in-text citation for the quotation and the signal phrase, closing commentary, and in-text citation for the paraphrase.  Provide feedback on how the paraphrase reflects the content of the original. 
Sharing Visual Element Ideas
After reading the materials in this and previous lessons, including Thonney’s traits of academic writing and this piece from the reading list, Visuals Help You Communicate), share two (2) ideas for visual elements that might be helpful in your research paper. Try to be as specific as possible. You may not find exactly the right pieces to add visual interest to your paper, but try to find some that might be similar to what you could use.  You can share them as links or attachments.
When you respond to peers about visual elements, give constructive feedback about their ideas. Refer to the readings and the lesson as you think about criteria for evaluating these sources. If you have some other suggestions, feel free to share other examples.  This is an opportunity to be a sharing, collaborative community.

My paper is on Transportation and Logistics management. A picture of a 18 wheeler truck would be a perfect visual image in my explanation

solved INTRODUCTION:This discussion will integrate using literature to support claims, health

INTRODUCTION:This discussion will integrate using literature to support claims, health outcomes and the concepts of Social Determinants of Health.PREPARATION:What a time to be taking this class!! A global pandemic, a race crisis. What do you think?“Long overdue”: Lawmakers declare racism a public health emergencyBlack and Brown Americans are susceptible to higher rates of infant mortality, heart disease and even an advanced aging process…and now Covid 19.Read in The Guardian: (Links to an external site.)Should we view social structures that promote poor health as a public health issues? Is racism a public health problem?ASSIGNMENT: Explore the issue of race as a health determinant by finding 2 outcomes that show that racism is a public health problem. You can choose disparities in health outcomes, prison sentences, access to education, violence or community factors just to name a few. Pick one health outcome disparity (ie a disease or chronic illness that is more common in minorities) or a social determinant of health (a SDoH factor that impacts health in minorities), find 2 sources to show outcomes that show how race impacts that outcome. Dont just say “education impacts health” PROVE it to the reader with facts. This is why we did D1 on proving-find some statistics and facts!Your post should have:Topic sentence2 supporting factsReference(s)ConclusionPeer replyEXAMPLES: I chose “disparity in access to education in racial minorities”Education is a predictor of health. Studies have shown that education improves health by improved access and ability to afford health services, better decision making for behavioral choices and less risk of infectious disease 1. Race impacts the long term health of individuals because there are racial inequalities in education. This unfortunate early life disparity includes less qualified teachers, less funding money, larger class sizes and less robust curriculums. in areas that are predominantly minority 2. in hard numbers, “A seminal 2005 study focused on increases in compulsory education between 1915 and 1939 across US states and found that a year of schooling reduced mortality by 3.6%” 3. The sames study found “Rates of major circulatory diseases, diabetes, liver disease, and several psychological symptoms (sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness) show higher rates among adults with lower educational attainment.” Although healthcare treatment is an important part of health, if policy better addressed education, some health problems of disadvantaged minority citizens could be prevented just through better education.1. Wolfgang Lutz, Endale Kebede. Education and Health: Redrawing the Preston Curve. Population and Development Review, 2018; DOI: 10.1111/padr.12141 (Links to an external site.)2.…3.Zajacova A, Lawrence EM. The Relationship Between Education and Health: Reducing Disparities Through a Contextual Approach. Annu Rev Public Health.

solved Assignment 3: Research Paper: Case Study    Â

Assignment 3: Research Paper: Case Study      (Value: 35 points; Due Week 5)
Create your own ethical case study based on your experiences and readings. You can use either your chosen professional area or a situation at the national or global level as the setting for this paper.  In your paper, include the following:
Introduction: research the literature on ethics and leadership and provide the following:

Rationale for the case study: Describe the reason for the case that you present (Why is the topic relevant? How does it expand or contribute to a leader’s knowledge about ethics?). Document your comments with appropriate related references.

Case study: Provide a narrative with the case study topic that you identified. Include the following:

Setting: Briefly describe the setting
Situation: Describe the situation.
Impact: State how it affects the organization and whether it affects people inside or outside the organization. If the situation is from your own organization, be sure to use pseudonyms to maintain confidentiality at all times.

Ethical stance: clearly describe why the case/situation poses an ethical challenge for an organization.

