solved Based on the Learn items, what role does or should

Based on the Learn items, what role does or should cyber intelligence and counter intelligence play today? Discuss information warfare theory and application.  Provide an overview of high-level legal aspects both within the U.S. and internationally as they pertain to cybersecurity. Finally, discuss and defend your stance on the use of electronic data collection for law enforcement and or intelligence purposes.
Here is Shane’sBased on the Learn items, what role does or should cyber intelligence and counter intelligence play today? Following digitalization and today’s fast-paced technological environment, companies and people alike are spending a lot of time online doing various things. These include anything from social media communication to managing a business’s online transactions and gaining access to different transactional platforms. Having a continual internet connection has made committing crimes like identity theft, fraud, and other forms of criminal harm easier for criminals. An article in The Guardian reported recently that the internet giant Amazon had a severe security breach that allowed unauthorized access to millions of client passwords. On the other hand, the international technology company chose not to make public the specifics of the breach, just that it had corrected the problem and notified customers who had been impacted. Customers’ usernames and email addresses had been accidentally published on their site due to a technical error, they told them. Amazon is a renowned technological business, so security issues are the last thing anybody expects. Even in this one instance, there is a severe issue with security procedures all across the globe. An element of cyber security known as Danger Intelligence collects and analyzes information regarding current and prospective cyber-attacks that pose a threat to the security of a person or an organization, as well as its assets. Cyber threat intelligence is a part of cyber security. After that, the company uses the data to plan ahead of time and stay ahead of any dangers. As a result, firms are better equipped to deal with a security breach should one occur. Acquiring in-depth information about risks makes it easier to devise effective defenses. As a result, cyber intelligence provides a preventative defensive strategy. Because it reduces risk-related costs, Cyber Intelligence is very valuable for businesses. The reason for this is because a breach may result in data loss, reputational damage, and substantial post-incident restoration and remediation expenditures for a company (Johnson, 2015).Discuss information warfare theory and application.Deny, exploiting, corrupt or destroying the enemy’s information and functions is an example of Information Warfare. We may defend ourselves from such activities by safeguarding our military information and utilizing its functions.Provide an overview of high-level legal aspects both within the U.S. and internationally as they pertain to cybersecurity.According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 (the “IT Act”), cybersecurity is defined as the protection of information from unauthorized use or disclosure in computer resources, communication devices, or computers (Pichtel, 2016).Finally, discuss and defend your stance on the use of electronic data collection for law enforcement and or intelligence purposes.As a result of computer and cellular technology advances, agencies now have more capacity for data processing, information exchange, and communication. Law enforcement has developed methods to investigate crimes committed online due to society’s growing reliance on the Internet and computer-mediated communications.The bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.”ReferencesJohnson, T. A. (2015). Cybersecurity: Protecting critical infrastructures from cyber attack and cyber warfare.Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN: 9781482239225King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769)Pichtel, J. (2016). Terrorism and WMDs (2nd ed
Here is Courtney’s postCyber Intelligence and Counter Intelligence            Cybercriminals are constantly developing more advanced techniques and technologies. This results in traditional defensive cybersecurity solutions being ineffective after a cyberattack has occurred (Duvenage & Solms, 2017). Therefore, organizations need to develop more offensive cybersecurity solutions to prevent cyberattacks from even occurring. One way this can be achieved is through cyber intelligence and counterintelligence, also referred to as cyber counterintelligence. Cyber counterintelligence is defined as measures to identify, penetrate, or neutralize foreign operations that use cyber means as the primary tradecraft methodology, as well as foreign intelligence service collection efforts that use traditional methods to gauge cyber capabilities and intentions. Cyber counterintelligence presents itself as an innovative approach that unifies active-passive and offensive-defensive approaches to fortify an organization’s infrastructure and protect against attacks (Duvenage & Solms, 2017). The overall role of cyber counterintelligence is to identify and prevent cyberattacks and protect critical intelligence from cyberattacks.Information Warfare Theory            Information warfare theory is an orchestrated effort to achieve victory by subverting or neutralizing an enemy command and control system, while protecting use of command- and- control systems to coordinate the actions of friendly forces (Taddeo, 2016). One application of information warfare theory can be viewed in Operation Dessert Storm. In order to gain air supremacy, a joint special operations aviation force opened a breach in radar coverage surrounding Iraq. The Iraqi command was unaware the breach existed until after the United States conducted an air strike on Iraq’s air defense headquarters bunker and three regional air defense centers (Taddeo, 2016). According to Taddeo (2016) information warfare has tremendous political, technical, operational and legal implications for the military.High-Level Legal Aspects            Legal aspects of cybersecurity examine the role of the law on all aspects of cybersecurity (Kasper, 2017). Within the United States, there are three main federal cybersecurity regulations. The three regulations are the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the 2002 Homeland Security Act, which included the Federal Information Security Management Act (Kasper, 2017). Cybersecurity is also important internationally. For example, in India, the main legislation governing the cyber space is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) which defines cybersecurity as protecting information, equipment, devices, computer, computer resource, communication device and information stored therein from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and disruption (Kasper, 2017).Electronic Data Collection            Data collection is a major step in the intelligence cycle, as it involves the gathering of information to be used in other stages of the process. Information can be gathered from open, covert, electronic, and satellite sources. However, electronic data collection should not be utilized for law enforcement or intelligence purposes. Electronic data collection relies on technology, which is susceptible to cyberattacks.Biblical Worldview            Cyber counterintelligence concerns protecting the United States from cyberattacks. The concept of protection is discussed throughout the Bible. For example, the Bible discusses the importance of protecting others from harm. One Bible verse states, “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (King James Bible, 1796/2020, Psalm 82:4).ReferencesDuvenage, P. C., & Solms, S. (2017). Cyber counterintelligence: Back to the future. Journal            of Information Warfare, 13(4), 42-56., A. (2017). Legal aspects of cybersecurity. Regulating Technology, 12(7), 189-216.  James Bible. (2017). Crusade Bible Publishers. (Original work published 1796)Taddeo, M. (2016). Information warfare: A philosophical perspective. Philosophy &            Technology, 25(1), 105-120.

