solved Read this & answer the question: I have bad news

Read this & answer the question: I have bad news for you, for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight.Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice for his fellow human beings, and he died because of that effort.In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black–considering the evidence there evidently is that there were white people who were responsible–you can be filled with bitterness, with hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization–black people amongst black, white people amongst white, filled with hatred toward one another.Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend, and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love.For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and distrust at the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I can only say that I feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to go beyond these rather difficult times.My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He wrote: “In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black.So I shall ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King, that’s true, but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love–a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke.We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times; we’ve had difficult times in the past; we will have difficult times in the future. It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; it is not the end of disorder.But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together, want to improve the quality of our life, and want justice for all human beings who abide in our land.Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people.QUESTION: What makes this speech an effective/ineffective eulogy?

solved Start off by looking at the development of national states

Start off by looking at the development of national states in Europe, a development that took place over several centuries (from the 13th to the 17th). You may notice that the Renaissance and the Reformation both occurred within this lengthy period. Both played a role in the development of national states as you will see. We will look primarily at the development of Spain, France and England into national states and the failure of the Holy Roman Empire (not holy, not Roman, and not an empire, as is often said) to unify Germany. The Holy Roman Empire was a union of many central European states including the German principalities. Germany would not unify until well into the 19th Century. The notion of all these national states following unification was to expand. That brings us to the Age of Exploration whose primary goal was to establish trade with India and China. As you know, Christopher Columbus set out to establish trade with these European countries only to “discover” the Americas. Of course, there were tens of millions of people already there, but European explorers managed to decimate that population with one writer summarizes as “guns, germs, and steel.” The problem then for the Europeans who settled in the Americas was to find a source of labor, which brought about the importation of Africans, who were deemed slaves by the Europeans and forced to work the various plantations that emerged following European settlement. Intermingled with these developments, was the emergence of mercantile (or state) capitalism, which is defined in the text and in the slides assigned for this week. This is a very simplified explanation of what occurred and the primary goal this week is for us to arrive at a better understanding of these processes. According to Marvin Perry, the author of our textbook, one small part of the world (Western Europe), rose to “become the lord of the sea-lanes, the master of many lands throughout the globe, and the banker and profit maker in an emerging world economy.” (Perry, 229) First, describe some of the ways in which Western European countries achieved what Perry describes as “global hegemony,” or predominance. Then assess some of the effects Western Europe’s overseas expansion had on native populations in the Americas and in Africa. Must be 250 words or more.Both Bartolome de las Casas and Malachy Postlethwaite had strong opinions on what was “good” for native populations. In de las Casas’s case, he is ostensibly defending the “Indians” of the Americas. In his document, Postlethwaite is justifying enslaving native Africans by stating that their lives as slaves will be an improvement over their lives in Africa. Read both primary documents and then choose one to analyze. In the document you choose, how does the author characterize the native population he is talking about? What prejudices and assumptions of his own does he bring to bear in his writing? Must be 250 words or more.Reference: Western Civilization A Brief History, vol. II Since 1600. Eleventh Edition

solved It has been demonstrated to this point in the course

It has been demonstrated to this point in the course that the task of comparative criminal justice is to compare and contrast our ways of responding to crime with those practiced globally. This often involves trying to learn from what is done in other places.
In an upcoming discussion, you will explore how issues in the United States criminal justice system can have a global impact. Because of the potential for that to happen, the United Nations has an interest in what happens here and will look for answers when there are problems. For this final major assignment, you are tasked with creating a policy and procedure report for the Department of Justice in response to a UN inquiry into recent unrest related the to United States criminal justice system.
For the purpose of this assignment, assume the UN has requested information about how the United States will overhaul the criminal justice system to prevent the recent issues from becoming more prevalent and further spreading to other countries. Taking what you have learned from being exposed to criminal justice systems in other countries into account, your report should include some best practices based on that global exposure.
First, read the following:
van Steden, R. (2020). Governing through care: A qualitative assessment of team play between police and nurses for people with mental illness. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 68. (Links to an external site.)
Policies and Resolutions (Links to an external site.). (2019). Corrections Today, 81(3), 56–72.
O’Connor, C. D., & Shon, P. C. (2019). Civilising the police: reconceptualizing the role of the state in theories of American policing. Global Crime, 20(1), 45–64. (Links to an external site.)

