Working with Descriptive StatisticsThis course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types, descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will use a software program that makes it easy to analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with mean, median, mode, frequency, range, and standard deviation.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:Before beginning this assignment, view the SPSS tutorial videos provided as topic materials.Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Directions:SPSS OutputOpen the SPSS program, enter the data below using the steps, and create an output (as in the tutorial videos) with the following results highlighted:Determine the statistics for each gender as follows: Frequency Counts and Percentages.Determine the statistics for each blood sugar as follows: Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum.Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS: Create a bar graph with gender (axis X) and blood sugar (axis Y). Create a histogram of the blood sugar.Data SetUse the following data set for this assignment:You have a group of patients observed with a diagnosis of diabetes, and their blood sugar levels are listed below based on gender.Men: 74, 71, 75, 248, 388, 505, 42, 212, 56Female: 62, 68, 61, 71, 68, 80, 390, 148, 43Open SPSS and open a new database.Go to the Variable View.In the first row, label the name as Gender. Enter Gender as the Label Field. In the Values drop down, Enter 1 = Male; 2 = Female.In the second row, label the name as BloodSugar. Enter Blood Sugar in the Label Field.Go to the Data View and enter the data. Use 1’s for the nine Males and 2’s for the nine Females in the first column. Enter the blood sugars in the second column next to or aligned to the respective gender.Go to the menu and click Analyze. Click Descriptive Statistics, then click Frequencies, and add Gender and Patient Weight to the field. Click Charts and select Histogram. Indicate to provide a normal curve. Click OK. Review and save the Output.Go to the menu and click Analyze. Click Descriptive Statistics, then click Descriptives and add Blood Sugar to the field. Review and save Output.Go to the menu and click the Graph. Click Chart Builder. Click OK to open. Select the Bar Graph and move to the field. Move the Gender Variable to the x-axis and the Blood Sugar to the y-axis. Click OK. Review and save the Output.SummaryWrite a 500-800 word summary of your results and how this statistical analysis may be applied to your prospectus. Provide a histogram of the blood sugars graphed. Provide a bar graph with the gender on the x-axis and blood sugar levels on the y-axis. Add your SPSS statistical outputs as an Appendix to this summary.
solved This is a graded discussion: 30 points possibledue Apr 19Has
/in /by adminThis is a graded discussion: 30 points possibledue Apr 19Has a Story Ever Changed You? 2727 unread replies.2727 replies.A good story can change a personit can provide emotional release, make someone feel less lonely, and (as the previous article outlined), even change behaviorwhen has a story affected you?For this discussion, write about a story you heard (or a movie you saw, or a play you saw, or a book you read) that deeply affected the way you felt or thought. Maybe you saw a documentary or public service message (like the “Ben” story in the previous article,) or maybe you saw a really good movie or TV show that changed how you think. Maybe someone told you something important that happened to them. However the story was delivered, write about the story you heard or saw, and talk about the change it made in you. When you have finished your post, please reply to at least two others.An example:”When I was fifteen years old, my English teacher took our class on a field trip to see a play called “The Elephant Man.” It was based on a true story, about a guy in the 1800s Joseph Merrick (Links to an external site.), who was born with a disease that made huge lumps and bumps form all over his head. He became a sideshow freak, but later, through the efforts of a doctor who rescued him, he also became the darling of Victorian society. He was never cured of his affliction–there was no cure–but he had a few years of being treated like a normal person.The play was really sad, but also uplifting, because the Elephant Man was portrayed as a beautiful soul, residing in a deformed body. The play did this, by having the actor playing the Elephant Man not wear any make up or prosthetics to make him look deformed. Instead, the other characters around him just treated him like a freak and a monster. The audience never “saw” the grotesque deformities of the Elephant Man. We were left to imagine them. Meanwhile, this beautiful actor portrayed a sensitive, responsive, yearning human being.I was deeply affected by the play. I cried a lot and thought about it for weeks afterwards. It really brought home the message that all human souls are beautiful no matter what body they are born in. But it also gave me a hunger to write a story that would affect people as profoundly as “The Elephant Man” did me. So shortly after that, I wrote my first script, and decided to devote my life to the theater.”Your post should be at least 200 words, and use complete sentences, specific examples and details. whenever possible. Your replies should be at least three sentences and specifically address the post made by your classmates For a rubric, press the “three dots” at the top of this assignment to see how you will be graded.Complete assignment by 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Late assignments will lose points. Assignments more than a week late will not be accepted unless you ask for an extension. For Canvas tech support, please click the HELP button in the blue menu to the left of this assignment.
