solved Assessment 2 Instructions: Importance of Accurate and Complete EHRs Write

Assessment 2 Instructions: Importance of Accurate and Complete EHRs
Write a memo (1-page) to a HIM director explaining data entry inaccuracies and deficiencies in the EHR system that potentially impact clinical care. Include an explanation of the findings and their importance. Provide evidence-based recommendations to address identified issues. Provide EHR Go supporting activities as attachments to the memo.
A range of decision support models can serve as the basis for a clinical decision support system. Rules-based systems are effective in helping users make yes or no decisions. More complex decision types require more complex methodologies. Recognizing the relationship between decision support models and CDS systems is critical to making sound decisions about how to apply a CDS to accomplish a particular result. To appropriately interpret CDS system results, system users need to be able to see the big picture. They need to understand the concepts underlying CDS systems.
Given the high degree of user resistance, selecting a clinical decision support system is often a challenging task. The frequency with which IT projects fail has been the subject of much research and speculation. The same holds true for clinical decision support systems. The evidence-based health care industry places a high value on using clinical data to identify best practices and high-quality clinical outcomes. At the same time, putting a CDS system into practice is far more difficult than it would appear. Many CDS system implementation issues are specific to system users. For example, some CDS systems support the work of physicians. These individuals may not be open to accepting guidance from an unknown—and in their eyes unproven—expert system. In fact, evidence shows a high rate of physicians reject CDS system advice in favor of the physician’s professional experience and preferences.
The health care industry has come to understand how critical user acceptance is to successful CDS implementations. The advantages of system implementation are reduced or eliminated when users do not use the system or do not use it properly. CDS systems require significant input from the clinical staff, who generally are busy. When clinical staff are not excited about embracing the system and prepared to invest time in making it successful, then clinical managers must step in. They must dedicate staff to closely monitor the accuracy and integrity of the system’s expert advice.
In this second course assessment, as a data analyst, you will have the opportunity to do just that—?monitor the CDS system’s advice for accuracy and integrity. During the course of your work you regularly review and correct information contained within the system. You know that incorrect information in the system can literally have life or death consequences for patients. You want to bring to your boss’s attention the volume and type of incorrect information you’re seeing. Your plan is to write a memo to the HIM director about your findings and their importance. You also know that your boss will appreciate your recommendations for resolving the issues you’re uncovering.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Examine analytics and decision support.

Explain the benefits and risks associated with CDS systems.

Competency 3: Apply common performance improvement models.

Recommend evidence-based strategies for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks associated with CDS systems. 

Competency 4: Apply data extraction methodologies.

Edit patient information accurately.
Explain how editing patient information affects data extraction for CDS.
Recognize incomplete or missing data in the patient chart.
Explain how chart inaccuracies impact patient care and clinical decision making.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.

Write a clear, well organized, professional memo that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.

Independent Research
If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.  
The first step in completing this assessment is to do the two assigned EHR course activities. You will be submitting these as attachments to a memo you are going to write to the HIM director about inaccuracies and deficiencies you’ve identified in the EHR system. The work you complete in the EHR Go activities will inform what information you include in your memo.  

In the first activity, you will practice editing patient information. You will also reflect on the implications of errors on the availability of patient data for clinical decision support.

EHR Go: Editing and Extracting Patient Data.

In the second activity, you will review in detail data in a patient chart. You will use critical thinking skills to determine what is present, deficient, incorrect, or incomplete in the chart.

EHR Go: Record Deficiencies.

Here is the background information you need to complete the second part of your assessment. Your facility has recently implemented an EHR system. As a data analyst, you have been reviewing and correcting information within the system and identifying multiple deficiencies. You know that it is your responsibility to bring the amount and type of incorrect information to your boss’s attention. You have decided to create a one-page memo that:

Explains your findings.
Describes the importance of these findings.
Makes evidence-based recommendations for improvements.

Keeping your memo to one-page may not seem long. It is, however, the reality in today’s health care workplace. It’s unlikely that busy executives will read more than a one-page memo—?if that. You will need to be highly selective and include only the most critical information.
You will include the reports from the EHR activities as attachments to your memo. 
Note: Your boss always wants to know the source of your information. Be sure to cite your sources and include a separate reference page with your memo. 
Resources: Decision Support Models


Ancker, J. S., Edwards, A., Nosal, S., Hauser, D., Mauer, E., & Kaushal, R. (2017). Effects of workload, work complexity, and repeated alerts on alert fatigue in a clinical decision support system. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17.
Helmons, P. J., Suijkerbuijk, B. O., Nannan Panday, P. V., & Kosterink, J. G. W. (2015). Doing the right things and doing things right: Inpatient drug surveillance assisted by clinical decision support. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Science and Practice, 22(4), 236.
Schaeffer, J. (2017). CDS systems: Common malfunctions, practical solutions. For the Record (Great Valley Publishing Company, Inc.), 29(5), 10–13.
Resources: User Acceptance

Clark, J. S. (2014). Tips for ongoing medical record review. Medical Records Briefing, 29(1), 12–13.
Meulendijk, M., Spruit, M., Willeboordse, F., Numans, M., Brinkkemper, S., Knol, W., … Askari, M. (2016). Efficiency of clinical decision support systems improves with experience. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(4), 1–7.
Roop, E. S. (2015). The human touch. For the Record (Great Valley Publishing Company, Inc.), 27(7), 20–23.

solved Develop an 10 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by extensive speaker

