solved The Prompt:Â Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion

The Prompt: 
Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

Explain what Developmentally Appropriate Practice is.

Identify the core components 

Explain why positive child guidance is important for caregivers.
Explain the purpose of child guidance.

First person to respond to:
by Alexus Hands – Saturday, June 5, 2021, 4:30 PMNumber of replies: 0
1. Explain what Developmentally Appropriate Practice is.

Identify the core components.

According to our textbook, developmentally appropriate practice defines “early education and care that is carefully planned to match the diverse interests, abilities and cultural needs of children (Miller, 2016, p. 5).” Therefore, the importance of DAP would be that the practices are appropriate for each child and relevant to their abilities, needs, and interests. As younger children accomplish various developmental milestones, activities and concrete materials adapt to meet children’s needs appropriately. As a result, today’s classrooms contain children who all have differences that can be culturally, physically, emotionally, or even intellectually. That is why teachers, childcare givers, and early childhood educators must know each of the children’s backgrounds in their care so that methods or activities can spark their interests and motivation to learn.
One of the critical components of DAP would be knowledge must inform decision making (Miller, 2016, p. 6). Adults who work with younger children must have the ability to display a complete understanding of early childhood development and how a more youthful child learns. Children are maturing daily, and an educator who is observant and aware of what makes up the personality of each of their children is someone who will know how to make the appropriate decisions in the classroom when it comes to learning. It is also beneficial for both children and adults to learn more about the children’s social and cultural backgrounds so that both educators and parents can have open communication when it pertains to their child’s development within the classroom. Finally, to better follow DAP’s guidelines, there must be positivity, respect, and empowerment within the relationships between adults and children in early childhood settings.
The second component of DAP would be challenging and achievable goals (Miller, 2016, p. 6). For children to be genuinely successful in learning, there has to be a collaboration between the home and classroom settings. Parents want to be aware of their children’s academic progress and ensure that they receive the appropriate attention and care. Educators have to work alongside families by allowing them to have an active voice and role in their children’s education. Parents can provide educators with information about how their children are doing outside of the classroom, and together both can select which teaching strategies will better promote their children’s progress. Open communication about a child’s progress is vital to the relationship between parents and educators, and discussion can only accomplish this from effort on both sides.
Lastly, the third component of DAP is teaching must be intentional to be effective (Miller, 2016, p. 6). Environments centered around DAP learning help children achieve their full academic potential. Rote memorization is a method that can cause children to waste valuable time that appropriate activities can direct to more hands-on, sensory learning. Classroom settings must allow children to continue with healthy development by providing proper guidance through social, emotional, and physical exploration or play. Educating children must include curriculums that will have children achieve attainable goals and assess their ability to grasp the learning material.
2. Explain why positive child guidance is important for caregivers.

“Child guidance builds a foundation on which everything else in the child’s life is built, including social interaction with others, learning and emotional development (Miller, 2016, p. 11).” Positive child guidance is critical for caregivers because of the influence professionals have on children’s lives and how addressing children’s needs will benefit them well into adulthood. Young children need to be able to practice basic skills and be introduced to societal norms and rules. Guidance is a concept that comes with practice and allows caregivers to be role models for children to imitate and be inspired. Self-direction and independence are key personality traits that can influence children’s choices and behavior inside and outside the classroom.

3. Explain the purpose of child guidance.
Child guidance serves as a way for adults to meet their development needs by being positive adult figures in a child’s life. Adults need to support children and their natural motivation for self-control and independence. “Positive child guidance involves guiding children as firmly as necessary, as gently as possible, and always with respect (Miller, 2016, p. 12).” Children are curious about how we as adults function and are interested in the things we do. The basis of child guidance is not centered around completely changing a child’s behaviors; it allows children to make mistakes and find positive ways to address responsibility and rules.

Miller. (2016). Positive Child Guidance. Cengage Learning.
Second person to respond to:by Tasia Jones – Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 12:30 PMNumber of replies: 0
1. What developmentally appropriate practice is that making sure that every child’s needs are taken care of.
Commonality – Getting to learn all you can about children.
2. Individuality- Getting to know how the child lives, also who is around that person at any age.
3. Context- Children need lots of education in order to be successful. If they have that in their lives, children will succeed.
2. Child Guidance/Caregivers- Child guidance is really important for caregivers because it will show that person what kind of environment they will be providing. They can provide protection, encouragement, and acceptance. Every child needs all of that to make them feel like they matter. All of them matter that is the whole reason for taking this course, to explore all you can about children. I love kids so I figured why not explore my mind with the life of kids. I may only be 21 years old with no kids, but I do know how important it is to protect and help them. Without kind words what do they have in life.
3. The purpose of child guidance- To provide the children with as much education as possible. Teaching should be a gift when working with kids, I know at times it may be hard but in order to be successful with them you have got to try. Also in the classrooms make them feel important, put all of your attention on them, because teaching them is what matters as well.

