solved Assessment 4 Instructions: Data Mapping and Final DMGPCreate a data

Assessment 4 Instructions: Data Mapping and Final DMGPCreate a data map that depicts enterprise architecture, data integration, and use of multiple data sources. Write a final data management and governance plan (4-5 pages) that enables a health care organization to manage and govern its data, along with a 1-page executive summary.Data mapping processes are vital for health care organizations to do all of the following: Determine organizational data needs.Identify how data interacts within multiple sources.Maintain data integrity.Data maps are a road map to data collection, retrieval, and storage. They support data quality, integration, strategy, process improvement for patient outcomes, and business intelligence practices. Business intelligence, the practice that uses tools to analyze data for reporting, begins by identifying data sources. Ultimately, good business intelligence depends on good data and clearly defined mechanisms that spell out how data from one system maps to another. Working with multiple data sources or systems is often challenging for health care organizations. IT departments in the health care industry are responsible for making sure an infrastructure is in place to support multi-source integration and systems communications. As you are the Privacy and Security Manager for Independence Medical Center, your boss, the CIO, has asked you to construct a data map for the organization. This data map needs to take into account relevant data management and governance best practices for data retrieval and storage. After creating your data map, you will also compile a final data management and governance plan (DMGP), including a one-page executive summary. Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 3: Analyze the impacts of data warehousing.Describe data warehousing and its importance in enterprise architecture.Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a data warehouse.Competency 4: Analyze effects of database design and architecture in integrating and using various data sources.Create a data map demonstrating enterprise architecture, data integration, and use of multiple data sets.Explain architecture’s influence on data-sharing and reporting tasks.Communicate professionally in a health care environment.Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. PreparationTo successfully complete this assessment, you will need to revisit the work you did in your first three assessments:Assessment 1: You wrote a recommendation to create a DMGP framework for Independence Medical Center. You also created a diagram to visually represent your proposed framework.Assessment 2: You defined data elements and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration in an Excel spreadsheet. You also wrote a data discovery report that identified the data quality issues Independence Medical Center was experiencing and recommended strategies for addressing and preventing them from occurring in the future.Assessment 3: You created a data integration strategy map that illustrated a strategic framework, accountability, and quality and control mechanisms. You also wrote a workplace brief to accompany the strategy map that provided a data integration strategy for Independence Medical Center. You will be incorporating elements from each of these three assessments into this final assessment. You will not simply copy and paste your first three assessments to create this one. Instead, you will need to selectively decide which elements from the first three assessments to incorporate into this one. You will be condensing the most critical information to carry forward.InstructionsFor this assessment, you are preparing for a meeting with your boss, the CIO. He appreciates all of the work you have done to date. He is now asking you to compile all of your previous findings into a final data governance and management plan (DMGP). He has also asked you to prepare a one-page executive summary that concisely highlights Independence Medical Center’s background information, identified problems, recommendations, and conclusions.You realize that as part of your DMGP, you also need to create a data map to illustrate Independence Medical Center’s data sources, collection points, and storage systems. Your data map will serve as the prototype for the ongoing definition of organizational data needs and data integrity requirements.This assessment consists of these three parts: Data map.Final data management and governance plan (DMGP).Executive summary.As a best practice, please complete these three parts in the order listed above. Note: Typically reviewers read the executive summary before reading the final DMGP. However, typically writers prepare the DMGP first. Once they have prepared the longer plan, they cull information from it to prepare the executive summary. That is why the sequence listed above is the recommended order for you to complete the three parts to this assessment. Part 1: Data MapCreate a data map that depicts enterprise architecture, data integration, and use of multiple data sources.Be sure that your data map shows how the various systems match to each other and how they exchange patient information. Use the information from your data discovery report and Independence Medical Center’s core data set (Assessment 2) and your data integration strategy map (Assessment 3) to create Independence Medical Center’s model data map.You may use any tool (Excel, Word, Visio, PowerPoint, et cetera) you wish to create your data map.Part 2: Final Data Management and Governance Plan (DMGP) In your 4–5 page final data management and governance plan, be sure to address all of the following headings and answer all of the questions underneath each heading:Data Management and Governance Framework (1/2 page).What are the three or four most important takeaways you want the CIO to remember about the:DMGP structure you are recommending Independence Medical Center adopt?Specific ways the DMGP structure will help Independence Medical Center manage and govern data from multiple sources? Note: Assessment 1 is the source of this information. Data Discovery (1/2 page).What are Independence Medical Center’s three or four major data quality and data formatting issues you uncovered?Which two or three of your recommendations will have the most impact on addressing Independence Medical Center’s data quality and data formatting issues? Note: Assessment 2 is the source of this information. Data Integration (1 1/2 pages including your data integration strategy map).What are Independence Medical Center’s two to three most significant data quality and integration issues that influence database design and architecture?What are the most salient points about your integration strategy that you want the CIO to remember?Note: Assessment 3 is the source of this information.Data Map Narrative (2 pages).Be sure the narrative accompanying your data map answers these questions: What is data warehousing? Why is it important in enterprise architecture?What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a data warehouse? What is data architecture’s influence on internal and external data-sharing and reporting tasks?Include your data integration strategy map with your narrative.Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs). What are the two or three most critical points you want the CIO to remember about Independence Medical Center’s final DMGP?Part 3: Executive SummaryIn your 1–2 page executive summary (preferably one page), summarize the most critical issues covered in your final DMGP. In shorthand fashion, break your summary down into three main parts:Background information about Independence Medical Center, including how its DMGP can help the Center achieve its strategic priorities.Data quality and integration issues uncovered during this course-long investigation.Recommendations and conclusions.Additional RequirementsLength: Data map; 4–5 page final DMGP; 1 page executive summary.Format: Times Roman, 12 point type. APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate References page. Writing: Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Resources: Data MappingHealth Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.Consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.Three Levels of Data Modeling | Transcript.Resources: Master Patient DataDooling, J. A., & Downing, K. (2014). Ensuring data integrity through a clean master patient index. Journal of AHIMA, 85(3), 46–47.Just, B. H., Marc, D., Munns, M., & Sandefer, R. (2016, Spring). Why patient matching is a challenge: Research on master patient index (MPI) data discrepancies in key identifying fields. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 1–20.Nelson, M. L. (2015). The “keys” to help solve patient data matching. Journal of AHIMA, 86(8), 28–30.Tools and Methods of Mapping Master Data | Transcript.Resources: Data-Driven ApproachDooling, J. A., Houser, S. H., Mikaelian, R., & Smith, C. P. (2016). Transitioning to a data-driven, informatics-oriented department. Journal of AHIMA, 87(10), 58–62.

solved Would You Hire This Man?Instructions:After reading the partial transcript of