Develop an 10 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by extensive speaker notes of approximately 150 words per each speaker note. The presentation will focus on an explanation of Meaningful Use Guidelines and how the current HIM system could be optimized to ensure compliance and improved outcomes. INTRODUCTION Meaningful Use Guidelines play a very important role in guiding and directing the path of health information management (HIM) systems in many health care organizations. Along with Meaningful Use Guidelines, other regulations and quality measures drive how health care organizations choose, implement, and utilize their health information systems. In this assessment, the primary focus will be on meaningful use compliance, quality assurance, and the regulatory environment related to HIM. Electronic health records (EHR) are playing an important role in improving quality, accessing important patient data, and improving communication amongst providers. They are a very important part of any HIM. However, new incentive programs such as Meaningful Use Guidelines require that health care organizations pay much closer attention to how patient data is gathered, shared, and collected. In this assessment, you will have the opportunity to work through an interactive scenario at a fictitious hospital and assess an EHR system. You will be tasked with explaining Meaningful Use Guidelines as they relate to the system, making recommendations based on best practices for maintaining meaningful use, and other regulatory compliance.The importance of understanding meaningful use in EHR and HIM systems is to understand the standardization of the exchange of information, to improve the overall quality of health care delivered, and to reduce costs. As a master’s prepared healthcare professional you will be called upon to help organizations to reduce costs and time to bring safe and effective practices to professionals and patients. It is also incumbent upon the master’s prepared healthcare professional to bring relatable information to patients to assist them in making informed decisions about their healthcare. By completing a review and recommendation cycle of an existing EHR you will gain valuable practice in applying this knowledge and skills.As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as a part of your assessment.For this assessment, you will need to complete the review of an existing EHR system and provide an overview of current Meaningful Use Guidelines and incentive programs, as well as recommend ways to change either the EHR or workflow processes to ensure continuous improvement and sustainable compliance. Why are EHR systems important and how do they address the changing health care marketplace? What are the current relevant Meaningful Use Guidelines? What are the current incentive programs related to these guidelines? How are privacy and security of patient records maintained in an EHR system? How can EHR systems impact the experience and quality of patient care? What are the future trends for EHR systems and HIM best practices? . SCENARIO In this scenario, you will assume the role of Quality Assurance Manager at Vila Health’s Independence Medical Center. You have been asked to review the current electronic health record (EHR) system after some concerns were raised about the system not being fully compliant with new regulations and Meaningful Use Guidelines. After your review, you will present your findings and recommendations to the leadership team. PREPARATION Before reviewing the EHR system, you will want to familiarize yourself with Meaningful Use Guidelines. Take a moment to review these sources and conduct an additional research as needed on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) incentive program from EHR: Meaningful Use. Refer to the Meaningful Use section of this assessment for links to different resources you might use.Next, review the Vila Health EHR system. While analyzing the EHR, you will want to think about not only the flow of data, how it moves through the system, and compliance with Meaningful Use Guidelines, but also about the patient experience and implications on quality of care. Consider privacy and security of patient records as well.To prepare for this assessment, use the Capella University Library and the resources provided for this assessment to research the following topics: Digitization of the nation’s medical records and the privacy challenges. EHR incentive program requirements. Best Practices for compliance with Meaningful Use Guidelines. EHR and HIM best practices for quality, privacy, and regulatory compliance. Types of information technologies that are used to improve the quality of patient care. INSTRUCTIONS To complete this assessment, you will prepare an 10 slide PowerPoint presentation of best practices and emerging models in HIM and EHRs. Your presentation will be assessed using the following criteria: Explain Meaningful Use Guidelines and what they mean to an organization’s current state of compliance. Explain an organization’s current electronic health record system and its data process to meet regulatory guidelines. Analyze how an electronic health record system could improve the quality of care, simplify existing processes, and improve patient outcomes. Explain best practices for an organization to maintain meaningful use compliance as it relates to current incentive programs and policies. Recommend evidence-based approaches for implementing new practices for the end user functions, training, and ongoing compliance. Communicate analysis and recommendations of an electronic health records system in a manner that is clear and concise. Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Below is one potential outline for the presentation that could help you to address the assessments grading criteria. Introduction: Present what Meaningful Use Guidelines are and what they mean to the organization. Present Independence Medical Center’s current state of compliance. Current HIS: State the current EHR being used in this organization. Present your findings on the evaluation of the EHR. Explain how the EHR could improve the quality of care, simplify existing processes, and improve patient outcomes. Discuss how the data are currently captured, tracked, analyzed, and shared and whether each area meets regulatory policy and incentive guidelines. Upgrades and Improvements: Present your findings from your research on maintaining Meaningful Use Guidelines. Present best practices for long-term compliance to current incentive programs and policy. Make additional recommendations on the EHR system including end user functions, training, and ongoing compliance to the department heads. Provide evidence-based recommendations for implementing new practices and emerging models in the identified departments. Your presentation should meet the following requirements: Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting Length of presentation: 10 slides. Duration of audio recording: Maximum of 15 minutes. Font and font size: Arial, 18 point or above for headings and explanatory text and 24 point and above for slide titles

solved What role does marketing research play in our overall marketing

What role does marketing research play in our overall marketing plan? What are its strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to identify at lease one strength and one weakness supported by your outside research. Be sure to expand the discussion by challenging each others’ assumptions.
1st discussion post of a peer for response in 200 words:
Firms are progressively swimming in a developing ocean of information (Kalaignanam et al. 2021). However, as confirmed by Marketing Science Institute’s examination needs, most are experiencing issues deciphering the chance potential managed by these information into huge development results. Du et al. (2021, hereinafter Du et al.) feature various territories in which scientists can help tackle and influence recently accessible information sources and instruments with an end goal to empower directors to uncover business openings. Nonetheless, we accept that the foundation of the development issue confronting chiefs is both greater and more extensive than information catch, requiring a critical pulling together of the scholarly research plan. In this analysis, we distinguish two key issues restricting current information and offer two new focal points to address them. We utilize these focal points to reveal insight into key challenges firms face in associating information potential to figured it out development results with an end goal to pull together the exploration plan in a significant way
The Marketing Science Institute follows this training at regular intervals by setting up a bunch of advertising needs along with its part organizations. These are issues keeping advertisers up around evening time. The JM-MSI Special Issue, distributed around the 2018–2020 needs, offers instances of the sorts or examination that may emerge from advertisers’ issues (see Deighton, Mela, and Moorman 2021 for an outline), like the difficulties of overseeing advanced promoting (Gordon et al. 2021). Other legitimate, brand, strategy, and innovation associations frequently distribute showcasing challenges dependent on their point of view of the field. Second, connect profoundly in a couple of key zones of showcasing that you find fascinating. Peruse mainstream press articles and books, scrutinize sites, and scour news stories. Search for extraordinary suppositions and attempt to comprehend different perspectives on an issue or on the other hand a suggested arrangement.
How to recognize openings? Here are a couple of approaches we have discovered helpful. One method is to recognize holes in current customer or advertiser thinking and activities. For instance, Kanuri, Chen, and Sridhar (2018) evaluated the administrations offered by significant web-based media programming stages and talked with social media experts to find an absence of comprehensive web-based media planning arrangements. This prompted a task to fill this hole to deal with the day-part timing of online media to amplify client reaction. A subsequent strategy is to distinguish conflicting advertising discoveries or thoughts being advanced in the press and build up a clarification for why this inconsistency exists.
For model, if web-based media spending is accounted for to be expanding at a quick rate, while web-based media execution shows no improvement, what organization, contender, or advertiser factors might clarify this clear inconsistency? A third method is to distinguish a conviction that is generally acknowledged—nearly saw as a truth—about showcasing or the commercial center. Attempt to flip this presumption into an exploration question that you believe is intriguing. For instance, Luo et al. (2021b) challenge the view that AI is unequivocally advantageous when utilized for showcasing exercises for example, deals power preparing. Discussions with supervisors drove them to comprehend that there might be AI over-burden for feeble salesmen and AI abhorrence for solid sales reps, uncovering the need to create AI apparatuses to oblige those distinctions.
2nd Discussion post of second peer:
Firms are progressively swimming in a developing ocean of information (Kalaignanam et al. 2021). However, as confirmed by Marketing Science Institute’s examination needs, most are experiencing issues deciphering the chance potential managed by these information into huge development results. Du et al. (2021, hereinafter Du et al.) feature various territories in which scientists can help tackle and influence recently accessible information sources and instruments with an end goal to empower directors to uncover business openings. Nonetheless, we accept that the foundation of the development issue confronting chiefs is both greater and more extensive than information catch, requiring a critical pulling together of the scholarly research plan. In this analysis, we distinguish two key issues restricting current information and offer two new focal points to address them. We utilize these focal points to reveal insight into key challenges firms face in associating information potential to figured it out development results with an end goal to pull together the exploration plan in a significant way
The Marketing Science Institute follows this training at regular intervals by setting up a bunch of advertising needs along with its part organizations. These are issues keeping advertisers up around evening time. The JM-MSI Special Issue, distributed around the 2018–2020 needs, offers instances of the sorts or examination that may emerge from advertisers’ issues (see Deighton, Mela, and Moorman 2021 for an outline), like the difficulties of overseeing advanced promoting (Gordon et al. 2021). Other legitimate, brand, strategy, and innovation associations frequently distribute showcasing challenges dependent on their point of view of the field. Second, connect profoundly in a couple of key zones of showcasing that you find fascinating. Peruse mainstream press articles and books, scrutinize sites, and scour news stories. Search for extraordinary suppositions and attempt to comprehend different perspectives on an issue or on the other hand a suggested arrangement.
How to recognize openings? Here are a couple of approaches we have discovered helpful. One method is to recognize holes in current customer or advertiser thinking and activities. For instance, Kanuri, Chen, and Sridhar (2018) evaluated the administrations offered by significant web-based media programming stages and talked with social media experts to find an absence of comprehensive web-based media planning arrangements. This prompted a task to fill this hole to deal with the day-part timing of online media to amplify client reaction. A subsequent strategy is to distinguish conflicting advertising discoveries or thoughts being advanced in the press and build up a clarification for why this inconsistency exists.
For model, if web-based media spending is accounted for to be expanding at a quick rate, while web-based media execution shows no improvement, what organization, contender, or advertiser factors might clarify this clear inconsistency? A third method is to distinguish a conviction that is generally acknowledged—nearly saw as a truth—about showcasing or the commercial center. Attempt to flip this presumption into an exploration question that you believe is intriguing. For instance, Luo et al. (2021b) challenge the view that AI is unequivocally advantageous when utilized for showcasing exercises for example, deals power preparing. Discussions with supervisors drove them to comprehend that there might be AI over-burden for feeble salesmen and AI abhorrence for solid sales reps, uncovering the need to create AI apparatuses to oblige those distinctions. 

