solved Please click on the Essay # 1 Assignment and Description

Please click on the Essay # 1 Assignment and Description . Read the options for Essay # 1 “Food,” and select which one of the four options you would like to explore. All papers need to be uploaded as a doc, docx or pdf document. All papers need to be in MLA format, 4 -5 pages of double spaced type. The Font should be Times New Roman, 12 Inch font. The last page, page 5 o 6, will be the Works Cited. Put all Works Cited into alphabetical order, last names first. Read how to cite your borrowed work in the Works Cited for English 124. Follow these directions for your Works Cited. Be sure that you have your MLA address on the front page and a unique title for your essay. Whatever you do, do NOT call it Essay #1–how boring that would be! There is not a rough draft required for this essay, but it is strongly encouraged that you arrange to meet with me during a virtual office hour session so that we can discuss your paper before I need to grade it. English 124 Essay Options for the “Food” essay spring 2021. Essay # 1 has four possible prompts from which to choose. Each student will choose ONE option and include a Rogerian Thesis at the end of paragraph one in order to organize and drive the analysis forward. View the Model Rogerian Thesis Statement. Purpose: Students are encouraged to research the role of food as it affects them and those they care about nutritionally, economically, politically, environmentally, ethically, spiritually, and philosophically.Task: Students will select one of the four possible prompts and research and explore in this area so that students have sound, researched knowledge to take home to friends, family, and those they care about. In order to gain this information, students need to read widely, deeply, and be open to points of view they may have thought were not for them. So how will students complete these writing of these essays?Read all of our class texts, which include Food Matters, Pursuing Happiness, and The Question of God. Complete the journal entries.Read widely in the library. Read online scholarly articles in our databases that look interesting to you.Print and annotate articles or use sticky notes to help you comprehend what you are reading.Create a Rogerian Thesis statement that fairly responds to an opposing viewpoint than the one you wish to sustain. The Rogerian Thesis statement is what drives and organizes your paper, so create a thesis that is reasonable and arguable. A Rogerian thesis statement does not need to be on a topic that causes you to be disinvited to Thanksgiving dinner, so find ways to argue but do so respectfully.Always open your essays with a hook paragraph so that your readers stay with your paper and are encouraged to read more.Refer frequently to the various parts of your thesis statement so that your paper does not wander BUT stays on topic and fairly represents the opposing viewpoint as well as your Use other people’s ideas fairly by introducing their material with signal phrases. For example, you may argue as follows: Michael Pollan maintains in his essay, “Eat Food: Food Defined” that people need to be aware of how stores are arranged, and they need to eat as closely to the kinds of foods their grandparents ate as possible (10 – 19). One may want to use the title of an article, as I did, or one may use the title of chapter in a book or the book itself. With short works, always put quotation marks around the original author’s material. With long works like plays, books, T.V. show, movies, and plays, one will put all of these items in italics. Once you have paraphrased or summarized their materials, then cite the page you have used in parentheses.When you have questions about anything related to MLA, go to this source: (Links to an external site.) . (Links to an external site.) As this site is created by the MLA, they will have the most current and best information to help you write and cite materials in your paper.Always create a corresponding Works Cited page to match any of the materials you are borrowing from.There are Model Rogerian Thesis Statements for you to view under my Modules, Student Tools for English 124. Be sure to view these former student thesis statements so that you know how to craft a reasonable thesis statement for your paper.One Sample Model Rogerian Thesis Statement: Although pesticides are widely used in American farming, pesticides should be limited or possibly banned due to their negative effects on the ecosystem and on humans. ( Please do not use this statement as it does not apply to any of the Food Essays you can choose from, and it was created by a previous student in another course). Criteria for Success: Students need to look at their day timers and plan enough time to read the articles for this class and complete the ONE page journal entries so that you know the arguments various writers are making, and then, students need to find the other scholarly articles that Grossmont has plenty of in our databases with our online library. 1.There will be no rough draft submitted for Essay # 1, but students are encouraged to meet with me during my office hours as noted in the syllabus. 2. Avoid using we, us, you, our, and I in your essays. Keep your writing as professional as possible. 3. Go to the dashboard and click on Tutoring. All students can register for free tutoring on the Canvas website. Please sign up for tutoring through the English Writing Center and follow the directions on Canvas. Also, feel free to drop by my zoom office during my posted office hours so that you can read parts of your rough draft to me so that I can give you lots of feedback prior to submitting your paper. 4. Be engaged in the materials! Participate in all zoom online discussions and choose how you will use what you learn to make wise food and nutrition choices for you and those you care about. 5. Manage your time so that this writing process is a learning experience you will remember. Food Essay Option 1A: What is Food? (See the syllabus for due dates on rough drafts and final drafts). Assignment: Write an argumentative essay with a thesis statement which contends what 21st century arguments regarding food and its uses might be. Students should include in their arguments the debatable perspectives on food in today’s marketplace. All essays must have their own unique titles.One Sample Model Rogerian Thesis Statement: Although pesticides are widely used in industrial American farming, pesticides should be limited or possibly banned due to their negative effects on the ecosystem and on humans. ( This is a sample model thesis statement, so you must create your own thesis in response that responds to whichever Food essay you choose(. Do not use this thesis as it does not address any of the assignments for the Food Essays). Materials Needed: Students must use at least five sources to include three of the essays from the text, Food Matters, and two other collegiate level resources from the Grossmont College library and/or databases. In addition, Internet sources that may be used are credible government and education sources. No Wikipedia, Cliff’s Notes, Spark’s Notes, or random google websites permitted. A Works Cited page is required. Avoid: Students should avoid all uses of first person, “I,” second person, “you,” and all forms of the conversational third person such as “we, our, and “us.”Font Size and Spacing: All papers are to be typed and double spaced throughout. Students should use Times New Roman font, 12 inch size. MLA: All papers are to follow the MLA format and documentation methods as noted in (Links to an external site.) Essays: All papers must be uploaded to Canvas on the due date. Hard copies of the paper with the rough drafts attached are due on the date assigned No late work is accepted. Canvas Uploads: All papers must be electronically uploaded on the due date prior to 11:59 pm. Essay Option 1B: “What Determines What We Eat?” or “What Does It Mean to Eat Ethically?”Assignment 1B: Write an argumentative essay with a thesis statement that argues who the entities (i.e. governments, mayors, cultures, individuals) should be who determine the kinds of foods humans consume. Students need to use five or more sources in their papers. Also, students should include in their arguments the best rationales for personal control of food consumption and/or other forms of control of personal food conMaterials Needed: Students must use at least five sources to include three essays from the text, Food Matters, and two other collegiate level resources from the Grossmont College library and/or databases. In addition, Internet sources that may be used are credible government and education sources. No Wikipedia, Cliff’s Notes, Spark’s Notes, or random Google websites permitted. A Works Cited page is required. Thesis Statements: All thesis statements should be formatted in the Rogerian style format in order to include the student’s argument and the counter argument. Models for this thesis format are on Canvas for student viewing.”

solved This individual assignment helps you reflect on your Learning Team

This individual assignment helps you reflect on your Learning Team activity. Use the same topic and position to complete this assignment. The topic we chose is:

Clinical uses for illicit substances (e.g., medical marijuana, MDMA for PTSD)

Summarize the decision-making model you employed and the process used to arrive at your position.
Review the following resources from the Week 3 University Library Readings if you need additional information about ethical decision-making models:

“An Integrated Ethical Decision-Making Model for Nurses”
Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice: A Step-By-Step Guide, Ch. 2: Ethical Decision-Making

Summarize and explain each person’s position and evidence.
Explain how seeing the positions and evidence of others changed or reinforced your position.

 Morsal’s part:
Although illicit drugs pose a significant health danger to an individual, researchers have found that some of these drugs have surprising therapeutic benefits (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012). Some illicit drugs have shown potential for medicinal use for psychological benefit or treatment of an addiction to a drug-using another (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012).
Some illicit drugs have been medically used to treat some health issues. The use of amphetamines or amphetamine congeners has been medically proven to treat health problems such as overweight, narcolepsy, and depression. For instance, controlled clinical studies have found out that amphetamines increase weight loss in an overweight individual. Studies on Lysergic acid diethylamide have found it to help alcoholics have greater motivation, self-acceptance, and awareness to address their alcohol abuse (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012). More so, medical marijuana has been understood to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and relieve chronic pain (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012). MDMA combined with therapy has in some cases proven an effective way of helping patients with PTSD. MDMA has also been found to potentially better treat cancers such as leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012).