Would You Hire This Man?Instructions:After reading the partial transcript of an actual interview in the Documents section, write a three page response addressing whether you would hire this individual for a sales position in your company. As you write your paper note the strengths and weaknesses of both the interviewer and the interviewee.Partial Transcript of an Actual InterviewInterviewer: You indicate that you have an interest in marketing. As I see it, this is fairly broad – at least as far as B & G practices it we don’t have such a thing as a marketing department. We have a sales department, we have an advertising department, we have a market research department all performing together the marketing function, you might say. Well, I’m wondering if you feel your interest is in one of these fields more than another.Interviewee: Well, I’d say to a large degree it wouldn’t be in marketing research – predominantly sales, possibly advertising. And on that note, I notice that in your brochures there was sort of an overlap, whereas the advertising trainee did go into sales for a while. I’d say probably less interested in marketing research.Interviewer: Okay, we’ll strike that. So, primarily sales, secondarily advertising of brand management. But, why sales, Andy?Interviewee: Well, I’m under the impression – I don’t know how your company works on the incentive system – but I’m under the impression that there is a chance to earn money in sales. And naturally you are meeting people all the time. I like this, I think I’d enjoy it. So, primarily for that reason. I like to travel, I like to get around and do different things, and it was my impression that there would be a little more leeway in sales, whereas [with] something like accounting, there might be a certain routine or coming in and sitting down at a desk and the same problems. I don’t think that would be my cup of tea.Interviewer: Well, you’re not far wrong. Let me get back a little more deeper into sales. Is there some time or some place in your background, Andy, where you’ve demonstrated an ability that you think is transferable to a sales career in the future?Interviewee: Well, I think as a general question, in a way I think everything I have done in the past has contributed to this or confidence that I think I can sell. Although, I’ve had specific jobs in the past, I’ve worked a New England Ski Show for two years and I had a booth there up in Boston, and I sold them.Interviewer: This is a Ski Show?Interviewee: Yes, I toured the country, and when I was a junior in school I needed a little money and I went down there. This was while I was in college in Boston.Interviewer: Okay, I’m sorry to interrupt. What happened then? You were touring the country?Interviewee: No, I wasn’t touring the country; the show was. And I went down there – there was an ad, when I was a junior, in the paper for people that might want to work and I went down there. I sold for about three or four days; it was programs this time and the following year came around and I got another job where I got my own booth down there and I worked for the show selling records. And I figure is I could sell those records, I could sell anything.Interviewer: What were the records?Interviewee: It was, “Let’s Go Skiing,” and originally they were tempted to give it away.Interviewer: What were these – lessons or something?Interviewee: Well, the ski song by some obscure artist, sang this and I guess you were just supposed to buy it on emotion, because they would play the record and I would say “Well, here it is, and it is $2” and I’d give them something free with it and finally they wound up, they had to give a lot of these away because it was just that nobody wanted them.Interviewer: Well, I haven’t heard of the Ski Show. Is this a pretty big thing in Boston?Interviewee: I think it is in the larger cities, I know it was in Chicago earlier this year and it hits five or six cities – I would say New York, Detroit, and Chicago.Interviewer: This is a group of people that tour the country, and what do they do with the show?Interviewee: Well, mainly they are promoting skiing. You’ll find that at each ski show a lot of the area lodges and resort areas will be represented with different booths along with the ski manufacturers, different equipment manufacturers, and it’s quite a thing. I know in Boston for three or five days when I was there, I think they had about 60,000 or 70,000 people coming through, and of course you’re only going to find it in areas where skiing is a major interest.Interviewer: Where do they hold it in Boston?Interviewee: It’s in the Hotel Bradford down there. They had three floors in that and three rooms. And also they have exhibiting there. They have these carpets that move – I don’t know if you have ever seen them – which enable a person to ski and remain safe and never even go back and forth and demonstrate. And they had a few people who were on the Olympic team, and there were also fashion shows – a sporting goods’ manufacturer put on fashion shows – plus entertainment by various singing groups.Interviewer: And this was how long, about a week?Interviewee: This was four days.Interviewer: And you sole programs?Interviewee: Yes.Interviewer: What did you do, stand by the entrance as people came in?Interviewee: Well, more or less you had a table and you had to dress up, and you had to talk to them and the whole thing was how many you sold. And so I’ve had some selling experience there; I’ve sold. I worked in a liquor store for about six months, my last six months in college.Interviewer: Before you worked for the ski show, you sold records; that was another year, wasn’t it?Interviewee: Yes, that was the second year.Interviewer: Then you gave up the ski show business?Interviewee: Well, it’s a once-a-year thing, and I wasn’t in the city anymore.Interviewer: Was this on a commission that you were selling? Did you get a certain percent of [the profits from] the records and programs you sold?Interviewee: The programs were on commission, the records weren’t.Interviewer: So you did this and you felt you did reasonably well and you liked it. You would like this for a foundation and would like to try this out for a career/Interviewee: Well, I’d like to try it and find out. Also, last year I said I worked in a liquor store, and there was quite a bit there of contact with people and being a neighborhood store and living in a neighborhood around the school.Interviewer: Where you doing this part-time while you were going to school?Interviewee: Yes, it was more like going to work full-time and going to school part-time.Interviewer: Okay, clerk and delivery work – I’m not familiar with the liquor distribution in Boston or in Massachusetts. I know in Ohio where I’m from, it’s all state stores, but apparently it’s not that way.Interviewee: Well, it’s not that way in Massachusetts. And another thing that distinguishes especially the Boston area is price-cutting up there, and you have big retail outlets and, of course, the prices have to be posted on the shelf with what is set by the state, but your big retailers will undercut and they’ll have two sets of prices. It’s an action when your working in a store, somebody wants to buy something and you more or less have to bargain with them. I mean you have a price on the shelf, but the guy can say, “Oh, I can get it for $2 down the street,” and you know he can’t, so it was interesting in that respect because you know how much profit there was on the item and you, of course, had to figure out who the regular customers were, who you’d give it to, who you wouldn’t. And also who worked for the Alcoholic Beverage Commission.Interviewer: This was not completely legal was it?Interviewee: No, this was definitely not legal, but it was going on though, and at that time last year, it was pending in court, so I don’t know how this came out. But it was interesting in that respect, plus this was a small store and myself and the two kids I live with – we all worked there – and the gentleman who owned the store, I guess, was about two or three years older than us and he more of less gave us a free hand around the place and we all wound up, I guess, working about 30 hours a week, and there was some responsibility I think in taking orders.Interviewer: How did you get that job, Andy?Interviewee: Well, we had stopped by there to purchase our liquor – it was about two or three blocks away – and at this time we all needed some extra spending money, and I had another job, and one of my roommates went over there, and his father had owned the liquor store, and he asked him if he could get part-time work, and they guy said fine. I needed someone and then he had it, and I told him that if an opening came along I’d sure be interested in it ‘cause this other thing I had was just working weekends.Interviewer: What kind of work was that?Interviewee: This was just handy work for the Massachusetts Unemployment Agency. At that time a company was renovating a factory, and they had work every weekend.Interviewer: Did you start here at Northwestern in June?Interviewee: Yes, I did.Interviewer: And you’ve been going on a full-time basis straight through?Interviewee: That’s right, a four-quarter program.Interviewer: What have you been doing here other than your actual academic endeavors – going to class, studying, library, research, and so on? What do you do with all that free time you’ve got?Interviewee: I go to football games….

