solved 1- You may continue to work with the same company

1- You may continue to work with the same company in this course, further analyzing its financial performance, or you may choose a new organization. The company you choose must either be a publicly traded company or not-for-profit organization from the following the six industries driving the U.S. economy


Technology, construction, retail, and non-durable manufacturing. Please note that you must use the most recent three years of financial statements and related financial data for your publicly traded company or not-for-profit organization. The company or organization you select will be your subject company or organization throughout this course and is subject to instructor approval. (minimum of 350 words)
2- 1st Post Due by Day 3. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 3 of your textbook, and test your knowledge in the MindTap Practice Chapter 3 Problem 10 and Chapter 3 Problem 14 located in Ch 03: End-of-Chapter Problems – Evaluation of Financial Performance. Please note that these practice problems are ungraded, and your score will not be factored into your overall grade. You will also need to review your chosen company financial data and reports. Although not required, it is recommended that you also review the chapter videos and flashcards available in the recommended resources section of your course. Before you begin to evaluate your chosen company financial performance, briefly describe some of the main components that should be included in your financial analysis to assess potential weaknesses and strengths in the financial statements for your chosen company. Describe the financial analysis techniques you will use to evaluate your company. (minimum of 350 words)
3- Describe the background, development, and reasoning behind your ratio analysis approach to financial statement analysis. What additional information, if any, would you like to have to make a more complete analysis? (300 words)
4- Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 16, 17, and 18 of your textbooks, and test your knowledge in the MindTap Chapter 16 Practice assignment questions. Please note that these practice problems are ungraded, and your score will not be factored into your overall grade. Although not required, it is recommended that you also review the chapter videos and flashcards available in the recommended resources section of your course.
Review your chosen company’s current working capital policy and compare and contrast the tools and procedures used to manage cash inflow and outflows, inventory, and accounts receivable management. Use one or more of your chosen firm’s competitors and highlight those similarities in the tools and procedures being used as well as lessons learned. (minimum of 350 words)    
5- in contrast to the aggressive policy, moderate policy, and a conservative working capital policy, emphasize their profitability at the expense of liquidity. What additional information, if any, would you like to have to make a more complete analysis? (300 words)
6- Detail some actions your chosen company can take to shorten its cash conversion cycle. What additional information, if any, would you like to have to make a more complete analysis? (300 words)
7- Prior to beginning work on this discussion, reads Chapter 16 and 19 of your textbook, and test your knowledge in the MindTap Practice Chapter 16 Problem 6. Please note that these practice problems are ungraded, and your score will not be factored into your overall grade. Although not required, it is recommended that you also review the chapter videos and flashcards available in the recommended resources section of your course.
As the finance analyst for your chosen company, you have been asked to evaluate the pros and cons of each of the following financing alternatives:

Uses of short-term debt to finance working capital needs in current assets.
Use of long-term debt to finance to fixed asset
Discuss the impact of each of these financing alternatives on your chosen company’s risk and on the expected profitability. (minimum of 350 words)
8- Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 12 and 13 of your textbook, and test your knowledge in the MindTap Practice Chapter 12 Problem 8 and Chapter 12 Problem 10 located in Ch 12: End-of-Chapter Problems – The Cost of Capital. Please note that these practice problems are ungraded, and your score will not be factored into your overall grade. Although not required, it is recommended that you also review the chapter videos and flashcards available in the recommended resources section of your course. Briefly discuss why the cost of capital is an important factor in determining the firm’s capital structure. As a financial manager, how would the different theories of capital structure impact your ability to make choices when trying to determine the optimal capital structure for the firm (350 words)

Briefly discuss why the cost of capital is an important factor in determining the firm’s capital structure. As a financial manager, how would the different theories of capital structure impact your ability to make choices when trying to determine the optimal capital structure for the firm (350 words)

9- In which area of your analysis is there the greatest potential for error? Why? Is there anything that could be done to improve computations in these areas. What additional information, if any, would you like to have to make a more complete analysis? (minimum of 350 words)
10- Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of your textbook, and test your knowledge in the MindTap Practice Chapter 11 Problem 14, Chapter 11 Problem 15, and Chapter 11 Problem 16 located in Ch 11: End-of-Chapter Problems – Capital Budgeting and Risk. Please note that these practice problems are ungraded, and your score will not be factored into your overall grade. Although not required, it is recommended that you also review the chapter videos and flashcards available in the recommended resources section of your course.

When a project being evaluated is more or less risky than the firm’s average risk level, it is necessary to modify the analysis to account for risk differences between the project and the rest of the firm. Briefly discuss several methods to account for risk differences and their impact on capital budgeting cash flow analysis and projects. (minimum of 350 words)
11-Describe the evaluation process or steps your subject company should use in this capital budgeting process. Describe the types of cash flows that your subject company must consider when evaluating a capital budgeting projects. (minimum of 300 words).

