solved I need this done by 2pm MST on Saturday the

I need this done by 2pm MST on Saturday the 15th. Please review everything below including the grading rubric.APA 7 is required for all sources used and cited.Textbook for the course:Miller, R. L. (2017). Business law today: The essentials: Text and summarized cases (11th ed.). Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781305574793Option #1: Lifetime EmployabilityIn your career development work to date, you have researched careers that interest you, and you have evaluated your strengths and weaknesses, comparing them to those required in the career you want. You may have worked with a mentor or networked with other professionals working in your desired career, and you are developing a resume and honing your interviewing skills. Soon you will apply what you are learning to your job search. This is a good time to also consider the skills and practices required for on-the-job success.Note: If you wish to use a mentor who does not fit the above description, you must secure your instructor’s approval in writing before completing this project; send the individual’s name, title, and credentials to your instructor with a written request for an exception.All careers are influenced by employment and business laws that affect hiring, employability, on-the-job behaviors, or termination. To complete this assignment, refer to your personal experience with business laws, acts, ordinances, or your anticipated/desired experiences and how employment and business laws affect you and your specific industry. You can also refer to information in the Student Career Center.In the Student Career Center (Links to an external site.), read Tips for Professional Success (Links to an external site.). Using a single example or multiple examples from your professional life now and/or in the past, or from your research, answer the following questions in a well-written paper. Be sure to provide detailed responses to these questions using specific examples and integrate your answers into a paper that flows smoothly.Develop a well-written two- to three-page paper, not including the title or references pages, that includes the following:Describe how domestic employment and business law will affect/impact you and the industry you are—or will be—working in.Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem-solving in your professional life.Define the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your professional life.Create a personal ethics philosophy with regard to business or your field of choice. Explain how you would apply this philosophy in your daily life.Outline your communication strengths in your professional life. Describe your weaknesses.List the strategies you employ to stay on task and on time in your professional life. Explain how you manage your professional goals.Use a minimum of three supporting references with at least one or two of those being peer-reviewed. These sources could relate to goal setting, professional goals, professional etiquette, decision making, or any other relevant aspect of career development.Always follow the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.)RubricMGT315 Mod 1 CTMGT315 Mod 1 CTCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCareer Development Content10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationDemonstrates strong or adequate knowledge of career center opportunities and tools to assist employment skills and applicable knowledge of business careers, especially those with a business law background. Suggests several opportunities for growth and lifetime employability.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationIncludes most of the quality opportunities the career center provides. Includes several opportunities and tools to assist employment skills and applicable knowledge of business careers, especially those with a business law background. Suggests some opportunities for growth and lifetime employability.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationIncludes some of the quality opportunities the career center provides. Includes some opportunities and tools to assist employment skills or applicable knowledge of business careers, especially those with a business law background. Suggests a few opportunities for growth and lifetime employability.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceIncludes few of the quality opportunities the career center provides. Few opportunities and tools are identified to assist employment skills or applicable knowledge of business careers, especially those with a business law background. Does not suggest any opportunities for growth and lifetime employability.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationThe paper/memo includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationThe paper/memo includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationThe paper/memo includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceThe paper/memo includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationDemonstrates strong or adequate critical analysis of personal strategies for decision making, professional etiquette, ethical behavior, communication, goal setting, and applicable employment opportunities and educational requirements.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationDemonstrates developing or adequate critical analysis of personal strategies for decision making, professional etiquette, ethical behavior, communication, goal setting, and applicable employment opportunities and educational requirements.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationMajor gaps or critical analysis of personal strategies for decision making, professional etiquette, ethical behavior, communication, goal setting, and applicable employment opportunities and educational requirements.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceFails to provide any personal strategies for decision making, professional etiquette, ethical behavior, communication, goal setting, and applicable employment opportunities and educational requirements.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesis and Evaluation10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationDemonstrates strong or adequate synthesis and evaluation of how personal experiences apply in planning for on-the-job success. A thoughtful plan for growth and development within their field of study and content application is provided.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationSome significant but not major errors or omissions of how personal experiences apply in planning for on-the-job success. A well-structured plan for growth and development within their field of study and content application is provided.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationMajor errors or omissions of how personal experiences apply in planning for on-the-job success. An underdeveloped plan for growth and development within their field of study and content application is provided.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceFails to demonstrate how personal experiences apply in planning for on-the-job success. No plan for growth and development within their field of study or content application is provided.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates college-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.5 to >4.0 ptsMeets ExpectationProject is clearly organized, well written, and in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few errors in grammar and spelling.4 to >3.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationProject is fairly well organized and written, and is in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Reasonably good sentence and paragraph structure; significant number of errors in grammar and spelling.3 to >2.0 ptsBelow ExpectationProject is poorly organized; does not follow proper paper format. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; numerous errors in grammar and spelling.2 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceProject is not organized or well written, and is not in proper paper format. Poor quality work; unacceptable in terms of grammar and spelling.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates proper use of APA style5 to >4.0 ptsMeets ExpectationProject contains proper APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than one significant error.4 to >3.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationFew errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than two to three significant errors.3 to >2.0 ptsBelow ExpectationSignificant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with four to five significant errors.2 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceNumerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with more than five significant errors.5 ptsTotal Points: 50