solved Quick Service Restaurant Giants in the Middle KingdomIn 2008, McDonald’s

Quick Service Restaurant Giants in the Middle KingdomIn 2008, McDonald’s and KFC were the two largest qtack- service restaurants (QSR) in the world, with 31,999 and 15,580 outlets, respechvely1 Both chains were renowned for their broad spectrum of consumers on a global bas:sMcDonald’s appeared to be a clear winner m interna- tional expanslon It had over 17,500 international outlets and was the first corporation to set up a solid foundation for international franchising. It spearheaded global expan- sion with :ts first overseas outlet m Canada m 1967, and entered Japan m 1971 2 McDonald’s outlets had tremen- dous success in JapanIdesp:te the difference m culÿtre– with record-breaking daily sales and speed of expansion m the mÿaal stage 3KFC also started mternahonal expans:on early, opening its hrst overseas outlet in England in 1964 However, it was g:ven a bumpy r:de when :t began to penetrate the market m Asia The Japanese outlets were far less successful than McDonald’s and only started to make a profit in 1976, SEX years after KFC entered JapanKFC outlets opened m Hong Kong m 1973 but were all closed down within two years The company would even- tually wm the confidence of Hong Kong customers ten years after :ts first entry In Ta:wan :t exper:enced rela- hvely smoother development, although KFC headquarters was to spend a huge amount of money and effort m orderTins case was written by Gabriel Szulanska, Professor of Strategy at INSEAD, Welru Chen, Assistant Professor of Strategy, and Jennifer Lee, Research Assoc:ate It :s intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to ÿustrate e:ther effechve or meffechve handling of an adnumstrattve s:tuatlon The authors gratefully acknowledge ftmdmg from INSEAD R&Dto get the ownerslup back from its joint venture partners at a later stage 4It was a totally different picture m China In the ‘Middle Kingdom,’ KFC was not only recogmsed as the leader m foreign qmck-serv:ce restaurants but was also a sigmflcant player in the Chinese restaurant industry as a whole, alone contr:butmg 1% of the country’s total food and beverage mdusÿv revenues m 2005 s In 2005, KFC’s outlets m China recorded an average of US$1 2 mflhon m annual sales per store, compared with just US$900,000 for smnlar stores m the US 6 According to the 2008 figures, KFC had over 2,300 outlets m China, with an average profit margin of nearly 20 1%.7In contrast, at 1,000 outlets, McDonald’s presence m China was less than half of KFC’s, with an est:mated profit margin s:gnlhcantly below that of its leading com- pehtor Many people attributed KFC’s success m China to :ts early entry–three years earher than McDonald’s–and :ts natural advantage m menu selechon wluch corre- sponded to the typ:cal consumer’s preference for chicken over beef However, were these reasons enough to explain KFC’s contmued growth and the extens:on of its lead over :ts rival? How could McDonald’s as a latecomer and the second-largest QSR player m China, capltahze upon :ts global dominance and resources to catch up w:th KFC?Replicate or Adapt?The Inherent Challenge for International FranchisorsInternahonal franch:smg :s frequently associated with serv:ce firms, such as hotels, retail outlets and qmck serwce restaurants These hrms often have strongly identifiableDO 3-88 Corpora|eÿS|ro|eqlestrademarks and try to guarantee the customer a umform and consistent level of service and product quality across different locations and over time. However, the high degree of standardlsed operations makes the replication of the format across diverse markets difficult Differences In things such as mgredlents, labour and physical space can mean slgmhcant modifications to the service formula Consequently, the basic service may be sumlar to that of the home country, but details m the delivery of the service are often altered 8Many foreign enterprtses found China very different m culture and consumer behaviour Franchise restaurants faced several major hurdles, including a different labour force structure, dffarlculty m recrulKng technically competent and culturally sensitive managers, tough technologacal problems and a less than satasfactory legal environment and enforce- ment 9 So the challenge for international franchlsors hke McDonald’s and KFC was to decide whether to comply strictly with their ongmal models, and if adaptation was reqmred, when and how to make adaptations m order to dehver globally consistent standards while catermg to local consumer needsPotential of China’s Restaurant IndustryChinese consumers’ spending on eating out had increased tremendously along with the country’s economic boom In the past decade Retail revenues of the restaurant industryincreased from 5 2% m 1991 to 14% m 2007 as a portion of total retail revenues from consumer goods.1° According to annual statistics from the Mamstry of Commerce of the People’s Repubhc of China, the retail revenue of the hotel and restaurant Industry reached 1,235 2 billion RMB in 2007, rep- resenÿng 19 4% growth over the previous year, foreign fran- chises were the mare dlaver of food and beverage revenue growth as foreign direct investment m the hotel and restau- rant industry totaled US$10.4 bllhon, an increase of 25.8% on the previous year.11 China was the world’s largest consumer of meat The Economast InteIhgence Umt forecast that annual meat consumption m China would jump from 59 kg per head m 2005 to 74 kg per head m 200912 With US meat consump- taon at 128 kg a head, there seemed plenty of scope for the Western fast-food industry to expand m China 13Foreign quick service restaurants played a significant role m Chma’s restaurant industry The share of fast food m the retail industry was expected to reach 9 3% by 2011 from 74% in 2007 Chma’s fast-food Industry was expected to grow at a CAGR of around 25% during 2008-2011.14The first comprehensive franchising regulations, wtuch came into effect m February 2005, made it easier for foreign fast-food operators to open branches and roll outthe franchising model, which had proven to be such a sure path for fast-track growth m the US and Europe is The new Law on Franchise Regulations, passed m February 2007, helped clear up the ambiguity surrounding franchlsor’s disclosure duty 16 Thenceforth, the rights of both fran- chisors and franchisees were better protectedQuick Service Restaurant Chains: A New Experience for ChinaForeign qmck service restaurants began to surface m China with the opening of KFC’s first store in 1987, followed by McDonald’s entry three years later. The tmung was propi- tious for foreign enterprises as it had been nine years since China embarked upon a pohcy of operung up and reform m 1978 and Chinese curiosity about the West was at a peakAlthough GDP growth m China had averaged well over 9% per year since 1978, per capita GDP at the twne of KFC’s entry was a mere US$621 05 17 Given the 120 to 130 yuan monthly salary of Beijmg urban residents at that tune, KFC prices were unaffordable to most, but many still flocked to the store to purchase the 12-yuan KFC hamburger or 8-yuan fried chicken The most frequent customers were foreigners hying m China Despite the attractweness of fast food chains, local consumers m those early days could sel- dom afford to eat at KFC, McDonald’s or Pizza Hut. Dmmg at these estabhshments was considered such a luxury that some couples chose to hold their wedding banquets there,t8Behind the ‘dream market’ with a vast land area and 1.3 billion people, the complexaty of Chma’s population, geography and tustory presented major challenges for for-elgn players Population density, economic development and wealth distribution varied greatly from east to west and from south to north Foreign invested enterplises usu- ally focused on the populous, more affluent eastern Ctuna The western legaons were beyond the reach of even domes- tic businesses without an effective nataonal transportation systemChinese-style fast food had existed plaor to the entry of western quick service restaurants but represented a totally different concept and ambience compared with modern chains Most of the catering umts for Chinese fast food were small m scale, serving pre-made appetazers such as congee, buns and fritters of twisted dough (yiu-tiao). They lacked hmdmg, trained employees and a well-maintained dmmg environment 19 As restaurant staff reqmred at least five years of experience, western food chains could not fred a sufficient number of internal candidates to meet growth- driven demand and had to import skilled managers from nelghbouring markets such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, and even from headquarters m the US

solved Explain whether you agree with your colleague’s identified diagnosis and

Explain whether you agree with your colleague’s identified diagnosis and recommended treatment and why.
Explain any additional factors that your colleague should take into consideration for treatment planning.

