solved 250 words:(a) What are lean operations? What does it mean

250 words:(a) What are lean operations? What does it mean to be a lean organization?(b) What is Total Quality Management (TQM)?(c) Briefly describe the 7 concepts of TQM, discussed by the authors of the textbook?(d) What is the relationship between lean operations and TQM?reply#1Lean operations are a system of processes that allow organizations to supply only the goods demanded by a consumer at the time needed by incorporating continuous improvement processes and minimizing waste. To be a lean organization means understanding customers and their expectations and constantly implementing lean tools across departments to ensure that the expectations are efficiently met (Heizer, Render & Manson, 2017).Total quality management (TQM) refers to the strict emphasis on quality and the regulation of operations throughout an organization; from ensuring that the supplier delivers quality inputs, to developing reliable, safe, and efficient products for customers. TQM guides businesses in implementing quality-enhancement initiatives and ensuring excellence in responding to customer needs and wants (Heizer, Render & Manson, 2017).There are seven concepts of TQM. The first is continuous improvement, which involves increasingly positive progress made in the areas of human resource, suppliers, equipment, procedures and materials. The Six Sigma is a strategy that applies a range of programs to improve customer satisfaction, minimize costs, and save time by reducing defects. Thirdly, employee empowerment entails the involvement of employees in designing production systems, identifying problems, and working on continuous improvement plans in every stage of production. Benchmarking involves assessment of issues that prevent desired performance levels in cost management, production, and service delivery, and then sending a dedicated team to examine processes and management systems that allow competitors within the same industry to perform more. The resulting report guides standards development for increased productivity. Just-in-Time (JIT) is a concept used in continuously improving quality and enforcing problem solving approaches to cut costs, improve quality, and reduce inventory. Taguchi concepts are the quality loss function, target-oriented quality, and quality robustness, all of which ensure the use of effective production processes to ensure quality end products. The seventh concept is knowledge of TQM tools, which requires that business leaders and employees receive training on TQM techniques including problem identification tools and idea generation tools (Heizer, Render & Manson, 2017).Lean operations and TQM are related in that both inform quality improvement initiatives in production. The TQM concepts, including continuous improvement, employee empowerment, benchmarking, and JIT, are all geared towards quality improvement and the production of only goods needed by customers at the right time (Heizer, Render & Manson, 2017).ReferenceHeizer, J., Render, B., & Manson, C. (2017). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (12th Ed.). Pearson Education.reply#2Lean operation is a method to focus on higher customer satisfaction withminimum resources cost to manage and operate and organization. In general, it hastwo goals (creating values for customers and eliminating waste) Those companieswith lean operation highly focus on efficiency. Any actions or purpose cannot createvalue to customers will be removed from organization. In most of the cases, if acompany owner decides to implement lean operations, they might hope to cancel allthe low efficiency. Such concept all companies do half the work with double results. Total quality management is continuous process that monitoring and reducing oreliminating mistakes, simplifying supply chain management, improving consumerexperiences, and making sure all employees follow the instructions correctly. Totalquality management is designed for combining all different production productions tobe responsible for the final product or service.7 concepts of TQM are known as 1. Customer Focus 2. Leadership 3.Engagement of People 4. Process Approach 5. Improvement 6. Evidence-BasedDecision – Making 7. Relationship management.1. Customer Focus: In general, quality is connected with customer’s demand. Inorder to success, quality should reach or go beyond customer’s expectations.It is not an easy process to take. Customers’ demands and expectations will bechanged as time went by. Therefore, focus on customer all the time should bethe first priority.2. Leadership: Different level executive team members have to work together toadjust their employees, strategy and goal. Once other people has instructionsabout directions, other people would follow the same goal and focus.3. Engagement of People: No matter how big the operations or organization is, itis always existing as form of a team. To manage any team effectively, wewould need all members to fully participate. Otherwise, we will not be able togenerate quality and value from different fields.4. Process Approach: Any operations’ internal activities are not isolated. Everyprocess is at least connected with another process. Manage every singleprocess is not significant.5. Improvement: As business field and new-tech growth, customers’expectations grow rapidly as well. Operations need to improve with the samespeed. To make such improvement, Company needs knowledge andflexibility. They would need the ability to collect the most accurate data.6. Evidence-based decision: When companies facing decisions, normally, wewill receive information from different resources. However, if we need tomake changes, too many sources could lead to a huge mess. Powerful andrelyable evidence.7. Relationship Management: Just like there is no single process is isolated, nocompanies are separated internally. There are different elements in supplychain/ All stakeholders are connected as well. To success, operations need tomanage their relationship and improve their interaction to push healthybusiness connection.In short, TQM works on eliminating all possible disadvantages to the end. Leanoperation is target on improving to perfect. Even though both TQM and Lean operation is focused on improve quality, when company reach to one specific point,TQM cannot be implemented any more. Lean operation is focus more on improvedquality into a higher level. .