solved I’m working on a art practice test / quiz and

I’m working on a art practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Following the Eightfold Path to attain enlightenment, or Nirvana, is a central tenet of __________.ShintoBuddhismHinduismDaoismOne of the tragedies of looting cultural objects from places like Koh Ker, in Cambodia, is _________.Group of answer choicesmuseums won’t buy themthey are too heavy to shipwe can’t identify the objectswe can’t bring the pedestalsBuddhist stupas are oriented toward the four cardinal directions. These represent _________.Group of answer choicesthe four sacred rivers in Indiainternational trade routesthe Buddha’s lifethe four palace gatesThe domed shape of a stupa represents_________.Group of answer choiceseternal realm of deceased ancestorsharmonious forms of naturea person seated in meditationspiritual love of the divineA person who delays achieving enlightenment in order to instruct others on Earth is called a __________.Group of answer choicespilgrimVedicbodhisattvaDaoistThe pose of the Bodhisattva from Gandhara shows an awareness of __________.Group of answer choicesJapanese realismArchaic Greek scuptureClassical contrappostoGothic stylizationIn the Standing Buddha, the Buddha’s enlightenment is symbolized by his __________.Group of answer choiceselongated earlobesexpensive jewelrysimple monk’s garmenttopknotIn the Hindu sculpture, Shiva as Lord of the Dance, Shiva represents __________.Group of answer choicescyclic timeveneration of ancestorsthe power of the rulerenlightenmentAt the Kandarya Mahadeva Temple, spiritual unity with the divine is expressed by the __________.Group of answer choicesenergy of natural elementssacred form of the stupaerotic scenes carved in reliefstories of the journey to NirvanaThe best place to study ancient Chinese architecture is in__________.Group of answer choicesShanghaiBeijingKyotoBorobudurAfter 800 BCE, the influence of Buddhism and Hinduism spread due to __________.Group of answer choicespopular burial practicesRoman conquestthe Mongol invasiontraders and merchantsConfucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism influenced the art and culture of __________.Group of answer choicesJapanIndiaChinaSoutheast AsiaChinese ritual vessels include images of a monster with wings, claws, and horns called a __________.Group of answer choicesbodhisattvataotie maskqigarba grihaThe individualized features of the Terra Cotta Warriors of Qin can be described as_________.Group of answer choicesnaturalisticstylizedabstractIdealizedIn Chinese culture, the “inner life force,” or spirit that animates all things, is called __________.Group of answer choicesqigarba grihaNirvanaukiyo-eIn contrast with the monumental painting style of Northern Song painter Fan Kuan, the style of Southern Song painter Ma Yuan is_________.Group of answer choicesphilosophicalabstractrealisticintimateIn Travelers Among Mountains and Streams, Fan Kuan used the small scale of human figures to symbolize the __________.Group of answer choicesEightfold Path to Nirvanaamateur status of literati painterspleasurable aspects of ukiyo-e scenesvastness of natureAfter the conquest of China by the Mongols, artists who refused to work for the new government created __________.Group of answer choicestaotie masksukiyo-e printsrelief sculptureliterati paintingWhich of the following artworks demonstrates the Confucian principle of respecting the past?Group of answer choicesthe Terra Cotta WarriorsTawaraya Sotatsu’s Waves at MatsushimaQiu Ying’s Fisherman’s Flute Heard Over the LakeThe Approach of KrishnaBada Shanren’s Cicada on a Banana Leaf exemplifies the style of __________.Group of answer choicesJapanese ukiyo-e printsChinese literati paintingSoutheast Asian Hindu paintingKorean book illustrationBecause it was the only color that could survive the higher temperature, early examples of Chinese porcelain are decorated in __________.Group of answer choiceswhiteblackblueredThe indigenous religion of Japan that worships nature and ancestors is called __________. Group of answer choicesShintoDaoismConfucianismZen BuddhismAt the Shrine at Ise, surfaces are left unpainted to symbolize __________.Group of answer choicesrebirthenlightenmentqipurityAncient Chinese and Japanese Buddhist architecture is exemplified by the design of __________.Group of answer choicesAngkor WatBorobudurthe Great Stupa at SanchiHoryuji TempleKatsura Detached Palace connects human-made elements with nature by using __________.Group of answer choicessliding screens as wallsa bracketing systemthe symbolic form of the stupamulti-storied pagodasAt the temple complex of Horyuji, the Buddha statues are kept in the __________.Group of answer choicespagodastupagarba grihakondoUnkei’s Muchaku exemplifies Japanese art’s characteristic use of __________.Group of answer choicesVedic symbolismvivid realismstylizationrelief sculptureThe Zen Buddhist priest Sesshu painted in a style called haboku, which means __________.Group of answer choices“abstract forms”“poetry”“raindrops”“flung ink”Tawaraya Sotatsu’s Waves at Matsushima is an example of a __________.Group of answer choiceshandscrollbook illustrationliterati paintingfolding screenJapanese ukiyo-e prints depicted __________.Group of answer choicespoetic landscapesthe ruler and his courtthe everyday worldhistoric battlesWhat activity do believers participate in at the Great Stupa at Sanchi?Group of answer choicessurrounding it to form prayer circleswalking around it in meditationentering it to hold spiritual readingsentering it to perform ritual sacrificesWhat two structures influenced the design of the Buddhist pagoda?Group of answer choicesburial mounds and defensive wallsthe Indian stupa and Chinese watchtowerGreek and Romans templespalace gardens and domestic architectureWhat function does the Womb Chamber (garba griha) serve in a Hindu temple?Group of answer choicesIt houses the image of a godIt houses donations from worshippersIt houses the sacrificial food for the godIt houses incense used in ceremoniesWhat kind of decoration is found at Borobudur?Group of answer choicesrelief sculptureabstract designscarpet patternsfrescosAngkor Wat was originally __________.Group of answer choicesa Cambodian palacea Shinto shrinesurrounded by moatsthe burial site of Siddhartha GautamaDuring the twelfth century, the ruler of Cambodia thought of himself a descendent of __________.Group of answer choicesShivaSiddhartha GautamaBrahmaVishnuFound on Chinese bronze vessels used to honor ancestors, the taotie represents __________.Group of answer choicesan individual metalsmith’s signaturea meaning unknown to us todayan avenging godan underworld creatureThe original function of the Terra Cotta Warriors was to __________.Group of answer choicesguard the afterlife of the Emperor Qin Shihuangdiact as a faux army guarding the Great Walldecorate the imperial palacebe given as gifts to loyal military commandersWhat aspect of Qiu Ying’s Fisherman’s Flute Heard Over the Lake best demonstrates respect for artistic traditions of the past?Group of answer choicesHis subject matter references the harmony of man and natureHis poetic treatment of the landscape evokes an emotional responseHe imitates the style of the master Fan KuanHis image depicts a scholar-poet in meditationWhat distinguishes the construction of the Main Hall of the Inner Shrine at Ise?Group of answer choicesIt is built annuallyIt is built without nailsIt is painted and stainedIt is built by Shinto monksWhat element of Japanese ukiyo-e prints influenced nineteenth century European artists?Group of answer choicescentered balancecropped compositionshadingcalligraphic brushworkWhat is a unique feature of the religious sculpture in Cambodia during the Khmer Empire?Group of answer choicesstone carvings that appear to be portraits of real rulersthe development of new religious figuresthe elimination of Buddhist sculpturesthe defacement of religious sculpturesWhat was one consequence of Confucianism on ancient Chinese art?Group of answer choicesEroticism was integrated in many visual formsOnly realistic imagery was permittedInnovation was approached very cautiouslyPainting was considered a trivial artWhat was one way that Chinese artists elevated the status of painting?Group of answer choicesThey introduced calligraphic brush techniquesThey developed new tools for paintingThey encouraged public exhibitions of paintingThey encouraged the development of oil paintingWhat are the red marks that frequently appear on Chinese hanging scrolls and album pages?Group of answer choicesownership stampsartists’ signaturesdefacementstitles of the worksWhat technique did Korean artists develop for manuscript illumination?Group of answer choiceshandmade parchmentslip-inlaystrands of gold and silverbordersWhat technique was developed in Japan to hold up heavy tiled roofs?Group of answer choicesarchesbracketinggroin vaultsflying buttressesWhat is one difference that distinguishes Japanese painted screens from western easel paintings?Group of answer choicesPainted screens were only executed in naturalistic stylesPainted screens were not considered works of artPainted screens functioned as focal points in interior settingsPainted screens were rapidly producedWhat is one element of the haboku style that was set by Sesshu Toyo?Group of answer choicesprecise line worksimplification of formsabandonment of landscapereligious subject matterWhat technical development is represented in the Lotus Sutra, created in Korea during the fourteenth century?Group of answer choicesfolding screensukiyo-e printingmetal typeslip-inlay technique

