solved Organizing an Exploratory EssayAn exploratory paper is, in essence, a

Organizing an Exploratory EssayAn exploratory paper is, in essence, a retrospective of your writing and thinking process as you work through a social problem. It describes when, how, and why you completed certain types of research. This kind of writing is about how you work through problems that require writing and research. You will have to be introspective and think about your thinking process in order for your essay to turn out well.Very roughly, then, your exploratory paper may follow this sort of structure: IntroductionThe introduction should outline the problem you explored and why it’s important. In addition, you should briefly discuss 1) some of the problem’s possible causes; 2) the institutions and people involved with the problem; 3) some of the possible solutions to the problem. A brief overview of the types of sources your researched during your inquiry. Body ParagraphsBody paragraphs should discuss the inquiry process you followed to research your problem. These paragraphs should include the following:Introduction of sources (title, author, type of media, publisher, publication date, etc.) and why you chose to use each in your exploration;Important information you found in the sources regarding your problem;Why the information is important and dependable in relation to the problem;Some personal introspection on how the sources helped you, allowed you to think differently about the problem, or even fell short of your expectations and led you in a new direction in your research. ConclusionThe conclusion should restate the problem you explored, outline some of its possible causes, review the institutions and people involved, and highlight some possible solutions. If you still have any questions about the problem (and it’s ok to have some), you will discuss them here. Talk about why you think you still have questions regarding the problem you explored, where you might look to answer these questions, and what other forms of research you would have to do.Requirements for Step 3:Building on the previous parts of the assignment, write a 5 page research paper, 12 pt., typed, and double spaced.The paper should address these central questions:What is the social problem?Who claims it is a problem, what are their claims, and why are they claiming the issue as a social problem? Are there competing claims about the nature and extent of the social problem?How well does existing empirical evidence support these claims?What does the evidence tell us about who is affected by the problem? What are the causes and/or consequences of the problem?What solutions are being proposed to address the problem?You need to have a work cited page. The paper will be graded for both content and writing quality. Please re-read, proofread, and revise your work before turning it in.RubricSOCI-102 Social Problems Exploratory Paper STEP 3: Final Paper rubricsSOCI-102 Social Problems Exploratory Paper STEP 3: Final Paper rubricsCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear definition and explanation of the problem20 to >16.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveClearly defines explains problem.16 to >13.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveAdequately defines and explains the problem.13 to >9.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectivePoorly defines explains the problem.9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectiveFails to define and/or explain the problem.20 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGenerate ideas, and/or, explore possibilities about the causes and consequences of a social problem, and considers alternative approaches to solving a social problem20 to >16.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveDemonstrates the ability to generate and explore a wide range of ideas about the causes and consequences of a social problem and considers a range of alternatives approaches to solving a social problem.16 to >13.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveDemonstrates the ability to explore a reasonably wide range of ideas about the causes and consequences of a social problem and considers some alternative approaches to solving a social problem.13 to >9.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectiveDemonstrates minimal ability to explore, and consider a range of ideas about the causes and consequences of a social problem and considers few alternative approaches to solving a social problem.9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectiveUnable to demonstrate the ability to explore and consider a range and number of ideas about the causes and consequences of a social problem and fails to consider alternative approaches to solving a social problem.20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGE.CCT.2Generating ideas, exploring possibilities, and considering alternativesthreshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsExceeds Objective | Demonstrates ability to generate, explore, and consider a wide range and number of ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.3 ptsMeets Objective | Demonstrates ability to generate, explore, and consider a reasonably wide range and number of ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.2 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet Objective | Demonstrates minimal ability to generate, explore, and consider a range and number of ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.1 ptsDoes Not Meet Objective | Unable to demonstrate the ability to generate, explore, and consider a range and number of ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.–This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyze and evaluate ideas about the causes and consequences of social problems20 to >16.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveThoroughly analyzes and evaluates ideas about the causes and consequences of social problems.16 to >13.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveAnalyzes and evaluates ideas about the causes and consequences of social problems.13 to >9.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectiveInadequately analyzes and evaluates ideas about the causes and consequences of social problems.9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectiveFails to analyze and evaluate ideas about the causes and consequences of social problems.20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGE.CCT.3Analyzing and evaluating ideas or outcomesthreshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsExceeds Objective | Examines ideas or outcomes in significant depth and makes distinguished judgments3 ptsMeets Objective | Examines ideas or outcomes in some depth and makes reasonable judgments2 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet Objective | Examines ideas or outcomes with insufficient depth, or makes barely reasonable judgments1 ptsDoes Not Meet Objective | Unable to examine ideas or outcomes with any depth, or makes unreasonable judgments–This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplies the sociological imagination to a critical analysis of social problems20 to >16.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveDemonstrates considerable intellectual agility in connecting social and historical forces with social problems.16 to >13.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveDemonstrates some intellectual agility in connecting social and historical forces with social problems.13 to >9.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectiveDemonstrates minimal intellectual agility in connecting social and historical forces to with social problems.9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectiveUnable to demonstrate minimal intellectual agility in connecting social and historical forces with social problem.20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGE.CCT.4Applying information and ideas to other contextsthreshold: 3.0 pts4 ptsExceeds Objective | Demonstrates considerable intellectual agility in transferring knowledge or connecting disparate ideas3 ptsMeets Objective | Demonstrates some intellectual agility in transferring knowledge or connecting disparate ideas2 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet Objective | Demonstrates minimal intellectual agility in transferring knowledge or connecting disparate ideas1 ptsDoes Not Meet Objective | Unable to demonstrate any intellectual agility in transferring knowledge or connecting disparate ideas–This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliography and Citations10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveWell organized bibliography and proper citations using APA style of citation.8 to >6.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveWell organized bibliography and proper citations although there are some errors.6 to >4.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectiveBibliography is not well organized and/or there are significant errors with the citations.4 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectivePaper lacks a proper bibliography or in text citations.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality10 to >8.0 ptsExceeds ObjectiveA properly structured essay with no grammatical errors in the writing.8 to >6.0 ptsMeets ObjectiveA properly structured essay with few grammatical errors in the writing.6 to >4.0 ptsDoes Not Fully Meet ObjectiveA properly structured essay with some grammatical errors in the writing.4 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ObjectiveThe essay has some structural errors and/or contains many grammatical errors in the writing.10 ptsTotal Points: 100PreviousNext