solved To do read case study, look over the recommended marketing

To do
read case study, look over the recommended marketing strategy, and then come up with a pro forma financial implications for recommend strategy.
Lake Pukati Lodge
Nestled in the high country of New Zealand’s South Island is a getaway adventure playground unashamedly aimed at the world’s very wealthy. Presidents, movie stars, and other such globe-trotters are the prime targets of this fledgling tourism business developed by Lake Pukati Lodge. The lodge offers this exclusive niche the opportunity of a secluded holiday in a little-known paradise. Guests, commonly under public scrutiny in their everyday lives, can escape such pressures at a hunting retreat designed specifically with their needs in mind.
A chance meeting between a New Zealand Department of Conservation investigator and the son of the former Indonesian president marked the beginning of this specialty tourist operation. Recognizing that “filthy rich” public figures are constantly surrounded by security and seldom have the luxury of going anywhere incognito, the New Zealander, Peter Slater, suggested that he and his new friend purchase a highcountry station and hunting-guide company that was for sale. Slater believed that the facilities, and their secluded and peaceful environment, would make an ideal holiday haven for this elite group. His Indonesian partner concurred.
Slater, who was by now the company’s managing director, developed a carefully tailored package of goods and services for the property. Architecturally designed accommodations, including a game trophy room and eight guest rooms, were constructed using high-quality South Island furniture and fittings to create the ambiance necessary to attract and satisfy the demands of their special clientele.
Although New Zealand has an international reputation for being sparsely populated and green, Slater knew that rich travelers frequently complained that local accommodations were below overseas standards. Because the price (NZ$700 a night) was not a significant variable for this target market, sumptuous guest facilities were built. These were designed to be twice the normal size of most hotel rooms, with doubleglazed windows that revealed breathtaking views. Ten full-time staff and two seasonal guides were recruited to ensure that visitors received superior customized service, in keeping with the restrained opulence of the lodge.
The 28,000 hectares of original farmland that make up the retreat and back onto the South Island’s Mount Cook National Park were converted into a big-game reserve. All merino sheep on the land were sold, and deer, elk, chamois, and wapiti were brought in and released. This was a carefully considered plan. Slater, the former conservationist, believed that financially and environmentally this was the correct decision. Not only do tourists, each staying for one week and taking part in safari shooting, inject as much cash into the business as the station’s annual wool clip used to fetch, but the game does less harm to the environment than sheep. Cattle, however, once part of the original station, were left to graze on lower river-flat areas.
For those high-flying customers seeking less bloodthirsty leisure activities, Lake Pukati Lodge developed photographic “safaris” and other product-line extensions. Horse-trekking, golfing on a nearby rural course (with no need for hordes of security forces), helicopter trips around nearby Lake Tekapo, nature walks, and other such activities formed part of the exclusive package.
While still in the early stages of operation, this retreat has already attracted a steady stream of visitors. To date, the manager has relied solely on positive word-of-mouth, publicity, and public relations to draw in new customers. Given the social and business circles in which his potential target market moves, Slater considers these to be the most appropriate forms of marketing communication. The only real concern for Lake Pukati Lodge has been the criticism of at least one New Zealand lobby group that the company is yet another example of local land passing into “foreign” hands, and that New Zealanders are prevented from using the retreat and excluded from its financial returns. However, this unwelcome attention has been fairly short-lived.
Final overall marketing strategy recommended:
Raise price 3x from before, shift target market up to Mid-tier millionaires and ultra-HNWI, offer more luxurious services with discount promotions. Specifically, here are some changes we will make:

Shift target market up to Mid-tier millionaires and above, based on the fact that the current price is NZ$700 per night, Lake Pakati Lodge is focusing on millionaires and above, which is a group far bigger than globe-trotters like presidents and movie stars. As Exhibit 1 shows, based on the fact that globe-trotters most likely are mid-tier millionaires and above, we suggest shifting the target market. We do not suggest to shift target market to ultra-HNWI, however, since they only consist of 1% of all HNWI, and target towards mid-tier millionaires and ultra-HNWI would increase the target market volume to around 2 million people, which is 10 times more than before.
Diversify the luxurious services in cuisine, wellness, and special events to satisfy various customer needs. Currently, Lake Pakati Lodge offers activities related to the South Island. Due to the fact that its target customers are globe-trotters with various backgrounds, some of them may not feel excited about outdoor activities or might have other needs. Therefore, we suggest expanding the service line by offering delicious cooking, wellness services, and special events planning.
Raise price 3x from before to fund better services. Based on the fact that the price was not a significant variable for this target market, we suggest raising the price by 3x to improve service level. Meanwhile, offer discounts on low seasons to fill the empty rooms.
Set up programs to support research, education, and outreach aimed at increasing the knowledge of and appreciation for the natural and cultural heritage of New Zealand. Purchase local products to improve public image. Because Lake Pakati Lodge is facing criticism from at least one New Zealand lobby group that the company is yet another example of local land passing into “foreign” hands, we need to support the local education and economy to gain a better public reputation.
Utilize famous people and modern social media to build a positive public image. Facing criticism from local lobby groups, Lake Pakati Lodge will not only want to set up the programs but also want to publicize them. Besides the original promotion channels, we suggest to utilize modern social media like Instagram and TikTok, invite New Zealand influencers, to tell the public that Lake Pakati Lodge supports local