solved 1. Respond to the following two posts: 250 words and

1. Respond to the following two posts: 250 words and 1 source Agree or disagree in your response–“Evaluate Africa’s global role and response in breeding terrorist safe havensDefend U.S. policy on direct action against these organizations. Location is everything (Wiles). You take the positioning of Africa, the size – 54 different countries with porous borders making it easy to move around, add in weak infrastructure, lack of governance and poor finances…you have a continent that is ripe to be exploited by various extremist groups. There are beliefs to be forced on others, there are men who crave power and money and there are people who are poor and just looking for a better way to survive and live. It is amazing how one “product” can be at the root of funding, empowering and entrapping so many on a global scale. Agent Hubbard spoke to drugs with the statement, “every transient country eventually becomes a consumer”. West Africa security and development are just two examples of the destabilizing impact of drugs. According to the Executive Director of UNODC, Antonio Maria Costa, “drug cartels buy more than real estate, banks and businesses, they buy elections, candidates, and parties. In a word they buy power”(Lecture). I was once told by a mentor that Leadership is always the problem, and leadership is always the answer. Through the various videos presented in this week’s module, we saw that when leadership comes together, powerful things can happen. Sadly, that can be said for both “sides”. In the interview with acting DEA agent Tony Hubbard, he speaks to the importance of partnerships. America can not defeat narco terrorists alone. This was reflected in the CBS news report on March 5, 2019, of the U.S. Military’s training efforts for African forces in Burkino Faso – Equipping local military leaders on how to secure their territory and protect their people. We also saw the same form of leadership in the second video when terrorists were videoed using trained military action to cause violent harm. This emphasizes that we must do what it takes to maintain the upper hand. Thomas M. Harrigan, Asst. Administrator and Chief of Operations in his congressional testimony highlights multiple facets to accomplish this, “By denying DTOs the revenue from the distribution of illegal drugs, the drug traffickers’ capability to acquire or produce additional drugs and support their organizations is hampered. DEA’s perspective on the money laundering threat is two-fold: first, DEA is focused on proceeds generated by the illegal drug industry; second, DEA is addressing the threat that drug proceeds represent as a means of financing international terrorist organizations”. He further goes on to communicate the International Drug Flow Attack Strategy, which has the primary objective to cause major disruption to the flow of drugs, money, and chemicals between the source zones and the United States. The strategy includes an integrated intelligence enforcement process that rests on four pillars: intelligence-driven enforcement, sequential operations, predictive intelligence, and law enforcement deception campaigns. To stem the flow of drugs into the U.S., DEA will continue to implement this successful Drug Flow Attack Strategy by expanding enforcement initiatives with our global law enforcement partners and the military. Where applicable, DEA will begin to engage African counterparts in these initiatives and develop Africa specific enforcement initiatives. To defend the U.S. policy on this front against these violent organizations, I can not say that I am confident that we have always chosen the correct course of action. It has to be a balance of capacity with establishing law and order as well as ensuring reformation in corrupt leaders with renewed social contracts with citizens. Efforts will fail as long as impunity prevails and local armies can kill civilians and topple governments without consequence (Schmidt). As we heard many times, “we must stay vigilant”. Works Cited: CBS NEWS. (Links to an external site.)CBS NEWS.————————2. Respond to the following two posts: 250 words and 1 source Agree or disagree in your response–Defend U.S. policy on direct action against these organizations. As some of our classmates have pointed out, terrorism in Africa is similar to terrorism everywhere else. What’s so interesting about terrorism in the continent and more specifically Sub-Saharan Africa is that while Islamist extremist groups have dominated the rise of terrorism in this region, tribal and regional differences also play a major role and the struggle is at least as much one for power as over religion per se. Stability, and conversely the level of terrorism, is highly dependent on the quality of governance and popular support and unity, which helps explain the high level of differences between neighboring states.1 (Cordesman, 2017). Due to this instability terrorist groups have take refuge in African countries to wait out their plans within these ‘safe havens’. For example, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), one of the biggest threats they have is the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and their partnership with ISIS. When ISIS was somewhat defeated in 2017 by Syria and Iran’s military, they proceeded to move into areas in Africa, primarily the DRC, to continue out its plans. The very first recorded attack by ISIS in the DRC happened in Bovata which is located in the North Kivu province 2. It consisted of 2 soldiers and a civilian being killed. This led to more and more violence from ISIS within this province – every attack killing or injuring soldiers and civilians primarily at Congolese military bases – Draps, 2019. The attacks throughout the DRC and countries in Africa just like it are displacing thousands of civilian and causing them to flee. Same with the Boko Haram in Nigeria or the Al-Shabaab in Somalia, these groups are posing great threats to Africa and to global communities. In an effort to attacks, many African governments have waged a war against terrorism, notably the United States playing a strong role in reinforcing the counterterrorism for them as well. There have been many efforts to combat these groups. The current head of state for Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, weighed most of his presidency of the fact that there needed to be an end to the terror being spread by these groups. U.S. Counterterrorism efforts have included creating a joint military task force, creating the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, and designating ISIS-Democratic Republic of the Congo and ISIS-Mozambique as Foreign Terrorist Organizations and Specially Designated Global Terrorists, or SDGTs for short.3 This has given the U.S. government more of an opening to try and assist countries where needed. I think that the U.S. and global allies do have an opportunity to step in and assist and help to create a more solid infrastructure to support African governments. However, places like the U.S., Britain and France have all been colonizers of the continent in the past so there has to be an understanding that they are going in to truly support these countries, otherwise, they are just adding more fuel to the fire.Works Cited: 1Cordesman , Anthony H. “The Patterns in Global Terrorism: 1970-2016.” The Patterns in Global Terrorism: 1970-2016 | Center for Strategic and International Studies, 28 Aug. 2017,

