solved Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to create a

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to create a future trends assessment and recommendations for a client. This connects to course learning outcomes of identifying the role of marketing in communicating value for customers and applying the concept of positioning to a product or service. This assignment also connects to prior course learning in the areas of consumer behavior and product positioning. Scenario Congratulations! You have been promoted to senior marketing analyst at your marketing firm, Destiny Marketing. Your firm has been hired once again by the client company of your selected product/service. Your boss, Tiffany Morrow, tells you the client has requested a marketing assessment to answer this intriguing question: “Is our product well positioned for the future?” The company is particularly interested in recommendations regarding future customers and the customer experience in terms of digital technology. Your client recently learned that Generation Z is already in the workforce, while the oldest members of Generation Alpha is five years away from that first part time job. It was a wake-up call in terms of who is the customer and what type of experiences the company needs to be offering those future customers. You already have knowledge in the areas of consumer behavior and product positioning, so this assignment is perfect for you. You just need to do some reading about future trends. Ms. Morrow recently read a book she strongly suggests as a research guide for this assignment. The book, Marketing 5.0: Technology for Humanity (Kotler et al., 2021), is available to you online. She specifically wants you to focus on two chapters which are highly relevant for this client engagement. Those chapters are linked below in Step 2. To make this research applicable to the client’s specific consumer concerns, Ms. Morrow wants you to define “the future” as the next five to 10 years. Assignment Task Overview You will communicate your results in a professional PowerPoint presentation. The presentation is by Destiny Marketing. The presentation is about your client company. Your title slide should indicate the presentation title, the client company name, firm title, and your name and title. Here is a title slide example: Is Disney+ well positioned for the Future? Prepared for The Walt Disney Company Destiny Marketing, Sha’Na O’Neill, Senior Marketing Analyst There are three steps to this assignment. Review all steps before you begin. Step 1: Refer to the company for the same product/service used for Weeks 2, 4, and 6 assignments. Refresh your knowledge of relevant concepts from prior course learning. Use the same company and product/service you used for Weeks 2, 4, and 6 for this assignment. Refresh your knowledge of consumer behavior. See the “How Consumers Make Buying Decisions” learning resource from Week 3.Refresh your knowledge of positioning. See the “Positioning and Repositioning Offerings” learning resource from Week 5.Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below. Step 2: Respond to each of the following questions as they relate to the company.The company is your client. Format this assignment as a PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation must be no more than 12 slides (not including title slide, index slide, and references slide). Respond to all the questions in each section. Your presentation must meet the research and references requirement in Step 3. Use bullet points and images to convey meaning where possible instead of blocks of text. I. Ready for Future Customers? How will your client market this product/service to potential customers in Generations Z and Alpha? Is your client ready to do so? Describe Gen Z in terms of behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics. Chapter 2 Generation Gap in Marketing 5.0Using words and images, explain your client’s readiness to market this product/service to Gen Z. What changes would you recommend for the future (5-10 years)? Describe Generation Alpha in terms of behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics. Chapter 2 Generation Gap in Marketing 5.0 Using words and images, explain your client’s readiness to market this product/service to Gen Alpha. What changes would you recommend for the future (5-10 years)? Be sure to consider all aspects of the marketing mix for this product/service (e.g., product, promotion, distribution, and pricing strategies). II. Ready for the Digital Future? Kotler et al. (2021) say: “In Marketing 5.0, businesses need to demonstrate to customers that the correct applications of technology may improve human happiness (p. 66).” Is your client using technology to improve human happiness? How well do the technologies currently implemented by your client for this product/service address the digital divide? What changes would you recommend for the future (5-10 years)? See Chapter 4 Digital Divide in Marketing 5.0. Refer to Figure 4.2, the Technology Compass. Assess your client in the six aspects of the compass Chapter 4 Digital Divide in Marketing 5.0. How well do the technologies currently implemented by your client for this product/service provide personal, social, and experiential customer solutions? What changes would you recommend for the future (5-10 years)? III. Positioning [insert product/service name] for the Future. Provide a summary of your assessment and recommendations. How well has your company positioned this product/service to market Gen Z and Generation Alpha? Make recommendation(s) for how to better position this product/service for marketing to Gen Z and Alpha. How well is your company implementing technology for this product/service offering in terms of addressing the digital divide, providing personal, social, and experiential customer solutions? Make recommendation(s) for how to better implement technology in this offering to deliver superior customer experience for the future (5-10 years). Step 3: Format your submission as a PowerPoint presentation to comply with these requirements. Communicate your analysis in a Microsoft PowerPoint document formatted as a professional presentation. This assignment must be 12 slides or less in length, not including title, index, and references slides. SeeCreating Effective PowerPoint Presentations for Marketing Research and References Requirement All statements of fact must be supported by a credible source, and that source must be cited using APA in-text citations. See Is My Source Credible? Include a slide with a list of your sources in APA format. The reference list slide is required and should appear at the end of the slide deck. See Citing and Writing (UMGC Library APA Resources)

solved You will be creating an export business plan. Work must

You will be creating an export business plan. Work must be original to this class, otherwise a grade of zero will be given. If no paper is submitted, a course grade of zero points will be given. Papers that do not contain detailed research will be severely penalized. No Wikipedia references are allowed.
You do not need to submit work in progress. However you are welcome to approach your instructor with questions.
Business Plan Requirements
Business PlanPage recommendationsSection headerSummary
Part I: Purpose
Why has the plan been written?
Part II: Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of contents
Part III: Executive Summary
Executive Summary
This is short and concise. It covers the principal points of the report, and is prepared after the plan has been written.
Part IV: Research
?7 pages
Introduction – what product and foreign country did you select and why
Situational Analysis
Describe the product to be exported
Present a brief history of the country as it relates to its origins and trade historyCultural Overview
The norms, practices, social structure, etc. that may aid (or hinder) the reception of your product
Consumer attitudes toward product
Educational levels; ability to comprehend instructions, ability to use product
Languages; labels, instructions
Political Environment
An overview of the governance structure of the country along with any legal-political forces
Certain required or prohibited features 
Label and packing requirements
Export Marketing Plan
Long and short-term goals, characteristics of an ideal target market for your product given the country selected, market screening
Economic Decelopment
How developed the country is, and how this will influence the success of your product
Purchasing power
SummarySummaryPart V: References1 to 2ReferencesReferences
Note: For further details regarding the components of your Export Business Plan, please see pages 468-469 of your textbook.
Formatting Requirements

Your paper must be in APA format to include:

The use of headings and subheadings
Times New Roman 12-point font
1 inch margins
Paragraphs with a minimum of at least 5 sentences
The first line of each paragraph should be indented 1/2 inch

Anything less than the content length stated above is not sufficient coverage of content and will result in a substantial reduction in grade.