solved Case Study The Company The Lew-Mark Baking Company is located

Case Study The Company The Lew-Mark Baking Company is located in a small town in western New York State. The bakery is run by two brothers. Lew and Mark, who formed the company after they purchased an Archway Cookie franchise. With exclusive rights in New York and New Jersey, it is the largest Archway franchise. The company employs fewer than 200 people, mainly blue-collar workers, and the atmosphere is informal. The Product The company’s only product is soft cookies, of which it makes over 50 varieties. Larger companies, such as Nabisco, Sunshine, and Keebler, have traditionally produced biscuit cookies, in which most of the water has been baked out, resulting in crisp cookies. Archway cookies have no additives or preservatives. The high quality of the cookies has enabled the company to develop a strong market niche for its product. The Customers The cookies are sold in convenience stores and supermarkets throughout New York and New Jersey. Archway markets its cookies as “good food” no additives or preservatives and this appeals to a health-conscious segment of the market. Many customers are over 45 years of age, and prefer a cookie that is soft and not too sweet. Parents with young children also buy the cookies. The Production Process The company has two continuous band ovens that it uses to bake the cookies. The production process is called a batch processing system. It begins as soon as management gets orders from distributors. These orders are used to schedule production. At the start of each shift, a list of the cookies to be made that day is delivered to the person in charge of mixing. That person checks a master list, which indicates the ingredients needed for each type of cookie, and enters that information into the computer. The computer then determines the amount of each ingredient needed, according to the quantity of cookies ordered, and relays that information to storage silos located outside the plant where the main ingredients (flour, sugar, and cake flour) are stored. The ingredients are automatically sent to giant mixing machines where the ingredients are combined with proper amounts of eggs, water, and flavorings. After the ingredients have been mixed, the batter is poured into a cutting machine where it is cut into individual cookies. The cookies are then dropped onto a conveyor belt and transported through one of two ovens. Filled cookies, such as apple, date, and raspberry, require an additional step for filling and folding. The nonfilled cookies are cut on a diagonal rather than round. The diagonal-cut cookies require less space than straight-cut cookies, and the result is a higher level of productivity. In addition, the company recently increased the length of each oven by 25 feet, which also increased the rate of production. As the cookies emerge from the ovens, they are fed onto spiral cooling racks 20 feet high and 3 feet wide. As the cookies come off the cooling racks, workers place the cookies into boxes manually, removing any broken or deformed cookies in the process. The boxes are then wrapped, sealed, and labeled automatically. Inventory Most cookies are loaded immediately onto trucks and shipped to distributors. A small percentage is stored temporarily in the company’s warehouse, but they must be shipped shortly because of their limited shelf life. Other inventory includes individual cookie boxes, shipping boxes, labels, and cellophane for wrapping. Labels are reordered frequently, in small batches, because FDA label requirements are subject to change, and the company does not want to get stuck with labels it can’t use. The bulk silos are refilled two or three times a week, depending on how quickly supplies are used. Cookies are baked in a sequence that minimizes downtime for cleaning. For instance, light-colored cookies (e.g., chocolate chip) are baked before dark-colored cookies (e.g., fudge), and oatmeal cookies are baked before oatmeal raisin cookies. This permits the company to avoid having to clean the processing equipment every time a different type of cookie is produced. Quality The bakery prides itself on the quality of its cookies. A quality control inspector sample cookies randomly as they come off the line to assure that their taste and consistency are satisfactory, and that they have been baked to the proper degree. Also, workers on the line are responsible for removing defective cookies when they spot them. Scrap The bakery is run very efficiently and has minimal amounts of scrap. For example, if a batch is mixed improperly; it is sold for dog food. Broken cookies are used in the oatmeal cookies. These practices reduce the cost of ingredients and save on waste disposal costs. The company also uses heat reclamation: The heat that escapes from the two ovens is captured and used to boil the water that supplies the heat to the building. Also, the use of automation in the mixing process has resulted in a reduction in waste compared with the manual methods used previously. New Products Ideas for new products come from customers, employees, and observations of competitors’ products. New ideas are first examined to determine whether the cookies can be made with existing equipment. If so, a sample run is made to determine the cost and time requirements. If the results are satisfactory, marketing tests are conducted to see if there is a demand for the product. Potential Improvements There are a number of areas of potential improvement at the bakery. One possibility would he automates packing the cookies into boxes. Although labor costs are not high, automating the process might save some money and increase efficiency. So far, the owners have resisted making this change because they feel an obligation to the community to employ the 30 women who now do the boxing manually? Another possible improvement would be to use suppliers who are located closer to the plant. That would reduce delivery lead times and transportation costs, but the owners are not convinced that local suppliers could provide the same good quality. Other opportunities have been proposed in recent years, but the owner rejected them because they feared that the quality of the product might suffer. Questions 1. Briefly describe the cookie production process.(1 Mark) 150 words 2. What are two ways that the company has increased productivity? Why did increasing the length of the ovens results in a faster output?(1 Mark) 150 words 3. Do you think that the company is making the right decision by not automating the packing of cookies? Explain your reasoning. What obligation does a company have to its employees in a situation such as this?(2 Marks) 200 Words 4. What factors cause Lew-mark to carry minimal amounts of certain inventories? What benefits result from this policy?(1 Marks) 100 words

solved Community Level Interventions The windshield survey summary will require you