solved Discussion 1 Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the

Discussion 1
Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the world can change so rapidly, isn’t the information collected throughout career exploration going to be irrelevant and/or outdated? Be specific and give an example to support your response.

Discussion Expectations:
Initial response should be at least two (2) paragraphs in length.
Your initial responses are due by Wednesday at 11:59pm CT.
You are required to respond/give feedback to at least two (2) of your peers, which should add value, analysis or recommendations, as this is how we learn best (experiential learning).
Your follow-up responses are due by Sunday at 11:59pm CT.
Discussion 2 

The book states that a self-assessment must include a review of ones’ past experiences: why do you think this is, why is this important, and what are the implications for one’s career?  Provide an example to support your points.

Discussion 1(Student 1-Nathaniel)
Anthony is career exploration just doing research on market trends and looking at various careers? I agree that this is certainly a part of the process but the other side of career exploration is determining how you can fit into those careers. The basic KSAO’s (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics) are easy to review and determine if I meet them or not but that doesn’t tell me if I am a good fit for the position. Career exploration also involves determining what I value or have interest in such as stability, progression or work/life balance, then taking those values along with industry research to see what career fields best suit me. Of course I do want to watch industry trends, I might find I am a good fit for being an electrician but if research shows that industry is expected to show little growth I may want to reconsider other options.
“Career Exploration is simply learning about various occupations and their “fit” with your unique career preferences, e.g. the skills, interests and values you want satisfied by your career. Ideally, you engage in career exploration during or after identifying your career preferences through self-assessment.” ( UC Berkeley Career Center)

Discussion 1(Student 2-Tanya)
Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the world can change so rapidly, isn’t the information collected throughout career exploration going to be irrelevant and/or outdated? Be specific and give an example to support your response.
Career exploration is more about finding the types of jobs that align with our strengths, weaknesses, preferences and dislikes than it is finding out what careers are out there. Careers change and evolve rapidly, but the basic ideas associated with the type of work are pretty stable. This is why career research is relevant even in a highly adaptable society. Career exploration improves our knowledge of career options. If we know what is available, we will have an easier time finding where we fit. If I knew all of the different jobs the Navy offered when I joined, I might not have chosen advanced electronics, but journalism or legalman instead. My mind would have been opened to other opportunities previously unknown to me.
Opportunities for career exploration give people broader exposure to what is out there. For students it can help maintain academic motivation because there are goals specific to a profession they want to enter. Career research can be useful in helping someone tune their interests and find out their niche. My niche is training and development, and is what I excel at the most. The career research process can help us assess our strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and dislikes and choose a career that aligns with that data. It also allows us to find the requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of different occupations enabling us to make an informed decision. Americans spend a great deal of time working, so being in the right field is of the utmost importance.

Discussion 2(Student 1-tracie)
Self assessment generally includes the review of one’s strengths and weaknesses, and how one can fare best in the prevailing circumstances while capitalizing on strengths and preventing the weaknesses from becoming obstacles in the path. While improvement must happen with gradual learning through experiences, one must remember the times when his /her skills, ability and perseverance were put through a test and how he /she performed. The review of such experiences( whether success of failure) helps the person to assess himself /herself, and determine whether he /she would be able to perform under given conditions as per expectations. By doing so, the person keeps himself /herself motivated with past successes, and becomes aware of the pitfalls which caused failures, to avoid them this time. The self assessment prepares one for the future challenges, helps to garner resources to deal with the situation and be successful.
Self assessment helps a person while choosing the right career according to his /her capabilities and aptitude, and acts as a diagnostic tool, while taking important career decisions, increasing the chances of success in the new role or field of work.
Example is of a person who is in his mid career, and wants to move to the passion of his life, photography from the regular corporate role. He /she can make self assessment through his /her achievements and accolades won previously, his standing against the professional photographers, through an assessment of his /her work by a professional, and his /her success rate in his previous assignments ( maybe freelance, part time work etc.), and whether the new professional would be able to support his/her economic needs. By doing careful assessment, he /she can determine if it is the right decision and time to make such change.

Discussion 2(Student 2-Derrick)
According to the Oxford Dictionary Expectations can be defined as “a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. A belief that someone will or should achieve something.”
What are some of the expectations that we have in life. As a child we wanted to grow up and get away from mommy and daddies house. We also wanted to get out of school. But what are the expectations that you have for your life at this moment. We say we want a career, but are we or have we been working towards that career. Have we obtained that education or training that will land us the career we are wanting and hoping for. You say you want to and expect to purchase a home, but have you been saving your money and monitoring your credit. These are the things that must be done in order for you to meet your expectations. You must put the work in. Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream.
The things that are done in our past have a way of catching up with us in our future. We must be careful of what we do, where we go, who we associate with, what we learn and what habits we pick up. This is all important is we want to be successful in life. We must monitor ourselves. We must be proactive instead of reactive. We must learn that what we want is not always right but we must study and concentrate on what needs to be done, research and then move forward. Oftentimes we are moving on reactions and not what we have researched, we just move on feelings. Those feelings are not always for a long haul but for the right now. We must learn to slow down and think before we react.
Past experiences whether they be good or bad should show us and guide us on what to do right now and in the future. If you know for yourself that there is a hole in the road because you have fallen into it, then why go back that way. There are times when the road less traveled in the best teacher and path to take.