solved two discussion replys reply one Pharmacy plays a significant role

two discussion replys 
reply one

Pharmacy plays a significant role in the healthcare organization by providing clinical care and improving operational efficiencies (Langabeer II & Helton, 2021). Operational efficiencies include drug management, where pharmacists are critical to continuity care and support patients who have chronic and mental illnesses ( Kehrer et al., 2013).
The modern-day systems and technology, IT systems allow pharmacists to store records such as patient information, electronic prescribing, dispensing medication and monitoring systems to ensure efficacy and safety of medication for patients (Goundrey-Smith, 2014). Electronic prescribing is the automation of medication prescription. Providers can submit patients’ medications online that eliminate errors. Medication dispensing systems have the purpose of storing, distributing, and tracking medications. These systems allow health professionals to administer medication to patients on time and track medications for inventory. The automated systems can also be integrated with other databases to accurately account for patient admission and discharge systems (Grissinger, 2012). The automatic dispensing system also eliminates more errors than the manual filling of drugs. To keep medication safe, there are medication systems health professionals use that is connected to an alert system where medicine has to be scanned to ensure accuracy. It also tracks who received the medication as well. If you have walked the halls in a hospital, you may see the nurses with either a medication cart or a room where they have to scan their badges and input the patient’s name in order to get the medications the patient needs. This process tracks the medicines for the patient and aids in inventory and shows you who had access to the medication at certain times and the reason why.
There is also the operational management where pharmacists’ performances are measured by cycle time, cost per dose, and percent of inaccurate quantities or orders. Cycle time is considered from the time the order is placed to the fulfillment of the medication. Costs per dose are tracked to keep up with costs to ensure it decreases over time. The percentage of inaccurate orders/doses is the monitoring of how many errors have occurred and proper orders that represent quality. The total days of inventory on hand are self-explanatory as it tracks the inventory balance along with the daily operating expenses ( Lanagabeer II & Helton, 2021). 1 Corinthians 14:40 says, But all things should be done decently and in order. Streamlining medication allows more time to handle other patient care tasks such as communicating with the patient and their healthcare team to better understand ways to help (Brown, 2019).

reply two

In this weeks discussion post, I will be focusing on forecasting and supply chain management. I will be discussing what role a pharmacy plays in operations management as well as how modern day systems and technology streamlining pharmacy operations. The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 9:10, “He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” This relates to the discussion because in each level of a health care organization, there must be a supplier and a consumer and each level relies on one another for support. In order to discuss the role pharmacy plays in operation management, we must first be able to understand the definition of forecasting and supply chain management. Forecasting is a projection or estimate of future demand and can be created using a variety o qualitative and quantitative methods (Langabeer & Helton, 2020, p. 287). A supply chain management is the oversight of supply and demand across an organization including procurement, storage, transportation, and logistics (Langabeer & Helton, 2020, p. 207). Supply chain management also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third party service providers, and customers (Langabeer & Helton, 2020, p. 207). Supply chain management is focused on an end to end integration of business process and systems, conversion of goods and services into a deliverable or final product that can be consumed or utilized, integrated logistical management of materials, information, and cash, and processes that define boundaries and stretch beyond traditional departments, form producers to consumers (Langabeer & Helton, 2020, p. 207). Logistics is often used along with the term supply chain management and the primary focus is to reduce costs through the chain through reductions in inventory holding costs, and to improve customer satisfaction downstream toward the consumers or user of goods and services (Langabeer & Helton, 2020, p. 207). In regards to pharmacy’s role in operations management, they must follow the supply chain management in order to fulfill the needs of the consumers. An article discusses analytical framework for improving operations and service management in the retail pharmacy industry (Zhan et al., 2021). A large amount of user generated content on social media can be captured and analyzed to help organizations gain insights into market requirements and enhance business intelligence (Zhan et al., 2021). The study was aimed to use social media and highlight the most discussed topics by consumers, identify the key areas for improvement based on the most negative comments received, and to determine the connections amongst the important concepts and enhance customer loyalty by adding values to consumers (Zhan et al., 2021). The article also explains that it found the most issues with marketing, customer service, and product within the three different retail pharmacies (Zhan et al., 2021). It also determined the relationships amongst the important concepts discussed by consumers and the analysis generates insights into the use of social media for supporting pharmacy organizations in developing their social media strategies as well as improving their operations and service quality (Zhan et al., 2021). Another article studied health care operations management in order to identify key dimensions of health care operations and suggest areas for future research (Jha et al., 2016). It identified six major themes namely service quality, service operation strategy, information technology, service scheduling, service performance, and other elements (Jha et al., 2016). The study found that a large proportion of empirical studies in the area of healthcare operations management have been conducted in developed nations and requires more research for underdeveloped nations (Jha et al., 2016).

