solved I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need an

I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

There are many definitions which apply to Risk Assessment and students need to become familiar with each of them. Provide a definition of the following terms along with a specific example of each definition:

Define critical infrastructure and key asset inventory.
Define criticality assessment.
Define threat assessment.
Define vulnerability assessment.

Submit a 1-page paper defining and summarizing the various terms and explain how they will relate to your Crime Prevention / Risk Assessment Project.
The instructor asked  us to share  with the class our choice of a Target Environment (TE)  and explain why we chose that particular TE and how it meets the the requirement for this phase”
This is what I wrote; “The Target Environment I have chosen for phase one is a manufacturing laboratory in a pharmaceutical company. I chose this because I am always in the Lab to perform some aspect of my job. This meets the TE for this phase because the manufacturing lab is a  restricted area- not all employees  are given access to it. The chemicals used are biohazard and can be deadly. Also  some of the information are of high confidentiality and can cost the company a fortune if leaked.”

solved There are 39 readings. You will select three of these

There are 39 readings. You will select three of these readings (any three single readings) and provide a brief response based on your interpretation of the assigned texts. Reading responses will be submitted through Canvas. For your chosen readings, reading responses are due the Sunday following class by 11:59 p.m. ET. Each reading response (RR) you submit will earn a grade of ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’. A Satisfactory RR will be at least 300—but not more than 600—words; it will raise either a deep question about or an objection to an argument in a particular reading. To ensure that I understand how your question or objection engages the argument you’re writing about, please provide some context by briefly (!) summarizing the part of the reading your question or objection concerns, but only summarizing will not earn full points. Sincere effort will typically suffice for a Satisfactory RR. I’ll provide brief comments on any RRs that I judge Unsatisfactory. Any RRs deemed Unsatisfactory can be revised in light of my comments. RRs that improve significantly as a result of revision may ultimately be deemed Satisfactory. You only submit three RRs for the semester (not three every week!). Do chapter 2, 5, and 9 from the text attached so 3 separate paragraphs

solved Attend an arts event. This can include viewing an exhibition

Attend an arts event. This can include viewing an exhibition at a museum or gallery, listening to a  live musical performance, attending a theatrical performance, listening to or participating in a  poetry reading, or attending an artist lecture. You can also listen to a TED Talk about art. If you  choose to attend an event in person, calendars with events listings can be found on Blackboard. The  event that you attend does not need to be local. If you choose to attend an event on Blackboard, a  selection of TED Talks, museum exhibitions, musical performances, and other art experiences are  listed on Blackboard. 
Write at a one-and-half page essay (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch  margins) on your experience at the event. Be sure to include the following: 
1- Identify the event, the date it took place, its location, and artists involved. 
2- What type of art the event included (visual art, music, theatre, literature, lecture, etc.) 
3- Your response to the event: what did you learn from it? Did you enjoy it? What in particular  did you find compelling or challenging? 
4- Comparison to artwork discussed in class: compare the work to any artist, movement, visual  art production, musical or theatrical work, or literary work discussed in class.

solved   Scholarly Sources and Research [WLOs: 1, 2, 3,

  Scholarly Sources and Research [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]
Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, view the videos Scholarly and Popular Sources(1) (Links to an external site.), Why Can’t I Just Google? (Links to an external site.), and Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies (Links to an external site.).
Reflect: Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these sources and the importance of finding one type of resource over another?
Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts:

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.
Locate and summarize one peer-reviewed, scholarly source from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and one popular source that pertain to your Final Paper topic. In your summary of each article, comment on the following: biases, reliability, strengths, and limitations.
From the sources you summarized, list and explain at least five visual cues from the peer-reviewed, scholarly source that were not evident in the popular source.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt.  

solved There are 7 drug categories – Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Inhalants,

There are 7 drug categories – Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Narcotics, Steroids, Cannabis. Each category impacts brain function and behavior, has particular ways of ingestion, and creates a certain reaction within the body. For this Assignment, you compare substances within two of the seven drug categories.By Day 7Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:Choose TWO drug categories. For each drug category:Identify the drugs that belong to that categoryBriefly discuss the history of substance use and social response related to the drug category (e.g., how were the substances created, when did people start to use these types of substances, how or in what ways did these substance affect society).Identify how the drugs are administered (e.g., inhalation, injection, orally, nasally) in this category.Discuss how substances in the category impact the brain including which neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that are affected. Explain the physical impact the substances in this category may have on the body. Compare the similarities and differences between the drug categories.Explain any differences in treatment approaches for the two different drug categories, and why it is important to understand the different drug categories as a social worker.

