solved For this assignment, you will use Martin Luther King, Jr.’s,

For this assignment, you will use Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” to help you practice the important rhetorical skill of paraphrasing.
Original Document (Links to an external site.)
Audio Recording (Links to an external site.)
Be sure to address the following:
State the purpose of the letter. Be sure to paraphrase the speech throughout your analysis.
Describe one strategy for development of the letter. This should be one that you identify with or think is effective. Base your description on this Module’s readings and the course activities you participated in.
Remember that your paraphrase should end up being about the same number of words as the original material that you cite. Please note that you are not paraphrasing the entire document but more like a sentence or two. This is similar to what you might do with a quote, but with your own words. A paraphrase is not the same as a summary.
Explain why you think the strategy is effectively used in the letter.
Incorporate at least one quote from the speech, and properly cite the quote on the References page.
Explain how you plan to use the development strategy in your Portfolio Project.

solved A review of the literature suggests that increased attention is

A review of the literature suggests that increased attention is being given to the assessment of APN performance. Reports of APN performance have varied from descriptive studies to outcomes research. Studies related to the outcomes of APN care and APN performance and impact can be categorized according to the focus of the research. The list of categories for the studies related to APN outcome research are below.CATEGORIES:Role description studiesRole perception/acceptance studiesCare delivery process studiesProcess-as-outcomes studiesPerformance (process) improvement activitiesDisease management activitiesOutcome management activitiesOutcomes researchStudies comparing APN and physician outcomesStudies comparing APN and physician productivityStudies comparing APN and usual practice outcomesStudies using non-comparison groupsTaskCritically appraise an APRN outcome research study and address items a-e listed below in your initial post to the discussion board:Find a research study documenting outcomes of APN practice in your specialty area.Summarize what was studied and the key findings in a short paragraph.Critically appraise the strengths and weaknesses of the study. You may list them or use a table format.Overall, how valid are the findings in supporting the APN role?What needs to be done next?

solved You work as a communication specialist at one of the

You work as a communication specialist at one of the following:
Ben and Jerrys
Casper Matresses
Warby Parker
Go Pro
Clif Bar
You are reporting to the CEO of the company, so you must find the name of said person. Using the skills you’ve been practicing in this course, respond to this challenge:
You’re helping prepare a report about the company. The report as a “public business plan,” in that it will discuss the company and its Tesla system., strategies, and operations without disclosing the sort of confidential international that a typical business plan includes. The target audience includes potential investors, employees, and business partners.
On the job (Internal, Unsolicited Proposal): Write a 2-3 page internal proposal to your boss or supervisor. Remember to include additional headings or sub-headings for each section in the proposal that explain this program- i.e. Background, Solution, Recommendation. Make sure to correctly identify and analyze your audience, as well as any possible secondary audiences. Usually, the person to whom you submit your proposal is in a position to order the implementation of the change recommended.
Think we can we go in the future? What new strategies can we utilize? How can we can our brand narrative? BE CREATIVE.

solved Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for

Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for the article to be critiqued in this assignment. Read the article assigned by your instructor and identify the research questions and/or hypotheses as they are stated. Consider the following questions: What are the variables (sample sizes, population, treatments, etc.)? What are the inferential statistics used in this article? Were the proper steps of hypothesis testing followed?
Your article critique paper must

Determine what question(s) the authors are trying to answer by doing this research, the hypothesis being tested, and the concepts that were applied in this process.
Evaluate the article and critique the statistical analysis employed in the study.

Identify the specific statistical tests used. Were the tests appropriate for the situation and type of data?
Would you have included more and/or different variables? Explain your answer.

Examine the results, assumptions, interpretations, and limitations of the statistical study.

Interpret the findings of the author(s) using statistical concepts.
What would you have done differently? Why?

Discuss how either the statistical test(s) used in this study or the findings of this research might be useful in your future career.

The Inferential Statistics Article Critique assignment

solved Evaluate the stories on the basis of themes. Think about

Evaluate the stories on the basis of themes. Think about parent/child relationships, male/female relationships, image vs. reality, or any other theme that you can support. Devise a clearly focused thesis in which you find a common thread among these works. Give your essay a title. You must reference at least two short stories, a poem, and the play. This essay must contain no fewer than 500 words and must be written in your best writing style. This is not a research paper and should be written from your own knowledge and analysis of the works we have read. Include short quotes from the works in quotation marks followed by in-text citations using the author’s last name and page number to reference their location. Your Works Cited list will include all the primary sources you have cited.
Poems: 1) E.E. Cummings’ “in Just-” 2)E.E. Cummings’ “anyone lived in a pretty how town” 3)Gwendolyn Brooks “We Real Cool” 4)Sylvia Plath’s “Morning Song” … 5)Robert Frost’s “Out, Out–”
Short stories:
1. Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”
2. Neil Gaiman’s “How to Talk to Girls at Parties”
3. William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”
4. John Updike’s “A&P”
5. Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”
6. Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find”
7. Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”
1) Play: Susan Glaspell’s Trifles

solved You are the Chief Operations Officer of your local hospital.