The use of illicit drugs poses health dangers to an individual. There is a chance that using a drug for recreational or medicinal purposes will lead to serious health endangerment. Illicit drug use is understood to have the harmful effect of exposing an individual to short or long-term physical risk. In opposition to this opinion, the medical use of illicit drugs is strictly controlled through therapy and monitoring the progress of the individual drug intake (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012). Also, in some cases, if the individual is understood to fall prey to addiction to a particular drug, they are assisted by getting medical help to get the physical dependence of that drug.
The use of illicit drugs poses a psychological dependence on that particular drug. It is often that the abuse of drugs may create psychological support. However, the use for medicinal purposes is less likely to pose this danger. As mentioned above, the drug’s medical use is combined with therapy to ensure the risks associated are effectively managed or minimized (Dybuncio & Jaslow, 2012). 

Ingrid’s part:
The use, possession and also trafficking of illicit substances in intense inpatient units of psychological health services elevates complicated as well as sensitive issues. Use illegal compounds is a raising issue amongst those needing treatment for a mental disease (Lamsma, Cahn, & Fazel, 2020). The continued use illicit substances while an inpatient makes complex the administration of that patient as well as may have a harmful result on various other clients. Scientific team have an obligation of care to all people as well as personnel, that is, a task to act fairly to protect them from foreseeable damage. The immoral nature of drug use, ownership and also trafficking may put an added worry on staff. In these conditions staff might have a responsibility to remove illicit substances from people and also organise their risk-free disposal (Lamsma, Cahn, & Fazel, 2020). Nonetheless, staff needs to constantly be conscious that the emphasis of care need to be guided towards supplying a therapeutic rather than custodial setting.
A research of greater than 100 people recommends ketamine could be used to help treat people experiencing clinical depression. Although it can be medically suggested as an anaesthetic, it’s widely used as a prohibited celebration medicine. This kind of unregulated usage can bring about hazardous side effects, including serious liver as well as kidney damages (Weng, et all, 2020). In my point of view, if used as a medical technique, a great deal of those prohibited compounds can assist. Utilized by physician like dental practitioners, laughing gas can provide discomfort relief. Yet it can be abused and also pre-owned illegally and also is frequently called “laughing gas”. Cocaine is ranked as course A. Being captured having it can lug a maximum prison sentence of up to seven years. In the medical world it is still utilized in reduced dosages as an anaesthetic by dental experts (Weng, et all, 2020). Heroin can have a damaging effects on individuals, families and also communities when made use of unlawfully, professionals state. An additional course A drug there are massive physical and lawful repercussions for individuals that abuse it. Legally, it’s used as diamorphine by physician administering palliative, or end of life treatment (Weng, et all, 2020). They’re not worried about its extremely addicting nature, focusing on rather how it can help relieve the pain of individuals who may only have a couple of days or weeks left to live.
Lamsma, J., Cahn, W., & Fazel, S. (2020). Use of illicit substances and violent behaviour in psychotic disorders: two nationwide case-control studies and meta-analyses. Psychological medicine, 50(12), 2028-2033.
Weng, T. I., Chen, L. Y., Chen, J. Y., Chen, P. S., Hwa, H. L., & Fang, C. C. (2020). Characteristics of analytically confirmed illicit substance-using patients in the Emergency Department. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 119(12), 1827-1834. 

Aida’s part:

My stance, in this case, is that illicit drugs should be used for clinical purposes. Take, for example, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); this drug is useful in treating post-traumatic disorder (PSTD). By applying the Principles-Based Model as the most appropriate ethical decision-making model, I can support the use of this drug for clinical purposes. According to Ulrich (2012), this model is based on various principles, including autonomy, beneficence, loyalty, and nonmaleficence, to ensure effective ethical decision-making. The presented steps include clarifying a dilemma, examining the various ethical factors associated, deciding on actions to take, and acting. Following these steps enabled a precise understanding of how useful the drug is for clinical use. Overall, clinical use of such an illicit drug is in the best interest of the patient.

Ulrich, C. M. (2012). Nursing ethics in everyday practice. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Alina’s part:

Drugs can be dangerous; over centuries, research has been conducted and found that some drugs have surprising therapeutic benefits. Whether it’s a psychological benefit or treating addiction to one drug with the help of another, several studies document the potential medicinal effects of otherwise illegal drugs (Grinspoon & Bakalar, 2020). In using illicit drugs for clinical purposes, the healthcare provider is obligated to identify associated risks. First, it is essential to understand that the drug is proven harmful, but there is evidence that the drug is used to benefit the patient while mitigating risks. Second, both the patient and the provider need to determine if the identified benefit is greater than the risk of harm to the patient. Following these steps assists in the determination of when to use these drugs, having exhausted other safer alternatives and proving them ineffective.

Marijuana is a commonly used drug for clinical purposes. Many chronic pain medications, like opioids, come with significant side effects, and cannabis is perceived as being relatively safe because the risk of fatal overdose is so incredibly low (“Medical marijuana and other therapeutic uses of illicit drugs,” n.d). As a result, the medicinal marijuana industry needs to perform due diligence in assuring the purity and quality of the drug. Also, it is important to control the ideal growing environment for the cannabis plant as a pharmaceutical product to ensure a safe concentration of active ingredients. Illicit drugs should be available for use, but the healthcare provider and the patient must determine the associated benefits and risks.

Grinspoon, L., & Bakalar, J. B. (2020). Missed opportunities? Beneficial uses of illicit drugs. The Control of Drugs and Drug Users, 183-212.

Medical marijuana and other therapeutic uses of illicit drugs. (n.d.). Key Concepts in Drugs and Society, 83-87.

solved TOPIC: Imagine that an OD consultant was going to conduct

Imagine that an OD consultant was going to conduct an intervention in an organization you know well. What outcome or process variables (see Figures 13.1 and 13.2 as examples) would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention? The “outcome or process variable must be an authored/cited/official example).
Locate and read a related and recent peer-reviewed journal article to use as reference in addition to the textbook. Post what you learned from the article and textbook. PROFESSOR’S GUIDANCE FOR THIS WEEK’S RD:
How Will You Support Your Staff During What May Be a Very Lonely Holiday Season?
By Lin Grensing-PophalDecember 2, 2020
You will be graded using the following rubric and standards.
Grading Rubric and Standards
-Post 700 word answers by Wednesday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 14 points.
– Offer at least two 300-400 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions by Saturday 11am  to earn a maximum of 8 points each
Locate and read a related and recent peer-reviewed journal article to use as reference in addition to textbook. Post what you learned from the article and textbook.

discussion 1.

Evaluation is a process to determine the level of success or failure before, during, and after implementing a strategy or a program. Intervention in an organization is a process to disrupt current practices and address dissatisfactory conditions (Anderson, 2017). There are seven types of evaluation; formative evaluation, process evaluation, outcome evaluation, economic evaluation, impact evaluation, summative evaluation, and goal-based evaluation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014; Nanda, 2017). Different types of evaluation are used differently depending on the stage of the intervention. For example, Formative evaluation is designed for the early stage of the intervention program to help adjust and refine the program as needed.

However, the more crucial evaluations are process evaluation and summative evaluation. The process evaluation is used during the implementation phase of the intervention. It evaluates if the intervention is going as planned and measures the quantifiable factors. During the process evaluations, data is used to determine the inefficiency and used to streamline processes. When any problem arises, the process evaluation can identify and rectify problems early. As an OD consultant, this is used to understand and determine whether the selected intervention is suitable and efficient. The summative evaluation shows the effectiveness of the intervention, whether the desired change or development happened, the impact of the intervention, and if the objectives are achieved. The summative evaluation is done at the end of the intervention. The evaluation result comes from the data and is used to determine if the intervention is a success and how much impact it has made in an organization. In some cases, the intervention program is a continuous program that continues over an extended period, and summative evaluation can be done at a regular interval such as quarterly or yearly. In my opinion, these two evaluations are the minimum evaluations any interventions must have in place as determinants of the intervention.