At least one to two reference pages.
References must be no older than 5 years.

Your paper should be well-organized with excellent flow and excellently formatted. Check that your headings and sub-headings are correct.
Spell-check and proofread before submission.

Due Date

Due by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT, Unit 7.


Select a product of which you will export to a foreign country. 
After your product is chosen, decide on a foreign country to which you will export. 
Develop an Export Business Plan

For this assignment, you will find, read, and create annotations for scholarly articles related to your chosen product and country.  Later this term, you will synthesize these sources and combine this archival research with field research to develop your paper.  Therefore, it is important to select a topic that interests you.
An annotated bibliography is a good way to keep track of your research. As you find sources and annotate them, you capture important information about a source, information that will hopefully prove helpful when you start to write paper. The sources you choose for the annotated bibliography should be sources you will use (or that could potentially be used) in your final paper for the course.  If you’re going to do all the work that an annotated bibliography entails, why not make it count! The assignment requires 10 annotated sources, but you may end up with more than that for the final paper.

How to Create an Annotated Bibliography

Due Date

Submit by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.


Select a topic that interests you.
Include a brief, one to two paragraph introduction of your topic.

This introduction in some ways acts as a summary of your product and country, its primary purpose is to introduce the sources you have annotated and to explain how they relate to each other.

Research the topic.
Create a bibliography.

The bibliography includes annotations for at least 10 sources that you might use in your research paper.
Provide bibliographic information for each source, just as you would in the references section of a paper. Use APA format for these citations.
Types of sources

At least six of these sources must be scholarly journals;
At least two sources must be publicly available on the Web.

Annotate the bibliography.

Summarize each source in a one-paragraph annotation. These annotations should provide brief overviews of the sources. Write a concise one paragraph annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article.
Include one or more sentences that include the following

Evaluate the authority or background of the author
Comment on the intended audience
Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited
Explain how this work illuminates your topic
The key points addressed in the source
How to Create an Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotation is more than just a brief summary of an article, book, Web site or other type of publication. An annotation should give enough information to make a reader decide whether to read the complete work. In other words, if the reader were exploring the same topic as you, is this material useful and if so, why?An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources (like a reference list). It differs from a straightforward bibliography in that each reference is followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length.The Process

First, locate and record citations from at least 10 peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals or papers published within the past 2 years, that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic.
Cite the book, article, or document using APA style.
Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. This section should be at least one paragraph in length. Include one or more sentences that

evaluate the authority or background of the author,
comment on the intended audience,
compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or
explain how this work illuminates your topic (does it agree or disagree with your topic).

solved Assignment 1: Week 5 BlogRefer to the topics covered in

Assignment 1: Week 5 BlogRefer to the topics covered in this week’s resources, and incorporate them into your blog.By Day 3Post a blog post that includes:An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience. (Mental health/substance abuse clinic) By Day 4Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:Validate an idea in your colleague’s post with your own experience.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Colleague 1: Amber MAn explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience.An intervention that I address in my field placement is during the psychiatric assessment, If a client cannot contract for safety and feels suicidal. In this case we help the client create a safety plan. The safety plans serve as an intervention to help clients discover warning signs, coping skills that do not require others and social supports. We go over these skills with the client and help them develop plans to help them in times of crisis. One of the first questions on the safety plan is “how do I feel before I have the urge to hurt myself or what triggers may be occurring”, this allows the client to describe their unique experience in their own words. Patients have a major role in safety plan creation, this allows the professional to understand the clients experience in their own words, “clients who experiencing problems firsthand may view them very differently from the way in which you view them” (Gerthwait,2017,p.93) . The client and the social worker, both sign the safety plan, and it goes in the chart. Although this is helpful for client, the patient is not given a copy to safety plan, I did not understand this at my placement. It would be most beneficial for the patient to have a copy of the safety plan for them to refer to.Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Chapter 8, “The Social Problem Context of Practice” (pp. 87-96)Colleague 2: SharonPost an explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention during your field education experience: An explanation of how I have addressed intervention at my field placement is mostly during an intake process, where I have assessed a client to determine their needs. More often than not, most of these clients are living on the streets, and during an assessment, I usually learn that these clients have no stable medical treatment plans and off of their medication. Some have disclosed that they are dealing with addictions to drugs or alcohol. At this point, I usually am able to intervene and make decisions with the client to secure them short-term housing stay, contact the pharmacy and get their medication prescribed to bring some stability to their lives. Moreover, I would check in with the client to find out if they would like a referral to an addictions rehabilitation drug treatment center in order to gain sobriety. The majority of social work roles entails dealing with problems,(Garthwaith, C. L., 2017, p. 87). Also, the author mentioned that social workers should “think critically and creatively about the concept of prevention and ask questions that will help to analyze conditions and make plans for interventions,”(p. 94). In addition, at field placement I am able to determine if a client needs counseling in order to assist with getting their lives on track by assessing how they manage problems, consistent patterns in their lives that bring about negative results (i.e., using their rent monies to buy drugs and eventually get evicted). Some interventions around these behavioral patterns determined through assessing and listening effectively. I am then able to provide support and intervention to help them change their behavioral patterns once they have agreed to be involved in a program that can benefit them. This is usually done through counseling support such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that teaches clients coping skills and behavior management by shifting from negative thoughts to positive cognition. Therefore, CBT helps the client to develop new coping skills as the social worker helps to find solutions to resolve the client’s problems. In addition, social workers should anticipate forces for change and opposition to intervention and incorporate best practices in an effort to evaluate effective intervention programs, (Garthwait, 2017, p.).ReferenceGarthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Colleague 3: Jacqueline An Explanation of How You Might Address Intervention During Your Field Education ExperienceI have not been able to actively participate in developing an intervention for a client as of yet. However, given the opportunity I would be sure to follow the appropriate steps to develop the most effective intervention tailored to the clients needs. These needs would be discovered by effectively using engagement and then assessment. It is imperative to get to understand the client in every way possible and discover their strengths and weaknesses prior to developing an intervention. It is important to utilize clients’ strengths and assets to address the social problems that they are being challenged with (Garthwait, 2017, p.90). The same applies with interventions at the mezzo level. In order to develop an intervention for a social problem as a whole we must determine what the strengths of the demographic we are working with are and use them to discover how to combat the social problem as a whole. While I have not yet had the ability to do this in my field experience I was able to address a social problem at the shelter in which I work. The federal government drastically reduced funding for domestic violence and sexual assault programs. This could potentially lead to many programs that are much needed having to close their doors. Each shelter needed to participate in community needs assessment and report the number of victimizations they have seen in their area etc. This information was used to write letters to law makers requesting that the budget cuts do not get passed and why it is important that the funding remain. This is a form of intervention as well. I look forward to practicing enacting interventions at all levels in my social work experience.ReferencesGarthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

