The increase in victims’ rights has led to an increase in victim participation in the criminal justice system. For example, victims or survivors can present a summary of the effects of the crime that includes the economic loss and/or physical and psychological damage they suffered as a result of the crime. The victim can also object to the sentence or treatment of the offender. In this Assignment, you explore these and other types of victim participation and how they relate to specific roles in the criminal justice system.
To prepare:
First, choose one of the following judicial roles:
Next, identify a recent or historic criminal case in which elements of victim participation have played a prominent role.
Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper that addresses the following:
Explain how the judicial role you chose is affected by one type of victim participation.
Explain how the victim may be affected by this type of victim participation.
Explain how victim participation affected, or may have affected, the outcome of the case. Use examples from the recent or historic case that you found to illustrate your analysis.
Explain how a victim impact statement can affect sentencing in general and contribute to either correcting or adding to sentence disparity.
solved You are busy, but you need more customers. All your
/in /by adminYou are busy, but you need more customers. All your time is spent doing the day-to-day business operations. The question you have is how to add lead generation and customer management with limited time and a limited budget? You ask some business owner friends how they manage everything, and they tell you with an integrated CRM strategy. What would an CRM strategy look like for your business? First, search for a company that has a lead generation and customer management strategy you think would work well for your business. (You may want to sign up for loyalty programs from some of the businesses you currently do business with to see what they doSecond, describe what they do. How do they get leads, how do they convert them to customers, and then, how do they manage customers?Conclusion: how will you integrate elements of their strategy into your lead generation and contact management system? PROJECT FOCUS: Instructions for your submission: ï‚· Open a Word document and create your document. ï‚· In the header add your name and Chapter 8: Cohesion Case ï‚· Use complete sentences in paragraph form. ï‚· At least 1 page in length to fully answer the questions: ï‚· Times New Roman 12 ï‚· Double-spaced ï‚· One-inch margins ï‚· No cover page or abstract required ï‚· Complete Sentences
solved This is based on Strange Beliefs about Evans-Pritchard, and the
/in /by adminThis is based on Strange Beliefs about Evans-Pritchard, and the work of Margaret MeadDescription:The Film Response 1 is an essay of 250-350 words. You select the prompt you would like to respond to, based on the provided media AssignmentAfter viewing the media lessons on the careers of anthropologists E.E. Evans-Pritchard and Margaret Mead, please select ONE of the following prompts for response:Consider Evans-Pritchard’s research among the Azande. In what ways do you think that he was able to access the emic (insider) perspective, and in what ways was he not, when it came to the belief system of the Azande?Do you believe Evans-Pritchard’s own religious beliefs were a help or a hindrance when it came to studying the belief systems of the Azande and the Nuer? Or, how would Mead have done her research, since she did not agree with “embedding” herself in the community?Compare and contrast EE Evans-Pritchard’s work with that of Margaret Mead. Which of them do you think was more suited to the study of belief systems, based on their philosophy of anthropological research and how they applied it, and why?HERE IS THE LINK TO THE VIDEOS/FILMS:(Don’t need to watch full thing there are summaries online as well as a transcript!!)
solved Satire and Dissection WorksheetPart 1In the space below, include your
/in /by adminSatire and Dissection WorksheetPart 1In the space below, include your original satire that uses at least two humor devices to achieve its goal. Note the following requirements for each option:Article: minimum of 225 wordsCartoon: minimum of 2 cartoonsScript for skit: minimum of 225 wordsMeme: minimum of 2 memes based on issues from real events within the last weekOther option: consult your instructorundefinedPart 2Using complete sentences, answer the following questions based on your satire.Topic and PurposeWhat human weakness or institution did you satirize?Why did you choose this subject as the target for your satire?What do you want your audience to think or do after reading or seeing your satire?undefinedIdentification and AnalysisList at least two humor devices or techniques you used. For each device, include what is stated and what is meant.What is the tone of the satire and how do the humor devices you used affect it?Explain how each example illuminates the weakness or problem in the target of your satire.undefinedEvaluationIf the topic of your satire were presented as a written argument with research and proof, would it be more or less effective than your satire? In 3—4 complete sentences, explain why one form or the other would be better at illuminating the problem.
solved Many topics can be related to psychology, so please do
/in /by adminMany topics can be related to psychology, so please do not limit yourself and think outside the box! It is important that there is a connection to psychology, however. For example, a nursing student might focus on the personality of addiction, which is an important topic to the field of psychology and nursing. Explore and find something interesting (and relevant) to you!Step 1Brainstorm and research a topic that relates to psychology and your chosen profession.Step 2For your Module 1 assignment, paste the following questions into a Word document to answer them.Find an empirical article from the Carrington Library dated within the past 5 years that relates to your topic choice. Provide a link to the article or attach the article text with your submission.Identify your topic.Why did you choose this topic?In a short paragraph, summarize the article.Discuss the connection between your profession and the field of psychology.Step 3Be sure to include a link to the article (if it is from an online source) or an attachment of the article from the Carrington Library. Properly reference and cite the article using APA style in your assignment.Step 4Submit the completed Topic Proposal with the empirical article under Module 1 Course Project. This assignment is due at the close of Module 1.
solved Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)Review the Work Environment
/in /by adminPart 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
solved The increase in victims’ rights has led to an increase
/in /by adminThe increase in victims’ rights has led to an increase in victim participation in the criminal justice system. For example, victims or survivors can present a summary of the effects of the crime that includes the economic loss and/or physical and psychological damage they suffered as a result of the crime. The victim can also object to the sentence or treatment of the offender. In this Assignment, you explore these and other types of victim participation and how they relate to specific roles in the criminal justice system.