solved Working with Descriptive StatisticsThis course helps you develop a basic
/in /by adminWorking with Descriptive StatisticsThis course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types, descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will use a software program that makes it easy to analyze data using specific tests. This assignment will give you practice with mean, median, mode, frequency, range, and standard deviation.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:Before beginning this assignment, view the SPSS tutorial videos provided as topic materials.Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Directions:SPSS OutputOpen the SPSS program, enter the data below using the steps, and create an output (as in the tutorial videos) with the following results highlighted:Determine the statistics for each gender as follows: Frequency Counts and Percentages.Determine the statistics for each blood sugar as follows: Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum.Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS: Create a bar graph with gender (axis X) and blood sugar (axis Y). Create a histogram of the blood sugar.Data SetUse the following data set for this assignment:You have a group of patients observed with a diagnosis of diabetes, and their blood sugar levels are listed below based on gender.Men: 74, 71, 75, 248, 388, 505, 42, 212, 56Female: 62, 68, 61, 71, 68, 80, 390, 148, 43Open SPSS and open a new database.Go to the Variable View.In the first row, label the name as Gender. Enter Gender as the Label Field. In the Values drop down, Enter 1 = Male; 2 = Female.In the second row, label the name as BloodSugar. Enter Blood Sugar in the Label Field.Go to the Data View and enter the data. Use 1’s for the nine Males and 2’s for the nine Females in the first column. Enter the blood sugars in the second column next to or aligned to the respective gender.Go to the menu and click Analyze. Click Descriptive Statistics, then click Frequencies, and add Gender and Patient Weight to the field. Click Charts and select Histogram. Indicate to provide a normal curve. Click OK. Review and save the Output.Go to the menu and click Analyze. Click Descriptive Statistics, then click Descriptives and add Blood Sugar to the field. Review and save Output.Go to the menu and click the Graph. Click Chart Builder. Click OK to open. Select the Bar Graph and move to the field. Move the Gender Variable to the x-axis and the Blood Sugar to the y-axis. Click OK. Review and save the Output.SummaryWrite a 500-800 word summary of your results and how this statistical analysis may be applied to your prospectus. Provide a histogram of the blood sugars graphed. Provide a bar graph with the gender on the x-axis and blood sugar levels on the y-axis. Add your SPSS statistical outputs as an Appendix to this summary.
solved For this assignment, you are to read a journal article
/in /by adminFor this assignment, you are to read a journal article about a topic related to a regional topic within the context of the class, and you are asked to use articles from the JSTOR database. Unfortunately, Grossmont College does not have JSTOR available from its library, but some of you may have used JSTOR from institutions like Mesa, Palomar and Southwestern Colleges, in addition to San Diego State or Cal State San Marcos. Therefore I have provided you with an ample selection of articles that I have downloaded from Palomar College’s JSTOR database. All you need to do is pick any of the articles for your review. Just click the “Files” section from the Canvas class menu, and open the folder that says “115_JSTOR_Articles.” Inside the folder are several subfolders with topics arranged by nation, in alphabetical order. The articles are in PDF format and labeled by the topic of the article, so just browse the collection of articles before you make your final selection. You do not need to notify me of your article choice, just pick any one of the articles in any of those subfolders, and you’re ready to roll!THE REPORT IS TO BE 5-7 PAGES IN LENGTH. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE BOTH A TITLE PAGE AND WORKS CITED PAGE. (TITLE AND WORKS CITED PAGES DO NOT COUNT TOWARD THE OVERALL PAGE COUNT OF YOUR REVIEW) YOU ARE ALSO ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW THE MLA OR CHICAGO FORMATS TO DEVELOP THIS REPORT. PLEASE DOUBLE-SPACE YOUR REVIEW. THIS REVIEW WILL COUNT AS 20% TOWARD YOUR FINAL GRADE. AND IN YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE, PLEASE LIST THE NAME OF THE ARTICLE THAT YOU WILL BE SUMMARIZING AND ANALYZING. THIS AN EXAMPLE OF THE TYPE OF THE FORMAT YOU SHOULD FOLLOW:“ARGENTINA IN 1983: REFLECTIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF THE MILITARY AND GEORGE ORWELL,” BY ALBERTO CIRIA. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES, VOL. 11, NO. 21 (1986), PP. 57-69.IN TERMS OF THE CONTENT OF THE REPORT, I AM LOOKING FOR TWO MAIN POINTS OF DISCUSSION. FIRST, YOU SHOULD DEVOTE THE FIRST HALF OF THE REPORT TO A SUMMARY OF THE MAIN POINTS THAT THE AUTHOR IS TRYING TO CONVEY TO THE READER. TO HELP YOU TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE, CONSIDER SOME OF THESE QUESTIONS: WHAT TYPE OF ARTICLE IS THIS? IS THE AUTHOR PRESENTING AN ORIGINAL FEATURE, OR IS HE/SHE CONDUCTING A BOOK REVIEW? IF THIS IS A BOOK REVIEW, WHAT BOOK (OR BOOKS) IS BEING REVIEWED? WHAT IS THE AUTHOR’S PURPOSE FOR WRITING THIS ARTICLE? WHAT IS THE AUTHOR’S ACADEMIC OR PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND?AS FOR THE SECOND POINT OF DISCUSSION, THIS IS WHERE YOU PROVIDE YOUR OPINION OR PERCEPTIONS OF THE ARTICLE. IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT IT? WHAT WERE THE STRENGTHS OR WEAKNESSES OF THE ARTICLE? HOW DID THE ARTICLE RELATE TO THE CLASS? YOU ARE DEFINITELY ENCOURAGED TO WRITE IN FIRST PERSON SINGULAR (I FEEL THAT…, I THINK..) AS YOU PROVIDE YOUR OPINIONS. AS A GENERAL RULE OF THUMB, YOUR JSTOR REVIEW SHOULD BE ABOUT 60% SUMMARY AND 40% COMMENTARY. THUS A 5-PAGE REVIEW WITH ABOUT 3 & 1â„2 PAGES SUMMARY AND 1 & 1â„2 PAGES COMMENTARY IS AN IDEAL PROPORTION
solved Are US GAAP accounting standards and IFRS accounting standards comparable?
/in /by adminAre US GAAP accounting standards and IFRS accounting standards comparable?
In your role in accounting and/or management you may be asked to conduct a presentation as part of a professional development program at your organisation. After the presentation you may receive feedback from your peers and superiors which will allow you to address any gaps and improve future presentations. Further, for those staff members who cannot attend, you might be required to write a report to ensure they are informed. This assignment assists you in improving the skills required to research a topic and communicate relevant material and insights via a presentation and report. As a result, you will be more comfortable with preparing and delivering professional presentations as well as taking on feedback to further develop your skills.
You are required to conduct research on the topic provided by drawing on appropriate resources. The assessment includes a presentation as well as a written report.
The following material is relevant for the report.
Written Report (67 marks, reweighted to 10%).Â
Your written report is due on the Sunday following your presentation by 4 pm.Â
The structure below is a general suggestion:
a. Background: What is the key issue? What question(s) are you being asked to address?
b. Stakeholder: Who are the key stakeholders? What do they have to gain/loose?
c. Regulation: What regulation / accounting standard(s) apply to the topic / issue?
d. Theory: What theories apply?Â
e. Research: What are the findings / conclusions drawn from relevant empirical research?
f. Implications: What are the implications?Â
g. Conclusion: Based on your research have the issues been addressed?
The submitted written report is to incorporate feedback received on the presentation by peers to improve the report – changes resulting from the feedback received should be made in italics.
Word Count:Â
ACCT13-303 – 2,000 -2,500 words maximum; ACCT71-303 2,500 – 3,000 words maximum (+ / – 10%)
Additional Notes:
Presentation of Written Work
The quality of the work you submit will contribute to your personal brand and value within your organisation. You are expected to present information clearly and submit work that is written in a coherent manner, with attention given to grammar, spelling, referencing and any specified word count. Marks will be deducted if any of these aspects of presentation are not given adequate attention (see marking guidelines attached).