solved Respond to two peers using APA formate and site all

Respond to two peers using APA formate and site all referencesPEER #1 ClaudetteIs there any additional subjective or objective information you need for this client? Explain.Subjective Data: A comprehensive medical and surgical history should be obtained, including all the medications that the patient is currently taking, both prescribed, nonprescribed, and herbal medications. The patient social and family history should also be made available. Asking the patient questions such as, why is she taking Coumadin, and does she has her PT/INR drawn on a regular basis. The dates of her diagnosis, and by whom she was diagnosed need to be known. Other questions such as, is she compliant with her medication, does she perform glucose monitoring by checking daily fingerstick, and is there any nutritional issues that needs to be addressed.Objective Data: Perform a head-to-toe examination, obtain lab work, including HgA1C, and PT/INR. Vital signs, BMI, memory examination, medication dosage should all be done. It’s essential to obtain as much relevant data as possible, during patient initial encounter with the provider. This is done to properly diagnose, treat and evaluate the current situation. By doing this, we can guarantee that the necessary plan of care can now be determine (, 2018). 2. What would be your position on the Ms. GMs use of alternative supplements for her diabetes and memory? Explain and include contraindications, if any.Ms. Gami should be educated and advised on the risk and danger, for not properly managing her diabetes. Poor management can lead to a life-long of body systems complications. Adhering to alternative supplements as the only treatment for diabetes is crucial. Diabetes is considered a chronic disease, and should be treated aggressively. Patient taking Cassia cinnamon as the only treatment for there type 2 diabetes is insufficient to control the disease. Cassia cinnamon is contraindicated in people if they’re allergic to cinnamon, or peru balsam. It should also be used with caution in patient who have hepatic disease. It can cause toxicity, and also affect blood glucose. As previously mentioned, INR and platelet counts when closely monitored will indicate signs and symptoms of a worsening state of Dementia. 3. Are there any additional test/assessments you would complete for this patient given this list of medications? Explain. Patient presenting with type 2 Diabetes should have their labs drawn, such as HgA1C, fasting blood glucose, CMP and CBC. Liver and kidney function tests need to be completed too. These results will provide a complete assessment, therefore, any existing issues will be address accordingly.4. How might your treatment plan, in terms of medications, differ for this patient? Include the class of the medication, mechanism of action, route, the half-life; how it is metabolized in and eliminated from the body; contraindications and black box warnings.Based on my current assessment and findings on Ms. Gami, Metformin 500 mg bid po, would be my drug of choice. It is classified as antidiabetic, and should be taken with meals. It binds insulin to the receptors and potentiates insulin action. Now tissues are more sensitive to insulin, and are ready to execute, thus lowering serum glucose. Metformin has a low half-life of 6.2-17.6 hours, 50-60% is absorbed in systemic circulation. It’s also eliminated via urine. Contraindication includes: DKA, renal issues, and impairment with creatinine clearance of 1.5md/dl. Patients taking Metformin should be instructed to stop taking the medication 48 hours before surgery.Cassia cinnamon has proven to be ineffective by itself to treat Diabetes. Additional prescribed diabetic drug should be added to Ms. Gami list of medications, in order to proper control her disease. Cassia cinnamon is not approved by the FDA.Ginseng comes in various forms, and depending on the route use, the effects may differ. Detected adverse, new, or worsening reactions should be reported immediately.5. What health maintenance or preventive education is important for this client based on your choice medication/treatment?The patient need to be educated on nutritional choices for Diabetes. Proper diet and exercise regimen. The importance of taking the medication as prescribed, and contacting her provider if any adverse reactions, or missed doses. Bleeding precautions, signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia, lactic acidosis, and moderate use of alcohol, should all be emphasized in patient teaching. Return demonstration should be perform by the patient, to ensure patient understanding and safety measures. Patient should be told the importance of adhering to her follow-up appointment every three months.ReferenceWoo, T. M., & Robinson, M. V. (2019). Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers (5th ed.). F.A. Davis.PEER #2 HaleyIs there any additional subjective or objective information you need for this client? Explain.Ms. GM presents to the clinic today to establish care. While we are aware she has a diagnosis of type II diabetes there are some other we need to know if there is any other pertinent health information about Ms. GM. I would ask Ms. GM if she has any health complaints, or is she just looking to establish a relationship with a primary care provider. I would continue on to ask Ms. GM how long she has been diagnosed with type II diabetes, how she is managing her diabetes, does she have any past medical history, any past hospitalizations, surgeries, I would ask about her family as well as social history. This information is important when the provider is just getting to know the patient to create a baseline health history. Objective information would be to obtain baseline vital signs, draw a complete lab panel including CBC, CMP, A1C, liver enzymes, kidney function and a complete physical assessment. What would be your position on the Ms. GMs use of alternative supplements for her diabetes and memory? Explain and include contraindications, if any.Some patients prefer the use of herbal remedies over the traditional pharmacological medications. It is important for the health care provider to understand and respect the patient’s preference as well as guide them on what medicines are safe with herbal supplements. One of the health providers main role is to educate Ms. GM on the certain medications she is taking and if any other medications or supplements are contraindicated. Ms. GM is taking ginseng for memory, I would educate Ms. GM that ginseng, although one of the bestselling herbal supplements in the United States, interferes with coumadin. Coumadin has a narrow therapeutic index and daily doses of ginseng scientifically reduce the blood levels and the anti-clotting effects of coumadin, clearing the blood stream more rapidly (UChicago Medicine, 2004). Are there any additional test/assessments you would complete for this patient given this list of medications? Explain.I would draw an INR to be sure Ms. GM is within therapeutic range and if needed adjust the dose of coumadin. A CMP would be appropriate to check electrolytes, and AIC to evaluate her glucose levels as well as CBC to assess her complete blood count. Since Ms. GM is taking Aricept, I would check her cognitive function as well as any signs or symptoms of GI bleeding. How might your treatment plan, in terms of medications, differ for this patient? Include the class of the medication, mechanism of action, route, the half-life; how it is metabolized in and eliminated from the body; contraindications and black box warnings.Although highly popular, herbal drugs should not be used to replace treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes. I would check Ms. GM’s INR, CBC and CMP and continue the use of coumadin and Aricept since there are no contraindications. I would discontinue the use of ginseng and cassia cinnamon. I would recommend to Ms. GM starting metformin 500mg twice a day to control her diabetes. Metformin decrease the hepatic glucose production and intestinal glucose absorption. It is excreted through the urine with a plasma half-life of 6.2 hours and blood half-life of 17.6 hours. Contraindications of Metformin are renal disease and dysfunction as well as metabolic acidosis. Metformin should be held and not be taken after a procedure where iodine or anesthesia will be used and can affect kidney function (Woo & Robinson, 2020). What health maintenance or preventive education is important for this client based on your choice medication/treatment?I would encourage Ms. GM to follow through with future doctor appointments especially when she is scheduled for a lab draw. It is important to check INR levels to ensure it is within normal safe levels. Coumadin can cause major bleeding which could become fatal. I would educate Ms. GM to watch for signs of bleeding such as dark stools or nosebleeds and to avoid activities that increase the risk for bleeding. Always inform any health care professionals what medicine you are taking, especially when there is an invasive procedure involved. Encourage Ms. GM to take the Aricept at night to reduce syncope risks. While taking metformin Ms. GM should check her finger stick blood sugar twice a day and watch for signs of GI problems like diarrhea, while these are temporary it may become troubling to the patient (Woo & Robinson, 2020).…Medline. (2017)., T., Robinson, M. (2020). Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis

solved Research Design and t Tests: How Are They Connected? Whether

Research Design and t Tests: How Are They Connected?
Whether in a scholarly or practitioner setting, good research and data analysis should have the benefit of peer feedback. The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession, but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.

For this Discussion, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to t tests.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Search for and select a quantitative article specific to your discipline and related to t tests. Help with this task may be found in the Course guide and assignment help linked in this week’s Learning Resources. Also, you can use as a guide the Research Design Alignment Table located in this week’s Learning Resources.

By Day 3:

Write a 3- to 5-paragraph critique of the article. In your critique, include responses to the following:

What is the research design used by the authors?
Why did the authors use this t test?
Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
Did the authors display the data?
Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?
Did the authors report effect size? If yes, is this meaningful? 

Be sure to support your Main Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.


Sharnia Lashley
RE: Discussion – Week 6
Background of Research and Measures
From 06/01/2015 to 02/28/2016, Damares et al. (2018) utilized a cross-sectional, correlational study to assess the existence of compulsive overeating disorder and to look at the disorder’s relationship with anxiety and depression symptoms and clinical and sociodemographic data through a sample (n=111) of overweight or obese, adult cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients of a São Paulo hospital. The researchers used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to collect anxiety and depressive data, a Likert scale instrument called Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica ECAP (Binge Eating Scale – BES) to evaluate compulsive overeating anxiety and a specific tool to collect clinical (i.e., BMI and other data) and sociodemographic data to assess relationships between this data (Damares et al., 2018).
Research Analysis Methods
Data processing and analysis ensued through SPSS, with mean, median, and standard deviation, measures of effect size utilized in the descriptive analysis. The researchers set a 0.05 level of significance (Damares et al., 2018). Researchers used Cronbach’s Alpha, at 0.85, to measure internal consistency for the BES, the chi-square test with the qualitative and the independent samples t-test to compare data, ANOVA, and two other tests (Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney) with the quantitative data (Damares et al., 2018).
Results, T-test, and Meaningfulness
The authors appropriately reported the average (mean) score across participants for the scale variables as continuous, using the variables as dependent in the t-test as a result (Walden University, n.d.). Table 1, also shared below, displays means, medians, and standard deviation measurement data for body mass index and anxiety symptom variables by participant’s compulsive overeating information (Damares et al., 2018). A figure displayed the Pearson correlation analysis of the depression and anxiety variables (Damares et al., 2018). The results do not seem to stand alone with sociodemographic outcomes described and other variable data displayed. Table 1 (Damares et al., 2018) exhibits that most patients did not have compulsive overeating disorder (n=91 of 111 or 82%), leaving 18% that did. There was an association of higher BMI (p=0.010) with compulsive overeating (Damares et al., 2018). The results indicate no significant correlation with compulsive overeating levels (p=0.053). However, in the presence or absence of compulsive overeating, an association surfaced (p=0.017, Damares et al., 2018)). Other results included weak to moderate correlation between “anxiety with age (r=-0.260, p=0.005) and depression (r=0.506; p=<0001”, Damares et al., 2018). The reported effect size is meaningful to evaluating CVD patients when it comes to physical and mental characteristics. Table 1 Measurements of body mass index and anxiety symptoms variables according to participants’ compulsive overeating (n = 111). São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil, 2015-2016 Variables Body Mass Index Anxious Symptoms Mean [SD* (Median)] Mean [SD* (Median)] Compulsive overeating Absent (n=91) 30.00 [3.50 (29.390)] 8.34 [4.44 (8.00)] Moderate (n=15) 33.28 [4.10 (33.590)] 11.33 [5.38 (12.00)] Severe (n=5) 31.92 [4.49 (32.540)] 10.2 [3.76 (11.00)] P-Value 0.010† 0.053‡ Compulsive overeating Absent (n=91) -- 8.34 [4.44 (8.00)] Present (n=20) -- 11.05 [4.95 (11.5)] P-Value -- 0.017‡ *standard deviation; †Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA); ‡Kruskal-Wallis test Reprinted from “Relationship between anxiety, depressive symptoms and compulsive overeating disorder in patients with cardiovascular diseases, by Damares Garcia, G., Alcalá Pompeo, D., Palota Eid, L., Bernardi Cesarino, C., Pinto, M. H., & Paiva Gonçalves, L. W., 2018, Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (RLAE), 26, 1–9. https://doi-org/10.1590/1518-8345.2567.3040 References Damares Garcia, G., Alcalá Pompeo, D., Palota Eid, L., Bernardi Cesarino, C., Pinto, M. H., & Paiva Gonçalves, L. W. (2018). Relationship between anxiety, depressive symptoms and compulsive overeating disorder in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (RLAE), 26, 1–9. https://doi-org/10.1590/1518-8345.2567.3040 Walden University. (n.d.). Skill builders - Skill builder 14: Hypothesis Testing for Independent Samples t-test. Walden University Blackboard. (S) emelda2016: Include able 1 Measurements of body mass index and anxiety symptoms variables according to participants’ compulsive overeating (n = 111). São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil, 2015-2016 Variables Body Mass Index Anxious Symptoms Mean [SD* (Median)] Mean [SD* (Median)] Compulsive overeating Absent (n=91) 30.00 [3.50 (29.390)] 8.34 [4.44 (8.00)] Moderate (n=15) 33.28 [4.10 (33.590)] 11.33 [5.38 (12.00)] Severe (n=5) 31.92 [4.49 (32.540)] 10.2 [3.76 (11.00)] P-Value 0.010† 0.053‡ Compulsive overeating Absent (n=91) -- 8.34 [4.44 (8.00)] Present (n=20) -- 11.05 [4.95 (11.5)] P-Value -- 0.017‡  Example Include Health satisfaction and family impact of parents of children with cancer: a descriptive cross-sectional study. Which is the research design used by the authors? The purpose of the article was to investigate the links between parents’ satisfaction with the health care offered to their children with cancer and the impact on families of caring for such a child in a Middle Eastern country (Al-Gamal et al., 2019). The authors use a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional research design. The article show how parents can have a different response to their children who have cancer. The research also shows the psychological resilience that parents can have when dealing with children who have cancer. The study consisted of 113 parents who has a child with cancer. The impact on parents of coping with a child who has cancer can be both severe and multifarious (Al-Gamal et al., 2019). Why did the authors use this t test? The t-test was selected to calculate the effect of gender on family impact and parental satisfaction with health care. The level of statistical significance was considered to be .05. Using t-test was appropriate because, t-test statistic is computed to test the null hypothesis about a population mean when the population standard deviation is unknown and is estimated using the sample standard deviation (Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 2021). Also, the t-test is used to compare the means of two populations which the researchers did using effect of gender on family and parental satisfaction with health care. Did the author display data? The authors did display the statistical data in the research article. The results show that there was a positive significant correlation between the social functioning scales used in the analysis. The results do not stand alone. There is not much statistical knowledge and insight on the effects that of this study. The effect size was not reported in the article. Table 1 Means and standard deviations of The PedQL family impact scale (n=113) Table 2 Means and standard deviations of the PedQL healthcare satisfactions hematology/oncology module and the SDQ parent report (n=113). Table 3 Relationship between PedsQL family scale and SDQ (n=113) Results of the Study The results of the study determined that parents expressed satisfaction with their child’s health care, but very little or any attention had been given to the parents’ emotional needs. Also, shown is that in cases where children were reported to exhibit more emotional and behavioral problems correlated with gender negative impact on the family and disrupted the families functioning (Al-Gamal et al., 2019). The study also showed that family relationship was found to be the best functioning domain, and daily activities were seen to be the poorest.  