References: Use appropriate documentation to support your narrative.
Handout: Provide a one-page handout summarizing the case. Include as an appendix to your paper.

Not Met (2-0 points)
Met (3-4 points)
Exceeded (5 points)
Rationale for case study
Rationale provided  is unclear about the topic and its relevance  of the case study or is missing
Rationale provided  supports the topic and relevance  of the case study
Rationale provided  clearly supports the topic and relevance of the case study
Documentation used to support comments
Documentation is missing or is not relevant to the assignment. Fewer than three sources are used
Appropriate documentation used to support views and discussion. Three sources are used.
Appropriate and relevant documentation used to support views and discussion about ethical issue. More than three sources are used.
Narrative and description about the case and issue is provided
Narrative about case study ethical issue is unclear or not provided. Confidentiality is unclear or not maintained.
Narrative provides a presentation of the case study ethical issues. Confidentiality maintained as applicable.
Narrative provides a detailed and appropriate presentation of case study indicating ethical issue. Confidentiality was clearly maintained as applicable.
Clarity of ethical issues is evident
Discussion fails to establish or define the ethical issue.
Discussion establishes and depicts the ethical issue.
Discussion clearly establishes and depicts the ethical issue. Details support the ethical nature of the situation.
Defines ethical stance or position
Ethical stance is  unclear or not provided.
Analysis of ethical stance about the issue  is discussed and provided.
Detailed and specific ethical stance is provided. Relevant points about ethical position are identified and discussed.   

solved TOPIC: The relationship between new products and marketing strategy Research

TOPIC: The relationship between new products and marketing strategy

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what  they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is  a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings  in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or  business problem.
The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals.  While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular  magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for  providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment.
Please Note: The  UC Library staff are very helpful with assisting students in using the  UC Online Library journal database. Please contact them if you have  issues. In addition, the instructor has provided additional resources,  including a research tutorial, in the “Course Resources” folder in the  “Content” area of the course.
Assignment Requirements:

Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.
Research/find  a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different  peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the  Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be  relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant  articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5)  years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated  to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.
Write  a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format  discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).
Structure your paper as follows:     

Cover page
Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
Purpose of Research should  reflect  the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and  professional practice and the larger body of research.
Review of the Literature summarized  in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of  literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with  direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the  major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with  appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly.  Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a  requirement; just a general observation).
Practical Application of  the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research  literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and  professional practice related to your chosen topic.

solved 1.Reflect on your weight over the past year or so

1.Reflect on your weight over the past year or so and explain any weight gains or losses. Using the Intake vs. Goals report, can you identify areas in which you need to adjust your food intake, perhaps eating more or less? Describe the potential risks and possible benefits of fad diets and over-the- counter weight-loss drugs or herbal supplements. (500 words minimum) 2. Which of your foods provided high intakes of vitamins? Which of your foods provided few or no vitamins? How was your overall intake in the vegetable group? Do you need improvement in this area? If so, what are some changes you could make? Examine your weekly choices of vegetables and evaluate whether you meet the recommendations for dark green or orange and deep yellow vegetables. Take a look at your sodium intake in this report. Most people in the United States exceed the UL. Did you? Explain the importance of selecting and pre- paring foods with less salt. How was your intake of calcium for that day?If you are not getting enough calcium, consult Chapter 12 for ideas to help you get more, then list at least three foods or beverages you would be willing to eat or drink that would improve your intake. (500 words minimum)33. Samuel is a 63-year-old single man who works full-time in a food processing plant. He has a history of esophageal cancer which was treated successfully with anti-cancer drugs and surgery four years ago. His weight had been stable at 135 pounds until the past 6 months, in which he has experienced an involuntary weight loss of 10 pounds. He is 67 inches tall and his current BMI is 19.5. He complains of a poor appetite and being overly weak and tired. His usual diet is fairly consistent. He states he rarely eats breakfast because he starts work at 6 a.m. He eats two deli meat sandwiches, “usually pastrami or salami,” and a soda at 10 a.m. and may eat a candy bar in the afternoon when he gets off work. He often prepares frozen dinners or pizza at home in the evening and routinely drinks “about 2 or 3 beers” before going to bed. Occasionally he will cook a roast and mashed potatoes. He occasionally will have milk with cereal but rarely eats vegetables or fruit. He would like to know which vitamin supplement will give him energy.From what you have learned about the functions of vitamins, how would you answer Samuel’s question?What are some indications that Samuel’s diet could be low in thiamin?Using information from Figure 10-4, what are one or two good sources of thiamin from each food group that would be fairly easy for Samuel to add to his diet?What other vitamins would you suspect might be deficient in Samuel’s diet? Why?Besides his diet, how might Samuel’s medical history have increased his risk for folate deficiency?Based on his medical history and information in this chapter, how would you advise Samuel regarding his complaints of fatigue and weight loss?Would you recommend a daily multivitamin supplement for Samuel based on the history he has provided? Why or why not?

