solved 1- InclusionMost of Chapter 12 is devoted to helping you

1- InclusionMost of Chapter 12 is devoted to helping you see how important it is to embrace the ideals of inclusion and to how to adapt and modify programs to meet the needs of all children, including children with diverse learning needs. Please take some time and do an internet search on the topic of inclusion of children with special needs in early childhood programs. You can pick any aspect of inclusion. Share the website that you found valuable (give name and web address)Summarize (in your own words) what you have learned from this website. Relate this information to what you have read in the textbook.This assignment supports course learning outcomes 2 & 3 and student learning objectives 3, 4, & 7 & 8. 2-ResumePrompt:Create a Resume – A resume is a short outline of your qualifications and experience. It is useful to include an updated resume in your portfolio if you plan to use the portfolio as a part of a job application. It gives a prospective employer a quick way to see if you are suitable for a position. Describe in a journal essay what you have provided in your resume and why you believe it’s important to mention.This assignment supports course learning outcome 1 and student learning objective 1.InstructionsAttachments cannot be more than 1 MB and must be in Word, RTF, or PDF forma.

solved Your job is to create a personal budget from scratch.

Your job is to create a personal budget from scratch. This should include all income and all expense that you currently have, and should be for 12 months. It should show the differences in income and expenses, based on seasonality and expectations regarding COVID 19. Some expenses to consider are:FIXED EXPENSES likeï‚· Rent/Mortgage (payment per month)ï‚· Renters Insurance (payment per month)ï‚· Automobile (monthly payment)ï‚· Auto Insurance (monthly payment) ï‚· Health insurance (monthly payment)ï‚· Credit Cardï‚· Student loans (monthly payment if applicable)ï‚· Long Term Savingsï‚· EmergencyVARIABLE EXPENSES likeï‚· Food (groceries, restaurants, snacks)ï‚· phoneï‚· cell phoneï‚· electricityï‚· clothingï‚· entertainment (movies, video rental, sporting events)ï‚· haircutsï‚· vacationsï‚· gas (car)ï‚· cable tvï‚· vacationINCOME likeï‚· money from workï‚· money from interest or investmentsï‚· money from your parentsï‚· money from school loansThis should be calculated in a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or Google sheets. Simple formulas must be created to find total fixed expenses, total variable expenses, total expenses, and total income. You must upload a pdf file for submission.*Please note that it should be very detailed and show seasonality and variances month to month to reflect real life.

solved Confrontation A 14-year-old male caught breaking entering into a local

Confrontation A 14-year-old male caught breaking entering into a local business. This is his second offense. He is on probation and there is a good possibility of serving time in a juvenile facility. He appears to be fairly confident that nothing is going to happen.a) What issue(s) would you address?i.ii.iii.b) Your confrontational response:Info-Giving A mother talking to the school social worker about her 6-year-old daugther.”My daughter is having such a hard time making friends. She’s so demanding and bossy to everyone. She’s always been like this, but since her brother was born, it’s gotten much worse. At school Susie spends most of her time alone now the other kids want nothing to do with her. I’ve tired every thing I can think of, but she’s driving me crazy. Her teacher suggested that I talk to you.”a) Generalize the problem:b) Most important pieces of information i.ii.iii.c) Your information- giving response:Interpretation A 35-year-old woman, who is a single parent, reports that her 8-year-old daughter, Karen, has refused to go to school for the past 4 weeks. Recently the mother has decided “not to force the issue” because it’s ben nice having her company at home. She’s now thinking about home schooling.a) What underlying issues could you address?i.ii.iii.b) Your interpretative response.

solved I need two student responses ONLY. The initial post is

I need two student responses ONLY. The
initial post is finished and I have attached it so you know what my stance was
on the discussion originally. I also am providing the initial question below
for reference on what the discussion was about:Hello Class! For this week’s discussion you will watch
the Roswell Ecker TEDTalks and answer the following questions:1) referring to chapter 11, what did you
hear the speaker identify as the “function of dissociation” for this
speaker?2) what surprised you from this lecture and
why?3) DID is a controversial diagnosis, what
are some of the stigmas that exist (or that you have heard) about DID? Please respond thoughtfully to at least two
of your peersPlease respond to at least two of your
peers with 2-3 paragraphs for each student (2). Each paragraph must be 5+
sentences. APA. No cover-page. Single-spaced. You can use scholarly sources or
the book for references. This is for a clinical mental health counseling major
in the US studying to be a therapist, which is different from a psychologist or
psychiatrist so write accordingly. My professor also likes if you include
critical thinking questions in response to the student’s response. Below is my
initial post plus the two students to respond to.The book is Child Psychotherapy by Adler-Tapia. Here is the video:

solved Confrontation A 14-year-old male caught breaking entering into a local

Confrontation A 14-year-old male caught breaking entering into a local business. This is his second offense. He is on probation and there is a good possibility of serving time in a juvenile facility. He appears to be fairly confident that nothing is going to happen.a) What issue(s) would you address?i.ii.iii.b) Your confrontational response:Info-Giving A mother talking to the school social worker about her 6-year-old daugther.”My daughter is having such a hard time making friends. She’s so demanding and bossy to everyone. She’s always been like this, but since her brother was born, it’s gotten much worse. At school Susie spends most of her time alone now the other kids want nothing to do with her. I’ve tired every thing I can think of, but she’s driving me crazy. Her teacher suggested that I talk to you.”a) Generalize the problem:b) Most important pieces of information i.ii.iii.c) Your information- giving response:Interpretation A 35-year-old woman, who is a single parent, reports that her 8-year-old daughter, Karen, has refused to go to school for the past 4 weeks. Recently the mother has decided “not to force the issue” because it’s ben nice having her company at home. She’s now thinking about home schooling.a) What underlying issues could you address?i.ii.iii.b) Your interpretative response.

