solved Stonewall (1969) was an important marker of the start of

Stonewall (1969) was an important marker of the start of the LGBT movement, but I will argue that 1977 was more significant. On January 18, 1977, Ruth Shack, a Miami Dade County Commissioner, passed a local county ordinance to protect people based on their “affectional or sexual preferences.” This vote was not the first local ordinance passed to protect the LGBT population, but it was the first to receive such an intense backlash resulting in the ordinance’s repeal on June 7, 1977. These events drew the lines between the political left and the increasing importance of the conservative movement. This type of ordinance is public policy 101 and is what this course is about. Attitudes toward the LGBT CommunityPresident Truman signed Executive Order #9835 on March 21, 1947, requiring that government employees sign a loyalty oath to the United States. This order was designed to combat the threat of communism in the American government and ban LGBT individuals from employment in the foreign service. This act was not repealed until 1977 by President Jimmy Carter.Gay people were targeted, persecuted, and discriminated against too. Take a look at this report to Congress entitled “Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government (1950).” This report exemplifies the tone at the time of the government toward the LGBT community. Scan the document to get a feel for this attitude toward this group of people. (Links to an external site.)The fear of “communists” and “queers” was prevalent during this Cold War period. To provide an example of these types of initiatives, let us turn to the Johns’ Committee.In 1956, the State of Florida established a committee called the “Florida Legislative Investigation Committee,” but it became known as the “Johns’ Committee.” This commission was established to examine the influences of communism in Florida’s academic and civil rights groups, primarily the NAACP. They soon turned their attention toward finding and firing members of the LGBT community from the state college system, and several people lost their jobs or were removed from college. (Links to an external site.)Many people watch television to learn about current issues or relevant topics of interest. In 1967, CBS News broadcast a special on “The Homosexuals.” This program is a 45-minute show without commercials, but I was hoping you could watch this to be exposed to the era’s cultural milieu. (Links to an external site.)Contemplate these videos, and post your comments to your colleagues.Do you think it was fair to target gay men and lesbians? Should people lose their jobs for being who they are? What did you think of the Johns’ Committee? What did you learn in the CBS special? What are your thoughts? Feelings? Reactions? How would your self-esteem be affected if society treated you this way?

solved InstructionsIf you were to open a small business with the

InstructionsIf you were to open a small business with the knowledge and skills you have acquired to this point, would you prefer to keep your accounting records on a cash basis or an accrual basis? Reflect on the differences between cash basis and accrual basis accounting, and explain why you selected one option over the other. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.InstructionsCookie Creations (Chapter 3)This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations case study from Chapters 1 and 2. You will use the information from the previous chapters and follow the instructions below using the general ledger accounts that you previously created.Review the case information below and also on p. 3-54 of the textbook. Then, complete action items a–c). This assignment will allow you to practice what you have learned so far. It is the end of November, and Natalie has been in touch with her grandmother. Natalie’s grandmother asked her how well things went in her first month of business. Natalie, too, would like to know if she has been profitable or not during November. Natalie realizes that in order to determine Cookie Creations’ income, she must first make adjustments.Natalie puts together the information shown below.A count reveals that $35 of baking supplies were used during November. Natalie estimates that all of her baking equipment will have a useful life of 5 years or 60 months. (Assume Natalie decides to record a full month’s worth of depreciation, regardless of when the equipment was obtained by the business.) Natalie’s grandmother has decided to charge an interest of 6% on the note payable extended on November 16. The loan plus interest is to be repaid in 24 months. (Assume that half a month of interest accrued during November.) On November 30, a friend of Natalie’s asks her to teach a class at the neighborhood school. Natalie agrees and teaches a group of 35 first-grade students how to make gingerbread cookies. The next day, Natalie prepares an invoice for $300 and leaves it with the school principal. The principal says that he will pass the invoice along to the head office, and it will be paid sometime in December. Natalie receives a utility bill for $45. The bill is for utilities consumed by Natalie’s business during November is due December 15. The trial balance from Chapter 2 is presented below. Using the trial balance from Chapter 2 and based on the new information provided above, complete the tasks below.Prepare and post the adjusting journal entries.Prepare an adjusted trial balance. Using the adjusted trial balance, calculate Cookie Creations’ net income or net loss for the month of November 2019.Note: Do not prepare an income statement.Make sure to complete item “a” completely before moving to item “b,” and then move to item “c.” You cannot jump ahead unless you have completed each step sequentially in full. Submit the Excel document in Blackboard upon completion.