Colleague 1: Tiffany 
Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention).  Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder F42.2 with absent insight/delusional beliefs, Trichotillomania F63.3, Upbringing away from parents Z62.29
Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.
I choose OCD because I feel as though Aretha meets the diagnostic criteria. Obsessional symptoms or compulsive acts or both must be present on most days.
In her case she has “recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress” (DSM, 2013). For Aretha she has had an unrealistic fear of germs since she learned about them as an adolescent.
Next she displays compulsions which are defined by “repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly” (DSM, 2013). Aretha feels the need to compulsively clean on a daily basis. She has health issues which makes it harder for her as well. This is very time consuming, however she does not see it as an issue due to her not working.
In addition to OCD I believe Trichotillomania F63.3 would also fit.  This is because the pulling out of her hair is not a vanity related combined with her attempts to stop the behavior, and social impairment.
In addition to this she has feelings of abandonment that are attributed to her parents dying when she was younger. This symptom was triggered by her sister getting involved in a romantic relationship. I would defiantly say that she “attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or images or to neutralize them with some other thought or action” (DMS, 2013). This is where the hair pulling comes into play. She uses the hair pulling as a form of treatment for when she gets worked up. The hair pulling did not start until she moved out on her own.
I also chose Upbringing away from parents because there seems to be some unresolved issues surrounding how she grew up and the type of support and love she felt.
Discuss other disorders you considered for this diagnosis and eliminated (the differential diagnoses).
Making this diagnosis was challenging for me. At first I thought the diagnosis was what I settled on (OCD, and Trichotillomania). Then the more I read I thought that it was just OCD with her thoughts and the hair pulling. Then I realized to diagnose OCD for the hair pulling she would have to pull her hair for an hour a day. Which I don’t believe she does. So after I read that I went back to my original diagnosis. The only other diagnosis I thought about was Body dysmorphic disorder. However I quickly realized that this had nothing to do with vanity do I eliminated this diagnosis.
Describe an evidence-based assessment scale that would assist in ongoing validation of your diagnosis.
One of the commonly used scales for OCD would be the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. This assessment is a series of ten questions which the client answers about their compulsion, thoughts, distress etc. This is followed by a symptoms check list that the therapist will go over with the client. You are given a score to determine where you fall.  
Recommend a specific intervention and explain why this intervention may be effective in treating the client.
The intervention that I found was called Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (ERP therapy). “This therapy involves the person with OCD facing his or her fears and then refraining from ritualizing. This can be extremely anxiety provoking initially, but eventually the anxiety starts to wane, and can sometimes even disappear” (ERP Therapy, 2015). I thought this was good because typically talking about the fears and continuing to go over it adds anxiety to the person. This is because OCD is not a rational. With the help of the right therapist this treatment can help reduce the compulsions of OCD.
Clinical Definition (DSM-5) of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). (2018). Beyond OCD.…
ERP Therapy – A Good Choice for Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) & Anxiety Disorder Attacks, Symptoms & Treatment. (2015).;…
Colleague 2: Vanessa 

Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client.

It is my belief that Ms. Aretha has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD 300.0 (F42). The specifiers include fair insight which includes compulsively cleaning her home on a daily basis. Z codes for Ms. Aretha include F43.22 with anxiety, F60.0 Avoidant personality disorder, and possibly F43.20 Adjustment disorder, unspecified.

Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.

Ms. Aretha presents as having Obsessive-compulsive disorder due to the fact that she has the following symptoms:
Recurrent and persistent thoughts, and urges to clean her home daily.
She attempts to ignore or suppress her thoughts by showing signs of anxiety and pulling out her hair
She repetitively cleans her home and pulls out her hair. These acts take longer than one hour per day and she plans her day around cleaning.

Discuss other disorders you considered for this diagnosis and eliminated (the differential diagnoses).

Other diagnosis considered and eliminated where

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Unspecified Obsessive-compulsive and related disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder was ruled out due to the client pulling out her hair. There were also no reports of her trembling, twitching, feeling shaky, or having muscle aches or soreness. She did not have a majority of the criteria. Though she did have anxiety, sleep disturbance, and has a hard time controlling her anxiety. Trichotillomania could very well be an appropriate diagnosis, however it seems that there is more to it than that. Unspecified obsessive-compulsive disorder is mentioned due to the vast amount of symptoms. It assures that the right diagnosis is harder to find than one would expect.

Describe an evidence-based assessment scale that would assist in ongoing validation of your diagnosis.

The first step in identifying and treating OCD is through a thorough evidence-based assessment (Rapp, et al., 2016). The Y-BOCS (Goodman, 2018), would be beneficial in this case as an assessment scale that would assist in validation of the diagnosis. The reasoning is that it is simple, yet to the point and can provide the needed information to further the confirmation of the diagnosis. 10 questions are asked and then the score is tallied at the end to determine if there is indeed a diagnosis needed. This same assessment can be utilized to later determine the success in treatment or if there is something that needs to be changed.

Recommend a specific intervention and explain why this intervention may be effective in treating the client.

When an obsession occurs, it almost always corresponds with a massive increase in anxiety and distress (Lack, 2012). The recommended intervention for Ms. Aretha would be medication management. The right medication could allow her to gain a better control on her anxiety. Medication alongside 1:1 therapy would be most beneficial.
Amy M. Rapp, R. Lindsay Bergman, John Piacentini, & Joseph F. McGuire. (2016). Evidence-Based Assessment of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease, 2016(8), 13–29.
Goodman, W. K., Price, L. H., Rasmussen, S. A., Mazure, C., Fleischmann, R. L., Hill, C. L., Heninger, G. R., Charney, D. S., Berman, N. C., Shaw, A. M., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42, 674–685.
Lack, C. W. (2012). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evidence-based treatments and future directions for research. World Journal of Psychiatry, 2(6), 86–90.…