You are the Chief Operations Officer of your local hospital. The town has just been hit by a Category 3 hurricane. There is widespread damage to the town. You have a disaster plan in effect, but are finding it has numerous deficiencies.The emergency department director just informed you that when they turn on the water at the sinks, only smelly brown sludge appears. Now none of the healthcare workers can wash their hands, patients can’t bathe, surgeons can’t scrub, and there is no fresh water to drink. This scenario was not contemplated in your disaster plan, so you have to think fast.1. In your first post, do some research and describe what your options would be in this case in the peer-reviewed literature. What has worked in other facilities faced with this problem?2. What are some out-of-the-box ideas that might work? For example, one facility reactivated an old water-well that was on the property. What other ideas or technology could be used quickly in this scenario?3. Critique at least two classmates’ posts, describing possible issues with their solutions.Remember, although this is opinion-based, you must use credible research to defend your decision making. All answers and replies should be substantive. Back up all positions/opinions with credible peer-reviewed literature research.

solved Review the resources under “Finding Help on Campus” on the

Review the resources under “Finding Help on Campus” on the syllabus, then:In one paragraph, describe activities and habits you can participate in to stay healthy and present in this course.In a second paragraph, describe at least two resources available at SDSU to help students with coursework, tutoring, personal crises, or other kinds of supportFinding Help on Campus. Need help finding an advisor, tutor, counselor, or require emergency economic assistance? The SDSU Student Success Help Deskis here for you. Student assistants are availableduring the academic term via Zoom Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PMto help you find the office or service that can best assist with your particular questions or concerns. ●CAL Student Success Center:●College of Education Student Success Center:●Center for Student Success in Engineering:●CoS Student Success Center:●FSB Student Success Center:●HHS Advisors:●IVC Student Success and Retention:…●PSFA Advisors:

solved Consider a past or current professional experience where a culture

Consider a past or current professional experience where a culture change was needed. Download the Organizational Change Evaluation Tool, (attached) and use this spreadsheet to outline information about the experience and organization following Kotter’s 8 Steps to Organizational Change Model as a guiding line.Step One: Create UrgencyStep Two: Form a Powerful CoalitionStep Three: Create a Vision for ChangeStep Four: Communicate the VisionStep Five: Remove ObstaclesStep Six: Create Short-Term WinsStep Seven: Build on the ChangeStep Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate CultureContinue to Pt. 2 – Propose a Change Management PlanCreate a 7- to 10-slide presentation that shows your proposed improvements for the leadership of the organization you assessed in Part 1. Complete the following in your presentation:Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8 Steps to Organizational Change Model.Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.Analyze the alignment between the organizations, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.Include detailed speaker notes. Ensure that your slides contain only essential information and minimal text. Please follow Rubric,

solved Download and review the Narration Outline Template [DOCX]. Review the

Download and review the Narration Outline Template [DOCX].
Review the outline guidelines that you will use to create an outline.

Use the template provided to develop your narration outline.


Include these key elements:
Slide number.

Slide title.
Slide content.


You may use the provided Narration Outline Template [DOCX] or create a similar template in another software.

Write short bullet points, not long paragraphs, in the Narration column of the Narration Outline Template.
Focus only on the key points presented on the slides of your presentation.
Remember that the content should focus on how social media can be leveraged to help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, and positive image.
Save all the changes you made to your Presentation Narration Outline with the file name of LastName_PE4_ [FILE TYPE].[file extension] and submit the file to this Professional Experience: Presentation Narration Outline assignment by the deadline.

I understand that this is a full-term presentation that I will have to record the presentation at the end of the term but I just do not have the effective time to create this presentation during this time. I really appreciate your help and will have to personalize my recorded presentation at a later date. 

solved One type of situational leadership is leadership in a crisis

One type of situational leadership is leadership in a crisis situation. Find an article about crisis leadership.
TITLE PAGE: Per APA format.
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 250-words. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, and research or findings regarding the key term.
ANALYSIS: Using 500 words, analyze the article as it relates to the selected key term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
Analyzing articles is an opportunity to delve into organizations to determine best practices. Organizations in and of themselves are just things. However, when you add people to them, they then become what are known as living and learning organizations – aka knowledge organizations. Leadership offers direction and support to groups or organizations and is multidimensional. Leadership is responsible for setting the tone that permeates throughout the organization.