solved Over the last 50 years or so, the United States

Over the last 50 years or so, the United States has seen several, unique domestic terrorist organizations. In this group project assignment, you have the opportunity to dig into the background of one of these organizations and analyze what makes it unique. Different organizations have formed for different reasons. They have different methods for recruiting new members, different attack patterns, and have been dealt with differently by law enforcement agencies.Your instructor has assigned you a Domestic Terrorist Organization from one of the following:Aryan NationsAnimal Liberation FrontANTIFAEarth Liberation FrontKlu Klux KlanSovereign CitizensBlack Liberation ArmyYou are required to write a 5-7 page paper in APA format that answers the following questions:Why/how did this organization come into existence?Is this organization uniquely “American,” or does it have international analogs?How does/did this organization recruit or gain members?Why did they select the type of attacks and the targets they chose?Provide an example of an attack by this organization.What was the most effective tactic by law enforcement for combatting this organization?Did the organization accomplish their goal/s, and what happened to the organization?

solved Define: In one or two sentences, define four (4) of

Define: In one or two sentences, define four (4) of the following terms: 5 each (20)1) The Shot2) Mise-en-scene3) Montage4) Jump cut5) Deep focus photography6) The auteurShort Answer: Answer both questions fully. Do not answer in only one sentence. At least three or four is required. 10 each (20)1) What is an active film? Please offer one example and explain why it is active. 2) What is a passive film? Please offer one example and explain why it is passive.Essay: Answer three (3) of the following questions. At least one or two paragraphs. This means a full thought, with a beginning, a middle and a conclusion. 20 each (60) 1) Does the auteur theory assist in the interpretation of film, or does it add trivia to the consumption of art? Looking at the directors discussed in class and in the text, what is your opinion of the theory?2) How was the political style of montage developed by Sergei Eisenstein, Lev Kuleshov and Vsevolod Pudovkin adapted into the classical narrative style of editing that dominates Hollywood?3) Do you believe that the opening of Touch of Evil deserved to be modified by the studio? Why or why not?4) What cause Judy Garland to become a cult star? List at least three reasons for fans to cling to her as an icon.

solved 1. Please read in your textbook, pg 447, Case 6,

1. Please read in your textbook, pg 447, Case 6, “IN-N-OUT BURGER – Building them Better.”
A. Please describe what you think are the most successful aspects of In-N-Out Burgers current strategy? If you go to In-N-Out Burger, feel free to share an example of you perceive the strategies working from a patron’s perspective.
B. In a era where dining has become more focused on food varieties, interesting dining atmosphere, more emphasis on a unique dining experience – do you think In-N-Out Burger’s current strategies will enable it to be successful in 5 years or more ?  Why or Why Not?  If you don’t think it will be as successful in 5 years or more, then identify 1-2 suggestions on its strategy that will keep the chain going strong.
2.  On page 237, CH 10 in your textbook, please complete and score the Self-assessment, “Intuitive Ability.” In our increasingly complex, ever-changing world, developing our intuition when processing information and making decisions is becoming an essential factor in a long and productive career.
A. What did you learn about yourself from this assessment – what are your strengths and areas to improve?
B. What can you further develop to increase your overall intuitive ability as your career progresses?

solved Read, and annotate 5 secondary sources Write 250 words/annotation x

Read, and annotate 5 secondary sources Write 250 words/annotation x 5 entries = 1250 total words Use APA style formatting → Refer to Purdue OWL APA Style Guide undefinedBelow are some annotation writing tips: Begin your annotation with clear identification information, the type of work, author, and main point Keep your summary concise and do not include details that are too specific Use your own words and sentence structure, rather than quoting Use quotations only when the original sentence is clearly/effectively/concisely worded and cannot be said any better Do not include your own opinion about the topic undefinedWhen evaluating the source, you want to: Consider the authority and credibility of the authorConsider the currency – This does not mean that the source has to come from the most recent years. You want to consider whether or not the information presented in the article is still accepted as truth by the experts in the field. Consider the purpose of the piece. Who is the intended audience? What information is included? Is it reliable? Consider the usefulness of the source. How does the source help answer my inquiry question? I have found the five resourses for you…

solved For this assignment, you will read a case and answer

For this assignment, you will read a case and answer a series of questions concerning an analysis of ethical considerations governing marketing practices, as leaders are responsible for such endeavors. Begin by reading the following case, which can be located within the Business Source Ultimate database of the CSU Online Library.
Datamonitor. (2010, July). Ambush marketing case study: Successfully leveraging high-profile events to raise brand profile. Retrieved from
Then, draft a two-page paper by addressing each of the following items:

In your own words, how would you describe “ambush marketing”? Include two examples with your description.
What are the advantages and disadvantages (risks and consequences) of ambush marketing?
What was Bavaria Beer hoping to achieve through its ambush marketing tactics?
Would you consider Bavaria Beer’s ambush marketing an unethical practice or simply a competitive strategy? Explain.
Can ambush marketing be both intentional and unintentional? Explain.
As a leader of an organization, would you allow the practice of ambush marketing? Explain.