solved Discussion Responses Discussion 1Executive pay differs from that of the

Discussion Responses Discussion 1Executive pay differs from that of the pay for hourly employees and even employees in salaried managerial positions. “Executive pay arrangements typically consist of six distinct compensation components: salary, annual incentives, long-term incentives, benefits, perquisites and severance/change-in-control agreements” (SHRM, 2017). Executive pay is usually negotiable between the employee and the employer in the employment contract. Executive pay can be dependent on factors like the size of the organization, the complexity of the organization, and the how needed the set of skills the executive has in the marketplace. “Executive compensation packages emphasize long-term or deferred rewards over short-term rewards” (Martocchio, 2017). Non-executive pay is quite different. Non-executives may be responsible for some of the same duties that executives are responsible for but where an executive can be responsible for the entire company, a non-executive worker is only responsible for a department or a select region. Non-executive pay is typically non-negotiable and usually set within a standard salary range.Executive compensation can be a controversial topic given that executives earn vastly more than non-executives. “In 2018, CEO pay was 361 times the pay of the average worker” (Hembree, 2018). Executives like CEOs of an organization are seen as being the leaders of the organization and thus must have more responsibilities than that of non-executive workers. As such they are provided with much higher salaries. While it is true that the CEO is responsible for the entire organization, non-executive workers add lots of value to the organization as they are the ones doing the day to day task that keep the organization running. Top executives within an organization often receive benefits that non-executive employees are not offered. Their jobs are often protected more than those of non-executive employees. All employees should be paid based on their knowledge, skills and abilities regardless of their rank or title within the organization.ReferencesHembree, D. (2018). CEO Pay Skyrockets to 361 Times That of The Average Worker. Forbes.…Discussion 2 Good even everyone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that top executive is paid on average $107,680 per year (BLS, 2020). Employees placed into these roles are responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating activities from the highest organizational level to achieve company goals. Top executives include the chief executive officers (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), and other senior members that lead an organization towards profits, and their pay is classified under the executive compensation. Executive compensation differs from non-executive because these members come from previous positions that earn higher wages than non-executive workers, so they are provided a customized employment contract. According to Heathfield (2019), “the contract spells out compensation, benefits, perquisites (perks), performance bonuses, separation and severance agreements, and other special terms of employment.” The combination of all those compensation factors is referred to as the Total Cash Compensation (TCC), and it is based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of these executives. If the company succeeds and generates profits, it means larger payouts and rewards. According to the Center on Executive Compensation (n.d.), executive compensation consists of six components: “base salary, performance-based annual incentive (bonus), performance-based long term incentive, benefits, executive perquisites, and contingent payments.” Executives may have an attorney review their job offer to negotiate further details if necessary. In conclusion, non-executive employees are hardly given choices, options, or guarantees compared to executives because they are responsible for the company as a whole. ReferencesCenter on Executive Compensation (n.d.). Basics of executive compensation. Retrieved from 3 Contingent workers are those who do not have an implicit or explicit contract for on-going employment. Contingent workers fall under five groups of employees – part-time, temporary, on-call, leased employee arrangements, and independent contractors (Martocchio, 2017). The contingent workforce is a key component of the evolving changes of the work environment. Companies are using contingent workers in an effort to seek innovative ways to cut costs, increase efficiency, and perform competitively. The strategic use of contingent workers can be an effective tool in achieving the aforementioned goals (Murata, 2015). Compensation practices for contingent workers vary. Part-time employees work fewer than 35 hours a week. Companies that employ part-timers are their legal employers, but they do not offer discretionary benefits.Part-timers are entitled to qualified retirement programs if they are at least 21 years of age and have worked over 1,000 hours within the last 12 months. Temporary employees are hired to temporarily fill in for core employees that are out on approved leave. Any compensation is directly from the company that hires them, and they do not work past one year. The hiring companies of on-call workers are responsible for managing and implementing Human Resources policies, including compensation. Leased companies are the legal employers regarding wage issues, benefits, and discretionary benefits. These employees are entitled to participation in the companies qualified retirement program. Independent contractors possess specialized skills that are in short supply in the labor market. Independent contracting is short-term, normally less than a year. Pay levels are not monitored and companies are not obligated to pay federal income tax withholding, over-time and minimum wage, insurance premiums, and retirement income (Martocchio, 2017).ReferencesMartocchio, J.J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). https://content.ashford.eduDiscussion 4 It has become increasingly common for employers to use contingent workers. Organizations use temporary workers to backfill employees out on leaves of absence, projects and or initiatives, etc. Contingent workers are those who do not have an implicit or explicit contract for ongoing employment (Martocchio, 2017). Generally, a contingent worker does not work past a year. Through experience at my current employer, Dignity Health Medical Foundation, we hired two hundred (200) temporary employees to work in the COVID vaccine clinic. Temporary employees are an efficient and or cost-effective strategy to serve the needs of our local community by vaccinating them. This was more efficient than hiring regular full-time employees and then having to perform a layoff.Temporary workers save the organization money by them not having to pay the temporary employee benefits. The temporary agency generally absorbs the cost of Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance. This is a great way for employers to observe the temporary employee’s work performance before offering regular full-time employment. The compensation for temporary employees varies in comparison to regular full-time employees. Organizations need to be mindful of the temporary agency’s bill rate percentages. A good example is the employee’s hourly rate being $19.00 per hour and the bill rate percentage is 50%. This means the organization is paying the temporary agency $28.50. On-call employees are used as needed through the year and the compensation is managed by the agency (Martocchio, 2017).Part-time employees do not work full-time hours and make less money. However, part-time schedules are good for employees looking for work-life balance and or a flexible work schedule. There are cost savings to employers because they offer few no discretionary benefits to part-time workers (Martocchio, 2017). The organization’s generally base benefit eligibility based on how many hours an employee works per pay period.Leased employees are placed in a company. The leasing companies bill the client the direct costs of employing the workers (Martocchio, 2017). While Independent contractors are used and or contracted to do a specific job for a period of time. They are not employed by the organization.ReferencesMartocchio, J.J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). https://content.ashford.eduI am in need 100 word responses to these post

solved Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are

Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.Evidence-based practice (EBP) integrates the best evidence available to guide optimal nursing care, with a goal to enhance safety and quality. EBP is crucial to nursing practice because it incorporates the best evidence from current literature, along with the expertise of the practicing nurse. The concern for quality care that flows from EBP generates a desired outcome. Without these factors, a nurse cannot be an effective leader. It is important to lead not only from this position but from knowledge and expertise. To gain the knowledge, you require a good understanding of how to search for scholarly resources, as well as identify which databases and websites are credible for the purposes of implementing evidence-based changes in practice.Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Interpret findings from scholarly quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research articles and studies.

Explain why the sources selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis.

Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.

Describe the best places to complete research and what types of resources one would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting.

Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.

Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.

Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

Professional Context
As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for providing patient-centered, competent care based on current evidence-based best practices. You will be required to do research, analysis, and dissemination of best evidence to stay abreast of these best practices. Understanding where to go to find credible sources and locate evidence, as well as which search terms to use, is the foundation of incorporation of best practices.Scenario
You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.You may choose the diagnosis for the patient in this scenario. Choose something you would find interesting to research or that applies to a clinical problem you would be interested in addressing. Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.Preparation
To help ensure you are prepared to complete this assessment, review the following resources related to the Capella library. These resources will provide you an overview of the types of tools, resources, and guides available in the library. This may be useful in forming a better understanding of the library to apply to the hypothetical situation laid out in the scenario of this assessment.
BSN Program Library Research Guide.
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.
Databases A-Z: Nursing & Health Sciences.
Get Critical Search Skills.
Remember, it is also appropriate to look toward databases and resources outside of the Capella library, such as organizational policies, professional organizations, and government health care resources.You are encouraged to complete the Evaluating the Credibility of Evidence activity. This activity offers an opportunity to practice evaluating the credibility of evidence. These skills will be necessary to complete Assessment 1 successfully and is for your own practice and self-assessment. Completing this activity is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.Instructions
The purpose of this assessment is to understand where to find evidence that can be applied to clinical scenarios and to learn effective communication and collaboration with clinical staff during the process of evidence location. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will not only use research for self-improvement in your clinical role, but you will also serve as a mentor to supervised nursing staff. Therefore, you will need to be able to communicate and collaborate effectively to guide them toward resources to find research, as well as support them through the initial evidence location process. In doing so, nurses can gain access to evidence that can be analyzed and utilized to stay current on best practices. This allows them to provide safe, patient-centered care and improve patient outcomes.For this assessment:
Describe your role as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising clinical staff nurses with regard to communication and collaboration in locating evidence for application to a nursing practice scenario.
Compile a list of five online databases or other online sources (that is, websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, et cetera) that can be used to research evidence to apply to this scenario and describe to which of these you would direct a nurse colleague to search for evidence.
Describe where you might go in the clinical setting to complete this research and how you would access the desired, relevant research within research databases or other online sources.
Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a distinguished score.
Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.
Describe the best places to complete research and what types of resources you would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting.
Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis.
Explain why the sources of online information selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis.

solved Analyze a short story through the lens of a secondary

Analyze a short story through the lens of a secondary source.  
Write a literary analysis paper that states a clear, arguable thesis supported with evidence from the story and article. 
Integrate textual evidence from the story and article using the techniques of paraphrasing, quoting, and/or summarizing. 