solved reading “Sound Reasoning for Useful Answers” in a Chapter 3Â

reading “Sound Reasoning for Useful Answers” in a Chapter 3 
and looking for peer review articles, discuss the following 
What are the two types of discourse?
What are the two types of Argument? 
will provide book
The focus of the discussion once we go over the concept is to: Would you be able to think about the example of discourses & arguments in business world or argument and how to you compare it to the theory
Probable answers
There are traditionally four different types of discourse, namely: argument, narration, description, and exposition
Argumentative written work or talking is the point at which the writer is endeavoring to persuade a crowd of people that his or her feeling is right, commonly by utilizing rationale and engaging the group of onlookers’ feeling of reason. Nearly anything can utilize this frame, from papers and addresses to sermons and political talks. In a contention, the essayist or speaker starts with a proposal, which is a reasonable, unequivocal proclamation of convictions or feelings. Proof should then be introduced in a reasonable and efficient way. In the event that an audience acknowledges the confirmation, he or she ought to concur with the proposal.
The principle objective of account composing or talking is as a rule to recount a story, frequently with a specific end goal to make the crowd feel diversely about a specific subject. Accounts may appear as a play, novel, society story, journal, or myth. Things for the most part unfurl from a solitary individual or character’s point of view, and have a tendency to be extremely distinct. This sort of correspondence for the most part offers to a crowd of people’s humankind, frequently by drawing on basic encounters or feelings that are effectively relatable or by delineating conditions that provoke the creative ability.
At the point when individuals utilize portrayal, they for the most part depend on one of a greater amount of the five human faculties to depict something with the goal that it turns out to be in a flash paramount and relatable. It is typically used to enable the group of onlookers to envision individuals and spots, yet it can likewise put the gathering of people in a specific inclination or make a specific sort of air. The author or speaker utilizes things and descriptive words to give the perusers and audience members a feeling of what something resembles physically.
The apparatus known as “exposition” is intended to educate the group of onlookers about a specific subject. There are a few distinctive descriptive devices journalists and speakers can utilize, including definition, investigation, thoroughly analyze, issue and-arrangement and circumstances and end results. There are numerous qualities and shortcomings related with each kind of composition, and each sort has a totally extraordinary reason. For instance, giving somebody the meaning of a word gives one sort of data, though looking into two contrasting suppositions regularly paints a truly extraordinary picture.
We met right on time at our office at the beginning of today to choose the twenty-five boats which are to be first paid off. After that to Westminster and eaten with Mr. Dalton at his office, where we had one extraordinary court dish, however our papers not being done we could [not] make an end of our business till Monday next. Mr. Dalton and I over the water to our proprietor Vanly, with whom we concur as to Dalton …
Two sorts of arguments:
1)INDUCTIVE arguments
When thinking inductive, a man begins with a particular explanation keeping in mind the end goal to make a projection to a general articulation/conclusion. At the end of the day, one or a couple of articulations should make it likely that the conclusion is right. Likely, so you can’t be 100% certain. Regardless of the possibility that the announcements are valid, the conclusion still can be false. You ought to consequently dependably ask: “okay, yet is there no special case?”. In this way, you ought to dependably focus when somebody is contending inductive. Particularly moral civil arguments and discourses are known for their inductive character. Inductive contentions are assessed as solid or powerless. An inductive conclusion is solid if the thinking appears to be dependable. On the off chance that the conclusion unrealistically takes after from the announcements (premises) at that point the contention is called powerless. A conclusion is at times called fitting when the announcements in the premises are valid and the thinking is solid
Example strong inductive reasoning (1)
Contention: I know two clients living in that area that compensation gravely
Conclusion: (So) In the event that you know somebody from that area he will likely not pay.
Case solid inductive thinking (2)
Contention: I know several inadequately paying clients in that area
Conclusion: (So) In the event that you know somebody from that area he will likely not pay
In a deductive ARGUMENTS reality of the conclusion fundamentally takes after from reality of what is guaranteed. In a deductive contention a “yes, yet …” in regards to the thinking is unrealistic.
In the event that a speaker makes a deductive contention, the thinking is by definition substantial (in any case reality of the recommendations). The determination is right.
Standard illustration legitimate deductive thinking (1)
On the off chance that it is raining then the road is wet (general run the show)
It is down-pouring (particular articulation)
(So) The avenues are wet (conclusion)
Illustration not legitimate deductive thinking (2)
In the event that it is raining then the road is wet (general run the show)
The road is wet (particular articulation)
Talk and contention
The demonstration of “making” a contention and “having” a contention are currently consolidated into an asingle talk of argumentation and are made out of three segments. To begin with, dis-course is an answer for completing question that require a procedure of denotion for a specific position. Second, arguers must design their cases on the premise of others, which requires social, relevant, and objective situated considering. Indeed, even lone action like written work requires a nonexistent recipient, to whom the argumentation is coordinated. What’s more, third, contention is a piece of day by day considering (Charging, 1987). It plays in every day choices about routine life. Contention talk incorporates counterargument and social work on including approaches to realize joint considering and connections with Ed to focalize sentiments that are endeavoring to legitimize a specific view.Argument talk uses the techniques for talk examination to think about argumenttation. is implies that there is an emphasis on interactional groupings that structure and control the contentions occurring in a conversational situation. ?e talk custom likewise gives talk based strategies to exploring argumentation. Discussion examination is a useful instrument for investigating argumentation whimsical talk.
What are the two types of discourse?
There are Four Primary types of Discourse like Argument, Narration, Description and Exposition, again a communication activity can include more than one type of Discourse for its quick succession, as Questions want two types of Discourse, let me Explain the same,


