solved InstructionsBased on the readings assigned for this week and the

InstructionsBased on the readings assigned for this week and the Sanchez family case, complete the discussion board activity guided by the questions below. Please write 300-350-word initial post addressing the questions below. Go to and read the Sanchez family case.Do you think Joey, the Sanchez family grandchild, would qualify for CHIP in your state?How would you determine if he was eligible?What other members of the family do you think might qualify for the major health care programs? Describe.How might having health insurance make a difference in the lives of the Sanchez family? What other barriers to securing health care might they encounter, even with insurance coverage?We know the health outcomes for Hispanic Americans are not as positive as for the majority of the population. Problems related to service access help to create these health care outcome disparities. What strategies for overcoming problems in accessing health care for Hispanic families such as the Sanchez family might prove effective in reducing health outcome disparities.Please make sure that your posts are grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. You should also cite any resources you use following APA standards.

solved Analytical Essay Congress has constitutional, institutional, and political sources of

Analytical Essay
Congress has constitutional, institutional, and political sources of power. Of these, the constitutionally delegated are arguably the strongest. In an essay, analyze the constitutional powers of the Congress and assess how Presidents in the 20th Century were able to use their institutional and political resources to challenge Congressional dominance of U.S. national politics. In your opinion, based on the evidence that you have presented, what is the likely future balance of power between Presidents and Congress? Why?
In an essay of 4 to 6 pages (1,000 to 1,500 words), please answer the prompt.  I expect you to write your essay based on the assigned readings, on class forums, and on lectures and other video materials presented on the web site. I do not expect you to supplement these sources with outside research. 
I also expect you to provide appropriate citations to your sources. If this is the text, you should use parenthetical endnoting with specific page references (e.g. Ginsberg, et. al. 2021: 41). If you are citing a lecture, you should provide the lecture number.  Videos should be named using the title from the web page.  Please cite forum posts by the author’s name and the date of the post.

solved I’m working on a nursing exercise and need support to

I’m working on a nursing exercise and need support to help me study.

learning outcome1 -demonstrate an understanding of the lived experience of the child-bearing person and family.prove brief knowledge and example about the learning outcomes1. understand the importance of child-bearing persons and families in making informed decisions about their health is provided that promotes wellness, independence, and dignity, and is focusing on childbirth as a normal life transition.learning outcome2- apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines in the provision of care to perinatal patients experiencing heath challenges 1. problem solve simple situations and make competent clinical decisions within scope of learning.
• Able to identify a potential adverse event and initiate appropriate actions if necessary. 2. Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge from perinatal nursing as well as other courses to recognize variances from normal in client condition. 3. Articulate the care required for a woman during labour (with assistance) 4. plan health promotion activities in collaboration with client and other health disciplines (with assistance)
• For example: breastfeeding teaching, newborn bath, discharge teaching.

solved For this journal entry, you will identify an aspect of

For this journal entry, you will identify an aspect of personal leadership that currently has room for improvement, and practice actions to help you strengthen or develop in that area.
For this journal entry, complete the following steps:
Consult the Enable Others to Act data summary in your SLPI 360 Individual Feedback Report, provided by your instructor.
Record your overall score from the Student Leadership Practices Inventory for Enable Others to Act.

Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Enable Others to Act, identify the statement that one of your observers indicated you engage in most frequently. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.
Identify the leadership behavior statement that your observers felt you engaged in least often. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.

Identify at least one action that you can practice this week to strengthen your least engaged leadership behavior. Review the “Take Action” sections of Chapters 7 & 8 (at the very end of the chapters) in The Student Leadership Challenge for suggestions to help you become a better leader. 

solved QUESTION TO ANSWER:Take the “Self-Assessment 2-1: Do You Have a

QUESTION TO ANSWER:Take the “Self-Assessment 2-1: Do You Have a Cultural Mindset,” located in topic Resources. Score the assessment and discuss how this assessment can assist you in working with dissimilar communities. (W11 DQ2)PLEASE:- minimum of 250 words or more- strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED – scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.- please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.Self-Assessment 2.1: Do You Have a Cultural Mindset?Use Self-assessment 2.1: Do you have a cultural mindset to complete Topic 11 DQ 2. “Institutional Racism in Public Health Contracting: Findings of a Nationwide Survey From New Zealand,” by Came, Doole, McKenna, and McCreanor, from Social Science and Medicine (2018).…Read “Experience of Migrant Care and Needs for Cultural Competence Training Among Public Health Workers in Korea,” by Chae, Lee, Asami, and Kim, from Public Health Nursing (2018).

solved Describe the topic you wish to pursue. It may be

Describe the topic you wish to pursue. 

It may be somewhat broad at this point and it may imply a problem. Use the Additional Resources in your course materials to help you search for ideas.