Thearticle “Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?” examines the idea that reading fiction enhances our compassion and empathy—that is, our ability to identify with other people’s experiences and relate to what they feel and think in their “interior lives” (Hammond). A story may introduce us to human concerns and emotions by painting a picture of characters’ lives. 
The article’s studies present a few events that have been used to gauge people’s empathy. For instance, how does reading a novel about a man suddenly going blind help us empathize with people who are visually impaired? 
Remember in “Week 1:  What Are the Benefits of Literature,” you were introduced to some of the scientifically proven benefits of reading literature. From Week 1 Insights: 
No matter the reader, no matter the writer, no matter the genre, literature is a cultural artifact—a manifestation of the human experience. Thus, it can teach us about our society and about ourselves. It enables us to experience alternate lives from the safety of our armchairs, to project ourselves onto characters and environments, to explore worlds we would otherwise never experience. 
Studies show that reading literature benefits us in profound ways.  

It promotes empathy and social skills (Castano and Kidd). 
It alleviates symptoms of depression (Billington et al.). 
It helps business leaders succeed (Coleman). 
It prevents dementia by stimulating the mind (Thorpe). 

Works Cited
Hammond, Claudia. “Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?” BBC Future. 2 June 2009.
For this paper, choose another story and consider the following question: What does this story have to teach us about empathy for others? In responding to this question, your focus will be on the themes that arise from your close readings of the story. You will develop an argument on what the story teaches us about empathy and how it is conveyed.
Alternatively, you may choose to argue that the story does not teach us about empathy. In either case, you will use elements from the story to support your argument. 
In addition, you will use evidence from at least one of the following articles to support your argument: 
Schmidt, Megan. “How Reading Fiction Increases Empathy and Encourages Understanding.”  Discover Magazine. 28 Aug. 2020.   
Castano, Emanuele and David Kidd. “Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind.” Science. 18 Oct. 2013; 342 (6156): 377-80. 
Coleman, John. “The Benefits of Poetry for Professionals.” Harvard Business Review, 2012. 
Thorpe, J.R. “Why Reading Poetry Is Good For Your Brain.” Bustle, 20 Apr. 2017. 
Most of the articles in this list were referenced in the Week 1 Insights (see above). You should also refer to “Week 6 Insights:  Integrating Sources Using Your Own Voice” for guidance on working with your chosen article. 
As you used three discrete literary elements in Paper 1 to support your thesis, you have learned that literary elements such as plot, characterization, setting, and theme are not always separate and distinct. Rather, these elements tend to inform each other, making the story a cohesive narrative.   
For Paper 2, you will focus on one significant theme from the story. Your reading of that theme in the story will have affected or even changed how you think about that theme and the dimensions of it in real life.
Some themes to consider (or you may identify another one by consulting your professor):? 

Gender roles (“Jury of Her Peers,” “Bloodchild,” “Miss Brill”) 
Sexuality (“Giovanni’s Room,” “Bloodchild”) 
Relationships (“Bloodchild,” “Giovanni’s Room”) 
Marriage (“Jury of Her Peers”) 
Race (“Giovanni’s Room,” “Recitatif,” “Bloodchild”) 
Parenting (“Recitatif,” “Bloodchild”) 
Class (“Recitatif,” “Giovanni’s Room”) 

Themes can be initially identified as one- or two-word subjects, such as those in the list above.  Yet, you will want to take your investigation of theme further to ask what it is about that subject that you want to explore and convey in your paper. You will need to determine first that the theme you choose does in fact elicit empathy in you as a reader.  Then, you will need to do the work of organizing your warrants—main points—that explain what it is that the story teaches us about empathy. And, you will need to gather supporting evidence—examples from the text—that support the warrants.
For example, if you focused on the theme of sexuality in “Giovanni’s Room,” you could say that the story helped you to understand and empathize with the main character’s struggles with his sexuality. So, you could argue that the story helps readers to empathize with the internal struggles that a homosexual person must face in a society that privileges heteronormativity.
In other words, your paper’s argument will prove that reading and analyzing the story has shown you different viewpoints and thus can increase empathy in readers. 
Remember that your Writing Process is recursive and iterative. You should refer to your earlier writing work in this class as well as the learning resources. The Thesis Statements handout and Learning Resources from Week 3 will be helpful. Your thesis for this paper may vary from the boilerplate, but it must still include a claim and three warrants.  
Sample thesis structure:  
[Story X] helps us to understand [theme/issue Y] by promoting empathy through [warrant 1], [warrant 2], and [warrant 3] 
Sample thesis statement: 
The conflicts between male and female characters in Susan Glaspell’s story “A Jury of Her Peers” helps readers have more empathy for the oppression of women through its depiction of Mrs. Wright’s marriage, the women’s roles, and the inequality between men and women in the story. 
Refer to the work you did and feedback you received from Paper 1. The outline is a straightforward way of listing and organizing the ideas connected to your claim and three warrants for your five-paragraph essay.? Your task in drafting this paper is to expand the levels of your outline in more detail.?Next, you will convert the bulleted items from your outline into well-crafted sentences, and then combine those sentences into well-organized, logical paragraphs.? 
The paper will have three body paragraphs, each one led by a topic sentence that includes the explicit warrant. The rest of the paragraph will contain statements with the supporting evidence from both the story and the article.   
The essay will be structured as follows: 


Create a context for the thesis by explaining the BBC article (two to three sentences). (Cite in the text.) 
Provide a brief overview of the story (2 to 3 sentences) 
State the thesis: [Story X] helps us to understand [theme/issue Y] by promoting empathy through [warrant 1], [warrant 2], and [warrant 3] 

Body paragraph #1: Warrant 1 

Supporting evidence from story 
Analysis: How does the story help us understand the concern? 

Body paragraph #2: Warrant 2 

Supporting evidence from story 
Analysis: How does the story help us understand the issue? 

Body paragraph #3: Warrant 3 

Supporting evidence from story 
Analysis: How does the story help us understand the issue? 


Return to the thesis  
Reflect on the connection between the article and the story. What have we learned from your analysis? Does fiction really promote empathy?  

