Discussion Forum
Each  week in your discussion, you will assume the role of a leadership team  in a human resources department. You will be given a topic with which to  wrestle questions fundamental to managing your department as well as  managing people in the larger organization. Using the course materials  as springboards for your basis of methodology, you are expected, as a  group of leaders, to come up with solutions to challenges facing human  resource departments, generally, and human resources managers, specifically.
Your Module 2 discussion assignment is to describe and analyze  how legal, political, cultural, and economic factors affect HR  professionals. In addition, consider how external and internal factors  can impact strategic HR management. As a group, come up with a challenge  that might come up for an HR leader (you are encouraged to use an  experience you have had, but please keep all names anonymous). What are  the external forces that make the issue so challenging? How, as leaders,  would you set to describe and resolve the problem? What legal,  political, cultural, or economic factors are part of this issue and how  might these external factors make your proposed resolution even more  challenging?
solved  Discussion Forum Each  week in your discussion, you
/in /by adminÂ
Discussion Forum
Each  week in your discussion, you will assume the role of a leadership team  in a human resources department. You will be given a topic with which to  wrestle questions fundamental to managing your department as well as  managing people in the larger organization. Using the course materials  as springboards for your basis of methodology, you are expected, as a  group of leaders, to come up with solutions to challenges facing human  resource departments, generally, and human resources managers, specifically.
Your Module 2 discussion assignment is to describe and analyze  how legal, political, cultural, and economic factors affect HR  professionals. In addition, consider how external and internal factors  can impact strategic HR management. As a group, come up with a challenge  that might come up for an HR leader (you are encouraged to use an  experience you have had, but please keep all names anonymous). What are  the external forces that make the issue so challenging? How, as leaders,  would you set to describe and resolve the problem? What legal,  political, cultural, or economic factors are part of this issue and how  might these external factors make your proposed resolution even more  challenging?
solved Every week Chapter Summary:undefinedReview the Chapter- 4 from the attached
/in /by adminEvery week Chapter Summary:undefinedReview the Chapter- 4 from the attached textbook.undefinedIdentify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.undefinedAlso, provide a graduate-level response to the following question:undefinedThe chapter mentions that one type of resource flow is the loss of key personnel who move to another firm. Assume that the human resources department of your firm has started running ads and billboards for open positions near the office of your top competitor. Your firm is also running Google ads on a keyword search for this same competitor. Is there anything unethical about this activity? Would your view change if this key competitor had just announced a major layoff?undefinedThe textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Post should be at least 600+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). I request you to focus on answering the questions.undefinedYour post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in your own words – do not provide quotes and internet sources.
solved Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As
/in /by adminPart of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.” You are required to exercise 3 times per week.Each week I will provide 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience. Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long. When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.1. What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Please designate each class. For example, Class #1: I enjoyed the feeling of relaxation after I was done taking the class. You will say something about each class. 2. What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. That way I can help. You may also ask a question and I will answer your question in the comments area when I grade your weekly exercise assignment. Submit your assignment at the end of each module/week.You may type your answers into the text box, or attach in doc, docx, or pdf. Module 6 Recorded Yoga Classes. Click on the links below to see and exercise with the videos.Class 16 (Links to an external site.)Class 17 (Links to an external site.)Class 18 (Links to an external site.)
solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need
/in /by adminLearning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need a sample draft to help me learn.Sensitivity AnalysisIn sheet “Data table & scenario managerâ€, after you have followed the course videos to create one-input data table and two-input data table, on the same page, create another two-input data table as a sensitivity analysis. We want to see how purchasing price and tax rate together affect after-tax income. Use a two-input data table to show After-tax income as a function of purchasing price ($5, $6, …$13) and tax rate (30%, 32%, …40%).According to syllabus, when you submit the assignment, please submit the entire module file, you are expected to complete not just this assignment, but also all the class work prior to the assignment in order to receive full credit.I will give you my Credentials for the class work log in.M1 Assignment – Sensitivity Analysis RubricSuccessfully created ranges for 2 input variables1 ptSuccessfully linked the result cell1 ptSuccessfully completed the data table2 ptsFormatted and labeled cells appropriately1 ptTotal5 ptsIf you didn’t complete all the class work prior to this sheet-2 ptsAll tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any
solved ASSIGNMENT: For this touchstone, you will be writing a success
/in /by adminASSIGNMENT: For this touchstone, you will be writing a success narrative consisting of three components. Specifically, you will write about the following:Who I Am Now: Create a brief biographical statement describing your academic and professional history, as well as any relevant personal characteristics you’d like to share.My Goals: Identify three (3) professional and/or academic long-term goals for your future.How I Will Get There: Based on the professional or academic goals you created, identify at least two (2) short-term steps for each of these goals, and set target dates for each of these short-term steps. Make sure that in your plan to achieve these goals, you account for obstacles that may present themselves along the way. Composition must be 2-3 pages (approximately 500-750 words).Double-space the composition and use one-inch margins.Use a readable 12-point font.All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.Composition must be original and written for this assignment.Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.Include all of the assignment components in a single file.Acceptable file formats include .doc, and .docx.
solved I need an explanation for this English question to help
/in /by adminI need an explanation for this English question to help me study.
