solved Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect

Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Before writing your comments:

Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:

Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from
NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources. (PLEASE PROVIDED REFERENCES)
Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.
Third post for each module discussion:
Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.
Comment on those provided by your cohorts.
Note: Some expressions may be politically sensitive. It is not the intent of this exercise to stir controversy.

solved I need an explanation for this Writing question to help

I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.

Summary, Audience Analysis, and Reaction to Peter Suciu’s “Spotting Misinformation on Social Media Is Increasingly Challenging” (see attachment)
In the FIRST PARAGRAPH, write a summary of the film.

The first sentence of the summary should include identifying information about the article and its thesis.
The rest of the summary should include major supporting points for the thesis.

Leave out repetitive information.

Leave out minor details.
In the SECOND PARAGRAPH, write an audience analysis of the article.
The audience analysis should include reference to both the primary audience and the secondary audience of the article.
In addition to the category of audience, you should include some common characteristics of those audiences.

In the THIRD PARAGRAPH, write a personal reaction to the article.  Consider the following as you react to the film:

What new information did you learn from the article?

How reliable is the information in the article in your opinion?
How authoritative is the author of the article in your opinion?

How did you feel emotionally about the information as you read the article?

Can you use this information (generally or specifically)?

solved As a foreign policy tool, trade embargoes, such as U.S.

As a foreign policy tool, trade embargoes, such as U.S. embargoes against Cuba, Iraq (until 2003), and North Korea, are meant to influence and shape the behavior of foreign governments. Embargoes also cause a great deal of misery among the population (such as food and medicine shortages, unemployment due to lack of trade, shortages of basic household necessities, etc.). In this discussion, you will consider whether you think such trade embargoes work and whether they are ethical.
For your initial post in the discussion forum, review information from Chapter 5 in the textbook and use your personal judgment to answer the following questions:
In your opinion, do trade embargoes work? Does it actually shape the behavior of foreign nations or is it just ineffective punishment?
Are these embargoes unethical?

Are there other ways to get these governments to listen to the United States?
Provide at least one example of a trade embargo situation that supports your positions
Respond to at least two of your peers, addressing the following:

Do you agree with their positions? If not, do you find their supporting evidence persuasive? Tell them! If you agree with their position, can you suggest additional examples to further support them?


Page 1 of 1 ASSIGNMENT INFORMATIOnANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. EACH ANSWER SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST THREE PARAGRAPHS, 1. Explain one of the causes of the Vietnam conflict and its impact on one foreign nation2. Describe a cause of WWI and examine one economic consequence.3. Describe one example of the impact the Gilded Age had on American culture.I am very particular about “essay” exams. You must have at least three paragraphs of at least five sentences per paragraph per question in the following format:Paragraph 1- Introduce your topic briefly and what its significance on American history is.Paragraph 2 (you may have more than one in this section)- Address what the impact or consequence (depending on question) was for the historical event AND PROVIDE DETAILS AND FACTS, HERE ARE YOUR SPECIFICS TO PROVE YOUR POINT. As always, cite your sources in MLA format. Paragraph 3- close it up. If this were a court case here is where you’d briefly restate what you’ve proven and why your client is innocent. Watch for grammar, capitalization, and typographical errors. I’m looking for college quality writing. One paragraph submissions and failure to cite sources will result in a failing grade. As always- ask if you have questions. Happy Writing!

solved FUTILITY When if ever should medical interventions be considered “futile

FUTILITY When if ever should medical interventions be considered “futile ”? Do you agree with Bernard Lo that such judgments must be distinguished from judgments about a patient’s quality of life? Should the language of futile care be abandoned altogether or does it have a limited role? 1. In the 1960s there was a change from a cardio-pulmonary definition of clinical death to a whole brain definition. This change was spearheaded by a Harvard ad hoc committee. The Harvard committee argued that such a definition was necessary for two reasons. The improvements in cardiopulmonary support have led to our ability to keep the heart beating of patients whose brains are irreversibly damaged, thereby creating a burden on the patient and the family of the patient. The second reason is that the old cardiopulmonary criteria have made it difficult to obtain organs to transplant. The main problem is that on these old standards, one had to wait for the heart to stop beating before pronouncing death, thereby delaying harvesting of the organs causing them to deteriorate, and making them unsuitable for transplant purposes. However, the new criteria avoids this problem because patients can be pronounced dead while their hearts still beat.