Although the two evaluations are recommended, some evaluations are also subjective to the intervention. In the study of ‘Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Distancing Interventions to Delay or Flatten the Epidemic Curve of Coronavirus Disease,’ the data collection is continuously collected and evaluated during and at the end of the study (Matrajt & Leung, 2020). There is no definitive choice when selecting the type of evaluation to use for any interventions. Instead, the suitability and the objectivity of the intervention itself will determine the evaluations needed.


Anderson, D. L. (2017). Organization development : the process of leading organizational change. Sage.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Types of Evaluation.…

Matrajt, L., & Leung, T. (2020). Early Release – Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Distancing Interventions to Delay or Flatten the Epidemic Curve of Coronavirus Disease – Volume 26, Number 8—August 2020 – Emerging Infectious Diseases journal – CDC., 26(8).

Nanda, V. (2017, April 18). The 7 Types of Evaluation You Need to Know. Atlan | Humans of Data.…

Discussion 2

Organization Development intervention refers to the change effort planned organization-wide and managed from the top to increase the organization’s effectiveness and health through designed activities involving an organization’s processes using behavioral science knowledge. Organization Development is a response to identifying the need for change, using an education strategy to the normative change such as the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organizations to adapt to the new technologies, markets, and challenges dizzying rate of change itself.

O.D. interventions have been defined as any actions on the part of a change agent implying that the actions are well planned, deliberate and presumable, and functional to improve and reinforce strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organization effectiveness (Cumming & Worley, 2005). In line with the textbook, it is not only the intervention that matters but how to sustain the change. According to Anderson (2015). It is imperative to sustain the change resulting from O.D. intervention. Figures 13.1 and 13.2, cited by Anderson (2015), listed outcome variables, and process variables through which an O.D. expert can evaluate an intervention’s effectiveness. One of the listed outcome variables I would like to evaluate is Job satisfaction.

According to Cumming & Worley (2005), job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment employees experience with an existing job and future assignments, leading to a desire to stay with the company with higher job commitment and self-motivation to achieve personal and company goals. Hongchatikul (2009) investigated the impacts of Organizational Development Interventions (ODIs) on employee commitment and motivation to achieving higher customer satisfaction levels in a Bangkok-based company: A.E.S. Engineering Co., Ltd, which specializes in the distribution and servicing of high-tech analytical equipment. To evaluate the effectiveness of ODI on job satisfaction, Anderson (2015) state processes that I can adapt to evaluate if the intervention is effective or not; the processes are

I must meet with the company to restate the original objectives of the engagement and decide what data would best illustrate the desired changes at the personal, team, or organization level. It will allow me to discuss the purpose of evaluating the results and what will be done with the data.
Next is to pick my data gathering method as a form of evaluation. The data gathering method best suited will be a personal interview with the company staff. Job satisfaction is personal, and to know if the staff is satisfied with the change in the roles resulting from the ODI calls for one–on–one interviews with them.
Information from these interviews will be analyzed, and recommendations will be made,
Finally, a well-written report will be generated based on the evaluation and recommendations for the company.
In response to what I learned from the textbook and the research by Hongchatikul (2009), it is evident that O.D. intervention comes with its challenges, stated in the textbook. Some of the challenges were also observed in the research. One of the major challenges is sustaining the change after the intervention has been done. For example, the research findings reveal that not all staff members wished to embrace the greater responsibility that promotion brings, even though ODI makes their work more attractive through job security and self-actualization and better pay.

Anderson, D. L (2015). Organization development: the process of leading organizational change. SAGE Publications, Inc
Cummings, Thomas G., and Worley, Christopher G. (2005). Organization Development and Change. (8th ed.) Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western.
Hongchatikul, U. (2009). The Impact of Organizational Development Interventions on Employee Commitment And Motivation And Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study. Retrieved from

solved Assignment Week 5need 4 current resources NONPF PMHNP competencies for

Assignment Week 5need 4 current resources NONPF PMHNP competencies for use in a graduate curriculum. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(3), 185-199.Using the “Week 5 Module 3 | Part 3: Research Analysis” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:Your topic of interest.A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article. This means if the article is about communication, you will discuss in your assignment how communication affects the practice of nursing.Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the templateWrite a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.g the Module 3 Part 3 section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following: The topic of interest you have selected. Correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details. Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.18 (18%) – 20 (20%)The response clearly identifies the topic of interest selected.The response accurately and completely provides a citation of the article selected, including an accurate and complete link or thorough search details.The response clearly identifies and describes in detail a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.16 (16%) – 17 (17%)The response partially identifies the topic of interest selected.The response provides a partial citation of the article selected, including a partial link or search details.The response partially identifies and describes a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.14 (14%) – 15 (15%)The response vaguely identifies the topic of interest selected.The response vaguely or inaccurately provides a citation of the article selected, including vague or inaccurate search details.The response vaguely or inaccurately identifies and describes a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.0 (0%) – 13 (13%)The response vaguely and inaccurately identifies the topic of interest selected, or is missing.The response vaguely and inaccurately provides a citation of the article selected, including vague and inaccurate search details, or is missing.The response vaguely and inaccurately identifies and describes a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article, or is missing.Analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template. Write a one-paragraph justification explaining whether or not you would recommend the use of this article to inform professional practice.18 (18%) – 20 (20%)The response clearly and accurately provides a detailed analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template.The response clearly and accurately explains in detail the justification of whether or not to recommend the use of the article to inform professional practice.16 (16%) – 17 (17%)The response provides a partial analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template.The response partially explains the justification of whether or not to recommend the use of the article to inform professional practice.14 (14%) – 15 (15%)The response provides a vague or inaccurate analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template.The response vaguely or inaccurately explains the justification of whether or not to recommend the use of the article to inform professional practice.0 (0%) – 13 (13%)The response provides a vague and inaccurate analysis of the article using the Research Analysis Matrix section of the template, or is missing.The response vaguely and inaccurately explains the justification of whether or not to recommend the use of the article to inform professional practice, or is missing.Write a 2-3 paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following: Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research. Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research. Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.41 (41%) – 45 (45%)The response clearly and accurately describes in detail the approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.The response clearly identifies and accurately describes in detail at least two strategies used to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.The response provides a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of at least one outside resource that may be used in the future to find peer-reviewed research. The response fully integrates at least 1 outside resource and 2-3 course specific resources that fully supports the summary provided.36 (36%) – 40 (40%)The response partially describes the approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.The response partially identifies and describes at least two strategies used to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.The response provides an accurate synthesis of at least one outside resource that may be used in the future to find peer-reviewed research. The response integrates at least 1 outside resource and 2-3 course specific resources that support the summary provided.32 (32%) – 35 (35%)The response vaguely or inaccurately describes the approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.The response vaguely or inaccurately identifies and describes at least two strategies used to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.The response vaguely or inaccurately synthesizes at least one outside resource that may be used in the future to find peer-reviewed research. The response minimally integrates resources that may support the summary provided.0 (0%) – 31 (31%)The response vaguely and inaccurately describes the approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research, or is missing.The response vaguely and inaccurately identifies and describes at least two strategies used to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research, or is missing.The response fails to integrate any resources that may be used in the future to find peer-reviewed research to support the summary provided, or is missing.Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.5 (5%) – 5 (5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.4 (4%) – 4 (4%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.0 (0%) – 3 (3%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided.Written Expression and Formatting - English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation5 (5%) - 5 (5%)Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.4 (4%) - 4 (4%)Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.0 (0%) - 3 (3%)Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.Written Expression and Formatting - The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