solved Question 15 Mark this questionI come home and my apartment

Question 15 Mark this questionI come home and my apartment building is on fire. There is a family of five living in the apartment next to mine and only my mother in my apartment. I can only evacuate one apartment.What is a problem with applying utilitarianism to this scenario?Utilitarianism says I have to choose what to do based on who is responsible for starting the fire.Utilitarianism says I should evacuate my apartment because that will make me the happiest.Utilitarianism says I should evacuate the apartment that has five occupants, even though my mother is more important to me.Utilitarianism says I cannot determine which apartment to evacuate because my mother’s happiness is equal to the happiness of the five strangers.Question 14 Mark this questionWhat is meant by the formulation of humanity?Anything agreed on by all humanity is true.We shouldn’t act in a way that has any harm to society.We should respect other peoples’ points of view.Other people must be treated as ends, not only as means.Question 13 Mark this questionIn Kantian deontology, the __________ must be derived from reason.utility principlecategorical imperativeformal maximcommand theoryQuestion 12 Mark this questionJerome gets injured helping a distressed swimmer. Jerome dies, but the swimmer lives. How would a utilitarian classify Jerome’s action?NeutralObligatoryImpermissibleSupererogatoryQuestion 11 Mark this questionAccording to Kantian deontology, which of the following would make an act permissible?It is done with good intent.It brings about the greatest good for the most people.It is legal in this place.It is approved by a majority of people.Question 10 Mark this questionWhat is meant by the formulation of universal law?Acting according to a maxim that is defined by the global communityActing according to a maxim that, if applied to everyone, does not entail contradictionActing according to a maxim that respects an act’s inherent goodnessActing according to a maxim that brings about the greatest possible goodQuestion 9 Mark this questionWhich of the following represents rule utilitarianism?Rick helps his daughter with her taxes because he thinks parents should help their children.Rhonda drinks tea instead of coffee because she finds it more soothing.Raj buys a particular brand of computer because it best suits his professional needs.Renee is honest with her doctor because she wants a correct diagnosis.Question 8 Mark this questionWhich of the following represents a potential problem for Kantian deontology?A person may have to follow different rules than others because of his or her circumstances.A person who isn’t aware of committing a crime can’t be guilty of it.A person’s intentions aren’t given enough consideration.A person can treat other people as means to an end without respect for them.Question 7 Mark this questionHow might a Kantian deontologist evaluate assisted suicide?It is morally right because the patient gives his or her consent.It is morally right because it puts a person out of his or her pain.It is morally wrong because too many people would do it if they could.It is morally wrong because it deprives a person of his or her humanity.Question 6 Mark this questionWhich of the following people would likely be satisfied with Kantian deontology?Gary is looking for an ethical framework that originates outside humanity.Gerard is looking for an ethical framework that can apply to everyone.Gina is looking for an ethical framework that is conscious of an act’s negative effects.Gosia is looking for an ethical framework that is based in a society’s laws and rules.Question 5 Mark this questionWhich of the following pairs of goods are probably different in kind according to idealist utilitarianism?My life and the life of my childrenA polio vaccine and a syringeAll of the answer choices are correct.A dog and a catQuestion 4 Mark this questionTheo is running for political office. It is a well-known fact that Theo is corrupt— he intends to use his office for his own personal and financial gain, to the detriment of the communities he serves. Yet polls show that he has a considerable lead over his opponents because he can afford aggressive advertising. A group of citizens decides to take matters into its own hands by blackmailing Theo so he will drop out of the election. Most people would agree that this action is immoral. How might it be evaluated by a utilitarian?Blackmailing Theo is morally wrong because it’s still possible that he won’t win the election, or that checks and balances will keep him from having too negative an impact.Blackmailing Theo is morally wrong because blackmail is always wrong, even if you don’t agree with someone’s values.Blackmailing Theo is morally right because the communities he serves will ultimately be happier with a leader who is not corrupt.Blackmailing Theo is morally right because most citizens do not want him as their leader, even if they have fallen for his advertising.Question 3 Mark this questionWhich of the following people would likely be satisfied with utilitarianism?Walt is looking for an ethical framework that places a high value on his culture’s traditions.Wendy is looking for an ethical framework that relies on the Torah for moral guidance.Warren is looking for an ethical framework that never allows any kind of theft.Walburga is looking for an ethical framework that is based in observable facts.Question 2 Mark this questionWhen a utilitarian evaluates an action, which of the following is most important?The action’s inherent sinfulnessThe action’s effects on the agentThe action’s total effects on everyoneThe action’s rejection by societyQuestion 1 Mark this questionClaire is helping her elderly neighbor, Ms. Flannigan, with some yard work. Ms. Flannigan has no close family and tells Claire that she is beginning to wonder who will get the small bundles of cash she has hidden throughout her large house. Ms. Flannigan even remarks that she cannot remember where she has hidden them all. After helping Ms. Flannigan, Claire goes inside to freshen up. In the bathroom she notices a large wad of cash tucked inside the medicine cabinet.Which action is supported by utilitarianism but intuitively seems unethical?Claire takes the money and donates it to the food kitchen that feeds the community’s homeless population.Claire takes the money and puts it in a savings account that she will not touch for 10 years.Claire leaves the money, and tells Ms. Flannigan that she will take her to the bank the following week to deposit it.Claire leaves the money, but tells her friends about Mrs. Flannigan’s forgetfulness and where she had found the money.

