solved Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear

Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear to have become more common. One of the more controversial suggested interventions is arming teachers.1. Watch the video below addressing the debate surrounding arming teachers.Watch this video:Video website (for more information on the broadcast): (Links to an external site.)2. Summarize the debate detailed in the video above. Cite the video in your summary in APA format. This summary should be the first section of your paper, just after your introduction – you may consider using the heading “Video Summary” for this section. This summary should be a minimum of 7 sentences. [10 pts]3. Explain if teachers should be armed ; include a minimum of three reasons/premises to support your rationale. Provide evidence-based support for your argument/claim. Thoroughly explain the logic of your argument. [40 pts] Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly and/or expert sources (not including the assigned video which is not scholarly or expert). [10 pts]4. Assess and evaluate your claim/argument. REMEMBER: STAY IN THE 3RD PERSON! [30 points]Evaluate credibility: Are the sources used to support your claim credible – explain how/why you know these sources are credible; cite textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess validity/soundness: Is your claim valid – explain how/why your claim is valid/invalid; cite the textbook. Is your claim/rationale behind your claim sound – explain how/why we know your claim is sound/unsound [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess reasoning: What type of reasoning (see this modules’s lectures/assigned course chapters – you must discuss at least one of the 3 specified types of reasoning discussed in our Module 6 content) are you employing; explain how and why this reasoning is employed to support and communicate your claim; cite the textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]5. As always, please remember to employ proper grammar and writing mechanics throughout your formal writing assignment – e.g., include introduction, conclusion, stay in the third person and utilize sound APA formatting 😊 [30 points Total: APA formatting – 10 pts; Writing Mechanics – 10 pts; Organization/Logic – 10 pts][Total: 120 points; Minimum of 800 words, this word count does not include References or Cover Page]RubricWA-3WA-3CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummarize the debate/cite videoMeet 7 sentence minimum for this section10 ptsFull MarksSummarize the debate/cite video; meets sentence minimum requirement; properly cites video in APA format7.5 ptsClear summary; incomplete/may lack proper citationIdea is presented clearly and completely with attempt at properly formatted citation; meets sentence min. requirement5 ptsPresents a clear idea but it may not be complete with citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement2.5 ptsDoes not present the idea clearly or completely, no citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement0 ptsNo MarksNo clear summary10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain if teachers should be armed40 ptsFull MarksPresents thorough explanation supported by 2 sources30 ptsPresents thoughtful explanation supported by 2 sources20 ptsPresents explanation supported by 1 source10 ptsPresents partial explanation0 ptsNo MarksNo explanation presented40 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited are scholarly/expert10 ptsFull Marks2 scholarly/expert sources that thoroughly contribute to and enhance the argument/claim7.5 pts2 scholarly/expert sources5 pts2 sources2.5 pts1 source0 ptsNo MarksNo sources10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Credibility- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksThoroughly addresses how and why each source is credible; accurately cites textbook in APA format; meets sentence min. requirements.7.5 ptsExplains how each source is crediblecites textbook; meets sentence min. requirements5 ptsExplains how 1 source is crediblemay cite textbook; and/or does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if sources are credibledoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo clear evaluation10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Validity- Soundness- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the validity and soundness of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of the potential validity and soundnessof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanation of validity and soundnessof the argument/claim; may address only soundness or validity; citation present and may be properly formatted; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if argument is valid/invalid and/or sound/unsound; no citationdoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo evaluation of validity or soundness10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain type of reasoning employed/Evaluates argument- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the type of reasoning employed of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of type of reasoningof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanationof the argument/claim and limited explanation of type of reasoning; citation may be present; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates type of reasoning. States if argument is sound/unsound. No citation.does not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksReasoning is not explained.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and logic flow of paper- basic elements like introduction, main body, conclusion- transitions between elements- logical flow of ideas10 ptsFull MarksThe structure and logic flow are tight and precise with no unnecessary details or weak links7.5 ptsThe basic structure and logic flow are sound, with generally effective transitions5 ptsThe basic structure is sound and the logic flow is adequate but transitions may not be optimal2.5 ptsA certain element of the paper (like introduction, conclusion… etc.) is not clear or logic flow is flawed0 ptsNo MarksMissing important elements like introduction, proper transition, conclusion… etc. and the information is not logically sequenced10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting mechanics:- spelling- word choice- sentence structure- overall length- third person10 ptsFull MarksSuperb and precise word selections and effective use of sentence structures, length is at least 800 words7.5 ptsThere is no (or almost no) typo or grammatical error, length is at least 800 words5 ptsThere are a few typos or grammatical errors but the ideas of the paper are clear, length is at least 800 words2.5 ptsTypos/grammatical errors are numerous but the gist of the paper is discernible; or length is shorter than 800 words0 ptsNo MarksTypos and grammatical errors are pervasive and impede on comprehension of the text10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format- margins, font size, font type, headings, spacing, title page- in-text citation, reference section10 ptsFull MarksNo APA format or reference errors7.5 pts1-2 APA format or reference errors are present5 ptsSome minor APA format errors are present but in-text citations and reference section are present and accurate2.5 ptsMissing in-text citations or reference section0 ptsNo MarksNo attempt at adopting APA format10 ptsTotal Points: 120