solved I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

War and Peace in the 21st Century – The Stories in Our Minds (16:06) (Links to an external site.) – In this TEDx Talk, historian Daniele Ganser argues that most wars seem to be resource wars, whether in the past or the present. We should be careful, however, not to fall for everything we are presented with.Extreme Ownership (13:49) (Links to an external site.) – War is a brutal teacher. In this talk, Jocko Willink explains from personal experience how war teaches you the most when things go wrong. Jocko asserts that when a team takes ownership of its problems, the problems get solved.Micro Drones Killer Arms Robots – Autonomous Artificial Intelligence – Warning !! (7:47) (Links to an external site.) – A Warning: It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come. We launched just a few years ago with our surveillance drones, and in this short amount of time, we’ve retooled cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, such as deep learning and convolution neural networks, into hardware systems that governments and peace-keeping agencies can use to keep their troops safe.The Edge of Drone Warfare | James Rogers | TEDxOdense (13:08) (Links to an external site.) – James Rogers focuses his attention on the future of conflict, and how drones are being used maliciously by terrorist groups and non-state organizations for assassinations, surveillance, missile drops, spying, and to disrupt vulnerable domestic targets.Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s Platoon Members Speak Out – Part One (19:12) (Links to an external site.) – In this video, platoon members are interviewed by Fox News about the case of U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl.The Pros and Cons of Drone Warfare (2:54) (Links to an external site.) – This video addresses ethical concerns about drone warfare.Deadly Detachment | Brandon Bryant | TEDxTrondheim (12:03) (Links to an external site.) – With the use of drone technology, Brandon Bryant’s unit was involved in the deaths of more than 1,600 people. Bryant began to feel uneasy about his work and in 2011, he decided to make a career change. In this video, Bryant speaks out about his experience to show that the role of operators in war is more than just a video and often involves innocent victims.Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks that you viewed. Address the following points in your discussion:What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?Do you think that the use of drone technology has moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.

solved Instructions For this assignment, you will be provided the opportunity

For this assignment, you will be provided the opportunity to practice what you have learned to this point. To successfully complete this assignment you will need to apply the scientific method approach to complete a set of field notes and audio recording of these notes simulating an on-scene recording. These notes will be used later to complete an investigative report on all the details of the fire and probable cause based upon the given information. You will need to complete the following tasks:

review the fire scenario and fire scene photos;
record audio notes of what you found in the analysis of the fire scene scenario and photos; and
make written field notes of the fire scene (record all the necessary information that is needed to complete the final fire investigation report, including diagrams).

Time: 1100 hours
Date: February 23, 2016
Weather Conditions: Clear–-38 degrees (cold wind @ 20 mph)
Type of Structure: One-family wooden-frame structure
Occupants: Family of four—husband, wife, 9-year-old male, 4-year-old female
Pictures: See below
Notification: At 1100 hours, you were notified by the fire dispatcher to respond to 1234 Main Street on a reported structural fire that was under control and required a cause and origin investigator.
Once you arrived on the scene, you were briefed by Lt. Dan Taylor, who stated that upon arrival the fire was visible out both kitchen windows and was spreading quickly to the living-room area. The fire was then quickly extinguished and confined to the kitchen. There were noticeable burn patterns forming a large V-pattern that indicated the fire originated in the area of the stove.
To prevent any form of spoliation, the Hometown Department completed its fire suppression efforts and taped off the area for further investigation prior to any additional overhauling procedures.
Homeowner’s statement: Mrs. Williams stated that she was preparing breakfast for her children when her cell phone rang. She walked to her front porch where she became engaged in a general conversation with her friend. With bacon still cooking on the stovetop, the grease became so hot that it ignited and vertically spread into the ceiling. Once off the phone, the homeowner noticed smoke coming from the kitchen area. After going to the kitchen to locate the source of the smoke, she saw the burning pan and called 911 to report the fire and said she was exiting her home for safety. The Hometown Fire Department then arrived and extinguished the fire.
Fire Scene Photos:

You are now at the fire scene. Explain the specific details of the pre-arrival information, en route and fire scene investigation, and interviews. Be sure to include your physical findings and any evidence that may have been collected from the fire scene. This set of field notes should include all findings with a completed hypothesis of the fire. Your verbal and written field notes should include all seven steps of the scientific method and an initial hypothesis.