Submission Requirements
The report is to be submitted electronically via the submission link below no later than 4pm Sunday following the presentation. The presentation should be attached as an appendix to the report.Â
Recommended Resources
You are encouraged to include the following sources into your research:
Library Resources
Academic peer reviewed journals, please see the library desk for assistance / Google Scholar
Publications from the professional and/or regulatory bodies (search CPA, CA website etc)
solved Topic for writing assignment 1:The U.S. News Media: Politics and
/in /by adminTopic for writing assignment 1:The U.S. News Media: Politics and the 2020 ElectionThis week, your assignment is to write about the American news media–specifically, political and national news media.Select several major television and/or print media outlets in the United States. (You may choose to look at CNN and Fox News, for instance and/or the New York Times and Washington Post, the Washington Examiner and Politico, among others.)Research their corporate ownership, ideology, expected audience, and their notable writers, anchors, reporters and commentators and any political leanings you observe. Share your findings. Be specific.Explain the reputation of the news entities you selected historically, compared to today.Describe the unique qualities of each major outlet you have selected and what distinguishes them from one another (or, in some cases, how they are similar to and mirror one another). Compare and contrast.Next, cover the following:What role did the national news media play in the presidential election of 2020?Provide several recent examples of significant political events and happenings, of the past few months, and how they have been covered by the media.With 2020 election and related events, do you see differences in coverage and frequency of coverage among the news outlets you have selected for this assignment? Is coverage unbiased or slanted in one direction? Explain.After conducting your research, do you believe that there exists a media class or a “media elite” in America? What does this mean, and why or why not? What are “framing, “priming,” and policy agenda-setting? Explain what each of these terms means, including examples when helpful.Then, briefly mention how technology and new ‎media fit into the picture: What purposes does news available on the internet serve? Is access to new media sources important to a nation’s citizens? Why?Finally, in your concluding thoughts, include: What are the main things you learned from your research–especially about media coverage of the 2020 election–for this assignment?Please:Research thoroughly.Write clearly.Make your paper as current as you possibly can (the more recent the better).Cite properly (using MLA).Provide examples and explanations, as detailed above, throughout your work.Check and double-check your paper for spelling and grammar correctness.Be sure that your paper is a cohesive, well-written research paper which shows your own knowledge and work, not just answers to my questions.I look forward to your work and findings!Important: Remember to follow these guidelines when writing your paper:Assignment instructions Download Assignment instructions*Use MLA format and MLA citation (Links to an external site.)*Be sure that your paper is at least 1400 words.Writing Assignment RubricFollow instructions20 pts Full MarksAnswer assigned questions20 pts Full MarksWrite 1400-1600 words (excluding Works Cited page)50 pts Full MarksUse correct spelling and grammar10 pts Full MarksTotal Points: 100
solved For this final discussion post, please discuss how you feel
/in /by adminFor this final discussion post, please discuss how you feel your understanding of the production process has changed during the semester. What are some things that you never really thought about while watching a TV program or film, that you might find interesting after taking this course? Â Has any of this information that you have gained during this semester influenced the way that you watch and think about TV programs or films?
Step 1: How has your understanding of the production process changed this semester?
Step 2: Identify one topic covered in the course that was completely new to you and describe it’s importance in the production process.
Step 3: Describe how the knowledge you have gained this semester has changed the way you view TV programs or films?
Step 4: Post your descriptionsÂ
Step 5: Post a reply to a classmate discussing similarities/differences in your observations and/or experiencesÂ
Peer’s post:
step 1: How has your understanding of the production process changed this semester?
My understanding of the production process has changed this semester because I now understand how many people actually play a part in the whole production process to come to life. I didn’t realize how many people were on the production crew and that it takes a village to create something and bring it too life. I always knew that it was not an easy process, but I never understood or knew about all the little pieces and puzzles that go into it. It is nice to learn about all of the different jobs that are done in the production process.
Step 2: Identify one topic covered in the course that was completely new to you and describe its importance in the production process.
Topic that was covered in the course that was completely new to me was all of the camera movements and camera shots that we learned about. I knew that they were different names to each of the camera angles and movement’s, but I didn’t know the names of them or specifically how many cameramen have to learn and know to get the angles correctly. I didn’t know that there was a lot more work and thought put into the camera movements and shots then we might think while watching TV. Such as Dolly In and Out, I had no idea what that was until taking this class.
Step 3: Describe how the knowledge you have gained this semester has changed the way you view TV programs or films?