solved Respond to at least two of your classmates. Each response

Respond to at least two of your classmates. Each response should:Be at least 150 words; must include more than one’s agreement or disagreement with another student’s post.Be reacting to classmate’s post and demonstrate higher order thinking (challenge, connect, suggest, question, or expand the post of peers).Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, reply to 2 responses below.Kaitlyn House Jul 27, 2021Jul 27 at 1:59pmManage Discussion EntryThe Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) is an important assessment tool used to assist in the determination of the acquisition strategy and ultimately, the estimated cost of the performance. They are required to be submitted as part of a requisition package for new requirements, actions that cause a change in cost, or a change in a contract that realigns budget/reallocation of funds. The factors involved in developing an IGCE include obtaining historical rates, estimating the level of effort required, and estimating material, labor, travel and other direct costs. A contractor must provide a detailed justification of how they came to their basis of estimates and what assumptions they made to create their estimates.I am regularly involved in Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) at my work and assist in building these estimates. In our estimates, we provide details such as formulas that we use, historical data, subcontractor pricing proposals for their portions of the work (if applicable), the rates we used, and where the basis of information was obtained from (like Fedbizopps). Having a detailed justification on how a contractor comes up with their estimate is essential to a successful evaluation and award selection. If the government cannot see the rationale behind the proposal to see that it is in fact fair and reasonable, they will most likely have some red flags. I am new to government contracts and being a key player in proposals so this topic benefits me professionally and provides some background as to why such a large amount of detail and rationale is critical in IGCEs.Cost control and contract management apply to the acquisition of goods and services in both public and private sectors by assisting with planning and controlling costs (as wells as cash flows) to ensure financial obligations of the contract are met. Cost control can make or break a project’s budget. Making sure that the budget stays consistent with actual spending is how public & private sectors control their costs. They can easily go over budget if they are not carefully tracking the costs of all goods and services. Cost management keeps operations in check and makes sure financial goals are met, reducing the amount of risk on the project. Without proper contract management, it may be hard to track progress, there may be project delays, and there could be compliance issues.
Farzad FarzamFarzad Farzam MondayAug 2 at 3:03pmManage Discussion EntryFarzad FarzamEach IGCE should address the below-listed cost elements. Along with each portion of the cost breakdown there should be an explanation of the rationale used to formulate the estimate.Labor Mix/Hours- The IGCE should clearly indicate the labor categories and associated hours at each level to perform each task identified in the Statement of Work. For ease of evaluation and comparison, each task shall be listed in order in which it appears in the body of the SOW. In some cases where a particular task involves multiple functions; the preparer may want to further break down the IGCE according to these separate functions. Needless to say, if the SOW is broken down into subtasks, then there should be a separate analysis of each. One commonly overlooked consideration is in the area of overall management or direction. The preparer should include a reasonable number of hours for this function. The preparer of the IGCE should consider the skills required for task order accomplishments, not individuals. The Government is not bound to provide full-time employment for any Contractor employee. Show only the number of hours that will be productively utilized.Subcontracting – For the purposes of developing the IGCE, the preparer should assume all work under the SOW will be done by the prime Contractor even if the preparer knows or assumes the Contractor will propose subcontracting a portion of the requirement. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to identify and propose work which it intends to subcontract.Travel – The IGCE should be consistent with travel requirements identified in the SOW. The IGCE should clearly indicate the anticipated destinations, number of trips, number of personnel involved with each trip, and trip duration. (NOTE: Travel time should be considered when calculating the trip duration, e.g., if the Contractor is required to travel on Sunday for a Monday to Friday trip, the trip would be six days, not five. And, travel hours should be included in compensable labor hour estimates.) All rates utilized in the IGCE should be consistent with those specified in the federal Travel Regulations.Other Direct Costs (ODC) – The IGCE should identify all estimated costs other than labor and travel as ODC cost elements. The preparer of the IGCE should not include any cost element, whether it be a material or ODC, for general or miscellaneous office supplies. Such supplies are part of the Contractor’s normal business operations cost and should not be included as direct cost unless such supplies are unique to requirements.Major risks or consequences stemming for being unable to estimate the cost of a contract span the procurement life cycle. For example, an impact during the pre-contract award phase is the inability to sufficiently resource a requirement. Resource mangers can’t plan or budget confidently without reasonable assurance of cost.During the contact award phase, the cost estimate is uses as a baseline for cost/price proposal evaluation. If it’s lacking decision, it can adversely impact the source selection decisions. For example, it can weaken negotiation positioning, preventing a good deal. Further, it may lead the source selection team to select the wring offeror. For example, a contractor may understate its cost proposal intentionally to “Buy in, “with the Motive of “getting well “through future change orders. If the contractor has a faulty cost estimate, it may be unapparent until irreparable damage (e.g., cost overruns) occurs during contract administration.The source selection team relies on cost estimates to assess proposal cot/price reasonableness. If a vendor loses a competition and protests the decision, the government’s cost estimate supports its defense.To meet the mission expeditiously, program offices are typically eager to acquire capability rapidly. Some view procurement request documentation, such as the contract cost estimate, as unnecessary. The temptation is to cut corners. However, what may result is the need for significant rework to ensure compliance, which may stretch the schedule significantly. The irony is not lost that patiently performing due diligence early in the acquisition process (even if it seems time consuming) can pay dividends in overall cycle time. In fact, in some cases a solid cost estimate may even expedite contract award.During contract administration, contacting officers’ technical representatives monitor contract cost/budget, schedule, and performance. Changes in scope may occur during a contract’s period of performance, requiring contract modifications. With an updated estimate based on sound actual cost record keeping, the COTR is able to estimate reasonable cost/price of the contract modification.

solved OPTION #1: SPRINGDALE SHOPPING SURVEYInstructionsThe major shopping areas in the