solved This project will consist of students creating a news article

This project will consist of students creating a news article about a primary document as though they were there when it happened as a newspaper article. Must use a primary source as your main focus, but also use secondary sources for your surrounding information (See point 4)1000 wordsEach news report must contain the followingDaily news, what is happening in the county or world at the time of the primary document. (This is where you will need secondary resources)Information about the author, who are they, what do they do, why are they creating the primary source? (Again, here you will need secondary resources)A summary of the primary source itself. Hit the main points, why has the source been created, what does the author hope to achieve, who is the intended audience, etc.?Finally offer an editorial. Do you think this source will be good for the country or do you think it will have a major impact? Here you will want to look at the actual effect the source had and try to work that into your reporting.Must include a bibliography in either MLA or Chicago Style.Remember: you are creating something as though you were there at the time, try to put yourself in the shoes of someone witnessing the world at the time of the source’s creation. PRIMARY DOCUMENT: TITUBA DOCUMENT(Examination of Tituba) Page citation: Examination of Tituba (H) Tituba what evil spirit have you familiarity with(T) none (H) why do you hurt these children(T) I do not hurt them (H) who is it then (T) the devil for ought I know (H) did you never see the devil. (T) the devil came to me and bid me serve him (H) who have you seen (T) 4 women sometimes hurt the children (H) who were they? (T) goode Osburn and Sarah good and I doe not know who the other were Sarah good and Osburne would have me hurt the children but I would not shee furder saith there was a tale man of Boston that shee did see (H) when did you see them (T) Last night at Boston (H) what did they say to you they said hurt the children(H) and did you hurt them (T) no there is 4 women and one man they hurt the children and then lay all upon me andthey tell me if I will not hurt the children they will hurt me (H) but did you not hurt them (T) yes, but I will hurt them no more(H) are you not sorry you did hurt them. (T) yes. (H) and why then doe you hurt them(T) they say hurt children or wee will doe worse to you(H) what have you seen a man come to me and say serve me (H) what service (T) hurt the children and last night there was an appearance that said Kill the children and if I would no go on hurting the children they would do worse to me (H) what is this appearance you see (T) sometimes it is like a hog and some times like a great dog this appearance shee saith shee did see 4 times (H) what did it say to you(T) the black dog said serve me but I said I am a fraid he said if I did not he would doe worse to me (H) what did you say to it(T) I will serve you no longer then he said he would hurt me and then he lookes like a man and threatens to hurt me shee said that this man had a yellow bird that keept with him and he told me he had more pretty things that he would give me if I would serve him (H) what were these pretty things (T) he did not show me them (H) what else have you seen (T) two rats, a red rat and a black rat(H) what did they say to you (T) they said serve me (H) when did you see them (T) Last night and they said serve me but shee said I would not(H) what service (T) shee said hurt the children (H) did you not pinch Elizabeth Hubbard this morning (T) the man brought her to me and made me pinch her (H) why did you goe to thomas putnams Last night and hurt his child (T) they pull and hall me and make goe (H) and what would have you doe Kill her with a knif Left. fuller and others said at this time when the child saw these persons and was tormented by them that she did complain of a knif that they would have her cut her head off with a knife (H) how did you go (T) we ride upon stickes and are there presently(H) doe you goe through the trees or over them (T) we see no thing but are there presently (H) why did you not tell your master (T) I was a fraid they said they would cut off my head if I told(H) would not you have hurt others if you could (T) they said they would hurt others but they could not (H) what attendants hath Sarah good (T) a yellow bird and shee would have given me one (H) what meate did she give it (T) it did suck her between her fingers(H) Did not you hurt mr Currins child (T) goode good and goode Osburn told that they did hurt mr Currens child and would have had me hurt him two but I did not (H) what hath Sarah Osburn(T) yesterday shee had a thing with a head like a woman with 2 leggs and wings Abigail williams that lives with her uncle mr Parris said that shee did see this same creature and it turned into the shape of goode osburn(H) what else have you seen with g osburn (T) an other thing hairy it goes upright like a man it hath only 2 leggs(H) did you not see Sarah good upon elisebeth Hubbar last Saturday (T) I did see her set a wolfe upon her to afflict her the persons with this maid did say that shee did complain of a wolf (T) shee furder said that shee saw a cat with good at another time(H) what cloathes doth the man go in (T) he goes in black clouthes a tal man with white hair I thinke (H) how doth the woman go (T) in a white whood and a black whood with a tup knot(H) doe you see who it is that torments these children now(T) yes it is goode good she hurts them in her own shape (H) & who is it that hurts them now(T) I am blind noe I cannot see Salem VillageMarch the 1’t 1691/2 written by Ezekiell CheversSalem Village March the 1’t 1691/2 (Essex County Archives, Salem — Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 6 ) (Tituba Case) News RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentationMust be proper length. Quality should be good, free of major errors or mistakes.10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject has few errors and meets length requirements.7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject has some errors or is not long enough, but this does not alter the content.0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsErrors or length are so bad that the project does not deliver information.10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliographyProject must include a bibliography in either MLA or Chicago Style10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject has a bibliography in either MLA or Chicago Style with few or no errors7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject has a bibliography in either MLA or Chicago Style with multiple errors but the information is still present0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsDoes not have a bibliography or bibliography does not include information required in either MLA or Chicago Style10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNewsProject provides enough background information to demonstrate a knowledge of the time the primary document was created.10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject provides enough background information to demonstrate a knowledge of the time the primary document was created.7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject provides background information, but that information is not relevant or does not fully discuss what is going on in the country0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsBackground information is not provided10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAuthorProject gives information about the creator of the primary document. Information should be relevant to the document itself.10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject gives information about the creator of the primary document. Information should be relevant to the document itself.7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject gives information about eh creator of the primary document, but that information is not relevant or does not fully discuss who the author is.0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsNo information about the creator of the primary document is provided10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaryProject offers a summary of the primary document which hits on the major points of the document.10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject offers a summary of the primary document which hits on the major points of the document.7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject offers a summary of the primary document, but that summary does not hit on the major points of the document.0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsProject does not describe the primary document being discussed10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEditorialProject provides an editorial discussing the impact of the primary document.10 ptsMeets ExpectationsProject provides an editorial discussing the impact of the primary document.7 ptsPartially Meets ExpectationsProject provides an editorial but does not fully discuss the impact of the document on the country0 ptsDoes Not Meet expectationsNo editorial is provided discussing the impact of the primary document10pts

solved InstructionsImagine that you are a nutritional assistant working alongside the