Knowledge that I have gained during the semester that has change the way that I view it TV programs or films has completely grew and I have mad respect for the people that are all a part of the production and directing team. It takes a whole village like I said to build a TV program or film and it is not just an easy task. There’s a lot a little steps that go into it that are so important to developing the final product and doing it well. It’s cool that I know a little bit more about what goes on behind the scenes in the amount of little details that play such an important role when filming each series that make them all so different.
solved Maya INITIAL REPLY Waste diversion is a very helpful tool
/in /by adminMayaÂ
Waste diversion is a very helpful tool in measuring a city’s waste management systems and general resource allocation. At the moment, cities use their waste diversion rate in this way, which accounts for all waste that is diverted from landfills. However, this tool is imperfect in that sometimes waste that is diverted does not actually get reused or recycled appropriately and ends up causing further harmful environmental impacts, such as in the China debacle mentioned.Â
Since people and groups of people are generally motivated by money above environmental or social impacts (sadly), the assurance of waste recycling or reuse must be marketable and involve some type of monetary investment. One study examined the correlation between municipal recycling incentivization and municipal recycling rates/programs in Ontario, Canada. Despite the direct proportion between municipal recycling funding and recycling rates, there was no statistically significant relationship between the two. This leads me to the idea that maybe it’s not just monetary incentivization to recycle that can assure proper waste diversion, but the enactment of laws or policies that require proper diversion so that there is no escape. At this point, with the population increasing further and further, proper waste management is crucial in mitigating environmental impacts from landfills or other detrimental waste disposal or storage methods.
Another issue in regard to recycling is the export of recycled commodities to other countries, such as China and India, that will import American solid waste (recycling or otherwise) and do with it what they see fit. In this way, it is out of our hands and we do not take responsibility for the environmental impacts. After some research, it seems that in the past couple years, paper and plastic exports out of the United States have greatly decreased due to national policies or bans in the importing countries on certain types of waste products. In just one year (between 2018 and 2019), there was a 13% drop in recycled paper exports and a 38% decline in plastics export. This represents the opportunity for the expansion of recycling companies in America, where although we will be strictly responsible for proper recycling, we have the potential for a very positive impact. I believe that this major decrease in export poses a market for American recycling companies to develop better recycling and reuse processes that can be invested in by those in power who are sustainably motivated and progressive thinkers. In this way, I think the development by U.S. government of strict precautions on recycled commodity export, such as limits on amounts, limits on what can be exported, etc., will motivate recycled waste to instead be diverted to successful domestic recycling companies. People hate limitations and putting many limitations on exportation will hopefully put an end to this so that we can be entirely responsible for our own recycling processes.
solved Part one 1. What is strategic management? 2. List the
/in /by adminPart one 1. What is strategic management? 2. List the steps in the strategic planning process. 3. What is a core competency? 4. Explain why creative thinking is important in strategic plan-ning and how to encourage it. 5. What is SWOT analysis? 6. Write a sample vision statement for a hypothetical organization. 7. Write a mission statement for the hypothetical organization in question 6. 8. Draft a set of guiding principles for the hypothetical organiza-tion in question 6. 9. Establish two or three broad objectives for the hypothetical organization in question 6. 10. Describe the steps you would apply in executing your strategic plan developed in questions 6 to 9 Part Two The Indifferent Manager The efforts of Public Communications Inc. to implement total quality had exceeded expectations at two of its three plants. How-ever, the third plant just didn’t seem to be able to get things off the ground. The plant manager, Merrill Stephens, was under a lot of pressure because his colleagues in the other two plants were suc-ceeding and he was floundering. He didn’t know what the problem was, and he didn’t know how to find out. Merrill decided to call together a group of line employees and ask for their input. Immediately, he sensed their reticence. Clearly, they had something to say but didn’t want to say it. Finally, an employee who had been with the company for more than 20 years spoke up. “Mr. Stephens, we’re just going through the motions to keep corporate off your back,†he said. “We know you don’t buy this total quality nonsense.†Merrill had to admit that the employees were reading him like a book. Sure, he had followed the implementation guidelines to the letter. His executive team was the quality council. Policies had been developed and deployed. Employees were work-ing in teams, and training in the use of quality tools was being pro-vided. The problem was that Merrill himself was just going through the motions. He didn’t really believe in total quality and had hoped it would turn out to be just one more corporate-mandated initiative that would fizzle and eventually go away. He had only four more years until retirement and didn’t need this in his life right now. His managers, middle managers, super-visors, and employees knew him and sensed his indifference and halfheartedness. Part of the organizational culture at this plant was that the employees took their lead from the plant manager. If Merrill was really behind an effort, they got behind it. If he wasn’t, they didn’t. When they accurately sensed his indifference to total quality, they responded accordingly. Discussion Question Discuss the following question in class or outside of class with your fellow students: 1. Have you ever been involved in an effort that was halfhearted because the leader of the effort didn’t seem to be enthusiastic about it? If so, what happened? If not, discuss what it means for the person in charge in a given situation to set the tone.