To prepare:
First, choose one of the following judicial roles:
Next, identify a recent or historic criminal case in which elements of victim participation have played a prominent role.
Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper that addresses the following:
Explain how the judicial role you chose is affected by one type of victim participation.
Explain how the victim may be affected by this type of victim participation.
Explain how victim participation affected, or may have affected, the outcome of the case. Use examples from the recent or historic case that you found to illustrate your analysis.
Explain how a victim impact statement can affect sentencing in general and contribute to either correcting or adding to sentence disparity.
solved Interview PrepThe purpose of this assignment is for you to
/in /by adminInterview PrepThe purpose of this assignment is for you to collect insight about another person’s perspective on race and justice in America. Identify someone you know (e.g., a relative, coworker, or friend) who has a view of racial issues and criminal justice that differs from your own.Conversations do not consist solely of asking questions. Research your topic, and be prepared for an in-depth discussion. Make a list of questions to ask your selected person.For this unit, you will not conduct the interview. You will submit a paper to include the items below.Include a description of the person you intend to interview. Explain why you think he or she will be an excellent choice. Explain how you believe his or her views differ from yours. (Person is Deon Smith…he was a police officer for 10years)Provide a list of at least 10 questions that you intend to ask.Your questions should address the following topics, but make certain to word the questions in a less technical manner:overall effectiveness and possible improvements of the criminal justice system,role of race in criminal justice and the challenges it presents,police-citizen relationships from a minority perspective,relationship between race and domestic terrorism, andrecommendations to improve police-citizen interactions
solved Assignment ContentWrite a brief assessment of the Walmart case found
/in /by adminAssignment ContentWrite a brief assessment of the Walmart case found in the text (Case 6) Screenshots attached. Address four questions based on Walmart’s business-level strategy:How well is Walmart performing? To what extent is its performance attributable to industry attractiveness and to what extent is it attributable to competitive advantage?In which of Walmart’s principal functions and activities (namely: purchasing, distribution and warehousing, instore operations, marketing, IT, HRM, and organization and management systems/style) do its main competitive advantages lie? Identify the distinctive resources and capabilities in each of these functions and activities.To what extent is Walmart’s competitive advantage sustainable? Why have other retailers had limited success in imitating Walmart’s strategy and duplicating its competitive advantage?What challenges does Walmart currently face? What measures does it need to take to sustain its recent performance and defend against competitive (and other) threats?Your analysis should follow APA format including a title page, references page, in-text citations, and use Times New Roman, size 12 font. An appendix section is not required. Your assignment should be at least 3 pages in length, not including title or reference pages.
solved Once your team is in place and the scope of
/in /by adminOnce your team is in place and the scope of your disaster recovery planning is determined, the next step is to determine exactly what vital functions need to be included in the plan. Can you easily identify the most vital functions? What happens to the business if one or more functions are suddenly unavailable due to a system failure or other disaster? What is the cost if a function is unavailable? Intuitively, some functions must be more valuable than others, but what is that value? How can this value be measured? In a time of scarce resources, which functions need to be heavily protected and which (if any) can be safely ignored? In a major disaster affecting many functions, which functions are essential for the company’s survival?
These questions are all pertinent.Â
In your final research project for the course, your task is to write  a minimum of a 4-page  paper discussing these concepts:
Introduction – What is Disaster Recovery
Why Should an Organization evaluate risk?
What are some Solutions in selecting a strategy?
What is Important for a Technical Recovery Plan and Crisis Management Plan?
Discuss at least one real organization that has been effective with implementing the Information Security Response.
Conclusion – Final thoughts/future research/recommendations
solved I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.
/in /by adminI’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.
Readings:Campos, Homegrown (excerpts)Walker, Drugs in the Western Hemisphere, Ch. 5 & 11 (41-45; 64-77)Reading Questions (Answer one set of questions):1. How does Isaac Campos explain the appearance of numerous reports of marijuana madness in Mexico in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century? What evidence does he offer to support his argument? How does the idea of marijuana as a “psychotomimetic” drug fit into his explanation of marijuana madness? Do you find this argument convincing? Explain.2. According to the 1972 marijuana commission report (Walker, Ch. 5), how did social attitudes towards nonmedical drug use change in the early twentieth century, and why drugs like opium and marijuana fail to achieve the social legitimacy of alcohol and cigarettes during by the 1930s? How did Leopoldo Salazar Viniegra’s views of marijuana (Walker, Ch. 11) diverge from the conventional views in 1930s Mexico and the United States? What kind of drug control strategy did Salazar support when he became head of Mexico’s Federal Narcotics Service in 1938? What was his rationale for supporting this strategy, and how did counter-narcotics agents in the U.S. perceive it as a threat to their own efforts to suppress drug trafficking?