Hints:?Remember that your reader has read the story and is familiar with it; extensive summary is not useful. Rather, explain and analyze how “meaning” is derived from the story by the author’s implementation of literary elements. Note that the focus should be on the story, not the author, so repeated references to the author are unnecessary.?? 
Summary vs. Analysis:?Be aware that a paper analyzing a piece of literature is not a plot summary.? Summary should provide only brief details necessary to identify parts of the story required to develop the paper.??  

solved Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are

Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) integrates the best evidence available to guide optimal nursing care, with a goal to enhance safety and quality. EBP is crucial to nursing practice because it incorporates the best evidence from current literature, along with the expertise of the practicing nurse. The concern for quality care that flows from EBP generates a desired outcome. Without these factors, a nurse cannot be an effective leader. It is important to lead not only from this position but from knowledge and expertise. To gain the knowledge, you require a good understanding of how to search for scholarly resources, as well as identify which databases and websites are credible for the purposes of implementing evidence-based changes in practice.
Your Online e-Portfolio
Creating an ePortfolio is not required in the BSN program, but you may find it helpful to create one to attach to your professional resume while job hunting. Online ePortfolios serve two key purposes: 1) to support learning and reflection, and 2) to be used as a showcase tool. Your learning journey can be documented, and ePortfolios contribute to lifelong learning and growth through reflection and sharing. Online ePortfolios can also be shared with employers and peers to present artifacts that demonstrate your accomplishments at Capella.
Professional Context
As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for providing patient-centered, competent care based on current evidence-based best practices. You will be required to do research, analysis, and dissemination of best evidence to stay abreast of these best practices. Understanding where to go to find credible sources and locate evidence, as well as which search terms to use, is the foundation of incorporation of best practices.
You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.
You may choose the diagnosis for the patient in this scenario. Choose something you would find interesting to research or that applies to a clinical problem you would be interested in addressing. Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.
To help ensure you are prepared to complete this assessment, review the following resources related to the Capella library. These resources will provide you an overview of the types of tools, resources, and guides available in the library. This may be useful in forming a better understanding of the library to apply to the hypothetical situation laid out in the scenario of this assessment.

BSN Program Library Research Guide.
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.
Databases A-Z: Nursing & Health Sciences.
Get Critical Search Skills.

Remember, it is also appropriate to look toward databases and resources outside of the Capella library, such as organizational policies, professional organizations, and government health care resources.
You are encouraged to complete the Evaluating the Credibility of Evidence activity. This activity offers an opportunity to practice evaluating the credibility of evidence. These skills will be necessary to complete Assessment 1 successfully and is for your own practice and self-assessment. Completing this activity is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.
The purpose of this assessment is to understand where to find evidence that can be applied to clinical scenarios and to learn effective communication and collaboration with clinical staff during the process of evidence location. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will not only use research for self-improvement in your clinical role, but you will also serve as a mentor to supervised nursing staff. Therefore, you will need to be able to communicate and collaborate effectively to guide them toward resources to find research, as well as support them through the initial evidence location process. In doing so, nurses can gain access to evidence that can be analyzed and utilized to stay current on best practices. This allows them to provide safe, patient-centered care and improve patient outcomes.
For this assessment:

Describe your role as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising clinical staff nurses with regard to communication and collaboration in locating evidence for application to a nursing practice scenario.
Compile a list of five online databases or other online sources (that is, websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, et cetera) that can be used to research evidence to apply to this scenario and describe to which of these you would direct a nurse colleague to search for evidence.
Describe where you might go in the clinical setting to complete this research and how you would access the desired, relevant research within research databases or other online sources.

Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a distinguished score.

Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.
Describe the best places to complete research and what types of resources you would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting.
Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis.
Explain why the sources of online information selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

Note: While you are not selecting and evaluating specific evidence to help with the clinical diagnosis, you should still be citing the literature and best practices to support your description of your communication and collaboration approach. Additionally, it is appropriate to cite best practices related to EBP and evaluating databases to support your explanation as to why you selected the five sources of online information that you did.
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Assessment 1 Example [PDF].

solved Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one

Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:Expand on your colleague’s posting.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s post.Veronica–The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics acknowledges cultural competence and social diversity in ethical standard 1.05 (Hebenstreit, 2017). In detailing the ethical principles obtained from the core value of social justice Hebenstreit (2017) argues, the Code of Ethics declares activities that seek to encourage sensitivity to as well as knowledge about oppression and cultural and ethnic diversity and significant contribution in decision making for all people. In detailing likewise, the ethical principles obtained from the core value known as dignity and worth of the person (Hebenstreit, 2017) suggests, the Code of Ethics states that social workers care for each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual disparities as well as cultural and ethnic diversity.With globalization and immigration, societal situations vary in the sheer variety of resident social groups (Bai, et al., 2020). Social diversity challenges individuals to think in new ways about new classes of people as well as where their groups all stand, comparative to each other (Bai, et al., 2020). As organizations that prepare professional social workers, accredited schools of social work in the United States are accountable for advocating respect for human diversity as well as training students to work with diverse clients and communities (Cano, 2020). These schools, their accrediting body, as well as the field of social work as a whole according to Cano (2020), have stressed a strong devotion to prepare social work students, through competency-based education, to involve diversity in practice with clients as well as constituencies. In diverse organizations, Cano (2020) argues, support for human diversity can be significant for competition, as a workforce that shares cultural resemblances with its diverse base of service recipients may be better situated to comprehend these client’s needs.Social work practitioners have long highlighted the role of cultural competence and ethnic sensitivity ineffective practice (Lusk, et al., 2017). As the profession becomes more diverse Lusk, et al (2017) suggest, culturally competent practice is seen as a requirement for successful practice. Culturally competent social work according to Lusk, et al (2017), is the procedure in which social workers ethically involve diverse clients by performing evaluation and interventions that are tailored to the culture, context, class, and identity of the client. Critical culturally competent supervision Lusk, et al (2017) argues, dictates an understanding of the client’s cultural values and traditions as well as comprehends the intersectional diversities of race, gender identity, education, class, income, status, and privilege. Critical culturally competent supervision Lusk, et al (2017) suggests, is centered on leading social work professionals by modifying supervision styles to be mindful of the supervisee’s cultural orientation, background, and values.ReferencesBai, X., Ramos, M. R., & Fiske, S. (2020). As diversity increases, people paradoxically perceive social groups as more similar. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(23), 12741-12749. doi:…Cano, M. (2020). Diversity and inclusion in social service organizations: implications for community partnerships and social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 56(1), 105-114. doi:…Hebenstreit, H. (2017). The national association of social workers code of ethics and cultural competence: What does Anne Fadiman’s the spirit catches you and you fall teach us today? Health & Social Work, 42(2), 103-107. doi:…Lusk, M., Terrazas, S., & Salcido, R. (2017). Critical cultural competence in social work supervision. Human Service Organization: Management Leadership & Governance, 41(5), 464-476.Megan–An explanation of organizational policy in your field education experienceHaving a field placement in a non-profit organization poses challenges when it comes to working with clients. Excessive documentation is needed in these types of agencies in order to ensure continued funding and services for clients. This is a lot for a social worker, especially an intern, and can become very overwhelming and difficult to stay “in the moment” with the client when we are trying to make sure all of our boxes are checked and forms are signed. One organizational policy that is in place at this time is the termination letter that must be completed and mailed to the client after one missed visit with the client. If the client doesn’t show or doesn’t reschedule the missed visit within a very short time frame a letter must be sent out. This letter includes information about their missed visit and gives them 10 days to contact the office to reinstate services but at this time their services are being canceled. On top of the mound of other paperwork that must be completed this makes it difficult to stay on top of because in this community transportation is a big issue and there is always missed appointments/no-shows in this agency, therefore some clients receive these letters multiple times. These letter are also sent out when their insurance states they will no longer pay – even if the client is not done with treatment. According to Gallina (2010) “Because of the increasing rigidity of eligibility criteria, decreasing resources dictated by market “philosophy” embraced by the organizations that restrict service delivery, and growing demands for spending time and energy on producing written reports, social workers’ professional obligations became hard to achieve, and their ability to provide satisfactory direct service to all who need them has shrunk”. This is just one example of how professional ethics and organizational policies conflict and I feel that it takes away from the rapport built between the client and the clinician and can feel almost threatening, especially when for this population (SUD clients) who have so many other responsibilities and barriers to overcome. ReferenceGallina, N. (2010). Conflict Between Professional Ethics and Practice Demands: Social Workers’ Perceptions. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics. Published.…Lachandra–In my field education experience, there are a couple of organizational policies that employees, staff, administration, clients, and interns must adhere to. To name a few there are some policies to follow when it comes to COVID-19, dress code, sexual harassment, Hippa violations, confidentiality, compliance and quality assurance, code of ethical behavior employment. When it comes to COVID-19 the policy states that everyone is required to wear a mask. When entering the building everyone has to take their temperature and document what their temperature is and answer questions that state if they either have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19. Dress code policy states that everyone comes into the office with a professional appearance, provides for staff and safety and communicates a conservative and positive image. Hippa violations state that no one is to disclose any client’s information, make sure logging off the computer or a computer system that contains private health information, or talking to the media . According to (NASW, 2021) ) Social workers should respect clients’ right to privacy. Social workers should not solicit private information from clients unless it is essential to providing services or conducting social work evaluations or research. Confidentiality states that everyone is to keep not just clients’ information private but staff also. Compliance and quality assurance states that in order to provide appropriate treatment and/or rehabilitative milieu and promote a safe and orderly work environment, individuals who are disrupting program operations will be removed from facilities according to established guidelines. Last but not least code of ethical behavior employment is for staff to follow multiple ethical behavior rules while employed at MFBHC. Reference: National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from…