solved Write a short essay (500-600 words) responding to the following

Write a short essay (500-600 words) responding to the following prompt. You should submit your response as a Word document.How
should the Chief Nursing Officer impact nurses in their everyday
duties? Use the following excerpt from the IOM report, “The Future of
Nursing,” to help you develop your discussion, and you can use your own
experience as a healthcare professional to support your argument.
Personal narrative is not appropriate for this assignment; rather,
include your own critical and analytical ideas based on your
experiences. Because this is a relatively short essay, do not attempt to
address every aspect of the Chief Nursing Officer’s impact on nurses.
Instead, focus on two or three areas you think are most important.
Incorporate the research from your sources from Unit 3, as well as the
IOM report. Below is a brief excerpt from the IOM report (Sources from unit 3:Ingwell-Spolan, C. (2018, June). Chief Nursing Officers’ Views on Meeting the Needs of theProfessional Nurse: How This Can Affect Patient Outcomes. In Healthcare (Vol. 6, No.2, p. 56). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.Wetsel, G., Batcheller, J., & Adams, J. M. (2019). The power of interim chief nursingofficers. Nurse Leader, 17(4), 335-339.)IOM:Will Chief Nursing Officers Hear the Call?undefinedAlthough
chief nursing officers (CNOs) typically are part of the hierarchical
decision-making structure in that they have authority and responsibility
for the nursing staff, they need to move up in the reporting structure
of their organizations to increase their ability to contribute to key
decisions. Not only is this not happening, however, but CNOs appear to
be losing ground. A 2002 survey by the American Organization of Nurse
Executives (AONE) showed that 55 percent of CNOs reported directly to
their institution’s CEO, compared with 60 percent in 2000. More CNOs
described a direct reporting relationship to the chief operating officer
instead. Such changes in reporting structure can limit nurse leaders’
involvement in decision making about the most important product of
hospitals—patient care. Additionally, the AONE survey showed that most
CNOs (70 percent) have seen their responsibilities increase even as they
have moved down in the reporting structure (Ballein Search Partners and
AONE, 2003). CNOs face growing issues of contending not only with
increased responsibilities, but also with budget pressures and
difficulties with staffing, retention, and turnover levels during a
nursing shortage (Jones et al., 2008).Nurses also are
underrepresented on institution and hospital boards, either their own or
others. A biennial survey of hospitals and health systems conducted in
2007 by the Governance Institute found that only 0.8 percent of voting
board members were CNOs, compared with 5.1 percent who were vice
presidents for medical affairs (Governance Institute, 2007). More
recently, a 2009 survey of community health systems found that nurses
made up only 2.3 percent of their boards, compared with 22.6 percent who
were physicians (Prybil et al., 2009).3 While most boards focus mainly
on finance and business, health care delivery, quality, and
responsiveness to the public—areas in which the nature of their work
gives nurses particular expertise—also are considered key (Center for
Healthcare Governance, 2007). A 2007 survey found that 62 percent of
boards included a quality committee (Governance Institute, 2007). A 2006
survey of hospital presidents and CEOs showed the impact of such
committees. Those institutions with a quality committee were more likely
to adopt various oversight practices; they also experienced lower
mortality rates for six common medical conditions measured by the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Inpatient Quality
Indicators and the State Inpatient Databases (Jiang et al., 2008).The
growing attention of hospital boards to quality and safety issues
reflects the increased visibility of these issues in recent years.
Several states and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, for
example, are increasing their oversight of specific preventable errors
(“never events”), and new payment structures in health care reform may
be based on patient outcomes and satisfaction (Hassmiller, 2009; IOM,
2000; King, 2009; Wachter, 2009). Given their expertise in quality and
safety improvement, nurses are more likely than many other board members
to understand the issues involved and often can educate other members
about these issues (Mastal et al., 2007). This is one area, then, in
which nurse board members can have a significant impact. Recognizing
this, the 2009 survey of community health systems mentioned above
specifically recommended that community health system boards consider
appointing expert nursing leaders as voting board members to strengthen
clinical input in deliberations and decision-making processes (Prybil et
al., 2009).More CNOs need to prepare themselves and seek out
opportunities to serve on the boards of health-related institutions. If
decisions are taking place about patient care and a nurse is not at the
decision-making table, important perspectives will be missed. CNOs
should also promote leadership activities among their staff, encouraging
them to secure important decision-making positions on committees and
boards, both internal and external to the organization.undefinedInstitute of Medicine of the National Academies. (2010). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. The National Academies Press. undefinedYour instructor will evaluate your revision according to the following criteria:undefinedThe introduction clearly identifies the topic and establishes a specific argumentThe paper includes a clear thesis statement that provides direction and focus for the essayEach body paragraph develops the argument established in the introductionEach body paragraph has a clear focus on one ideaEach body paragraph includes a precise topic sentenceTransitions establish logical connections between paragraphsWithin paragraphs, transitions create connections and relationships between sentencesThe language used is appropriate to the academic communityThe tone is objective in keeping with the scientific academic audienceThe paper incorporates the source effectively, using it as part of a meaningful discussion of the topic

solved Consumer Behavior, Market Segmentation & Positioning Learning Outcomes Consumer decision-maki

Consumer Behavior, Market Segmentation & Positioning
Learning Outcomes

Consumer decision-making process.  Student can identify how marketing strategy can influence each of the steps in the consumer decision-making process.  
Segmentation.  Students can use the segmentation characteristics to identify and describe market segments.
Target market & strategy. Students can identify a usable market segment to be a target market and determine an appropriate target-market strategy
Positioning.  Students can develop and interpret a perceptual map.


Refer to the product or service you selected for your first writing assignment (Ugly Stick fishing rods). This week, you want to take a closer look at what consumer factors may be relevant for customers who are considering buying your product or service offering. This will require some critical thinking on your part based on your own behavior if you are a customer yourself, or you may want to talk to others who have purchased the product. Sometimes you can find clues when looking at the marketing messages that may be addressing some of these factors. 
So far, you have only been considering the customers of your product or service as one big group, or a mass market.  More astute marketing breaks down this large group into smaller market segments of consumers who have similar characteristics.  For any specific product or service, there could be numerous market segments.  However, company resources may only allow a company to pursue one or two or these market segments, which then become target market(s).  In this paper, you should divide the mass market for your product or service into at least two market segments and then pick one target market you think would have the most potential for future growth.
Chances are you picked a product with which you are familiar. That is a good starting point, and you may represent one target market.  But you may represent a target market that is saturated and therefore not the best target market to pick for the remainder of the semester.  So be sure your second target market is different enough and represents growth potential. 
If you did not do a thorough analysis of the competition in the prior writing assignment, you may need to go back and figure out the nature of the product’s or service’s competition.  This will be important when you address the positioning of your product for your newly identified target market inasmuch as positioning is a competition-based concept.  