Identify your purpose: Why are you interested in this topic? (Narrow your topic.)

Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this topic.
Clearly describe the topic’s relevance in the field today.
Identify a purpose for a paper on this topic:

What might you accomplish in exploring this problem?
What is your intended goal?

To evoke change
To make new connections (new cause and effect)
To introduce a new theory, solution, or idea

Is this goal realistic?

Identify a problem within the topic and draft a problem statement. (It will likely evolve and be revised as you progress through your research.)

Identify a problem related to your topic and state it.
The problem statement should be specific and indicate the focus of your final paper.

Not too narrow, not too broad
Intellectually challenging (a simple solution is not apparent)

Who would benefit from a solution to this problem (who is the target population)?

Your paper should be 1–2 pages. Adhere to APA Style throughout.
TOPIC chosen is COVID 19

solved Hello, this is a discussion post therefore make sure to

Hello, this is a discussion post therefore make sure to answer the questions of the discussion while maintaining more of a casual writing including your own opinion. I’ve inserted both the lecture (for background info) and the video (for the discussion.)Here’s the instructions : Discussion Forum: Applying Social Theory to Online Learning Amid the global pandemic, many schools have transitioned to online learning.First, read the article on the Rise of Online Learning During the Pandemic. (Links to an external site.) and watch this clip:Then, apply either structural functionalist theory or conflict theory to this topic. In other words, how would structural functionalist theory OR conflict theory view the topic of online learning, especially amidst a pandemic? [You only need to select one theory. You do not need to apply both theories.]Second, provide feedback to two of your classmates’ posts. Offer suggestions on anything they may have missed. How can they improve their application of the theory. Is their understanding of the theory correct, or what is missing? Did they properly apply the theory to the topic of online learning amidst a pandemic? If so, what did they do good or what may be missing?Make it around 300 words

solved Assignment 1 After reading Ancient Olympia and Its Games, summarize

Assignment 1
After reading Ancient Olympia and Its Games, summarize the historical content about the Ancient Olympic Games that you found most interesting and reflect on and discuss its historical significance then and/or today.
Assignment 2
After reading Guttmann’s readings The Survival of Traditional Sports and Cultural Imperialism? and the Diffusion, Imperialism, & Hegemony Power Point, do you believe that the diffusion of modern sports like soccer, cricket, baseball, & basketball has had greater positive or negative effects on the developing nations and more traditional cultures of the world? Do you find the diffusion of the above sports to have been a form of cultural Imperialism or cultural hegemony? Why or why not?
Assignment 3
Your objective is to write a 3-4 page paper conveying a sport-related origin story. Students may write about the origin and evolution of a specific sport (e.g., golf, basketball, untimate frisbee or sporting event (e.g., Kentucky Derby, Rose Bowl, Wimbleton); they may discuss the development of particular actions or customs within a sport (e.g., how the curveball or designated hitter became part of baseball); or they may write about important sport-related firsts or developments.

solved Observation Report (SLO 1) Part I: Video #1:Link (Links to

Observation Report (SLO 1)
Part I: Video #1:Link (Links to an external site.)

Circle or highlight the name of the theories you observed in action (pick 2): Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner
Describe two detailed examples of problem solving


Give two examples of the child’s use of receptive language. (6)


Give two examples of the child’s use of expressive language. (must be within quotes and include context)


Describe two detailed examples of the child’s play with other children.

Video 2: (Links to an external site.)

Circle or highlight the name of the theories you observed in action (pick 2): Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner
Describe the fine motor skills observed (include context and skill).
Describe two gross motor skills observed. (Include the setting as well as the skill.)


Give two examples of the child’s use of receptive language. 


Give two examples of the child’s use of expressive language. (must be within quotes and include context)


Give an examples of a child’s emotional expression.


Describe a detailed examples of a child’s interactions with an adult.


solved This course requires that you develop and submit a research

This course requires that you develop and submit a research paper about a sport communication video. The purpose of the paper is to provide an opportunity to do a scholarly investigation and prepare a scholarly paper related to sport communication on emerging technology and publicity. Written in APA formate with title page and references. **Will be submitted to Turn It In and must have less than 20% word for word usage.** Below is the link to the video I have chosen. The outline for your Research Paper Proposal should be filled out with sufficient depth and include the following items below. The assignment should be uploaded as a Word document and include an APA-format title page.Introduction Name of video and linkBrief description (250 words or less) to include a topic statement and purpose of the video.Major Point 1Supporting DetailSupporting DetailMajor Point 2Supporting DetailSupporting DetailMajor Point 3Supporting DetailSupporting DetailConclusion-State what you hope to discover from your researchReference Page – In this outline, please include a minimum of five (5) references in APA format, and be cited in the outline where used. The references must be scholarly journal articles related to sport communications.