solved Respond to at least two colleagues who selected a different

Respond to at least two colleagues who selected a different diagnosis or treatment intervention for the client in the following ways:Explain why you agree or disagree with your colleague’s diagnosis and treatment approach.Identify potential barriers your colleague may experience when providing their explanation of the diagnosis to the client.Describe a strategy your colleague could use to engage the client in treatment.Colleague 1: Ashley Diagnosis:303.90 Alcohol Use Disorder SevereF32.1 Major Depressive Disorder Z55.9 Academic Problems Z272.9 Problem Related to LifestyleSook qualifies for 303.90 due to her use of alcohol. She takes larger amounts than are intended reported most weekends. She has tried to create limitations for herself, and those have not been continued (Criteria 2). Additionally, she states that spending most weekends drinking and some evenings going out and drinking with her friends, and recovery time lasts well through the next day. Leading to making it difficult to continue her classwork and caring for herself. She continues to utilize alcohol even though it causes anxiety, lack of sleep as well as nausea. He schooling has been reduced due to her “lack of interest”; however that is a typical symptom of withdrawing and a “foggy mind,” as she states. Sook continues this usage pattern even though she knows she gets the shakes, is losing weight, and is now unable to sleep without alcohol. Lastly, she begins her day with a “morning eye-opener,” which allows her to combat the withdrawal symptoms she would feel otherwise.She is not in remission, still performing in the same way but hoping to stick to the schedule of “cutting back” more. As well as not being in a controlled environment due to her access to alcohol and going to bars at any time. Sook is coded with Severe due to her presents of 6 or more symptoms, as classified by the DSM. She seems to have fair insight, understanding these symptoms are happening to her, however not correlating them or being fully honest about her alcohol problem.F32.1 MDD Moderate was given due to her reported depressed mood most of the day, diminished interest and pleasure, significant weight loss, insomnia, loss of energy, the diminished ability for concentration, with impairment of social and educational facets in life. Some of these symptoms DO cross-match with withdrawal symptoms, especially the weight loss due to nausea, the loss of energy due to fatigue, and anxiety. Each of these considerations needs to be accounted for, which is why the diagnosis is moderate and not severe in the state; if no alcohol withdrawal considerations were in place, Sook would specify with severe.The Z codes were based on her lacking interest and dropping a class at school; while she is still maintaining “good” grades, she is below her normal baseline, which clinicians consider. Academic difficulty is a large part of this case since she is a full-time student and losing interest with a lack of focus on schooling. Additionally, lifestyle problems were considered due to the amount she goes out and the activities she partakes in a while, knowing this is internally hurting her and trying to place limitations that she is not willing to stick to due to her social choices.I would explain the diagnosis to the client, first on educating them about the symptoms of withdrawing, “Sook, you spoke to me about drinking; while this may not seem like a problem in your life, I want to express what withdraw looks like so you can decide whether we want to add it in your treatment plan.” This still allows her to have a choice and not an educated choice. After the education is completed, she could decide to say, “That is fine, but I do not want to stop drinking how I do.” and while that is hard as a clinician, we have to respect her life choices and decisions. At this point, I would recommend MAT, she has already not been eating for some time, and her body has numerous effects from withdrawing. In order to ensure her safety and the overall dignity and best wishes of the patient, medicated assistance would be recommended. I would specifically refer her to a close detox facility and allow her to remain confidential and focus on social needs, the school needs, and, more importantly, what is best for her and what facilities she would want to explore if any.Colleague 2: Kimberly The client is a 22-year-old woman of Korean descendant. Client is the oldest child of two married parents and reports little brother having ADHD. The client is attending college in Florida and is bartending to supplement financial aid.Alcohol Use Disorder 303.90 (F10.20) severe, Alcohol Withdrawal 291.81 (F10.239) without perceptual disturbancesThe client reports drinking alcohol and trying to limit themselves. They reported drinking alcohol in the mornings to feel better. Client drinks vodka and cranberry juice or other mixed drinks because beer causes “bloating”. The client drinks after work or on the weekends along with college friends and “bar” friends. Client reports mild hand tremors and trouble sleeping. Client lack interest in involvement with activities such as clubs, sports, and having boyfriends. Client reports arguments occurring when sober.Attention Deficit Disorder 314.00 (F90.0) predominantly inattentive presentationThe client has no motivation and also has a history of not attending classes. The client’s grade slipped from an A – B+ range to a low B range. The client reports finding it difficult to concentrate and feelings of restlessness.Restrictive Food Intake Disorder 307.59 (F50.82)The client reports having no appetite. The client denies having an eating disorder. Friends have noticed and pointed out the weight loss to the client stating “slight” to “reed thin”.Assessment for validation of alcohol use disorder/withdrawal: The AUDIT has 10 questionnaires and measures the severity of alcohol use (AUDIT, n.d.). According to AUDIT (n.d.), a score of 8 or more is considered harmful or hazardous alcohol use.Before getting into depth, I would first check about the level of understanding Sook has about the diagnosis. When discussing the diagnosis, I will refrain from using words or phrases that are too complex to follow along. I would also make sure I explain the diagnosis as simple as possible and is easy to comprehend.I would engage the client by showing empathy and understanding. I would also be mindful of the negative stereotyping and other assumptions about the population the client identifies with. It is known, an individual belonging in an Asian community have the pressure of not sharing any issues concerning mental health and to meet high expectations (Paniagua, 2004).I would recommend MAT for this client. Sook has been experiencing withdrawals and uses alcohol to “feel better” and has been showing sign of hand tremoring. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), is combined with psychosocial therapy and medication to curb craving and withdrawals (Cordant, 2017). According to Cordant (2017), MAT has been shown to double the likelihood of a client to stay in recovery and avoid relapsing.I would refer Sook to a program designed for women struggling with alcoholism and withdrawals. It is evident the client socializes with others with similar leisure activity (for example, drinking with peers and “bar” friends). Women-oriented alcoholism treatment provides an environment where women are in a setting that is compatible with their interaction styles (Beckman, 1994). According to Beckman (1994), the women-oriented alcoholism treatment takes into account the role women play in society and other aspects such as how women are portrayed in family structure. I think this would be a great way to personalize the treatment for Sook, considering coming from a minority background and identifies as a woman.ReferencesAUDIT. (n.d.). Alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT). Retrieved from…Beckman L. J. (1994). Treatment needs for women with alcohol problems. Alcohol health andresearch world, 18(3), 206–211.Cordant. (2017). The changing role of abstinence in addiction treatment. Retrieved from…Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.Chapter 15, “Diagnosing Substance Misuse and Other Addictions” (pp. 238–250)Paniagua. (2004). Guidelines for the assessment and treatment of Asian clients. Retrieved from

