solved The paper will consist of a literature review and discussion

The paper will consist of a literature review and discussion of the current biological/genetic treatments for your selected topic. The body of the paper will be 6-8 pages in length, not including the title, abstract and reference pages and the annotated bibliography. At least 6 scholarly sources should be used. This paper must be written through a biological lens. Meaning a discussion of the genetic/biological origin and treatments are required. Do not include non-biologically-based treatment methods such as counseling, therapy, support groups etc.
Title page in APA format (Times New Roman, 12 font only)
The below areas are the required subheadings that must be included within your paper.

History: A history (historical perspective) of the topic (one to two pages). The history portion of the paper should be brief and relevant to the purpose of the paper (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Epigenetic Causes: A detailed explanation of the epigenetic (genetic and environmental) etiology (cause) of the chosen topic (one to two pages) (Written in third person, Times New Roman, 12 font only).

Symptoms and treatments: A detailed discussion of the symptoms and biological/genetic treatments of the chosen topic

solved I’m working on a science project and need guidance to

I’m working on a science project and need guidance to help me learn.

Choose a topic for research related to developmental psychology using academic research sources. Write a 6-8 page, double-spaced, research paper in APA format, with at least 4 academic research sources (out textbook can be one of your sources). Demonstrate that you have conducted research on your topic. Be objective; let the data you have collected speak for itself. 
Keep in mind many topics are related to developmental psychology: Childhood disorders, teen dating violence, health and age, elder abuse, domestic violence, benefits of youth programs, drug abuse and teens, opioid crisis, teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, Intersectional marginalization and health outcomes, dual-identify formation, LGBTQ teens, college hazing rituals, aquantance rape, women’s health issues, men’s health issues, education attainment and socioeconomic status, ascribed status, achieved status , depression, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, learning disorders, infidelity, social media, anorexia/bulimia, cyber-bullying, bullying, etc. 
As you can see there are many choices related to developmental psychology; or you can select something else; it is up to you. What do you find interesting?

solved Students are expected to expand their use of resources for

Students are expected to expand their use of resources for evidence-based practice beyond the required text and explore nursing and related literature to improve their understanding and application of advanced interventions.The focus of the presentation must reflect current treatment recommendations from accepted professional organizations. Presentations will be evaluated related to the criteria listed. Presentations must be no more than twelve to 18 slides in a PowerPoint format with a Reference List in APA format which once done must be posted on week of the due time frame. Topic: Stable Angina Presents the case including CC, HPI, Hx, ROS and PE findings conciselyList possible differential diagnosis with supporting/excluding criteria. What labs or tests are typically ordered concerning this condition? What results should the Does NP expect to see with this diagnosis?What medications are typically prescribed for this condition? List specific drugs, starting doses, dose ranges, precautions to keep in mind when prescribing these drugs.What are the outcomes expected or unexpected for this specific condition? Moreover, what patient outcomes will trigger a referral?Provide patient teaching materials specific to their condition

solved CASE 14-1 Nürnberg Augsburg Maschinenwerke (N.A.M.)Question 1: Assume that you

CASE 14-1 Nürnberg Augsburg Maschinenwerke (N.A.M.)Question 1: Assume that you are Weiss. How many viable alternatives do you have to consider regarding the initial shipment of 25 buses?Question 2: Which of the routing alternatives would you recommend to meet the initial 90-day deadline for the 25-bus shipment? Train or waterway? To which port(s)? What would it cost?Question 3: What additional information would be helpful for answering Question 2?Question 4: How important, in fact, are the transport costs for the initial shipment of 25 buses?Question 5: What kinds of “customer service” support must be provided for this initial shipment of 25 buses? Who is responsible?Question 6: The Brazilian buyer wants the buses delivered at Santos. Weiss looks up the International Chamber of Commerce’s Incoterms and finds three categories of “delivered” at a receiving port. They are:How should he choose? Why?Question 7: Would you make the same routing recommendation for the second, larger (199 buses) component of the order, after the initial 90-day deadline is met? Why or why not?Question 8: How important, if at all, is it for N.A.M. to ship via water to show its support of the European Union’s Motorways of the Seas concept?

solved Total Points Possible: 200 Requirements:Â In Week 7, students will

Total Points Possible: 200
In Week 7, students will create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages to evaluate the use of a theory for an EBP issue or concern. In Week 8, students will create a recording of the presentation for the Peer Discussion thread. 
Criteria for Content 
Review literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected nurse practitioner specialty.  
Select a theory or theoretical model which is relevant to your nurse practitioner specialty and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified.

In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following.