Community Level Interventions 
The windshield survey summary will require you to apply what you have learned through your basic windshield survey of Sentinel City® to a target population of your choosing. You will complete your project by comparing data from Sentinel City® with similar data from the city where your target population lives.
Your presentation will include 9 parts, which are described in detail below and include details in the speaker notes.
I. Introduction
Provide a brief introduction that identifies the demographics for the city where your target population lives.
II. Description of Your Target Population
Compose a detailed description of your chosen target population. In this section, you will describe the demographic characteristics of your chosen target population, including the population’s socioeconomic status, vital statistics, education level, religion, and occupations. Include a table, graph, and/or figure display that includes relevant demographic data for your target population. 
III. Comparison of Sentinel City Demographic Data
Compare the demographic data of Sentinel City® with the demographic data from the city where your target population is located. You should present this information in a clear to understand table.
IV. Key Health Concerns or Issues
Present a list of the top 3 health concerns for your target population. Provide a brief description of these concerns and include data from your target population city that supports the rationale for selecting these health concerns. Select one of the 3 health concerns you identified and state why you decided to develop an intervention that addresses these particular health concerns/issues. Include the Healthy People 2020 objective that relates to your identified health concerns. 
V. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis
Develop a community health nursing diagnosis based on your analysis of the demographic and health status data that you gathered.
Your community health nursing diagnosis should be written using the following format (Nies & McEwen, 2011, p. 101):
Increased risk of (disability, disease, etc.) among (community or population) related to (disability, disease, etc.) as demonstrated in or by (health status indicator, or etiological/causal statement).
Increased risk of obesity among school age children related to lack of safe outdoor play areas for children as demonstrated by above average BMI rates. 
Increased risk of depression among persons with a physical disability related to the lack of handicap accessible facilities and social isolation as demonstrated by high suicide rate
VI. A & B. Intervention to Address the Diagnosis
Describe your proposed intervention that will address the community health nursing diagnosis for your target population. You may choose to develop your own intervention or modify one that was recommended by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS).
To view recommended interventions, visit the TFCPS website and select the topic you plan on addressing for your intervention. (Note: at the bottom of most topic pages on the TFCPS website there is a sample on how to cite the webpage. After reviewing the topics, click the “Resources” tab then click “Fact Sheets”. Here you may find fact sheets to share with your mentor at your practice learning site.)
Whether you modify an existing intervention or develop one of your own, you must discuss why this intervention will or why you needed to modify it because it would not work for your target population. Include advantages, population fit, and barriers in use of the intervention. You should include the long-term goals, two measurable objectives, and the required resources such as: time, equipment, finances, etc. [Note: you are not required to carry out your intervention]
VII. Evaluation Plan
Describe your method for evaluating the objectives of your intervention (for example, pre/post-test, survey, questionnaire, phone interview).  Include one long term goal and two short-term measurable objectives.
Example of goals and measurable objectives:
Goal – To increase my potential for promotion at my place of employment
Objective – Complete all undergraduate nursing courses with a B+ or higher
Objective – Complete the American Sentinel University BSN program before 2020
Goal – To learn about public health nursing
Objective – Describe community health levels of prevention
Objective – List the 8 subsystems of a community
VIII. Summary of Sentinel City®
Summarize the assets (strengths) in Sentinel City® pertaining to the 8 community subsystems. In addition to the “people” (the core) of the community, there are eight subsystems that come together to form the assessment data for your windshield survey, which will contribute to your overall community assessment of Sentinel City®. The eight subsystems within every community include: 1) physical environment, 2) safety and transportation, 3) health and social services, 4) education, 5) recreation, 6) politics and government, 7) communication, and 8) economics.
Include your recommendations for improving/strengthening specific subsystems in Sentinel City®.  Discuss other recommended changes or additions needed to improve the health of the population living in Sentinel City®.
IX. Reference List
Include references that were used as you developed your plan.
For the purpose of this assessment cite the Sentinel City® demographic data as follows:
U. S. Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder fact sheet:  Sentinel City, USA Retrieved January 31, 2014, from
Reading and Resources
Harkness & DeMarco (2016) Read Chapter 9 (p. 154-161, 163-168)
Visit the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS). The Community Guide.
Additional Instructions:

All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:
Choose One:
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

14 to 20 slides. Add title and reference slides.
Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

14 to 20 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.
Follow Rules of 7.


Table with appropriate columns and headers.
Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.

solved Report on your experiences during your first two practicum hours.

Report on your experiences during your first two practicum hours.
Organizational data, such as readmission rates, hospital-acquired infections, falls, medication errors, staff satisfaction, serious safety events, and patient experience can be used to prioritize time, resources, and finances. Health care organizations and government agencies use benchmark data to compare the quality of organizational services and report the status of patient safety. Professional nurses are key to comprehensive data collection, reporting, and monitoring of metrics to improve quality and patient safety.
In this assessment, you’ll assess the effect of the health problem you’ve defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 direct practicum hours working with the same patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also choose to consult with subject matter and industry experts.
To prepare for the assessment:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed.
Conduct research of the scholarly and professional literature to inform your assessment and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence.
Review the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF], which provides guidance for conducting this portion of your practicum.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.
Complete this assessment in two parts.
Part 1
Assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you defined in the previous assessment on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions.
Part 2
Report on your experiences during your first 2 practicum hours, including how you presented your ideas about the health problem to the patient, family, or group.

Whom did you meet with?

What did you learn from them?

Comment on the evidence-based practice (EBP) documents or websites you reviewed.

What did you learn from that review?

Share the process and experience of exploring the influence of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy on the problem.

What barriers, if any, did you encounter when presenting the problem to the patient, family, or group?

Did the patient, family, or group agree with you about the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance?
What leadership, communication, collaboration, or change management skills did you employ during your interactions to overcome these barriers or change the patient’s, family’s, or group’s thinking about the problem (for example, creating a sense of urgency based on data or policy requirements)?

What changes, if any, did you make to your definition of the problem, based on your discussions?
What might you have done differently?

Update the total number of hours on the NURS-FPX4900 Volunteer Experience Form in CORE ELMS.
The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Explain how the patient, family, or population problem impacts the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.

Cite evidence that supports the stated impact.
Note whether the supporting evidence is consistent with what you see in your nursing practice.

Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies can affect the problem’s impact on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.

Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of these standards and/or policies in addressing care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
Explain how these standards and/or policies will guide your actions in addressing care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of care quality, patient safety, and cost to the system and individual.

Propose strategies to improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety, and reduce costs to the system and individual.

Discuss research on the effectiveness of these strategies in addressing care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
Identify relevant and available sources of benchmark data on care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.

Practicum Focus Sheet
Assessment 2
Note: Expect to spend at least 2 hours with the patient, family, or group you’ll be working with
during this portion of your practicum, exploring issues of patient safety, quality, and costs
associated with the health problem you’ve defined. This includes time spent in consultation with
subject matter or industry experts. You’ll report on the results of this work as part of your next
For this portion of your practicum, discuss, in depth, how the problem will affect patient safety,
quality of care, and costs. Consider the following questions to help guide your exploration of
quality, safety, and costs and to make the most of your time:Has the patient, family or group experienced any serious safety events because of the
problem?How many times have they gone to the emergency department (ED)?How many times have they been hospitalized?What is the frequency of ED visits or hospitalizations?How many medications are needed to manage the problem?Does insurance pay for these medications?Have the medications caused any side effects?How often are doctors’ visits or other therapies needed?Does insurance pay for these visits or treatments 