solved Write a paper explaining what a mindset is and why

Write a paper explaining what a mindset is and why having a specific mindset will impact the agility of a business. Within your paper, detail the internal/external locus of control and how the locus of control impacts the entrepreneurial mindset.
Week 2 Topic
Organizational Practices And Innovation
Week 3 Topic
Management Techniques
Write a paper on the management techniques need by those that lead creative and innovative organizations.
Week 4 Topic
Identifying Market Change
Write a paper that illustrates techniques for identifying market change and emerging market opportunities.
Week 5 Topic
Profile of an Entrepreneur
select an entrepreneur other than Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, who has successfully capitalized on emerging market opportunities 
Required References
Anonymous. (2011, March 8). IQPC; process to performance: The ultimate transformation framework for next generation businesses: Fusing process, people and technology for optimal performance. Technology & Business Journal, 820.
Anthony, S. (2012, September). The new corporate garage. Harvard Business Review, 90(9), 44-53.
Austin, E. J. (2010). Measurement of ability emotional intelligence: Results for two new tests. British Journal of Psychology, 101(3), 563-578.
Christensen, C. (2015). Disruptive Innovation. Retrieved from
Deevi, S. (2010). The jazz process: Collaboration, innovation, and agility. Research-Technology Management, 53, 69-70.
Learning Styles Modality Preference Inventory. (n.d.). Retrieved from…
Nowack, K. M. (2012). Emotional intelligence. T+D, 66(8), 60-63.
Reyes, B. (2011). People, process, and technology: Bringing order to chaos on a large scale. Retrieved from…
Sambamurthy, V., Anandhi, B.,, & Varun, G. (2003). Shaping agility through digital options: Reconceptualizing the role of information technology in contemporary firms. MIS Quarterly, 27(2), 237–63.
Recommended References
Aldrich, H. E., Carter, N. M., & Reynolds, P. D. (2004). Handbook of entrepreneurship dynamics: The process of business creation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Branson, R. (2011). Screw business as usual. New York, NY: Penguin Group.
Chouinard, Y. (2006). Let my people go surfing: The education of a reluctant businessman (1st ed.). New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Chouinard, Y., & Stanley, V. (2012). The responsible company (1st ed.). Santa Clara, CA: Patagonia, Inc.
Clifton, J. (2011). The coming jobs war: What every leader must know about the future of job creation. New York, NY: Gallup Press.
Conrad, T. (2010). A Pandora’s box of startup expertise (entire talk) Tom Conrad. [Web video]. Retrieved from–tom-conrad-pandora-420.aspx.
After nearly two decades in the trenches of, Apple Computer, and the You Don’t Know Jack game series at Berkeley Systems, Tom Conrad (Pandora CTO) shares his acquired wisdom on succeeding in the consumer internet space. He discusses agility, crisp decision making, and focus, and peppers his lessons with numerous entertaining anecdotes of dot-com days and corporate progress.
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. (2012, April 29). Defying gravity: High-growth entrepreneurs buck the macroeconomic factors challenging other companies. Retrieved from…
Gallistel, C., & King, A. (2009). Memory and the computational brain: Why cognitive science will transform neuroscience (1st ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
E Book from University of Rockies Library
Goddard, J. (2011). Make markets inside the firm: The indirect route to improve agility and innovation. Market Leader, 28-32. Retrieved from…
Hargadon, A. (2011, February 3). Policy levers for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in clean technology. Retrieved from…
Hsieh, T. (2013). Delivering happiness: A path to profits, passion, and purpose. New York: NY: Hachette Book Group.
Jacobs, M. A., Droge, C., Vickery, S., & Calantone, R. (2011). The effects of product and process modularity on agility and ?rm growth performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1), 123–137.
Khoramgah, S. S. (2012). Analysis relationship between entrepreneurship & organizational agility (Case study: Tehran Selected Entrepreneurs). Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(11), 860-868.
Kraft, E., Balazs, G., & Poppel, E. (2010). Neural correlates of thinking (on thinking) (1st ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
E Book from University of Rockies Library.
Marich, M. (2011, Nov 7). New firms and disruptive technology. Retrieved from…
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. Hoboken: NJ. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Purkey, W. W. (2008). Fundamentals of invitational education. Kennesaw, GA: The International Alliance for Invitational Education.
Raikes, J. (2004). Entrepreneurial thought leader speaker series [Web Video]. Retrieved from
Jeff Raikes, group vice president of Productivity and Business Services (PBS) at Microsoft Corporation, explains his own background and how being open to opportunities helped him.
Ross, J. W., & Beath, C. (2007). Building business agility at Southwest Airlines. Rochester: Social Science Research Network. doi:
Sams, A., & Bergmann, J. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Schramm, C. J. (2006). The entrepreneurial imperative: How America’s economic miracle will reshape the world (and change your life). New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Shultz, H. (2012). Onward: How Starbucks fought for its life without losing its soul. New York, NY: Rodale Books.
Sirolli, E. (1999) Ripples from the Zambezi. Gabriola Island, British Columbia: New Society Publishers.
Yaghoubi, N., Kazemi, M., Dahmardeh, M. R., & Arhami, F. (2011). Organizational agility – a way to import the advantageous aspects of competitive market (an analytical-comparative approach on agility models). Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2(12), 766-783. Retrieved from 

solved Assessment 4: Digital Organization and Tools for SuccessOrganize documents within