solved In the industry analysis project you will research, analyze, and

In the industry analysis project you will research, analyze, and produce a report that provides your assessment of telecommunication industry. By solidifying your understanding of the industry as a whole, you are building a foundation of expertise about the telecommunication industry. Reflect significant secondary research.3-4 sourcesExplicitly and correctly apply course concepts.Be written for a professional audience (the CEO of the company)Use plain English and avoid overuse of jargonThe goal here is to demonstrate your understanding in a way that take complex analyses and present them in a simple, easy-to-digest manner (not the other way around).Be well crafted with respect to presentation. The document should be well written and professional. Grammar, spelling, flow, and other elements of strong writing will be considered in the grading of the report.Rely on direct quotes sparingly and only when the quote is particularly insightful. Do draw from other sources (and cite them appropriately), but generally you should do so in your own words.Explain your analyses – You will likely find analyses done by third parties, and we encourage you to look at and draw from them. However, remember that their analysis is just one data point in your analysis. So it really does not matter what their findings were (you may very well disagree with them based on the additional evidence you uncover), make sure you provide your own analysis of the industry.Synthesize, do not just consolidate – It may be tempting to assign analyses to individuals and then staple them together to make an industry analysis without synthesizing the findings. This is not a good strategy because it results in disjointed analyses that do not talk to each other. There are interrelationships among these analyses where the insights from one can inform insights in the others. Make sure that you are synthesizing the data and analyses to present a coherent overall assessment of the industry.Weigh in, but do not overreach – You are going to have to make judgments based on the data you uncover in your research. For some students this is difficult because they do not feel comfortable moving beyond the individual data to identify the bigger picture. For other students there is a tendency to take very little data and make sweeping generalizations. Both of these students will need to stretch themselves with this assignment by finding the middle ground. Do make judgments based on the data, but provide evidence that support your arguments and avoid taking positions that go well beyond what your evidence suggests. For example, one newspaper article indicating that cargo shorts are making a comeback in Orlando does not provide strong evidence that this is a national trend.Suggested Approach to Research: Here is how you might start your research:Determine your NAICS code. This will increase the efficiency of your research. If you cannot identify the NAICS code, then try using a SIC code instead.Find magazine/journal articles or books about your type of business; print the articles to ensure that you have the source of the information. List the articles and books you researched and describe the pertinent information you found that will be included in your report.Use the Internet. There is a wide variety of Internet sources of information available to you as a UCF student. The UCF Library has licenses for many databases and online information sources; either access them from an on-campus computer lab, login through the UCF libraries home page, or install the Pegasus CD on your home computer to access these sites for free.Document Your Sources: As you conduct your research, carefully document the sources of the information. We have a Zero Tolerance policy for plagiarism in this course. Your report will be submitted to, an online anti-plagiarism website.Outline: The following is an outline of the types of issues you will want to address in your report. Be sure to go beyond just describing the industry. Discuss the implications of your findings for firms competing in your industry. Note that not all issues contained within each section will apply to every industry. Choose the most pertinent issues and discuss them according to the applicability to your assigned industry. However, there are certain sections that are required for all reports and are marked as such, so please make sure to include them in your assignment (see the rubric for details as well).Porter’s Five ForcesIntensity of Competitive Rivalry in the Industry (Include as a sub-heading.)Research: If you were studying steel production, you would identify the extent to which companies in this industry tend to compete fiercely. Look up information in your industry to see if there is a lot of rivalry among the companies currently in the industry and describe that here. Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.Threat of Substitute Products (Include as a sub-heading)Research: If you were studying steel production, you assess whether products and services from other industries (i.e., substitutes) pose a salient threat to the steel industry. If there are salient threats, discuss what these are and why they are a threat. If not, why aren’t these industries’ products/services a salient threat? In the very rare case that there are no substitutes for your industry’s products and services, state that this is not an issue and why. For example, is plastic (a different industry) a good substitute for steel? Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low.Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.Threat of New Entrants (Include as a sub-heading)Research: If you were studying steel production, you would identify whether it is likely that new firms will enter the steel production industry. Describe reasons why there are – or are not – barriers to entry into this industry (e.g., is there a high capital requirement to enter this industry, is it difficult to obtain the resources to produce steel, etc.). Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.The Power of Buyers (Include as a sub-heading)Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information regarding whether the steel production companies or their customers (those who purchase steel) have more power. One way to think about this is when they sit down together to talk about the sales price of the steel, who is more influential in the negotiation? Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.The Power of Suppliers (Include as a sub-heading)Research: If you were studying steel production, you would look up information regarding whether the steel production companies or their suppliers (industries that produce the inputs to steel production) have more power. Similarly to the power of buyers section, one way to think about this is when they sit down together to talk about the sales price of the input (e.g., iron ore), who is more influential in the negotiation? Don’t forget to state the overall level of strength of this force for your industry as high, medium, or low. Be sure to discuss the relevant criteria for this force.Report: Detail your research findings regarding the force. Also, discuss how it impacts the attractiveness of the industry in just one or two sentences.Summary of Forces and Attractiveness (Include as a sub-heading)After you have gone through all five forces, assess the overall attractiveness of the industry.Report: Provide a summary of your analysis of all of the key forces and what they mean for the industry. Clearly state your conclusion regarding the overall industry attractiveness and why. Base this on the perspective of a company that already operates in the industry. Note – if the industry is segmented, be sure to include a brief discussion of that fact and how the forces might differ across the different segments.

solved The purpose of this assignment is to build on the

The purpose of this assignment is to build on the presentation developed in part 1. Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation that contains thorough speaker notes. After students have received faculty feedback on Parts 1 and 2, It entails students linking the pathophysiological alterations at the tissue, organ and system levels to the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms. Students will also describe how the disease is diagnosed and the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for disease management. Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Develop professional presentation/communication skills. Link development of presenting signs and symptoms of disease to changes to tissue, organ and system functioning. (CO 3) Describe how the disease is diagnosed (CO 1, 2) Describe pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for disease management (CO 4) Requirements:Content Criteria: Link changes in the tissue, organ, and system functioning to the initial presenting signs and symptoms seen in primary care of the disease. Provide a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed. Provide a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used to treat and manage the disease. Summarizes the disease on the final slide with concluding remarks; includes implication for nurse practitioner practice. Utilizes at least two current (within 5 years), peer-review scholarly sources to support presentation content. Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA. Format Criteria: The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation that contains detailed speaker notes. The presentation contain main heading slides that address the assignment criteria listed above. The presentation should contain appropriate evidence to support the information presented per APA format. Slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs The presentation should contain a reference slide with all sources written in APA format PowerPoint Tips to ensure a professional and organized presentation: All font types, size, and color should be the same throughout the presentation The Title slide should contain: student name, course, professor and title of the presentation Avoid putting too much information in the slides. Use bullets to highlight main points and then use speaker notes to provide more specifics related to the slide content The use of pictures and figures are encouraged, however, avoid overcrowding the slides with pictures and figures Follow the rubric requirements in chronological order to ensure an organized flow of content Use proper background color so there is good contrast between font color and background ASSIGNMENT CONTENT Category Points % Description Application of Course Knowledge 35 35% The presentation includes all required concepts: Links changes in the tissue, organ and system functioning to the initial presenting signs symptoms. Provides a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed. Provides a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used in disease management. Explains the role of the nurse practitioner in diagnosing and managing the disease Support from Evidence-Based Practice 30 30% Assignment content is supported with appropriate, scholarly sources; AND Sources are published within the last 5 years (unless it is the most current clinical practice guideline (CPG); AND Reference list is provided on reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation match; AND In-text citations are included on slides where appropriate Summary of Main Points Highlighted in the Presentation 25 25% Provides a summary slide at the end of the presentation States the name of the assigned disease Main points are highlighted that clearly reflects coverage of all assignment criteria related to the assigned disease Highlights the role of the nurse practitioner in diagnosis and management of the assigned disease Professionalism/ Organization 5 5% Presentation format flows in a logical, smooth manner, utilizing no more than 8-10 slides, including reference slides Slides are developed using main headings that reflect the assignment topics Slides contain clear bullet points Slides are used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs 95 95% Total CONTENT Points= 95 pts ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Category Points % Description Grammar, Syntax, APA 5 5% APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors. 5 5% Total FORMAT Points= 5 pts ASSIGNMENT TOTAL=100 points RubricNR507 Disease Process Pres_Pt2 Sept19NR507 Disease Process Pres_Pt2 Sept19CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Course Knowledge1. Links changes in the tissue, organ and system functioning to the initial presenting signs symptoms.2. Provides a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed.3. Provides a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used in disease management.4. Explains the role of the nurse practitioner in diagnosing and managing the disease35 ptsExcellentThe presentation includes all required elements32 ptsV. Good1 required element is missing29 ptsSatisfactory2 required elements are missing18 ptsNeeds Improvement3 required elements are missing0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll required elements are missing35 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport from Evidence-Based Practice1 Assignment content is supported with appropriate, scholarly sources; AND2 Sources are published within the last 5 years (unless it is the most current clinical practice guideline (CPG); AND3 Reference list is provided on reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation match; AND4 In-text citations are included on slides where appropriate30 ptsExcellentThe presentation includes all required elements27 ptsV. Good1 required element is missing24 ptsSatisfactory2 required elements are missing15 ptsNeeds Improvement3 required elements are missing0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll required elements are missing30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Main Points Highlighted in the Presentation1. Provides a summary slide at the end of the presentation2. States the name of the assigned disease3. Main points are highlighted that clearly reflects coverage of all assignment criteria related to the assigned disease4. Highlights the role of the nurse practitioner in diagnosis and management of the assigned disease25 ptsExcellentThe presentation includes all required elements23 ptsV. Good1 required element is missing20 ptsSatisfactory2 required elements are missing13 ptsNeeds Improvement3 required elements are missing0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll required elements are missing25 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism/ Organization1. Presentation format flows in a logical, smooth manner, utilizing no more than 8-10 slides, including reference slides2. Slides are developed using main headings that reflect the assignment topics3. Slides contain clear bullet points4. Slides are used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs5 ptsExcellentThe presentation includes all required elements4 ptsV. Good1 required element is missing3 ptsSatisfactory2 required elements are missing2 ptsNeeds Improvement3 required elements are missing0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAll required elements are missing5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Spelling, Syntax, APAAPA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors.5 ptsExcellentGrammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one error.4 ptsV. Good2-4 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation noted3 ptsSatisfactory5-7 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation noted2 ptsNeeds Improvement8-9 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation noted0 ptsUnsatisfactoryPresentation contains ten or greater errors in grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation noted or repeatedly makes the same errors after faculty feedback5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductionsStudents are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.0 ptsManual Deductions0 ptsManual Deductions0 ptsTotal Points: 100