solved PART IIReread the story (attached file: The Story of Goldilocks

PART IIReread the story (attached file: The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears). Each time you reach a CHOICE that Goldilocks made, pause and consider the ALTERNATIVES. (based on the attached file: active choice exercise part 1)Sometimes, these alternatives will be fairly clearly stated in the text. For example, the text tells us that Goldilocks wanted to stay home and play with her dolls and toys instead of running the errand, so one ALTERNATIVE could be “Goldilocks stays home and plays with her toys” — or, depending on what you want to emphasize, “Goldilocks disobeys her mother”.Other times, the alternatives are implied and will require a little logical reasoning. For example, Goldilocks makes the CHOICE to chase the butterfly into the woods, but what is the alternative? The key here is to ask yourself “What would Goldilocks have actively chosen to do if she didn’t make that choice?” In this case, perhaps the choice is “Ignore the butterfly” or “Continue walking on the road” — or even “Ignore the butterfly and continue on the road!”The key is to write a choice that could lead to a RESULT that would lead Goldilocks to another SITUATION. “Ignore the butterfly” is okay but does not give us much of an idea what Goldilocks will do. “Continue walking on the road” gives us a very concrete understanding of what Goldilocks does after the butterfly disappears, so it is the better option.The only ALTERNATIVE that would be unacceptable here is “Don’t chase the butterfly?” Why? Because not doing something is not an active choice! “Ignore the butterfly” did not give us much of a sense of what Goldilocks will do next, but Goldilocks not doing something leaves the reader stuck! What’s she doing, just standing in the middle of the road waiting for the butterfly to leave?Finally, there will sometimes be more than one ALTERNATIVE choice for a given situation. This is partly a matter of interpretation and partly a matter of following the rules for active choices. For example, the ALTERNATIVES to Goldilocks first eating from the big bowl of porridge could include eating from the medium bowl or the small bowl. Another alternative for this choice could be Goldilocks skipping eating the porridge and getting back to her errand!The key here is to think about what logically follows in the story. For example, the narrative tells us that Goldilocks grows tired after eating the porridge, so it might not make sense to have Goldilocks look for a chair or bed to rest if she doesn’t eat the porridge. Another example: If Goldilocks tries the small bowl of porridge first and it’s “just right”, then she probably won’t try the medium or large bowl — so her choices after eating the porridge should focus on trying the chairs (or getting back on the path despite being tired, if you want)!Add the alternative (or alternatives) for each scenario above the choice that Goldilocks made so that each segment of your breakdown looks like this:SITUATION: A butterfly flies near GoldilocksALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks ignores the butterfly and stays on the road.CHOICE: Goldilocks chases the butterfly.RESULT: Goldilocks ends up deep in the woods.PART IIINow that you’ve thoroughly analyzed the choices in Goldilocks, you’re going to wrap up this project by adding a little creativity to it. Don’t you wish that there were more active and meaningful alternatives for Goldilocks? After all, this is just a children’s fairy tale.First, you’re going to figure out what might have happened to Goldilocks if she chose from the ALTERNATIVES that you just outlined. Pick two different SITUATIONS from your outline and write an ALTERNATE RESULT for each. In other words, you’re going to logically but creatively figure out what happens when Goldilocks chooses the alternative that you identified.The key here is to remember how you wrote each RESULT from the original story so that the next SITUATION logically followed. You need to ask yourself: What am I setting up to happen next? An example:SITUATION: A butterfly flies near GoldilocksALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks ignores the butterfly and stays on the road.ALTERNATE RESULT: Goldilocks arrives at the butcher shop, but it is already closed.CHOICE: Goldilocks chases the butterfly.RESULT: Goldilocks ends up deep in the woods.Notice that this alternate result is both logical and creative: It makes sense that Goldilocks would arrive at the destination for her errand if she stays on the road, but the story text doesn’t tell us where Goldilocks was going (or what the errand was!) So, we’ve gotten a little creative and we’ve decided it’s the butcher shop.We also have added a complication that suggests what the next situation might be: the butcher shop is closed, so how will Goldilocks complete her errand? Will she break in? Will she go to the butcher’s house? Will she go home and tell her mother that she can’t make her delicious meat pies after all? To be clear, you do not have to actually write a new situation or take the story any further than this alternate result. The ALTERNATE RESULT should be a short, clear present-tense sentence just like all of the others in this project, but it might be a bit longer if you introduce a complication, as we have done here.PART IVFinally, you’re going to add a couple of much more creative options to your outline. Going beyond the story, but building off of what you already wrote, what other active choices could have been available to Goldilocks? What outcome might have occurred if your Goldilocks could make these other choices?Select two SITUATIONS from your list and review the CHOICE and ALTERNATIVES that you’ve outlined for each. Then, for each SITUATION provide a new IMAGINED ALTERNATIVE that isn’t in the original story and an IMAGINED RESULT that directly results from that alternative!An example:SITUATION: Goldilocks feels tired after eating the porridge and wants to rest.ALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks returns to her errand (NOTE: This option is implied by the story since she knows she should do it)ALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks sits down in the little chairALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks sits down in the medium chairCHOICE: Goldilocks sits down in the big chairRESULT: Goldilocks discovers the chair is too hard to sit inIMAGINED ALTERNATIVE: Goldilocks looks for a coffee maker in the kitchenIMAGINED RESULT: Goldilocks brews a pot of coffee, but she can’t find any cream or sugar!Again, the “imagined result” might include a complication to suggest where the story will go next, but you don’t actually have to write any more of the story than this. In fact, we really want you to stick to these single-sentence limits!Please put your IMAGINED ALTERNATIVE and IMAGINED RESULT below Goldilocks’ original CHOICE and RESULT, as shown above.