Write a multi-paragraph narrative essay about The Moment that Changed Everything. Your narrative essay should clearly explain: your moment and how you changed as a result of it. The first paragraph will introduce the topic by grabbing the reader’s attention in an interesting way. Remember that your goal is to show your moment with vivid details rather than just telling the reader what happened. This means the first paragraph could set the scene for your moment, or it could introduce the ideas behind the change you experienced. There are several ways to introduce a personal narrative. Remember, the end result is an exploration of an important moment and its effects on you. The first paragraph then becomes a tool to open the story and hook your reader.
You will need a thesis statement for your narrative. The thesis should clearly state what you have learned or how you have changed as a result of your moment, which is the focus of your narrative. Because this will be an implied thesis statement, it will not be included in the final essay. It is important, however, that you write it down now to ensure this central thought guides your narrative writing throughout the process.
solved Ethical Services DeliveryThe preamble of the National Organization of Human
/in /by adminEthical Services DeliveryThe preamble of the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) states, “The fundamental values of the human services profession include respecting the dignity and welfare of all people; promoting self-determination; honoring cultural diversity; advocating for social justice; and acting with integrity, honesty, genuineness, and objectivity.â€After completing the reading, please respond to the following:How do human service professionals provide ethical service delivery on both an individual level and a general level in a diverse society?Unintentional bias of the human service professional may be harmful on the helping relationship. What personal values or self-bias could potentially impact your ability to work effectively with diverse client populations?Self-care strategies help to ensure ethical human service delivery. What self-care strategies would you practice to respond to the ethical dilemmas, conflicting values, and self-bias in order to provide effective human services to diverse clients? Provide examples to support your responses to the above questions.Please be sure to provide examples to support your responses and cite any relevant standards from the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS).
solved A] For each of the following 5 words, do the
/in /by adminA] For each of the following 5 words, do the following. Write the definition of the word, the part of speech, the opposite of the word, and create your own sentence using the word in explaining Gottman’s ideas. Do not copy sentences from the text or from the dictionary.B] Next, fill out the word families box.It is important to understand the different parts of speech of the words that you may encounter in reading and use in writing. For each of the key words from Vocabulary List, complete the row in the table using a good English Learner’s Dictionary. If there is no verb, see if there is a way to make a verb phrase.C] Once you have posted your answers, you will see the answers of your group mates. In a minimum of 5 sentences, tell someone what they did correctly, where they made a mistake and/or ask a question.Here is Part A1.systemDefinition: Part of speech: Opposite: Sentence:2. commandDefinition: Part of speech: Opposite: Sentence:3. activatedDefinition: Part of speech: Opposite: Sentence:4. heritageDefinition: Part of speech: Opposite: Sentence:5. philosophyDefinition: Part of speech: Opposite: Sentence:Here is part B – I did the first one for you :)Noun formVerb formAdjective formAdverb formsystemcommandactivatedheritagephilosophy
solved After reading, discussing, and studying Chapters 15-17, write a 2-page
/in /by adminAfter reading, discussing, and studying Chapters 15-17, write a 2-page paper reflecting on the following:Chapter 15:Summary of Chapter 15Chapter 16:Summary of Chapter 16Chapter 17:Summary of Chapter 17Instructions:The paper should be written in TIMES NEW ROMAN size 12 font, double-spaced and be a FULL 2- pages in length (not 1 page and half of the second).Please format your paper as follows (do not use bullet points): Page #NameDateInstructor NameClass TitleIntroduction (1-paragraph)Chapter 15’s prompt (1-paragraph)Chapter 16’s prompt (1-paragraph)Chapter 17’s prompt (1-paragraph)Conclusion (1-paragraph)Grading:Student has proved at least a 2-page paper in Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced: /5Student has provided a 3-4 sentence Introduction: /5Student has provided a 3-4 sentence paragraph addressing Chapter 15’s prompt: /20Student has provided a 3-4 sentence paragraph addressing Chapter 16’s prompt: /20Student has provided a 3-4 sentence paragraph addressing Chapter 17’s prompt: /20Student has provided a 3-4 sentence Conclusion: /5Student has provided relevant information from each chapter in their work: /20Student has submitted college level work, free of grammatical or structural errors, and includes relevant information: /5
solved Submit the survey instrument and a copy of the informed
/in /by adminSubmit the survey instrument and a copy of the informed consent document you have prepared. Remember, you may not distribute copies of the survey or collect any data until the survey instrument and informed consent form have been approved by me.
The survey should include at the very least:
The questions/answer choices in the appropriate order.Â
Your survey should be 15-20 questions and should contain questions that:
1) Collect demographic data so that ultimately you can discuss your sample population in detail (e.g. gender, grade, country of origin, ethnicity, etc. etc.
2) Questions to help you analyze your hypotheses (recall that  you should have at least three hypotheses you want to test. This includes the null and the alternative hypotheses). These should always be set up before running the analyses!!!!. Never after. If your null hypotheses is or is not rejected, you will need to explain why and provide support. This is the process of doing research.
3) Operationalize the independent and dependent variables from your hypotheses so you can conduct your analyses
Below you will find a good link to some basic demographic/socioeconomic questions that surveys generally ask:Â