This is an Important type of discourse and communication which further can convince an audience that the speaker or writer is correct, in such case they take help from evidence and establish reason for making their statement Correct,
Let’s say an Example – Speaker was talking about the health benefits of Grapefruit for his own business requirement, as few people around him was creating biased statement on it, so, here speaker started using evidence by collecting Various Reference and article from Internet and Reliable source, also did Research for establishing and spreading best Information on health benefits of grapefruits,


This type of Discourse and Communication can describe a story mingled with Emotion and Empathy involved,
Let’s say an Example like employee Mistreated within an Organization and felt embarrassed for such event, so that Employee further forwarded his entire grievance with realistic story behind and presented the same before General Manager of the Organization, mingled with Emotional statements, where as other employee also put their empathy for such Injustice,
What are the two types of Argument?
There are two types of Argument, Those are Deductive arguments and Inductive Arguments,
Deductive arguments:
This type of argument can be valid or sound, in case of valid Argument, argument need to give Conclusion, again, in such case, if one or more of the argument can be false, then Conclusion would become False,
For Example, if Machine Production uses assembly operation ( This argument is True) and all the machines go through In house production (This argument is false), then the conclusion made that machine production go through in house Operation, is here false
Further for Sound Argument, true argument can only generate a true Conclusion
Inductive Arguments:
This argument can have different level of logical strength, if strength is so high, then higher would be the probability that Conclusion is true
For Example,
UK government planned for budget Expenditure for the Military department is so largest in the world history, (The argument is True here), then such Military Department will last for long years( Therefore, Conclusion is true) 

solved Format & Length: Times New Roman 12 points, a double-spaced

Format & Length: Times New Roman 12 points, a double-spaced / no page limit (including cover page and references) Introduction of food and beverage:Introduction Include history, statistics, key facts, and backgrounds of the selected topic.References (10 pts):List source of your references (Sources should be reliable and formatted in APA style)Format: double-spaced the sample in the attachment below. * You should include all detailed answers and information to the questions on the guideline above. I expect you to clearly format and label the numbers on your group project according to the guideline [1. Introduction (1.1. history, 1.2. statistics, 1.3. key facts / background); 2. Best Practices/News/Trends/Forecasts; 3. Discussion/Conclusion [3.1. findings, 3.2. potential barriers/issues/ problems, 3.3. forecast of future; 4. References )- therefore, I can easily find and grade the relevant answers and information on your group project paper. Regarding the project, you will also need to list the source of your references (sources should be reliable and formatted in APA style). If you want to know about APA style, you can go to the following URL address:’* Your paper will be presented to the class during presentation dates (20- 30 minutes of PowerPoint presentation time, followed by 10-minute question/answer session).Websites of Potential Resources:Any popular business or news media (e.g., Wall Street Journal, NY Times, USA Today, Financial Times, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, etc.,)World Travel and Tourism Council: (Links to an external site.)Travel Industry Association: (Links to an external site.)American Hotel and Lodging Association: (Links to an external site.).Washington, DC Hotel Association – Local hotel association servicing the members of the lodging industry in DC. (Links to an external site.)Maryland Office of Tourism: (Links to an external site.)The magazine of the Worldwide Hotel Industry: / HotelNewsNow (HNN): (Links to an external site.)National Restaurant Association – The leading restaurant industry business association in the United States. (Links to an external site.)Nation’s Restaurant News: (Links to an external site.)International Hotel and Restaurant Association – The leading global association for the hospitality industry, offers the timely global trends in hospitality development and management. (Links to an external site.).SmartBrief: (Links to an external site.)Foodservice Consultants Society International: (Links to an external site.)American Hotel and Lodging Association – The leading lodging industry association in North America. It provides information on hotel development and management trends and practices. (Links to an external site.).American Institute of Wine & Food: (Links to an external site.)eHospitality Institute: (Links to an external site.)QSR: (Links to an external site.)Zagat Survey, LLC: (Links to an external site.)Restaurant Hospitality: (Links to an external site.)Restaurant Report: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA): (Links to an external site.)Convention Industry Council: (Links to an external site.)Meetings and Conventions: (Links to an external site.)Meeting Professionals International (MPI): (Links to an external site.)Food Politics by Marion Nestle: (Links to an external site- * Your assignment (paper and presentation) will be graded based on the rubric. Assignment RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper – IntroductionInclude history, statistics, key facts, and background information of the selected topic?15 ptsExemplaryPaper contains very detailed descriptions of the history, statistics, key facts, and background information of the selected topic.12 ptsSatisfactoryPaper contains somewhat detailed descriptions of the history, statistics, key facts, and background information of the selected topic.8 ptsUnsatisfactoryPaper contains little descriptions of the history, statistics, key facts, and background information of the selected topic.0 ptsNo MarksNo submission15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper – Best Practices/News/Trends/Forecasts in January. 2020 ~ November 18. 2020Include the descriptions of at least more than five industry news and articles (sources should be included in the body and in the reference section) related to best practices/trends/forecasts of the selected topic?35 ptsExemplaryPaper contains detailed explanations of more than five industry news and articles (more than five sources were included in the body and in the reference section) related to best practices/trends/forecasts of the selected topic.30 ptsSatisfactoryPaper contains explanations of five industry news and articles (five sources were included in the body and in the reference section) related to best practices/trends/forecasts of the selected topic.25 ptsNeutralPaper contains explanations of less than five industry news and articles (less than five sources were included in the body and in the reference section) related to best practices/trends/forecasts of the selected topic.20 ptsUnsatisfactoryPaper contains little explanations of less than five industry news and articles (less than five sources were included in the body and in the reference section) related to best practices/trends/forecasts of the selected topic.0 ptsNo MarksNo submission35 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper – Discussion/Conclusion – Minimum 3 pagesBased on the analyses of the current state, best practices, and news/ trends, the following should be included: 1) findings, 2) any possible barriers/issues/problems associated with the findings, 3) forecast of future (suggest creative tactics that can be applied in the contemporary practices and new trends)?40 ptsExemplaryPaper contains very detailed explanations and suggestions of 1) findings, 2) any possible barriers/issues/problems associated with the findings, 3) forecast of future (suggest creative tactics that can be applied in the contemporary practices and new trends)y – More than 4 pages.35 ptsSatisfactoryPaper contains somewhat detailed explanations and suggestions of 1) findings, 2) any possible barriers/issues/problems associated with the findings, 3) forecast of future (suggest creative tactics that can be applied in the contemporary practices and new trends): 3-4 pages.30 ptsNeutralPaper contains explanations and suggestions of 1) findings, 2) any possible barriers/issues/problems associated with the findings, 3) forecast of future (suggest creative tactics that can be applied in the contemporary practices and new trends): 2 pages.25 ptsUnsatisfactoryPaper contains little explanations and little suggestions of the findings, possible barriers, issues, problems associated with the findings, and forecast of the future: Less than 2 pages.0 ptsNo MarksNo submission40 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper – ReferencesList source of your references (Sources should be reliable and formatted in APA style)?10 ptsExemplaryAll sources are reliable and formatted in APA style.8 ptsSatisfactoryAll sources are reliable , but some of the sources are not formatted in APA style.5 ptsUnsatisfactorySome of the sources are not reliable and many of the sources are not formatted in APA style.0 ptsNo MarksNo submission10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation – Presentation & MaterialsYour presentation was lively, captured the audiences’ attentions, and clearly portrayed the materials & Quality of PowerPoint Slide Contents.30 ptsExemplaryPresentation was lively and captured the audiences’ attentions and clearly portrayed the high-quality PPT material.25 ptsSatisfactoryPresentation was somewhat lively and somewhat captured the audiences’ attentions and portrayed the PPT material.20 ptsUnsatisfactoryPresentation was a little lively and did not capture the audiences’ attentions and did not clearly portray the PPT material.0 ptsNo MarksNo prsentation30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation – ParticipationAll members should contribute to the presentation.10 ptsExemplaryAll members significantly contributed to the presentation.7 ptsSatisfactoryAll members contributed to the presentation.4 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll members did not contribute to the presentation.0 ptsNo presentation10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation – Questions/AnswersAll members should answer and respond to the audiences’ questions/comments.10 ptsExemplaryAll members answered and responded to the audiences’ questions/comments very well.7 ptsSatisfactoryAll members answered and responded to the audiences’ questions/comments.4 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll members did not answer and respond to the audiences’ questions/comments.0 ptsNo presentation10 ptsTotal Points: 150

solved Create an informative 12-minute video or audio news segment on

Create an informative 12-minute video or audio news segment on a contemporary social issue .By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues.