solved Topic 4 DQ 1 (Obj. 4.1) DQ 1 A twenty-six-year-old

Topic 4 DQ 1 (Obj. 4.1) DQ 1
A twenty-six-year-old Asian American client participated in an outpatient mental health program. He attended the program daily. When the client met with older male Caucasian therapist, he was very polite and agreeable. The client would agree to the treatment goals, yet, when he returned for the monthly review, the client had made no progress on the goals. What do you think might explain this client’s engagement or lack of engagement from a cultural/ethnic perspective?
This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard(s):
2.F.2.a. Multicultural and pluralistic characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally.
Jones-Smith, E. (2019). Culturally diverse counseling: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. ISBN-13: 9781483388267

Nichole Gelabert
2 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1 (Obj. 4.1)

One possible cultural reason for this client’s lack of engagement is believing in a collectivist orientation. In most Eastern cultures, which includes Asian Americans, the belief is that the welfare of the whole group is more important than that of an individual’s needs (Jones-Smith, 2019). If this client feels that his individual goals will not benefit his family or group, he may not be inclined to carry them out. Another possibility is he was forced to seek mental health services, and is doing so out of respect for the person who sent him, with no intention of shaming his family. In a study by Zubin DeVitre and David Pan (2020), they discuss Asian American aversions and reasons for seeking mental health services through enculturation (maintaining indigenous values) and acculturation (acquiring host culture’s values) identity. Their findings showed that participants valuing their cultural beliefs negatively affected their feelings towards seeking counseling help. To me, this demonstrates the importance of knowing your client’s cultural identity. Not only will they receive services appropriate to their values and beliefs, but we (counselors) know what resistances we may face. Maybe this client could become engaged in services if the counselor incorporates activities or skills that are familiar to what this client practices within his culture. This may include mediation, understanding that physical and mental health are connected, or finding a way to have the individual goals benefit the group.

Christy Johnson
2 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1 (Obj. 4.1)

According to Jones-Smith (2019) there are several reasons this client seems to be agreeable but is making no progress. One explanation may be that this client has recently immigrated to the United States and has not embraced Western-focused mental health practices. The counselor may have mistaken their clients “head nodding, smiles, and apparent verbal assent as clear indications of their understanding and agreement” (Jones-Smith, 2019, p. 300), when in fact, the client was trying to express their lack of understanding or shame about treatment goals.
Kim and Park (2015) describe Asian cultures communication style as indirect and high context, which means they are less vocal, more submissive, and try to communicate in a way that does not cause contention or harm to the other person. This client may not agree with the goals that have been put in place, but is trying to keep the peace by not sharing this with his counselor to avoid negativity and being a burden. Another reason for this client’s lack of engagement may because he is highly enculturated to his Asian roots and feeling like he needs to defend his families honor by not actively participating in the treatment plan (Jones-Smith, 2019). Jones-Smith (2019) denotes “…cultural prescriptions against revealing family secrets…therapists’ inability to design culturally appropriate forms of treatment” (Leong, 1996, as cited by Jones-Smith, 2019, p. 303) as a possible issue for a lack of engagement in the therapeutic process.
If the counselor is being very direct about the client not making progress towards his goals, the client may be trying to what Kim and Park (2015) call “maintaining face” (p. 270), which is described as “the individual’s sense of positive image in a social interaction” (Kim & Park, 2015, p. 270).

Rachael Herbison
2 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 1 (Obj. 4.1)

This client’s response may be a result of incorrect interaction from the counselor. A study by Fey & Roysircar (2004) indicates that there is a clear difference between White Americans and Asian Americans and responses to certain coping skills.
The counselor must find treatment that is culturally centered. In a study done by Yeh et al. (2006), Asian Americans who lost loved ones in the September 11, 2001 attacks used many coping strategies that focused on themselves as individuals, families and culture, as well as incorporating spiritual life as well. Though all or none of these may work for the client, it is vital that the counselor works with the client to determine a more appropriate approach, perhaps introducing one of these, or similar, methods.
The counselor needs to look at their practice and determine if they are using essential cross-cultural practices, such as were used in the Indochinese Mental Health Project: “counselor’s recognition of the several stages of crises; awareness of the impact of each stage on refugees, and nonjudgmental, nonauthoritarian, culturally appropriate crisis interventions (Weiss & Parish, 1989).” The counselor may be projecting cultural misunderstanding, interacting with the culture of and in this client (Jones-Smith, 2019). 

Company: The of Montgomery County
From 05/2021-Current

Responsibilities include • Hire/train and provide direct supervision to Residential Lead Staff and Direct Support Professionals. • Maintaining and/or completing monthly reports, fire safety records, staff and consumer records. • Ensuring quality services by monitoring program function through record reviews and other site documentation. • Ensuring compliance with all applicable state and agency guidelines. • Participating in the on-call supervisor rotation. • Act as liaison with county, day programs, families and doctors. • Attend meetings ( ISP, Monitoring, SIS, Staff meetings, etc.) as necessary for the home and individuals. • Provide ongoing staff oversight and monitoring by facilitating/completing staff trainings, 1:1 meetings, informal counseling, discipline and performance evaluations. • Monitor spending to ensure that expenditures are within budget for the homes and individuals. • Maintain medical records, and ensure and monitor proper programmatic data collection, via progress notes and charts, for all individuals. • Ensure scheduling and completion of timely medical appointments in accordance with State Regulations and medical needs of the individuals. • Working in conjunction with the lead staff to ensure that the staffing schedules reflect appropriate coverage and ratio’s for each home. • Other duties and responsibilities may be assigned.

RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE but are not limited to:

Objectively completes staff evaluations.
Monitors and ensures that residential budget is maintained.
Monitors and schedules required staff training, as well as relevant seminars, conferences and additional training.
Monitors and insures accurate “in house” documentation.
Participates in Circle(s) of Support for personal futures planning.
Monitors house and vehicles maintenance.
Ensures the accuracy of the disbursement and documentation of individual finances, as needed.
Monitors health and medical needs of individuals and audits medication administration.
Builds a support network between the individuals and community members.
Monitors the documentation of the individual’s progress for support people including family, staff, employment specialist, case manager and other professionals, as necessary.
Ensures consistent service delivery which connects work, home, and recreational needs.
Serves as an active member of each person’s interdisciplinary team, to include involvement in Individual Habilitation Plan development. Assists Residential Manager to coordinate the IDT meetings & the IHP/ELP.
Submit monthly written reports covering operational status, as well as individual progress and concerns to supervisor.
Attend conferences, seminars, and training relevant to the position.
Participates in all aspects of the individuals supported life and care. This includes but is not limited to cooking, cleaning, transporting, assisting with hygiene, etc.
Perform any and all duties requested of supervisor. 