solved FORMAL LETTER TO YOUR PROFESSOR As we come to the

As we come to the end of this course, I would like you to reflect on what you have learned in, Business Communication.
Write me a letter using the direct approach in which you incorporate the following elements:
Components of a formal business letter. Personal letterhead (stationery), dateline, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature block. If your letter goes to a second page, use a second-page heading.
Discussion of your growth as a business communicator. Include specifics about how your writing has evolved over the course. You may want to address your growth from an academic writer to a more professional (workplace-oriented) writer. Also, how did you incorporate what you learned across your academic career (the courses you have taken while in college–whether ASU or other colleges) in this course? How will you use the material you learned in Business Communication moving forward in your classes and in your work future? 
Evaluation of your performance. What did you do well? What could you have improved?
Assessment of your Mock Interview. What did you learn about participating in an online interview that may be useful to you? Explain the specifics of your response.

solved Research Question: Does homeschooling hinder the socialization of children? 1.

Research Question: Does homeschooling hinder the socialization of children?

1. Introduction (This section should be about 1.5 to 2 pages long)
o your research question
o definition of the problem or issue in question (Why you see it as a problem and/or why you think it’s important),
o prior research that has been conducted on that issue (Information from 3 online academic articles or books related to your research topic )

2. Societal Influences on your research question (This section should be about 2 – 3 pages long)
o the impact of inequality on your research question. How does this issue or topic impact people differently based on aspects such as gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, etc.? (you don’t have to address all of these, just try to pick a couple and discuss it)
o the influences of social institutions on your research question. Institutions include education, economy, family, religion, politics, and health care (You only need to pick 1 or 2)

3. Potential solutions to the problem (This section should be 1 page and can include your own ideas about the subject)
o plan on how to resolve the issue or how the issue is being addressed already in society.

4. Conclusion (This section should be a 1 paragraph summary)

solved Answer the questions in paragraph form 1. Â Â Â

Answer the questions in paragraph form
1.     A woman went to the physician with severe stomach pains. She was examined by a surgeon who, she stated, told her that her spleen was “hanging by a thread” from her collarbone. The surgeon recommended surgery to “build up ligaments” in her spleen. Following the operation, the surgeon informed her husband that it had been necessary to remove the spleen. The pathology report revealed no evidence of any disease in the spleen. The woman and her husband brought a cause of action against the surgeon for fraud. Should the court rule in their favor?
2.     Charles Venner swallowed 24 or 25 balloons of hashish oil in Morocco, flew to New York, passed 5 balloons, went on to Baltimore, and was brought by friends to the emergency room of Sinai Hospital “euphoric, disoriented, and lethargic, but responding to verbal orders.” While under observation, he passed in bedpans the remainder of the balloons, one broken. The hospital staff saved the balloons and turned them over to the Baltimore police without a warrant. Should the police require a search warrant to use the balloons as evidence in a cause of action for possession of an illegal substance with the intent to distribute?

solved Wk 3 – Data Analysis Graphics [due Mon] Assignment Content

Wk 3 – Data Analysis Graphics [due Mon]
Assignment Content

When you administer tests as a special education teacher, you will collect data that represents information gathered during the assessment process. This data needs to be interpreted and broken down into statistical components that describe how the student performed on the different assessments. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with the statistical concepts and vocabulary used when interpreting data. Analyze the Student Data Set provided for pre-project and post-project standard test scores and homework/assignments.
Create a 1-page graphical representation of the data and calculate the following: 

Scale of measurement used
Pre- and post-project mean, median, and mode for each subject scored
Pre- and post-project range and variance for each subject scored
Pre- and post-project standard deviations for each subject scored
Create a 1-page infographic that displays the description and purpose of the following assessment scoring terms:
Calculation of age
Raw scores
Standard scores
Scaled scores
Age equivalent scores
Grade equivalent scores
Include suggested uses for technology incorporation in data analysis.

solved Discussion 3: Critiquing and Revising a Positive EmailPurposeAnalyzing a positive

Discussion 3: Critiquing and Revising a Positive EmailPurposeAnalyzing a positive message and explaining your reasoning will help you process course concepts and prepare for creating your own positive message. Additionally, participating in a discussion based on bridging different points of view helps you practice you-attitude and build goodwill with your peers.InstructionsPreparation: Complete before Part 1For this discussion, you will complete Exercise 8.2 Saying Yes to a Subordinate–Emails for Discussion (pp. 248-249) in our textbook. The assignment’s details include this scenario:Today, you get this request from a subordinate:Subject: Request for LeaveYou know that I’ve been feeling burned out. I’ve decided that I want to take a three-month leave of absence this summer to travel abroad. I’ve got five weeks of vacation time saved up; I would take the rest as unpaid leave. Just guarantee that my job will be waiting when I come back!You decide to grant the request.Refer to the textbook for the rest of the prompt, and decide how you will answer both questions.Part 1: In a well-organized post, answer both questions in the prompt. You should alsoProvide a rationale for your answers.Make references to guidelines in the textbook