Then, watch the following videos:

This video explores how an international criminal justice system has evolved over time (12:23)

This video addresses challenged faced by international criminal justice systems (3:39)

Finally, you can explore the following optional resources if you choose to:

This Today (2020) – Policing in Other Climes: A Comparative Analysis (Links to an external site.) 

Where Incarceration Isn’t the Answer…  (Links to an external site.)
Robert Moore (2020) – Preserve “not proven” and reform Scotland’s Jury System (Links to an external site.)

Create a report in response to the UN addressing the following: 

the social, cultural, and economic variables which contribute to the variation of crime problems across nations;
the structure and function of the criminal justice systems in other countries;
the development an appreciation of various dilemmas confronting criminal justice systems worldwide;
the methods, procedures, and theories employed by other countries compared to the American Criminal Justice system.
Limit your response to 5-7 pages. Upload your submission in a Word document or PDF.

solved To use critical thinking skills to apply course concepts to

To use critical thinking skills to apply course concepts to a scenario involving circumstances governed by Miranda v. Arizona (1966).

Reply to the topic below. Then, reply to 2 classmates.
Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. 
Proper grammar, punctuation, and APA citation are required.
Discuss your answers in a well-developed reply. See the rubric for clarification of expectations.
You will see your classmates’ responses only after you have submitted your initial reply.
Click “Reply” below to begin.

Your initial post is due by Thursday 11:59 pm before the assignment deadline.
Two replies are due by due date.
Discussion Board Prompt: 
Complete the following steps:

Review the online learning content and your textbook readings. You will want to conduct outside research as well, drawing on academic sources to support your points. 

You be the judge! Using the knowledge you have gained from this module’s content and textbooks readings, write an analysis of the legal issues surrounding the police conduct and make sure it is relative to the admissibility of the following confession(s). You may also research outside of the provided materials and are encouraged to do so. Cite your work and explain your reasoning as if this were a real court issue. Support your analysis with academic sources and case law.  Be sure to also address the following question: What is the potential outcome from the suppression hearing? Give at least two examples of evidence in this case.
John and Jimmy Jones were suspected of a armed robbery of a liquor store on Fifth Avenue during which the owner was shot and killed. They were brought into the police station in separate cars. Officer Smith informed John Jones of his Miranda rights on the way to the police station. John told the officer he was not sure if he wanted to say anything.
Jimmy Jones was not informed of his Miranda rights by the transport officer, Officer Banks.  Banks and Jimmy talked about several things in the car on the way to the station. Banks did not ask Jimmy any questions during this conversation, but tried to keep the conversation friendly. During the ride to the station, Jimmy blurted out, “We didn’t mean to hurt anybody.” Officer Banks did not probe further, but recorded the information in a police report later.
Upon arrival at the police station, the Jones brothers were placed in separate rooms.
Jimmy was left in an interview room and later invoked his rights with Detective Fitzpatrick. 
Officer Smith sat in the room with John and said nothing to him. After 20 minutes, Detective Fitzpatrick opened the door to the interrogation room and said to Officer Smith, “Jimmy told me everything,” which was a lie, and then left. Officer Smith turned to Jimmy and said, “We do not need anything from you now. Talk to me if you want because we got the goods on you. It sounds like your brother put the whole thing on you.” John gave a full confession. A motion to suppress was brought in court by his attorney.