solved I wasn’t able to really interview anyone at work since

I wasn’t able to really interview anyone at work since everyone is so busy in our unit, but I did find some interview questions and answers online that may be helpful if you change the wording. This is an interview for a Social Worker. Work your magic!!!
Interview Q & A (Social Worker, Alana Moore)
Q: As a social worker, what do you hope to achieve?
A: I want to help children to find the right direction in their lives, to live better. That is what I want to accomplish in my job. I do not dream about big things. … I hope to thrive in the field of social research, helping practical social workers in their jobs with my research.
Q: If a client could benefit from community resources, but you aren’t overly familiar with their neighborhood, how would you go about locating the right options and paving the way for access?
A: “If I needed to find community resources in a region that I don’t know well, my first step would involve research. Along with conducting searches on my own, I would connect with my network, tapping into their cumulative knowledge to identify organizations that could potentially benefit the individual or family I’m assisting.
Once I’ve located an organization, I would reach out directly. This gives me an opportunity to learn more about their offerings and the communities they serve. I could ensure that my client would be eligible in advance and, if possible, initiate any processes to get the ball rolling. With this approach, I can expedite their access to critical assistance, allowing us to move forward with greater efficiency.”
Q: What is the most important aspect about managing clients’ feelings?
A:  “The most critical thing is to remain calm and to not take things personally. Only then can I listen and empathize effectively. It’s also important to maintain firm boundaries so that the expectation for respectful communication is clear and maintained.”
Q: What strategies do you use for crisis intervention?
A:  “When I worked at a women’s shelter, many of the residents would get upset when a routine changed. I started being more proactive by explaining up front and clearly what the plan for the day would be. When a crisis occurred, I used restatement, clarification and ‘I’ statements to ensure everyone was on the same page.”
Assignment Instructions:
Link for video: Collaboration in Healthcare: The Journey of an Accidental Expert:
Link for video: Collaboration Across Professions Improves Patient Outcomes:
Getting Started
Effective interprofessional communication is necessary for safe, high-quality healthcare delivery regardless of the practice setting. As healthcare delivery continues to expand in complexity, knowledge of interdisciplinary roles and collaboration among those disciplines is essential to accurately identify and address population health needs. In this activity, you will be introduced to the core competencies for interprofessional practice. You will have a conversation with an interdisciplinary colleague within your community in order to consider the impact of collaborative practice and to better understand the interdisciplinary efforts involved in the disaster management process.
Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:
Describe the collaborative effort between nurses, interprofessional colleagues, and community stakeholders in the disaster management cycle.
Interpret the core competencies for interprofessional practice.
Textbook: Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community
Website: IPEC “Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” (2016 update)
Video: Collaboration Across Professions Improves Patient Outcomes
Video: Collaboration in Health Care: The Journey of an Accidental Expert
Optional Resources:
Unnatural Causes #5: Place Matters
Background Information
For this activity, you will identify an interdisciplinary colleague who practices within the community. You will conduct a brief interview with that individual prior to the discussion activity in order to learn more about how interdisciplinary collaboration impacts the population served, as well as the disaster management process within your community. Specific suggestions for talking points can be found within the instructions.
Interprofessional Collaboration
Interprofessional collaboration is the use of the best minds for the information you need to take care of patients or understand processes. We, as nurses, must collaborate effectively with members of the healthcare team from other disciplines and outside our scope of practice. That means working together as team members and team leaders. To do that, we must understand each member’s job and areas of expertise. Learning the language, norms, and special foci of other disciplines fosters more effective use of resources and knowledge. In the community, it only makes us stronger to know some of the professionals that work for the communities good.  
According to the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, interprofessional collaboration is a ‘partnership between a team of health providers and a client in a participatory collaborative and coordinated approach to shared decision making around health and social issues’. Interprofessional collaborative practice has been defined as a process which includes communication and decision-making, enabling a synergistic influence of grouped knowledge and skills. Elements of collaborative practice include responsibility, accountability, coordination, communication, cooperation, assertiveness, autonomy, and mutual trust and respect. It is this partnership that creates an interprofessional team designed to work on common goals to improve patient outcomes. Collaborative interactions exhibit a blending of professional cultures and are achieved through sharing skills and knowledge to improve the quality of patient care (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2016).
Interprofessional Education Collaborative. (2016). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: 2016 update. Washington, DC: Interprofessional Education Collaborative.
Review the appropriate rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Open “Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” (I`PEC) and review the four competency domains.
Additional supportive readings can be found in Chapter 39 and Chapter 41 in the textbook, Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community.
Watch the following videos:
Collaboration Across Professions Improves Patient Outcomes
Collaboration in Health Care: The Journey of an Accidental Expert
Identify an interprofessional colleague in the community and prepare to have a conversation with that individual regarding collaborative practice.
Develop a short list of talking points and/or questions you plan to ask this person on the topic of interprofessional collaboration in the one competency domain which you have chosen. You may consider the following examples, and create some additional questions or talking points of your own:
How does the collaborative engagement of healthcare professionals within the community affect the health of the population?
Describe the role of interprofessional collaboration within your specific practice or job responsibilities.
Within the context of disaster preparedness and disaster management for your community, discuss the collaboration that takes place between interdisciplinary colleagues and intersectoral community stakeholders (i.e., advanced practice nurses, educators, etc.)
Have a conversation with the interprofessional colleague you selected.
Prepare to discuss the following prompts:
Briefly identify the four areas of competency for interprofessional collaborative practice as outlined in the Core Competencies publication.
Based upon your conversation with an interdisciplinary colleague, select one of the specific competency statements within one of the four competency domains that was evident in his/her practice and state your choice.
Discuss how this competency was evident in his/her practice. Be sure to provide specific examples to illustrate the competency.
How does this competency affect the health and well-being of the population in your community?
Identify one additional competency that was evident in his/her practice specific to the disaster preparedness/management process and explain its purpose and value to the community.