Part 1

Consumer decision-making process.  Go through the six steps of the purchase process outlined in the readings and identify where marketing can influence each of the six steps.   For example, if a consumer just identified a need for your product in step one, then the company can advertise how your product fills that need.  Or, if a consumer purchased your product, the consumer can be called and asked about their satisfaction with the product and if there is any dissatisfaction steps can be taken to ensure the customer satisfaction.  Be sure to be more specific with respect to your product or service than this example.
Segmentation.  View Table 5.1 of your Week 4 Reading, in Section 5.2, How Markets are Segmented.  Using the various criteria of the segmentation bases described in Table 5.1, identify at least two distinct market segments for your product or service.  Each market segment description must include at least three (more if needed) of the characteristics from amongst any of the four bases categories (e.g. one from demographic variables, one or two from psychographic variables, and one from behavioral variables, or a similar scheme).  Be sure to explain your choices based on what customer need the product or service offering can fill for each segment. 

Part 2

Target market & strategy.  Select one of the market segments you described in your segmentation response as the one you believe is or can be the most profitable for your product or service offering and explain why you feel they can represent growth for the company.  Refer to the six criteria for an attractive market segment as described in Section 5.3 of the reading ‘Selecting Target Markets’.  Name your target market so you can use this name throughout all of your remaining writing assignments.  Your name should be descriptive of the segments’ characteristics like ‘savvy young shoppers’ or ‘educated baby boomers’, or ‘urban hipsters’, or the like.  The goal is for your faculty member to get a mental image of your target market for the remainder of the semester. Should the company focus all their resources on this new target market (concentrated marketing) or should they continue to pursue both the new and the existing target market as well as other market segments (multi-segment marketing)?  Alternatively, is the market so saturated might they be more successful by focusing solely on an even more narrow market segment, perhaps an even narrower version (niche marketing) of your selected target market, as their best chance for growth?  What is your reasoning?
Positioning.  Draw a perceptual map as illustrated in the week’s readings or the website in the directions. Be sure to pick two criteria that are important to your new target market for your two axes, perhaps two of the criteria you used in Week 1 in your competitive analysis.  Map at least the two major competitors you noted in the previous writing assignment and add any others that you may have discovered since then.  You may want to visit this resource for more information on how to construct a perceptual map.  Describe what the perceptual map is telling you regarding how each product is perceived in the minds of the new target market you described above.  You may have to make a series of educated guesses for some of the data points.  Ideally, you want to find uncontested space. If your product overlaps with a competing offering discuss whether or not your product or service should try for an ‘uncontested’ space on the map and ‘reposition’ itself; or if it should keep the same position and compete head on with the other product.

Below is the link to this weeks readings Chapter 5.1 to 5.5, contents on the left will have the chapter and the five sections.  

solved 1-Omar, thanks for your contribution to this week’s discussion; your

1-Omar, thanks for your contribution to this week’s discussion; your assessments are correct. Salvatore (2012) believes that capital flow is one of the primary motivations for portfolio investment and a well-diversified portfolio, a well-known principle of risk diversification. This combination of assets will outperform a single asset if the returns do not move firmly together over time.Salvatore (2012) postulates that foreign assets are a good candidate for risk diversification due to the current economic climate because they do not move as carefully with domestic assets. One of the reasons is that domestic assets are subject to more regulations than foreign assets are. In addition to capital movements, Salvatore (2012) argues that financial capital flow can take advantage of different interest rates. For example, German bonds may offer higher interest rates for lenders in the US than lenders in Germany for US bonds, while Japanese bonds may offer lower rates for US borrowers for Japanese bonds. Please note that the exchange rate changes affect the returns that lenders expect to receive, and borrowers expect to pay on securities denominated in foreign currency. Based on your assessment of this week’s discussion, the traditional strong link between economic growth and FDI means that the world economic meltdown of 2007 to 2009 decreased the appetite for new investments abroad?Reference Salvatore, D. (2012). Introduction to International Economics. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2-Hi Professor and classmates,Global corporations are an imperative vehicle for the international flows of capital, labor, and technology. Having said that, we have two main types of foreign investments: portfolio investments and direct investments. Portfolio investments are purely financial assets that are denominated in a national currency; for example, bonds are financial instruments where an investor lends capital to get fixed payouts or a return at regular intervals and then receives the face value of the bond at a prespecified date. Further, stocks are financial instruments where an investor purchases equity, or a claim on the net worth of the firm. Portfolio or financial investments take place primarily through financial institutions such as banks and investment funds. On the other hand, Direct investments are real investments in factories, capital goods, land, and inventories where both capital and management are involved, and the investor retains control over use of the invested capital. Direct investment usually takes the form of a firm starting a subsidiary or taking control of another firm (Salvatore, 2013). For example, Honda Motors company is a Japanese automobile maker with headquarters in Japan. They decided to open a branch in North America, for instance, in the US. Now, they bought a piece of land in the US to build a manufacturing plant of Honda Civics and CR-Vs models. Also, if anyone would like to have ownership of this public traded company; he/she will have to go to a financial institution and buy stocks of such company. In my opinion, foreign direct investment helps a country economy. They create jobs, bring newer technologies, they attract talented individuals and they have career growth opportunities to many young professionals.ReferenceSalvatore, D. (2013). In International economics (pp. 367–370)., John Wiley & Sons3-Hello class!Foreign investment, basically, is putting resources into a nation other than your home one. It includes capital spilling out of one nation to another and outsiders having a possession intrigue or a state in the business. Unfamiliar speculation is for the most part observed as an impetus for monetary development and can be embraced by organizations, partnerships, and people. Speculators intrigued by unfamiliar venture for the most part take one of two ways: unfamiliar portfolio speculation or unfamiliar direct investment (Meng & Wincoop, 2020). Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) alludes to the acquisition of protections and other money related resources by financial specialists from another nation. Foreign direct investment (FDI) alludes to speculations made by an individual or firm in one nation in a business situated in another nation. Speculators can make unfamiliar direct interests in various manners. Some basic ones incorporate building up an auxiliary in another nation, gaining or converging with a current unfamiliar organization, or beginning a joint endeavor association with an unfamiliar organization. Foreign portfolio investment alludes to putting resources into the money related resources of a far off nation, for example, stocks or securities accessible on a trade (Hlaing & Kakinaka,, 2019). This kind of speculation is now and again saw less well than direct venture since portfolio speculations can be auctions off rapidly and are on occasion observed as transient endeavors to bring in cash, as opposed to a drawn out interest in the economy. Portfolio speculations regularly make some shorter memories outline for venture return than direct speculations. Similarly as with any value venture, unfamiliar portfolio speculators normally hope to rapidly understand a benefit on their ventures. Foreign direct investment includes setting up an immediate business enthusiasm for an outside nation, for example, purchasing or setting up an assembling business, building distribution centers, or purchasing structures. Unfamiliar direct venture will in general include building up all the more a significant, long haul enthusiasm for the economy of an outside nation. (Hlaing & Kakinaka,, 2019). Because of the fundamentally more elevated level of speculation required, unfamiliar direct speculation is typically embraced by worldwide organizations, enormous establishments, or investment firms. Unfamiliar direct speculation will in general be seen all the more well since they are viewed as long haul ventures, just as interests in the prosperity of the nation itself.Reference:Hlaing, S. W., & Kakinaka, M. (2019). Global uncertainty and capital flows: any difference between foreign direct investment and portfolio investment? Applied Economics Letters, 26(3), 202–209., G., & van Wincoop, E. (2020). A Decomposition of International Capital Flows. IMF Economic Review, 68(2), 362–389.

solved POST # 1 Ketura Discot5:43pmSep 15 at 5:43pm Manage Discussion

POST # 1
Ketura Discot5:43pmSep 15 at 5:43pm
Manage Discussion Entry
The major forces that influence change in the health care systems have been health care access, funding, health care workforce, and the health care delivery system. These forces impact significant changes in nursing and many different organizations. Health care access in this country has been an issue for decades. In my nursing organization, those who struggle with access always end up with the short end of the sticks. As nurses, we try our best to assist in the accessibility of care, but it’s always so easy. Despite international efforts to secure health care services for all, serious gaps persist (Hood,2018).
Health care funding can be done via three models; the national health service insurance model mandated insurance model or the entrepreneurial insurance model. For decades this country has struggled with the idea of universal health care and how to fund it. The national health services insurance model guarantees access to health care services through a national health insurance plan, usually funded by general tax revenues(Hood,2018).In my field, paying for care can be a daunting task for the patients since medicare doesn’t always cover all their medical expenses. As a nurse, it’s hard to see patients choose care base on cost instead of quality.
The mandate insurance model requires compulsory universal health care insurance. The ACA implemented this model that allows millions of uninsured Americans access to insurance coverage via the health marketplace. This model goal was to provide somewhat of universal coverage and cost-friendly plans.
The entrepreneurial insurance model consists of voluntary health insurance coverage that relies on purchase of health by individuals (Hood,2018). Employers are the primary providers of group coverage, and the employees pay a portion of the cost. This option doesn’t always appeal to those with low salaries, and usually, they would prefer the national health services insurance mode instead.
A shortage of health care professionals can define the health care workforce in the United States, whether it’s physicians, RN, or auxiliary staff members. Staff shortage has impacted the organization that I work for significantly. The negatives impacts it has on patient care and safe patient-to-nurse ratios. The Nursing profession is currently suffering due to COVID and the lack of staff due to low pay and high patient ratios. In my nursing specialty, the team is not being paid for working in CoVID units and doesn’t have the proper resources, leading to improper patient care. The various organization has had to outsource staff to help with the workload which creates other issues. Agency workers are paid more versus the in-house staff, which can lead to envy and strikes.
Health care delivery systems provide primacy care for health promotion and illness prevention, secondary care for early detection and cure of illness, and tertiary care for chronic disease management, rehabilitative and end-of-life services. These changes impact the availability of and access to health care for many people (Hood,2018). Thanks to the ACA, many efforts have been made to deliver health care efficiently and seamlessly.
Hood, L.J.H., (2018). Nursing Models and Theories. Leddy and Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed., pp.215-246). Wolters Kluwer.
A-H: Explain the major forces that influence change in the health care system and the implications of these changes for nursing. After broadly discussing these forces, provide a current example of one that has impacted the organization where you work. How was nursing affected in your organization?

POST # 2
Susana Montalvo6:50pmSep 15 at 6:50pm
Manage Discussion Entry
There are various concerns that affect health care delivery systems. The most prevalent being access to healthcare, cost, quality, and safety (Hood, 2018). As nurses and health care professionals, we can help address these concerns by bringing awareness and educating our patients about such concerns. For example, we could educate our patients in the importance of having a primary care provider to avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency department or urgent care for non-emergent visits. I would see this quite frequently when working at the urgent care. More than half of the patients we would see, didn’t have a primary doctors; therefor they would visit the urgent care for issues that should be monitored by a primary doctor, such as hypertension. Many patients don’t realize that by having a doctor that can manage and monitor their chronic or acute illnesses, they could cut down on their health care costs and avoid having to visit the hospital where they can end up paying an arm and a leg for care. Also, nurses are able to participate in health screening events to promote disease prevention, early detection, and illness treatment (Hood, 2018).
Nursing shortages have also been an issue for many healthcare facilities. Now more than ever, there is a higher demand for nurses with the current circumstances of the pandemic. The primary clinic I currently work at is a fairly small, close-knit facility. When one staff member is missing, it throws off our whole workflow. As of lately, we have been having to move staff to surrounding facilities who are in need of replacements due to either being short-staffed or the staff being out with COVID. Due to these changes, we have had to adjust our schedules to make sure we are still able to accommodate our patients. At times like these, we find ourselves doing the job of multiple nurses. This is where our multi-tasking skills get put to the test. Rather than overwhelming myself at times when we get very busy, I make sure to take the time to prioritize my tasks and work at a safely to avoid any possible medication or documentation errors.
Hood, L.J. (2018). Leddy & pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
I-R: What is nursing’s role in addressing the key concerns and pressures for all health care delivery systems? What are the consequences if nurses do not get involved? After broadly discussing this, consider which of the following—the nursing shortage, changes in the structure of the work environment, or ethical challenges—have most negatively impacted the organization where you work. What was nursing’s response at your organization?

solved Segment Two Major Project: White Paper/Research Briefpleas you work Resources

Segment Two Major Project: White Paper/Research Briefpleas you work Resources for Citations in your PapersPurdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide (Links to an external site.)you’re writing about Social activism in MilwaukeeA “white paper” can mean many things, so beware of googling the term for resources as examples, as a lot of what comes up is not helpful or relevant to this assignment for ENG 102. The genre of the white paper has been taken up by marketing specialists to mean corporate-sponsored research on a problem facing a company and the marketers’ proposed solutions, but that is not what we mean by “white paper” here. Instead, for the Segment Two project, we’re using the most basic definition of the genre, adapted from Wikipedia: “A white paper is an authoritative report that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and briefly presents the writer’s perspective on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue.”I have underlined the most important parts of this definition, which give you crucial rhetorical information about what to do in this assignment.Authoritative: This means that you’ve done a lot of research on this issue, problem, or question. When discussing this issue, you know what you’re talking about. You’ve done your homework so you have enough situated ethos, or authority, to present the problem accurately and fairly to your readers.Report: This is not an argument paper. This is not a paper arguing for or against something, or proposing the best solution. It is a research report, or “research brief,” on the current state of the research on your issue, question or problem. It reports on relevant research and the perspectives of relevant stakeholders. You read a white paper/research brief in Segment One (“Research Brief on ETI Housing Crisis Studies”). This can serve as a helpful guide.Informs: The purpose of a white paper is to inform (not to persuade). Your purpose in writing this paper is to help your readers understand the issue, problem or question you’ve selected to focus on so that they themselves can consider solutions or make decisions about it.Readers: The audience for your white paper is not everyone; it is the specific group of readers you identify as wanting to reach. It is a specific (narrow or relatively small) group of people who are particular stakeholders of the problem, or another identifiable group that you think needs to be informed about this issue. You have to compose and design your white paper with your specific audience in mind: What do they already know, think and believe about this problem? What is their relationship to this issue? What would be helpful for them to know to make a decision on this question?Concisely: White papers are short—for a reason. They assume that readers cannot and will not take a lot of time to read lengthy, technical, or overly-detailed reports. You only have 5-6 pages to inform your readers of everything you know and discovered about this issue through your research. Complex issue: The challenge of a white paper is to convey to your readers, in very few pages, the complexity of the issue, question or problem you’ve focused on. There are no easy answers or obvious solutions to your issue; if there were, it would already be figured out. Most issues are “wicked” problems, which means that they are so difficult and complex that they are nearly impossible to solve, or a “good” solution ends up creating more and different problems. Don’t oversimplify your issue for your readers. They can’t think about viable ways forward if they don’t appreciate its complexity. Writer’s perspective: Your own views on the issue are presented briefly in the discussion section of your white paper. As a professional, public-facing report, you will not convey your own ideas on the problem with “I think,” “I believe,” or “I argue” statements. Instead, you’ll state additional facts and findings from your research, along with informed opinions, straightforwardly and authoritatively. Since a white paper is intended to be a professional and public document, please follow these guidelines as you research, compose, revise, design and edit your report.AudienceYou need to identify, define, and know your readers. Be clear about who you want to reach with your white paper. The smaller, more narrow and more specific your audience, the better—the easier it will be to write for them. Format and designMake your report look official and authoritative rather than like a school assignment. It needs an informative title, along with your name, the date it was created (finalized), and your institutional affiliation (the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee). Don’t over-do design and or over-use word processing features, but you can use bolding, hyperlinks, bullet points, images/graphics, etc. very judiciously. Sections and headingsIntroduction: one 250-500 word paragraph describing and setting up the problem, issue or question for your readers.2.Background: one 250-500 word paragraph giving readers background information about the problem, issue or question.3.2-4 thematic/topical sections with titles as headings: Organize your report of research thematically or by sub-topics. (See the ETI housing crisis research brief as an example, where the writers discuss relevant research in three areas: Milwaukee County Analysis, Drilldown on Milwaukee…, and Vital Signs….) Each of these sections can be one to three paragraphs long. Each should clearly reference and accurately summarize the relevant research. Each section should have a title/heading.4.Discussion: one 250-500 word paragraph explaining to readers the key take-aways from the research. This is where your own informed views on the issue are conveyed to readers.Bibliography: Provide a complete and accurate bibliography (in accurate MLA format) so that your readers can find and consult the same research you did. (If you want, you can add a second bibliography, called something like “Further Reading,” “Additional Information,” “Related News Coverage,” etc. if you want to direct your readers to other useful, but more ancillary, sources not covered in your report.)NOTE: Sections 1-4 should all use in-text citations to refer clearly to the research you’re describing and relying upon to make your points.

solved DirectionDirections:Step 1: ReviewBefore starting this assignment, please make sure you

DirectionDirections:Step 1: ReviewBefore starting this assignment, please make sure you have carefully read through Counter Arguments lecture. Step 2: ThinkThink about your thesis in Essay 2 and the working thesis you wrote for it last week. Then, think about the opposing viewpoint. Why might someone disagree with you?To help you think it through, answer the following questions: What is your argument (working thesis) in Essay 2?What reasonable claims have others made that contradict your argument? List at least 2. You could use these claims as your counter arguments. Remember that the counter argument is more than just stating the opposite viewpoint. A counter argument provides a logical reason. Then, it is your job to refute that reason. You might get ideas about possible counter arguments from some of the articles we read as the authors from the first three opposed the authors for the second set. How could you refute the counter argument using either the turn back or the turn against method?Step 3: Write a Counter ArgumentFor our purposes, we will keep the counter argument to one sentence. We will add the counter argument to one of our body paragraphs. The counter argument should come in as the first sentence, before the Point. Then, the Point refutes the counter argument and proves you are right. Things to remember:The counter argument for our purposes will be only one sentence. We will not provide Information or Explanation about the counter argument. We will only mention it, right before the Point.The counter argument should provide a reason, not just state the opposite thesis. Your Point will work to prove the counter argument wrong. Your reason in that body paragraph should directly respond to the reason in the counter argument. Write down one possible Point (subclaim/topic sentence). Think back to your thesis, and think of one reason to support it. For example, if my thesis said that colleges should ban free speech on their campuses, one reason/point might be: Hate speech should be banned be banned because it can cause students to feel unsafe in a place meant to help them learn.”Think of a counter argument to your Point. What would someone say in return. For my Point, it might be the argument about free speech. So before my Point, I might add the counter. It will look like this:Some people might argue that free speech on college campuses is protected under the First Amendment; however, it can cause students to feel unsafe on their campuses, and should therefore be llimited.The part in blue is the counter argument. The part in yellow is my Point. The rest of the paragraph will work to prove my Point (by giving Informations and Explanations)Please, as you submit, highlight the counter argument in blue and the Point in yellow as well.Below is another sample, which is on a different paper topic. Note that you are not writing on social media. This is just a sample to see the paragraph in action. Some experts argue that social media helps justice campaigns because it allows people to connects and communicate better. However, social media campaigns are hurt real social justice because they create weak connections, failing to inspire true action.s:Step 1: ReviewBefore starting this assignment, please make sure you have carefully read through Counter Arguments lecture. Step 2: ThinkThink about your thesis in Essay 2 and the working thesis you wrote for it last week. Then, think about the opposing viewpoint. Why might someone disagree with you?To help you think it through, answer the following questions: What is your argument (working thesis) in Essay 2?What reasonable claims have others made that contradict your argument? List at least 2. You could use these claims as your counter arguments. Remember that the counter argument is more than just stating the opposite viewpoint. A counter argument provides a logical reason. Then, it is your job to refute that reason. You might get ideas about possible counter arguments from some of the articles we read as the authors from the first three opposed the authors for the second set. How could you refute the counter argument using either the turn back or the turn against method?Step 3: Write a Counter ArgumentFor our purposes, we will keep the counter argument to one sentence. We will add the counter argument to one of our body paragraphs. The counter argument should come in as the first sentence, before the Point. Then, the Point refutes the counter argument and proves you are right. Things to remember:The counter argument for our purposes will be only one sentence. We will not provide Information or Explanation about the counter argument. We will only mention it, right before the Point.The counter argument should provide a reason, not just state the opposite thesis. Your Point will work to prove the counter argument wrong. Your reason in that body paragraph should directly respond to the reason in the counter argument. Write down one possible Point (subclaim/topic sentence). Think back to your thesis, and think of one reason to support it. For example, if my thesis said that colleges should ban free speech on their campuses, one reason/point might be: Hate speech should be banned be banned because it can cause students to feel unsafe in a place meant to help them learn.”Think of a counter argument to your Point. What would someone say in return. For my Point, it might be the argument about free speech. So before my Point, I might add the counter. It will look like this:Some people might argue that free speech on college campuses is protected under the First Amendment; however, it can cause students to feel unsafe on their campuses, and should therefore be llimited.The part in blue is the counter argument. The part in yellow is my Point. The rest of the paragraph will work to prove my Point (by giving Informations and Explanations)Please, as you submit, highlight the counter argument in blue and the Point in yellow as well.Below is another sample, which is on a different paper topic. Note that you are not writing on social media. This is just a sample to see the paragraph in action. Some experts argue that social media helps justice campaigns because it allows people to connects and communicate better. However, social media campaigns are hurt real social justice because they create weak connections, failing to inspire true action.

solved Research your topic area on the web and compile at

Research your topic area on the web and compile at least two (2) websites that pertain to this area of your project. For each website, provide a brief description of services as well as its key aspects. Make sure to include an accurate link to the web pages within your report, along with your analysis. You may wish to display your work in slide format using PowerPoint or Prezi (or any other format of your choice).
Criteria : 
The Review – Content Website choice provides relevant background on the selected topic. Provided a brief description of services as well as its key aspects.
Organization/Presentation- The structure of the presentation is clear and easy to follow. Transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow of thought throughout the presentation.

Just in case you don’t have the first part of the project that you completed for me, here it is, remember to think from a social worker perspective. Thank you so much for your help 🙂
Historical Background of Social Services of the Elderly in Miami, Florida.
The Department of Elder Affairs, since 1992, has been able to work as the main state agency for providing social services for the elders and also bringing up a policy that will be laid in long-term care of the elderly. The population of the elderly in the year 2019, as noted earlier, was 4.5 million people in Florida, with the females being more than the males. With such a significant population, there is a need to provide social services to this population.
Gnanasabai et al. (2020) article noted that the social services provided by the Department of Elder Affairs include adult care food programs, community care for the elderly, health and wellness, among others. The department also has a helpline to help family members know if their elderly family members can get benefits and services offered by the government. All this has brought about community development in the whole of Miami.
The housing and the social department provides finances allocated to housing and social services to boost community development. Through the social services programs offered by different departments in Miami, the lives of the elderly can age healthily and comfortably (Gnanasabai et al., 2020). A program offered by the housing and social department is the Golden Silver Senior Program. This program ensures that the elderly have a safe space to interact with the other seniors and caregivers and provides them with meals in a protected environment. In this program, the elderly engage in Arts and crafts, educational workshops, field trips, movie day, and all other activities. All this ensures that the elderly in different parts of Miami are well taken care of.
Social Problems Faced By The Elderly
In addition, even though caregivers and the government have made efforts to ease the lives of the elderly, they are still faced with many challenges. Most older people are retired because they are past the standard retirement age. Most of them can no longer do the job they used to because they are aged, whereas others may want to continue because they still see themselves fit, but sadly, their opportunities aren’t available. This, for one, brings about financial insecurity (He & Larsen, 2014). The cost of living is increasing day by day, and this affects the elderly in Miami because they can no longer afford the comfort they had while working, but through senior homes, the elderly are well taken care of and are made comfortable without having to work to earn money.
Physical aging is also another challenge because as the elderly are aged, they cannot function as they did. At the same time, young but social service departments have programs that engage the elderly in different activities like games and exercises, which strengthens them more. Some of these services provide nutritional meals for the elderly to keep them healthy (He & Larsen, 2014). Senior home caregivers are trained on the type of exercise the elderly can engage in, and the meal plans that they should follow with this the elders are healthy and fit.
In addition, loneliness is another challenge, as most of the elderly suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia; hence, they tend to lose their friends who are aged like them. In elderly homes, the elderly are provided with senior home providers or home-based caregivers that become their friends and companions (Zevallos et al., 2016). The caregivers undergo training that helps them understand an elderly’s emotions and feelings and how they can help them feel better. Educational programs are also provided for them to keep them busy and equip them with knowledge.
Zevallos et al. (2016) research added that most senior groups are affected by diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, cataracts, and muscular degeneration. Such health challenges affect the normal functioning of a human being and, even worse, in the elderly. Elderlies tend to become weak because of these diseases and may sometimes isolate themselves from other people because they feel like a burden. Caregivers are trained to know how to help the elderly cope with these diseases. They are also trained on activities they can engage in to strengthen their muscles, such as muscular degeneration. They are also trained on how to administer medication and how to deal with such patients as they can be stressed and hyper when faced with episodes of this disease.
Boredom is also another challenge the elderly face and has huge consequences for the elderly. The elderly group, at most times, are challenged with depression and anxiety because they are bored, which results in loss of purpose and lack of self-worth in life. But this can be prevented or rather reduced. Social services equip their social workers with skills on the activities they can help the elders engage in, such as gardening clubs, book clubs, art and craft classes, and life story exercises. All this keeps them entertained and busy, reducing the risk of boredom, anxiety, and depression.
Taking care of the elderly in Miami is a key responsibility of its citizens and the government. Different social services departments in Miami have ensured that the elderlies are a group that is well taken care of because regardless of their age, they are still a key group in the development of Miami. Once we take care of the elderly, we take care of the community.

solved Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults.

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often provide treatment to patients with these disorders. Sometimes patients require immediate treatment, making it essential that you recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious, life-threatening ones. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, advanced practice nurses must also help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for asthmatic patients depending on individual patient factors. Photo Credit: Photo Library / Getty ImagesOne method that supports the clinical decision making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic patients is the stepwise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.To PrepareReflect on drugs used to treat asthmatic patients, including long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients. Think about the impact these drugs might have on patients, including adults and children.Consider how you might apply the stepwise approach to address the health needs of a patient in your practice.Reflect on how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.By Day 7 of Week 3Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that can be used in a staff development meeting on presenting different approaches for implementing the stepwise approach for asthma treatment. Be sure to address the following:Describe long-term control and quick relief treatment options for the asthma patient from your practice as well as the impact these drugs might have on your patient.Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for your patient.Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease. Be specific. RUBRIC
ExcellentGoodFairPoorDescribe the long-term control and quick relief treatment options for the asthma patient from your practice, as well as the impact these drugs might have on your patient.27 (27%) – 30 (30%)The presentation clearly and accurately describes in detail the long-term control and quick relief treatment options for the asthma patient from their practice.The presentation clearly and accurately describes in detail the impact these drugs might have on their patient.24 (24%) – 26 (26%)The presentation accurately describes the long-term control and quick relief options for the asthma patient from their practice.The presentation accurately describes the impact these drugs might have on their patient.21 (21%) – 23 (23%)The presentation inaccurately or vaguely describes the long-term control and quick relief options for the asthma patient from their practice.The presentation inaccurately or vaguely describes the impact these drugs might have on their patient.0 (0%) – 20 (20%)The presentation inaccurately and vaguely describes the long-term and quick relief options for the asthma patient from their practice, or is missing.The presentation inaccurately and vaguely describes the impact these drugs might have on their patient, or is missing.Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for your patient.27 (27%) – 30 (30%)The presentation clearly and accurately explains in detail the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for their patient.24 (24%) – 26 (26%)The presentation accurately explains the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for their patient.21 (21%) – 23 (23%)The presentation inaccurately or vaguely explains the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for their patient.0 (0%) – 20 (20%)The presentation inaccurately and vaguely explains the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management for their patient.Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease. Be specific.27 (27%) – 30 (30%)The presentation clearly and accurately explains in detail how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.The presentation provides accurate and detailed examples to support the explanation provided.24 (24%) – 26 (26%)The presentation accurately explains how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.The presentation provides accurate examples to support the explanation provided.21 (21%) – 23 (23%)The presentation inaccurately or vaguely explains how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.The presentation provides inaccurate or vague examples to support the explanation provided.0 (0%) – 20 (20%)The presentation inaccurately and vaguely explains how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease, or is missing.The presentation provides inaccurate and vague examples to support the explanation provided, or is missing.Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance.5 (5%) – 5 (5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.4 (4%) – 4 (4%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.0 (0%) – 3 (3%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity less than 60% of the time.Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation5 (5%) – 5 (5%)Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors4 (4%) – 4 (4%)Contains a few (1–2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)Contains several (3–4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors0 (0%) – 3 (3%)Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understandingTotal Points: 100

solved Respond to two of your colleague’s postings in one or

Respond to two of your colleague’s postings in one or more of the following ways:Ask a probing question.Share an insight gained from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to use references.DB 1Tyler—A brief description of the child or adolescent stress or adjustment issue you selectedThe stress or adjustment issue I have chosen to discuss today is a guardian/parent leaving the family and moving away. I worked with a client at my previous internship who was dealing with a lot of adjustments, as well as severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He lived in a low-income family, his parents split up, causing his father to move 12 hours away, and his mother became pregnant with someone other than the client’s father. Because of these things, and the neglect the client was experiencing, he developed intense negative thoughts and intrusive thoughts about nearly everything in his life. Explain one way culture, gender, or social factors might influence the manifestation of the stress or adjustment issue and howThe client’s family raised him as an extremely conservative boy. Although he was only 9 years old at the time of our sessions, he had strong beliefs rooted in conservative practices, and was taught that men are supposed to be strong and not let things in his life affect him emotionally. His parents also did not give him much attention, if at all, and criticized everything he did, which led him to believe that he was not a good enough son. These thoughts began to increase overtime, and when his baby half-brother was born, these thoughts increased dramatically. The adjustment of having a newborn in the house, lack of attention and support, knowing that the newborn was not his full brother, and dealing with his father moving away all contributed to his problems with adjustment, and he developed GAD as well. According to Cook, Chaplin, Sinha, Tebes, and Mayes (2002), adverse conditions in a child’s environment, such as maltreatment or neglect, directly correlate with negative child outcomes. Children become anxious, result to anger and outbursts, and have difficulty in interpersonal relationships (Cook, et. al., 2002). Explain which factor or manifestation of the adjustment issue may be the most difficult for you to addressThe adjustment issue that was the most difficult to address with this client was the fact that his father moved away. The client did not understand why his Dad would leave him, and why his Dad rarely ever called to check in on him. The reason for this was because his Father was on multiple drugs, including cocaine and heroin. Although the client did not know the details about his father’s drug use, he was aware that his father’s behavior changed a lot and that he was doing something to cause this. It was difficult because we could not change the father’s behavior, and we could not tell the client that his father was on drugs because the family requested that we did not share this information. To address this adjustment issue with the client, my supervisor and I were able to play off of the client’s strengths and resiliency, which encouraged his adjustment to his new normal life. Because the client grew up in adverse situations, he is incredibly resilient and adaptive, and his heightened reactivity to certain stimuli actually help him function better in his family life (Cook, et. al., 2002). ReferencesCook, E. C., Chaplin, T.M., Sinha, R., Tebes, J.K., & Mayes, L.C. (2002). The stress response and adolescents’ adjustment: The impact of child maltreatment. Journal of Youth and Adolescents, 41(8), 1067-1077.DB 2Shandra—I choose to discuss post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among children or adolescents. The DSM-5 has divided this disorder into four criteria (Criteria A-D) according to the presence of clusters of symptoms and has been revised accordingly. Likewise, separation anxiety disorder and oppositional defiant disorder likely coexist with PTSD (APA, 2013). For most close-knit families, there is a strong bond between the parents and their children. This bond could be of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and even financial aspects. Parents are considered the nurturers, especially mothers who have provided that “physical bond and instinct”. Likewise, regardless of role, parents are sole providers who mainly provide necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Parents usually influence the values and behaviors of children or adolescents. Hence it is common knowledge that when a strong bond between a parent and children is destroyed, this leaves the latter being in distraught. Cook et al. (2012) mentioned that “experience with and management of stress has implications for adolescent’s behavioral and socio economic development. “Indeed, anger regulation and interpersonal competence varies and are attributed to how children and adolescents handle crisis. Likewise, under immense stress, various physiological changes occur, from heart rate, cortisol level, and reactivity (Cook et al, 2012) One example of why children or adolescents’ manifest behaviors related to PTSD is due to a parent’s death. Some may pass the five stages of grief, but others are stuck in the denial stage. A parent’s death is a highly traumatizing event for an adolescent and much more for a child, given that the parents or a parent are their nurturers, sole provider, and companions. As previously mentioned, a separation anxiety disorder may coexist with PTSD (APA, 2013). Thus, survivors of deceased parents or a parent seek their presence, physical touch, and guidance. Some tend to neglect and do not accept other’s help just because the children do not think that these people can offer what their parents can offer (APA, 2013). May the reason be secondary to a terminal illness, accidents, occupation/employment-related, assault, etc. The death of a parent is a crisis that is somewhat overwhelming for a developing child or adolescent and is imperative to be addressed accordingly. Reference:American Psychiatric Association (2013). Highlights of Changes from DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5. Cook, E., Chaplin, T., Sinha, R., Tebes, J., Mayes, L. (2012). The Stress Response and Adolescent’s Adjustment: The Impact of Child Maltreatment. J Youth Adolescence, 41, 1067-1077