solved Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they

Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about assessment and diagnosis. Also review the Kaltura Media Uploader resource in the left-hand navigation of the classroom for help creating your self-recorded Kaltura video.Select a patient that you examined during the last 2 weeks who presented with a disorder other than the one present in your selected case for Week 5.Conduct a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation on this patient using the template provided in the Learning Resources. There is also a completed exemplar document in the Learning Resources so that you can see an example of the types of information a completed evaluation document should contain. All psychiatric evaluations must be signed, and each page must be initialed by your Preceptor. When you submit your document, you should include the complete Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation as a Word document, as well as a PDF/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your Preceptor. You must submit your document using SafeAssignAssignmentSubjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their personal and medical history? What are their symptoms of concern? How long have they been experiencing them, and what is the severity? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning?Objective: What observations did you make during the interview and review of systems? Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three (3) possible diagnoses. List them from highest to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?CASE STUDY TO USEKY is a 66 years old white Caucasian male who was seen via telehealth, with a chief complain of Generalized Anxiety disorder and lack of sleep. Patient report that he has been seeking psychiatric service since October 2020. Patient report that he has had anxiety disorder for a long time, however it has gotten worse since the pandemic. Patient reported that he was admitted to Johns Hopkins over 10 years ago and was placed on Xanax. Patient stated that the Xanax worked for him in the past. patient reports that he was hit by a car in 2007 and has chronic pain. He’s currently on Oxycodone. Patient reports that he feels overwhelmed, pace, difficulty sitting and sleeping.. Patient reports he’s restless because he can’t find enough to do. Patient report occasional panic attacks. Patient denied any past history of trauma. Patient acknowledged family history of anxiety (Older Sister). Patient denied any AH/VH and SI/HI. patient was started on Buspirone 10mg TID and Trazodone 100mg QHS and to follow up in 30 days. Patient was informed. If you think you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency, including suicidal or homicidal thoughts, plans, or actions, call Baltimore Crisis response at 410-433-5175 or the national Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. And if you cannot reach any of these numbers, call 911 or go to the nearest ER.

solved Question 212.5 PointsWhat are the boundaries of the class 12-16?11.5

Question 212.5 PointsWhat are the boundaries of the class 12-16?11.5 and 16.510 and 1812 and 164Question 222.5 PointsA Pareto chart arranges data from largest to smallest according to frequencies.TrueFalseQuestion 232.5 PointsFind the range of the set of values 4, 15, 3, 10, and 5.315912Question 242.5 PointsA weighted mean is used when the values of the data set are not all equally represented.TrueFalseQuestion 252.5 PointsFind the median for the following data. 6, 7, 4, 5, 3, 7, 43457Question 262.5 PointsWhat is the median of the following set of values? 8, 6, 3, 1, 123567Question 272.5 PointsIf a data set has 9 values and a standard deviation 9.4, then the variance is ________. 282.5 PointsWhat is the mean of the following data set? 5, 9, 12, 13, 148.010.612.015.4Question 292.5 PointsWhat is the mode of the following data set? 8, 22, 20, 16, 20, 18, 1514181620Question 302.5 PointsA coin is tossed 5 times. Find the probability that all 5 tosses are tails.Question 312.5 PointsIf a red suit is drawn from an ordinary deck of cards, what is the probability that the card is a diamond? Question 322.5 PointsA gumball machine contains 300 grape flavored balls, 400 cherry flavored balls, and 500 lemon flavored balls. What is the probability of getting 1 grape ball, 1 cherry ball, and 1 lemon ball if each ball was removed and then replaced before choosing the next from the machine? 0.02640.05310.03470.0482Question 332.5 PointsA probability experiment has two steps. There are two possible results for the first step, call them “A” and “B”. If the result for the first step was “A”, then there would be 5 possible results for the second step. If the result for the first step was “B”, then there would be 16 possible results for the second step. How many possible outcomes are there for this experiment?80101621Question 342.5 PointsIf a sportscaster makes an educated guess as to how well a team will do this season, he is using what type of probability?classical probabilityconditional probabilityempirical probabilitysubjective probabilityQuestion 352.5 PointsWhen two events are independent, the probability of both occurring is:Question 362.5 PointsIf a coin is tossed three times, the probability that the coin lands on heads at least one of those three times is 7/8.TrueFalseQuestion 372.5 PointsWhat is the set of all possible outcomes of a probability experiment?an outcomethe sample spaceeventsa Venn diagramQuestion 382.5 PointsContinuous random variables are obtained from data that can be measured rather than counted.TrueFalseQuestion 392.5 PointsFind the mean of the distribution shown below. X234P(X)0.350.240.411.562.062.563.06Question 402.5 PointsA university has 10,000 students of which 35% are male and 65% are female. If a class of 30 students is chosen at random from the university population, find the mean and variance of the number of male students.Mean = 19.5, Variance = 2.6Mean = 10.5, Variance = 2.6Mean = 19.5, Variance = 6.8Mean = 10.5, Variance = 6.8