solved In this assignment, you will conduct a written case analysis

In this assignment, you will conduct a written case analysis related to TESLA MOTORS’ business model and competitive advantage and provide insights into challenges and opportunities for the sustainability of the company. The goal is to demonstrate your ability to evaluate how competitive business strategies and forces influence, and analyzing its financial and performance statements can predict a company’s future financial success.
Program Competencies
Institutional Environment
Program Learning Outcomes
PLO6-Integrate management best practices and tools to analyze a management problem in a given organization or community considering both the institutional and global environments.
Course Learning Outcomes 
Apply analytical frameworks and techniques to diagnose the firm’s competitive position and core competencies, assess alternative plans of action, and predict the consequences of specific decision options.
Enhance the ability to communicate concisely and persuasively both orally and in writing.
Assignment Description (WHAT)
For this paper read the Case “TESLA MOTORS”. Then respond to the questions below and submit your paper through Turnitin.
Respond to the first set of questions using as time frame the period of the case (i.e. the time when the case was written). Imagine to be a consultant at the time of the case, and refer to the data:
1.What do you think of Tesla’s entry strategy? What barriers did it have to overcome?
2.Let’s look at Tesla’s profitability. What do the numbers say? Is Tesla profitable? Does it have a competitive advantage? Motivate your responses.
Now, look at Tesla today, exploring sources outside of the case:
3.How are they doing today?
4.How do you expect Tesla’s position to evolve by the end of 2025?  What can Tesla do to prevent imitation or entry?
Format/Submission Information
The written case analysis will be submitted as a TurnitIn assignment. The case analysis paper must be double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides. Scoring of your case analysis will be based on the attached rubric. Your submission should be approximately. 1500 words. Exhibits should be in the Appendix and not in the body of the paper. Use exhibits and charts as necessary to support your analysis. As appropriate, responses to the above questions must include relevant quoted material with citation with page number from the Thompson (2016) and/or the Tesla Case study to support your explanation.
Above Standards=4
Meets Standards=3
Approaching Standards=2
Below Standards=1
Analyze and discuss the impact of Tesla’s entry strategy.
Q1 – What do you think of Tesla’s entry strategy? A. What barriers did it have to overcome?
Use quoted or paraphrased material with citation and page number from the case study or the textbook as well as exhibits and charts as necessary to support your analysis.
Comprehensively explains what Tesla’s entry strategy is and correctly explain all of the barriers it had to overcome, with examples from potential and current competitors. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, and a masterful level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Explains what Tesla’s entry strategy is and explain some of the barriers it had to overcome. The analysis displays a basic level of understanding of the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Explain at a superficial level what Tesla’s entry strategy is and describe one or two barriers it had to overcome.
The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, at a lower than expected level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Does not or inaccurately explains what Tesla’s entry strategy is. No mention of the barriers it had to overcome. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, at a below an expected level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Analyze Tesla’s financial and operation status and predict its future status.
Q2 – Let’s look at Tesla’s profitability. What do the numbers say? Is Tesla profitable? Does it have a competitive advantage? Motivate your responses.
Use quoted or paraphrased material with citation and page number from the case study or the textbook as well as exhibits and charts as necessary to support your analysis.
Comprehensively explains Tesla’s current and future financial situation including its competitive advantage, future prospects as to changes to its competitive advantage and its revenue or operational costs. Response included references to the appropriate financial statements, quoted material from the Tesla Motors case. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, and a masterful level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Superficially explains Tesla’s current and future financial situation including its competitive advantage, future prospects as to changes to its competitive advantage and its revenue or operational costs. Response included references to the appropriate financial statements, quoted material from the Tesla Motors case. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, and an expected level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Does not adequately explain Tesla’s current and future financial situation including its competitive advantage, future prospects as to changes to its competitive advantage and its revenue or operational costs. Response included references to the appropriate financial statements, quoted material from the Tesla Motors case. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, and a lower than expected level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Does not or inaccurately explains Tesla’s current and future financial situation including its competitive advantage, future prospects as to changes to its competitive advantage and its revenue or operational costs. Response included references to the appropriate financial statements, quoted material from the Tesla Motors case. The analysis displays depth, breadth, logic, and a below an expected level of understanding the facts of the case and the ability to apply relevant concepts and an understanding of those concepts.
Looking at the future.
Q3 – How are they doing today?
Q4 – How do you expect Tesla’s position to evolve by the end of 2025?  What can Tesla do to prevent imitation or entry?
Use quoted or paraphrased material with citation and page number from the case study or the textbook as well as exhibits and charts as necessary to support your analysis.
Comprehensively explains the current financial and operational situation analyzing appropriate sources and offering a recommendation based on evidences. Discuss what Tesla should do to position itself for the future, and whether Tesla can prevent imitation or entry by competitors. It displays depth, breadth, logic, and a masterful level of understanding of the current and future dynamics.
Explains the current financial and operational situation quoting appropriate sources. Discuss what Tesla should do to position itself for the future, and whether Tesla can prevent imitation or entry by competitors. It displays depth, breadth, logic, and a masterful level of understanding of the current and future dynamics.
Offers a personal opinion on how  Tesla is doing today, what it should do to position itself for the future, and whether Tesla can prevent imitation or entry by competitors, without offering data to corroborate the analysis. Or, if data is presented, it comes from non-authoritative sources.
Does not explain what Tesla should do to position itself for the future, and whether Tesla can prevent imitation or entry by competitors. Response did not include references to the appropriate financial statements or to any external source.
Quality of the overall analysis and explanation of the issues relevant to each of the questions
Demonstrates extensive exploration of issues through the collection and analysis of evidence to make well-informed conclusions/judgments.
Demonstrates adequate exploration of issues through the collection and analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions/judgments.
Demonstrates minimal exploration of issues through the collection and analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions/judgments.
Does not demonstrate  minimal exploration of issues through the collection and analysis of evidence and unable to make informed conclusions/judgments.