Assessment 4: Digital Organization and Tools for SuccessOrganize documents within folders and subfolders, and report on digital tools to increase your productivity and confidence.INTRODUCTIONYou’ve probably experienced the terror of trying to find an important file on your computer, but you can’t remember where you saved it. Or perhaps your boss has asked you for a document immediately, and you find yourself panicking to find it quickly. Luckily, there are organizational strategies that can help you avoid such situations in the future.In this course, you have been developing your confidence in your ability to learn new technology now and in the future. You’ve also discovered new tools to help improve your digital proficiency. By having you apply organizational strategies to files and folders and choose online tools to increase productivity and confidence, this assessment integrates the three essential skills for your professional success.PART 1: FILE ORGANIZATIONNote: For support for this part of the assessment, refer to the tutorials on folder creation and screenshots uploaded by your faculty member as well as to the tutorials and videos provided with this assessment.In the Documents folder on your computer, create a new folder named Student_Life_YourLastName.Open your new folder and create three subfolders named (1) Tutorials, (2) Writing Resources, and (3) Policies.Download the six documents provided below:University Policy 3.01.01: Academic Integrity and Honesty [PDF].Getting Started with Pathbrite ePortfolio [PDF].Paper Formatting Example [PDF].Purpose Lit Review Sample [PDF].Navigate the Courseroom [PDF].University Policy 4.01.01: FERPA and Learner Directory Information [PDF].Move the downloaded files into the appropriate subfolders.Take screenshots of your folder and subfolders:Take a screenshot of your main folder, named Student_Life_YourLastName, along with the three subfolders. (Be sure to open your main folder in order to make the subfolders visible.)Take a screenshot of the open Tutorials folder, showing its contents.Take a screenshot of the open Writing Resources folder, showing its contents.Take a screenshot of the open Policies folder, showing its contents.Locate your screenshots on your computer, and insert them in your Word document.PART 2: DIGITAL TOOLS SELECTIONSelect two digital tools that you want to learn more about:Choose one of the apps from Office 365 (OneNote, Planner, PowerPoint, or Excel). If you do not have Office 365, choose an app from a free alternative such as OpenOffice (including Writer, Calc, or Impress).Find an app to help with mindfulness, stress management, coping skills, or meditation (for example, Calm, Headspace, Ten Percent Happier).Explain in a short paragraph why you chose each of the apps above.Find an online training or help resource for each tool. For example, you may find a video tutorial, infographic, or manual. Link to the tool if possible.Explain in a short paragraph how you will use each tool to increase your productivity and your digital confidence.COMPETENCIES MEASUREDBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Use computers, software, and online tools to effectively complete a task.Create screenshots that accurately show a folder and subfolders.Provide links to resources that support a digital tool and behavioral app.Competency 3: Choose organizational strategies and digital tools to maximize one’s productivity.Create an accurate file structure with subfolders.Explain the choice of a digital tool and behavioral app.Explain the use of a digital tool and a behavioral app to increase productivity and boost digital confidence.Competency 4: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Resources: Organizing Digital Files and FoldersIn your assessment, you’ll practice creating folders and saving files. For information on how to do this, including organizational strategies, read the following resource:Campbell, J. T., Freund, S. M., Frydenberg, M., Last, M. Z., Pratt, P. J., Sebok, S. L., & Vermaat, M. E. (2017). Discovering computers and Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2016: A fundamental combined approach. Cengage Learning. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Printing, Saving, and Organizing Files, pages OFF23–OFF28 and OFF31–OFF34.For a visual illustration of creating folders and subfolders, view the following video:Organizing Files and Subfolders.Resources: Prioritizing and Maximizing Your TimeTo explore the different methods of prioritizing, review this resource:MacKay, J. (2018, July 17). The “everything is important” paradox: 7 practical methods for how to prioritize work. Rescue Time: Blog. learn more about how prioritizing helps you maximize your time and increases your professional success, review this resource:Selk, J. (2016, November 14). Prioritize and maximize: Stop wasting time and start maximizing it.…Resources: Choosing the Right ToolsIn the following video, you will discover how DJ Mannie Fresh uses the cloud to increase his productivity in a digital world:Capella Talks: A Closer Look at the Cloud.The resource below can help you identify the different types of digital tools available to be more productive in your professional life:Campbell, J. T., Freund, S. M., Frydenberg, M., Last, M. Z., Pratt, P. J., Sebok, S. L., & Vermaat, M. E. (2017). Discovering computers and Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2016: A fundamental combined approach. Cengage Learning. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Chapter 3, “Computers and Mobile Devices: Evaluation Options for Home and Work,” pages 108–145.Resources: Taking ScreenshotsFor your assessment, you will need to take screenshots. If you’re unfamiliar with how to do so, watch the following video:Taking Screenshots.For your assessment, you will need to insert screenshots in a Word document. For instructions on how to do this, read the following resource:Campbell, J. T., Freund, S. M., Frydenberg, M., Last, M. Z., Pratt, P. J., Sebok, S. L., & Vermaat, M. E. (2017). Discovering computers and Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2016: A fundamental combined approach. Cengage Learning. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Pages WD 31–32.

solved The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR 3178 course.  
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes: 

The students will identify and apply alternative therapies during the care of patients in the nursing practice.
The students will be able to determine the impact of complementary and alternative therapies in nursing practice.