solved Discussion: Resumes1414 unread replies.1515 replies.Each discussion will include one post

Discussion: Resumes1414 unread replies.1515 replies.Each discussion will include one post & a minimum of 3 responses to your classmates. Each discussion should be a minimum of 200 words & each reply to a classmate should be a minimum of 100 words.An important part of this course & overall theme is to understand how to create a resume that highlights your accomplishments, skills, abilities, and motivation specifically for a particular job or industry. Remember, the level of effort you put into these assignments or topics can matter as you begin to apply for jobs or make career transitions. With time-management & organization, employers can tell who spent the time, who paid attention, who read the job description, and who is taking the time to be detailed. An important piece to remember is that you want the top of your resume to be the jobs, volunteer positions, student clubs, study abroad, service learning, internships, etc. that highlight your skills, achievements, & successes in the best way possible for that specific job. Each resume you submit ideally is a different version and tailored specifically to that job or industry. Look over resume 1 & resume 2 below. Both resumes are highlighting the same jobs and experience but doing so in very different ways.Resume 1 is an example of some of the common mistakes that young people make on resumes.Resume 2 is an example of an updated, corrected, and more professional version of the first one.Resume #1 Career 110.pdfResume #2 – Career 110.pdfAddress any of the following and post an image that also speaks to your answer:What new skills, techniques, or strategies did you learn about how to build strong resumes from the textbook?What are your thoughts on the resumes linked above? What are some of the problems with the first resume and what are some of the improvements on the 2nd resume?When you apply for a job, do you read the “desired qualifications” in the job description and tailor your resume to ensure that you highlight those skills that they are looking for?When you apply for a job, do you change the formatting of the experiences you have had to make the resume as specific as possible for that position?How much effort are you putting in to build skills and experiences in volunteering, internships, networking, service learning, part-time jobs, etc.?How do you feel about your resume? How do you choose which experiences to leave on and which to leave off?Reply to classmatesRespond to at least three of your classmates & address some of the following questions. Each reply should be a minimum of 100 words and feel free to reply to replies. That way, everyone is engaging & interacting with one another. Remember, since we aren’t meeting in person or having lectures, this is the space where some engagement can take place. In these discussions, always keep things respectful. What stood out in their response?What commonality do you share?What are some solutions or strategies that have worked for you with preparing your resumes?