solved Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear

Unfortunately, mass shootings at schools in the United States appear to have become more common. One of the more controversial suggested interventions is arming teachers.1. Watch the video below addressing the debate surrounding arming teachers.Watch this video:Video website (for more information on the broadcast): (Links to an external site.)2. Summarize the debate detailed in the video above. Cite the video in your summary in APA format. This summary should be the first section of your paper, just after your introduction – you may consider using the heading “Video Summary” for this section. This summary should be a minimum of 7 sentences. [10 pts]3. Explain if teachers should be armed ; include a minimum of three reasons/premises to support your rationale. Provide evidence-based support for your argument/claim. Thoroughly explain the logic of your argument. [40 pts] Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly and/or expert sources (not including the assigned video which is not scholarly or expert). [10 pts]4. Assess and evaluate your claim/argument. REMEMBER: STAY IN THE 3RD PERSON! [30 points]Evaluate credibility: Are the sources used to support your claim credible – explain how/why you know these sources are credible; cite textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess validity/soundness: Is your claim valid – explain how/why your claim is valid/invalid; cite the textbook. Is your claim/rationale behind your claim sound – explain how/why we know your claim is sound/unsound [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]Assess reasoning: What type of reasoning (see this modules’s lectures/assigned course chapters – you must discuss at least one of the 3 specified types of reasoning discussed in our Module 6 content) are you employing; explain how and why this reasoning is employed to support and communicate your claim; cite the textbook. [10 pts; minimum of 5 sentences]5. As always, please remember to employ proper grammar and writing mechanics throughout your formal writing assignment – e.g., include introduction, conclusion, stay in the third person and utilize sound APA formatting 😊 [30 points Total: APA formatting – 10 pts; Writing Mechanics – 10 pts; Organization/Logic – 10 pts][Total: 120 points; Minimum of 800 words, this word count does not include References or Cover Page]RubricWA-3WA-3CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummarize the debate/cite videoMeet 7 sentence minimum for this section10 ptsFull MarksSummarize the debate/cite video; meets sentence minimum requirement; properly cites video in APA format7.5 ptsClear summary; incomplete/may lack proper citationIdea is presented clearly and completely with attempt at properly formatted citation; meets sentence min. requirement5 ptsPresents a clear idea but it may not be complete with citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement2.5 ptsDoes not present the idea clearly or completely, no citationdoes not meet sentence min. requirement0 ptsNo MarksNo clear summary10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain if teachers should be armed40 ptsFull MarksPresents thorough explanation supported by 2 sources30 ptsPresents thoughtful explanation supported by 2 sources20 ptsPresents explanation supported by 1 source10 ptsPresents partial explanation0 ptsNo MarksNo explanation presented40 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited are scholarly/expert10 ptsFull Marks2 scholarly/expert sources that thoroughly contribute to and enhance the argument/claim7.5 pts2 scholarly/expert sources5 pts2 sources2.5 pts1 source0 ptsNo MarksNo sources10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Credibility- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksThoroughly addresses how and why each source is credible; accurately cites textbook in APA format; meets sentence min. requirements.7.5 ptsExplains how each source is crediblecites textbook; meets sentence min. requirements5 ptsExplains how 1 source is crediblemay cite textbook; and/or does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if sources are credibledoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo clear evaluation10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluates argument- Validity- Soundness- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the validity and soundness of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of the potential validity and soundnessof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanation of validity and soundnessof the argument/claim; may address only soundness or validity; citation present and may be properly formatted; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates if argument is valid/invalid and/or sound/unsound; no citationdoes not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksNo evaluation of validity or soundness10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain type of reasoning employed/Evaluates argument- Cites textbook- 5 sentence min.10 ptsFull MarksProvides thorough explanation of the type of reasoning employed of the argument/claim in a manner that shows an in-depth understanding of validity with citation in APA format; meets sentence min.7.5 ptsProvides clear explanation of type of reasoningof the argument/claim but the explanation presents as somewhat incomplete; textbook cited; meets sentence min.5 ptsProvides limited explanationof the argument/claim and limited explanation of type of reasoning; citation may be present; does not meet sentence min.2.5 ptsStates type of reasoning. States if argument is sound/unsound. No citation.does not meet sentence min.0 ptsNo MarksReasoning is not explained.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and logic flow of paper- basic elements like introduction, main body, conclusion- transitions between elements- logical flow of ideas10 ptsFull MarksThe structure and logic flow are tight and precise with no unnecessary details or weak links7.5 ptsThe basic structure and logic flow are sound, with generally effective transitions5 ptsThe basic structure is sound and the logic flow is adequate but transitions may not be optimal2.5 ptsA certain element of the paper (like introduction, conclusion… etc.) is not clear or logic flow is flawed0 ptsNo MarksMissing important elements like introduction, proper transition, conclusion… etc. and the information is not logically sequenced10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting mechanics:- spelling- word choice- sentence structure- overall length- third person10 ptsFull MarksSuperb and precise word selections and effective use of sentence structures, length is at least 800 words7.5 ptsThere is no (or almost no) typo or grammatical error, length is at least 800 words5 ptsThere are a few typos or grammatical errors but the ideas of the paper are clear, length is at least 800 words2.5 ptsTypos/grammatical errors are numerous but the gist of the paper is discernible; or length is shorter than 800 words0 ptsNo MarksTypos and grammatical errors are pervasive and impede on comprehension of the text10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format- margins, font size, font type, headings, spacing, title page- in-text citation, reference section10 ptsFull MarksNo APA format or reference errors7.5 pts1-2 APA format or reference errors are present5 ptsSome minor APA format errors are present but in-text citations and reference section are present and accurate2.5 ptsMissing in-text citations or reference section0 ptsNo MarksNo attempt at adopting APA format10 ptsTotal Points: 120

solved Literature Review Assignment Instructions OverviewThe student will research and write