This assignment is worth a total of 20%.
Due Date
Submit your completed assignment under the Assignment tab by Tuesday 11:59 p.m. EST of Week 8 as directed.
1.The Course Reflection is worth 20% and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2.Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q & A forum under the Discussions tab. 
3.The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.
4.APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered): 
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
a.Course Reflection 
Preparing Your Reflection
The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR3178 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:

Define complementary, alternative and integrative practices as identified by current health paradigms. 
Discuss history for complementary and alternative medicine. 
Given case studies, describe the extent to which complementary and alternative health practices are encouraged and used among multiple cultures. 
Relate concepts into clinical practice. 
Analyze the research regarding the efficacy of selected complementary and alternative practices and products. 
Incorporate integrative medicine which embodies conventional and complementary and alternative medicine, making use of the best available evidence of all three approaches to healing within patient’s personal plan of care.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.
Directions and Grading Criteria
(Introduction – see note under requirement #4 above)
Introduces the purpose of the reflection and addresses BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) pertinent to healthcare policy and advocacy.
You Decide Reflection
Include a self-assessment regarding learning that you believe represents your skills, knowledge, and integrative abilities to meet the pertinent BSN Essential and sub-competencies (AACN, 2008) as a result of active learning throughout this course. Be sure to use examples from selected readings, threaded discussions, and/or applications to support your assertions to address four of the following sub-competencies:

“Conduct comprehensive and focused physical, behavioral, psychological, spiritual, socioeconomic, and environmental assessments of health and illness parameters in patients, using developmentally and culturally appropriate approaches.
Recognize the relationship of genetics and genomics to health, prevention, screening, diagnostics, prognostics, selection of treatment, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness, using a constructed pedigree from collected family history information as well as standardized symbols and terminology.
Implement holistic, patient­ centered care that reflects an understanding of human growth and development, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical management, and nursing management across the health­ illness continuum, across the lifespan, and in all healthcare settings.
Communicate effectively with all members of the healthcare team, including the patient and the patient’s support network.
Deliver compassionate, patient­ centered, evidence-based care that respects patient and family preferences.
Implement patient and family care around resolution of end ­of ­life and palliative care issues, such as symptom management, support of rituals, and respect for patient and family preferences.
Provide appropriate patient teaching that reflects developmental stage, age, culture, spirituality, patient preferences, and health literacy considerations to foster patient engagement in their care.
Implement evidence-based nursing interventions as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic care of patients and promoting health across the lifespan.
Monitor client outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of psychobiological interventions.
Facilitate patient­ centered transitions of care, including discharge planning and ensuring the caregiver’s knowledge of care requirements to promote safe care.
Provide nursing care based on evidence that contributes to safe and high-quality patient outcomes within healthcare microsystems.
Create a safe care environment that results in high quality patient outcomes.
Revise the plan of care based on an ongoing evaluation of patient outcomes.
Demonstrate clinical judgment and accountability for patient outcomes when delegating to and supervising other members of the healthcare team.
Develop a beginning understanding of complementary and alternative modalities and their role in health care. 
Develop an awareness of patients as well as healthcare professionals’ spiritual beliefs and values and how those beliefs and values impact health care.
Manage the interaction of multiple functional problems affecting patients across the lifespan, including common geriatric syndromes.
Understand one’s role and participation in emergency preparedness and disaster response with an awareness of environmental factors and the risks they pose to self and patients
Engage in caring and healing techniques that promote a therapeutic nurse patient relationship.
Demonstrate tolerance for the ambiguity and unpredictability of the world and its effect on the healthcare system as related to nursing practice.” (pp. 31-32).

solved Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the Woodside and McClam (2019) text, as well as the Moffat (2011) article, Helping Those in Need: Human Service Workers. Additionally, read What Is Human Services? (Links to an external site.) on the NOHS website. In today’s economy, many citizens face tremendous financial and emotional obstacles and need help. However, many barriers prevent them from accessing this help. Discuss two internal barriers (those within individuals) and two external barriers (those outside individuals) that you believe prevent people from finding and using human services. Why do you think these barriers exist? What do you think are some roles of a human service professional related to helping someone? Support your response with the textbook or one outside source.Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.What insights did you gain from reviewing your peers’ discussion responses? Were the internal or external barriers identified by your classmates different than your own? If so, how? Do you agree or disagree with their conclusions about why these barriers exist? Please explain. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.Search entries or author Filter replies by unreadUnread Collapse replies Expand replies Subscribe ReplyReply to Week 1 – Discussion 1COLLAPSE SUBDISCUSSIONShannon SteeleShannon Steele12:33amOct 12 at 12:33amManage Discussion EntryHello all,Access to services provided can sometimes be difficult for participants to find out about. There are internal barriers and external barriers that cause people to be unable to access the services. Two eternal barriers that can potentially prevent people from accessing services are problems in living and also problems in the modern world. One can not control problems in living or problems in the world. The text used and example of a young teen who became pregnant due to guidance lacking in the home. She had no control over those circumstances. She had a lack of support which caused her to lack access to services early on. After becoming pregnant she began to learn more about services available to her. Problems in the world sometimes causes a lack of services to people because the services become exhausted due to the demand of certain services.To list 2 internal barriers, mental health and pride can cause barriers to people. People with mental health issues cannot always advocate for themselves. They can’t always say what they need and don’t have to access to get the services. Some people hate to admit the need for services. Some people develop shame and are embarrassed because they don’t want anyone to know that they are receiving services. People in the human services profession can help by offering social care, social control and rehabilitation (Woodside, M LO 1-5). They can assist clients in getting the services they need, they can use services offered by combining with other workers to rehabilitate people back into the lifestyle or mental capacity they had previously. Reference: HHS 201: An Introduction to Human Services, 9th ed. – Part 1: Defining Human Services ( (Links to an external site.) ReplyReply to CommentCOLLAPSE SUBDISCUSSIONJonathan HawkinsJonathan Hawkins3:54pmOct 12 at 3:54pmManage Discussion EntryWhen it comes to two internal barriers that I believe prevent people from finding and using human services, there are two that can be mentioned. The first is the lack of knowledge. I think for someone who doesn’t really know what is going on and how to do something, they will just keep to themselves and try to do things on their own. For some people this can be embarrassing to ask for help. This leads me into my second internal barrier, and that is simply pride. Some people may see it as being hard headed. I personally know people that don’t like asking for help, let alone seeing a doctor. Once upon-a-time, I used to be similar to that. I used to didn’t like taking medicine, as I thought it tasted nasty. I would just find my own remedies to get better. I’ve broken out of that since then and I take all the medicine I need. When it comes to two external barriers that prevent people from finding and using human services, there are also two that can be mentioned. The first barrier is the lack of funding. Many human service programs tend to lack the proper funding to continue, so many people/clients are left without the help they need. The second barrier is reputation. Many times, for whatever reasons, people can give something a bad name or rep. This is a “monkey-see-monkey-do” world we live in, and all it takes is for a few people to get talking and it can cause many problems for that business. One more added barrier is communication. To me, this can be internal and external, depending on how you look at it. “The presence of languages other than English in US society has always been controversial, stemming from concerns that a large presence of bilingual and non-English speakers threatens to divide the country’s population along linguistic and cultural lines.” (Garcia, 2019). People who speak a different language may feel embarrassed that they will not sound right or say that wrong thing. I’ve personally seen this happen to someone. The simple answer to why I think these barriers exist is because there are a lot of people who need help, and there are not many workers available to provide that help. I saw so many people quit the healthcare field during this pandemic, and it’s only going to get worse.Roles of a human service professional related to helping someone should always be positive. According to (Woodside, 2017), a human service worker should aim to help their clients with care, control, and eventually, rehab. This means that they must approach each situation well prepared and with the understanding of human development, being well-organized, and following proper procedure at all times. García, J., PhD. (2019). Language barriers. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Woodside, M., & McClam, T. (2019). An introduction to human services (9th ed.). Retrieved from