solved Week 7ReplyLeadership in Healthcare APA Style ReplyYou have had a

Week 7ReplyLeadership in Healthcare APA Style ReplyYou have had a successful year as a leader at Sunrise General Hospital. You are now tasked with evaluating your team’s effectiveness. Develop a post in which you discuss how to evaluate your team. Reply to each Peer about their post.You have had a successful year as a leader at Sunrise General Hospital. You are now tasked with evaluating your team’s effectiveness. Develop a post in which you discuss how to evaluate your team. Reply to Martina:For this week’s discussion, we evaluate team evaluation, effectiveness, and values. By evaluating these factors, leaders in organizations can improve and strengthen areas for achievement. An effective and strong team helps an organization achieve and provide quality service. Also, an effective team achieves the most success when they work well together. So assessment in these areas allows leaders to work well with others while creating innovative ways to improve. If I were the Sunrise General Hospital leader, I would evaluate a team’s effectiveness in different areas. Two components that I would first take into consideration are the team’s structure and activities. A team’s structure evaluates the team size and whether or not it serves its organizational purpose. The structure is important because “there is no ideal team size because every team has a different purpose, and this purpose dictates the number of members needed to make the team function well” (Dye, 2017, p.4). Also, assessing a team’s hierarchy and membership is important when evaluating structure. Hierarchy refers to those who hold certain positions and ensuring team member’s titles are appropriate and respected. As a leader, a question I would evaluate is, “Are the teams recognizing and respecting hierarchy among members?” Membership looks at whether the teams invite others to participate. As a leader, a question I would evaluate is, “How is membership looked at from the team’s perspective?” Besides, I would assess team activities along with team values. Team activities may include decision-making, team meetings, and team protocols. Reassessing team activities allows a leader to see if they effectively allow a team to be proficient. Evaluating these two components allows leaders to improve teamwork and collaboration. Otherwise, if some things were not working out, these assessments can be useful in identifying those factors that need improvement. Defining success can be difficult. As a leader, I think knowing success is when your team/organization has met its goals. Although management and team-building should always remain consistent, meeting goals can be measured with success. On the other hand, I think frequent meetings and evaluations with the team would be effective in addressing areas of improvement. Team involvement is encouraged by meeting with the team regularly, allowing the team to feel valued for their opinion. Overall, addressing these traits/aspects within this culture encourages high-performance while providing quality care in healthcare. ReferencesDye, C. F. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (3rd ed.). Health Services Administration Press.You have had a successful year as a leader at Sunrise General Hospital. You are now tasked with evaluating your team’s effectiveness. Develop a post in which you discuss how to evaluate your team. Reply to Paolo: This week’s discussion emphasizes the importance of evaluating team effectiveness. There are several mechanisms and methodologies on how leaders can evaluate their team’s performance and success. However, an effective evaluation is one that is data-driven and competency-based. This type of evaluation process will allow the leader to quantify team strengths and deficiencies and establish a measurable goals for improvement, if necessary. Nonetheless, Dye (2017) provided three essential elements when evaluating team effectiveness: team structure, team activities, and establishing team protocols. These elements are necessary in monitoring and assessing the team’s effectiveness to ensure that the configuration and behaviors of the team still function in the organization’s favor (Dye, 2017).For instance, after a successful year as a leader at Sunrise General Hospital, one way of evaluating the team’s effectiveness is to identify a prioritized risk was addressed. Prioritized risks can be found in the organization’s quality assessment and performance improvement plan or in the strategic plan. Since the leader oversees the emergency department, one such prioritized risk is the amount of waiting time in the emergency room. This prioritized risk not only impacts patient outcomes but also patient satisfaction. Therefore, evaluating the team’s performance or effectiveness in addressing this area is crucial. Furthermore, ER wait times are quantifiable data and can be compared to national or state averages. These national and state averages are considered benchmarks which the team can be scored against. A successful team result can be determined if the ER wait times of Sunrise General Hospital is at par or better than national and state averages. These means the ER department have adequate staff, infrastructure, and organization to provide the services to its patients. However, evaluating the team’s performance against established parameters is only part of an effective evaluation. The leader must also evaluate the team’s members and get their feedback and address their concerns, if any. This way, the team’s values and culture are preserved or enhanced to better equip the team to perform their activities. An example of this is exemplified by The Joint Commission (2018) is its’ culture of safety assessment requirement. This evaluation can be done through a survey type of evaluation. Lastly, the overall process must be conducted by a team representing the services of the department, and not only one person. For areas where requirements for improvement are necessary, vital steps are to be taken to address and correct the deficiencies identified through collaboration with the team. Emphasis is to be given in correcting the root cause of the deficiency while ensuring that a mechanism is in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the corrective action plan and continuous compliance.References:Dye, C. F. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (3rd ed.). Health Administration.The Joint Commission. (2018). Safety culture assessment: Improving the survey process. The Joint Commission Perspectives.

solved Scenario is bolded out please follow all instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Develop a 2-4-page

Scenario is bolded out please follow all instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Develop a 2-4-page scholarly paper in which you describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, and then identify and analyze credible evidence that could be used as the basis for applying EBP to the issue.The goal of using evidence-based research findings is to enhance safety and quality of patient care and ensure optimal outcomes are achieved. It is not uncommon to hear a nurse say, “why change it as we’ve always done it this way.” However, this is no longer acceptable in today’s practice environment. The profession of nursing has evolved, and the expectation is that the professional nurse has a scientific foundation to support the care that is provided. As the profession of nursing continues to evolve and engage in health care transformation, baccalaureate-prepared nurses are expanding taking on leadership roles that include incorporating EBPs. To be able to do this, the nurse needs to understand the criteria and makes a resource credible, as this is crucial when deciding if the research is valid and reliable for implementation into health care settings.It would be an excellent choice to complete the Vila Health Determining the Credibility of Evidence activity prior to developing the report. The activity is a media simulation that offers an opportunity to review a scenario and work on determining the credibility of presented evidence. These skills will be necessary to complete Assessment 2 successfully. This media simulation is one potential source of context on which to base your assessment submission. This will take just a few minutes of your time and is not graded.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites.Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an EBP model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach.Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.Professional ContextAs a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for locating and identifying credible and scholarly resources to incorporate the best available evidence for the purposes of enhancing clinical reasoning and judgement skills. When reliable and relevant evidence-based findings are utilized, patients, health care systems, and nursing practice outcomes are positively impacted.ScenarioFor this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the context for the quality or safety issue or chosen diagnosis for researching and completing this assessmentA personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred.InstructionsThe purpose of this analysis is to better understand what constitutes credibility of journal articles as well as websites. The role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in incorporating evidence-based research continues to growth in clinical practice. As quality improvement (QI) measures to reduce safety risks continue to be emphasized, the need for evidence-based models and evidence-based templates is growing. This type of systematic approach to incorporating evidence-based findings allows nurses to make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence. When the most up-to-date evidence-based findings are utilized, patient-centered care improves outcomes and enhances the patient experience.For this assessment:Explain the criteria that should be used when determining the credibility of journal articles as well as websites.Support your explanations with references to the literature or research articles that describe criteria that should be used to determine credibility.Your identification and determination of credibility should be done within the context of your chosen scenario for this assessment. For example, if you choose to use the provided Vila Health scenario, your initial identification of resources should be of resources that will best help address the presented issue. However, if you are locating resources to help provide evidence-based care for the diagnosis you identified in the first assessment, you may want to begin your literature and evidence search from the databases that identified. Any of the three scenario options are acceptable. So, pick the one that most interests you.Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a distinguished score.Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach.Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites.Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.This is where you are selecting the specific resources to help address the issue in your chosen scenario. Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an EBP model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.Submission RequirementsYour assessment should meet the following requirements:Length of submission: 2–4-page scholarly paper, this does not include the APA-formatted title page and reference list.Number of references: Cite 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than five years old.APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