Literature Review Assignment Instructions OverviewThe student will research and write an original Literature Review on an approved topic related to the course content of staffing and employment. The Literature Review must include at least 12 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals, published within the past five years and available within the Liberty University library databases.The Literature Review must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics. The assignment will be submitted in three parts: (a) a proposed topic and rationale; (b) an annotated bibliography consisting of 8 of the 12 scholarly articles; and (c) the final Literature Review of 12 scholarly articles. Work from previous courses may not be re-used for this assignment.What is a Literature Review?A Literature Review is a comprehensive examination of the scholarly literature that is directly related to a selected topic (Efron & Ravid, 2019). Academic studies, theories, concepts, models, and research findings related to the selected topic are critically reviewed, analyzed, critiqued, and synthesized in this scholarly document.In addition to reviewing current knowledge on the subject by selecting articles published within the past five years, the student will (a) compare and contrast different theoretical models, conceptual frameworks, and findings; (b) determine where gaps in the current literature may exist, and (c) discuss conclusions drawn from the articles reviewed; and (d) make recommendations for future HR leaders and HR researchers in the area of staffing and employment.InstructionsTopic Submission Assignment Length and general format. The Topic Submission Assignment is a two-page document submitted as an MS Word attachment.Page # 1 – Title page: including the title of the proposed Literature Review assignment including the student’s name, course name and number, and date submitted.Page # 2 – Rationale: On a new page following the title page, a 1-2 paragraph rationale of the proposed topic, an explanation as to how the proposed topic relates to staffing and employment, and how the Literature Review will be developed. Mechanics. All pages of all assignments, including the title page, must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Topic Submission must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics. Topics, research papers, and work from previous courses may not be re-used for this assignment. Annotated Bibliography Assignment Length and references. The Annotated Bibliography must be at least 6–7 full and complete pages of original discussion and narrative–excluding the title page and reference list– that utilizes at least 8 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals, published within the past 5 years. Once approved by the instructor, these 8 articles may be used again on the final Literature Review Assignment.References may not come from websites, blogs, newspapers, books, textbooks, dictionaries, conference proceedings, magazines, dissertations or theses.General format and sequence.Title pageBody of paper: This main section will consist of the annotations for all eight articles.Begin each annotation with a complete reference for the article, just as it will appear on the reference list.The annotation (short description) for each reference must include all of the following questions (2-3 complete paragraphs total per article):A summary of the article and how it fits in the topic chosen to research.A discussion of the depth of the article; sufficiently comprehensive? Too broad, or too narrow?An explanation of how this research will fit into the Literature Review.A brief description of the authors, their backgrounds, and their qualifications to publish in the field of study.ReferencesDo not submit an Abstract on this assignment.Mechanics. All pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Annotated Bibliography must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.Literature Review AssignmentLength and references. The Literature Review must be at least 8–10 full and complete pages of original discussion and narrative, excluding the title page, abstract, and references, that utilizes at least 12 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals, published within the past 5 years. References may not come from websites, blogs, newspapers, books, textbooks, dictionaries, conference proceedings, magazines, dissertations or theses. Strict conformance to current APA standards must be provided for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.The student will use information from the Annotated Bibliography to develop and write the Literature Review; however, the Literature Review is a new, separate assignment with distinct requirements. The Annotated Bibliography must not be pasted into the Literature Review. General format and sequence.Title PageAbstractIntroduction (At least 1 page, Level 1 heading)Findings (At least 6 pages, organized under Level 1 and Level 2 headings)Each article review should be 2–3 paragraphs. The following should be provided in the student’s own original words:a)the theoretical model and/or conceptual model used by the author(s) of the article.b)a description of whether the article is a quantitative study or qualitative article.c)the research methodology used, and a description of the sample size and demographics if the study is quantitative.d)the research findings reported by the author(s) of the article.e)the conclusions of the author(s) of the article.f)multiple in-text citations of the article using the author-date citation method required by the APA format.Conclusions and Recommendations (At least 1 page, Level 1 heading)ReferencesEach of the 12 references must be discussed in the narrative, and correctly cited in the narrative. Paraphrase – Do not quote. The paper must not be a series of quotations. It is the student’s skills in critical analysis and scholarly discussion that are being evaluated in this assignment; therefore, quotations should be kept to an absolute minimum. Zero quotations is preferred. The ideas, concepts, and findings located in the 12 scholarly articles should be paraphrased in the student’s own words, correctly cited. Headings. The content must be organized under headings in accordance with the APA format. As a general rule, Level 1 and Level 2 headings will be used in this assignment. Mechanics. All pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Literature Review must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. Resources provided by the Academic Success Center: APA 7th Template (Graduate/Doctoral)APA 7th Sample Paper (Graduate)Literature Reviews: A GuideOnline Writing Center link:, S. E., & Ravid, R. (2019). Writing the Literature Review: A practical guide. [e-Book]. Guilford Press.

solved Discussion #2: For this discussion, we are going to look

Discussion #2: For this discussion, we are going to look at the validity of the police checkpoint and due process rights.  Presently, police agencies utilize the checkpoint as a tool of aggressive patrolling. Checkpoints require a motorist to enter and submit to an investigative process, looking for a violation of law both obvious and unknown (wanted on warrant for example). Violations may include intoxicated drivers, seatbelt violations and other driving and equipment/registration violations. Officers are required to follow a strict protocol on the way they employ the checkpoint, and minimize the stress and discomfort to the parties in the vehicle, as well as following the legal mandates. But, is the checkpoint a violation of the due process protections? Do they violate Search and Seizure requirements of the Fourth Amendment? This is what you will discuss in your response. Make sure to defend your position by referencing the different components of searches and seizures; When are warrants necessary, the Exclusionary Rule, Exigent circumstances, and so on. Refer to the legal components outlined in Ch. 5 in your response.
Hello After you finish with the topic of the discussion board, I want you to reply on this with 150 words:
The checkpoint is not a violation of due process protection as the fourth Amendment outlines. The police’s actions recently at the checkpoint violate the search and seizure requirements the Fourth Amendment provides. The fourth Amendment of the U.S Structure dictates that individuals’ privilege to be safe in their credentials, houses, personnel, and properties against arbitrary seizures and quests shall not be violated (Kerr, 2017). The fourth Amendment continues and provides that no Warranties shall issue, but upon credible reason evidenced by confirmation or Vow, and mainly unfolding the particular place the place can search and the specific things and persons the police can seize.
However, the Fourth Amendment does not guarantee against all seizures and searches at the checkpoint, but only particular ones that are believed arbitrary under the law. There are two fundamental components of the search and attacks that the police have to meet before implementing any action relating to search and seizure at the checkpoint. The police officer must show authority, including weapons and handcuffs, and secondly, the person being seized should submit to the control (McGlynn, 2017). However, the police officers’ aggressive patrolling at the checkpoint indicates forceful language and physical contact, which are strong indicators of authority that are against the Fourth Amendment requirements.
On the Warrant issue, it can be said that police validity at the checkpoint, the police officer must meet four primary requirements, including filing the warrant in good faith, reliable information on warranty indicating a probable cause to search. The other two requirements include that the warranty must be from a detached and neutral magistrate, and finally, the warrant should show the particular place and things the police officers can search and seize. Failure to follow the strict protocol outlined in the Fourth Amendment concerning search seizes and warrant issue is a severe violation of the law under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 
The Fourth Amendment outlaws unreasonable search and seizure by law enforcement authorities, which is what police checkpoints are supposedly predicated upon. Previous Supreme Court guidelines have placed emphasis on the need for probable cause of involvement in illegal activity by a driver before a checkpoint search is made (Wood, 2018). There are specific guidelines that should be followed in setting up and operating a checkpoint by the police but which are not easily fully enforceable in practice. These include placing the responsibility for choosing the site and procedure for a checkpoint on supervisory personnel and nor field officers, exercise of good judgement by the police and prior announcement of the checkpoint procedure (Hawkins, 2018). These ensure that checkpoints do not violate due protections and uphold search and seizure guidelines.
The major point of contention in interpreting the Fourth Amendment in the context of police checkpoints is whether its two clauses should be read together or independently (Wood, 2018). When read together, ‘reasonable’ searches and seizures are those which fulfill the requirements stated in the second clause. Read independently, the clauses may imply that there are ‘reasonable’ searches and seizures that do not necessarily comply with the second clause (Hawkins, 2017).
The use of checkpoints is necessary under certain contexts in order to fulfill the due process of the law. A Fourth Amendment violation may arise when the purpose and procedure of the checkpoint is not clearly specified and based on objective legal grounds (Soree, 2018). Moreover, the screening strategies must be neutral and avoid biased singling out of drivers for screening based on such factors as race, gender or age. The checkpoint will be fully constitutional if the required legal guidelines are followed. When fully compliant with the law, police checkpoints are not only constitutional but also necessary as a process of maintaining public safety. 