solved Case Study In September 2018, Mohammed Salim joined KAAF Software

Case Study In September 2018, Mohammed Salim joined KAAF Software Solutions (KAFF) as a Senior Programmer, with a handsome pay. Prior to this job, he worked successfully as an Assistant Programmer in Gant Computers (Gant). Salim felt that working for KAFF, there are better career prospects, as it was growing much faster than Gant, which was a relatively small company. Although Salim had enjoyed working there (at Gant), he realized that to grow further in his field, he would have to join a bigger company, and preferable one that handled international projects. He was sure he would excel in his position at KAFF, just as he had done in his old job at Gant. KAFF had international operations and there was more than a slim chance that he would be sent to USA or the UK on a project. Knowing that this would give him a lot of exposure, besides looking good on his resume, Salim was quite excited about his new job. Salim joined Mrs. Zeenat’s five-member team at KAFF. He had met Mrs. Zeenat during the orientation sessions, and was looking forward to working under her. His team members seemed warm and friendly, and comfortable with their work. He introduced himself to the team members and got to know more about each of them. Wanting to know more about his boss, he casually asked one of the team members, about Mrs Zeenat. He was told that Mrs. Zeenat does not interfere with our work. Salim was surprised to know this and thought that probably Mrs. Zeenat was leaving them alone to do their work without any guidance, in order to allow them to realize their full potential. At Gant, Salim had worked under Abdulrahman and had looked up to him as a guide and mentor – always guiding, but never interfering. Abdulrahman had let Salim make his own mistakes and learn from them. He had always encouraged individual ideas, and let the team discover the flaws, if any, through discussion and experience. He rarely held an individual member of his team responsible if the team as a whole failed to deliver – for him the responsibility for any failure was collective. Salim remembered telling his colleagues at Gant that the ideal boss would be someone who did not interfere with his/her subordinate’s work. Salim wanted to believe that Mrs. Zeenat too was the non-interfering type. If that was the case, surely her non-interference would only help him to grow. In his first week at work, Salim found the atmosphere at the office a bit dull. However, he was quite excited. His team had been assigned a new project and was facing a few glitches with the new software. He had thought about the problem till late in the night and had come up with several possible solutions. He could not wait to discuss them with his team and Mrs. Zeenat. He smiled to himself when he thought of how Mrs. Zeenat would react when he will tell her that he had come up with several possible solutions to the problem. He was sure she would be happy with his having put in so much effort into the project, right from day one. He was daydreaming about all the praise that he was going to get when Mrs. Zeenat walked into the office. Salim waited for her to go into her cabin, and after five minutes, called her up, asking to see her. She asked him to come in after tem minutes. When he went in, she looked at him blankly and asked, “Yes?” Not sure whether she had recognized him, Salim introduced himself. She said, “Ok, but why did you want to meet me?” He started to tell her about the problems they were having with the software. But before he could even finish, she told him that she was busy with other things, and that she would send an email with the solution to all the members of the team by the end of the day, and that they could then implement it immediately. Salim was somewhat taken aback. However, ever the optimist, he thought that she had perhaps already discussed the matter with the team. Salim came out of Mrs. Zeenat’s cabin and went straight to where his team members sat. He thought it would still be nice to bounce ideas off them and also to see what solutions others might come up with. He told them of all the solutions he had in mind. He waited for the others to come up with their suggestions but not one of them spoke up. He was surprised, and asked them point-blank why they were so disinterested. Faisal, one of the team members, said, “What is the point in our discussing these things? Mrs. Zeenat is not going to have time to listen to us on discuss anything. She will just give us the solution she thinks is best, and we will just do what she tells us to do; why waste everyone’s time?” Salim felt his heart sink. Was this the way things worked over here? However, he refused to lose heart and thought that maybe, he could change things a little. But as the days went by, Salim realized that Mrs. Zeenat was the complete opposite of his old boss. While she was efficient at what she did and extremely intelligent, she had neither the time nor the inclination to groom her subordinates. Her solutions to problem were always correct, but she was not willing to discuss or debate the merits of any other ideas that her team might have. She did not hold the team down to their deadlines not did she ever interfere. In fact, she rarely said anything at all. If work did not get finished on time, she would just blame her team, and totally disassociate herself from them. Time and again, Salim found himself thinking of Abdulrahman his old boss, and of how he had been such a positive influence. Mrs. Zeenat, on the other hand, even without actively doing anything, had managed to significantly lower his motivation levels. Salim gradually began to lose interest in his work – it had become too mechanical for his taste. He didn’t really need to think; his boss had all the answers. He was learning nothing new, and he felt his career was going nowhere. As he became more and more discouraged, his performance suffered. From being someone with immense promise and potential Salim was now in danger of becoming just another mediocre techie. Questions: Q1. What, according to you, were the reasons for Salim’s disillusionment? Answer the question using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Q2. What should Salim do to resolve his situation? Q3. What should a team leader do, to ensure high levels of motivation among his/her team members? Textbook:Kinicki, A., & Williams, B. (2020). Management: A Practical Introduction. (9th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Identifiers: LCCN 2018047636, ISBN: 9781260075113 (alk. paper), ISBN: 1260075117 (alk.paper)