solved 1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or

1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or so and explain any weight gains or losses. Using the Intake vs. Goals report, can you identify areas in which you need to adjust your food intake, perhaps eating more or less?Describe the potential risks and possible benefits of fad diets and over-the- counter weight-loss drugs or herbal supplements. (500 words minimum) 2) Which of your foods provided high intakes of vitamins? Which of your foods provided few or no vitamins?How was your overall intake in the vegetable group? Do you need improvement in this area? If so, what are some changes you could make?Examine your weekly choices of vegetables and evaluate whether you meet the recommendations for dark green or orange and deep yellow vegetables.Take a look at your sodium intake in this report. Most people in the United States exceed the UL. Did you? Explain the importance of selecting and pre- paring foods with less salt.How was your intake of calcium for that day?If you are not getting enough calcium, consult Chapter 12 for ideas to help you get more, then list at least three foods or beverages you would be willing to eat or drink that would improve your intake. (500 words minimum)33) Samuel is a 63-year-old single man who works full-time in a food processing plant. He has a history of esophageal cancer which was treated successfully with anti-cancer drugs and surgery four years ago. His weight had been stable at 135 pounds until the past 6 months, in which he has experienced an involuntary weight loss of 10 pounds. He is 67 inches tall and his current BMI is 19.5. He complains of a poor appetite and being overly weak and tired. His usual diet is fairly consistent. He states he rarely eats breakfast because he starts work at 6 a.m. He eats two deli meat sandwiches, “usually pastrami or salami,” and a soda at 10 a.m. and may eat a candy bar in the afternoon when he gets off work. He often prepares frozen dinners or pizza at home in the evening and routinely drinks “about 2 or 3 beers” before going to bed. Occasionally he will cook a roast and mashed potatoes. He occasionally will have milk with cereal but rarely eats vegetables or fruit. He would like to know which vitamin supplement will give him energy.From what you have learned about the functions of vitamins, how would you answer Samuel’s question?What are some indications that Samuel’s diet could be low in thiamin?Using information from Figure 10-4, what are one or two good sources of thiamin from each food group that would be fairly easy for Samuel to add to his diet?What other vitamins would you suspect might be deficient in Samuel’s diet? Why?Besides his diet, how might Samuel’s medical history have increased his risk for folate deficiency?Based on his medical history and information in this chapter, how would you advise Samuel regarding his complaints of fatigue and weight loss?Would you recommend a daily multivitamin supplement for Samuel based on the history he has provided? Why or why not?

solved You work as a communication specialist at Warby Parker, reporting

You work as a communication specialist at Warby Parker, reporting to co-CEO David Gilboa. Using the skills you’ve been practicing in this course, respond to this challenge:You’re helping Gilboa prepare a report about the company. Gilboa characterizes the report as a “public business plan,” in that it will discuss the company and its objectives, strategies, and operations without disclosing the sort of confidential information that a typical business plan includes. The secondary audience includes potential investors, employees, and business partners.To help overcome shoppers’ reluctance to buy eyewear online, Warby Parker has been test marketing the concept called Home Try-On, in which people in the South Florida test market can order five pairs of frames, keep them for five days at no cost, then decide which pair they would like to order, and which they will send back. This gives shoppers lots of time to try on the frames they are considering and get the opinions of family and friends.On the job (Internal, Unsolicited Proposal)Write a 2-3 page internal proposal, in memo format, to Mr. Gilboa, with your evaluation of the test market results and your recommendation on how the company should proceed with this concept based on that test. Remember to include headings or sub-headings for each section in the proposal that explain this program-e.g. Background, Solution, Recommendation, etc. Make sure to correctly identify and analyze your audience, as well as any possible secondary audiences. Remember, Mr. Gilboa, the person to whom you submit your proposal, is in a position to order the implementation of the change recommended.It is important that you develop this memo with your own thoughts and input. You can make the test market experience good or bad, and base your recommendation on that. Make up any information you wish to bolster your case; in the real world, you would have this kind of data and information before you would write this memo.Here is an example: A rough outline for a favorable recommendation:Subject: Home Try-On Market Concept TestBackground: As you know…profits down, store rents rising, we are seen as an old-fashion, undynamic company by the general public. Question: is the internet the answer? Marketing came up with the concept of Home Try-On, and began test marketing it in South Florida in November of last year.Perceived Risks Prior to Test Market: Concept too confusing for the public? What if customers did not return the 4 pairs of frames they did not want? What sort of breakage might be expected? Would postage and handling be too costly?Test Market Results: The public seemed to love the concept. Orders very high. 98% return rate on 4 pairs they did not want. Virtually no breakage. Minimal shipping and handling costs, because customers had to agree beforehand to absorb these costs.Recommendation: Expand test market to the entire East Coast for an additional 4 months. Prepare to go nationwide if results from that test equally encouraging.