OPTION #1: SPRINGDALE SHOPPING SURVEYInstructionsThe major shopping areas in the community of Springdale include Springdale Mall, West Mall, and the downtown area on Main Street. A telephone survey has been conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of these areas and to find out how they fit into the shopping activities of local residents. The 150 respondents were also asked to provide information about themselves and their shopping habits. The data are provided in the file SHOPPING. The variables in the survey can be found in the file CODING.We will concentrate on variables 18–25, which reflect how important each of eight different attributes is in the respondent’s selection of a shopping area. Each of these variables has been measured on a scale of 1 (the attribute is not very important in choosing a shopping area) to 7 (the attribute is very important in choosing a shopping area). The attributes being rated for importance are listed below. Examining the relative importance customers place on these attributes can help a manager “fine-tune” his or her shopping area to make it a more attractive place to shop.18 Easy to return/exchange goods19 High quality of goods20 Low prices21 Good variety of sizes/styles22 Sales staff helpful/friendly23 Convenient shopping hours24 Clean stores and surroundings25 A lot of bargain salesPerform the following operations for variables 18–25:Compute descriptive statistics for each variable along with an explanation of what the descriptive statistics tell us about the variable. This will include the mean, mode, range, standard deviation, and the five-number summary (minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum). Be sure to show each calculation in your spreadsheet.Are there any data points for any of the variables that can be considered outliers? If there are any outliers in any variable, list them and state for which variable they are an outlier. Use the z-score method to determine any outliers for this question. Be sure to show each z-score calculation in your spreadsheet for each variable.Based on the results for question 1, which attributes seem to be the most important and the least important in respondents’ choice of a shopping area? Which items from #1 did you use to decide on the least and most important attributes, and why?Determine the correlation coefficient between variable 19 and variables 21 – 25. Provide an explanation of these relationships. Show your calculations for each correlation coefficient within the spreadsheet.Requirements:Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length (not counting the title page and references page) and cite and integrate at least one credible outside source. The CSU Global Library is a great place to find resources. Your textbook is a credible resource.Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and a reference page.The introduction should describe or summarize the topic or problem. It might discuss the general applications of the topic or it might introduce the unique terminology associated with the topic.The body of your paper should address the questions posed in the problem. Explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and, for each question, show all steps involved. Be sure this is in paragraph format, not numbered answers like a homework assignment.The conclusion should summarize your thoughts about what you have determined from your analysis in completing the assignment. Nothing new should be introduced in the conclusion that was not previously discussed in the body paragraphs.Include any tables of data or calculations, calculated values, and/or graphs referenced in the paper. (Note: The minimum required length excludes any tables or graphs.)Document formatting, citations, and style should conform to CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) A short summary containing much that you need to know about paper formatting, citations, and references is contained in the Template Paper (Links to an external site.).NOTE: You MUST submit your Excel file with your report. This will allow you to qualify for consideration for partial credit if any errors are found in your report.OPTION #2: WORLD POPULATIONSInstructionsThere are 195 sovereign countries in the world today that are officially recognized. One can choose to look at many types of data coming from these countries, as there is a plethora of existing information. For this assignment, you will be looking at populations of cities within Italy at four different points in time (depending on when a census was taken). The data for these cities can be found in the file named Populations. Use all of the data points for each of the years given, but note that not every city has a population for each census.Prepare a report (see below) using the numerical methods of descriptive statistics presented in this module to show how the populations of the cities vary over the years (growth rates). Be sure to include the following three (3) items in your report:Compute descriptive statistics for each of the years along with an explanation of what the descriptive statistics tell us about the different years. Are the cities continually growing or is there a decrease in the number of people? The descriptive statistics will include the mean, mode, range, standard deviation, and the five-number summary (minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum).Determine which cities, if any, should be considered outliers in each of the years. If there are any outliers in any year, list them and state for which year each one is an outlier. Use the z-score method to determine outliers for this question showing the z-score calculations for each city and year in your spreadsheet.Determine the correlation coefficient between the first year and each of the other years. Provide an explanation of these relationships. Show your calculations for each correlation coefficient within the spreadsheet.Requirements:Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length (not counting the title page and references page) and cite and integrate at least one credible outside source. The CSU Global Library is a great place to find resources. Your textbook is a credible resource.Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and a reference page.The introduction should describe or summarize the topic or problem. It might discuss the general applications of the topic or it might introduce the unique terminology associated with the topic.The body of your paper should address the questions posed in the problem. Explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and, for each question, show all steps involved. Be sure this is in paragraph format, not numbered answers like a homework assignment.The conclusion should summarize your thoughts about what you have determined from your analysis in completing the assignment. Nothing new should be introduced in the conclusion that was not previously discussed in the body paragraphs.Include any tables of data or calculations, calculated values, and/or graphs referenced in the paper. (Note: The minimum required length excludes any tables or graphs.)Document formatting, citations, and style should conform to CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) A short summary containing much that you need to know about paper formatting, citations, and references is contained in the Template Paper (Links to an external site.).NOTE: You MUST submit your Excel file with your report. This will allow you to qualify for consideration for partial credit if any errors are found in your report.

solved Assessment 3 Instructions: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Create a

Assessment 3 Instructions: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Create a 4-6 page action plan that addresses improvements in discriminatory practices and provides clearly defined policies that are intended to increase employee morale and workplace safety. The audience for the plan is senior management.
When organizational leaders and union leaders work together collaboratively, both sides increase their capacity to deal with unionization issues in a proactive manner through strategy development and action planning, resulting in positive change that reflects all stakeholder interests.
The National Labor Relations Act is landmark legislation for business and industry in the United States, and has had a significant impact on the responsibilities and placement of HR management functions in organizations with respect to union formation and regulation.
Some experts believe organizational management will evolve from legalism to humanism in the future. What might be the primary forces that contribute to the evolution? Meanwhile, others disagree that such an evolution will occur. What forces might oppose an evolution from legalism to humanism in the future?
As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
How are unions positive forces in the workplace? How are they negative?
What are the first steps HR management takes in anticipation of unionization?

What type of issue would lead you to choose arbitration as a method of resolution, as a company representative?
What factors are important to consider when selecting trials as a method of resolving workplace issues?
As an HR manager in a unionized hospital or other health care organization, it has come to your attention that the collective bargaining process can be used as a focal point for the formation of policies and practices that will improve the organization’s employee-centered philosophy and, therefore, assist in the implementation and humanistic enforcement of key provisions of the National Labor Relations Act and the Civil Rights Act.

Complete the following parts of this assessment based upon your research and understanding of methods of addressing the scenario described above.
Part 1: Problem Description and Analysis
Complete the following:
Explain and suggest ways that collective bargaining and legal mandates can advance the strategy of improving working conditions and environmental ambience in a health care organization.
Explain how the collective bargaining process can be used to develop organizational policies and practices.
Include some of the obstacles inherent in the collective bargaining process that might hinder effective development of policies and practices.

Explain how the National Labor Relations Act provisions related to protected activities of employees can be used to foster improvements in workplace conditions.
Explain how the Civil Rights Act provisions related to discrimination based on gender can be employed to foster improvements in a safe and secure work environment.
Part 2: Recommendation: Action Plan
Recommend an employee-centered plan of action that will address improvements in discriminatory practices by:
Reducing workplace sexual harassment.

Fostering improvements in collaborative working arrangements.
Encouraging open and clear communication among staff and management.
Developing and maintaining a secure work environment.

The audience for this action plan is senior management and workplace union leadership. Base your recommendation on the following expansion of the scenario:
It has been determined that employee satisfaction and morale is due primarily to discriminatory practices and lack of clearly delineated policies that foster harmony in the workforce and provide a safe and secure working environment.
Part 3: External Stakeholder Considerations
Once you have senior leadership on board, you must also consider options for reformatting the action plan for external stakeholders, such as union leadership, regulatory boards, community members, et cetera.

Include a 2–4 paragraph reflection on how you would need to reformat this plan to meet the needs or requirements of external union leadership and other key external stakeholders.

Explain how the collective bargaining process can be used to develop organizational policies and practices.
Consider options for reformatting the action for external stakeholders.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
Write coherently to support a central idea in an appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Resources: Discriminatory Practices

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.This article addresses critical issues regarding how organizational researchers and practitioners can contribute to eradicating employment discrimination:

Lindsey, A., King, E., McCausland, T., Jones, K., & Dunleavy, E. (2013). What we know and don’t: Eradicating employment discrimination 50 years after the Civil Rights Act. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6(4), 391–413.
Resources: Relations With Labor Unions

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.Review the following:

Johnson, J. E., & Billingsley, M. (2014). Convergence: How nursing unions and Magnet are advancing nursing. Nursing Forum, 49(4), 225–232.
Satyadi, C. (2013). Healthcare leadership with labor union workforce. Clinical Leadership & Management Review, 27(1), 24–27.
Schnake, M., & Copeland, R. (2015). Harris Medical Center and Harris Memorial Hospital: Unfair labor practices or management’s rights? Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 21(1), 81-86.