solved Draft a 1500-words minimum, double-spaced paper in one of the

Draft a 1500-words minimum, double-spaced paper in one of the following animal rights, law and politics topic areas: NOTE: The list below are “topic areas,” not actual topics. You need to come up with a specific topic within one of these areas. The role of the federal government in animal lawThe common law and animal protections lawThe modern animal rights political movement in AmericaThe status of animals as property under American lawThe regulation of the use of animals in research and agricultureSource requirements: at least two scholarly secondary sources, which are peer-reviewed journals or law reviews. Unacceptable, non-scholarly sources are (online or print) magazines, newspapers, web sites (unless you have received approval from me), Wikipedia and anything like it, and other popular media. If in doubt as to whether a source meets the scholarly standard, then email me to ask. Use Chicago and/or the Blue Book style to cite your sources. Us footnotes, NOT in-text citation. Grammar, style, and spelling will all count, in addition to the substance of your analysis and explanation. The Essay topic is Humane Slaughter Act, or the Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act. My topic would be that Why chickens and other birds do not deserve the curtesy of being slaughtered while unconscious.

solved Beauty images shown through the media often are unrealistic. Nevertheless,

Beauty images shown through the media often are unrealistic. Nevertheless, it is difficult for children and adolescents, both male and female, to stop comparing themselves to the images they may see on television, in the movies, and in magazines. Generally, these comparisons can result in bad feelings about body image and one’s self-concept. As a consequence, children and adolescents might strive to attain the perfect body image and consider these goals as realistic. The result can be the development of an eating disorder.For this Discussion, select an advertisement about body image, weight, food, an so forth, in today’s media. Think about your reactions to the advertisement. What did you think and feel about the advertisement? Consider how it might promote negative feelings about body image for a child or adolescent.With these thoughts in mind:By Day 3Post the URL to an online advertisement or attach a scan/photocopy of the print advertisement to the discussion thread. Then, post a brief description of the advertisement you selected. Explain how this advertisement made you feel and explain why. Finally, explain one way this advertisement might affect a child or adolescent and how. Be specific.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the week’s resources.

solved Hello I need help with this assignment due on saturday

Hello I need help with this assignment due on saturday 10/02/21 by 3pm eastern time USA.Case Study 1: Last Name Beginning A-Mis a 50-year-old male with nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and postnasal drainage. Richard has struggled with an itchy nose, eyes, palate, and ears for 5 days. As you check his ears and throat for redness and inflammation, you notice him touch his fingers to the bridge of his nose to press and rub there. He says he’s taken Mucinex OTC the past 2 nights to help him breathe while he sleeps. When you ask if the Mucinex has helped at all, he sneers slightly and gestures that the improvement is only minimal. Richard is alert and oriented. He has pale, boggy nasal mucosa with clear thin secretions and enlarged nasal turbinates, which obstruct airway flow but his lungs are clear. His tonsils are not enlarged but his throat is mildly erythematousUse the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.

solved Please complete viewing FRONTLINE: Prison State @ and

Please complete viewing FRONTLINE: Prison State @ and write a two-page paper (single-spaced) on your reaction to the fact that incarceration has become America’s solution to every social problem, ranging from juveniles having difficulty getting along with their parents to adults committing non-violent offenses such as being in possession of very small amount of narcotics. It almost seems like we are putting individuals in jails and prisons not because they are so dangerous that we need to keep them away from us but because we simply don’t like them. Yet, studies have shown that incarceration has almost never been proven effective in solving any social ill. In some states like California, the prison budget is near the budget for high education. What do you think we should do to get out of this fallacy while at the same time, making our society a place of opportunities and harmony for all of us irrespective of one’s social-economic status? The purpose of this assignment to help students gain a clear understanding of how over-criminalization has resulted in costly mass incarceration and turned prison into a revolving door for those incarcerated. It also provides an opportunity for students to offer suggestions to improve or change the current condition.

solved help write. must access case study come up with diagnosis

help write. must access case study come up with diagnosis and how to treat.Arthur, a 22-year-old community college student, visited his primary care physician complaining that he had been experiencing occasional “spells” over the past two months. During the episodes he felt anxious, dizzy, nauseous, had intense headaches, and sometimes had difficulty breathing. After having a “spell” Arthur worried about when the next one would occur. A thorough medical exam and a series of laboratory tests found that nothing was physically wrong with Arthur. The physician suspected that Arthur was suffering from XXXXXX and asked if he had been expe­riencing increased stress in recent weeks. Arthur acknowledged that he was somewhat anxious about graduating from college in a month; however, he doubted that his “spells” could have an emotional basis since the symptoms were mostly physical. Arthur was the first person in his family ever to have to gone to college, and he had done very well in school despite being in a difficult engineering program. He had already been hired by a bioengineering firm near his hometown and was nervous about beginning his professional life. Arthur explained that his parents were extremely proud of his success and that his entire extended family was planning to attend his graduation.