Introduction to the presentation
Identify and describe a theory or theoretical model, and explain its relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty.
Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and explain its impact on health care outcomes
Explain how the theory or theoretical model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or theoretical model.
Conclusion to the presentation

solved Hello everyone, Its a formal report the template is as

Hello everyone, Its a formal report the template is as attachment is should be like it ( 2nd file)*** You can use the introduction as is it in the template. You can full in-blanks to complete the introduction. You can pick one of this Examples of Business Related Topics and write feel free:Trafficking —drugs, weapons, visas, etc. in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastThe Decreasing Price of Oil and Its Effects on Kuwait’s EconomyBarriers to Women’s Leadership in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle East.The Comparison of Viva, Ooreedo, and/or Zain’s Services, Products, and Customer Ratings in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastWasta Usage in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastBeauty Product Consumption in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastWomen’s Leadership in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastEducation Effectiveness or Problems in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastThe Development of Tourism in the United Arab Emirates / Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastTraffic issues in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastCompare schools/universities in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastHealthy ­­­­­­lifestyle(s)—gyms/spas/foods/Cool Sculpting in Kuwait / the GCC / The Middle EastP.S : I upload some files if you need a help with it

solved I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. Critical

I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support.

Critical thinking is required in most health care situations. Uncomfortable or difficult decisions that are made about a patient’s care likely involves critical thinking skills.Using your critical thinking and problem solving skills gained from the PowerPoint on critical thinking, analyze and solve the below patient care situation.You are taking a history from a female patient who has been sent to your department for a pelvis x-ray, and one of the first things you ask is whether she is pregnant. The patient states she is sure she is not pregnant but does not remember the date of her last menstrual period, then finally states, “No, there is no chance I’m pregnant – it really doesn’t have anything to do with my treatment, right?”Do you take the patient at her word? Does her answer draw a red flag? Objectively examine all aspects of the problem. What implications might arise if you continue with treatment as scheduled and you find out later that the patient actually is pregnant? What risks would you take by administering treatment without knowing for sure? Can you be held liable for any damage caused? After all, the patient denied that she was pregnant when initially asked.

solved Part 1:Learning styles play a large role in our participant’s

Part 1:Learning styles play a large role in our participant’s ability to connect to exercise training and conditioning programs. The rise of individual participation in virtual group activities, the continued success of group exercise training programs such as Cross-Fit, and the high level of youth sport participation and training, lead us to acknowledge the community aspect of exercise training and conditioning programs.What is your preferred learning style and why do you prefer it?How do preferred leaning styles, individual participant goals, The Transtheoretical Model (Stage of Change), and Influences of Human Behavior contribute to the sense of community within group fitness programs?Part 2:Provide an example of the best group training and conditioning program you have been involved in. Why was it the best?Provide an example of the worst group training and conditioning program you have been involved in. Why was it the worst?What did you learn from both of these programs that you can apply to your owncurrent training and conditioning exercise program?What did you learn from both of these programs that you can apply to current or future group training and conditioning programs that you will be or are currently involved?

solved Diversity and race have been a key topic of discussion

Diversity and race have been a key topic of discussion and debate in the field of criminal justice.Imagine this scenario: You are a city official for your local community, and you have been chosen to work with the summer criminal justice internship program. This program has different activities for the interns to engage in, and you have been asked to lead the diversity portion. For each week of the program, you will research and share information on race, ethnicity, and crime based on the local area. For the 1st week, you will discuss aspects of race, ethnicity, and criminal justice.Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you:Define the following terms: race, minority, and inclusion.Differentiate between prejudice, discrimination, and implicit bias.Provide 1 example of each of the following in a criminal justice setting: prejudice, discrimination, and implicit bias.Summarize 1 current event or news story related to diversity in criminal justice. For example, the subject matter could be about someone being arrested, someone on trial, or a local agency doing something to strengthen diversity in the agency.Explain the importance of diversity in criminal justice roles.Cite at least 1 academic source to support your assignment.

solved Your team has been humming along for a little over

Your team has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by two weeks. You now have less time to complete the same amount of work. Your supervisor has asked for a short summary on your plan for achieving the goal within your shortened timeline. Write a 350- to 525-word summary on how you will manage the team’s resources in the face of these new timelines. Answer the following questions in your summary:How many people are on your team? What are their roles? What are their skill sets? How can these be rearranged to meet the new requirements?Are there enough human resources to complete the project two weeks earlier? If not, how can you increase the team’s capacity?Are there aspects of the project that can be condensed or skipped? What are the implications of skipping or condensing tasks?Are there costs to be considered with these changes?How can you leverage what you’ve learned about solving problems in teams to meet the new project requirements?How do you intend to communicate the new requirements to the team in order to gain their buy-in?