Question 1
Criminal Investigations are an integral part of any arrest and successful prosecution of a suspect. The book discusses six objectives for criminal investigations. Name the six, and give a short example for each. In addition, what is the “premise” identified by the criminal investigations field, and what does it mean?
Question 2
Throughout the investigation process, Criminal Investigators draws conclusions based on the evidence at hand. Two types of conclusions are identified as types of “reasoning” that results in the conclusion. Name the two types, and explain using an example of each type of reasoning:
Question 3
Discuss what is known as the CSI Effect on the Sciences that go into Criminal Investigations-both positive and negative. Identify three examples for each, and give a final statement whether you feel the effect is positive or negative (based on your above information):
Question 4
Criminal Investigators obtain various types of evidence while performing their duties. Six types of evidences are identified in the text. Name each type, and give an example for each:
Question 5
When securing a scene, the officer on scene will perform five actions to be completed while waiting for the criminal investigator. Name the five discussed in the text, and give a short 1-2 sentence explanation for each. Finally, name three results that could occur as a result of an unsecured scene:
Question 6
Name the four basic search patterns used when searching a crime scene, explain briefly (1-2 sentences) how each work, and identify where each type of search would be best used.
Question 7
Name the four methods of recording a crime scene, identify what sense(s) are used during this process, and give one pro and one con for each method. Also answer, which is the BEST method to record a crime scene?

Question 8
Field notes are an integral part of the field investigation, yet officers often fail to take complete notes that can be important in the future. Name the seven pieces of information discussed in the text that should be included in all field notes:
Question 9
What is a fingerprint? Why are fingerprints left at a crime scene so important? Name the three types of fingerprints that can be left at a scene, and give an example of each:
Question 10
Define the Daubert Standard for the admissibility of evidence in court. What two tests must be met for evidence to be admitted (name them and describe)?


solved Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion

Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about nursing assessment of the being an effective manager. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in the response. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.Discussion 1: Alli1. Effective management, in my opinion, is key to developing a work environment where not only the employees are happy, but the patients are also adequately cared for. Throughout my journey in the workforce, I have been able to experience exceptional managers that motivated me and helped relieve the pressures of the everyday grind. I have also, unfortunately, experienced management that heightened the stress of not only myself but those working by my side. I would like to focus on the good today.According to recent research, the management style in the workplace directly impacts the overall wellbeing of employees. (Skakon et al., 2018) The trait that pops out the most to me is a manager that is hands on. I believe that by showing your employees that you are willing to get your hands dirty and do the same that you ask of them builds a mutual respect and lessens resentment. I also think it is important to have a highly competent management team with a large amount of experience in the field they oversee. I believe this is important because to help run an operation it is helpful to really grasp how it runs from the ground up and that is acquired through learned experience. These are just two examples, but the list is endless. We would all love to be managed by individuals who are kind, patient, understanding, and flexible to name a few more sought-after traits.2. My current role as a case manager involves a large amount of teaching. Each patient is individualized, but in any given day I can teach medication compliance, overdose awareness, diabetic care, asthma management, COVID precautions, and many more topics. It is my job to engage in conversation with a patient and tailor the education provided to their needs. Due to the ever-changing face of healthcare, I have tried my best to seek out educational opportunities. I have attended many online seminars since the beginning of the pandemic. The zoom delivery platform has made it much easier to build them into my daily schedule. I am also studying and will sit for my CARN exam this winter to become specialized in addiction nursing. In my experience, I have also had the opportunity to receive valuable feedback, and this has allowed me to grow even further. I am grateful that I am naturally open to constructive criticism and welcome change. There have been times where I have been coached to be more assertive and confident while teaching patients. I have also had times where I have given out information that wasn’t 100% accurate and I was able to educate myself further on a topic and correct what I had communicated. All these experiences made me a better nurse. Education is so valuable and I am always eager to add more to my plate. It is exciting to know that education can directly affect patient out comes(LaSala et al., 2017), and I have been a part of that.Discusion 2: KarenWhen thinking about what I believe are the key traits of an effective manager, a few traits stood out that are the most important to me. The traits in the instructional video that I have witnessed as key traits of those managers that have been in leadership during my years of employment are: empowering others, building trust, and being an effective communicator. When an employer/manager empowers his employees a sense of responsibility builds within the employee. They begin to have a sense of ownership of their role in the business. The Army conducted research on how shifting mindset can empower employees. “Contrary to a fixed mindset, a growth mindset is likely to encourage people to develop feelings of empowerment – people begin to see how they might take action to positively influence their community and their learning” (Otocki & Turner, 2020). The ability to build trust is an important trait a manager must develop. According to Basefsky et al, an effective leader recognizes and develops effective followers. This requires the ability to inspire trust and facilitate cooperation. This leader appreciates the difference between excellence and leadership and knows his or her own value to the organization (2020). Of all the traits I have studied, I believe that being an effective communicator is probably the most important of all of the traits. In the article, “What are the five most important qualities of an effective leader” Basefsky et al, is 100% in line with what I believe about being an effective communicator. “This does not necessarily mean that they have the vocabulary of a columnist or the eloquence of a poet laureate. It does mean that a leader can articulate his or her vision and goals in a manner that promotes understanding, support and enthusiasm. An effective leader must also remember that communication is a two-way street and that listening is every bit as important as expressing your own ideas” (Basefsky et al, 2004).Over the 18 years of my career as a nurse, I’ve had many opportunities to mentor newbie nurses who don’t have a lick of experience that are wide-eyed and scared to death. When a chance to mentor a new grad nurse becomes available, I’ve always been the one to jump on that opportunity. During my first few years I definitely lived the term, “nurses eat their young.” I never wanted another nurse to feel the way I did. One study found that “students believe that mentoring is an absolute necessity for their practical training; but the mentoring experience is precarious due to the numerous barriers. The results also highlighted incidences where students who experience ineffective mentoring are inspired to become much more effective at mentoring, because they do not want their students to experience the poor mentoring they had received” (Teatheredge, 2014). I have found that having patience is one of the most important things to do throughout the teaching period. I have always thought that nursing school teaches us about 10% of what we need to learn and the rest comes from effective mentors and on the job experience. As I’ve progressed in my career, I’ve had the opportunity to focus on the mental health aspect of the ED. Over the last few years there has been an increase in the patients who are in a mental health crisis. I’ve had the responsibility to develop a standard of practice that our entire ED now utilizes to have continuity of care for this patient population. Many young nurses are afraid of this patient population and come to me often for guidance and instruction so that they may care for them properly. This, in turn, has inspired me to further my education to obtain my PMHNP.Below is the case study question they responded to: Dont respond to the case study question. Only respond to the discussion posts.Identify from your own experience and your review of course material what you believe are the key traits and skills of an effective manager. Provide a rationale or reference for each trait or skill selected.Discuss the ways you serve as a teacher in your current role as a nurse, or in a recent role or position that you have held in the health care environment. Describe the learning opportunities that you have experienced or sought out as a professional nurse, student, etc. What kind of feedback did you receive regarding your teaching and how did it affect you moving forward?DO NOT RESPOND TO THESE QUESTIONS.