solved Write a reflection that addresses a peer’s post following Peer

Write a reflection that addresses a peer’s post following 
Peer Post:
Victor Tatis
Advanced Primary Care of Family Practicum I-DL-MSN41
Prescriptive Authority in Florida
The prescriptive authority initially underwent various adjustments and revisions to allow the advanced practice nurses and other physicians assistants to be involved in prescribing treatments and other controlled substances under strict supervision and appropriate protocols. As such, the prescription of controlled substances was revised, thus limited to at least a 7-day supply. Besides, revisions regarding withdrawal and uplifting of most advanced practice registered nurses’ restrictions and ban on the prescription of controlled medications were also implemented (Kaplan, 2016).
According to Reynolds et al. (2021), other major revisions required the advanced practice registered nurses to maintain continuous education, especially after every two years, to maintain an effective and safe prescription of the controlled substances. The bill further added on crucial disciplinary provisions in the nursing practice that advanced practice registered nurses and physicians would be liable to upon violation of the protocols regarding the prescription of controlled substances.
The prescriptive authority requirements in the bill proposed by Florida regarding the prescription of controlled substances significantly enhanced the quality of nursing practice by promoting the prescription of effective and safe treatment modalities (Reynolds, 2021). In addition, the proposed continued education among advanced practice registered nurses in which they spend additional crucial three hours of education every two years is essential in the overall practice of nursing. Through the continued education, the advanced practice registered nurses would acknowledge the need to provide evidence-based practice and holistic care in clinical settings.
The new adjustments and revisions in the Florida bill call for an extra involvement in continuous education, which most advanced practice registered nurses might be unmotivated to engage in. As such, the overall nursing practice would be liable to substandard nursing interventions that attract negative patient reviews. Medication errors and other compromises pertaining to controlled substances are some of the most anticipated repercussions regarding physician assistances and advanced practice registered nurses in the initial stages of the continued education requirement.
Kaplan, L. (2016). Florida NPs advocate for controlled substance prescriptive authority. The Nurse Practitioner, 41(5), 14-16.
Reynolds, A. M. (2021). Factors Influencing Controlled Substance Prescribing Behaviors Following Changes in Prescriptive Authority.
Reynolds, A. M., Reynolds, C. J., & Craig-Rodriguez, A. (2021). APRNs’ controlled substance prescribing and readiness following Florida legislative changes. The Nurse Practitioner, 46(6), 48-55.

solved Discussion 1:Margaret is a 40-year-old white female in for her

Discussion 1:Margaret is a 40-year-old white female in for her annual examination. She states she has been under increased stress in her life for the past few months. She and her husband are currently separated and considering divorce. Her teenaged sons are acting out and she is working extra hours to make ends meet. Secondary to the increased stress she has started smoking again, “about a pack per day” and states “I know that I am not eating right.”Margaret has been on the “pill” for almost 20 years and has always liked the method. She states the she has heard that smoking and taking the pill are not good, and she is worried about that. “I really do not need birth control since I am separated but just in case I probably need something.” She states that she has been in a mutually monogamous relationship (as far as she knows) since her marriage 18 years ago. She denies a new partner since her separation. Menarche was at 11 years, her cycles when on the pill are regular and very light. Her menstrual period should start tomorrow as she just finished her active pills. She denies a personal history of abnormal Pap smears, gynecological issues, hypertension (HTN), or diabetes. She is G2P2002, and her pregnancies were full term and uncomplicated at ages 24 and 26. Family history is significant for both parents with HTN and mom has type 2 diabetes. Her paternal grandfather died at age 64 years from type 2 diabetes, HTN, and coronary artery disease. Her other grandparents died in their late 70s early 80s and she is unaware of any medical issues.Assessment:Margaret’s examination finds her height 5’5″, weight 172 lb (up 10 lb. from last year), current body mass index (BMI 28.6), and blood pressure (BP) 148/88. Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) are grossly within normal limits (WNL). No thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy. Heart rate is regular and rhythm is without murmurs, thrills, or rubs. Lungs are clear to auscultation in all lobes. Breasts are without masses, nipple discharge, asymmetry, or lymphadenopathy; self breast examination techniques and frequency reviewed during examination. Abdomen is soft, nontender, with no masses or hepatosplenomegaly; bowel sounds present in all four quadrants. Pelvic examination reveals normal vulva and negative Bartholin’s and Skene’s glands; vagina is pink, rugated, with minimal white nonodorous discharge; cervix is pink, multiparous os. Pap smear collected during speculum examination was normal. Bimanual examination reveals a retoverted, firm, mobile, nonenlarged, nontender uterus with negative cervical motion tenderness; adnexa nontender; and ovaries palpable bilaterally, mobile, without masses. Lower extremities were without edema or varicosities.1. What options are appropriate for this patient?2. What contraceptive options are contraindicated?3. What type of patient education is indicated?4. Given that she has a normal pelvic exam, does that change would that influence your decision. APA , at least 2 peer-reviewed artciles.