solved Question 10.25 PointsA cell is dividing by binary fission. What

Question 10.25 PointsA cell is dividing by binary fission. What can you conclude?Mitosis has taken place without cytokinesis.Homologous chromosomes have already paired.The cell is prokaryotic.The cyclin-Cdk complex is no longer phosphorylating enzymes.The cell cycle is out of control.Question 20.25 PointsPlant hormones known as ____ stimulate mitosis.growth factorscohesinscytokininsscaffolding proteinscyclinsQuestion 30.25 PointsTo prevent disastrous consequences, the eukaryotic cell cycle is controlled by:replication.a very detailed, rigid genetic program.the mitochondria.a series of cell cycle checkpoints.environmental signals.Question 40.25 PointsWhat would happen if meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms?The growth of the zygote would be halted.The gametes would remain haploid.The eggs would be haploid, but the sperm would be diploid.Mitosis would be sufficient to produce haploid gametes.The chromosome number would double in each generation.Question 50.25 PointsA bacterial chromosome consists of a:linear DNA molecule many times larger than the cell.circular DNA molecule smaller than the cell.linear or circular DNA molecule smaller than the cell.linear DNA molecule smaller than the cell.circular DNA molecule many times larger than the cell.Question 60.25 PointsChromosomes are duplicated during the ____ of the cell cycle.prophaseS phasemetaphaseG2 phaseG1 phaseQuestion 70.25 PointsWhen is a cell in metaphase?The chromosome are separated into distinct groups at opposite poles of the cell.Cytokinesis is occurring.The chromosomes are aligned at the midplane of the cell.The chromosomes are visible as threadlike structures.The nuclear envelope is clearly visible.Question 80.25 PointsEukaryotic chromosomes consist of:linear DNA molecules complexed with positively charged histone proteins.circular DNA molecules complexed with negatively charged histone proteins.circular DNA molecules folded to fit inside a bacterial cell.linear DNA molecules complexed with negatively charged histone proteins.circular DNA molecules complexed with positively charged nonhistone proteins.Question 90.25 PointsDuring which stage of meiosis do the sister chromatids separate?anaphase Imetaphase IIanaphase IImetaphase Itelophase IIQuestion 100.25 PointsChromosomes are duplicated during the ____ of the cell cycle.G2 phasemetaphaseprophaseS phaseG1 phaseQuestion 110.25 PointsA cell is dividing by binary fission. What can you conclude?The cell is prokaryotic.The cyclin-Cdk complex is no longer phosphorylating enzymes.Mitosis has taken place without cytokinesis.The cell cycle is out of control.Homologous chromosomes have already paired.Question 120.25 PointsIn a human cell at prophase I, there are ____ tetrads.23429246Question 130.25 PointsA cell in the G2 phase:has visibly distinct in mitosis.has twice the amount of DNA present in a telophase in cytokinesis.lacks a visible nuclear membrane.Question 140.25 PointsA cell in the G2 phase:is in mitosis.lacks a visible nuclear in cytokinesis.has twice the amount of DNA present in a telophase nucleus.has visibly distinct chromosomes.Question 150.25 Points____ organized on chromosomes carry the information that controls the functions of the cell.NucleosomesProteinsAstersHistonesGenesQuestion 160.25 PointsA nucleosome consists of DNA wrapped around scaffolding proteins.__________________TrueFalseQuestion 170.25 PointsGametophyte plants produce gametes using:fertilization.meiosis.sporogenesis.polyploidy.mitosis.Question 180.25 Points____ organized on chromosomes carry the information that controls the functions of the cell.NucleosomesProteinsHistonesAstersGenesQuestion 190.25 PointsIn fungi and protists, gametes produced by ____ of haploid cells fuse to form a ____ zygote, which then undergoes ____ to restore the haploid chromosome number.meiosis, diploid, mitosismitosis, haploid, meiosismeiosis, haploid, mitosismitosis, diploid, mitosismitosis, diploid, meiosisQuestion 200.25 PointsHomologous chromosomes can be identified and/or characterized by:paternal chromosomes only.maternal chromosomes only.their similar and characteristic staining patterns.the different centromere positions in the maternal vs. paternal chromosomes.those chromosomes that do not have partners.Question 210.25 PointsWhich event occurs in prophase II?formation of the cleavage furrowdisappearance of the spindlecondensation of the chromatin into chromosomesformation of the chiasmatacrossing over occurs.Question 220.25 PointsCytokinesis in animal cells involves contraction of a ring of ____ microfilaments.cyclin plus myosintubulin plus actincohesin plus actinactin plus myosincyclin plus actinQuestion 230.25 PointsEukaryotic chromosomes are composed of:proteins only.DNA only.circular chromatin.karyotypes.chromatin.Question 240.25 PointsWhat is the function of kinetochores?Kinetochores attach to microtubules during mitosis.Kinetochores are involved in cytokinesis.Kinetochores regulate the length of the cell cycle.Kinetochores are the site of DNA synthesis.Kinetochores anchor spindle fibers to the centrioles.Question 250.25 PointsHomologous chromosomes undergo synapsis during:anaphase II.prophase I.telophase II.prophase II.anaphase I.Question 260.25 PointsAn animal with a diploid number of 36 chromosomes will have ____ chromosomes in its gametes and ____ chromosomes in its somatic cells.36; 1836; 3618; 1836; 7218; 36Question 270.25 PointsIn unwound chromatin, nucleosomes are organized into large coiled loops held together by:scaffolding proteins.histones.centromeres.kinetochore proteins.condensins.Question 280.25 PointsIn a prometaphase cell, the:spindle fibers pull chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell.duplicated chromosomes become visible with the light microscope.nucleolus disappears.nuclear envelope is visible with the light microscope.mitotic spindle is beginning to assemble.Question 290.25 Points____ contain identical DNA sequences and are held together by ____ during mitosis.Sister chromatids; spindle fibersSister chromatids; cohesin proteinsDaughter chromosomes; hydrogen bondingDaughter chromosomes; ionic bondingSister chromosomes; histone proteinsQuestion 300.25 PointsWhich of the following is produced by meiosis?diploid cellssomatic cellszygotespolyploid cellsanimal gametesQuestion 310.25 Points____ contain identical DNA sequences and are held together by ____ during mitosis.Daughter chromosomes; hydrogen bondingSister chromatids; cohesin proteinsSister chromatids; spindle fibersDaughter chromosomes; ionic bondingSister chromosomes; histone proteinsQuestion 320.25 PointsThe ____ is responsible for the separation of the chromosomes during the ____ of mitosis.kinetochore; prophasecell wall; anaphasecentromere; telophasemitotic spindle; interphasemitotic spindle; anaphaseQuestion 330.25 PointsOnce nerve cells become mature, they do not typically undergo cell division. Based on your knowledge of the cell cycle, you might predict that mature nerve cells become arrested in the ____ of the cell cycle.G0 phaseS phaseG1 phaseG2 phaseprophaseQuestion 340.25 PointsA pair of centrioles is found at the center of the microtubule-organizing center in plant cells.__________________TrueFalseQuestion 350.25 PointsOnce nerve cells become mature, they do not typically undergo cell division. Based on your knowledge of the cell cycle, you might predict that mature nerve cells become arrested in the ____ of the cell cycle.G1 phaseS phaseG2 phaseG0 phaseprophaseQuestion 360.25 PointsA bacterial chromosome consists of a:linear DNA molecule smaller than the cell.linear DNA molecule many times larger than the cell.circular DNA molecule smaller than the cell.circular DNA molecule many times larger than the cell.linear or circular DNA molecule smaller than the cell.Question 370.25 PointsTo control the cell cycle:M-Cdk inhibits mitosis.cyclins fluctuate during the cell cycle.the activity of Cdks stays the same throughout the cell cycle.the anaphase-promoting complex stimulates DNA replication.Cdks are active only when they are released from cyclins.Question 380.25 PointsWhat evolutionary advantage is provided by sexual reproduction?production of genetically identical offspringmaking polyploidy possiblemaking clonesremoval of all genetic mutationsincreased genetic diversityQuestion 390.25 PointsAn animal with a diploid number of 36 chromosomes will have ____ chromosomes in its gametes and ____ chromosomes in its somatic cells.36; 7236; 3618; 1836; 1818; 36Question 400.25 PointsNucleosomes are best described as:prokaryotic DNA associated with histone proteins.eukaryotic DNA associated with scaffolding proteins.prokaryotic DNA associated with nonhistone proteins.eukaryotic DNA associated with histone proteins.eukaryotic DNA associated with nonhistone proteins.