Explain the selected contemporary issue, with reference to practical instances.

Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate.
Describe the relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.

Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue.

Explain at least two distinct positions on the issue.

Defend one’s personal ethical position on the issue.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively in the context of personal and professional moral discourse.

Create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

Competency Map
CHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.
Toggle DrawerContext
Making responsible decisions about major public issues is more complex than a direct application of theory. One source of this complexity is the value of looking at the issue through a variety of disciplinary modes of inquiry:

Psychology and sociology inform our views of individual and collective behavior.

Mathematics and the sciences remind us that human life is part of a larger world.
Literature and mythology encourage us to remember the power of good and evil.
Medicine points out that what we do affects the health of our bodies.

Communication and information technology help us learn to talk to each other.

SHOW LESSOnce again, your instructor has selected a few big issues that need to be considered from more than one of these disciplinary lenses. Learning how to integrate knowledge from multiple fields is a vital transferable skill for practical life.Another source of complexity in dealing with a major issue is that there are many alternative solutions to think about. Intellectual honesty demands that we think critically about all of them.
Be sure to describe and examine each alternative position fairly:

Do not set up a simplistic version that will be easy to demolish rhetorically.
Taking each opponent’s view seriously clarifies our own convictions.
Apply critical thinking skills to the position you are defending, too:

Think about what objections someone else might make to your view.

Try to show clearly and honestly why you take this position.
Think of your thought on this issue as a chance to practice your skills for engaging in productive moral discourse from multiple points of view.You have seen how difficult it is to work through a complex public issue by integrating disciplinary insights, debating alternatives, and defending your own position. Now, what are you going to do about it? Perhaps, there is another grand issue about which you care deeply, and the skills you’ve practiced here will work well in dealing with the complexity of that issue as well. The question remains, what will you actually do?Take a moment to reflect upon what you have learned here. What matters is not some set of facts you have memorized—you can always look up that stuff whenever you want. What does matter is what you can do—identify reliable sources, think critically about issues, engage in productive discourse, defend your positions well, and communicate effectively and creatively.Like many of the elements of a liberal arts education, these skills are transferable to other aspects of personal, social, and professional life. Learning and growth don’t stop at the end of a course or the completion of a program: they become life-long habits for achievement and success.
Toggle DrawerQuestions to Consider
As you think about the theme “dealing with complexity,” consider addressing the following questions:SHOW LESS
Which disciplinary lenses will you apply to your issue, and what resources have you found?

Which of the alternative positions do you find more compelling, and why?
What concrete actions will you now take to implement your own solution for the problem?
How has our work together in this course changed the way you deal with ethical issues every day?
Toggle DrawerResources
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.SHOW LESSEthics

Cohen, A. I., & Wellman, C. H. (2014). Contemporary debates in applied ethics (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Hopkins, R. (2013). The power of just doing stuff: How local action can change the world. Cambridge, UK: Green Books.

Gerbaudo, P. (2012). Tweets and the streets: Social media and contemporary activism. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Motilal, S. (Ed.). (2010). Applied ethics and human rights: Conceptual analysis and contextual applications. New York, NY: Anthem Press.

Singer, P. (2016). Famine, affluence, and morality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Dittmer, J. (n.d.). Applied ethics. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from

Pages 1-28.
Martin, B., Anderson, G. L. (Ed.), & Herr, K. G. (Ed.) (2007). Activism, social and political. In Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice (pp. 19-27). Retrieved from
Social Responsiblity

Skillsoft. (n.d.). Leveraging emotional intelligence [Tutorial].

Broad social issues often depend upon the extent of our empathy for those who are disadvantaged by a policy or practice. Use this Skillsoft tutorial to sharpen your own sense of how to deploy this fellow-feeling.
Skillsoft. (n.d.). Workplace management: Corporate social responsibility [Tutorial].
Social responsibility, one of the Essential Undergraduate Learning Outcomes, can be observed at an organizational level as well as a personal one. This Skillsoft tutorial draws attention to this possibility.

Skillsoft. (n.d.). Establishing self-confidence for life [Tutorial].
Taking action in support of our ethical convictions is not easy, but this Skillsoft tutorial has some valuable guidance for approaching the task confidently.
Riverbend City: Conflict Management.

Use this activity to get a better understanding of the complexity of a significant local social issue and help you to think constructively about the issue you have chosen to address.
General Education Information Research Skills Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created for your use in General Education courses. The General Education Information Research Skills Library Guide contains tips on how to use the Capella University Library to find resources for your General Education courses. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in this library guide to direct your research in this course.Note: This Program Guide supports the Essential Undergraduate Learning Outcome of Information Literacy.
Assessment Instructions
Assessment Overview
As the producer and correspondent of a television or radio news magazine (like 60 Minutes, VICE News, or All Things Considered), you have been assigned to deliver an informative 12-minute segment on one of the contemporary issues being covered in this course. Corporate policy requires that you consider insights from two or more academic disciplines for example: nursing and social work, or philosophical ethics, psychology, and biology. (Note: These are only examples; you are free to choose your own disciplines!) It also requires that you interview credible representatives of at least two distinct positions on the issue. You need not remain neutral on the issue; in fact, you are expected to state and defend your own position with clear reasoning in your own words.You will choose which of the complex social issues to present here. The intended audience for your segment is an intelligent but perhaps uninformed public, so this is your opportunity to engage them in an issue that matters to you.Assessment Instructions
The final script for your production should, of course, include APA-style citations and references.You may submit the assessment itself in either of two formats:
Option One: Produce the video segment. You should appear as the correspondent, but you may enlist family and friends to play other parts. You might even take on distinct roles yourself, in a video “selfie” where you consider the alternatives accurately. Kaltura is recommended, but you may use any device or software of your choice, so long as you are able to submit the work to your instructor for assessment.
Option Two: Produce the audio segment as you would for broadcast as a radio program or as a podcast. Once again, you will be the correspondent, but you are welcome to invite others to participate or record yourself in different roles. As with the video option, you may record the audio in any way that suits you, making sure to submit the audio file or a link to it as the submission for assessment.

Include the following concepts in this assessment:
Explain the selected issue you selected, with reference to practical instances.
Describe relevant contributions to the issue from at least two different academic disciplines.
Explain at least two distinct positions on the issue, considering each fairly.
Defend your own position on the issue clearly.
Communication: Create a video or audio presentation that reports on a contemporary social issue from multiple perspectives.