solved Based on the plans you created week 2 and 3,

Based on the plans you created week 2 and 3, you will do the following work for the kitchen and the bath. You should have a well- dimensioned plan as per NKBA specifications. Make sure your plan has the elevation markers.
You will redraft your plan and add cabinet designations.-numbers. ***You can just add the selected cabinet numbers to your existing plans,  but you need to make any corrections in cabinet sizes in drafting as needed. If your bath cabinets are free-standing vanity types, they will not be drafted or numbered as manufactured cabinets but would listed or specified as a selected product. Only if you are ordering manufactured, built-in cabinets from the cabinet company would the bath cabinets be drafted as such.
ADD specification symbols, (circled numbers), to the revised plan. Note in the NKBA video on plans that to the right side is a Legend of Specifications. Circled numbers represent selections. These can be appliances and fixtures and interior selections as trash cans and plate holders in drawers. This is how we know what cabinet accessories are where. Add this to your revised kitchen plan as you make the selections from the Woodmark catalogue.
You will be adding all numbers for cabinet selections to the kitchen elevations. Draft all 4 walls and an island, even if some walls do not have cabinets. Islands are a series of base cabinet boxes.
Based on the cabinet specification catalogue you have been given a link to, you will select the boxes of the appropriate size and label the plan with the appropriate size box as per the NKBA example. We will use the Woodmark catalogue. The Woodmark catalogue specifications link is in your week 5 module .
Then you will draft elevations for each wall in your kitchen as shown in the link describing how to do elevations per NKBA. You will dimension the boxes as indicated the video from Youtube.
So- there will be a plan with cabinet numbers and elevations for all elevations including the island elevations if you have an island. Make sure all labels and scales and names are included.
You will select a wood, (this catalogue only gives you a few choices as Maple, painted, and their engineered product.  You usually have a variety of wood choices and maybe an engineered product.( P. 37.)
The boxes are typically particle board, but ply as an upgrade is often offered.  Few offer solid wood boxes, as they warp and can cost a lot more.
Note that modern cabinet doors are flat and called slab doors. Slab doors are typically a manufactured wood so that they do not warp. Panel doors are typically wood for the stiles and rails and plywood for the panel. The panel actually floats in the frame or stiles and rails so that it does not warp but can allow movement. On older cabinets, particularly painted ones, you see the cracking along the panel joint where the panel has moved a little in its frame.
You will select a door style and a finish- front part of catalogue. (They are not offering a lot of finishes in this catalogue, but that is fine. 
Basic Cabinet information:
Framed vs frameless
You will note that this product is a framed cabinet. This line apparently does not offer a frameless, European style box.  Some companies do not make both products. Usually this is so that they factory can keep costs down. 
A frameless cabinet has a thicker back to hold it together, and the door must cover the whole front.  Frameless cabinets also allow drawers to be a bit bigger. This looks more modern.
A framed cabinet is typically more traditional, though it can look contemporary. The front frame holds the box together, but the box still will have a thinner back. The frame takes up some drawer width. Here you have a choice of door overlays. See p. 48 in the catalogue for explanation and image.
Pricing basics
You will find that the more options a company offers, the more expensive the product will be.
Cabinets are prices basically on 2 factors, how many options are offered and the actual quality of the materials and work. Most reasonably priced cabinet lines can often offer a nice product if they offer limited options.  This allows more of the product to be prefabricated and ready to ship. The most expensive lines may be all custom or offer that option. Custom work from a cabinet manufacturer just costs a lot more.
Different cabinets and price-lines come with different standard features, including drawer types.  Many lines offer upgrades.
If you have cabinets “job-built” (built at the site), or built by the contractor’s trim carpenter and brought to the site, you can often get a nice product with custom details and sizes. Doors are typically made in the shop. As the associated designer, you would want to see previous work and make sure the work met all requirements and standards appropriate for the price. You would also need to make sure the painter could paint or stain the finished cabinets to your satisfaction. You would need to get a stain sample from the painter. There are a few more unknowns unless you have worked with the carpenter and painter often. This is a common practice in many areas and not so much in others. The factory finishes may be heat set and may be more acid resistant. It is a matter of preference, sometimes cost, sometimes desired customization, sometimes availability as to which you and your client choose. 
Sizes- basically:
Cabinets standardly come in 3” increments, starting with 9” cabinets.
Non-custom cabinet companies use fillers, or narrow panels to fill in left over spaces.
You may need to specify panels in areas as at the sides of the ref. or double ovens. These take up several inches. 
Remember you need to find out from your client what specific needs they have. It may be an extra-large pasta sauce pan or extra-large plates.
The catalogue gives  clear diagrams with sizes indicating what cabinets come in what sizes and what options are offered.
Watch the short, short link to the video on plans provided this week to review the sizing conventions. Base cabinets start with “B”, and give width, depth is 24 unless specified and height is assumed at 34 and ¼ or equaling app 36”.
The upper cabinets are called “Wall cabinets” and start with W. they you have the width and height. W3021 is wall, 30”w, 21” high. X24 would be added if the depth were an un-standard 24” as over the ref. (See pages 80 in catalogue for dimensioning basics).
Go through the catalogue and get a feeling for the product specifications before doing the project.
I have selected this cabinet catalogue because it is available on line and fairly thorough in images and product information.
The companies that sell through more public companies as Home Depot seem to provide the most available information. So we will use the Woodmark products from their catalogue. Again, this selection is a matter of convenience and availability.
The following list of pages note major items or information you will want to read through and possibly use in your kitchen. There are brief explanations and pages to consult. Please carefully review the information until you understand it. This way you can consult and reference the pages as needed.  Their catalogue has an index to help.
Pages to note for specific information.
Go through these cabinet specs and make sure you see, understand  what they are telling you>
p. 35- their specs
p. 37- wood species and other manufactured cabinet body choices. Note explanation of Duraform.
p. 48- what overlay options are available for framed cabinets. Determines look and how much stile and rail or frame shows.
p. 50-51- construction options and legend.
p.54- void or dummy cabinet fronts or faces (as in front of sink)
p. 57- toe kick- you need to specify where the toe kick is as some sides do not need it. This might happen at the end of a run or on the sides of an island.
p. 58- custom closings- as soft close.  Some clients do not want it and it does cost more usually unless that is indicated as included.
p. 67- glass or openings in cabinets. Choices of openings.
p. 73- how to read wall cabinets
width, height depth.  
20” wide, 12”high is 2012.    “W” is for wall.    W2012      the depth will be indicated if it differs from standard.
Note flip up doors, wine racks, corner wall cabinets.
105- vent hoods- note there are vent hood liners, the actual vent inset that functions, and the wooden, decorative vent hood cover.  If you purchase a separate, non -matching vent hood, it is a different story.  This is for vent hood covers that match the cabinets, for traditional designs mostly.
P.111- Base cabinets, “B” indicates base
Height assumed 34-1/2 so not noted unless different., depth assumed 24”  so gives door type as Butt for 2 doors.  ( B12 -Butt would be base cabinet, 12” wide, 2 doors butted)
p. 113 accessories as insets, trash baskets…
119- sink and cooktop/stove cabinets
133- Base corner cabinets
The catalog also offers tall kitchen cabinets and various other options.