solved Instructions for each Discussion Post Provide a response to both

Instructions for each Discussion Post Provide a response to both discussion posts following the outlined criteria: Each post must be 2 paragraphs Each paragraph must be at least 7 sentences Each response must include 1 reference #1 must have a 2-paragraph response #2 must have a 2-paragraph response References listed can’t be used References must in intext references and included at the bottom of each post #1-Caitilin Definition of Combination Product Medical devices, biologics, and/or drugs are combined to allow medications to work effectively in the targeted areas. The primary mode of action (PMOA) determines the product, a device or drug by how it acquires its intended therapeutic effect through metabolism of chemicals (drug) or no metabolism of chemicals required (device) (ASU, 2021). It is the mode of action (MOA) that creates the most important therapeutic action of the combination product (NAFR, 2004). The PMOA includes any effect of the combination product that intends to cure, diagnose, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease or affect the function of the body (NAFR, 2004). Drug or Device For the purpose of this assignment, I chose the asthma inhaler. A metered dose inhaler (MDI) is used for inhaled respiratory medications. It is a pressurized canister of medicine in a plastic holder with a mouthpiece. When using a MDI, only 10% of the medication enters the lungs, the rest gets stuck in the oropharynx or is swallowed (Rees, 2005). It is important for inhaled respiratory medications to absorb directly into lungs and bypass liver metabolism (Rees, 2005). The asthma inhaler is considered a drug due to the drug’s therapeutic effect on the bronchioles’ smooth muscles. The drug requires a device for delivery of medication into targeted areas. Jurisdiction Jurisdiction of combination products depends on the classification of product (drug, device, or biologic) (FDA, 2020). The asthma inhaler PMOA is a bronchodilator of the lungs to make breathing easier. Since its PMOA is a chemical action from a drug, jurisdiction would be under Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). The Office of Combination Products was established December 24, 2002. FDA 2020 describes the roles of the office as a base for combination product issues, for medical product classification, and assignment issues. It establishes guidance and regulations refining the regulation of combination products. It classifies medical products as a drug, biologic, or device and assigns them to a FDA center. ASU. (2021). Hcr552 medical device combination medical devices. Retrieved from… FDA. (2020). Jurisdictional information. Retrieved from products/jurisdictional-information National Archives Federal Registar (NAFR). (2004). Definition of Primary Mode of Action of a Combination Product. Retrieved from… -10447/definition-of-primary-mode-of-action-of-a-combination-product Rees J. (2005). Methods of delivering drugs. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 331(7515), 504–506. #2- Jason Question 1: In your own words define a combination product. Currently the United States is the only country that provides a legal definition for a combination product which is described in 21 CFR 3.2 (e) (FDA, 2018). There are two factors that can interact with a device and be classified as a combination product. Those factors include drugs and biologics (FDA, 2018). For something to be considered a combination product the biologic or drug needs to already be regulated for use and packaged in a combination of either drug and device, biologic and device, or drug, biologic, and device. This configuration needs to be used as a delivery method for medical therapy. Question 2: Define the primary mode of action (PMOA) for an Asthma Inhaler. An asthma inhaler is a combination of drug and device. To define the PMOA of an Asthma inhaler, it is important to analyze the mode of action (MOA) for both the device and drug independently. Once the individual MOAs have been determined then the question of whether or not the therapy could be still delivered in the absence of either the drug or the device can be answered (Amor, 2016). This will determine the PMOA. For example, the drug consists of a bronchodilator medication used to relax the smooth muscle in the lungs, and as a result dilates the bronchi which relieves the restricted airways that restrict breathing. The bronchodilator is stored in an aerosol can which disperses the medication under pressure thus releasing the medication. This was tricky for me to answer because the plastic device itself could not open the bronchial airways and relieve symptoms, yet the question remains, could the bronchodilator reach the lungs without the device? Originally, I felt that the inhaler was the PMOA; however, I now believe the medicine would be considered the PMOA because without it, symptoms would continue to persist, and patients would not receive any therapy. Additionally, the canister which contains the medicine under pressure and releases the medicine with force. Question 3: Based on PMOA which center would have jurisdiction: CDHR, CDER, or CBER? Explain why: Because the drug counterpart is considered to be the PMOA, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has jurisdiction over this combination product (FDA, 2020). This is because the job of the CDER is to monitor the safety of drugs obtained either over the counter or from prescription (FDA,2020). By delegating these safety tasks, the CDER keeps the consumers best interest at the forefront of public health while ensuring an acceptable level of effectiveness. References: Amor, D. (2016. January). How to determine a combination product’s primary mode of action (PMOA). Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) Food and Drug Administration. (2020, February). Combination product definitions and combination product types. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) Food and Drug Administration. (2018, February). Combination product definitions and combination product types. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) Food and Drug Administration. (2019, June). Combination product definitions and combination product types. Retrieved from:

solved The goal of this assignment is to integrate Step One,

The goal of this assignment is to integrate Step One, Step Two, Step Three, and Step Four of your research proposal. The research proposal should be at least 15 pages (but not more than 25 pages), double-spaced, not including your title page, abstract, Appendix, and references page, and should contain the following sections: Title PageAbstractIntroduction: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to the field of psychology.Research questions you have developed for your topic: Conclude your discussion of the research topic by identifying specific research question(s) about the relationships between two or more concepts.Literature Review: A minimum of 8 pages on the 5-7 articles you selected: Read your articles thoroughly and provide a literature review that synthesizes what was theorized and discovered about regarding your topic. Do not write separate “summaries” for each article; rather, find connected themes or relationships in the different areas you cover. Use these relationships to frame your discussion of how variables were indicated, samples were obtained, and research designs were constructed. Are there any gaps or weaknesses present in the literature that can be investigated further? You will not necessarily refer to all the information from each article; instead, relate only that which is relevant to your topic and research question. Thus, your literature review should justify your study and support why conducting your proposed study would answer a problem that is not already well understood. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, books, and dissertations. Information gathered from literature sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines.Hypotheses: Considering your research question or statement of the problem, formulate a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for each of your research questions.Dependent and independent variables: Operationally define the dependent and independent variables for each hypothesis.Method: Describe detailed information about how your study will be conducted. Include the following in your method sections:Participant Selection: Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants. Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants. Be sure to discuss how informed consent, privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality will be addressed in the study. Data Collection Measure: Discuss how you will collect the data (observations, surveys, documents, etc.). Thus, who will be collecting the data, where will the data collection occur, what measures are you using to collect the data, how will the data be recorded, etc.? Include a copy of the survey or systematic observation you developed in an Appendix.Research Design: Discuss the research design (either experimental, factorial, quasi-experimental, or non experimental), that you will use to examine your variables.Discussion: Provide a discussion of the following information:Validity: Describe any potential threats to the internal and external validity of your proposed study. Do you believe the results can be generalized to other populations?Strengths and Weaknesses: Describe any strengths or weaknesses with respect to the proposed sampling, design, and data collection methods. What will not be “proven” though your study?Ethical Considerations: What impact might participation in this study have on participants in the short and long-term? If there are relevant ethical issues, discuss them along with possible solutions.References Page: The references page should be formatted according to APA style.Appendix of your data collection measure.Point value: 25 pointsAligns with Weekly Learning Outcomes: 3, 4Aligns with Course Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment. (Links to an external site.)Grading CriteriaContent CriteriaTotal: 18Content includes all elements of the Research Proposal as indicated in the instructions.Content includes at least 15 pages, not including the Title page, Abstract, and References page.Writing and Organization CriteriaTotal: 1The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.Spelling is correct.The paper includes summary and analysis of appropriate resources.Research CriteriaTotal: 5The paper includes a summary and analysis or synthesis of at least 5-7 scholarly articles plus at least two dissertations.Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.Style CriteriaTotal: 1The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignmentThe paper includes an APA style cover page.The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought. The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).Total Possible PointsTotal: 25

solved CompetencyAnalyze issues related to common law contracts.ScenarioDue to a couple

CompetencyAnalyze issues related to common law contracts.ScenarioDue to a couple of new client needs, you received a research assignment to update your firm’s research notes on offer and acceptance. Your firm keeps research in electronic folders so anyone in the firm can get updated on what others have found so it is important to provide complete references.Do not repeat the directions or questions in your paper.Review what you read about offers in the Restatement of Contracts. Then, do the following:Find a very recent offer and acceptance case, using either Lexis Advance or Fastcase. Select sort by date, newest to oldest in Lexis. Use IRAC to summarize the case.Find a recent article or “blawg” (law blog on the web) on offer and acceptance. Summarize and cite the article.Which of the sources helped you most in comprehending the law of offer and acceptance? Why?Find and cite an applicable portion on offer and acceptance in the UCC or the Restatement 2d of Contracts. Use Bluebook citations just below each use of a legal source and an article or Blog. All the uncited portions of the paper need to be your personal analysis.ResourcesFor assistance using the IRAC method, reference this FAQ.For assistance with completing citations and references using Bluebook, reference this FAQ.Q. What is the IRAC Method? Answer**Click here for a sample template**Paralegals need to be able to understand and employ legal analysis to effectively serve clients and support their supervising attorneys. Legal analytical skills are required for nearly every paralegal activity in which you may engage. Some of common places where you may employ this method include:Assessment of the merits of a prospective client matterReview of case lawAn aid to help determine what evidence is necessary to prosecute or defend a casePractically all aspects of legal writing including, but not limited to, case briefing, legal memoranda, legal briefs and appellate briefsIn simple terms, one of the skills that will set you apart from a legal assistant or legal secretary is your ability to employ legal reasoning.IRAC is an acronym for each step of the process. It stands for:Let’s see how IRAC works:IssueOne of the most important skills you will need to develop when engaged in legal analysis is issue spotting. The issue is the question or problem to be resolved by application of a legal rule.Do not assume there is only one issue for each legal problem. Sometimes there is only one issue involved, but in the real world, it is more likely there are many. Sometimes you need to resolve one issue before moving onto the next. For example, in a negligence action, you will want to know whether the defendant owed a duty to the plaintiff before you can determine if a duty was breached. If no duty was owed, then no duty was breached.How do you spot issues? If you are reading a court decision, you’ll probably be told what issues the court is deciding. If you are not given that luxury, then you must determine what legal problem needs to be answered or solved.Let’s look at an example. Suppose a client comes in who has been injured in a car accident. Some issues that you may need to resolve include:Issues of liabilityTheories of recovery available – known as a claim or cause of actionThe burden of proof to establish liabilityDefenses to liabilityMeasure of recoverable damagesWhether it is too late to do anything because of a statute of limitationsAs you can see, it can get complicated. The key to issue spotting is to pay careful attention to the facts and determine what facts pose issues.RuleThe next step is to find and list the legal rules that apply to each issue. Legal rules come from four primary sources:Federal & State ConstitutionsStatutesRegulationsCase LawIf you are reading a court decision, the court will identify the applicable legal rules and will usually spend some time explaining each.If you need to find the rule that applies to an issue, then you will have to engage in legal research. For example, you may review your state’s Supreme Court opinions to determine the required elements to establish the tort of negligence in your state.Application/AnalysisAt this stage, the law is applied to the facts to resolve the issue. If you are reading a court case, the court will spend time explaining how it applied the law to the facts to reach its decision.An easy example is determining whether a statute of limitations precludes a lawsuit. Let’s say that a prospective client has come into the office that was injured four years ago. You believe the client has a viable claim but discover that the statute of limitations – or deadline in which to file a claim – is three years. Thus, the statute of limitation bars the claim.ConclusionThe conclusion is the result of the application of the law to the facts used to resolve the legal issue. In a court opinion, the conclusion is the court’s holding or decision.While you have already reached your conclusion in the application section, it is good practice to restate it in the conclusion. Conclusions can often be quite short. For example, you may conclude that a client was a victim of a battery but does not have a claim because he is the one that started the fight and the other party has a valid claim of self-defense.Q. How do I cite using Bluebook guidelines? Consult the Indigo Book for all of your legal citations.AnswerParalegal course assignments require legal resources to be cited using Bluebook guidelines. The Indigo Book is what students should use for help using The Bluebook: Uniform System of Citation.Students have access to the free Indigo Book on the School of Justice Studies Guide. Need help?1. Refer to the Bluebook tab in the School of Justice Studies Guide for additional help including a Bluebook Sample Paper.2. Make an appointment with a tutor using Tutor Match. Select Paralegal in the School drop down and then pick Bluebook. 3. Attend the Paralegal Study Sessions. Topics vary week-to-week including Bluebook Citations, Lexis Advance & FastCase, our top 10 resources to support you, specific challenges in your course, writing help, and more!4. Refer to this Bluebook Formatting information. Looking for additional examples? Consult Cornell University Law School’s Legal Information for guidance in creating legal citations for a variety of legal resources.Q. What does a paper written in Bluebook citation format look like? AnswerBluebook Sample PaperThe sample paper is part of the argument of a brief (very similar to a paper or memo) in Bluebook format used in a legal practice. Included are citations to Court Rules, Statutes, Cases (in long and short form), as well as law review articles, a book, and a webpage. The sample paper is available in the Links & Files section with and without comments.