solved My thoughts would be that Jim must really trust me

My thoughts would be that Jim must really trust me and feel strongly about my ability to be an asset to the team.  I immediately thought of Stephen Covey and his win-win philosophy (1989).  The way that Jim presented the offer left plenty of room for the negotiation to end in a win for both parties.  It speaks to how he might be as a leader.  He appears to allow his team to make decisions and be empowered to act on the behalf of the organization.  I would spend some time interest mapping to determine what Jim’s interests are and solidify my own interests prior to completing the offer letter (Lax & Sebenius, 2006).  This sounds like a dream position and I would be excited to negotiate my hiring terms so that I could get to work.
Covey, S. R. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people.  New York: Simon and Schuster.
Lax, D. & Sebenius, J. (2006) Negotiate in Three Dimensions (Excerpt from) 3-d Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, 2006.Please reword the following and add as need to ensure no plagiarism.
Discussion Question #1
by Leonard Lindenmuth – Saturday, 27 March 2021, 8:23 PM
Acibadem has a number of alternatives to leverage its IHH relationship while collaborating with Parkway-Pantai.
The vertical integration the Acibadem has followed has and will position them well into the future. The fully integrated delivery systems and domestic infrastructure is nearly unheard of in the United States. 
The first dollars spent on healthcare delivery go into the insurance pools.  So buying a floundering insurance company is a brilliant move. The infrastructure of an insurance company is much different from hospital based infrastructure.  Although the idea that a Medical Loss Ratio of 36% to begin with is rather troubling since US based insurers are in the 85% range and then moving the MLR down to 16% seems very unlikely.
The Project Management Office and can be monetized and sold out to others as well as housekeeping and the rest.
Additionally, the medical school can be a pipeline of workforce talent to get positions filled. 
The leveraging needs to take place at using IHH using their strong platform of technology and marrying that with Acibadem’s human and infrastructure resources mentioned above. Using best in class services, it is useful to strategically pick out the places to expand to with the help of IHH.  I liked that the cultures of IHH and Acibadem were focused on health care rather than the Private Equity who had other interests outside of quality healthcare delivery.  It would seem that IHH can be the glue that puts everything together with Parkway-Pantai.
Discussion #2
by Treney Tweedy – Sunday, 28 March 2021, 5:09 PM
I think focusing on Medical tourism is a win-win situation for Acibadem and its global strategy.  Supporting their Turkish facilities, medical tourism had seen growth.  From 2007 to 2014, medical tourism’s share of Acibadem revenues had risen from 1.5% to 13%, and foreign patients now accounted for 15% of the total. (Herzlinger, Cekin, Kindred, Yucaoglu, 2015)  For expansion purposes in the medical tourism area, Acibadem should look to Russia and Western Europe for expansion opportunities.  Russia is more of an authoritarian government, which supports a more lucrative business model  because of its reception to offering tax incentives and entering public-private partnerships for health care investments. (Herzlinger, Cekin, Kindred, Yucaoglu, 2015)  Cultural factors and established relationships could influence facility costs by working with established Turkish contractors.  Western Europe gave the chance to drive customers to their Turkish facilities because of the restrictions Western Europe put on particular procedures, i.e. organ transplants and cancer surgery.
Herlinger, Regina, Cekin, Esel, Kindred, Natalie, Yucaoglu, Gamze, 2015, Harvard Business School, Acibadem Healthcare Group
Week 5
Please answer discussion post 1 with 200 words and in text citations. Readings are enclosed.
DB 2 What would recommend a firm about its game to play (competitive, cooperative or a mix of both)?
by Lorna Wilcox-Gollop – Friday, 2 April 2021, 11:35 AM
Firms have to know their added value as well as possess the ability to recognize that sometimes working together can be successful. Therefore, they should have a mix of both in the game. According to Casadesus-Masanell, (2015), the firm that thrives understands its interdependencies with other players and wisely anticipates the consequences of its choices. Every firm wants to think they produce the best and may sometimes forget to monitor the competition. Both sides think strategically therefore this should always be at the forefront. There needs to be an ongoing way to maintain that competitive edge to stay ahead of the game. They need to be able to identify what the competitor may do and determine if a response is needed. This means ongoing analysis is needed. To remain successful long term a firm cannot become complacent, they must determine a way to remain in demand. Sometimes this may mean working together with the competition exampled by Microsoft and Intel in the 1990s.
by Samaria Washington – Friday, 26 March 2021, 3:18 PM
According to Stephen Covey (1989)  Win-win is the only viable option of the five philosophies discussed in the excerpt of  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  His reasoning is that “if it isn’t a win for both of us, we both lose”.  I tend to agree with his thought process.  In my own career, my negotiations have been more successful when both parties walked away a winner.  Everyone is happy and the relationship gets off to a great start.  My organization is literally in the midst of a hostile takeover from multiple fronts and things are not going well at all.  Unfortunately, the employees stand to be the big losers in this situation.  Our parent corporation will walk away with millions in cash and staff stand to lose at least half of their vacation time and the majority of their sick time.  It is an unimaginable stance for the organization to take against frontline workers.  Frontline leaders like myself, are left with disgruntled employees and a mass exodus of valuable human capital.  This could have been handled in a much better way.  This is definitely a win-lose situation.
Covey, S. R. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people.  New York: Simon and Schuster.

solved Purpose & Task Description The purpose of this activity is

Purpose & Task Description
The purpose of this activity is to evaluate your understanding of the formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and support within your learning ecosystem.
In this assessment item, you will visualise your Professional Learning Ecosystem and provide an explanation of its elements.
While you may have a clear understanding of your learning ecosystem in your head, it is important to be able to convert this information into a functional record. Having a record not only allows you to evaluate the nature and completeness of your understanding of your ecosystem, but it also allows you to re-engineer it as you move from a beginning professional (pre-graduation) to an established professional in employment.
Document in report format submitted via MyUni. Use the following headings for your sections:
2.How Learning Works
3.Sources of Learning
4.My Professional Learning Ecosystem
5.My Plans for Future Development 
Learning Outcomes
3. Analyse and represent their personal professional learning ecosystem (incorporating formal, non-formal, and informal sources of learning)
4. Reflect on the nature of their involvement in cooperative learning processes
What you need to do to be successful in this assignment:
Write an explanation of learning and your Professional Learning Ecosystem.
Your submission must include:

Introduction (100-150 words)
A visualisation of your Professional Learning Ecosystem

Write a short introduction that provides the aim of the report and outlines what the reader will read in the report.
Put a copy of your mindmap in this first section. Your mind map is a network of people, resources, technology & tools, and places (the environment where your learning happens)
In your mindmap, you should include:

Your university courses (course names, types of materials (readings, videos, PPT), course assignments)
People who contribute to your learning (eg teachers, classmates in study groups, mentors, any social networks)
Resources that provide content to intentional support for your learning (library resources, MyUni, ‘how to guides’, university support services such as Maths Centre or Writing Centre)
Technology & Tools that you use specifically for your learning (eg any apps such as for notetaking)
Experiences that contribute to your learning & skills development (eg volunteer work/work experience/network events)  

N.B. Reread all your reflective journal assignments to check for anything related to the elements above that you reflected on and can be added to your mindmap.

How Learning works (400-500 words)
An explanation of how learning is understood to work for people and professionals.

This section is a research-based summary of what you learnt in week 3 of the course, so refer to the readings and videos provided in week 3. Explain what you learnt about: attitude (growth mindset), perception, attention, and memory. 
You could also look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn.  
Identify the areas that you think are important. Explain each of these areas (provide in-text references) and then give evidence/examples to support your ideas (provide in-text references)
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 3 for extra readings/videos that you might find useful.

Sources of Learning in a contemporary business environment (200-400 words)
An explanation of the varieties of formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and the difference between them in a contemporary business environment.

This section is also a research-based summary, so you need to refer to the readings provided in weeks 4 and 5. 
Specifically, explain the three different sources of learning (refer to the readings and podcast in week 4) and how you evaluate the credibility of such sources (refer to the videos/reading in week 5). Provide examples of each type of learning. You could refer to your own experiences of each type of learning and evaluating their credibility. 
Briefly explain the relevance of having different sources of learning and the importance of evaluating them.
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 4 as these may be useful.
N.B. It is acceptable to do additional research for both sections 2 & 3 of your report, but make sure that your resources are reliable and relevant.

My Professional Learning Ecosystem (600-800 words)
An explanation of the elements of your Professional Learning Ecosystem, including the following:

Formal Institutional Programs ie University courses 
People/Learning Networks 
Resources/Technology & Tools
Experiences (if included in your map)

In this section, you are describing each part of your mindmap (included in the introduction). Use the headings above to divide this section into clear subsections. You could also include each part of your map in the relevant subsection (see the example provided) 
In each subsection (eg 4.1 Formal Institutional Programs):

Describe what the element is (eg name of university course)
Explain what you are learning from it
Explain if it is a formal, non-formal or informal source of learning & why
Explain how significant this element of learning is for you and why it is helpful for your professional development

My Plans for future development of my Professional Learning Ecosystem (400 words)
A description of the next steps you will take with your Professional Learning Ecosystem and an explanation of why.

At the beginning of this section, write a clear statement about what your career goal is. 
Based on this career goal, you are then explaining your action plan for further developing your skills and knowledge to achieve your goal of becoming a professional in this chosen career. 
In the previous section 4, you are likely to have identified some gaps in your Professional Learning Ecosystem. In this section, you need to put forward specific strategies that you will implement to help you fill the gaps. 
Your strategies need to be realistic, and you need to explain how and why they will help you achieve your goals. Your strategies also need to be measurable (eg by saying how often you will do it or by when you might have completed it) and achievable (eg by say what resources you can use to do it).
Look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn and are practical strategies for your learning. 
Also reread your reflective journal assignments (Part 4) to check for any specific strategies you have identified that could be included in this section of your report.

solved Purpose & Task Description The purpose of this activity is

Purpose & Task Description
The purpose of this activity is to evaluate your understanding of the formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and support within your learning ecosystem.
In this assessment item, you will visualise your Professional Learning Ecosystem and provide an explanation of its elements.
While you may have a clear understanding of your learning ecosystem in your head, it is important to be able to convert this information into a functional record. Having a record not only allows you to evaluate the nature and completeness of your understanding of your ecosystem, but it also allows you to re-engineer it as you move from a beginning professional (pre-graduation) to an established professional in employment.
Document in report format submitted via MyUni. Use the following headings for your sections:
2.How Learning Works
3.Sources of Learning
4.My Professional Learning Ecosystem
5.My Plans for Future Development 
Learning Outcomes
3. Analyse and represent their personal professional learning ecosystem (incorporating formal, non-formal, and informal sources of learning)
4. Reflect on the nature of their involvement in cooperative learning processes
What you need to do to be successful in this assignment:
Write an explanation of learning and your Professional Learning Ecosystem.
Your submission must include:

Introduction (100-150 words)
A visualisation of your Professional Learning Ecosystem

Write a short introduction that provides the aim of the report and outlines what the reader will read in the report.
Put a copy of your mindmap in this first section. Your mind map is a network of people, resources, technology & tools, and places (the environment where your learning happens)
In your mindmap, you should include:

Your university courses (course names, types of materials (readings, videos, PPT), course assignments)
People who contribute to your learning (eg teachers, classmates in study groups, mentors, any social networks)
Resources that provide content to intentional support for your learning (library resources, MyUni, ‘how to guides’, university support services such as Maths Centre or Writing Centre)
Technology & Tools that you use specifically for your learning (eg any apps such as for notetaking)
Experiences that contribute to your learning & skills development (eg volunteer work/work experience/network events)  

N.B. Reread all your reflective journal assignments to check for anything related to the elements above that you reflected on and can be added to your mindmap.

How Learning works (400-500 words)
An explanation of how learning is understood to work for people and professionals.