solved MANAGING GROUPS AND TEAMSCommunication ClimateCommunication is the grease which makes

MANAGING GROUPS AND TEAMSCommunication ClimateCommunication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoothly, and by extension, directly affects the effectiveness of the organization itself. Communication climate refers to the mood or tone of interpersonal communications and determines in great part how people feel about each other and how they carry out their work activities. Thus, communication climate has a great deal of influence over the organizational climate or general atmosphere of the work environment. Read the following blog about what it is like to work in a defensive climate:Dukes, A.J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from you can see from this blog entry, defensive climates create a situation where employees do not raise work concerns or communicate their needs. They are careful about what they say and guard their opinions. Frequently they exhibit low motivation.Supportive climates, on the other hand, encourage employee participation and engagement, an open exchange of information, and constructive conflict. Employees who work in supportive environments often exhibit greater organizational commitment, an attitude cited as highly desirable in Module 1. The Communication Climate Inventory was developed as a means of measuring the degree of supportiveness and defensiveness in an organization. For this SLP, take the inventory and score your organization’s communication climate using the scale below. Take the Communication Climate Inventory.Defensive ScoreSupportive ScoreSLP AssignmentCompose a 2- to 3-page blog like the one you read for this SLP, describing the climate in your organization, department, or team. Do not use the actual name of the organization – you can make up a pseudonym. Include the following in your description:Is the climate supportive or defensive? Does this align with the results of your Communication Climate Inventory? Attach your Inventory results as an appendix. (Note: This appendix requirement will likely increase your paper’s Turnitin similarity score; your professor is aware of this.)How does the communication climate affect motivation and organizational/team commitment?How could you improve the communication climate in your organization, department, or team?What communication skills would you like to learn or improve on in order to create a supportive communication climate?Be sure to support your analysis with concepts and principles introduced in the background readings on communication as well as conflict and teams (if appropriate). You may also incorporate outside research to supplement the background material. Cite all sources properly.SLP Assignment ExpectationsYour paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the SLP rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.

solved Unit VI Case Study Instructions Cookie Creations (Continued) Part I

Unit VI Case Study

Cookie Creations (Continued)
Part I
Natalie is struggling to keep up with the recording of her accounting transactions. She is spending a lot of time marketing and selling mixers and giving her cookie classes. Her friend John is an accounting student who runs his own accounting service. He has asked Natalie if she would like to have him do her accounting.
John and Natalie meet and discuss her business. John suggests that he do the tasks listed below for Natalie.

Hold cash until there is enough to be deposited. (He would keep the cash locked up in his vehicle). He would also take all of the deposits to the bank at least twice a month.
Write and sign all of the checks.
Record all of the deposits in the accounting records.
Record all of the checks in the accounting records.
Prepare the monthly bank reconciliation.
Transfer all of Natalie’s manual accounting records to his computer accounting program. (John would maintain all of the accounting information that he keeps for his clients on his laptop computer.)
Prepare monthly financial statements for Natalie to review.
Write himself a check every month for the work he has done for Natalie.

For Part I of the assignment, identify the weaknesses in internal control that you see in the system that John is recommending. Can you suggest any improvements if Natalie hires John to do the accounting?
Part I should be a minimum of two pages in length. Please use APA format. While there are no required resources, please be sure that any sources used have proper citations.
Part II
Natalie decides that she cannot afford to hire John to do her accounting. One way that she can ensure that her cash account does not have any errors and is accurate and up-to-date is to prepare a bank reconciliation at the end of each month. Natalie would like you to help her. She asks you to prepare a bank reconciliation for June 2020 using the information below.

Additionally, take the following information into account.

On June 30th, there were two outstanding checks: #595 for $238 and #604 for $297.
Premier Bank made a posting error to the bank statement: Check #603 was issued for $425, not $452.
The deposit made on June 20 was for $125, which Natalie received for teaching a class. Natalie made an error in recording this transaction.
The electronic funds transfer (EFT) was for Natalie’s cell phone use. Remember that she uses this phone only for business.
The NSF check was from Ron Black. Natalie received this check for teaching a class to Ron’s children. Natalie contacted Ron, and he assured her that she will receive a check in the mail for the outstanding amount of the invoice and the NSF bank charge.

For Part II of the assignment, complete the tasks below.

Prepare Cookie Creations’ bank reconciliation for June 30.
Prepare any necessary adjusting entries at June 30.
If a balance sheet is prepared for Cookie Creations at June 30, what balance will be reported as cash in the Current Assets section?


solved It has been argued that America is “oversexed” but at

It has been argued that America is “oversexed” but at the same time under-educated about it. Discuss in what ways this may or may not be true. Let’s think critically about this topic because it is debatable… in addition to the chapter, please feel free to do some of your research and share your findings.Contemplate and share your perceptions regarding the following questions: Is sex everywhere in American society? Please provide support and examples for your position from the chapter, personal experience/observations, and other credible research you may include. If you answered yes to the above statement, what could potentially be the impetus for this based on the chapter readings, your views, and observations? If not, what are your reasons for this conclusion?How does this impact us as individuals, couples, and families? This then ties in with the topic of sex education in America …From your own experience and what we have learned in class from chapter 4, “Our Sexual Selves”:How do you think America is doing as a country concerning educating ourselves and future generations about sex? Thinking about how you learned about sex—what role did your parents play, your peers, your school, even media? Would you have wanted anything done differently and if so, what?Finally, our text addresses the topic of sexual responsibility, and based on the definition provided, what does that mean to you and how can our society promote and encourage sexual responsibility in how we teach and address sexuality?Remember to explain and support your views with not only an opinion but also using information from the chapter (this is always critical to your work) along with other credible sources if you wish.Submit your discussion posts using the reply arrow below. Be sure to share complete thoughts, examples, and answer the questions above in a way that promotes further discussion with each other.Please feel free to present in the first person. Do NOT post in a Q&A format: question/answer. Your may use subject headers or bullet point to organize your thoughts. keep in mind that your post must be presented in essay format. Follow the expectations for class discussions as addressed in Module 0.As always remember to:Review your work before submitting because once you post, you cannot go back and edit (see Module 0 concerning this policy).Integrate course material from chapter 4 into your post in addition to your personal views and/or experiences.Post to at least four others in the discussion. Remember you can also include a response to another student’s feedback to your post as one of your peer responses in addition to responding directly to another student’s post.Be sure to always properly cite in APA any sources used within your post and provide a reference list at the end.Keep in mind: Your original post to this prompt is worth up to 10 points and your 4 peer responses are worth up to 4 points (1 point each). This makes the total points for this discussion worth 14 points.

solved This is a graded discussion: 30 points possibledue Apr 19Has

This is a graded discussion: 30 points possibledue Apr 19Has a Story Ever Changed You? 2727 unread replies.2727 replies.A good story can change a personit can provide emotional release, make someone feel less lonely, and (as the previous article outlined), even change behaviorwhen has a story affected you?For this discussion, write about a story you heard (or a movie you saw, or a play you saw, or a book you read) that deeply affected the way you felt or thought. Maybe you saw a documentary or public service message (like the “Ben” story in the previous article,) or maybe you saw a really good movie or TV show that changed how you think. Maybe someone told you something important that happened to them. However the story was delivered, write about the story you heard or saw, and talk about the change it made in you. When you have finished your post, please reply to at least two others.An example:”When I was fifteen years old, my English teacher took our class on a field trip to see a play called “The Elephant Man.” It was based on a true story, about a guy in the 1800s Joseph Merrick (Links to an external site.), who was born with a disease that made huge lumps and bumps form all over his head. He became a sideshow freak, but later, through the efforts of a doctor who rescued him, he also became the darling of Victorian society. He was never cured of his affliction–there was no cure–but he had a few years of being treated like a normal person.The play was really sad, but also uplifting, because the Elephant Man was portrayed as a beautiful soul, residing in a deformed body. The play did this, by having the actor playing the Elephant Man not wear any make up or prosthetics to make him look deformed. Instead, the other characters around him just treated him like a freak and a monster. The audience never “saw” the grotesque deformities of the Elephant Man. We were left to imagine them. Meanwhile, this beautiful actor portrayed a sensitive, responsive, yearning human being.I was deeply affected by the play. I cried a lot and thought about it for weeks afterwards. It really brought home the message that all human souls are beautiful no matter what body they are born in. But it also gave me a hunger to write a story that would affect people as profoundly as “The Elephant Man” did me. So shortly after that, I wrote my first script, and decided to devote my life to the theater.”Your post should be at least 200 words, and use complete sentences, specific examples and details. whenever possible. Your replies should be at least three sentences and specifically address the post made by your classmates For a rubric, press the “three dots” at the top of this assignment to see how you will be graded.Complete assignment by 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Late assignments will lose points. Assignments more than a week late will not be accepted unless you ask for an extension. For Canvas tech support, please click the HELP button in the blue menu to the left of this assignment.