A healthy lifestyle is made up of many different things. First, good spiritual health is important because it encourages mindfulness and connection to something bigger than oneself. It also encourages a person to think of someone other than themselves. Next, exercising regularly is crucial to wellbeing as it releases endorphins, and helps us feel better and keeps our immune system strong. Third, eating healthy meals can nourish our bodies and provide lasting energy for the day. All of the above are useful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Nathenson, P. & Nathenson, S., 2013). Nathenson P & Nathenson S. (2013) discuss how important psychosocial activities and interactions are in helping a person recover and progress through rehabilitation.
In previous courses I have learned about the importance of prayer, reading the Bible, meditating and eight levels of wellness that include physical, emotional, and intellectual. Taking care of the body is just as important as taking care of the mind.
For instance, individuals with dementia or mild cognitive impairment who exercise increase cognitive function and enhance physical functions as well (Tortosa-Martínez et al., 2018).
Lyn Nathenson, S., & Nathenson, P. (2013). Integrative wellness in rehabilitation: social and behavioral aspects of health care and clinical applications. Rehabilitation Nursing?: The Official Journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, 38(6), 276–283.
Tortosa-Martínez, J., Caus, N., Martínez-Canales, C., & García-Jaén, M. (2018). Exercise for dementia and mild cognitive impairment: Methodological considerations. / Ejercicio físico para personas con demencia y deterioro cognitivo leve: Consideraciones metodológicas. motricidad: European Journal of Human Movement, 41, 196–223.
In 1948 the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (Harris, 2010). Wellness or well-being, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA), is comprised of eight dimensions: emotional, environmental, occupational, physical, spiritual, financial, intellectual, and social (Garcia, 2015). As the study of health continues to grow, from that definition from WHO 73 years ago, those eight dimensions of wellness are far reaching, and one could make their life’s work of just one of the eight dimensions of well-being. Today a healthy lifestyle includes safe vehicle use, safe sun exposure, proper sleep, unintentional injury, a good body image, lack of eating disorders, proper diet and nutrition, exercise, safe TV/screen time, dental health, height and weight, mental health, not smoking, not drinking, no drug use, no violence, suicide education and safe sex practices (just to name a few) (Harris, 2010). If those factors weren’t enough to process for considering a healthy lifestyle, the concept of health has expanded from the individual to a social context as well. A healthy lifestyle includes interactions with families, relationships, marriage, workplace, community/neighborhoods (Harris, 2010).
It’s almost laughable to consider all the things an individual may to think about to live a healthy lifestyle. However, if these things are taught to a person as they develop from childhood to adulthood, they can build upon them as they grow. As I talk to my clients who are wanting to make a positive change to better their health, I always encourage them to start with small shifts. I love the concept of “adding to” before “taking away.” Here is an example, my client knows they need to stop overeating, but I encourage them to just add more water to their diet or more vegetables before taking away all the bad things they shouldn’t be eating. I find when we tell ourselves we can’t have something we can only be strong for so long before we feel we are neglecting ourselves and then fall of the wagon. Adding some “good” will start to shift us in the right direction. This goes for exercise too. I’ll add walking on my lunch break before I commit to joining a gym and promising myself January 1st I’ll go before work every day. Bedtime? I can’t promise a 9pm bedtime but I’ll start shaving off an extra episode of my favorite tv show to relax with no screen time 30 minutes before sleep. Just like the Problem-Solving Treatment approach, finding the issue that needs the attention first and making a plan could be life changing.
Garcia, C. (2015). What are the Eight Dimensions to Wellness in Your Life? Colorado Nurse.
Harris, K. M. (2010). An Integrative Approach to Health. DEMOGRAPHY, 47(1), 1–22.
There are many factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle and they center around a person’s mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Since we are a whole person, we need to focus on all aspects of our life. Green-blue spaces, such as beaches, forests, parks, etc, are beneficial for our mental wellbeing. (Song, Jiao et al., 2018). Being out in nature is good for our mental well being, but it is also good for our physical health and can have a strong connection to our spiritual self. Likewise, what we consume and the nutrition we receive also plays a large part in how our bodies feel. Nutrition is important for optimal mental and physical health and increases quality of life. (MacDonell, J, 2009). When we eat healthy food and drink plenty of water there is a chance we can relieve mood swings, depression and help in our sleep habits. Finally, our spiritual self needs to be nourished to sustain health. Prayer, music, and meditation are all ways to increase our spiritual needs that help us to feel grounded and connected to our Creator. It is important to be mindful of all aspects of our lives and how to keep each level healthy and connected. 
Jiao Song, Richard Fry, Amy Mizen, Ashley Akbari, Benedict Wheeler, James White, Mathew White, & Rebecca Lovell. (2018). Association between blue and green space availability with mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3(4).
MacDonell, J. (2009). The role of the dietician in improving mental wellbeing: nutrition is an area that tends to be overlooked in mental health care. But dietician Janet MacDonell suggests that comparatively small changes to clients’ food and fluid intake can result in significant improvement in wellbeing. Mental Health Practice, 12(6), 20.