solved ObjectivesDiscuss how the primary structure of nucleic acids is the

ObjectivesDiscuss how the primary structure of nucleic acids is the order of bases in the polynucleotide sequence, and the secondary structure is the three-dimensional conformation of the backbone.Discuss the monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotides.Discuss how the bases are bonded to the sugars, forming nucleosides.Summarize how nucleosides are linked by ester bonds to phosphoric acid to form the phosphodiester backbone.Specific proteins called single-strand binding proteins bind to the single-stranded regions and protect them from nucleases.Spontaneous mutation of bases and insertion of the wrong nucleotide would normally lead to an error every 104 to 105Instructions:Step 1: Read the article found in section 9A: Biochemical Connections: Law in your digital book.Using the Concorde’s Online Library, your digital material, and other scholarly websites, discuss the following:What are your feelings regarding the article?Describe, in detail, what the following statement means, “What can be patented is purified DNA containing the sequence of the gene and techniques that allow the study of the genes.”How do you see the patenting of genes/DNA impacting science and medicine over the next 30 years?Do you believe this trend is ethical? Why/why not?Step 2: Compile your thoughts & research and write a 3-5 page paper addressing the topics and questions above.Step 3: Once complete, save your file and submit.You are required to have at least two outside resources, at the scholarly level. Wikipedia is not acceptable. You are encouraged to use Concorde’s Online Library: Gale Resources (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)Assignment Submission:The use of outside resources is required and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.9ABiochemical Connections: LawWho Owns Your Genes?“There is a gene in your body’s cells that plays a key role in early spinal cord development. It belongs to Harvard University. Incyte Corporation, based in Wilmington, Del., has patented the gene for a receptor for histamine, the compound released by cells during the hay fever season. About half of all the genes known to be involved in cancer are patented.” Following the explosion in information that came from the Human Genome Project (see Biochemical Connections 9B), commercial firms, universities, and even government agencies began to look for patents on genes, which began a long philosophical and legal battle that continues to this day. Human cells have about 24,000 genes, which are the blueprint for the 100 trillion cells in our body. About 20 percent of the human genome has been patented. As of 2006, Incyte Corporation owned about 10 percent of all known human genes.So the question that comes to mind is, “how can a company patent a biological entity?” Well, clearly they cannot actually patent you or your genes, at least not the ones you carry around. What can be patented is purified DNA containing the sequence of the gene and techniques that allow the study of the genes. The idea of patenting information began with a landmark case in 1972 when Ananda M. Chakrabarty, a General Electric engineer, filed for a patent on a strain of Pseudomonas bacteria that could break down oil slicks more efficiently. He experimented with the bacteria, getting them to take up DNA from plasmids that conferred the clean-up ability. The patent office rejected the patent on the grounds that products of nature and live organisms cannot be patented. However, the battle was not over, and in 1980 the Supreme Court heard the appeal in the same year that the techniques of molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology really began to take off. Chief Justice Warren Burger declared arguments against patenting life irrelevant by stating, “anything under the sun that is made by man” could be patented. The ruling was close, only 5-4 in favor of Chakrabarty, and the ramifications continue to this day. Patents have been issued for gene sequences, whole organisms such as specific bacteria, and cell types like stem cells. A patent on a clone gene or the protein it produces gives the owner exclusivity in marketing the protein, such as insulin or erythropoietin. As of 2005, the largest holder of scientific patents was the University of California, with more than 1000 patents. The U.S. government was second with 926, and the first commercial enterprise on the list, Sanofi Aventis, came in third at 587. (Figure 9.7).Figure 9.7This map of the chromosomes offers an indication of how often genes have been patented in the United States. Each colored bar represents the number of patents in a given segment of a chromosome, which can contain several genes. Patents can claim multiple genes, and one gene may receive multiple patents. As a result, the number of patents indicated for each chromosome does not necessarily match the sum of the values represented by the colored bars.(Laurie Grace)There are many issues stirring the controversy. Proponents for the patent system point out that it takes money to drive research. Companies will not want to invest hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in research if they cannot get a tangible gain. Allowing them to patent a product means they can eventually recover their investment. Opponents believe a patent on what amounts to information stifles more research and even prevents the advancement of medicine. If a company holds the patent to a gene known to be involved in a disease, then others cannot study it effectively and perhaps come up with better or cheaper treatments. The latter point of view has come under intense scrutiny recently because patents on diagnostic genes inhibit both research and clinical medicine. At the heart of the conflict are patents for two genes related to breast cancer, BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, both owned by Myriad Genetics, Inc., of Salt Lake City. In 2009 a group of patients, doctors, and research professionals brought a suit to invalidate those patents. They argued that the two genes are “products of nature” and should never have been patented in the first place. The long-term effects of such a suit are important enough that the American Civil Liberties Union has joined the plaintiffs.Opponents of gene patents claimed a big victory in March 2010 when Federal Court Judge Robert Sweet ruled against Myriad in the suit of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, stating the human genes cannot be patented. So who owns your genes? At the moment, you do. See the Hot Topic on breast cancer at the end of this chapter for more about BRCA 1 and 2.