solved Dear, study pool Need some one to support and write

Dear, study pool Need some one to support and write for me a (3000 words) assignment as the pillow instructions.MANAGEMENT OF MEGA & COMPLEX PROJECT Imagine you are the Chief Executive of BP (British Petroleum), considering whether to invest money in the newly emerging oil-producing area of Turkmenistan. What does your company want (and want to avoid) from its investment? Choice of Mega Projects under consideration within this investment could be exploration and production, pipelines (oil and gas) construction, distribution lines, buffer/storage tanks onshore, advanced robotics/analytics/automation/artificial intelligence, local content capacity development, supply chain capacity, refinery capability, process plants or any other suitable mega projects within the oil-producing area of Turkmenistan that BP could consider.First Step: You would need to clearly identify which specific type of Mega and Complex Project investment that you think critically and essential for BP to invest in Turkmenistan Second Step: You then critically reflect on the following mega and complex project elements below – Select ANY 5 MEGA AND COMPLEX PROJECT PRINCIPLES FROM THE LIST BELOW. You can also include other elements from your own background research about this Mega and Complex Project:vProject Management and Programme Management in Mega and Complex Projects/ProgrammesvLevel of Complexities around this Mega ProjectvGaps Analysis – Potential Issues, Problems and ChallengesvProject Management opportunities in this Mega ProjectvProgramme Management opportunities in this Mega ProjectvComplex Business, Organisational and Commercial EnvironmentvMacro, Meso & Micro in-depth appraisal & evaluationvOrganisational ComplexitiesvStructural ComplexitiesvInstitutional Level Relationship ComplexitiesvCommercial (Financial and Contractual) ComplexitiesvLegalities ComplexitiesvPutting it togethervProject Management & Programme Management effective execution ComplexitiesvMultiple Stakeholders priorities and complexities – dealing with Government and Private EntitiesvStakeholders Management Problems, Challenges and Issues in this Mega ProjectvNOC (National Oil Company) vs IOC (International Oil Company) vs Service Companies (Private) Joint Venture challenges, with JV or No JVvPriorities assessment when dealing with different level of complexitiesvPriorities level vs Complexities level, High Priority High Complexity, Low Priority Low Complexity, middle ground, etc.vOptimum Bias vCulture of over-commit, over-promise, over priced & under-deliver – why this continues to be a persistent problem/potential problem in this Mega ProjectvOver/Under Estimate, Over/Under Bid, etc.vNOC potentially short-changed by private entities or IOC, how to address and mitigate this? Major Countries, EU, Trade Blocs influence or any other potential socio-political factors? Any other potential Customers/Buyers?vProcurement method (procurement frauds?) vStrategic Misrepresentation of the inherent benefit and value of this Mega ProjectvMiscalculated risk and value of the Mega ProjectvUnclear/Vague/Over-Stated benefit and value of the Mega ProjectvFurther Gaps AnalysisvEffective benefit and value transition to the relevant stakeholders of this Mega ProjectvComplexities in Phase by Phase Management – Whole Life Cycle Approach vProgramme Management Life Cycle for the Mega ProjectvPhase by phase, Stage by Stage, Activities by Activities IdentificationvYou could populate this content using visuals of the Project Life Cycle & Programme Life Cycle up to the benefit and value realisation vSupply Chain Management (Strategic Procurement and Strategic Purchasing) vSketch the Supply Chain Diagram for this Mega ProjectvIdentify whom are the potential upstream, mid-stream and downstream stakeholders and partnersvIdentify and critically appraise/evaluate whom are the routine, leverage, bottle-neck and strategic service providers (service providers refer to any government or private entities such as suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, bottleneck and routine) vStrategic Risk Management vIdentify & Critically reflect on potential Strategic Risk of this Mega ProjectvE.g., Wide range EU break-up, Brexit, Covid 19 (During and Post) Not possible to secure long term purchase agreement, human rights records, potential oil and gas pipeline theft/leakages, local content challenges, local community potentially disadvantaged through this Project, geo-political climate, cross-border, high CAPEX & OPEX, local content inclusivity, unsustainable production and refinery cost, continuing low oil and gas price, not recoverable, challenging oil and gas frontiers, engineering and technical complexities and challenges, technical and commercial capability and the ability to coordinate and stream line the work flows vGovernance vTransparency & Accountability vLack of control mechanismvEffective control and monitoring systems vProcurement, Contracts Management, Contracts Administration vProcurement Biasness and FraudvComplicated Bidding Schedule to Project DeliveryvChallenged and uncoordinated Contract Centres and Cost CentresvProcurement’s real Value for MoniesvGaps between CAPEX and OPEX Purchasing (Strategic vs Operational)vCentralised vs decentralised Procurement vCost/Time Control Practices vCost and time efficient mechanismsvCapital Control and Capital Efficiency opportunities in this Mega Project vChange ManagementvHow change management would be effectively managed in this Mega Project?vLessons Learnt and Lessons yet to be Learnt – what will go wrong and right in this Mega Project, experience and usability from other similar mega and complex project e.g., TSGP as discussed during our lectures and seminars applying any of these Mega and Complex Project principlesvGaps Analysis – Missing LinksvBenefits and Value Management (VfM – Value for Monies) – Effective Control, Monitoring, Transition & Measurement, how to deliver value from the proposed Mega and Complex ProjectvSustainability – Deliver more with Less, Value for Monies, Sustainable PM & PgM for this Mega and Complex Project vProject and Programme Management Methodology and Methods – Any strategic and new way of managing the proposed Mega and Complex Project Cover Page – Full Name, number of content , Table of Content – With Clear Sections, Sub-Section and cross-referenced with correct page numbers for ease of readability and navigationExecutive Summary – Concise and condensed summary of the overall report – the start, mid and end (so, assessors will know in advance and initially what to expect in the report (use the 5Ws1H principle – What, Where, Who (m), When, Why, How§Introduction – Brief overview on which 5 Mega and Complex Principles that you are going to use, critique, analyse and evaluate§Body of the Report – ANY 5 Mega and Complex Principles/Themes from the above list and you could also use, apply and reflect from your own background research, reading and learning from this module’s content to steer, shape and focus the content of your report. Emphasis is on the critical analysis and critical evaluation, depth, academic rigour, quality of citations and references, please use references from 2015 and above, as the nature of mega and complex project is very dynamic and changes all the time§Recommendation – On how to improve and enhance the practice of Management of Mega and Complex Project methods and methodologies, how to achieve value for monies from the Mega and Complex Project§Conclusion§List of references – As mentioned above please use references from 2015 and above (HARVARD FORMAT ONLY)§List of Appendixes – ONLY if necessary – Please ensure appendixes have their narratives (paragraphs) discussed in the main body of the report §PLEASE NOTE: Cover Page, Tables, Graphics, Pics, Images, Visuals, Charts, Appendixes, Executive Summary are NOT part of the word count. But ALL tables, graphics, pics, images, visuals, charts, appendixes, etc. MUST have narratives (paragraphs) in the body of the report and clearly cited and referenced (discussed in the body of the report)§YOU WOULD NEED TO BE RESOURCEFUL, USING HIGH QUALITY PEER REVIEWED AUTHORS WORK AND SOURCE, EMPHASIS IS ON SYNTHESIS FROM RANGE OF AUTHORS WORK, DEPTH, CRITIQUE, ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANY DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY BRIEFINGS, STRAIGHT FOCUS ON THE TASK AND RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE MENTIONED ABOVE. YOU CAN ADD IN ANY USEFUL VISUALS TO ADD CREDIBILITY TO THE REPORT AND ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS MUST BE OFFERED AND PRESENTED IN THE BODY OF THE REPORT (AS A PRECEDING AND/OR FOLLOW-UP NARRATIVES AND DISCUSSION)§YOU MUST AVOID DESCRIPTION, RECYCLING/REPRODUCTION OF EXISTING ESTABLISHED INFORMATION, JARGONS, DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGIES BRIEFING§TO ATTRACT HIGH/TOP BAND MARKS, REPORT MUST DEMONSTRATE HIGH SCHOLASTIC VALUE, SUPPORTED AND CORROBORATED WITH HIGH QUALITY ACADEMIC LITERATURE AND PEER REVIEWED SCHOLARLY WORK, ACADEMIC INTERGRITY BY CROSS-COLLABORATION AND SYNERGY WITH BROADER HIGH-QUALITY LITERATURE

solved INDIVIDUAL DISCUSSION: Choose one of the options listed below and

INDIVIDUAL DISCUSSION: Choose one of the options listed below and answer the provided prompts in your main discussion post. The maximum number of words is 500 (citations are part of your word count but the reference list is not). You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and to support your arguments/ideas/concepts with evidence from credible external sources that should be cited and referenced. Concrete examples/scenarios may also be useful to illustrate your ideas.
You should also use at least 3 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals this week which should be cited and referenced using APA style. You may use other sources as well as your lectures notes and the textbook, but these will not be counted as part of your three required peer-reviewed external sources.
Please mention Option 1 or Option 2 at the beginning of your discussion post. You must include the option, discussion, and reference list all in the same post. Additional posts as “add-ons” will not be considered.
OPTION 1: Explore and discuss CRISPR and gene editing. The field of medicine is exploring new ways to treat cancer. CRISPR could be a promising use of gene editing to fight cancer cells. In your own words, first, you will briefly explain how CRISPR is being used to fight cancer and list some other medical conditions where CRISPR is also being explored as a potential treatment option (one brief paragraph suggested). Secondly, you will discuss from an ethical perspective the potential pros and cons of CRISPR and gene editing (two paragraphs suggested). Finally, you will briefly discuss whether you think a line should be drawn regarding the use of CRISPR and gene editing, and if so, where. (one brief paragraph suggested).
OPTION 2: Explore and discuss colorectal cancer and exercise. Colorectal cancer rates are rising among younger adults. First, discuss what might account for the increased rates of colorectal cancer in younger adults (one paragraph suggested). Secondly, research and discuss the relationship between the reduced risk of colorectal cancer and long-term exercise – your discussion should not only focus on epidemiological evidence but should also explore mechanisms that could explain the relationship between cause and effect (biological plausibility) (one to two paragraphs). Finally, you will briefly consider how you think restrictions linked to Covid-19 may affect colorectal cancer rates in the short term (one brief paragraph suggested).