solved Applied Research Project This project is designed to provide you

Applied Research Project This project is designed to provide you with on the job training. You will be asked to develop a scoping and evaluation design paper for a program. You will conduct the scoping activities but will only propose the evaluation; you are not expected to conduct the actual evaluation itself.Scoping out the valuation entails collecting information on the program through interviews with key contacts (decision-makers, staff, etc.) on current information needs, and conducting a synthesis of past related research and evaluation studies. With the focus of the evaluation identified, the project will then involve laying out an evaluation design, data collection plan, analysis plan, and briefing and presentation plan. The design should be developed with clear awareness of the political aspects of the situation and tailored to the needs of the agency leadership. Strategies for encouraging the use of the resulting evaluation findings also should be discussed.The suggested outline for the paper is as follows:Executive SummaryBackground: Description of the scoping activities, including brief description of the program, the individuals interviewed; synthesis of past research and evaluation findings; inclusion of relevant literature on the program.Research Questions:The issues that have been identified and the specific questions that appear most appropriate to address now.Proposed Research Design: a brief summary of the design (s) to be taken, including the concepts and variables, the theory underlying the policy/program, etc. An evaluation model of the program/policy must be developed and presented.Proposed Data Collection Plan: The sources of data available, measures, data collection methods, sampling procedures; also should include concerns re: validity, reliability, and overall quality of data.Proposed Data Analysis Plan: Proposed analytic strategies.Proposed Presentation and Utilization Plan: Strategies for presenting the results to key stakeholders and decision-makers and strategies for facilitating utilization.Potential Problems and Fall-back Strategies: Identify the potential problems that may arise in conducting the evaluation and the strategies that will be used to either avoid the problem or deal with its occurrence.Proposed Budget, Budget narrative, and Work plan (Budgetary estimates may range from specific to general depending upon the complexity of the proposed project).ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED RESOURCESBooksScriven, M. (1991). Evaluation Thesaurus. Sage.Weiss, C. (1998). Evaluation (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.JournalsNew Directions in Evaluation American Journal of EvaluationAdvances in Program EvaluationAssociationsAmerican Evaluation Association http://www.eval.orgAmerican Educational Research Association http://www.aera.netWeb SitesAmerican Evaluation Association http://www.eval.orgPenn State Program Evaluation USDA: http://www.reeusda.govEvaluation related websites: p 515-518 in Fitzpatrick et. al.

solved Here is the comment I received on the last assignment:You’ve

Here is the comment I received on the last assignment:You’ve done a very nice job of organizing your response. I’m going to provide some detailed feedback below, but keep in mind that the point of these assignments (especially the early ones) is for you to try out a type of analysis and writing that’s new to you. I do not expect you to have mastered it right off the bat. The point is for you to have a go at it and then for me to provide feedback that you can use in the next assignment.You did a really nice job of inhabiting the assigned role and keeping your audience in mind. Your tone and writing style were just right. For the next assignment, there’s no need to include citations. They usually wouldn’t be used in a memo of this sort. Or, if they were, they’d be to materials that are specific to the jurisdiction. For teaching purposes, in this course we use materials from multiple jurisdictions. It would be odd to cite these materials in a real-word setting, though. For the next assignment, you might work on being more specific about the risks you are working with your audience to manage. E.g., “the hospital could be held liable for breaching a duty to the patient by failing to implement reasonable rules and policies to protect her safety. The damages could be quite high if the fetus does not survive.”One way to approach these assignments is to think in terms of what value you can provide for your audience based on the material and skills you’re learning in the MLS program generally (e.g., compliance principles and skills, basic tort law concepts) and this course in particular (e.g., the elements of negligence and how the standard of care is assessed for the purposes of the breach element for a tort claim against a hospital).The main thing I’m looking for in these assignments is how you apply your knowledge of the relevant material from the course to the fact pattern in the assignment. You did a really nice job of this for your first assignment. For the next one, I think you can do even better! One way to check over your work before submitting an assignment is to scan your draft for key terms that you’ve learned in the course. If you’ve written a paragraph or two without using any key terms related to health care law (e.g. for Assignment 1, the most important terms include: “liability,” “breach,” “standard of care,” and “informed consent”) and/or compliance (e.g., for Assignment 1, the key terms were “written policies and procedures,” and “training”) there’s a good chance you’re missing something. In some cases, you used terms that were close to the key terms (e.g., you wrote a lot about the importance of “informed decisions” and the importance of respecting the patient’s autonomy, but you didn’t explain that ensuring the patient gives “informed consent” to forgo continuous monitoring, after being informed about the risks and benefits, could help protect the hospital from liability for negligence and the physicians and nurses from malpractice liability if there’s a bad outcome.

solved PROMPT #1: Miss Representation What are your general thoughts/reactions to