InstructionsImagine that you are a nutritional assistant working alongside the lead dietitian at a local health and wellness center. You have been asked to help design a meal plan along with other nutrition and lifestyle improvements for the referred patient. Please provide the full analysis of the patient’s dietary intake. You may use any dietary analysis program that you are comfortable with. There are many available online for free. Here are some suggestions:nutritionix.comcronometer.comFitday.comcalorieking.commyfitnesspal.commyfoodrecord.comPlease provide a list of all the food entries along with a table or organized listing of the total dietary intake of: calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, 3-4 vitamins, and 3-4 minerals. These estimated intake totals will reflect what the patient likely consumed based on what you entered into the nutrient analysis site.Patient information: John is a 45-year-old Caucasian man. He resides in the southeast United States. He is married, with two children in middle school. John has been referred to your nutrition and wellness center by his primary care physician. John is concerned about his weight status, potential risk factors for heart disease, as well as his recent feelings of lethargy. The only clinical information that you have available to you at this point is his age (45), height: 5’10”, and weight: 255 lbs.John’s dietary information/recall:Wake up:1 x 18 oz. Monster™ energy drink.On way to work:Drive-thru window at a local fast-food restaurant for a chicken biscuit, hash-browns, and 20-oz. cola soda.Snack around 10:00 a.m.:Snickers® from vending machine or pretzels, and a piece of string cheese if his wife has packed him a snack that day (maybe twice a week).Lunch around 12:30 p.m.:Only packs lunch from home about once a week and that is usually somewhat healthy (in his words), consisting of a white bread sandwich with, 4–5 oz. of luncheon meat turkey, 2–3 oz. American cheese, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, and lettuce/tomato; 1 banana, 4 Chips Ahoy® cookies, and a 20-oz. cola drink (not diet).Lunch:On the days that he goes out to eat (usually 4 days a week), he typically eats something like this: double cheeseburger combo meal with no pickles or onions (includes everything else: mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.). Upsizes the fries and drinks to large; may get a refill of cola soda before leaving to go back to the office.Mid-afternoon:Red Bull Energy Drink™ (because, as his food diary reveals, he is often very drowsy in the hours following lunch).Dinner:His wife makes some effort to cook healthier versions of foods that he will eat. He reports that an “average” home-cooked meal may include: whole wheat spaghetti noodles (his wife has transitioned him over to that) and turkey meatballs (unsure if they are lean, but he does know that they are frozen and they are the store brand. He reports having about 9–10 meatballs when a serving is 4–5). He is unsure of the amount of noodles but he says they “almost fill the bottom of the plate up.” The sauce is a jar/canned traditional spaghetti sauce. They also have “Texas toast” with cheese, and he has at least 2 slices.Bedtime:Bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. He admits to eating well over the standard ½-cup serving. He estimates 2–3 times that amount of consumption.Include John’s demographic information, including his height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and other lifestyle habits or medical history information that are concerning. Why are they of concern? What does research say?Use the nutritional analysis information from his 1-day report to create a 2-day diet plan for John that reflects a healthy lifestyle he could maintain. What specific dietary changes are recommended for John? Provide at least three specific dietary or lifestyle recommendations along with the 2-day diet plan. Please include the calorie and macronutrient totals for each of the 2-day diet plans. Why did you choose this calorie range and macronutrient distribution (% of carbohydrates, % of protein, and % of fat) for this patient?RequirementsThis assignment should be at least 2 pages in length, not including the meal plan charts or screenshots. You may include screenshots or tables of the meal plans/analysis. Be sure to include the totals for each of the recommended 2 days as well as the total calories and nutritional information for the “before” diet. Also, include at least three APA style references.InstructionsImagine that you are a nutritional assistant working alongside the lead dietitian at a local health and wellness center. You have been asked to help design a meal plan along with other nutrition and lifestyle improvements for the referred patient. Please provide the full analysis of the patient’s dietary intake. You may use any dietary analysis program that you are comfortable with. There are many available online for free. Here are some suggestions:nutritionix.comcronometer.comFitday.comcalorieking.commyfitnesspal.commyfoodrecord.comPlease provide a list of all the food entries along with a table or organized listing of the total dietary intake of: calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, 3-4 vitamins, and 3-4 minerals. These estimated intake totals will reflect what the patient likely consumed based on what you entered into the nutrient analysis site.Patient information: John is a 45-year-old Caucasian man. He resides in the southeast United States. He is married, with two children in middle school. John has been referred to your nutrition and wellness center by his primary care physician. John is concerned about his weight status, potential risk factors for heart disease, as well as his recent feelings of lethargy. The only clinical information that you have available to you at this point is his age (45), height: 5’10”, and weight: 255 lbs.John’s dietary information/recall:Wake up:1 x 18 oz. Monster™ energy drink.On way to work:Drive-thru window at a local fast-food restaurant for a chicken biscuit, hash-browns, and 20-oz. cola soda.Snack around 10:00 a.m.:Snickers® from vending machine or pretzels, and a piece of string cheese if his wife has packed him a snack that day (maybe twice a week).Lunch around 12:30 p.m.:Only packs lunch from home about once a week and that is usually somewhat healthy (in his words), consisting of a white bread sandwich with, 4–5 oz. of luncheon meat turkey, 2–3 oz. American cheese, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, and lettuce/tomato; 1 banana, 4 Chips Ahoy® cookies, and a 20-oz. cola drink (not diet).Lunch:On the days that he goes out to eat (usually 4 days a week), he typically eats something like this: double cheeseburger combo meal with no pickles or onions (includes everything else: mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.). Upsizes the fries and drinks to large; may get a refill of cola soda before leaving to go back to the office.Mid-afternoon:Red Bull Energy Drink™ (because, as his food diary reveals, he is often very drowsy in the hours following lunch).Dinner:His wife makes some effort to cook healthier versions of foods that he will eat. He reports that an “average” home-cooked meal may include: whole wheat spaghetti noodles (his wife has transitioned him over to that) and turkey meatballs (unsure if they are lean, but he does know that they are frozen and they are the store brand. He reports having about 9–10 meatballs when a serving is 4–5). He is unsure of the amount of noodles but he says they “almost fill the bottom of the plate up.” The sauce is a jar/canned traditional spaghetti sauce. They also have “Texas toast” with cheese, and he has at least 2 slices.Bedtime:Bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. He admits to eating well over the standard ½-cup serving. He estimates 2–3 times that amount of consumption.Include John’s demographic information, including his height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and other lifestyle habits or medical history information that are concerning. Why are they of concern? What does research say?Use the nutritional analysis information from his 1-day report to create a 2-day diet plan for John that reflects a healthy lifestyle he could maintain. What specific dietary changes are recommended for John? Provide at least three specific dietary or lifestyle recommendations along with the 2-day diet plan. Please include the calorie and macronutrient totals for each of the 2-day diet plans. Why did you choose this calorie range and macronutrient distribution (% of carbohydrates, % of protein, and % of fat) for this patient?RequirementsThis assignment should be at least 2 pages in length, not including the meal plan charts or screenshots. You may include screenshots or tables of the meal plans/analysis. Be sure to include the totals for each of the recommended 2 days as well as the total calories and nutritional information for the “before” diet. Also, include at least three APA style references.

solved ASSESSMENTS 9 AND 10 CONTEXTRisk ManagementThe topic of risk management

ASSESSMENTS 9 AND 10 CONTEXTRisk ManagementThe topic of risk management is very broad, and it changes with the changes in the economic environment in which a firm operates. In business, the term risk management has broadened to include not only insurance protection coverage but also management of such risk factors as controlling costs of key inputs such as petroleum or metals by using derivatives or protecting against changes in interest rates and exchange rates using hedges in interest rate or foreign exchange markets.One of the most important aspects of risk management involves the use of derivatives such as options, interest rate and exchange rate futures and swaps, and commodity futures. An option is a contract that gives its holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified period. Conventional options are generally written for six months or less, but a new type of a longer time option called LEAPS has maturities of up to 2.5 years. Derivatives can become very complex and exotic; however, our goal is to focus on those features of derivatives that could help you as a manager to manage the risk of your firm. Therefore, other types of derivatives will be examined primarily from the standpoint of how they can be used in the process of managing and reducing the diverse risks facing a modern firm.When you think of risk management, you typically think insurance. While insurance is a broad solution to risk management, the kinds of things we mean in the financial world go far beyond risks for which there is traditional insurance that allows you to actually transfer your risk to someone else. In many cases, you cannot pay someone to assume your risks, so you may consider taking other courses of action to abate it.Sometimes those actions are simply management controls (for example, for a risk where an employee might embezzle funds). Alternatively, if the risk has to do with the availability of some resource needed, you might create secondary supplier relationships that can be called into action if your primary supply chain breaks down. In fact, there are several actions available to manage risks once those risks are identified, quantified, and categorized. Some of those actions include:Transfer the risk (for example, insurance).Reduce the probability (for example, controls).Reduce the impact of the risk (for example, installing surveillance systems).Limit or cease the activity that leads to the risk (for example, stop making a product or providing a function with high liability).Use derivatives to manage financial exposures.MergersThe primary motivation for most mergers is to increase the value of the combined enterprise. Economic conditions under which the value of the resulting company is higher than the value of separate companies can arise from operating economies, financial economies, differential economies, and increased market power.There are several methodologies used to value target firms. However, we will limit our examination to two of the most common methods:The discounted cash flow approach.The market multiple method.Our merger analysis would have been incomplete if we ignored the accounting implications of mergers. Mergers are not the only existing types of corporate restructuring. Leveraged buyouts (LBO) occur when a small group of investors, usually including current management, acquires a firm in a transaction financed largely by debt.Internal ControlsA properly-designed set of internal controls should look at both the risk and impact of specific exposures. For example, while the risk of employees taking home pads of paper may be high, the impact is low, so why bother having a lock on the file cabinet. But, writing checks to fictitious vendors is an example where the impact is as high as the sum total of the checks.The classic internal control is to involve multiple parties in a transaction stream such that collusion would be required—this reduces the risk (though probably not the potential impact). Writing a check to a vendor requires a purchase authorization of some sort, followed by an invoice from the vendor, and eventually a voucher that authorizes payment. Obviously, if only one person had control over all of these steps and no supervisory approvals were needed, you would have a high risk.Another good practice is to sample transactions. For example, take some payments and track the purchase to ensure it involves goods received at a fair price from a legitimate vendor.Reports are also produced that show unusual patterns. These parameters can be set by the user so that, for example, you could query the accounts payables to see any vendor whose payments doubled in the last year or any new vendor with more than a certain amount of money in purchases.Most companies have a board committee called the audit committee or something similar. Its function is to ensure that the right controls are in place so that a system of checks and balances exists to detect fraud or other questionable behavior. It is important to note that accounting firms that audit the financial statements will make it very clear that fraud detection is beyond the scope of a financial statement audit so that overt actions must be taken separately. Many companies use an internal audit staff, and some others may hire their external audit to do a specific controls review or audit if there is suspicion that something is wrong.At least one form of internal control starts at the top; it is critical to have a board of directors that is truly looking out for the shareowner. However, that is as much an ethics issue as it is a controls issue.Most recently, the fraud that has become known involves much more elaborate schemes; you have probably heard about Worldcom, Enron, Tyco, and many others. In some cases, the scheme is so complex, such as with Enron’s offshore subsidiaries, that even well-meaning external auditors will not really understand their implications, as was the case with Arthur Andersen.As we see more directors required to be from outside the company (something many companies are doing voluntarily, though this too could be legislated), we hope this will become less frequent.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a new piece of legislation that requires corporations to have a coherent and complete set of internal controls and to place clear accountability at the top. It is a very contemporary issue in today’s corporate world.Multinational Financial ManagementMultinational companies have more opportunities but also face different risks than do companies that operate in their local markets. Some of these important risks are related to differences in currency denominations, economic and legal structures, languages, cultural differences, and political risk. Since foreign exchange markets are of crucial importance to the multinational firms, it is important to examine the main financial instruments used in these markets and such concepts as interest rate parity and purchasing power parity.The working capital management, debt management, credit policy, and capital budgeting concepts that you applied in previous assessments are also applicable in a multinational environment. However, additional risks that financial management faces often require that these multinational enterprises use more complex and elaborate procedures in determining their weighted average cost of capital, in forecasting their future cash flows, and so forth.For this assessment, complete Problems 1–2, applying the necessary knowledge to strategically manage global financial issues. You may need an HP 10B II Business Calculator to complete the following problems. You may use Word or Excel to complete the assessments throughout this course, but you will find Excel to be most helpful for creating spreadsheets.Problem 1: Currency AppreciationSuppose that 1 Euro could be purchased in the foreign exchange market today for $0.25. If the Euro appreciated 10 percent tomorrow against the dollar, how many Euros would a dollar buy tomorrow?Problem 2: Cross RatesAssume the exchange rate between US dollar and Indian Rupee is 60 Rupees = $1, and the exchange rate between dollar and British pound is 1 Pound = $1.5. What is the exchange rate between the Rupee and pound?Managing Global Financial Issues Scoring GuideCRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDCalculate currency appreciation rates.Does not calculate currency appreciation rates.Calculates currency appreciation rates; uses incorrect calculations.Calculates currency appreciation rates.Calculates currency appreciation rates; provides an analysis of this calculation.Calculate cross rates in foreign currency.Does not calculate cross rates in foreign currency.Calculates cross rates in foreign currency; uses incorrect calculations.Calculates cross rates in foreign currency.Calculates cross rates in foreign currency; provides an analysis of this calculation.