Instructions :once you and others in your group have posted their discussions, you will need to respond to at least two other posts in your group. You may need to keep checking to see when your peers have posted. Responses should add to the conversation (usually one paragraph – maximum 200 words per response). Responses may also include citations and a reference list if required. You may respond to two different students in your group whether they chose the same option as you or not. Responding to a response from another student to your own discussion can also count as one of your two responses.Since this is a discussion, your aim is to add constructively to the conversation. Do not simply agree or disagree with statements. Consider constructive critical arguments, you can agree or disagree respectfully with what someone else has said or even chose to discuss a different idea they may not have considered in their original discussion. Remember to offer arguments and/or examples to support your response.

First Response:
To begin, CRISPR is a new gene editing tool, harnessed from bacterial cells and has the ability to replace a cancerous mutation in a DNA sequence with the correct base pair, this can be very effective in treating cancer. CRISPR is treating cancer by removing the cancerous cells, or damaged cells before they become cancerous. This in turn helps prevent cancer from spreading or potentially killing, if CRISPR is used properly. Some other areas of medicine where CRISPR is being researched is through blood disorders such as sickle cell disease, AIDS, Blindness, Cystic Fibrosis, and Muscular Dystrophy which are just a few diseases CRISPR can potentially treat.
Some Pros of CRISPR are that it is cheap, precise, fast, and easy to use. A few benefits of CRISPR is that it can actually alter foods to make them healthier. The way this is done is by altering a gene segment in plants. CRISPR could also potentially cure genetic disorders, this is done by removing the gene that could potentially cause problems down the road. If this can be researched more it could be a great treatment option. It also has the ability to eliminate microbes that cause disease, such as HIV genes. If CRISPR can remove the genes that cause HIV in an individual, the medical world will be benefited greatly.
Some negatives of CRISPR is it’s off gene targeting which can cause genomic instability. In regards to humans, potentially harming their genomic stability is negative and can lead to cells affected by genomic instability to even become cancerous. Another con of CRISPR is that it is not always 100% efficient. Results that are not 100% accurate require careful interpretation, since the edited cells could be masked by unedited cells. Some of these additional concerns have to do with the fact that cells could no longer react normally to antibiotics, and the body’s cells that are highlighted will stop expanding and dividing. This will lead to less cells available to use in the body.
Finally, I think that there should be a line drawn for CRISPR technology. I think that it is ethically acceptable to create complex models of human genomes, and see if we can make healthier foods from altering gene segments in plants. I believe it is also perfectly fine to continue research on the potential diseases and genetic disorders it can help cure, especially cancer. However, the line should be drawn on human trials for how until we can really ensure its effectiveness in treating these diseases. I also see CRISPR technology that is being used for enhancement in humans to be unethical as it is giving a human an unfair advantage, when they may not need it. In conclusion, the line should be drawn in regards to enhancing human performance as well as too early of human trials that could lead to dangerous outcomes.

Second response:
In 2017, colorectal cancer was the third most diagnosed cancer for women, and the second most diagnosed cancer for men (Canadian Cancer Society’s Advisory Committee on Cancer Statistics, 2017). While age is one of the main risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer, an individual’s lifestyle also plays a part. Since the 1990s, the rate of colorectal cancer among adults younger than fifty has doubled (NCI Staff, 2020). However experts are unsure about the causes for this increase in younger adults. The causes for colorectal cancer rates in younger adults seem to be the same as the ones for older adults. This is a series of lifestyle factors, such as alcohol use, being a smoker, obesity, and a diet abundant in processed meats but low in fruits and vegetables. The latter is prominent today. Researchers point out that unhealthy diets have also become more common in the last few decades (NCI Staff, 2020).
Studies have been shown that exercise prevents about 15% of colorectal cancers (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019). As one leading factor of colorectal cancer is obesity, exercise will be contributing since it controls weight. Exercise has also been shown to reduce other cancer types, not just colorectal. Epidemiological evidence shows that obesity has affected the development of various cancer types, colorectal cancer in particular (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019). Polyps, which are small growths on the colon wall, and their possibility to evolve into colorectal cancer (Irwin and Burke, 2019), can actually be reduced by doing exercise. Another epidemiological study showed that individuals who exercised for an hour or more had a lower prevalence of colon polyps, proving that exercise decreases the risk of polyp development (Oruç and Kaplan, 2019).
There are some particular restrictions during Covid-19 that may affect colorectal cancer. In the early lockdown stages, people were stocking up on non-perishable food, for no one knew if we could be allowed to leave the house. This included buying lots of canned meats as they are an easy source of protein. However, these canned meats are likely very processed to avoid spoiling. As one of the leading factors of colorectal cancer is a diet high in processed meats, this small lifestyle change would inevitably contribute to an increase in the risk of colorectal cancer development. The lockdowns also prevented individuals from accessing their fitness regimes, as gyms and sports shut down. As discussed above, a lack of exercise can lead to increased obesity risk and polyps, which are risk factors for the development of colorectal cancer. Altered diet and exercise routines are the two primary reasons I believe Covid-19 may affect cancer rates in the short term.


solved reply to Martin Introduction The process of identifying the internal

reply to Martin
The process of identifying the internal environment is crucial for the operation within the business environment. An evaluation of internal capabilities is needed for the successful operation of an organization in it’s competitive atmosphere. This paper will identify some methods in assessing the internal environment, the sources of power, and the decision model that is crucial for understanding the internal environment.
The process of assessing the internal environment begins with identifying the organization’s strengths and weaknesses (Gamble, Peteraf, & Thompson, 2021). This task is usually performed by top and middle managers who invoke an assessment of the internal capabilities of the organization. Usually, organizations assess their internal capabilities if the need for competitive advantage has stagnated and innovation is lacking (Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin, 2014).
Next, employee empowerment through increased autonomy and direction satisfies the organizational demand for additional innovation and corporate entrepreneurship. This process is initiated by top management and fulfills corporate entrepreneurial endeavours which leads to increased innovation by employees without the need for a corporate research & development department (Ketata, Sofka, & Grimpe. 2015). Innovation by employees may be more crucial due to their increased interaction with their primary customers, either business to business or business to consumer.
This section addressed innovation on behalf of the organization when conducting an internal assessment of the organizational environment. The rationale of assessing innovation is that innovation within organizations allows for the organization to gain and sustain competitive advantages within the marketplace. If an organization ceases to be innovative, they will likely lose their competitive advantage and thus b e stagnant in the marketplace and thus lose profitability.
Strategic Thinking
A source of power in assessing the internal environment within an organization is to improve internally performed value chain activities. This can be done with top management’s support and an assessment of the processes that make up the entire value chain within an organization. There are many methods that managers may use to improve strategic thinking within an organization. Implementing the use of best practices, as outlined by industry standards, may be of significant importance to managers. These would increase the cost-effectiveness by reducing the costs of high-cost activities.
Next, eliminating cost producing activities may substantially benefit organizations that are hemorrhaging cash. Elimination or reassignment of high cost activities would substantially benefit organizations particularly those who desire to be competitive within highly competitive industries. Outsourcing high cost activities, such as customer service, to other organizations may be of significant advantages to many organizations who try to cut costs to remain competitive.
In assessing the strengths and weaknesses of organizations, many of these processes and decisions will be identified and those strengths may be capitalized upon and the weaknesses improved. It’s up to managers to listen to employees and identify those costs that are substantially ineffective or considered a weakness within the organization.
Decision Model
One of the single most critical tools in developing an understanding of oneself is the SWOT analysis. A SWOT allows organizations to identify internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external threats and opportunities. For the purpose of this paper, only the internal strengths and weaknesses will be looked upon. Strengths are what an organization does well. Weaknesses are what an organization does not perform well. Therefore, it’s imperative that an organization capitalize upon what they perform well and are aware of what they do not. In this awareness organizations may either choose to improve upon those weaknesses or continue to allow for them to be weaknesses for the sake of continuously capitalizing on strengths (Krogerus, Tschappeler, Piening, & Earnhart, 2017).
Assessment of the organztions’ internal environment is a crucial component of maintaining a competitive advantage within an industry. Understanding what an organization performs well and what they are sorely lacking is vital to improving upon existing processes and cutting the losses of those processes that are losing. Innovation is also a crucial component of the internal process insofar that innovation helps to gain and maintain a competitive advantage.