This section is a research-based summary of what you learnt in week 3 of the course, so refer to the readings and videos provided in week 3. Explain what you learnt about: attitude (growth mindset), perception, attention, and memory. 
You could also look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn.  
Identify the areas that you think are important. Explain each of these areas (provide in-text references) and then give evidence/examples to support your ideas (provide in-text references)
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 3 for extra readings/videos that you might find useful.

Sources of Learning in a contemporary business environment (200-400 words)
An explanation of the varieties of formal, informal, and non-formal sources of learning and the difference between them in a contemporary business environment.

This section is also a research-based summary, so you need to refer to the readings provided in weeks 4 and 5. 
Specifically, explain the three different sources of learning (refer to the readings and podcast in week 4) and how you evaluate the credibility of such sources (refer to the videos/reading in week 5). Provide examples of each type of learning. You could refer to your own experiences of each type of learning and evaluating their credibility. 
Briefly explain the relevance of having different sources of learning and the importance of evaluating them.
Look at the ‘Optional Extended Learning’ at the end of the MyUni page in Modules Week 4 as these may be useful.
N.B. It is acceptable to do additional research for both sections 2 & 3 of your report, but make sure that your resources are reliable and relevant.

My Professional Learning Ecosystem (600-800 words)
An explanation of the elements of your Professional Learning Ecosystem, including the following:

Formal Institutional Programs ie University courses 
People/Learning Networks 
Resources/Technology & Tools
Experiences (if included in your map)

In this section, you are describing each part of your mindmap (included in the introduction). Use the headings above to divide this section into clear subsections. You could also include each part of your map in the relevant subsection (see the example provided) 
In each subsection (eg 4.1 Formal Institutional Programs):

Describe what the element is (eg name of university course)
Explain what you are learning from it
Explain if it is a formal, non-formal or informal source of learning & why
Explain how significant this element of learning is for you and why it is helpful for your professional development

My Plans for future development of my Professional Learning Ecosystem (400 words)
A description of the next steps you will take with your Professional Learning Ecosystem and an explanation of why.

At the beginning of this section, write a clear statement about what your career goal is. 
Based on this career goal, you are then explaining your action plan for further developing your skills and knowledge to achieve your goal of becoming a professional in this chosen career. 
In the previous section 4, you are likely to have identified some gaps in your Professional Learning Ecosystem. In this section, you need to put forward specific strategies that you will implement to help you fill the gaps. 
Your strategies need to be realistic, and you need to explain how and why they will help you achieve your goals. Your strategies also need to be measurable (eg by saying how often you will do it or by when you might have completed it) and achievable (eg by say what resources you can use to do it).
Look at the 6 Scientific learning videos from week 4 as these videos give practice advice on how to learn and are practical strategies for your learning. 
Also reread your reflective journal assignments (Part 4) to check for any specific strategies you have identified that could be included in this section of your report

solved Assessment 3: Client Meeting and Project ApprovalMeet with a health

Assessment 3: Client Meeting and Project ApprovalMeet with a health care professional in your prospective client organization to present your data review project proposal. Then, submit a summary of the required changes, with the client’s signature. There is no page limit for this assessment.IntroductionNote: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.The ability to articulate the potential impact of your project in a concise manner to project stakeholders can impact the successful implementation of any change initiative. The successful outcome of your project depends upon your ability to communicate effectively and prepare for meetings with important stakeholders.This assessment is crucial to the success of your data review project and provides an opportunity for you to refine your project proposal and obtain the client’s approval. In addition, you will work closely with the client to ensure that your project adds value to the organization, while still supporting your career goals and leadership development.Overview and PreparationNote: In this assessment, you will present the project proposal that you developed in Assessment 2 to the client for negotiation and approval.Document ReviewTo prepare for this assessment, read the following:Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide [PDF].The information provided in this document will help you in preparing for the meeting, presenting your data review project proposal, and obtaining approval for your project from the client. In addition, it provides guidance, recommendations, and examples that are crucial to successfully completing this assessment. You are encouraged to download this document and keep it on hand as a ready reference.In addition, download and review the template you will use for this assessment:Assessment 3 Client Meeting and Review Template [DOCX].Key Preparatory Tasks for a Successful MeetingThorough preparation will ensure that your meeting is productive. Take the following steps to prepare for the meeting:Conduct background research on your prospective client organization. Identify a first and second choice for connecting with a practicing health care professional in that organization.Research best practices for professional communication and feedback to prepare for the interview.Reflect upon your experience in human services and health care administration relevant to your proposed project. Based on the NCHL competencies, is your proposed project realistic?Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the practicing health care professional. Refer to the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide [PDF].Note: You should arrive at the meeting with proposed performance indicators related to the health care issue you have identified. However, it is possible that you have chosen the wrong indicators, that the indicators are not included in the organization’s data sets, or that the client thinks different indicators might be more helpful. It is your job to verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators so that you can proceed with your data review.RequirementsYou will need to take the following steps to complete this assessment. Details and supporting information for completing each step are contained in the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide [PDF].Step 1: Schedule a meeting with the prospective client.Step 2: Meet with the client and present your project proposal (your combined Assessments 1 and 2). You may wish to send your proposal to your reviewer prior to the meeting.Provide evidence-based support for your assertions and conclusions.Be clear about the project scope, execution, and focus.Be clear about the value of your proposed project and how you will measure the outcomes for each of the four areas of the balanced scorecard.Be prepared to answer questions that the client asks.Step 3: Work with the client to refine your project proposal as necessary, including any negotiated changes, using the Assessment 3 Client Meeting and Review Template [DOCX]. Summarize the feedback offered by your client during the meeting, and provide any substantive, relevant details needed for clarification. (You will integrate the client feedback into your final project report.)Step 4: Submit the changes noted in your Assessment 3 template to the client for their approval and signature. (The client’s signature, title, and contact information are required.)Step 5: Scan and submit the signed copy of the Assessment 3 template as the deliverable for this assessment.Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that you address each point, at a minimum, during the client meeting and project approval process. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.Identify the appropriate health care professional in an organization from whom to seek approval for a proposed project.Consider the people with the requisite decision-making authority who are best able to provide guidance and recommendations.Negotiate changes to project scope, execution, or focus, based on feedback solicited from the client.Use this meeting as an opportunity to refine your proposed project.Solicit feedback on key aspects of the project:Problem Statement.Relevance of Factors and Units of Measurement.Method Selected in Literature v. Organization/Public Domain.Industry Considerations/Comments.Strengths.Areas for Improvement.Insights/Other Observations.Verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators and outcome measures.Ensure that negotiated changes are feasible and do not present obstacles to successful course completion.Obtain approval for a proposed project.Be sure that your revised proposal is a collaborative effort between you and the client that meets organizational requirements, such as confidentiality.Consider your role and responsibilities for establishing a strong working relationship with the client in executing the project.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 3: People: Create an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in health care settings.Identify the appropriate health care professional in an organization from whom to seek approval for a proposed project.Negotiate changes to project scope, execution, or focus, based on feedback solicited from the client.Obtain approval for a proposed project.