Twomey, D. P. (2013). Licensed practical nurses: Protected “employees” or statutory “supervisors” under the NLRA? The impact of the 11th circuit’s Lakeland Health Care decision. Labor Law Journal, 64(2), 57–66.

Woodford, K. C., & Woodford, T. J. (2015). Avoiding union organizing of micro units following specialty healthcare: A management perspective. Labor Law Journal, 66(4), 197–214.
Resources: Collective Bargaining and Organizational Policies

MHA Program Library Guide can help direct your research.Review the following:
Moody, K. (2014). Competition and conflict: Union growth in the US hospital industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 35(1), 5–25.

Fallon, L. F., Jr., & McConnell, C. R. (2014). Human resource management in health care: Principles and practices (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.

Chapter 19, “Relations With Labor Unions,” pages 363–382.

Chapter 21, “Human Resources Arbitration,” pages 399–408.

National Labor Relations Board. (n.d.). National Labor Relations Act.…
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.…
National Archives. (n.d.). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.…

Review the following:

Health Administration Masters Research Guide.

solved QUESTIONS Discuss why it is relevant to consider ethnic differences


Discuss why it is relevant to consider ethnic differences when understanding and addressing Mental Health.
Analyze how a specific ethnic community experiences a particular mental health condition and its relationship to culture.
Discuss why Migration can be considered as a Social Determinant of Mental Health.
Based on the problems analyzed in the readings and considering your perspective, which psychosocial interventions could help improve migrants’ and refugees’ mental health in the host countries?
What lessons can we take from the COVID-19 pandemic to approach mental health from a biopsychosocial perspective?

After selecting the three questions elaborate an integrated essay based on the readings discussed in class. Develop arguments that help you to articulate the discussion among the three questions addressed in the essay. Cite at least two sources of information from the syllabus (additionally you can also include academic sources out of the syllabus).
Introduction. 10 points
The writer’s central objective is readily apparent for the reader. State clear which questions you will be addressing in the essay.
Body. 70 points
The arguments developed in the body are well-sustained. The student discusses the authors’ perspective and also express his/her own reflections, understandings and analysis based on the readings reviewed.
Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports the three questions is present and shows a thoughtful analysis of the themes proposed in the midterm.
The ideas are arranged logically to support the essay’s objective. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning. Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure.
Conclusion. 10 points. 
A clear and relevant conclusion sentence that summarizes the points made in the essay is present.
Citation and Bibliography. 5 points
Citations and bibliography are made in the appropriate format (following the APA style) for each piece of evidence given in the essay. At least two sources from the syllabus are cited. All the sources that appear in the references where the same that appear cited along the document.
Grammar, spelling and extension. 5 points
Essay format.
Times New Roman 12
Doubled spaced
Cover is not needed
APA style for citations and bibliography (only)
Here is the class readings below (make sure you use those sources not an outside sources please)
White R., Orr D., Read U. and Jain S. 2017. Situating Global Mental Health: Sociocultural Perspectives. pp. 1-16. In White R., Jain S., Orr D. and Read U. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Sociocultural Perspectives on Global Mental Health. Palgrave Macmillan.
Historical Perspectives on Mental Health: Asia, Africa and the West
Pinto S.A. 2018. Indian Insanity and the Local-Colonial Contest for its Treatment. In: Lunatic Asylums in Colonial Bombay. Mental Health in Historical Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Harding Christopher. 2017. Historical Reflections on Mental Health and Illness: India, Japan and the West. pp. 71-92. In White R., Jain S., Orr D. and Read U. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Sociocultural Perspectives on Global Mental Health. Palgrave Macmillan.
Akyeampong Emmanuel. 2015. A Historical Overview of Psychiatry in Africa. pp. 24-49. In Akyeampong, Hill and Kleinman (eds.). The Culture of Mental Illness and Psychiatric Practice in Africa. Indiana University Press.
Anthropological Perspectives on Mental Health
15 Psychiatry from an Anthropological Perspective
Arthur Kleinman. 1988. Rethinking Psychiatry:  From Cultural Category to Personal Experience. The Free Press. (Chapters 1 and 2: What is a Psychiatric Diagnosis? Do Psychiatric Disorders differ in different Cultures? pp. 5-33).
22 Critical Reflections on Mental Health
Whitley Rob. Beyond Critique: Rethinking Roles for the Anthropology of Mental Health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (2014) 38: 499-511. DOI 10.1007/s11013-014-9382-y
Dyck E. and Rusell G. 2020. Challenging Psychiatry Classification: Healthy Autistic Diversity and the Neurodiversity Movement. In Taylor S. and Brumby A. Healthy Minds in the Twentieth Century. In and Beyond the Asylum.
Gavin Miller. 2017. Reflecting on Medicalization of Distress. pp. 93-108. In White R., Jain S., Orr D. and Read U. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Sociocultural Perspectives on Global Mental Health. Palgrave Macmillan.
29 Mental Health and Experience
Jenkins, Janis H.  2015. Extraordinary Conditions:  Culture and Experience in Mental Illness. University of California Press.  (Introduction).
Luhrmann Tanya and Marrow Jocelyn. 2016. Our Most Troubling Madness. Cases in Schizophrenia across Cultures. University of California Press. (Introduction)
Social/Cultural dimensions of Mental Health/Illness 
6 Religion and Spirituality
Csordas, T. 2017. Psychiatry and the Sweat Lodge: Therapeutic Resources for Native American Adolescents. pp. 127-139. In Basu H., Littlewood R., and Steinforth A. (eds.) Spirit and Mind: Mental Health at the Intersection of Religion and Psychiatry. Lit. Verlag Dr. W. Hopf.
Khoury N., Kaiser B., Keys H. and Brewster A. Explanatory Models and Mental Health Treatment: Is Vodou an Obstacle to Psychiatric Treatment in Rural Haiti? Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (2012) 36: 514-534. DOI 10.1007/s11013-012-9270-2
13 Ethnic Differences 
Zeledon I., West A., Antony V., Telles V., Begay C., Henderson B., Unger J., Soto C. Statewide collaborative partnership among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities in California to target the opioid epidemic: Preliminary results of the Tribal Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) key informant needs assessment. Journal of Susbstance Abuse Treatment108 (2020) 9-19.
O’Nell Teresa D. Culture and Pathology. Flathead Loneliness Revisited. The 2001 Roger Allan Moore Lecture. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry.28: 221-230, 2004.
20 Migration 
Paat Y. and Green R. 2017. Mental Health of Immigrants and Refugees seeking legal services on the US-Mexico Border. Transcultural Psychiatry. Vol. 54 (5-6) 783-805. DOI: 10.1177/1363461517746316
Gozdziak E. Training Refugee Mental Health Providers: Ethnography as a Bridge to Multicultural Practice. Society for Applied Anthropology. Human Organization, Summer 2004, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 203-210.
Este D., Simich L., Hamilton H. and Sato C. 2017. Perceptions and understandings of mental health from three Sudanese communities in Canada. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health. 10:3, 238-249, DOI: 10.1080/17542863.2017.1296876
27 COVID-19 and Mental Health
Abarca-Brown Gabriel. Haitian migration and dreams in Chile: Questions for global mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Somatosphere. Science, Medicine and Anthropology. July 27, 2020.
Emily A Holmes, Rory C O’Connor, V Hugh Perry, Irene Tracey, Simon Wessely, Louise Arseneault, Clive Ballard, Helen Christensen, Roxane Cohen Silver, Ian Everall, Tamsin Ford, Ann John, Thomas Kabir, Kate King, Ira Madan, Susan Michie, Andrew K Przybylski, Roz Shafran, Angela Sweeney, Carol M Worthman, Lucy Yardley, Katherine Cowan, Claire Cope, Matthew Hotopf, Ed Bullmore. Multidisciplinary research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action for mental health science. Lancet Psychiatry 2020; 7: 547–60. S2215-0366(20)30168-1.
Guan Yanjun, Deng Hong, Zhou Xinyi. Understanding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on career development: Insights from cultural psychology. Journal of vocational behavior. 119 (2020) 103438.