solved I couldn’t post the full question but here it is:Discuss

I couldn’t post the full question but here it is:Discuss the function of time and knowledge in crisis decision-making. What are the challenges of making good decisions during crisis events?Select a recent crisis event and discuss how the concepts of accountability and blame were managed. What could have been done differently to improve accountability and lessen the blame?reading resources:Lidskog, R. & Sjodin, D. (2015, November). Time, knowledge, and risk: Decision making in the aftermath of storm disasters (Links to an external site.). International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 33(3), 341–358.Boin, A., Hart, P., McConnell, A., & Preston, T. (2010, September). Leadership style, crisis response, and blame management: The case of Hurricane Katrina (Links to an external site.). Public Administration, 88(3), 706–723.Huder, R. C. (2013). Disaster Operations and Decision Making (Links to an external site.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Chapter 1: The emergency manager: Leading in a crisis. (Links to an external site.)(1–18)Chapter 2: Crisis decision making. (Links to an external site.)(19–37)at least 300 words in APA (7th ed.) style, and include citations and references.Requirements: 300 words

solved I’m working on a art question and need guidance to

I’m working on a art question and need guidance to help me learn.

Group DescriptionIn groups of 4 people, you will research (each person must use a minimum of three sources) one of the selected artworks and create a presentation considering Terry Smith’s questions below (each person take one question). Make sure to reference your sources carefully. Go to groups and then Group Presentation Sign Up sheet to choose your group. You will see images of the artworks assigned to each group. What can I see just by looking at this artwork?How was this artwork actually made?When was it made, and what was happening in art and broader history at that time?Why did the artist create this work and what is its meaning to them, and to us nowAdditional resources in Course Content/Module 8 folderPlease have one member of your group submit your slides here by end of day Friday Oct 29th The slides also need to be posted to the Group presentations forum- individual comments are due by end of day Mon 1st Immersion (‘Piss Christ’) 1987 Andres Serrano YOU JUST HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION NUMBER 4 LIKE THIS IS A GROUP PROJECT SO I JUST HAVE TO ANSWER THE 4 TH QUESTIONWhy did the artist create this work and what is its meaning to them, and to us now

solved Final Research Project SubmissionIn this assignment, you will submit your

Final Research Project SubmissionIn this assignment, you will submit your final research project. You will compile all the parts that you completed into one paper. Please use subheadings to identify each section of your research. You will need to add a title page, abstract, conclusion, and references page to your compiled research.Your conclusion should answer the following questions:What do you hope to learn from your research findings?How will you communicate the findings?What will you do with the information that you communicate? Will you start a public health program? Will you start providing education?Explain how the research results could potentially prove or disprove your hypothesis.Summarize the entire project.Your completed paper should be 10-12 pages in length not including the title page or references page and should include the following:Title PageAbstract: Include an abstract after the title page (approximately 200-300 words).IntroductionBody: Use each of these as headings for the sections of the paper.Literature ReviewResearch Design and MethodologyData InstrumentData Collection ToolData Analysis PlanConclusionReferencesFollow APA style to format your paper (Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spacing, etc.).

solved For this journal, you will find an article (of your

For this journal, you will find an article (of your own choosing) from one of the following websites. I suggest finding an article written within the past 3 years to ensure it is relevant to today’s sport climate. You will draw connections to what we have learned so far in the course (i.e., social mobility, gender, race, COVID-19, etc.):Yahoo SportsESPNBleacher ReportCBS SportsSports IllustratedNBC SportsFOX SportsDirections: Read the entire article. Copy and paste the link somewhere in the body of your journal so that I may view what you are referencing. (No need to for APA format).Answer the following questions (Remember, this should be a minimum of 500 words total):What was the article about? Why did you choose it? (shorter part of the journal)How does this article connect to, exemplify, or refute what we have learned so far in our course? (longer part of the response)When addressing this question, you must cite and directly quote your textbook or lecture at least once in APA format in order to back up your analysis.In your opinion, is this sports article effective? Why or why not? Do you feel the highlights, outcome and its significance were addressed? Is there anything that could be improved upon in this sports article?

solved I’m working on a Criminal Justice exercise and need support.

I’m working on a Criminal Justice exercise and need support.

Imagine you are presenting your reflections of your future to a group of students who are interested in the field of criminal justice.Create a colorful Brochure/Information sheet (example atttached-you can create a brochure or use the word document templated) including a picture of you (optional) and or illustrations to represent your career choice. In your Brochure/Information sheet, include the following:Your career choice?Why did you choose this career?Include some key statistics pertaining to your career. For example, salary, the sustainability of your career, etc.Any television shows that have an impact on your career choice, if so, what show or shows? Any family members current or retired in your career choice or closely related field?Explain what you know about your career, other than the key statistics you included?What are your strengths that you will bring to your career?What advice can you offer to students interested in the field of criminal justice?What does passion mean to you and how would you incorporate this in your career?What do you think will be some of the challenges you will face pursuing your career and how will you overcome the challenges?