DISCUSSION 1 (JOIN)77 unread replies.77 replies.GENERAL DISCUSSION BOARD PROTOCOL (READ FIRST!)Purpose: The board is a chance for you to express your own opinions and personalities, as long as you’re clearly responding to the assigned topic. I want everyone to feel their opinions are respected and equally valid (whether you consider yourself a “good” writer or not), so as long as you do this to my satisfaction, you’ll likely get full credit. You must write on two of the prompts assigned here (materials include the essays, lyrics, films, etc.). That way you’re always involved in a discussion at least two different topics. Feel free to post images, linked articles, etc. I might award extra points to clever and relevant links. But please – no tired memes or tweets, and absolutely nothing cruel or off-color. Task: Write two separate comments on your chosen topics. First, choose one of the numbered options (three, in this case) and write a coherent and reflective consideration of the particular topic. This initial post must be at least 200 words and must include a word count at the end. Treat it like a short essay; this is your major statement on one aspect of what we’ve studied so far.Title your post (always) with a reference to the name(s) of the article or a brief summary of the content, so people know at a glance your focus (e.g., “My response to Frederick Douglass,” “My reaction to Amistad,” etc.). You can be creative, but the intent and subject should always be clear. Once this first comment posted, it will allow the board to open and connect you with your peers. See what they have to say.Then respond (at least 50 words each) to a second topic (you can be briefer here) and to one student post. These peer responses might be a means for you to comment on a topic you haven’t previously written on (a third topic!) or react to a very different interpretation than your own. Either way, you should be sympathetic to and interested in what your peers have to say, and it should be clear from your response that you’ve read/viewed the material in question. Frivolous, mocking, fake, or obviously undeveloped responses will earn No Credit.Criteria: Style, clarity, and content matter!All materials referred to in the prompts are in the previous modules(1a & 1b, in this case). Review them before writing. You’re expected to read all topics and materials, which are testable on the exam.You get an initial 5 points for writing a post on-topic (as opposed to chatting about your love life, your favorite foods, etc.). You get a further 10 points for writing a coherent and reflective consideration of that chosen topic. Take it seriously; think of it as a mini-essay. This initial post must be at least 200 words and must include a word count at the end. Again, once posted, it will allow the board to open and connect you with your peers.You get 5 points each for a response to an additional topic (there are always two, at least), meaning on a different article/subject than your own initial post, and one response to a student post on any topic (you’re welcome to talk to multiple students too, of course). That way you’re always discussing at least two different topics. These must be at least 50 words each. If there’s no second topic under discussion yet, be the first and start a new thread!You must write in complete sentences, with proper grammar and syntax (sentence structure). Paragraphs need a good topic sentence providing a thesis (opinion) that encompasses what follows. You should provide details from the source materials (essays, video, your own relevant experiences) to illustrate and support your ideas as you develop them.You will lose points for any missing, off-topic, or poorly developed elements (initial post/second post/peer response).Do NOT attach a separate document with your typed comments. Instead, write/reply directly in the thread. You can always write elsewhere and then cut & paste here, if that’s easier for you.DISCUSSION BOARD #1: CHOOSE FROM OPTIONS 1, 2, 3. In all cases, there’s no “wrong” answer as long as you show us that you’ve thought about the issue. Good luck!Option 1: How I Learned To ReadFrederick Douglass’s essay is a chapter from his autobiography, a celebrated piece of American literature and probably the greatest example of a grim genre known as “Slave Narratives,” in which people who lived as slaves recount their experiences, either firsthand or having told the details to someone else who then wrote them down. Most such slave narratives date from the 18th and 19th centuries, the period from when the slave trade was at its zenith to when it ultimately ended. A close, thoughtful reading of this excerpt should enlighten you further to the brutal experience of black men and women who lived under slavery in the Americas before the 20th century, the United States in particular.Consider the analytical comments at the very end of the Douglass essay and, adhering to the general D-Board protocol, answer one or more of these points:Demonstrate what methods Douglass resorts to in his quest for the ability to read and write. Give at least three examples of the actions he takes, or considers taking, and explain why.Explain the progression of his mental state as his self-awareness grows.Discuss the issues/concepts/themes that his experience raises (i.e., slavery, justice, freedom, friendship).You may also tie this into the life of Olaudah Equiano, whose own slave narrative, a different experience but no less appalling and dehumanizing, is summarized in his autobiographical entry (see module 1b).Option 2: Amistad / Middle Passage / The Sorrow SongsHaving viewed the Steven Spielberg film and read the Robert Hayden poem and the W.E.B. Du Bois excerpt (and the Eric Foner essay for accuracy), consider two or more of these points. You must make at least two connections to details in Hayden and Dubois, using relevant quotes to illustrate your points. The historical details and images concerning the slave trade will prove useful here (see the first slideshow in 1a).How does the Amistad trial, in John Quincy Adams’s words, pave the way for “the last battle of the American revolution?”What cultural parallels or contrasts are made between the American-European and African worlds? What scenes stand out for you in the film, and why? Discuss two or three illustrations, at least.Consider what the circumstances of the African rebels say in relation to America at the time. How can their defenders argue for their freedom in the context of a world that considers them less than human, or at least too uncivilized to make their own decisions?Also, as Baldwin attempts, how would you explain to an outsider the court system, with all its complexities (appeals, counter-appeals).Option 3: Desiree’s BabyKate Chopin was an important Southern writer in the late 19th century (le fin de siècle, as the French call it), whose style is an example of what’s called regional realism, for its accurate portrayal of the Creole culture of Louisiana in particular. Chopin would endure professional and personal scandal and was largely forgotten until her proto-feminist novel The Awakening was rediscovered in the late 20th century, bringing her fleshed-out, psychologically convincing characters, with their rich historical settings, to new life and a new readership. Both the novel and short stories like “The Storm,” “Story Of An Hour,” and “Desiree’s Baby” are surprisingly modern in their attitudes towards marital relationships, sexuality, and infidelity in particular.“Desiree’s Baby” dramatizes the impact of slavery and miscegenation (interracial sexual relationships), and with bitter irony, mocks the cruelty and utter ridiculousness of racism. Irony means a reversal of expectations, when the result is opposite of what was intended or attempted, as is clearly the case in the tragic story’s final twist. Pudd’nhead Wilson, an 1894 novel by the great satirist and fellow regional realist Mark Twain, uses a loosely similar premise and Southern historical setting to achieve that same kind of mocking moral lesson about the evils of slavery and racism.For Option 3, answer A and/or B:A) Consider one or more of the ways that race and racism drive the plot (story) and themes (big ideas):i.e., a marriage ruined and lives lost because of racist attitudes and assumptionsthe social and material difficulties of having/being a biracial childthe racist fear of having married a person who is unknowingly/secretly someone you (or Desiree’s husband, in this case) have been taught to despiseB) Consider whether the content of the story, or how it impacts you upon reading it, is in any way affected by the fact that it comes from the highly respected pen of a white woman writing over 100 years ago.

solved Peer# 1 Directional strategies, or mission, vision, values, and strategic

Peer# 1
Directional strategies, or mission, vision, values, and strategic goals, guide strategists in making key organizational decisions (Ginter, 2013). The organization’s distinctive purpose is captured in its mission, while the vision provides an image of what the organization will achieve when accomplishing the mission (Ginter, 2013). Values are the guiding principles that employees follow when achieving the mission and vision without comprise (Ginter, 2013). An organization’s mission, vision, and values together set the foundation for the strategic direction of the company. The mission provides the basis for judging the success of an organization and its programs, making sure that everyone is on the right track working towards the right goals (Ahmed, 2019). Since the organization’s vision highlights where the organization wants to be in the future, it gives employees a goal to work toward. Mission and vision statements help businesses to outline performance standards and metrics based on the goals they want to achieve. They also provide employees with a specific goal to attain, promoting efficiency and productivity (Ahmed, 2019).

           An example of a mission and vision statement of an organization that I found particularly powerful is from the Alzheimer’s Association. The mission that guides this organization in their everyday work is “to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health” (Alzheimer’s Association, n.d.). The future that the organization is working towards is embodied in their vision statement “a world without Alzheimer’s disease” (Alzheimer’s Association, n.d.). The Alzheimer’s Associations holds itself to the following values: integrity, commitment to excellence, inclusiveness, diversity, consumer focus, and accountability (Alzheimer’s Association, n.d.). After reading through these statements and values, I think it is clear to see the strategic direction that is outlined for this organization. The Association is advancing research, enhancing care, and promoting brain health as ways to eliminate Alzheimer’s, while all employees follow the core values in all they do.
Peer# 2

A mission statement communicates the organization’s reason for being, and how it aims to serve its key stakeholders. Customers, employees, and investors are the stakeholders most often emphasized, but other stakeholders like government or communities (i.e., in the form of social or environmental impact) can also be discussed. Mission statements are often longer than vision statements. Sometimes mission statements also include a summation of the firm’s values. Values are the beliefs of an individual or group, and in this case the organization, in which they are emotionally invested. In other words, mission statement of an organization represents who they are, what they value. Vision statement represents, what they want to become. Strategy represents, how they will achieve vision and goals and objectives represents what they gauge their degree of success. The organization I work at is a very religious and devotional organization. The mission statement of Loma Linda University health is to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ. We are committed “To make man whole,” in a setting of advancing medical science and providing a stimulating clinical and research environment for the education of physicians, nurses and other health professionals. Vision statement is to, “Transforming lives through education, healthcare and research. This organization brings in a very devotional aspect of patinet care and treat everyone with respect and with the goals of teaching and healing.