PROMPT #1: Miss Representation What are your general thoughts/reactions to the documentary “Miss Representation”? How does this documentary illustrate some of the implications of gender socialization and social inequality in society? In your post please draw specific connections between this documentary and at least TWO readings/other materials/concepts from this module.PROMPT #2: “Unnecessarily Gendered”All of us in contemporary American society live under the influence of a consumer-based capitalist economic structure. A main goal of contemporary capitalism is to get us to BUY THINGS. To do so, corporations often rely heavily on traditional gender socialization (so, cissex, cisgender, and heteronormative stereotypes) to market products and services to us. We are, quite literally, bombarded with these images and messages all the time in everyday life. In turn, these stereotypes and the problematic aspects of binary categorization of the human condition become reinforced in the culture at large, as we consume products and images as part of our socialization – how we learn about who we should/shouldn’t be, act, feel, look, etc. in our culture.Your task this week, for this prompt/activity, is to find an example from your everyday life of a product that is “unnecessarily gendered.” Take a picture of your example, post it here, and provide a short explanation with your image of how this product has been marketed/created in such a way that includes and (unnecessarily) reinforces problematic gender stereotypes. What stereotypes does the marketing exploit? What are the larger implications of this? How could this product be marketed differently/better?Here is one example to consider:Ellen Clip – Bic Pens for Women: Notes:An example “from your everyday life” means something you observe this week in your actual environment as you go about daily life. So, for example, screenshots of products from the internet will not count. You need to post an original photo of your example.Your initial post here may be later than Wednesday, but please don’t wait until the last minute to share your find so we still have time to develop a discussion around your shared examples this week. :-)3.EXTRA CREDIT REPORT OUT (optional prompt):Did you take advantage of the extra credit opportunity this week? Tell us about your thoughts, reactions, main takeaway points from the film here. How does it add to your knowledge in this module?Article by Lorber. ( Post: “Essentialism: It Is What It Is”. ( this extra credit assignment, you will watch the documentary “The Mask You Live In.” You can stream this documentary via the Kanopy streaming service through your UNH library account (

solved Format: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, written in 12-point font, with margins

Format: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, written in 12-point font, with margins between 1” and 1.25”. Please save and upload your document in Word or PDF format.Document Analysis:Assignment:Book:…Your task is to spend approximately 3-5 pages conducting a scholarly analysis of a primary source assigned for this class.Select one (1) primary source from our class readings. By the due date for this assignment (October 28), you should have read twenty-two (22) documents from the Cowans primary source reader (Early Modern Spain: A Documentary History), as well as the records from two Inquisitorial tribunals printed in Inquisitorial Inquiries (posted to Canvas for the Week 4 reading for October 19). Conduct a thorough, scholarly analysis of your chosen document. Your analysis should consider many, if not all, of the following questions:What is the document’s date of composition? In what form has it come down to us? In other words, is the modern printed and translated edition you are working with a transcription of the original document, or was the document copied, redacted, and transmitted numerous times during the early modern or modern eras?Who is the author (if known)? What might that tell us about the composition of the document?What kind of source is the document? Is it a historical chronicle? Is it a surrender treaty? Is it a work of theology? Is it a record from a court case? Is it a work of poetry? It is not always wise to assign the label of just one genre to a pre-modern source, as pre-modern people did not think about genre in the same ways we do. Therefore, be flexible and capacious in ascribing a genre (or multiple genres) to your document. Your document could fit more than one genre, and if it does you should note that.What do you believe the author of your document intended to do in composing this source? What was the objective, or aim? How does your document go about achieving that goal?Who might the intended audience have been? How can you discern who the author hoped would read this source?What can the content of your document reveal to modern scholars about the society in which it was produced? Along related lines, what are the pitfalls in relying too heavily on your chosen document? In other words, what are aspects of society that it might not be able to reveal to us?In addition to analyzing the content and language of your document, you might also want to consider the silences of your document. Those, too, can be illuminating. Where is your document notably silent? What are aspects of its subject matter that it ignores or does not engage? What might those silences reveal to us as modern scholars?Note: the list of questions I have included here is meant to guide you as you develop your analysis, but the list is not meant to be exhaustive or restrictive. You should certainly examine facets of your chosen document that are not covered in this list of questions, if you feel that your analysis would benefit from that.

solved ENGL 2130: American Literature Research Essay Assignment According to the

ENGL 2130: American Literature
Research Essay Assignment According to the Student Learning Outcomes for this course, students are required to
demonstrate the ability to produce an MLA Style research project or portfolio. For this class,
students are required to produce an 8 – 10-page Literary Research Essay, utilizing at least 4 – 5
sources found in the MLA International Bibliography, which deals with one of the works
covered in the course. (Either of the course textbooks, may be used as a primary source in
addition to the required 4 – 5 secondary sources.)
1. Instructions: Analyze and interpret a thought-provoking theme, character, passage, or
concept found in the literary piece from this semester that you have selected to research.
Develop an argument/thesis. Be specific. Do not simply summarize or restate ideas covered in
critical essays, discussions, or otherwise found elsewhere. Rather, use a unique framework for
developing your own argument. Support your argument with relevant textual evidence (in the
form of short quotes) from the essay. 2. Mandatory requirements: The Research Essay must have a clear thesis statement in its initial
paragraph. This thesis statement should express an arguable proposition.
Weak: “Oedipus Rex is a literary work filled with irony.”
Yes, indeed. However, there is not much debate possible here. It states the obvious in a vague
fashion. This is not a passable thesis statement.
Strong: “Sophocles uses irony in Oedipus Rex to serve the larger message of the play: Fate is
inescapable, and there is ultimately no free will.”
This is a much more substantial purpose / thesis statement. There is original analysis present
here, with a clearly stated thesis that makes the reader wonder how this stance will be proven. 3. Sources: At least 4 – 5 sources must be utilized to support the unique thesis of each Research
Essay. These sources must come from peer-reviewed journal articles found in the MLA
International Bibliography (literature and language). Students should access the MLA
International Bibliography through the EGSC Library web page. (From the “ Homepage,”
select the “Academics” tab and “Library.” From the Library page, use the “GALILEO” box in the
center of the page, select “Browse Databases by Category” and scroll down to “Literature,
Language, and Literary Criticism.” From here, select “Literature and Literary Criticism.” From
the list that follows, select “MLA International Bibliography (literature and language).” This last
choice will land on a search tool known as “EBSCO Host,” which is the tool that will search the
MLA Bibliography for articles to be used as sources for your research essay. Be sure to check
the box for “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” and “Linked Full Text.” Selecting “Find any of
my search terms” will yield the most results. You may want to experiment with the other
“Search Modes” to determine which one will yield the best results for your search.

solved 2 PAGES APA 7th Edition- Must use the sources provided

2 PAGES APA 7th Edition- Must use the sources provided only
Furrow, et al. (2018). Health law: Cases, materials, and problems (8th ed.). St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.Chapter 2, “Quality Control Regulation: Licensing Health Care” (pp. 33-76)
Burgess, J. F., & Hockenberry, J. M. (2014). Can all cause readmission policy improve quality or lower expenditures? A historical perspective on current initiatives. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 9(2), 193–213.
Heim, B. T., Hunter, G., Lurie, I. Z., & Ramnath, S. P. (2015). The impact of the ACA on premiums: Evidence from the self-employed [PDF]. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 40(5), 1061–1085.
Dr. Stein is a cardiologist who started working for your hospital about 7 years ago. Several patients have commended Dr. Stein’s work and have indicated their pleasure and happiness to have him on board as one of their doctors. He has indeed delivered exemplary care, however, whenever new policies or changes to routine procedures are implemented, you can always count on Dr. Stein to stir up trouble. In fact, when a major hospital-wide initiative was implemented to reduce patient risk and enhance patient safety, Dr. Stein dramatically opposed the new initiative and stated that as a physician, he should only be concerned about treating the main concern and health presentation of the patient, and that the other staff assisting him, such as nurses, should be responsible for patient safety. He repeatedly stated that he had too much to do and should not be concerned with whether a patient falls or slips.
Not surprisingly and although somewhat problematic, within the past year, you have noticed that Dr. Stein has only recorded visiting and practicing hours at your hospital without any indication that he has privileges elsewhere. A new initiative that has just been passed by the board will require all physicians to complete patient safety training and you already know that Dr. Stein will challenge the request for mandatory training. You schedule a meeting to meet with Dr. Stein to discuss the implications of this training and indeed, at the meeting, he rejects the training and states that such needless and useless training is a waste of time and that he needs to see his patients. You have warned him that stating such resistance is problematic and is not conducive to a healthy culture at the organization. You also mention that such resistance could mean that his privileges at your hospital might be revoked.
The next day you are alarmed to discover that Dr. Stein has threatened litigation at your threat to revoke his privileges and his lawyer is here to serve additional papers in preparation for Dr. Stein’s suit.
Post an explanation of your approach as a current or future healthcare administration leader on what necessary steps you might implement to manage this situation considering the best interests of the hospital, medical staff, and patient population. Explain your rationale and implications of your decision(s).