solved Collect Evidence: Don’t worry if you don’t know what you

Collect Evidence: Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to say yet—right now you’rejust collecting ideas and material and letting it all percolate. The Literary Elements style/tone,character, setting, POV, and theme will probably be the most relevant to this essay, though youare certainly not limited to just those, as many poems do also have plots. You should alsoconsider Literary Techniques: imagery (description related to the five senses); metaphors andsimiles; iambic pentameter; word play; assonance; consonance; alliteration; symbolism;allusion; anaphora; personification; etc.Directions: Pick an example text for three out of the following four writing types we will beexamining this semester: poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction (CNF), drama (play, screen play,script, etc). For example, you can choose a poem, short story, and CNF essay. Once you havechosen your supporting texts, write about them using one of the approaches below (or use your own approach!). Try to choose texts you see connections between. Also, see what kind of critical theory already exists around the texts you’re interested in before nailing down your choices.Audience: Someone who has read the texts but hasn’t heard your argument. This means verylittle summary should be included. It should be kept to as few sentences as possible: “when xhappened because of y, this was the effect” NOT “x happened, then y happened, then zhappened, so you can see the character is feeling x” especially if the reaction is obvious.Page Length: A minimum of 8 full pages, a maximum of 11 full pages (works cited not includedin page length).Format: MLA.Different Approaches:The best topics are ones that originate out of your own reading of a work of literature, but hereare some common approaches to consider: A discussion of a work’s characters: are they realistic, symbolic, historically based? A comparison/contrast of the choices different authors or characters make in a work? A reading of a work based on an outside philosophical perspective (Ex. how would aStoic read Hamlet?) A study of the sources or historical events that occasioned particular texts (Ex. comparingtexts about the holocaust). An analysis of a specific image occurring in several works (Ex. the use of moon imageryin certain plays, poems, novels) An analysis of a specific theme occurring in several works (Ex. the underlyingrepresentations of family/love/honor/etc. in certain plays, poems, novels) A “deconstruction” of particular works (Ex. unfolding an underlying racist worldview inJoseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Rudyard Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden,” andthe use of minstrel shows in drama). A reading from a political perspective. A reading from a gender or queer perspective. A study of the social, political, or economic context in which a work was written—howdoes the context influence the work? (It might be best to choose texts either from similartime periods or regions.) An analysis of how POV changes the way a text is delivered (is the speaker young?unreliable? omniscient?)Construct a Thesis: Come up with a thesis that is arguable, provable through textual evidence,and specific. Try to think outside of the box. Find Supporting Evidence (outside your chosen texts): We will examine the databases in class.Example:Questions: In the Dream Songs by John Berryman, the speaker and subject of the poems, Henry, undergoes multiple changes. Is Henry’s character consistent throughout? Is it possible toview him as a cohesive character, or because of his many nicknames (henry pussycat, lazy henry, etc) should Henry be considered a new man with every poem?Is there a connection between and of Henry’s animalistic changes and the change in thecharacter in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka? Henry’s character changes are notliteral, but the change is literal for Gregor.In the play “____” by _____, Fourteen-year-old Carol is stuck in suburbia with anagoraphobic mother, Deborah, addicted to plastic surgery. How does transformation ofCarol’s mother change her as a character?Thesis: Character develops in a multitude of ways: the changes are internal, as with Henry in The Dream Songs by John Berryman; external, as with Gregor in The Metamorphosis byFranz Kafka; or represented through the external changes of another character, like thedevelopment of Carol through Deborah in “____” by _____.[This is initial and would likely undergo revision as the essay is developed.]Potential Topics: POV, Character, metaphor, symbolism, typical personifications of animals,philosophical and cultural understanding of animal/human relationship.Potential Supporting Theory: “Toward a Postmodern Humanism: Information, Layering, and the Composite Poem” by Tony Hoagland“Bestial Representations of Otherness: Kafka’s Animal Stories” by Matthew T. Powell“In the Corridors of Animal Minds” by Leonardo Caffo“‘Of All Nonsensical Things’: Performance and Animal Life” by Una ChaudhuriGeneral Construction:Introduction: Be Brief; give some suggestion of the direction you intend to take in your essay.Indicate the aspects of the texts you intend to deal with.Paragraphing: In your plan you should identify very the distinct points you intend to make andthe specific parts of the text that you intend to examine in some detail to support those points.Try to make smooth links between paragraphs.Evidence: When you make a point, you must prove it. Just as a lawyer in court must produceevidence to support his case, so you must produce evidence to prove the comments you makeabout characters, relationships, themes, style etc. When you make a point, refer to the text; give an example to support what you say or use a quote.Selection: Avoid the trap of just re-telling the story. The important thing is to be selective in theway you use the text. Only refer to those parts that help you to answer the question. Answer the question: it sounds obvious, but it’s so easy to forget the question (YOUR question) and go off on a tangent. When you have finished a paragraph read it through and ask yourself. “How does this contribute to answering the question?” If it doesn’t, change it so that it does address the question directly.Conclusion: At the end, try to draw all the strands of your various points together. This shouldbe the part of your essay which answers the question most directly and forcefully. Be creative: Remember, you do not have to agree with other people’s points of view aboutliterature. If your ideas are original or different, so long as you develop them clearly, useevidence intelligently and argue persuasively, your point of view will be respected. We wantliterature to touch you personally and it will often affect different people in different ways. Becreative.