solved Project 2: OrganizingPurpose This project will view a video and

Project 2: OrganizingPurpose This project will view a video and discuss the assigned organization’s organizational culture and organizational structure. Outcome Met by Completing This AssignmentOrganize human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and efficient attainment of company’s goals.How to Set Up the PaperCreate a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced using 12-point font. The final product will be 5-6 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Write clearly and concisely. Provide a title page with a title, date, your name, course, and section number, and the instructor’s name.Instructions: You have been hired as an associate for a software company, Dysfunctional Software. Dysfunctional Software offers support solutions to a wide range of software issues and business needs. Dysfunctional’s client list exceeds 500 businesses in the United States and 200 businesses in other countries. The company has recently started to experience significant and rapid growth. As a result of the recent growth, Dysfunctional Software realizes it must respond to client and market demands more rapidly. Dysfunctional Software knows that it needs to attract and retain the highest quality employees in the market to develop a sustained competitive advantage. Accordingly, Dysfunctional Software desires to establish an organizational culture and climate that maximizes individual efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction. Your manager, Harry Harried, has asked you to help create a recruiting video for Dysfunctional Software that will entice potential new employees to work there and provide ideas management can pursue to explore to ensure a positive work culture is developed that maximizes efficiency and productivity at the corporate and individual level. He wants to portray Dysfunctional as a company with a deep commitment to its employees, a positive corporate culture, and employees embracing its core values and enjoying coming to work. As background for the task of developing the video, Mr. Harried provides you with a recruiting video for Spotify, acknowledged as a world-class employer by its 30-country global workforce. Mr. Harried believes that Spotify is an exceptional company in terms of its approach to employees, its hiring practices, its organizational culture, and its organizational structure. You are requested to view the video on Spotify: (You may need to right-click on the link and open it in a new window.) Mr. Harried also requires you to read the material he has assigned (i.e., your course material for this project). After viewing the video read the assigned project material, you must write a report to Mr. Harried covering the information requested below. For the report, you are using only the Spotify video and course materials. If additional sources are used, no credit will be awarded for those sources. Use the following center Bolded and left-justified Bolded headings and instructions to complete the project. Introduction Write an Introduction paragraph. The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will describe the paper’s intent to the reader, explaining the main points covered in the paper. The introduction ensures the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper. The introduction is often written after the paper is completed. (Use in-text citations as required.) Organizational Culture Discuss the seven dimensions of organizational culture. (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)Present examples for each of the seven dimensions of culture using Spotify’s organizational culture. Your description of Spotify’s organizational culture is accomplished by extracting facts from the video and matching those facts with the appropriate dimension descriptor. You must provide support, justification, and, where appropriate, in-text citation for the video facts matched with the dimension descriptors. (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)Seven Dimensions of Culture Discussion (Please underline each of the 7 dimensions as you discuss that dimension. Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)Spotify’s Video Facts/Examples (Please underline each cultural dimension as you match it to the Spotify video facts and examples. Use in-text citations as required.) Competitive Advantage Discuss how Spotify uses its corporate culture to create a competitive advantage. Provide examples supported by your analysis, as drawn from the video information and the course materials. (Use in-text citations as required.) Organizational Structure Identify and discuss Spotify’s organizational structure, as depicted in the video. Based on your examples ascertained from the video, use the course material to elaborate on your examples to fully explain the various types and aspects of organizational structure that you have selected from the video to analyze. (Use in-text citations as required.) ConclusionCreate a concluding paragraph. The conclusion paragraph highlights the major findings covered in the paper. (Use in-text citations as required.) References Review the Paper Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.The following are specific requirements that you will follow. Use the checklist to mark off that you have followed each specific requirement. ChecklistSpecific Project RequirementsProofread your paper. Ensure your topic heading matches those above. Read and use the grading rubric while completing the report to ensure all requirements are met to lead to the highest possible grade. Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (the second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them. Paraphrase and do not use direct quotations. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Removing quotation marks and citing is inappropriate. Instead, put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. There should be no passages with quotation marks. Using more than four consecutive words from a source document would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. You are expected to use the provided weekly course materials to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material. The material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.You may not use books in completing this problem set unless they are part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary, Wikipedia or Investopedia, or similar sources.Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation. Since the eBook does not have page numbers, you must include the chapter title, section heading, and paragraph number.For citations using a video, you must provide the minutes and second of the cited materialThe only course material that can be used is:Week 4 Course Materialvideo on Spotify: 1: LeadershipWhy It Matters: Leadership – – Makes an Effective Leader? – vs. Poor Leadership – Theories of Leadership – and Transactional Theories of Leadership – It Together: Leadership – 2: Motivation Why It Matters: Motivation – Importance of Employee Motivation – Theories of Motivation – Theories of Motivation – Characteristics that Affect Motivation – Goal-Setting Theory –

solved Discussion: Discussion: Patient Preferences and Decision Making Changes in culture

Discussion: Discussion: Patient Preferences and Decision Making
Changes in culture and technology have resulted in patient populations that are often well informed and educated, even before consulting or considering a healthcare need delivered by a health professional. Fueled by this, health professionals are increasingly involving patients in treatment decisions. However, this often comes with challenges, as illnesses and treatments can become complex.
What has your experience been with patient involvement in treatment or healthcare decisions?
In this Discussion, you will share your experiences and consider the impact of patient involvement (or lack of involvement). You will also consider the use of a patient decision aid to inform best practices for patient care and healthcare decision making.
To Prepare:

Review the Resources and reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into) a decision regarding their treatment plan.
Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory at

Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic.

NOTE: To ensure compliance with HIPAA rules, please DO NOT use the patient’s real name or any information that might identify the patient or organization/practice.

By Day 3 of Week 11
Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.
By Day 6 of Week 11
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days and offer alternative views on the impact of patient preferences on treatment plans or outcomes, or the potential impact of patient decision aids on situations like the one shared. 

student one:
Working for a spine surgical center has provided many situations to experience patients being involved in their treatment plan for spinal stenosis. The surgeons for the spine center are focused on alternative medicine and use surgery as a last resort to treat spinal stenosis. Many of the patients have similar responses to their treatment plan and hold a feeling of control throughout the process. The surgeons are very upfront about why they perform the various tests, review the results directly with the patient, and clearly describe the many treatment options available. Unless it is a clear urgent situation, the surgeons always guide patients towards the least invasive option first so they do not feel surgery is their only choice. By doing this, and listening to the patients if they want to try alternatives first, the patients feel involved in their treatment plan and not forced into surgery until they feel confident it is the only option left.
Caring for patients from the start to finish of their surgical journey provides ample opportunity to evaluate how they feel throughout their experience. Most patients begin explaining their experience before surgery was considered an option, and the positive attitudes and comments are overwhelming when the patient feels in control. Being included from the very beginning of the treatment plan allows the patient to hold a sense of pride in their healthcare decisions and leads to better outcomes because they are actively participating in their care. As stated above, unless a patient has a clear urgent case with no alternatives, patients feel involved, in control, and more confident in their care choices leading to more positive outcomes.
The patient decision aid on spinal stenosis is an effective tool to help guide patients towards creating a treatment plan fitting their own comfort level. This decision aid provides excellent information on what spinal stenosis is, what the symptoms are and what they mean, and the treatment options available (Healthwise, 2021). Providing patients with this information allows them to make their own decisions for their treatment plan and take responsibility for their own health. After reviewing the aid, a patient may decide their symptoms are not bad enough for surgery and they want to try alternative options; however, they will also see if the symptoms get worse there is a natural order their plan will follow and the treatments become more aggressive.
Ultimately it is the choice of the patient determining the treatment plan. Patients hold the right to refuse treatment, and can form their own plan of care. Moving forward as a practitioner it will be invaluable to have tools such as the patient decision aids to assist with guiding patients towards their best options for care. Combining the patient’s beliefs and personality with different treatment plans is crucial for success. Not every patient will fit every treatment plan, so getting to know patients and understanding their decision-making process will be beneficial.
Healthwise. (2021, July 1). Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Should I Have Surgery? Retrieved August 6, 2021, from
Hoffmann, T. C., Montori, V. M., & Del Mar, C. (2014). The connection between evidence-based medicine and shared decision making. JAMA, 312(13), 1295. Retrieved August 5, 2021, from
Opperman, C., Liebig, D., Bowling, J., Johnson, C., & Harper, M. (2016). Measuring return on investment for professional development activities:. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 32(4), 176–184. Retrieved August 5, 2021, from
The Ottawa Hospital. (n.d.). Patient Decision Aids. The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Retrieved August 5, 2021, from

student two:
Nobody knows us better than ourselves. Patients are the most familiar with their own health conditions. They are the best positioned to provide a fundamental understanding of their own experiences, and they define their treatment preferences on the benefits of their treatment outcome. According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2018), incorporating patients’ preferences and values is essential in evidence-based decision-making. To have a continuous flow of treatment plans and better outcomes, clinicians should listen to the patients and their families about their wishes. One good example is a religious belief. I have encountered so many patients who didn’t wish to receive blood or any blood products because of religion. As clinicians, we have to respect their beliefs and values. In this case, if patients’ hemoglobin were critically low and blood transfusion is not an option. Internists will consult other specialists such as nephrologists and GI to find an alternative method. Hoffman et al. (2014) noted that for patients who have to implement the decision and live with the consequences, this is through this process that patients incorporate the evidence and the expertise of the doctors along with their values and preferences into their decision making. It has always been challenging to manage the patient’s treatment plan.
Patient decision aids are tools that support patients in decision-making by giving them options and possible outcomes in line with their personal values (The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (2019). In my workplace, it is not unusual that cardiologists would switch cardiac medications depending on the patient’s condition. When this happens, I usually will give patient education regarding the new medication, and I would print out the new medication and give it to the patient. I would ask them to read it carefully, especially the side effects, and if they feel like they have some clarifications and if they are still skeptical, I would ask the prescribing doctor to talk to the patient. The patient decision aid that I have chosen is highly valuable and might lead to an effective decision, it will not just give the facts about the medication, for example, anticoagulation, but it will tell the patient the risks and benefits of taking it to compare to not taking it. And it will also ask the patient about their personal feelings that matter most in their decision. The patient decision aid is definitely useful in my practice. As I already have mentioned, giving patients education about a new medication or procedure is very common in my clinical practice; patient decision aid is a valuable tool that would provide a whole new perspective not just for the patient but also for nurses.
Hoffmann, T. C., Montori, V. M., & Del Mar, C. (2014). The connection between evidence-based medicine and shared decision-making. JAMA, 312(13), 1295.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Chapter 7, “Patient Concerns, Choices and Clinical Judgement in Evidence-Based Practice” (pp. 219–232)
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. (2019). Patient decision aids. Retrieved fromÂ