solved How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality

How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for cost of care? Give an example of a study that has addressed coordination of care and has had documented success. Describe the study and its implications for care.    
sh w 1)
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are groups of physicians, hospitals, and other health care entities, such as those providing Medicaid ACOs services for behavioral health, home health, and long-term care and support. These organizations voluntarily enter into contracts in which they are held accountable for the quality and cost for the care of a focus population(Rutledge et al., 2019). ACOs are expected to collaborate across service sectors (e.g., inpatient and outpatient, primary and specialty care, physical and behavioral health) to manage and coordinate patient care and provide high-quality care, with the expectation that these activities will reduce use of high-cost services such as inpatient admissions, readmissions, and emergency department (ED) visits, thereby reducing Medicaid cost and overall unnecessary service utilization.
Care coordination has been a common tool for practices in an effort to manage complex patients, yet it remains a challenge in determining the most effective and sustainable model(Williams et al., 2019).
In one study, the effectiveness of care coordination was evaluated based on opinions from primary care providers and administrators in Minnesota who were involved in a CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) transformational grant implementing COMPASS (Care Of Mental, Physical And Substance-use Syndromes), an evidence-based model of care coordination for depressed patients comorbid with diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease(Williams et al., 2019). A comparison was also made of the views of those with private insurance representatives in Minnesota.
Emerging form the study were important themes such as: 1) a defined scope of practice, rationale for care, key partnerships for building comprehensive care coordination programs, 2) effective information exchange, 3) a trained workforce, 4) a financially justifiable program, 5) a need for evaluation and ongoing improvement of care coordination, and 6) the importance of patient and family involvement(Williams et al., 2019). The study implied that stakeholders and insurers from different organizations and backgrounds, all with experience in “COMPASS”, agreed about the main elements of a sustainable model in care coordination as well as the need for health policy reform to sustain this practice.
Kessell, E., Pegany, V., Keolanui, B., Fulton, B. D., Scheffler, R. M., & Shortell, S. M. (2015). Review of Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial Quality of Care Measures: Considerations for Assessing Accountable Care Organizations. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 40(4), 761–796.
Rutledge, R. I., Romaire, M. A., Hersey, C. L., Parish, W. J., Kissam, S. M., & Lloyd, J. T. (2019). Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations in Four States: Implementation and Early Impacts. The Milbank Quarterly, 97(2), 583–619.
Williams, M. D., Asiedu, G. B., Finnie, D., Neely, C., Egginton, J., Finney Rutten, L. J., & Jacobson, R. M. (2019). Sustainable care coordination: a qualitative study of primary care provider, administrator, and insurer perspectives. BMC health services research, 19(1), 92.
2 terr ow) Accountable care organizations (ACOs) were implemented as a system-level approach to address quality differences and curb increasing healthcare costs in the United States, which has earned the attention of policy makers in other countries to favor better management of patients (Wilson et al., 2020). An ACO is a system of physicians and hospitals that share monetary and medical accountability for delivering coordinated care to patients with a collaborative goal of reducing unwarranted expenditure. Coordinated care helps ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time, with the goal of preventing unnecessary repetition of services and averting medical errors (, 2021). The collaborative goal of reducing unwarranted expenditures, appeals to the groups of physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers as they share in any savings or in any potential costs when service delivery and cost are compared to historical benchmarks (Wilson et al., 2020). These ACO collaborative agreements stray from the fee-for-service model reducing the risk financial implications from insurers and delivering a heavier burden to the providers with the ultimate goal of reducing costs and improving quality.
Nebraska Health Network (NHN) is a physician-led ACO formed by two health systems and their affiliated physicians and hospitals totaling more than 1,700 providers and utilizing over 35 electronic health record platforms in its hospitals and practices (, 2020). The case study conducted illustrates how the NHN established their system and leveraged it to enhance the coordination of care, quality of care, and lessen costs. NHN sought to design a strategy that would allow it to meet the quality reporting requirements of its value-based contracts and to achieve its performance goals within those contracts and as such, the data management system has significantly improved its key operations, such as quality reporting and performance improvement., 2020). NHN observed an improvement in its internal quality score after launching the management system and found that combining electronic health record data with claims data allowed for more robust, timelier, and actionable gap lists, which helped teams to improve the quality of care noting that integrating the two data sources provided faster access to clinical data, which originally took three to six months when relying on claims data (, 2020). Through the implementation and coordination of care, providers felt more confident in the reports and, in turn, have helped to guide their point-of-care decisions improving quality of care in real time.
This study exemplifies in reality that, in the majority of situations, larger health systems provide a larger amount of medical and surgical services in a variety of locations than smaller health systems. Coordination, or lack of coordination, throughout the entirety of the health system plays a significant role in the quality of care delivered. In this study the direct patient care was manipulated for better outcomes, not by presenting a new treatment plan or strategy but, by creating an environment that supported communication and collaboration in a real-time application owing to the foundation of an ACO by sharing monetary and medical accountability for delivering coordinated and collaborative care to patients reducing unwarranted expenditure.
References (2020). Nebraska Health Network’s data management system for improving quality and reducing costs. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2021). Accountable care organizations (acos): General information. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Wilson, M., Guta, A., Waddell, K., Lavis, J., Reid, R., & Evans, C. (2020). The impacts of accountable care organizations on patient experience, health outcomes and costs: A rapid review. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 25(2), 130–138. 

solved 1. Question: Identify and discuss at least three (3) legal

1. Question: Identify and discuss at least three (3) legal and ethical issues in the management of health information. 
The purpose of the information hunts & evaluations is to learn about a broad range of information resources in different formats.  Each assignment includes three (3) information hunt questions and one (1) evaluation to be completed using print and/or electronic resources.
Information Hunts
Information Hunt answers should include the source where you found the information and the answer. 
For print sources, include citation information for the source as well as the title of the source that you used, the date published, and the page number on which you found the answer, and the answer itself. To get full credit for an answer, you must include the page number.  
For electronic sources, include citation information for the source as well as the title of the source that you used and appropriate citation information (such as the URL of the page on which you found the answer), and the answer itself. In the event that your search leads you from one source to another, include your path to the answer.
Do not evaluate a resource previously used to answer the information hunt questions. 
For each information resource selected, you will:
Analyze the resource in depth. 
Provide bibliographic information for the resource, such as the title, publication date, author/editor/producer, and publisher/URL.
Give an original evaluation of the resource, which includes authority, scope, and arrangement. 
Provide your recommendation for the type(s) of user group for which this source would be appropriate and why.
Use the template below to complete your evaluations.
About the Source
Copyright Date:

Author/Editor and/or Producer:
Publisher (if a print source):
URL (if an electronic source):



a. Almanacs & Yearbooks
Part I: Information Hunts (Questions 1-3)

Instructions: Use print and/or electronic resources to answer the following information hunt questions.  A specific resource can only be used once for this assignment.
1. What is the Texas State fish?  What legislature was responsible for this?  What year was it put into place?
2.  What team won the men’s NCAA basketball tournament in 1992?   Who was named the Most Outstanding Player that year? 
3. In what year was Morgan Freeman first nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Actor in a Supporting Role category, 
and what was the name of the movie in which he starred?
Part II: Evaluation (Question 4)
Instructions: Evaluate one (1) almanac or yearbook, either print or electronic. Select an information resource that you did not use to answer information hunt questions.
4. Evaluate an almanac or yearbook using the template below.
About the Source
Copyright Date:
Author/Editor and/or Producer:
Publisher (if a print source):
URL (if an electronic source):
Handbooks & Manuals
Part I: Information Hunts (Questions 1-3)

Instructions: Use print and/or electronic resources to answer the following information hunt questions. A specific resource can only be used once for this assignment.
1. When is it appropriate to call a “Committee of the Whole?”   (Note:  Be sure to use quotes when directly quoting from the source.)
2. Are periods used with abbreviations according to APA style?
3. My grandfather is taking an oblong peach pill marked with C02 but he doesn’t know what the name of the drug is or what is used for.  Can you help?  (Hint: Use the Merck Manual Professional Version (Links to an external site.)). 
Part II: Evaluation (Question 4)
Instructions: Evaluate one (1) handbook or manual, either print or electronic. Select an information resource that you did not use to answer information hunt questions.
4. Evaluate a handbook or manual using the template below.
About the Source
Copyright Date:
Author/Editor and/or Producer:
Publisher (if a print source):
URL (if an electronic source):
Biographical Sources

Part I: Information Hunts (Questions 1-3)

Instructions: Use print and/or electronic resources to answer the following information hunt questions. A specific resource can only be used once for this assignment.
1. Who was an Italian composer that was known for such works as Argippo and Bajazet. When was he born and what was his alternative occupation? 
2. Where is James Doohan (actor, best known for portraying Scotty on Star Trek) buried?
3. When and where was former First Lady Helen Taft born, and what is her maiden name? Where did she and her husband get married?
Part II: Evaluation (Question 4)
Instructions: Evaluate one (1) biographical source, either print or electronic. Select an information resource that you did not use to answer information hunt questions.
4. Evaluate a biographical source using the template below.
About the Source
Copyright Date:
Author/Editor and/or Producer:
Publisher (if a print source):
URL (if an electronic source):
Geographical Sources
Part I: Information Hunts (Questions 1-3)

Instructions: Use print and/or electronic resources to answer the following information hunt questions. A specific resource can only be used once for this assignment.
1. The highest mountain in the contiguous United States is ____ _____ at _______ feet and it is located in which state?
2. How many provinces does Cuba have?
3. How far is it between Albertville, Alabama and Denton, Texas, and how long would it take to drive this distance?
Part II: Evaluation (Question 4)
Instructions: Evaluate one (1) geographical source, either print or electronic. Select an information resource that you did not use to answer information hunt questions.
4. Evaluate a geographical source using the template below.
About the Source
Copyright Date:
Author/Editor and/or Producer:
Publisher (if a print source):
URL (if an electronic source):

Resources: (Links to an external site.)
Big data and digitalization in dentistry: A systematic review of the ethical issues (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Legal challenges in precision medicine: What duties arising from genetic and genomic testing does a physician owe to patients? (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Advancing discussion of ethics in mixed methods health services research (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Artificial intelligence with multi-functional machine learning platform development for better healthcare and precision medicine (Links to an external site.)
Health information management reimagined: Assessing current professional skills and industry demand (Links to an external site.)
Personal health information management among older adults: Scoping review (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)… (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Test collections for electronic health record-based clinical information retrieval (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

solved 1- discussion post 300 words about What is meant by

1- discussion post 300 words about What is meant by the concept of “protected speech”, and why is speech that you might characterize as offensive speech often the most protected?   “Free speech” is a very American concept – the international community talks about “freedom of expression”.  Look up the concept of “freedom of expression” and discuss the difference between free speech and freedom of expression within your group.

This is the first student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
Protected Speech
Protected speech is speech that is protected from government censorship. It applies to state, local, and federal governments. It is a broad category that constitutes elected officials and lawmakers. The protected speech guarantees freedom of expression by limiting Congress from restricting people to speak freely and validating to petition the government (Balkin, 2018). Speech that is regarded as offensive most times tends to be the most protected form of speech. The government does not outlaw speech that it disagrees with and thus ensures that individuals can speak and exercise their freedom of speech.
Freedom of expression is an essential tool for a democratic government. Under the freedom of expression, people can express their opinions, ideas, and any information used in a public opinion without being restricted by any law (Howie, 2018). In addition, free speech relates and still differentiates from freedom of expression. Individuals are given the freedom to give their ideas and opinions without fearing prosecution, retaliation, and censorship through the speech is limited to reasonable limitations.
Freedom of Expression Vs. Freedom of Speech
The two aspects, freedom of speech and freedom of expression, differentiate by knowing that freedom of speech is a form of expression under the first amendment. Freedom of speech can be understood as the freedom to write or speak anything that is logical and backed up by reasonability and rationality. The individual speaks something that is defendable. In contrast, freedom of expression differs in a way that it is a mode of expression either in films, writing, paintings, articles, and protests. Freedom of speech is supported by facts and ideas that are rational and logical (Howie, 2018). In contrast, freedom of expression is not rational or logical. Emotional expressions might be banned if not necessary and opposed. The freedom of speech and freedom of expression are restricted under logical and rationality limitations.
Balkin, J. M. (2018). Free speech is a triangle. Colum. L. Rev., 118, 2011.
Howie, E. (2018). Protecting the human right to freedom of expression in international law. International journal of speech-language pathology, 20(1), 12-15.