Annotated Bibliography
Ketata, I., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2015). The role of internal capabilities and firms’ environment for sustainable innovation: Evidence for germany. R & D Management, 45(1), 60-75.
Ketata, Sofka, & Grimpke discuss how the firm’s internal capabilities are suitable for innovation. The authors particularly look at firms located in Germany, which has been an industrial giant in Europe for many years. Ketata, Sofka, & Grimpke identify that investment in research & development is something many organizations pursue and yet remain less innovative than entrepreneurial endeavours. The authors then research the investment in the employees of each firm and conclude that investment in employees is more valuable for sustainable innovation than investment in research & development. Ketata, Sofka & Grimpke conclude that innovation may be fostered and competitive advantage may be gained and sustained through greater employee empowerment and nurturing.
This paper was published in R&D Management which has an impact factor just south of 3, which is not as powerful as other journals, but nonetheless still a positive impact factor for a business journal. The authors are from Georgia State University and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and are therefore considered to be experts in their respective areas. This study will fit into the overall paper on internal evaluation of the environment because of the conclusions drawn with regard to investing in the existing employees and how innovation may be fostered and nurtured through doing so. While innovation is the scope of this paper, it adds to the entrepreneurial spirit that the United States is known for and helps to better identify means for corporations to become innovative.
Kuratko, D. F., Hornsby, J. S., & Covin, J. G. (2014). Diagnosing a firm’s internal environment for corporate entrepreneurship. Business Horizons, 57(1), 37-47.
Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin discuss how a firm’s internal environment may be a hotbed for corporate entrepreneurship, or innovation. The authors identify the need for corporate entrepreneurship as a fundamental component for corporate survival and thrivability in the 21st century. Kuratko, Hornsby, & Covin identify five key components necessary for successful corporate entrepreneurship which include top management support, work direction & autonomy, rewards & reinforcement, time availability, and organizational boundaries. The authors conclude that each of these components are necessary for entrepreneurial activities to take place within the greater organization based upon the feedback gained from their research within significantly innovative companies.
This paper is published in Business Horizons which has an impact factor of 3.44, indicating that it is a reputable journal within the business research. The authors are part of the schools of business and management at Indiana University and the University of Missouri, which both have reputable business programs in the United States. Because they are faculty at reputable university business programs they are likely prominent researchers in the field of business. This study will fit into the overall paper insofar that it provides conclusions that allow for organizations to be more innovative, particularly after the entrepreneurship phase of their life cycles. When assessing the internal environment, it’s crucial for our understanding of the atmosphere which fosters creativity and innovation to continue to push the boundaries of our consumer and business markets.
Gamble, J. E., Peteraf, M. A., & Thompson, A. A. (2021). Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Ketata, I., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2015). The role of internal capabilities and firms’ environment for sustainable innovation: Evidence for germany. R & D Management, 45(1), 60-75.
Krogerus, M., Tschappeler, R., Piening, J., & Earnhart, P. (2017). The decision book: 50 models for strategic thinking. New York, United States: W.W. Norton &.
Kuratko, D. F., Hornsby, J. S., & Covin, J. G. (2014). Diagnosing a firm’s internal environment for corporate entrepreneurship. Business Horizons, 57(1), 37-47.

solved Today’s companies face many security challenges to their networks, and

Today’s companies face many security challenges to their networks, and a company’s incident manager needs to be ready to respond to potential threats. Some of those threats can occur from the actions of well-intentioned employees who fail to follow security protocols, and others can arise from disgruntled workers who may be able to access accounts on personal devices long after leaving an organization.
Wireless devices and bring your own device (BYOD) computing in the workplace often increase productivity and convenience, but such ease of access to resources can be a significant threat to organizational security, and BYOD computing adds another layer of concern for the incident manager.
Remote management, such as tracking and data swipes, helps to locate devices containing company data and to eliminate any unauthorized viewing of that data. Authentication, access controls, and strong encryption are just some of the security measures that need to be part of a secure wireless network and mobile device management practices in the workplace. However, security will need to evolve in order to protect against employees who may have malicious intent. It will need to include behavior cues as well as effective countermeasures, as the need for greater employee availability drives more wireless computing and BYOD integration in the workplace.
For this project, you will take a close look at the variety of threats facing an incident manager as you develop a cybersecurity incident report (CIR) for management with an executive summary.
There are seven steps to complete the project. Each step will highlight the types of threats you will encounter. Most steps in this project should take no more than two hours to complete, and the project as a whole should take no more than two weeks. Begin with the workplace scenario and then continue to Step 1.

Cybersecurity Incident Report (CIR): Your report should be a minimum 6-page single-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations.
Executive summary: This is a one-page summary at the beginning of your CIR.

Step 1: Develop a Wireless and BYOD Security Plan
Since the company you work for has instituted a?bring your own device (BYOD)? policy, security attitudes have been lax, and all sorts of devices, authorized and unauthorized, have been found connected to the company’s wireless infrastructure. In this first step, you will develop a wireless and BYOD security plan for the company.
Use the?NIST Guidelines for Securing Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) Special Publication 800-153 to provide an executive summary to answer other security concerns related to BYOD and wireless. Within your cybersecurity incident report, discuss why the security of wireless access points is important. Provide answers to the threat of unauthorized equipment or?rogue access points?on the company wireless network and the methods to find other rogue access points. Describe how to detect rogue access points and how they can actually connect to the network. Describe how to identify?authorized access points?within your network.
Within your plan, include how the?Cyber Kill Chain framework and approach could be used to improve the incident response times for networks.
Include this at the beginning of your CIR as the basis for all wireless- and BYOD-related problems within the network. Title the section “Wireless and BYOD Security Plan.”
Step 2: Track Suspicious Behavior
You’ve completed your wireless and BYOD security plan. Now it’s time to take a look at another workplace situation.
You have been notified of an employee exhibiting suspicious behavior. You decide to track the employee’s movements by using available industry tools and techniques. You know the location and time stamps associated with the employee’s mobile device.
How would you track the location of the company asset?
Explain how identity theft could occur and how MAC spoofing could take place in the workplace. How would you protect against both identity theft and MAC spoofing? Address if it is feasible to determine if MAC spoofing and identity theft has taken place in the workplace. Include a whitelist of approved devices for this network. Review materials on security of wireless access points
Are there any legal issues, problems, or concerns with your actions? What should be conducted before starting this investigation? Were your actions authorized, was the notification valid, or are there any other concerns? Include your responses as part of the CIR with the title “Tracking Suspicious Behavior.” Note that a CIR summary would not include the name of the actual employee; the situation is being used as an example of what to do when something like this occurs.
In the next step, you will explore another workplace scenario, and your responses will help you formulate a continuous improvement plan, which will become another part of your CIR.
Step 3: Develop a Continuous Improvement Plan
Now that you’ve completed the section on tracking suspicious behavior for your CIR, you are confronted with another situation in the workplace.
You receive a memo for continuous improvement to the wireless network of your company, and you are asked to provide a report on the company’s wireless network. You have been monitoring the activities on WPA2. Provide for your leadership a description of Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) networks and include the pros and cons of each type of wireless network with a focus on WPA2.
Since WPA2 uses encryption to provide secure communications, define the scheme for using preshared keys for encryption. Is this FIPS 140-2 compliant, and if not, what is necessary to attain this? Include this for leadership. Include a list of other wireless protocols, such as Bluetooth, and provide a comparative analysis of four protocols including the pros, cons, and suitability for your company.
Include your responses as part of the CIR with the title “Continuous Improvement Plan.”
In the next step, you will look at yet another workplace scenario, and you will use that incident to show management how remote configuration management works
Step 4: Develop Remote Configuration Management
You’ve completed the continuous improvement plan portion of the CIR. Now, it’s time to show how your company has implemented remote configuration management.
Start your incident report with a description of remote configuration management and how it is used in maintaining the security posture of your company’s network. Then, consider the following scenario:
An undocumented device is found on the company network. You have determined that the owner of the device should be removed from the network. Implement this and explain how you would remove the employee’s device. How would you show proof that the device was removed?
Include your responses as part of the CIR with the title “Remote Configuration Management.”
In the next step, you will illustrate how you investigate possible employee misconduct.
Step 5: Investigate Employee Misconduct
In this portion of your CIR report, you will show how you would investigate possible employee misconduct. You have been given a report that an employee has recorded log-ins during unofficial duty hours. The employee has set up access through an ad hoc wireless network. Provide a definition of ad hoc wireless networks and identify how such networks could contribute to the company infrastructure while also detailing the threats and vulnerabilities they bring. Use notional information or actual case data and discuss.
Address self-configuring dynamic networks on open access architecture and the threats and vulnerabilities associated with them, as well as the possible protections that should be implemented. From your position as an incident manager, how would you detect an employee connecting to a self-configuring network or an ad hoc network? Provide this information in the report. How would signal hiding be a countermeasure for wireless networks? What are the countermeasures for signal hiding? How is the service set identifier (SSID) used by cybersecurity professionals on wireless networks? Are these always broadcast, and if not, why not? How would you validate that the user is working outside of business hours?
Include your responses as part of the CIR with the title “Employee Misconduct.”
In the next step, you will use lab tools to analyze wireless traffic.
Step 7: Prepare and Submit the Cybersecurity Incident Report and Executive Summary
You’ve completed all of the individual steps for your cybersecurity incident report. It’s time to combine the reports you completed in the previous steps into a single CIR.
The assignments for this project are as follows:

Cybersecurity Incident Report (CIR): Your report should be a minimum 6-page single-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations.
Executive summary: This is a one-page summary at the beginning of your CIR.

solved CompetenciesundefinedDetermine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society,

CompetenciesundefinedDetermine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace.Identify the role of music, poetry, prose, and visual art in the modern world and workplace.Utilize art elements in real-world contexts and the workplace.Apply strategies for evaluating different art forms in various contexts.Explain how art contributes to problem solving skills and idea creation in personal and professional experience.Identify how art benefits wellness and creativity in the community and workplace.undefinedScenarioundefinedYou
are an independent contractor who has been hired by a multinational
technology company to increase productivity at one branch office. The
location in question is failing miserably and your contract with this
company is a last ditch effort to bring this location’s productivity up,
or else it will be shut down. The designers haven’t submitted a good,
usable design to headquarters in months.undefinedWhen
you begin your work figuring out what’s going wrong, you immediately
see many red flags. Records show that employees call in sick frequently,
come in late, leave early, and several complaints between employees
have been filed by Human Resources.undefinedWhen
you visit the office, you are immediately struck by what a dismal
environment you see. Florescent lights flicker over beige cubicles,
ambient noise of machines buzzing and phones ringing fills your ears,
and employees look bored and tired. You notice only one communal work
space piled over with old projects and clutter. The supply room is
sparse. The break room is small and cluttered, and nobody is using it.undefinedYou
decide to interview employees and learn some alarming information;
employees mostly work alone, do not seem to know each other well, some
outright dislike one another, they report having no fun or enjoyment
while at work, and some suffer chronic work-related health problems such
as migraines and back pain. You notice wonderful diversity among
employees, yet nobody seems to appreciate or understand the unique
perspectives of their colleagues.undefinedIt
is clear to you that this office is not conducive to the kind of
creative collaboration necessary to pull it out of its slump. Using what
you know about the importance of art in the world and workplace, you
will come up with a plan to solve these problems.undefinedInstructionsundefinedAssemble
a portfolio of recommendations on how to turn this office from a
non-productive location to a creative hub of productivity.undefinedPortfolio should include the following parts:undefinedPart 1undefinedCompose an introduction (1-2 paragraphs) indicating the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace.undefinedPart 2undefinedCreate an infographic on how to use the arts to promote the following within the company:undefinedCollaboration between colleaguesMulticulturalism/diversityCommunity engagementundefinedPart 3undefinedConstruct a visual model using diagram software of the ideal creative workspace that includes the following areas:undefinedA space for individual workA space for collaborative workPublic interaction areaVisual display areasundefinedNOTE – You may add additional areas as you see fit.undefinedEach area in the workspace must be clearly numbered and the following questions answered:undefinedHow will this space be used and by whom?What Elements of Art and Principles of Design will be used in this space?How does the space promote creativity and collaboration?How will the arts be used to promote creativity and well-being?undefinedPart 4undefinedCreate
a descriptive resource list with contact data of at least six funding
possibilities for art events. Each resource should briefly explain the
resource and how the employer might use it.F F C B A

Did not Submit
No Pass

Not Submitted
The portfolio contains an introduction that is only
1-2 sentences indicating the historical impact of art on modern culture,
society, and the workplace.
The portfolio contains an adequate introduction (1-2
paragraphs) indicating the historical impact of art on modern culture,
society, and the workplace.
The portfolio contains a good introduction (1-2
paragraphs) indicating the historical impact of art on modern culture,
society, and the workplace.
The portfolio contains an outstanding introduction
(1-2 paragraphs) indicating the historical impact of art on modern
culture, society, and the workplace.

Not Submitted
The portfolio contains a poorly-designed infographic on how to use the arts to promote the following within the company:
Collaboration between colleaguesMulticulturalism / diversityCommunity engagement
The portfolio contains an infographic on how to use the arts to promote the following within the company:
Collaboration between colleaguesMulticulturalism / diversityCommunity engagement
The portfolio contains a well-done infographic on how to use the arts to promote the following within the company:
Collaboration between colleaguesMulticulturalism / diversityCommunity engagement
The portfolio contains an excellent infographic on how to use the arts to promote the following within the company:
Collaboration between colleaguesMulticulturalism / diversityCommunity engagement

Not Submitted
The portfolio contains an inadequate detailed visual
model created using diagram software of the ideal creative workspace
that includes the following areas:
A space for individual workA space for collaborative workPublic interaction areaVisual display areas ORIt is missing areas from the list.
The portfolio contains an adequate detailed visual
model created using diagram software of the ideal creative workspace
that includes the following areas:
A space for individual workA space for collaborative workPublic interaction areaVisual display areas
The portfolio contains a suitable detailed visual
model created using diagram software of the ideal creative workspace
that includes the following areas:
A space for individual workA space for collaborative workPublic interaction areaVisual display areas
The portfolio contains a meticulously detailed visual
model created using diagram software of the ideal creative workspace
that includes the following areas:
A space for individual workA space for collaborative workPublic interaction areaVisual display areas

Not Submitted
The portfolio contains a visual model with each area
in the workspace clearly numbered and contains the following information
poorly detailed:
the area’s use and by employeethe Elements of Art and Principles of Design used in the areaspace components the promote creativity and collaborationHow the arts used to successfully promote creativity and well-being
The portfolio contains a visual model with each area
in the workspace clearly numbered and contains the following information
adequate detailed:
the area’s use and by employeethe Elements of Art and Principles of Design used in the areaspace components the promote creativity and collaborationHow the arts used to successfully promote creativity and well-being
The portfolio contains a visual model with each area
in the workspace clearly numbered and contains the following information
nicely detailed:
the area’s use and by employeethe Elements of Art and Principles of Design used in the areaspace components the promote creativity and collaborationHow the arts used to successfully promote creativity and well-being
The portfolio contains a visual model with each area
in the workspace clearly numbered and contains the following information
meticulously detailed:
the area’s use and by employeethe Elements of Art and Principles of Design used in the areaspace components the promote creativity and collaborationHow the arts used to successfully promote creativity and well-being

Not Submitted
The portfolio contains a poorly described resource
list with contact data of at least six funding possibilities for art
events and no suggestions for its use.
The portfolio contains a good descriptive resource
list with contact data of at least six funding possibilities for art
events with a brief explanation for its use.
The portfolio contains a carefully descriptive
resource list with contact data of at least six funding possibilities
for art events with a brief explanation for its use.
The portfolio contains an extremely descriptive
resource list with contact data of at least six funding possibilities
for art events with a brief explanation for its use.

Not Submitted
The portfolio had seven or more mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.
The portfolio had six or less mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.
The portfolio had three or less mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.
The portfolio had correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure.