solved Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Respond to each

Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 175 words each. It will be run thru a checker, thanks.Time series are particularly useful to track variables such as revenues, costs, and profits over time. Time series models help evaluate performance and make predictions. Consider the following and respond in a minimum of 175 words:Time series decomposition seeks to separate the time series (Y) into 4 components: trend (T), cycle (C), seasonal (S), and irregular (I). What is the difference between these components?The model can be additive or multiplicative. When we do use an additive model? When do we use a multiplicative model?The following list gives the gross federal debt(in millions of dollars) for the U.S. every 5 years from 1945 to 2000 Year Gross Federal Debt ($millions)1945 260,1231950 256,8531955 274,3661960 290,5251965 322,3181970 380,9211975 541,9251980 909,0501985 1,817,5211990 3,206,5641995 4,921,0052000 5,686,3381.Construct a scatter plot with this data. Do you observe a trend? If so, what type of trend do you observe?2.Use Excel to fit a linear trend and an exponential trend to the data. Display the models and their respective r^2.3.Interpret both models. Which model seems to be more appropriate? Why?***there is no additional info, thanks***

solved I’m working on a management question and need support to

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me understand better.

1. Adams Stores, Inc. is trying to determine the effect of its inventory turnover ratio and days
sales outstanding (DSO) on its cash flow cycle. Adams’ sales last year (all on credit) were
$150,000, and it earned a net profit of 6%. It turned over inventory 7.5 times, during the year
and its DSO was 36.5 days. Its annual cost of goods sold was $121,667. The company had
fixed assets totally $35,000. Adams’ payable deferral period is 40 days.
A. Calculate Adams’ cash conversion cycle
B. Calculate assets turnover and return on assets (ROA)
C. As one of the managers at Adams Stores, Inc, you believe the annual inventory turnover
can be raised to 9 times without affecting sales. What would Adams’ cash conversion
cycle, total assets turnover, and ROA have been if the inventory turnover had been 9 for
the year? 2. Assume the company work for reported sales of $10 million and an inventory turnover of 2.
The company is now adopting a new inventory system as part of its working capital
management. If the new system is able to reduce the company’s inventory level and increase
inventory turnover ratio to 5 while maintaining the same level sales, how much cash will be
freed up as a result of the new inventory system.

solved You will be required to write two Summary/Response Essays after

You will be required to write two Summary/Response Essays after viewing two documentaries on issues related to the course theme. We will watch one film as a class and you will watch or read a second film or text on your own outside of class. The film we watched in class is called, CODED BIAS. It has to be in MLA format and in either .docx or .pdf file formats. Below is a rubric.Is my essay at least 600 words and includes the word count in [brackets]?Did I use 1.5 spacing and include my info on the top left of the first page?Did I use MLA for any quotation, paraphrase, evidence, examples, etc?Did I use appropriate language? (Avoiding slang and contractions; using “I” is okay)Did I use the “How to Use Sources” templates to analyze the speaker’s position?Did I use evidence from the film for discussion? (quote, paraphrase, description, etc.)Did I clearly distinguish my ideas from those of the director or speaker interviewed?Did I keep each paragraph focused on one idea?Did I take a strong stance on issues from the film?Did I respond with my own ideas instead of reviewing the film?Is my response longer than the summary?Did I include details relevant to my response in my summary?Did I identify the director of the film?Did I begin with a brief summary?Did I use a creative and/or catchy title?

solved In thinking about the pre-IND phase, it is important to

In thinking about the pre-IND phase, it is important to consider what information is needed from the FDA, and what information you can provide to the FDA ensure the objectives are understood by the Agency.
Using information and data found in the public domain regarding your chosen disease state and chosen product, prepare the pre-IND meeting request to discuss the start of a Phase 3 clinical study in the United States.  This assignment presumes that other clinical trials were conducted ex-U.S., and not previously filed to an IND.
The contents of the meeting request should follow that indicated in the guidance provided under Supporting Materials.
The questions the Sponsor wishes to ask should be included in the meeting request, as this is the basis of whether or not the FDA will grant the meeting.
When writing the meeting request, think about the two following points:
What specific questions would you ask the FDA as a priority before embarking on a costly clinical study?
What would you want the FDA to know about this study which convinces them that this meeting and clinical program is warranted and important?
Remember our disease is Alzheimer
Product is Donepezil (Aricept)
Donepezil is drug name and Aricept is final product name which contains Donepezil.

solved In a 6-8 page APA-formatted paper, in which you discuss

In a 6-8 page APA-formatted paper, in which you discuss the following:1.Explain the problem or issue, presenting perspectives on the various sides of the conflict. If possible, include differing opinions that have been given about the conflict. Clearly state what the ethical problem is. This section should be neutral and objective.2.Discuss the way three different ethical philosophies or frameworks would deal with the problem/issue. Do not present your opinions or solutions to the problem here.3.Identify the stakeholders and their interests/positions in the problem/issue.4.Describe the ethical concepts or laws that apply to the problem/issue and how they apply (eg. corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, consumer protection, employment laws, etc.).5.Using the perspective of a leader or manager, what is the best solution to the problem or issue? Which ethical philosophies guide the decision? Explain the decision-making process.Your final paper should be well-written with good organization, no writing errors, and citations to sources that support or provide evidence for the ideas and claims presented in the paper. Use headings to identify the different sections of your paper.My Topic is in the files, Please use my topic to finish this Paper. and I also provide the Rubric. Thank you!

solved In a 6-8 page APA-formatted paper, in which you discuss

In a 6-8 page APA-formatted paper, in which you discuss the following:1.Explain the problem or issue, presenting perspectives on the various sides of the conflict. If possible, include differing opinions that have been given about the conflict. Clearly state what the ethical problem is. This section should be neutral and objective.2.Discuss the way three different ethical philosophies or frameworks would deal with the problem/issue. Do not present your opinions or solutions to the problem here.3.Identify the stakeholders and their interests/positions in the problem/issue.4.Describe the ethical concepts or laws that apply to the problem/issue and how they apply (eg. corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, consumer protection, employment laws, etc.).5.Using the perspective of a leader or manager, what is the best solution to the problem or issue? Which ethical philosophies guide the decision? Explain the decision-making process.Your final paper should be well-written with good organization, no writing errors, and citations to sources that support or provide evidence for the ideas and claims presented in the paper. Use headings to identify the different sections of your paper.My Topic is in the files, Please use my topic to finish this Paper. and I also provide the Rubric. Thank you!

solved In a few sentences, please respond to each of the

In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions. Up to 10 points can be earned for a completed assignment, with partial credit available for incomplete responses.Explain what scientists have discovered about social cognition. What are heuristics, and how might they be employed by social psychologists?Distinguish between the following types of heuristics: representative heuristic; availability heuristic; anchoring and adjustment heuristic; status quo heuristic. Explain how each would affect our social thoughts.Explain what schemas are and how they hep social psychologists organize social information. Describe each of the three basic cognitive processes that are influenced by schemasDescribe the classic study by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) and its implications to the understanding of a self-fulfilling prophecyDistinguish between the following potential sources of error (biases) in social cognition: optimistic bias; overconfidence barrier; planning fallacy; counterfactual thinking; magical thinkingExplain how feelings shape our thoughts and how thoughts shape our feelings. Give several examples to support your response. Provide a personal example of when your thoughts might have been heavily influenced by your mood and what the end result of this interactive process entailed

solved Scenario 1: Policy Analysis and Development In this scenario, you

Scenario 1: Policy Analysis and Development 
In this scenario, you will act as an intern working in a health care policy internship program in a Senator’s office in Washington, D.C. The Senator wants to develop a policy that requires all health care organizations that receive federal funds to implement the recommendations presented in the Institute of Medicine reports on quality care. You will develop a policy so that it can become proposed legislation. To do so, you must collect data, describe the problem, describe solutions and related ethical issues, examine the cost-benefit analysis, identify stakeholders (such as lobbyists from American Hospital Association, health care providers, health care corporations, pharmaceuticals, insurers, etc.), and impact. Based on this information, you will create a policy description that will be the foundation for a bill.
Scenario 2: Going From Policy to Law
In this scenario, you will act as an intern working with the Senator’s team to get a health care bill passed. You must follow the legislative process to select committees, identify stakeholders, communicate with health care providers about their role, and identify key departments that will be responsible if the bill is passed. You will provide your recommendation to the Senator and her staff members.

solved This week, we learned about motivational strategies and why to

This week, we learned about motivational strategies and why to use different strategies with different cultures. For this discussion, choose a country other than your own, and then decide which of the Motivation Theories described in the chapter would be the best to use with employees in that country. Then give an example of a motivational technique you would use as a manager to motivate your employees.Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ posts as well.Answer all questions posted by students and your professor. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

solved Please use the philosophical influence of Maria Montessori in child

Please use the philosophical influence of Maria Montessori in child development to write your Educational Philosophy paper of no more than 2 pages long, that includes your beliefs and ideas about high-quality teachers/teaching and connect it to one or more other philosophers or ideologies in education. Example: Jean-Jacques Rousseau Swiss-born French philosopher believed children should have opportunities to construct their own ideas and that children and adults learn differently. Also , learning happens differently depending on the age and stage of development. As an educator of both children and adults I tool believed that children/adults should have opportunities to make decisions and choices in their learning. As an educator I believe it is critical to create opportunities in my teaching and classrooms that allows the learners to make choices, creativity and reflection. Lev Vygotsky a Russian philosopher belied children learn best when they socialize and play with language (social-cultural theory). He also developed the zone of proximal development which refers to scaffolding and adding/building to already achieved knowledge. In both teaching young learners and adults I have always created opportunities for learners to learn from each other by sharing, reflecting and supporting one another.