This is the second student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
If one thinks that freedom of speech gives a right to anyone for saying anything about a concept, idea, person, religion, or country, and there is no limit to it; then this perception of freedom of expression is wrong. The actual freedom of expression is referred to as the right for seeking ideas and information and receiving ideas and information. It also gives the right to people for having a disagreement and expressing it, and also to express any ideas and information as per their viewpoint. In the U.S Constitution, protected speech is one, which is protected by the law as one of the amendments of the constitution that allows people to have free speech and freedom of expression (Matronic, 2020). However, protected speech is the one, which helps a person to stay protected from any action taken by the government. For instance, if someone criticizes the U.S government, his/her speech is a protected speech as per the U.S Constitution. Freedom of expression is a bit different from the concept of free speech. In the freedom of expression, an individual is allowed to voice his/her opinion without facing any kind of legal penalty, restraint, or censorship. It is crucial for people to understand that when they are given a right to free speech and freedom of expression, it is actually referred to as expressing opinion and criticism about the ideas, concepts, theories, or government. This free speech or freedom of expression is not to be used by people against other people because this is where thing takes a wrong turn. People start making discriminatory comments, encouraging hate speech against each other, which can lead to chaos and disruption in the peace of society. That’s why some types of speeches are restricted such as obscenity, hate speech, slander, contempt of court, profanity on television, treason, pro-terrorism, and blasphemy, etc(Morshedi, 2020)
Matronic, A. (2020). What is freedom of speech? Retrieved October 5, 2021, from’Freedom%20of%20speech%20is%20the,all%20kinds%2C%20by%20any%20means.&text=Freedom%20of%20speech%20and%20the,that%20may%20be%20deeply%20offensive.
Morshedi, M. (2020). Freedom of Speech and Expression. Retrieved October 5, 2021, from…

This is the third student’s discussion you have to reply in 100 words:
Our right to express ourselves is guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. Freedom of speech is a basic form of expression, but the First Amendment covers much more than just speech. Free speech and expression are rights against the government. They are not rights against other people(Morshedi). The government — whether federal, state or local — cannot prohibit an individual from expressing herself. The First Amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech or expression, even if many people would find the speech offensive. For example, flag burning is a form of protected speech, also, vulgar speech, hate speech, and violent video games are all protected speech. The unprotected speech, for example, are commercial advertising, child pornography, obscenity, and defamation.
‘Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means. Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may be deeply offensive. But it comes with responsibilities and we believe it can be legitimately restricted.
Freedom of expression refers to the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of individuals to freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly. Some scholars group several of those freedoms under the general term “freedom of expression.”
Freedom of expression is essential to individual liberty and contributes to what the Supreme Court has called the marketplace of ideas. The First Amendment assumes that the speaker, not the government, should decide the value of speech. Here are some examples of freedom of expression, this includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through public protest and demonstrations) or through: published articles, books or leaflets, television or radio broadcasting, works of art and the internet and social media.
Works Cited
Morshedi, Mariam. “Freedom of Speech and Expression.” Subscript Law. 2020.…
“What is Freedom of Expression?” Freedom Forum Institute.
“What is freedom of speech?” Amnesty International UK.

solved At this point you should have selected one of the

At this point you should have selected one of the social issues presented in weeks 2-4 (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) as the focus of your Case Study Project. For this assignment, you will begin to gather evidence from the course readings related to your chosen social issue. You will use this textual evidence to support your claims in your Case Study Project.
Review the course readings related to your selected social issue, select 4-6 key quotes from the reading selections, and complete the following for each:

Give the bibliographic information for the reading selection source in APA format. This can be copied and pasted from the class week where the reading is introduced.
Give the exact quote and page number (or paragraph number, if the source has no page numbers)
Paraphrase the quote and provide an in-text citation.
Explain why you selected the quote and how the quote relates to your selected social issue and your perspective on the issue


Indicate your topic, thesis, and reasons
Give 4-6 quote log “entries” where you provide the required information (see above under content)
Review the sample quote log below.

Health and Wealth

Article #1: “Financial Health is Public Health” (Jason Q Purnell)
The article “Financial Health is Public Health” intuitively speaks to the connection between financial health and physical and mental health. The author Jason Q Purnell starts with a statement, “If you want to lower my blood pressure, help me pay y electricity bill.” He focuses on the relevance of finances while correlating them to people’s vital concerns. The author expounds on the primary issue of the relationship between health and wealth. He suggests that there is a correlation between the social issues. He portrays the relationship by a survey which revealed how many people struggle to lead a healthy lifestyle because of economic status. Purnell explains how more than twenty percent of people often skip medical visits because they lack the financial muscle. Social determinants of health are conditions in which people live. People with lower incomes are prone to stress due to a lack of finances. Furthermore, they become more predisposed to chronic illnesses due to their coping mechanisms, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and overeating.
The author elucidates further how the poor have limited healthcare access. He correlates the limited access to the lifestyles the poor individuals lead characterized by drug use and violence and their surrounding environment. Purnell also addresses the challenges of wealth distribution and health access. He states that focusing healthcare initiatives on the poor will unlikely solve the problem of changing health disparities. For example, the United Kingdom has had universal access to health care for decades, yet healthy inequality remains. He focuses on the inequality in health access where the rich have better health care compared to the poor despite the availability. Therefore, explaining health and wealth go hand in hand.
The last subtitle of the book, “Necessary but Not Sufficient,” talks about how the people believe that the poor are struggling due to their lack of personal responsibility. According to Purnell, the individual effort might be essential; however, it is insufficient to lead a successful life as society prescribes. Despite the knowledge that financial health and physical health are connected, it is still a tough sell in the current political climate to think otherwise (Purnell)
The book “Financial Health is Public Health” provides vital insights into health and wealth as vital issues in society. Individuals live from hand to mouth and from paycheck to paycheck. The tough economic times necessitate individuals to prioritize basic needs. Conversely, access to quality health care is typical for wealthy individuals and not a luxury like their counterparts in the lower socioeconomic status. There is a dependent relationship between health and finances. Purnell explains how individuals from lower socioeconomic status struggle to access primary healthcare due to the inability to pay. The dependence on health and wealth is depicted where the quality of life of wealthy individuals is superior to that of poor people.
People are forced to decide what to forego, like skipping medical visits, as highlighted by Purnell. For example, dentist’s visits are some of the luxuries that most people do not even consider. This contrast explains how the difference in the quality of life comes about. Providing shelter, food and education are considered the necessities. At the same time, things like medical and transportation are not regarded as essential but luxuries due to lack of finances, even though they are crucial. Wealth and health are intertwined since having more wealth mean more financial security, improving the quality of life, which is a health care goal.
Article #2: “Wealth secures health,”(Rebecca A. Clay)
The second article, “Wealth secures health,” by Rebecca A. Clay, elucidates how wealth is more important since it secures our health. The author mainly expounds on the interconnection between income, education, and occupation and our health outcomes. She explains the relevance of these aspects and how they influence the health of individuals. The article has sub-topics with the title “Linking status and health,” which stems from discussing the correlation between wealth and health to establish context. Clay argues that if an individual has lower socioeconomic status, there are at greater risk of physical and psychological health problems. The author further emphasizes the influence of financial ability on health disparities. Additionally, he raises concerns about how poor individuals worsen their health conditions by embarking on harmful habits like smoking.
Under the “Treating socioeconomic stress” subtopic, Clay explores how the people suffering from status-related stressors ultimately lead to physical problems. Clay calls this “socioeconomic stress syndrome” that has combined features of depression and anxiety. Clay argues that ways need to be explored to change socioeconomic status in the hope of improving health outcomes.
The article is enlightening since it provides positive correlations between health and wealth. For example, she has argued that people with more money have better health. In contrast, poor people have higher rates of diseases associated with their environment—the individual’s ability to pay compromises their access to quality health care. Wealthy individuals are at the advantage of having quality healthcare since their finances permit them. Conversely, poor individuals have to forgo healthcare and only seek it when it is urgently needed. Therefore, the amount of wealth accumulated determines the quality of healthcare an individual will access.
There is a need to come up with ways or solutions to treat the socioeconomic stress syndrome, considering that it leverages the increased deterioration of the health of poor individuals. Socioeconomic pressure exerted on people on the lower socioeconomic level prompts their engagement in hazardous habits. People can prevent their stress from getting out of control. Indeed, they exist a well-established link between poor health and low socioeconomic status.

Clay, R. A. (2001). Wealth secures health. Monitor on Psychology, 32(9), 78.
Purnell, J. Q. (2012). Financial health is public health. Pediatrics, 129(1), e232-e246.

solved Build your own police department make sure the following is

Build your own police department make sure the following is included add photos as well some info is already in here add info and make a power point Mission Vision Core values Office of professional standards Polices abs proceduresSupervisor,officer performance measures Floor planCommand structure Field of operation commander Lieutenant Sergeant Patrol men Polices and procedure Command structure Police Department Job Title Hierarchy + Most Common RolesChief of PoliceThe Police Chief is responsible for the operations and administration of the police department. The chief establishes departmental policies, procedures, and regulations and administers a comprehensive program for crime prevention and law enforcement for the city, including regulations, city codes, ordinances, and court decisions that affect the city. The chief reports to the City Manager and follows local government codes. Here are some specific tasks included in a Chief of Police’s job description:Act as the departmental representative to other City departments, City Manager’s Office, elected officials, and outside agenciesManage the development and implementation of department goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for each assigned service areaManage, develop, and administer the department budget; estimate funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; direct the monitoring and approval of expendituresRespond to media inquiries on police issues and policies as they relate to the community and ensure responsive, appropriate service delivery by conferring with civic, professional, and other community groups as requiredLieutenantThe Lieutenant reports to the Chief of Police and manages patrol sergeants in most police departments. Lieutenants provide direction and supervision for a section of police officers, sergeants, and professional staff. Police Lieutenants are accountable for overall police activities, and are on the scene of large fires, crimes, civil disturbances, and other major emergencies or events. This position is also responsible for organizing required training, providing administrative and policy activities in support of operations, managing assigned projects, managing operational budgets, managing inventory, overseeing the investigation of criminal activities, and performing special assignments. Here are a few common tasks found in a Lieutenant’s job description:Recruit new employees, recommend employee transfers, and promote, discipline, and discharge personnelInvestigate personnel complaints and allegations made by the public or other law enforcement officers and administer disciplinary action as required with proper authorizationAttend and participate in shift briefingsRespond to, investigate, and assist with calls for service; perform routine patrol duties and perform traffic enforcement; locate, apprehend, arrest, and transport prisoners; supervise crime scenes and determine the need for additional and/or specialized police department unitsPolice Sergeant (Patrol Division)Police sergeants sit under lieutenants and above patrol officers in most police organizational charts. They oversee the operations of the patrol division and direct, supervise, and evaluate officers assigned to their division. The Sergeant will also be responsible for completing administrative tasks, participating in community initiatives, and attending public meetings as assigned. They will also respond to calls for service, assist in conducting search and seizures, write citations, assist during emergency situations, enforce laws, statutes, and ordinances, and review and approve incident and accident reports. The Police Lieutenant assigns work to patrol officers under him/her. Here are a few more specific duties of a police sergeant:Supervise staff, conduct investigations, inspect staff and equipment, provide mentorship, train new officers in the field, and conduct performance evaluationsAdvise supporting officers regarding the application and interpretation of laws, review the written reports of subordinates, and make recommendations regarding the development of new policy or procedureInvestigate complaints against personnel and respond in a manner that results in appropriate complaint resolutionKeep other supervisors informed of important activities and critical incidents; inspect personnel and equipment; prepare routine and/or specialized reportsPolice Officer (Patrol)Police officers are typically managed by police sergeants and are the boots on the ground for police departments. Patrol officers are responsible for the protection of property and citizens. They must also uphold and enforce all penal laws of their district. Police officers may have primary responsibilities for police investigations. Here are a few tasks commonly found in their job descriptions:Respond to calls for police serviceConduct preliminary & follow-up criminal and traffic investigationsPrepare written reports and field notes of investigations and patrol activitiesArrest and process criminalsTestify in court MISSION STATEMENT“Our mission is to support a high quality of life for those we serve in our community by preserving peace, protecting life and property and providing public safety leadership. We accomplish this mission by response with compassion, performance with integrity, and law enforcement with vision.”VISION STATEMENT“The vision of the Williams Police Department is to be committed to excellence in community leadership, providing progressive and proactive services through the development of community partnerships and building for the future.”OUR CORE VALUESIntegrity • Commitment to the highest standards of honest and ethical conduct • Do what’s right, even when no one is looking • Many things come and go, integrity lasts forever • Adds to one’s credibility • Being fair and consistent • Strong moral principles • Truthful and trustworthy • Cornerstone of our professionProfessionalism • Displaying the highest standard of personal and organizational excellence through our conduct and demeanor, guided by the “Law Enforcement Code of Conduct.” • The ability to handle any situation in the face of pressure, ridicule, scorn or any other adversity • Exceptional training standards and continuing commitment to training and growth • To excel by having the motivation to acquire new knowledge and share it with others • Never ending pursuit of excellence • Achieve maximum potential • It’s what we are and stand for • Accountability • CompassionCourage • Courage to be leaders in the law enforcement community • Courage to be leaders in the Sterling Community, the community we serve • Resiliency to maintain the level of service to our community • “Moral Courage” : the courage to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement • Strength of character • Taking risk when necessary • Courage to stand up to others • Ability to confront fear • Strength of mind • Endurance • True grit • BraveryRespect • Recognizing the authority we hold and will treat others as we would like to be treated • Will faithfully, and without bias, honor our obligations to the community • Remaining calm and respectful in the face of ridicule, scorn and adversity • Respect of the Law Enforcement Profession • Showing empathy and sympathy • Being courteous • Consideration of others • Others before self • Perseverance • Steadfastness in getting the job done despite the difficulty, obstacles, challenges or discouragement one faces in achieving success • Keep trying/forging ahead, even after failure • Tenacity • Persistence • Determination