Peer# 3

I believe the role of the healthcare administrator has evolved because healthcare is so unpredictable and involves caring for people who are sick and at a vulnerable time in their lives. Administrators have to continuously change and adapt to new standards of patient care, infection control, research developments and government regulations. Healthcare administrators need to have a diverse knowledge base that includes the management of clinical services (patient care), accounting, finance, human resources, and so much more. They also need to be up to date on ever changing government regulations and requirements such as the ACA and HIPAA.

Some current challenges healthcare administrators are faced with include the need change and adapt to a value-based payment model, which ties quality of patient care Medicare and Medicaid payment. They also must adopt and adapt to the use of technology. Not only in direct patient care settings (robotics, telemedicine), but also in electronic health records. With electronic health records comes the need to implement cybersecurity measures and HIPAA laws.
COVID-19 created new challenges for administrators such as PPE and other supply shortages, loss of revenue due to cancelled elective procedures, higher costs in long-term care for critically ill uninsured or underinsured patients, staffing shortages and sheer lack of physical space to accommodate the influx of sick people.
Policies and procedures are important in healthcare administration because they provide guidelines and the foundation for providing safe, effective, evidence-based quality care, while ensuring compliance with government regulations and standards of clinical practice. They are a way to hold management and staff accountable. The institution where I work is subject to audits and site visits from state, county, and independent government oversight committees. They inspect every aspect of the medical care provided. From patient access to care, healthcare environment to nursing and provider performance and administrative operations. While the weeks leading up to the visits are nerve wracking, I always learn a lot from the observations, proficiencies and deficiencies that are found. It gives us the opportunity look at how we manage our day-to-day operations, and how we are not always in compliance and what steps we need to take to get there.
 Technology is the driving force behind most of the changes taking place in today’s world. Not only has technology had an impact on the clinical side of healthcare, but it has also significantly changed the field of healthcare management (University of Southern California, 2020). Healthcare administration focuses on creating transparency, reducing risk, innovating healthcare, and cultivating relationships between patients and clinicians (University of Southern California, 2020). Thanks to technology, electronic medical records address all these issues, as well as healthcare cost, value, and access. New software systems have streamlined processes for healthcare administrators, including solutions for compliance, customer service, claims processing, marketing patient retentions, and care management (University of Southern California, 2020). As technology continues to evolve, so will the role of healthcare administrators.
Peer# 4

Technology is the driving force behind most of the changes taking place in today’s world. Not only has technology had an impact on the clinical side of healthcare, but it has also significantly changed the field of healthcare management (University of Southern California, 2020). Healthcare administration focuses on creating transparency, reducing risk, innovating healthcare, and cultivating relationships between patients and clinicians (University of Southern California, 2020). Thanks to technology, electronic medical records address all these issues, as well as healthcare cost, value, and access. New software systems have streamlined processes for healthcare administrators, including solutions for compliance, customer service, claims processing, marketing patient retentions, and care management (University of Southern California, 2020). As technology continues to evolve, so will the role of healthcare administrators.
           Policies and procedures are used to drive administrative and clinical decisions within organizations because policies provide board guidelines that are used to create specific procedures (Langabeer & Helton, 2016). The purpose of healthcare policy and procedures is to communicate to employees the desired outcomes of the organizations (Robinson, 2016). In the healthcare environment, policies should set the foundation for the delivery of safe and cost-effective quality care (Robinson, 2016). According to Robinson (2016), hospital policies and procedures establish a high degree of understanding, cooperation, efficiency, and unity among employees at the hospital.

solved 1- Virtual Presentation Gladys Conn No unread replies.No replies. At

1- Virtual Presentation Gladys Conn
No unread replies.No replies.
At this juncture you should begin to review and prepare for the final assignment creating a care plan for Gladys Conn. Details and background topics related to this patient can be found across Modules 6, 7, and 8. 
As a video presentation or Powerpoint recording, identify your approach to leveraging technology to better care for and support patients undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). You should present a high level outline (3-4 slides) for how you would approach program development for this patient. Key themes include the impact of bundled payments, requirements to use certified EHR technology, and patient centric technologies (mobile apps and telehealth). 
Suggested platforms to create a shareable link include Kaltura (Media Gallery in Canvas), Google folders, or Microsoft Office Stream. All students in the class should be able to access the content! 
2- the final assignment;

This is an EHR Go example patient. Gladys is a 74-year-old retired teacher who remains active by volunteering at the school. She has multiple chronic health problems that she manages fairly well. She has just been transferred from the PACU to the Medical-Surgical unit following a left (total knee arthroplasty) TKA. Gladys will need an assessment, pain management, wound care, glucose monitoring, and routine post-op care following a TKA. Patient and family education is needed, as well as care planning. Using the chapter in the textbook Six Key Technologies to Support Accountable Careas your paper topics or subheadings, identify pathways for improvement in the care provided to Gladys. Dr. Glaser highlights areas including 1. revenue cycle management, 2. care management, 3. rules engines and decision support, 4. analytics and business intelligence, 5. systems for exchanging information, and 6. technologies that support patient engagement. Identify systems or technologies that help each of these areas. Think of this as an opportunity to create an organizational roadmap to support TKA patients. Your paper should be 6 -10 pages double spaced with a minimum of 5 external citations. 
To review information relevant to Gladys: (Links to an external site.)
Below you will find previous student feedback on how to best approach this assignment.
Aaron C.
This assignment seems complex at first, especially if you are like me and have little medical background (and no idea what “TKA” stood for prior to this class). Saying that, when you break the assignment down into the themes we learned in this class, the assignment becomes much less intimidating! 
A simple breakdown of the assignment requirement forces you to analytically break down the relationship between Glaser’s 6 themes of accountable care with the EHR of a patient, Gladys. For this paper, I found three strategies most beneficial when mapping out responses to the prompt.

There is more to Healthcare than Quality Metrics

This paper asks us to evaluate these six themes and discuss how their implementation can have a positive impact on a patient, such as Gladys. When we talk about patient impact, there are often three primary goals of the health system: 1) improved quality of care, 2) increased access to care, and 3) reduced cost of care.Thus, when discussing each section, think of how the technologies can positively impact each of those categories in order to impact TKA patients. 

Look for Larger Themes to Discuss

In many of our past assignments, we are asked to take highly specific looks at a patient’s EHR. For this assignment, pay attention to the little details, but I would also recommend focusing on some larger takeaway themes from the EHR. For example, Gladys has follow up directives and orders to see a wide range of specialists. These specialists are also there for an important reason (an example being wound care, which is necessary to avoid infections). When looking at Glaser’s six themes, see how implementation of the technologies discussed can help aid the development of these larger concepts from the EHR.

Structure Your Arguments

To excel in the assignment, dig deep into the benefits of Glaser’s themes and apply them to specific TKA patient needs. For example, his section on emerging technologies gives a prime example on types of technology platforms (such as mHealth or telehealth) that can improve quality of care. The first way to discuss this in your paper is to give a brief overview of these technologies, and why a health system’s implementation of these technologies can lead to better quality metrics for a patient like Gladys. But do not stop there. Use Gladys’s EHR and other factors we know about her TKA procedure to explain why these technologies are important to specifically her. For example, how can telehealth impact someone who is elderly, or someone whose mobility is likely impeded by a TKA procedure? Tying the benefits of the technology themes to actual needs of a TKA patient can not only help you succeed on this paper, but also give you a better understanding of how providers can best respond to patient needs in a coordinated manner.
Outlining your paper is a great way to put these thoughts together. Try doing that to make all the concepts of this assignment fit together, and you are sure to succeed!
Ed C. 