solved I need an executive summary for the following research report.

I need an executive summary for the following research report. This provides a summary of research report, including introduction, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Nurr Designs is a family-owned jewelry business based in Los Angeles and established in 2015. Our client communicated that they’ve been struggling with their online presence and have caused their sales to decrease. After an analysis we concluded that the business wasn’t using social media wisely. Our team agreed that the decision problem is: “How will Nurr Designs strategically use social media to reach a bigger customer base and revive its jewelry business post quarantine?”.Based on the information our client provided the objective is to increase their following in order to maximize their profit. In order to achieve this we’re going to use secondary research to examine what type of content competitors create to spark interest and attract new customers to their website. This will allow us to understand the type of content our target audience interacts with the most and help Nurr Design recreate similar content for their social media. We will also collect data through primary research that will be done by distributing a questionnaire to existing and potential prospects. This questionnaire will allow us to know if they’re satisfied with the products, if they’re aware about the business, and their intentions to purchase jewelry. Method In order to better understand how Nurr Designs could use social media to reach a larger customer base, the research method of primary and secondary research was used. To better recognize the competition and business, secondary data was collected. The methods for collecting primary and secondary data gave a better understanding of the needs of the business. The feedback given was used to improve the customer interaction. After the internal and external secondary data has been analyzed, the primary data of Nurr Designs was collected. During the research process, benchmarking was used to help in understanding the competitors online presence. To understand how customers view the social media pages, literature searches were conducted. The primary research was used for survey and data collection. Secondary research was conducted to analyze competitors works and contact previous customers. Clients were interviewed individually to get feedback for the business, and reviews left on social media platforms were viewed to see what customers liked. In order to investigate the decision problem, primary descriptive research in the form of a customer survey was used. Most of the questions were multiple choice, with a few scale rating and free answer questions. The survey was posted on the Nurr Designs Instagram page for people to fill out, and was also sent to the emails of past customers who have purchased before. The survey was given to current and potential customers. A total of 55 people took the survey, and that information was used to see the brands strengths and weaknesses.The program Google Forms was used to create the survey. The survey consists of 15 questions total, and includes both qualitative and quantitative information. The business wanted to conduct surveys to understand how satisfied customers were on the 5-point scale system and how likely people were to recommend the product offerings. Also, the business wanted to see how aware and knowledgeable customers were about the products. Data was collected on how customers discovered Nurr Designs and what they already knew. To see what social media platforms provided advertisements for the jewelry, aided recall was used. Finally, with intentions, Nurr Designs wanted to understand the likelihood that people would purchase jewelry during and after the covid pandemic. The business wanted to see if people were more or less likely to purchase jewelry during the pandemic, since most stay at home. Continuing with intentions, purchase intentions due to the product quality, sentimental value, and locally owned were measured. Results Current customers as well as potential customers and csun students were invited to participate in our research survey. Of the _ people that were invited to take the survey, 55 responded. Only 9.1% were current customers, so most of the responses we got were from potential customers. The demographic of responses included female and male of ages between 16 and 40, with the majority being split almost evenly between 21-28 (40%) and 16-21 (38.2%) groups. Since Nurr Designs is positioned in a female jewelry sector with a focus on necklaces, it was not surprising that most responses were female (69.8%), although, we got more than expected male responses (24.5%) which may suggest that interest in the products came from gift ideas. Still, this concludes that the responders were mostly young female adults.Casual use is the biggest reason people continue to purchase jewelry and there exists a correlation between the frequency of use and the frequency of purchase. Furthermore, people who buy more frequently are the ones most concerned about the price. …While looking at the results, it is clear that so far Nurr Designs relies heavily on the successful word of mouth form of marketing (2/3 of all of current customers), with social media being a far second(16.7%). Furthermore, out of all current customers surveyed, none have found Nurr Designs from an Etsy internal search, suggesting that Etsy is not the best platform for Nurr Designs. This leads us to perform a hypothesis testing… …looking at a crosstab between frequency of purchase and advertising platform, we can clearly see that most people saw ads for jewelry on Instagram, ALTHOUGH, after performing a test of mean differences, we find that those who purchase the most jewelry during the pandemic, see more jewelry advertisement on pinterest (1.79) rather than Instagram (1.64) or even facebook (1.5), suggesting that pinterest is the best platform for gaining the most sales during the pandemic, with Instagram having the highest reach. Our hypothesis was that pinterest has a significantly larger purchase frequency mean (1.79) than the average (1.6). After performing a right-tailed test, we found that our p-value was 0.047 which is less than 5%, so we reject the null hypothesis in favor of our alternative hypothesis (?)Conclusion Based on our literature research, we found that Etsy is actually not a bad platform to sell on despite what we hypothesised before. Etsy’s number of active buyers have more than doubled in the past 3 years, going from 39.45 million in 2018 to 81.9 million in 2020, according to Statista (2021). Though, Etsy’s sellers have increased as well and most identify as women (82%), with California having by far the largest number of sellers compared to other states which puts competitive pressure.We found that potential customers haven’t seen any jewelry advertisement on Esty and none of the current customers found Nurr Designs store from Etsy search, meaning the store could benefit from etsy sponsored listings since they generate traffic directly to stores. Furthermore, based on our survey’s analysis on social media platform advertising and frequency of buying, we concluded that most people have seen jewelry ads on Instagram, but people who buy the most jewelry in recent times saw more jewelry ads on Pinterest. From our survey of current customers, we found that they don’t mind Etsy. Therefore, we will advise to keep the Etsy store but expand marketing efforts into online platforms like Pinterest (to target frequent buyers of jewelry) and Instagram (to reach the most people).