solved Primary Task Response: IN APA FORMAT: Write 450–600 words that

Primary Task Response: IN APA FORMAT: Write 450–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Cite all references and make sure to list references in APA format.Many of the major US labor laws governing unions arose in the early 1930’s, however, unions existed well before this time. In fact, labor unions can trace their history, in some form, back to medieval craft guilds. Thus, organizing members of a profession to address issues within an industry has played a great role in the development of modern business practices. There is great value in studying the history of organized labor.For this assignment, discuss the following with your classmates:In your opinion, what were the major issues in labor-management relations in the US before 1930? What role did the industrial revolution play in labor-management relations during this time period?How were these issues addressed differently in the US before modern employment laws were enacted?Historically, what role has the HR profession played in labor-management relations and the development of US employment laws? Should that role change, if so how?

solved Log on to the City of Scottsdale website, and click

Log on to the City of Scottsdale website, and click the About PD tab.Review the Current PD Strategic Plan.Review the 2019 UCR Highlights and the 2017 Crime Clock (found here):2017 Crime Clock.pdf2019-spd-ucr-highlights.pdfWrite a 700-word (minimum) evaluation (this is a formal APA paper) that assesses the strategic plan from the Scottsdale Police Department. Do not write in general terms; this assignment is for the Scottsdale Police Department only and the paper must reflect the information contained in their strategic plan. Also, do not just copy and paste information; this is an evaluation in your own words.Include the following in your evaluation:Discuss individual components of the SWOT analysis as presented in the Strategic PlanDescribe the technology and/or social media being addressed in the PlanIdentify futures (predictions) used in plan; several are listedDecide if Justifications and assumptions for strategies are adequately articulated – explain your assessmentExplain how measures support and ensure follow-through and implementation of strategiesDescribe potential limitations or challenges with planFormat your evaluation according to APA guidelines and use a minimum of two scholarly references no older than 10 years to support your evaluation.Submit your assignment.

solved Looking Forward: Pharmacists of the Future Introduction This assignment is

Looking Forward: Pharmacists of the Future
This assignment is also designed to develop your critical thinking skills, particularly in making learned decisions. One of the most important reasons we study the past is to learn from it. After reading all of the assigned articles in this course and watching the designated movies, there had to be some impact on how you feel about your chosen profession. You are being asked to prepare a short paper discussing how you feel current pharmacists perceive their role and how you see the professional in twenty years.
Learning Activities
Refer, read, and reflect on the readings from this course, from other classes, and ones you may have found that discuss the past and/or future of our profession.
oDiscuss how you think that preceptors or practicing pharmacists you know perceive their current roles and how they look at the future (or do not look at the future).
§Is he / she afraid or will they be able to embrace the coming changes?
§How can we best integrate technology with improving patient care?
§What should be added to the pharmacy curriculum to make you better prepared for the future? What should be removed to make room for your additions?
§How else should Colleges of Pharmacy change to prepare you better for the future?

solved Creating Your Personal Budget For this assignment, you will apply

Creating Your Personal Budget
For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned in this unit to a small business. To get the business’s finances under control, you need to prepare a budget. You may consider items from your personal finances and cash flow to help you identify possible expense items for the small business budget. Research the CSU Online Library or the Internet for steps to creating a personal budget.
Monthly expenses might include rent, utility costs, personal loans, car loans, credit cards, groceries, childcare, vehicle maintenance costs and insurance, phone charges, and cable or streaming costs. Cash flow considerations might include monthly salaries, commissions, and allowances.
You can use any budget format that you are comfortable with, or you may select a free template. Your budget should be completed using Excel. Once you have completed your budget, in a separate Word document, address the information below.

How can the use of the budget be used in the planning process?
How can this financial information influence short-term and long-term decisions?
Based on your personal budget, what are your static expenses? What are your flexible expenses?
As an accountant, reflect on how you can use what you have learned in this activity in the workplace.

solved Instructions: identify and discuss the challenges that African communities face

Instructions: identify and discuss the challenges that African communities face around the world; critically assess primary and secondary source material to understand the theoretical, methodological, and practical framework of African and African American Studies. Answer all of the following questions in a single-spaced, detailed paragraph using examples from the document you are examining. Cite page numbers.1. What is the title of the document? Who is the author? Provide the publishing information (editor if applicable, publisher, city, date)? What information do you find out about the author from reading the text?Please provide an example(s) from the text to explain your answer (cite pgs).2.List some major points the author makes, regarding the themes/topics discussed (cite pgs).3.What information is of interest to the field of Africana Studies? Please provide an example(s) from the text to explain your answer (cite pgs).4.What is your reaction to the document? For example, were there sections that you found difficult to understand? Are you convinced of the author’s interpretation of events? Why or why not…provide examples (cite pgs).5.Provide an excerpt, one or two sentences that caught your attention? What was it about the excerpt that stands out for you? (cite pgs).