Thoroughly read the instructions and don’t overthink it. (I tend to have a problem with this and it makes the assignment seem larger than it is)
Identify the overall theme and an outline of areas that would be germane to the topic. (Bullet List – order doesn’t matter at this point – Both of these were supplied for this assignment)
Since this final paper had a related assignment the previous week in the form of a presentation, this helped with thinking about steps 1 & 2. (be sure to review feedback from the professor and include any feedback in the outline – if this were any other class/paper I would likely have sent the professor the outline and requested feedback)
Depending on the quantity of references required and the breadth of the area I am writing about I tend to try for one or two references per double spaced page. (In this case I generally used one citing from the class text and one citing from a peer reviewed article or related technology website)
Identify and read the associated articles in advance; be sure to note any reference information for in-text citations. (At this point I usually build my reference page)
Logistics – Generally I setup my paper in the requested format first and then begin writing (I find this helps me feel more organized and closer to being done – do what works for you!).
I try to write from my citations out, making sure my narrative fits my citation and the section all fits together in a sensible way. I also try to extend my narrative beyond the citation with my own thoughts where I feel it adds value to the argument or the point I am trying to convey. (I pay close attention to this because I struggle with maintaining the right balance between a sensible narrative and disjointed facts within a given section)
In the introduction I generally try to include assignment context and a high level summary of how I laid out my whole paper.
Then I write each section of the paper in the sequence talked about in the introduction and try to pay particular attention to my section transitions, sequencing and linking for the sections. I do a lot of re-reading and reading out loud to make sure I get the tone and cadence of the paper the way I feel is best.
Last I review the whole paper again making sure to have covered off all instructions and feedback from the professor. (If time permits, I try to pass it by someone else, usually my wife, for a quick read through to ensure it flows; makes sense to a disinterested party and is grammatically proper/free of typos.

Miranda R. 
For the final paper I began my approach by reading all of the topic resources that were found in the EHR Go. I found them to be most useful while starting my paper. From here I was able to determine which complication I would be focusing on as I identified pathways for improvement. I then found outside resources that would address the 6 Dr. Glaser highlights and to find these outside resources I always find the SJU library database to be the best. I then tackled each of the 6 highlights one by one and arranged them based on Gladys’s interactions from the beginning to the end of her procedure. Breaking the paper down into these 6 sections made it much easier to compile the final paper.

solved Peer #1 Melissa Robinson and Green (2011) reported that effective

Peer #1 Melissa
Robinson and Green (2011) reported that effective community development means that residents combined their efforts to improve their quality of life and health outcomes. Additionally, this effectiveness is emphasized when residents from all walks of life in the community are actively involved in every activity. Fisher (2014) reported that effective community development improves health protection, helps tackle health inequalities, improves health behaviors and assist in enabling local people to influence planning of local health and other constitutional services.
I have lived in Maplewood for the past 10 years. The only concern that the residents have pertains to school integration. Everett (2020) reported that, in 2018, the Black Parents Workshop in 2018, sued the district by arguing that the district’s decades-old practice of tracking and leveling, grouping students in tiered classes based on test scores or perceived abilities, systematically discriminated against Black students, who were generally placed in lower-level classes. As part of the settlement agreement, the district will implement integration plans and related recommendations by educational expert and Temple University professor Edward Fergus, which will be monitored by former New Jersey Supreme Court Justice John Wallace Jr. The district has worked on an integration plan utilizing a modified Berkeley Approach for our Integration methodology, which includes the development of an algorithm that creates micro-neighborhoods and utilizes key variables (South Orange Maplewood School District, SOMSD, 2021):
Ø Parental education level;
Ø Parental income;
Ø Race;
Ø Sibling Preference; and,
Ø Proximity
In terms of prevention and intervention for the integration issue, I think these two processes overlap because some of their schools are waiting for state approval for construction, and the district has informed the residents that awaiting approval for construction plans for the remaining schools does not affect our Intentional Integration Initiative plan (SOMSD, 2021).
Everett, R. (2020). N.J. district accused of segregation settles lawsuit, will integrate under eye of federal monitor. Retrieved from
Fisher B. (2014). Community development through health gain and service change – do it now! London journal of primary care, 6(6), 154–158.
Robinson, J. W., & Green, G. P. (2011). Introduction to community development: Theory, practice, and service-learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. ISBN-13: 9781412974622.
Peer #2 Alexandria
Effective community development is defined as unified planned change spearheaded by community stakeholders. Effective community development is facilitated by ensuring that the community is part of the change for them and not that the change is happening to them (Robinson et. al, 2011). Having community members working collaboratively to lead the charge helps to accomplish shared goals for the community.
My community is an urbanized suburb in New Jersey outside of New York City. Mental health in my community is certainly one of the most significant pressing social issues across age groups. We have had an increase in suicides over the past four years that has contributed to raising concerns about breaking down the stigma of mental illness. Mental health is a topic we must feel comfortable addressing and discussing together to start to really make a difference. Success is a large value of this community which is why the culture here is to keep busy striving for more all the time. This ranges in working exponential hours or carting children off to their endless activities to build their resumes and get straight As. It seems as if it is forgotten to slow down, focus on time with your loved ones, and to value relationships over possessions. This attitude has led to the worsening mental health of our community which is also exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic. The largest environmental issue we are facing is the vast increase in pollution in our community. As mentioned, we live in an urbanized area that is continuing to be over-developed. This has led to overpopulation and ultimately, a lack of green space, parks, and recreational facilities that are imperative to promoting the overall health and wellness of our community members.
Prevention efforts have been initiated in our community with our Stigma-Free Initiative. The county has recently implemented this program to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health. This program does have an intersection of intervention and prevention in its mission. Stigma- free is led by a community represented panel and their services includes proactively educating about mental health awareness in schools and community venues, providing all residents the opportunity to participate in the program, community-wide events, and linking people in need to local mental health resources. We are lucky that we do have a plethora of mental health services and resources in our community that serves our community members. We even have free and sliding scale mental health services. I believe that this stigma-free initiative paired with our equitable access to mental health professionals is a great solution for our community social issues. It may be beneficial to also offer free small group counseling to address specific issues within our community while also pairing individuals who are struggling with similar issues. We also need to focus on environmental aspects of our community and building less high-rise buildings and more parks and recreational facilities for our community members.
Robinson, J. W., & Green, G. P. (2011). Introduction to community development: Theory, practice, and service-learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. ISBN-13: 9781412974622.
Peer #3 Peter
Effective community development should associate with; proper leadership, each member of the community having access to meaningful healthcare, protected from environmental injury, wealth, and happiness as well as equal rights and justice. Clearly, a community that is successful ensures that contemporary developments are made for the benefit of everyone. It extends fairness and doesn’t exclude some or oppress others. Public awareness is constantly made aware that, collectively; everyone should have equal human rights. Effective community development gives people the right to self-determination and lets people have their own voice. From the outside, it would seem that my community gives everyone a reasonable chance. However, based on my experience I would disagree. New York City is perhaps one of the most developed cities globally. For example, the health systems are probably second to none, it’s a financial hub for many around the world, and its physical infrastructure is top rated. Unfortunately, in New York State where I live; many of the members of my community have yet to see the even-hand that they are supposed to be part of. Despite its advanced developments; income, race disparities, and other social concerns are still major issues confronting the city. Environmentally, the city is struggling to fix, homelessness, successfully taking care of low-income neighborhoods and migrant communities. According to, Kang, Seligson, & Dragan, People in “Jackson Heights had approximately 70%” of individuals declaring they had no health insurance. Overall, a high number of people in Queens had no healthcare coverage, (Kang, Seligson, & Dragan, 2020).
Prevention efforts are being made to support healthcare and housing in splinter communities that are affected by overlapping intervention issues. For many, the cost-effectiveness is proving to be insufficient and not effective. For example, individuals with complex chronic issues are receiving services from Medicaid and Medicare but that is not enough. Additionally, the Office of Mental Health (OMH) is also partnering to help with mental health issues. This collaboration among social organizations and the community is supposed to help meet social needs. Finally, some solutions my community may need, is clean air, housing for the homeless, clear and meaningful guidance for teamwork, and job opportunities for low-income earners. Also, in the age of social media, access to broadband is clearly a need.
Kang, J. X., Seligson, A. L., & Dragan, K. L. (2020): Peer Reviewed: Identifying New York City neighborhoods at risk of being overlooked for interventions. Preventing chronic disease, 17