solved Watch the video interview or read the closed caption “Organizational

Watch the video interview or read the closed caption “Organizational Culture and change by Amelia Muniz” – TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO BELOW : Organizational Culture and ChangeVideo transcript0:01Hello and thank you all for taking the time to hear my research proposal regarding organizational culture and culture change. Before I get started I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and why this topic is so important to me.0:15My name is Amelia Muniz and in addition to being a student at the University of Denver I also work full time. My career is dedicated to the training and development of employees, and I happen to work for an organization that is attempting major organizational culture change as well as many change initiatives. On a daily basis I witness the resulting stress and discomfort of employees at all levels of our organization. 0:40How can we successfully identify and transition to our ideal culture? How can we help employees be more accepting of change? How should a company go about translating its ideals into a motivated and productive workforce? By creating an ideal organizational culture.0:60Take Google for example. Google intentionally architects an organizational culture that breeds innovation and creativity. They do this by creating channels for expression, collaboration, and innovation. On-site bowling alleys, climbing walls, and pool tables are among the many unique spaces that Google creates to encourage collaboration and creativity. The company is so committed to their ideal organizational culture they even avoid the word employee and refer to their workers as Googlers. 1:32Enron is another company that had an interesting organizational culture. Between lavish, 1.5 million dollar Christmas parties and Waterford Crystal gifts for Secretary’s Day, who wouldn’t want to work there? There is however, a huge difference between the cultures of these two companies as well as the outcome of their organizational culture.Google creates channels for transparent communication. Enron put blinders on, ignoring the financial status of the company to live beyond their means. Google is thriving. Enron is now mainly recognized for scandal, controversy, and greed. So what did these companies really have in common? Leadership created their organization culture through their beliefs and the examples they set for their employees. Have you ever experienced a fantastic organizational culture like Google? What about a toxic one like Enron?2:31The initial culture of a company generally comes from the values, beliefs, and motivations of its founders or its leader. Right from the beginning leadership creates organizational culture as they build a company based on their ideas and enthusiasm. When leadership stands behind their values and leads by example, successful organizational cultures blossom.But what about culture change? An organizational culture established 50 years ago may not align with the organization’s current customer base, technology, or strategic direction. Organizational culture is not something that should be stagnant. Granted, there are traditions and values that can withstand the test of time. However, customers and many aspects of the business world are constantly changing. 3:23This is where adaptability and flexibility become important aspects of an organization’s culture. The culture of an organization can have vast impacts on competitive advantage, success, and the overall achievement of organizational goals. However, shifts in organization culture can cause tension and mistrust among employees. Morale in both management and employees can be negatively impacted as people are forced to break away from their norms they are accustomed to.3:56Change initiatives and restructuring can make people feel uncertain about their role within the organization. These factors impact many organizations in all types of industries and create struggles for employees at all levels.Progression and technology, consumer trends, production methods, and human resource management have created a need for organizations to embrace flexibility and promote a forward thinking workforce. Although organizations understand the need for cultural shifts and acceptance to change, this is much easier said than done.4:34Further research into leadership and communication methodologies that promote ideal organizational culture, and promote positive acceptance of change is beneficial to the success of organizations as well as employee morale. The study of organizational culture is both fascinating and relevant in the ever changing world of business. Success and competitive advantage are not simply by-products of desirable products and services. Success and competitive advantage are also dependent upon a company’s ability to create an ideal culture.5:04Research and development around specific and actionable strategies for organizations to identify and cultivate positive and ethical culture is, without a doubt, invaluable.Imagine what strategies like that could have done for Enron before it was too late. Imagine what a strategic and effective approach could do for companies that aspire to have the talent and success of organizations like Google. Imagine what your organization could do with the tools and strategies to identify and create your ideal culture. 5:47Thank you again for taking the time to view my presentation. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like a complete copy of my research proposal. Have a wonderful day.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-For your first post write a paper of at least 300 words and answer the following questions:When undergoing a process improvement initiative how important is culture, low, medium or high and why? What are the benefits of culture in an improvement initiative and why? Describe the downside of culture in an improvement initiative and why?You will respond to the posting of the two of your peers with your personal suggestions: What have you learned from their post? What suggestions for improvement for your least effective post? You will have a most favorite and a least favorite. General directions for all discussion posts:Original discussion thread post due by *Tuesday at 11:30PM (EST)*. This original post must contain a minimum of 300 words. Students must demonstrate critical thinking by paraphrasing the material into their own words (direct quotes should be used in a limited manner as this does not display critical thinking). All statements in the post that are not general knowledge should be cited to their source. Be sure to clearly relate the readings to the lesson concepts. Students may further synthesize this research relating to personal experiences. All citations should be in APA format with a reference listing at the bottom of the post in APA format (be sure to include a link to the website of your current event in the reference listing).Please remember that the original post on the discussion boards is for your researched thought. If you describe an opinion it should be grounded in citation and reference based research. The purpose of the assignment is for you to critically examine issues, using research as your foundation for your ideas. Ideas built from research create credibility with the reader. It also enhances your critical thinking as well as your own enlightenment. Many times we have an opinion that after we research the opinion we find that there is evidence of counter intuitive concepts that lead to new ways of looking at our original idea. Do remember that it is not good form to use the first person in professional writing.First reply posts due by *Thursday at 11:30PM (EST)*Second reply posts due by *Sunday at 11:30PM (EST)*.Review other students posts before deciding what and where to structure reply posts. Student must post a minimum of two replies that must be unique to other students. Replies should build upon the original discussion thread (and other replies posted prior) with further details on lesson concepts, additional research, business examples, etc.Replies require short essays and must contain a minimum of 100 words each. Replies must be constructive which means they do not simply state agreement or disagreement re-highlighting points already made in prior posts (those words do NOT count). Replies must offer additional information or input to the discussion of the current event and lesson concepts. All statements using points that are not general knowledge should be properly cited to their source in the contents of this essay with a reference listing at the bottom (use APA format, see Course Materials on Doing Research and Using APA).

solved Part 1(a) Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24 both address Jesus

Part 1(a) Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24 both address Jesus as a prophet and state that Jesus does not accept his status as a prophet. In Luke 1:26-38, Gabriel visits Jesus’s mother, Mary, and he then declares to her that she is carrying a child, the Son of God. Luke edits this passage and portrays Jesus as not being accepted among his own family. This contradicts what he says earlier that Mary was told exactly to who she was giving life by Gabriel. Luke often shows Mary and Jesus’s brothers following the counsel Jesus provides on the word of God. However, Mark often portrayed Jesus as misunderstood in his gospel. To emphasize his point that Jesus was not acknowledged as the Son of God, even his disciples and family did not understand who he truly was. Part 1(b) Contrast Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24. Why is the lack of honor by the family eliminated by Luke? Mark 6:4 “Jesus said to the, Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” According to Mark’s gospel the focus on the misunderstanding of Jesus caused his relatives among the people in his hometown or native place to view him as a dishonored prophet in his own house. In Mark Jesus is mentioned as a prophet Luke 4:24 “I tell you the truth, he continued, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” According to Luke’s Gospel during a period of time Mary the mother of Jesus had a visit from an Angel named Gabriel who shared his vision the identity of her son with her. With this information Jesus could not later be dishonored for he is the son of God. Luke has discovered information about Mary praying with the apostles after resurrection which has helped shape his presentation of Mary. Acts 1:14 States “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with one women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his brother.” In Luke Jesus is called “a prophet by others a great prophet has risen among us”. Luke eliminates the lack of honor to repair the image of Mary. Mary is included among those who listen and follows God’s words. Part 2(a) From this week’s reading, the reading that stood out the most to me was Ethical Decision Making Models and 6 Steps of Ethical Decision Making Process is because of the structure that was provided. Like anything in life, if you have balance, your outcome will be better. The Saint Leo University core value I will use is Integrity because it is very important to me and I try to use this on a daily basis. It’s important to make the right choice even when no one is looking because it displays your overall character. As for making a decision, it should be made for all the right reasons instead of trying to please someone else. Making the right decision can prevent many problems/issues before they occur. Knowing your “why” you made your decision should never be questioned if the decision was made using the 6 step process. Honesty will over rule a “just because” decision any day. Once a decision is made using other methods, troubles could eventually be followed. University, Saint Leo. “Mission, Values, Identity.” Mission, Values, Identity, Part 2(b) The Saint Leo Core Values of excellence and integrity play a key role into my decision making. Following and remembering these core values will always help me in a situation that I need help or overcome adversity. First, “Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our university depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals” (Leo). Becoming responsible and to become successful it is very smart to follow this statement to overcome some problems with decision making to help me become successful for whatever I am trying to overcome. To become successful in life and making decisions that could affect the way you live needs to come with honesty and intelligence. Becoming consistent with word and deed will help me with my decision making process also. With making a decision you need some reassurance and logic behind it, with these two core values that Saint Leo has taught me has made me a better person and has helped me with making decisions in my daily life. References University, Saint Leo. “Mission, Values, Identity.” Mission, Values, Identity, Part 3(a) I don’t think that international trade should be left to private enterprises. Privat hands means that it the production can be left in a private sector. Governments should openly try to benefit the poorer nations to help their economies. Not only will it help them, but it will look good on our end and will ultimately come full circle later. I would argue on the behalf of the EU because they were doing their best to help the struggling countries. I think that the US coming into the mix brought issues. I think that all should have been trying to help the economically weak countries. The tariffs are needed for the sake of keeping all economies thriving however the ridiculous priced and inflation weren’t necessary. Part 3(b) When the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created it was given the ability to deal with conflict and the power to make decisions when it’s members were in conflict over trade issues. A component of the WTO’s brought over from the GATT is the idea of “normal trade relations” as discussed in our text. This is the idea that all members must be given the same terms of trade if they are favorable. (Wild & Wild, 2018) In 1993 the European Union (EU) enacted a regulatory regime for banana imports, this was two years before the WTO was created. This created two separate tariff rate quota systems based on country of origin. Developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific were eligible for “duty free” entry up to 8,577,700 metric tons and 750 ECU per metric ton above this limit. Everyone else had to pay 100 ECU per metric ton up to 2 million metric tons, then 850 ECU on everything over that. (Patterson, 2021) This was put into place two years before the WTO was created but still went against the GATT which held to the same concept of equal favorable trade regulations for all members. There is an argument to be made both for an against government involvement in international trade policies. The World Bank has its own goals that include eradicating hunger and poverty worldwide. They support an open but rule based trading system that should focus on helping countries participate in international trading. Their plan would allow poorer countries to participate in international trading leading to greater economic growth and less of the words population below the poverty line. The World Bank would lobby on behalf of poorer countries with other governments to try to change policy to “address trade obstacles by designing and implementing policies that maximize competitiveness, increase connectivity, and facilitate fair trade.” (The World Bank, 2018) That being said they seem to be more online with assisting developing countries get more adapt at international trade rather than regulate to favor them. I believe some level of governmental involvement is required sometimes in the line of technology and national defense (to include weapons) but that regulation should be minimal. Personally I would have argued on behalf of the United States, because they were not necessarily lobbying just for themselves but for the WTO rules on international trade to be upheld. If one rule is overlooked it can, and will likely, lead to other rules being broken and arguments can be made to the fact that the WTO is playing favorites or picking and choosing which rules should be followed based on who is involved. The fact is that while developing countries need help getting going and improving their international trade there are other organizations already helping with that goal and to just give them an easier time will not stimulate thought or movement to improve but make them reliant on handouts and could remain stagnant. Competition drives improvement. References Patterson, E. (2021, February 27). The US-EU Banana Dispute. American Society of International Law, 6(4). Retrieved from… The World Bank. (2018, April 3). Stronger Open Trade Policies Enable Economic Growth for All. Retrieved from… Wild, J., & Wild, K. (2018). International Business (9th Edition). Pearson Education (US). Retrieved from So for all the parts please use in text citations and websites that are based in the United States and also 500-100 words for each part.

solved Gospel Communication Project: Elements of Culture Paper Assignment Instructions Overview

Gospel Communication Project: Elements of Culture Paper Assignment Instructions Overview The Gospel Communication Project allows you to apply the principles of Cultural Intelligence to a specific cross-cultural evangelistic encounter. As a cumulative project throughout the course (through 2 papers and a video presentation), you will research cultural elements which will affect a person’s understanding of the gospel message, create a plan for communicating effectively with a person from a specific culture, and present the story of God through video as you would if you were able to share the gospel with that person. This project will allow you to practice evaluating a person’s culture, determining the best ways to communicate with them, and adjusting your communication to be most effective. Also, as you craft a story of the grand narrative you will gain a deeper understanding of the story of God and gain confidence in sharing the gospel with others. Instructions Choosing a person for your Gospel Communication Project For this project, you should write about someone who is an unbeliever and is from a significantly different ethnolinguistic macro-culture than your own (look for differences in things like country/region of origin, ethnicity, language, religion, time orientation, etc.). You will use the cultural background of this person to complete all three assignments in this project. If you do not know a person who fits this description, you may use a fictitious character, or for the purposes of this assignment, adjust the cultural background of a real person. Scenario 1: You have a friend from another country. They already believe in Jesus, but you know that many aspects of their cultural identity are significantly different than your own. For the purpose of this project, you will discuss the cultural background of your friend, but you will pretend that they are not a believer. Your description of their religious beliefs will be based on your research of the majority religion of their home culture, and your presentation of the gospel will be crafted as if you were going to share it with someone who is not familiar with the Bible. Scenario 2:You do not know anyone from a significantly different ethnolinguistic macro-culture than your own. You will choose an ethnolinguistic macro culture to research. You will make up a character with a background story based on the cultural research and craft your gospel story to communicate effectively with the majority religion of that culture or with someone who is not familiar with the story of the Bible. Scenario 3: You have a friend whose family is from a significantly different macro-culture than your own, but that friend seems to have enculturated into a mainstream culture similar to yours and the need for adjusting communication to match cultural systems and cultural values seems to be minimized. For this project, you will use your research of your friend’s home culture and practice adjusting your communication as if that friend was not enculturated. Most people who have crossed cultures and adjusted still have deeply rooted values in their home culture that affect their world view, and often have a blend of cultural values between their home culture and their host culture. Writing Your Elements of Culture Paper For the first part of your Gospel Communication Project, you will write a formal academic paper about the cultural elements of the person. This paper will prepare you to share God’s story with them in an effective way considering their culture and worldview. Your paper should meet the following requirements: 4- 8 pages in lengthDivided into clearly-labeled sections as described below. Include at least 1 citation in each section of the paper from Leading with Cultural Intelligence by David Livermore or the course videos.Include at least 1 citation in each section of the paper from a source OTHER THAN the course materials (websites, journal articles, books, etc.). Formatted in a formal academic style. Note: You may choose the academic style that is most closely related to your major degree program (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.). If you do not know which to choose, format your paper in Turabian style. A properly formatted formal academic paper will include a cover sheet, citations (in-text parenthetical citations or footnotes), a bibliography or works cited page, and headings/subheadings. Double-spaced and in a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) and standard size (10 or 12 pt.) Content of Your Elements of Culture Paper Your Elements of Culture paper should have 4 sections: Introduction, Cultural Systems, Cultural Value Orientations, and Elements of Communication. Introduction In this section, you should introduce the person you have chosen to receive the Gospel message. Answer the following questions in a paragraph or two. (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help guide you as you describe the person.) Give details about your friend’s personal story. (What is their age? What is their ethnicity? Where are they from? What religion do they follow? What language do they speak? Where do they live now? What do they do for school/work, etc.?).Provide information on your relationship with the person. (How do you know them? What are your interactions with them? Are they a coworker or neighbor? Do you see them on a regular basis or just periodically?)Discuss how their current circumstances affect their cultural practices. (If their family is from a foreign country, but they have grown up most of their life in America, how does that affect their worldview? Do they adhere to all the traditional cultural practices on their parents?)Discuss their interest in issues of faith? (Is this person open to hearing the story of God?) Cultural Systems In this section, you should choose at least 3 of the 6 cultural systems from Chapter 4 of Leading with Cultural Intelligence. Discuss each cultural system and identify which of the pair apply most directly to the culture of your friend (For example: Does your friend’s culture have a nuclear or kinship family system?). How do you see this cultural system in your friend’s life? How does that cultural system affect your friend’s way of life, interactions, aspirations, and openness to issues of faith? While you should specifically state which of each pair of cultural systems is seen in your friend’s culture, there is no need to give an explicit definition of each cultural system (your instructor has read the textbook). Instead, your description of your friend’s cultural practices and background will show your understanding of the cultural systems. In addition to referencing the course materials, remember to include research from at least 1 outside source to support your argument. You may also interview your friend to gain insights, though this is NOT a requirement for this project. Cultural Value Orientations In this section, discuss at least 5 of the 10 cultural value orientation pairs from Chapter 5 of Leading with Cultural Intelligence. Which of each pair of cultural values are strong in your friend and their culture (For example: Does your friend’s culture have a short-term or long-term value orientation?)? How do you see these cultural values in your friend’s life? How do each of these cultural values affect your friend’s worldview and actions? While you should specifically state which of each pair of cultural value orientations affect your friend’s culture, you do not need to spend time defining the cultural value orientations. Instead, your description of your friend’s culture will show your understanding of the cultural value orientations. Be careful to discuss your friend’s culture, and not just their personality. In addition to referencing the course materials, remember to include research from at least 1 outside source to support your argument. You may also interview your friend to gain insights, though this is NOT a requirement for this project. Elements of Communication In this section, discuss at least 3 elements of verbal and non-verbal communication which are prevalent in your friend’s culture. (Think about the verbal and non-verbal communication strategies presented in Chapter 7 of Leading with Cultural Intelligence.) You should include at least 1 verbal element and 1 non-verbal element. The 3rd element can be either verbal or non-verbal. How do you see these elements of communication in your friend’s culture? How do these elements of communication affect the way your friend sends and receives messages? Be careful to discuss your friend’s culture, and not just their personality. In addition to referencing the course materials, remember to include research from at least 1 outside source to support your argument. You may also interview your friend to gain insights, though this is NOT a requirement for this project.


FIRST REPLY         
When providing health promotion services to a rural issue it is important to be not only knowledgeable of the culture but respectful too. Raingruber (2017) discusses how health is perceived differently in rural communities. If you are not on medications and you do not have any diseases preventing you to work you are often thought of being in good health by rural residents. Defining health for people living in rural communities can help save their lives. Prognosis for cancer is worse in rural communities not just because there is limited access to screenings but because people are unaware of the warning signs and what to look out for regarding cancer symptoms (“Addressing Health Disparities in Rural Communities,” 2021).  The ability to work and contribute is very important to people in rural communities so healthcare providers should keep that in mind when providing health promotion services (Raingruber, 2017). Time of day to offer the service is imperative to focus on. During the work day would not be wise if you want to reach people in this particular population but offering the health promotion services in the early morning or late-night hours may be more successful to reach them. Faith is important to people in rural communities so offering services on Sunday would not be perceived well because that is often the day reserved for worship and attending church. Respecting and understanding the rural culture is key to being successful in providing health promotion services to rural health issues.
Addressing the issue of obesity is important to healthcare providers because of the different diseases that develop due to the extra weight people carry. When reaching out to rural populations, socioeconomic status must be considered. Obese people in these rural communities will not be receptive to programs and nursing interventions that are expensive because they cannot afford it. McClintock-Donahue (2019) explained the importance of recognizing cost and transportation when implementing a weight loss program in rural communities. Eliminating any unnecessary weight loss medications is beneficial because prescribed drugs are expensive, especially if you have limited insurance. Low-cost mobile phone interventions are effective in weight loss programs. When focusing on diet it is important to promote foods that are not only healthy but affordable if you want obese people in rural populations to incorporate them in their diet. It is important to recognize socioeconomic status of rural populations when providing nursing services to best meet their needs.
Addressing health disparities in rural communities. (2021). Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship, 12(3), 95–96.
McClintock-Donahue, A. (2019). Non-pharmacological weight loss program in a rural community: Feasibility study. Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care, 19(2), 65–97. https://doi-org./10.14574/ojrnhc.v19i2.516
Raingruber, B. (2017). Contemporary health promotion in nursing practice (2nd ed.) Jones & Bartlett Learning.    
  Patient-Centered Care Approach for Rural Health Issues
The wellbeing of a population could be examined in several different ways based on indicators that replicate morbidity, lifestyle behaviors, overall health, mortality, and other health-linked risk aspects. However, numerous health difficulties such as cardiovascular diseases are more prevalent in rural settings. Low-income, rural families are excessively affected by health challenges due to individual obstacles and structural limitations such as transportation (Mammen et al, 2019). Rural patients are often required to endure long distances for their care and are unwilling to sacrifice time off from their duties. Consequently, the rural patients’ mostly have difficulty receiving care resulting in a sicker patient and a more complex condition. According to Coke and Hayman (2020), individuals who reside in rural settings across the US have a higher likelihood to prematurely die from the major causes of death including cardiovascular diseases. Health promotion has is associated with improved patient outcomes. A patient-centered strategy to curb a health issue such as cardiovascular disease would be the utilization of telehealth in rural settings. It could also aid minimize barriers and cater to individuals who reside long distances from specialists or who face mobility and transportation issues. Besides, technological devices such as remote monitoring can help heart failure patients who must travel distances and could be vital in reducing mortality, especially in rural patients.
Cultural and Socioeconomic Status Impact on Health Services
Individuals in lower socioeconomic status have greater levels of financial and job insecurity; experience more work unemployment, work injuries, and lack of control. These factors make them more susceptible to several health conditions. Additionally, cardiovascular disease mortality levels have been shown to be greater between individuals and regions with
lower socioeconomic status. It implies more nurse workloads and additional hospital expenses to manage the higher patient numbers. Several studies suggest that adults from rural areas had nearly double the prevalence of diabetes compared to their privileged counterparts (Long et al, 2019). For instance, some rural communities believe in the continuous consumption of restricted meals. Besides, certain cultural aspects in rural areas adversely affect medication adherence.
Coke, L. A., & Hayman, L. L. (2020). Rural Health: The Continuing Challenge to Promote Cardiovascular Health. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 35(5), E11-E14.
Long, A. S., Hanlon, A. L., & Pellegrin, K. L. (2018). Socioeconomic variables explain rural disparities in US mortality rates: Implications for rural health research and policy. SSM-population health, 6, 72-74.
Mammen, Sheila, Yoshie Sano, Bonnie Braun, and Elisabeth Fost Maring. “Shaping core health messages: Rural, low-income mothers speak through participatory action research.” Health communication 34, no. 10 (2019): 1141-1149   
Patient-centered care approach is important when providing health promotion services to a rural health issue. In patient-centered care, an individual’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes are the driving force behind all health care decisions and quality measurements (Chattu & Kumar, 2018). A helpful approach would be customized care. Patient based care should be customized according to the patient’s medical needs. When looking at a patient as an individual, it is important to keep in mind that everyone is different and does not respond the same to treatment as other individuals would. Patient centered care should take into consideration several factors regarding the patient. For example, the environment of the patient is important, as well as their socioeconomic status, the patient’s background such as their race and ethnicity is also important. Keeping all this information in mind, will help the healthcare professional develop a care plan that is patient centered to ensure the best care. Worldwide, patient-centered care is acknowledged as an effective approach for providing high-quality care across primary, acute, and long term care settings (Sidani & van Soeren, 2017). 
Cultural and socioeconomic status of the rural communities affect provision of nursing health services. It is said that individuals from a lower socioeconomic environment are exposed to fewer health resources. Another factor is that most lower socioeconomic communities do not have availability to proper nutrition options within the community. High crime rate and violence is more prevalent in a lower socioeconomic community, which brings the population to more stress related illnesses. Previous studies have found that residents of deprived neighborhoods have an increased risk of perceived stress compared to residents with similar sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics in non-deprived neighborhoods (Algren & Andersen, 2018). 
Algren, M. H., & Andersen, P. T. (2018). Associations between perceived stress, socioeconomic status, and health-risk behaviour in deprived neighbourhoods in Denmark: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 18(1).
Chattu, V., & Kumar, R. (2018). What is in the name? Understanding terminologies of patient-centered, person-centered, and patient-directed care! Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 7(3), 487.
Sidani, S., & van Soeren, M. (2017). Exploring Differences in Patient-Centered Practices among Healthcare Professionals in Acute Care Settings. Health Communication, 33(6), 716–723.

solved 5 days agoSandra Porter RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSEHello All,Post

5 days agoSandra Porter RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSEHello All,Post a description of team leadership and its characteristics.Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills through formal training and experience (Scott, 2019). The qualities of an effective team leader inspire the trust and respect of the team and stimulate production within the workplace. Effective team success is generated from many key features (Zaccaro & Klimoski, 2002). Team leaders need to implement their individual acts effectively. They have different and special tasks, in which each role’s performance leads to group achievement. This suggests that the reasons of team failure can remain not just in the incapacity of participants but also in their collective inability to organize and integrate their individual contributions. Indeed, we will suggest that successful leadership mechanisms are perhaps the most important factor in organizational team effectiveness (Nygren & Levine, 1996).Then, describe two challenges teams may face when leading an organization.Two challenges teams may face when leading an organization is viewpoints and cultural beliefs. For example, you may have someone who is working on your team at a hospital but there is a teenage Jewish boy who needs a blood transfusion, his parents are against it but medical ethics will supply the needs for the boy; there may be another Jew team member who is also against it. A difference in opinions when making decisions regarding the organization can become an issue for both the leadership team and the organization. Agreeing with a team that has differences in opinions is difficult and the best way to handle it is agreeing to disagree or going with the majority of the group. Having cultural differences can be a good and bad trait. The bad side of the trait may cause the group to not get along due to the difference in backgrounds, which makes it hard to make appropriate decisions.Finally, explain whether team leadership is an effective approach. Justify your response.Team leadership an effective approach due to the amount of opinions that have to go into the decision of an organization. Although that may be considered an ineffective approach, having multiple ideas to solve a problem that the organization faces can be beneficial. Having different leadership members giving their creative ideas and putting them together is better than having one leader making all of the decisions.ReferencesNygren, R., & Levine, E. L. (1996). Leadership of work teams: Factors influencing team outcomes. Elsevier Science/JAI Press.Scott, S. (2019, January 29). The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader. Small Business – Zaccaro, S. J., & Klimoski, R. (2002). The interface of leadership and team processes.4 days agoBeatrice Mbaocha RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSEA description of team leadership and its characteristics.Team leadership is described as leaders who facilitate and coordinate the activities of people in a team or group. Nahavandi (2014) described team leaders as coaches or facilitators who coordinate and integrate team members’ actions and functions to achieve desired team goals and quality outcomes. Anonson et al. (2019) infer that effective team leadership inspires vision and action that fosters team dynamism. Also, other characteristics of team leadership include but are not limited to the ability of leaders to coordinate, collaborate, delegate, motivate, influence, and set clear visions and communicate goals and expectations to team members (Anonson et al., (2019). Moreover, Nahvanda (2014) asserts that the leader’s expertise and performance contribute to the effectiveness of a team.Then, describe two challenges teams may face when leading an organizationThe two challenges teams may face when leading an organization are lack of cooperation and positive influence. Nahvanda (2014) denotes that building an effective team is a time-consuming process that requires appropriate interpersonal, team-building skills and a cooperative environment that can allow team members to learn and make mistakes without being ridiculed. For instance, it may take a longer time to accomplish a project if there is a lack of trust among team members or members are not really team players. Also, team members with a negative attitude can influence the performance of other team members. Nahvanda (2014) asserts that the negative attitude of one group member can quickly spread and damage the cohesion, effectiveness, or even lead to unethical behavior of other group members.Finally, explain whether team leadership is an effective approach. Justify your response.Team leadership could be an effective approach if there is appropriate coordination and collaboration that translates to achieving the desired goal (Coleman et al., 2021). The same study describes team effectiveness as the ability to accomplish required tasks and maintain team cohesiveness. For instance, students perform better as a team when they work as a coherent group, each person contributing ideas and opinions towards the successful accomplishment of a set goal.References.Anonson, J. M. S., Ferguson, L., Macdonald, M. B., Murray, B. L., Fowler-Kerry, S., & Bally, J. M. G. (2009). The anatomy of interprofessional leadership: An investigation of leadership behaviors in team-based health care. Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(3), 17–25., B. M., Orsini, J., Bunch, J. C., & Greenhaw, L. L. (2021). Students’ Application of Team Leadership Skills in an Undergraduate Agricultural Leadership Course When Learning Experientially. Journal of Leadership Education, 20(2), 28–42., A. (2014). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson4 days agoShannon Grossi RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSETeam LeadershipTeam leadership is a leadership modality which focuses on the interpersonal connections between leaders. Within a team, individual competency contributes to team competency and lack of professional competency can breed lack of mutual respect and trust among members of the team (Anonson et al., 2009). Competence among team members is a currency of “knowledge, skill, experience, performance, reliability, and credibility” and within the interprofessional team experience, each member-leader demonstrates leader competency (Anonson et al., 2009). Anonson et al. (2009) determined competencies of interprofessional practice in leadership to be: knowledge of one’s own profession, communication, negotiation for conflict resolution, knowledge of other’s professions and teamwork.Teams are demonstrative complex, adaptive, and dynamic systems which exist as they perform across a dimension of time (Ilgen et al. 2005). Teams and individual members of teams cycle and recycle amongst themselves and amongst one another (Ilgen et al., 2005). Interactions among team members and among teams change in context as these interactions change the teams and team members in complex and meaningful ways which cannot be simplistically describes in variation of cause and effect (Ilgen et al., 2005). Dynamic causal interactions in leadership describing teams, local, global, and contextual, are examples of team theoretical models (Ilgen et al., 2005).Challenges to Teams in an OrganizationWithin the team environment, challenges arise and can stifle the success within the team or of the overall team. Building and cultivating trust is imperative, but can challenge a team. Trust within the team is based on the team members’ belief that they can be affective and accomplish their tasks (Ilgen et al., 2005). Trust has been defined within teams as potency, team confidence, group efficacy, and collective efficacy (Ilgen et al., 2005). Another challenge which arises with team leadership is planning. The effective plan of behavioral action for a team permits the team to strategize how to accomplish a mission (Ilgen et al., 2005). Effective team planning includes gathering information and analyzing information to arrive at the desired mission (Ilgen et al., 2005). Group voice, the extent to which individuals are willing to speak up within their team, contributes to planning and successful team strategy (Ilgen et al., 2005).Team leadership is an effective approach to leadership as these leaders coordinate activities, integrate actions, and manage contributions (Navahandi, 2015). Team leaders are focused on specific goals, but find routes to manage resources and implement solutions (Nahavandi, 2015). Teams, specifically, require specialized support and interventions to achieve synergy of achievement (Nahavandi, 2015).

solved Select a community organization or group that you feel would

Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.As coordinators of care, nurses must be aware of the code of ethics for nurses and health policy issues that affect the coordination of care within the context of the community. To help patients navigate the continuum of care, nurses must be proficient at interpreting and applying the code of ethics for nurses and health policy, specifically, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Being knowledgeable about ethical and policy issues helps ensure that care coordinators are upholding ethical standards and navigating policy issues that affect patient care.This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation for a local community organization of your choice, which provides an overview of ethical standards and relevant policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of ethical issues and policies related to the coordination and continuum of care, and will empower you to be a stronger advocate and nursing professional.It would be an excellent choice to complete the Vila Health: Ethical Decision Making activity prior to developing the presentation. The activity provides a helpful update on the ethical principles that will help with success in this assessment.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 4: Defend decisions based on the code of ethics for nursing.Assess the impact of the code of ethics for nurses on the coordination and continuum of care.Competency 5: Explain how health care policies affect patient-centered care.Explain how governmental policies related to the health and/or safety of a community affect the coordination of care.Identify national, state, and local policy provisions that raise ethical questions or dilemmas for care coordination.Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.Communicate key ethical and policy issues in a presentation affecting the coordination and continuum of care for a selected community organization or support group. Either speaker notes or audio voice-over are included.PreparationYour nurse manager at the community care center is well connected and frequently speaks to a variety of community organizations and groups. She has noticed the good work you are doing in your new care coordination role and respects your speaking and presentation skills. Consequently, she thought that an opportunity to speak publicly about contemporary issues in care coordination would be beneficial for your career and has suggested reaching out to a community organization or support group to gauge their interest in hearing from you, as a care center representative, on a topic of interest to both you and your prospective audience.You have agreed that this is a good idea and have decided to research a community organization or support group that might be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues related to the coordination of care. Your manager has suggested the following community organizations and support groups, but acknowledges that the choice is yours.Homeless shelters.Local religious groups.Nursing homes.Local community organizations (Rotary Club or Kiwanis Club).To prepare for this assessment, you may wish to:Research your selected community organization or support group.Review the Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements and associated health policy issues, specifically, the ACA.Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.Allocate sufficient time to rehearse your presentation before recording the final version for submission.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.Recording Equipment Setup and TestingCheck that your audio speaker and PowerPoint software are working properly. You can record audio directly to your slides, using PowerPoint or other presentation software.Note: Technical support about the use of PowerPoint, including voice recording and speaker notes, can be found on Campus’s Microsoft Office Software page.If using Kaltura, refer to the Using Kaltura tutorial for directions on recording and uploading your presentation in the courseroom.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.InstructionsFor this assessment:Choose the community organization or support group that you plan to address.Develop a PowerPoint with typed speaker notes (the script for your voice recording) and audio voice-over recording, intended for that audience. Video is not required.Note: PowerPoint has a feature to type the speaker notes directly into the presentation. You are encouraged to use that feature or you may choose to submit a separate document. See Microsoft Office Software for technical support about the use of PowerPoint, including voice recording and speaker notes.For this assessment, develop your presentation slides and speaker notes, then record your presentation. You are not required to deliver your presentation to an actual audience.Presentation Format and LengthYou may use PowerPoint (recommended) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides and add your voice over. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues. Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:Title slide.Presentation title.Your name.Date.Course number and title.References (at the end of your presentation).Your slide deck should consist of 10–12 slides, not including a title and references slide with typed speaker notes and audio voice over. Your presentation should not exceed 20 minutes.Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length.Supporting EvidenceCite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your presentation. Include your source citations on a references page appended to your narrative script.Grading RequirementsThe requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.Explain how governmental policies related to the health and/or safety of the community affect the coordination of care.Provide examples of a specific policy affecting the organization or group.Refer to the assessment resources for help in locating relevant policies.Be sure influential policies include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).Identify national, state, and local policy provisions that raise ethical questions or dilemmas for care coordination.What are the implications and consequences of specific policy provisions?What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?Assess the impact of the code of ethics for nurses on the coordination and continuum of care.Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.Consider the social determinants of health identified in Healthy People 2020 as a framework for your assessment.Provide evidence to support your conclusions.Communicate key ethical and policy issues in a presentation affecting the coordination and continuum of care for a selected community organization or support group. Either speaker notes or audio voice-over are included for a proficient score; both speaker notes and the audio voice over are included for a distinguished score.Present a concise overview.Support your main points and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.Additional RequirementsBefore submitting your assessment, proofread your presentation slides and speaker notes to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final Capstone course.