solved I’m working on a social science writing question and need

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Share reflections, thoughts, or comments on E-lecture “Contemporary Challenges to Traditional Religion” . Should be 400 words 
E-Lecture: Contemporary Challenges to Traditional Religion
E-Lecture:  Contemporary Challenges to Traditional Religion: The Status and the Roles of Women – Relations Between Religion and the State
The Status and Rolls of Women 
It is important we understand the changing world around us, especially the rolls and status of women. With the ever-changing rules and roles for women, women are now able to take part in different activities, which at one time women may not have been allowed to participate in or been prohibited to do. There is still a lot of work to do, however, in order to include women more fully in all aspects of public life.
Laws of Manu-  In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead, to her sons; a woman must never be independent. In certain periods and times upper caste women were honored, depending on their duty. For most women in Hinduism their religious life centers on domestic duties that represent a “good Hindu wife.” There are a few practices that mark the lesser and more subservient status of Hindu women. For instance, a man had the right to select a girl as young as the age eleven to be his wife. Another would be a custom the Hindus referred to as Purdah or “veil or curtain,” which involved the complete isolation of a woman “secluded in a room or separate house.” This isolation is done during menstruation and after child birth, when a woman is considered to be dirty. This isolation can last up to forty days. Then the woman is allowed to return home after a ritual bath is taken and resume normal activity. Widow Hindu women must be able to be distinguished, so they must wear white rather than colored clothes and fine jewelry. In the high caste families, widowed women will undergo the shaving of the head. Although Hindu women not had equality with men, changes have occurred in government with Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister.
Buddhist women may not have started out with the highest respect but eventually (over a small period of time) Buddha realized women were just as capable as men in reaching high levels of spiritual insight, including that of an Arhat, which is the ideal of spiritual perfection. In Mahayana Buddhist text women were spoken of highly and sometimes regarded to as heroes, Bodhisattvas and saviors. Mahayana women are encouraged to take on the Bodhisattvas vow of compassion, as are men. The status of Buddhist women is still mixed today since the male’s monastic traditions are so powerful.
Modern Christianity
Contemporary Christian women experience their religion as shaped by patriarchal culture.  A critique of their place as “helpmeet” within their tradition started in the 19th century, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and has continued until current times.  Christian feminists seek women to be valued equally by leadership in Christian traditions.  The idea that God is male is problematic for Christian feminists (as it is for Muslim and Jewish feminists).  When God is male, men have a tendency to develop androcentric, or male centered, worldview, which needs to be challenged. 
Women in Islam were initially treated with respect but after the death of Muhammad’s first wife, gradually the egalitarian view between women and men faded and laws against women were enacted. The Infallible Law, which states the practice of seclusion, polygamy, easy divorce for men, concubinage (living with a man though not married), female slavery, and the harem became traditional; this led to the degradation of women. In the 19th century the rights of Muslim women became an issue.  Schools for women and girls were built and they were encouraged to get a better education.  Islamic feminists fight for the rights and equality of all women and some changes are happening. A re-reading of the Qur’an is needed, according to some Muslim feminists, in order to replace patriarchal notions that may not be accurate to Mohammad’s intentions.  
Relations between Religion and the State
“Voting, paying taxes (for example for military armaments), holding office, taking oaths of allegiance, and serving in the military are viewed as compromises inconsistent with loyalty to the Christian life. This has, at times, resulted in a position of radical separation and even hostility toward the state (Livingston 374).”
Some Types of Relationships between Religion and State
Theocratic: Of or under a theocracy- the rule of a state or a society by God or by priests or Gods representatives who claim to rule by divine authority.
The State Church
A state is not a neutral, secular institution; that religion is, or should be, the spiritual organ of the nation or community; and that a particular religion should have a legal or constitutional status in state.
The Concept of the “Two Kingdoms”
The teachings of the two kingdoms are prominent in the teachings of German Protestant Reformed Martian Luther. It basically asks can or should one hold two separate loyalties, one to religion and one to the state?
The Roman Catholic Position
The Roman Catholic position on State and Church holds three primary principals. Number one, the ecclesial authority is distinct from the civil authority, each being free to carry out its special mission. Second, for the well being of humans and society it is important that there be harmony and cooperation between the church and the state.  Third, in matters pertaining to both institutions, the power of the civil authority must be subordinate to the guardianship of the spiritual authority.
The Roman Catholic church conceives of herself… as having and end (spiritual) more important for man than any purely human organization (the state)… Therefore, the state and the end it serves is subordinate to the spiritual order… The principle is not abrogated by the difficulty of its application (Livingston 379).
The “Culture Wars” in the United States: Discord over relations between Church and State  
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence wrote: “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or beliefs, but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain their opinions in matters of religion.