solved Week 2 Discussion: Connection Between Our Culture and the News
/in /by adminWeek 2 Discussion: Connection Between Our Culture and the News Media22 unread replies.22 replies.Search entries or author Filter replies by unreadUnread Collapse replies Expand replies Subscribe ReplyReply to Week 2 Discussion: Connection Between Our Culture and the News MediaCollapse SubdiscussionJoel TerwilligerJoel Terwilliger Apr 17, 2021Apr 17 at 10:20amManage Discussion EntryOPTION 1Later in this course we will talk about the disruption that social media has brought to the media and our understanding of politics, current affairs, and related events. There are pros and cons associated with the new paradigm of information dissemination…more to come!For now, as noted in my opening note above, the framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday citizens would not be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our government. They felt that everyday citizens were uninformed and did not care what was going on in our government. Even today we see where citizens are interested in government affairs seemingly only if our country is in turmoil such as unemployment, recessions, civil unrest, etc. Do you agree with this assessment? Are we uninformed? Do we wait till a crisis happens to voice our opinions?Remember, this is a political science class, not a political opinion class. Accordingly, I expect that your posts will be based on objective research, data and analysis, and not mere opinion. References:Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018). The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Pearson. ReplyReply to CommentCollapse SubdiscussionJoel TerwilligerJoel Terwilliger Apr 17, 2021Apr 17 at 10:27amManage Discussion EntryOPTION 2This is certainly a hot topic! Recall back in the day when Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were exposed for faking a deferment order from the National Guard with the purpose of depicting former president George Bush as unfit for the office. A movie was produced about Rather’s story and his firing from CBS and many contemporary news articles at that time discussed the advent of “blogs” and “citizen journalists.” Based on this, and with the disaggregation of media sources, it is no surprise that many experts see the media as biased and more like infotainment. In fact, many people have turned to social networks as an outlet for news instead of CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN and other news stations. Do you see this as an issue? Do you see the news as biased or unbiased? Should there be more restrictions on the news stations?Remember, this is a political science class, not a political opinion class. Accordingly, I expect that your posts will be based on objective research, data and analysis, and not mere opinion. References:Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018). The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Pearson.”Blogs Have Their Day,” Time Magazine online.,9171,1009913,00.html (Links to an external site.) retrieved April 14, 2021.
solved This subject needs you select a topic (an evidence-based practice
/in /by adminThis subject needs you select a topic (an evidence-based practice question based on the clinical practice problem) first, then choose one research article and one non-research article related to the topic. Before you start writing, I would like to have the topic and two articles to discuss with my instructor and get her approval. Thank you. A. Discuss the impact of a clinical practice problem on the patient(s) and the organization it affects.1. Identify the following PICO components of the clinical practice problem: patient/population/problem (P) intervention (I) comparison (C) outcome (O)2. Develop an evidence-based practice (EBP) question based on the clinical practice problem discussed in part A and the PICO components identified in part A1.B. Select a research-based article that answers your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the research article.2. Describe the research methodology.3. Identify the level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model.Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old. 4. Summarize how the researcher analyzed the data in the article.5. Summarize the ethical consideration(s) of the research-based article. If none are present, explain why.6. Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.7. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.C. Select a non-research article from a peer-reviewed journal that helps to answer your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the non-research article.2. Describe the type of evidence (e.g., case study, quality improvement project, clinical practice guideline).3. Identify the level of evidence using the JHNEBP model.Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.4. Identify the quality rating of the non-research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.5. Discuss how the author’s recommendation(s) in the article helps to answer your EBP question.D. Recommend a practice change that addresses your EBP question using both the research and non-research articles you selected for Part B and Part C.1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in supporting the practice change recommendation.2. Discuss one specific barrier you may encounter when implementing the practice change recommendation.3. Identify one strategy that could be used to overcome the barrier discussed in part D2.4. Identify one outcome (the O component in PICO) from your EBP question to measure the recommended practice change.E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.