solved Discuss digital technology and Website usage in business and marketing

Discuss digital technology and Website usage in business and marketing operations.Give an example of a product or service with which you have experienced using technology in your personal life or at the workplace.For example, one Christmas I was looking for an angel to replace the one I had for my tree. I could not find one just like it in the store, so I searched and found the perfect match for my replacement.Respond to a posting of one of your classmates.Elizabeth Burnett – Digital technology has evolved so much in one generation. Everyone uses technology daily whether it is your phone, tv, digital billboards, etc. Technology is vital for businesses to reach their consumers easily, especially now during the current pandemic. Technology allows businesses to sell their products online with shipping with no personal contact. Businesses use social media as a platform to reach different target markets. Consumers use technology when it comes to shopping to get the best deals, and learn of better/improved products. I love using amazon because you can search many products one website and have it ship within two days.Technology is changing the way people interact because everything is literally at people’s fingertips.

solved I’m working on a business law case study and need

I’m working on a business law case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Adam is a recent graduate from university and is an avid gamer. He has decided, very recently, that he is keen to get into the game development business.On Wednesday,
he calls a novelist acquaintance and says, “Hey Charlie, I’m looking for someone to write the
plot for a game. I’m willing to pay up to $400 for something that I like.” Charlie is excited,
this is the opportunity he had been waiting for, and says, “Adam, I’ll be happy to do
something professional for you for $400.” Without waiting for a response, Charlie puts down
the phone and rushes out a professional plot for Adam.
On Wednesday, Charlie emails Adam the plot. Adam doesn’t like it, as it focuses too much
on historical fiction, whereas he was thinking of something more in the fantasy realm. Adam
sends back an apologetic email, to which Charlie replies, in all caps, “YOU SHOULDN’T
QUESTION WHAT I’VE DONE SO PROFESSIONALLY. PAY UP BRO.”Identify the relevant issues relating to offer and acceptance, and give your advice to the
Adam on whether a valid contract is made vis-à-vis Charlie. Use IRAC format with Singapore Business Law Principles and Case study.

solved I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1) How does our key term “Manifest Destiny” connect to this week’s materials on the California Gold Rush?
2) Please share your reactions to the video, “The Gold Rush Decimated Native Americans.” What new information did you learn about the California Gold Rush? What specific scenes, quotes, or facts from the video stood out to you?  
3) In the article, “Why I Teach ‘The Walking Dead’ in My Native Studies Classes,” what connection does the author make between a zombie apocalypse and California Gold Rush history?
4) In the article, “What the ‘California Dream’ Means to Indigenous Peoples,” how does the author define the “California Dream”? What does the “California Dream” mean to Indigenous peoples? What solution does the author suggest?
5) Lastly, please share your overall thoughts/reactions/reflections on this week’s materials. 
The Gold Rush Decimated Native Americans. How the US Whitewashed One of the Bloodiest Moments in History. Links to an external site.
Why I Teach “The Walking Dead” in My Native Studies Classes Links to an external site.
What the California Dreams Means to Indigenous Peoples Links to an external site.

solved Question Consider a machine in a manufacturing center that can

Consider a machine in a manufacturing center that can process multiple types of
products. During a day, the machine is available for 8 hours. We have a set of potential items that can be
processed on this machine and after the process, each item can be sold to a customer. Assume that we
only can sell one copy of each item. Table below shows the processing times and the potential profit of
each item.
Processing  Time  
Revenue (4)
1- Which items the manufacturer should select to process and sell to the customer in order to
maximize his profit? Write a mathematical optimization model for this problem. Clearly define
decision variables, objective function, and constraints for the optimization model. Use Excel to
solve the optimization model.
2- How long (in minutes) the machine remains idle during a day?
3- What is the solution of the problem if we assume that we can sell multiple copies of each item?
How the objective function value changes if we consider this new assumption? Use excel to
solve the problem with this new assumption
***************** I also uploaded a word document containing the question as well.

solved Instructions:undefinedYou are required to provide a thread in response to

Instructions:undefinedYou are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge with at least 3 references properly cited in current Bluebook format. Primary sources must be used whenever possible and appropriately supplemented with high quality secondary sources. The supporting sources must be course textbooks or found using the LexisNexis Academic search engine which is available as part of the Liberty University Online Library.Topic:What are the 4 basic requirements for patentability? Often times, the nonobviousness element is the hardest to satisfy. What Supreme Court case is the standard for determining nonobviousness? What test (rule) does that case advance for determining whether an invention is nonobvious? Explain fully. Additionally, how did patent law change on March 16, 2013? How do the new rules differ from the previous (pre-2013) rules? What does it mean by a “first to file system”? How is that different than a “first to invent” system? Which is better? Why? Does the patent system comport with Scripture? Should people even provide this limited monopoly to inventors under a biblical worldview?

solved When writing this section, think about what you have learned

When writing this section, think about what you have learned about human development through this course including the theories that pertain to this time of development. Below students will find a list of questions to consider while writing each developmental period and a chart showing some of the theorists and the area of development in which they focused. Keep in mind that more than one theorist or theory may be applicable to a particular time period and the instructor requires students to apply at least three theories to each stage of life.
For this third milestone, students should write about their Middle Childhood and Late Childhood years. Be sure to include:

Your transition from elementary to middle school.
Discuss friendships and if they changed; explain how and why they changed.
Discuss your relationship with your parents during this time frame.
Are there any physical changes you remember during this time?
Did you experience any cognitive, developmental, or behavioral disorders or issues during this time?
During this time what type of unintentional injuries did you experience (car wrecks, sports injuries, etc.)? 
Attached are the details to my middle and late childhood years alongside Chapter 3 of our text book.

solved I’m working on a communications writing question and need support

I’m working on a communications writing question and need support to help me learn.

The organization that this Organizational Communication presentation is over is Johnson and Johnson. You are to present a 12-15 minute informative public presentation. After researching an organization that you find interesting, one that you already know about, or one that you would like to learn more about, you will present your overview and analysis of the organization utilizing terms, concepts and theories from the text, current literature from the field and this class. Outside research is required. Research this organization and present at least five (5) references to be cited in your presentation. In addition to including all standard components of an informative presentation (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion), you must utilize a digital presentational aid like PowerPoint or Prezi. You must conduct and record your presentation in front of an audience of five or more adults. I am attaching two examples of speech outlines that can give you a good idea of the structure of the presentation you should use. While the topic of these speeches have nothing to do with this class, the outline structure is useful for ALL presentation endeavors.

solved watch at least two peers’ videos and post thoughtful questions

watch at least two peers’ videos and post thoughtful questions related to the content and conclusions of their study. Your instructor may assign you specific peers to review. Otherwise, select at least two peers to review (do not pose the same questions to both peers).You must ask 3 thoughtful questions of each peer. Keep in mind that this is not a peer review of the presentation, although positive feedback is encouraged when appropriate. Your goal is to ask your peers questions that dig deeper into their problem and their proposed solution.Your questions may address some of the following topics: research sources, perspectives, the proposed solution, and obstacles related to the solutions.Stephanie Bini-Ochoa RE: Week 9 Discussion Forum: Presentation Q&A COLLAPSESrephanie Bini-Ochoa: General Capstone Opioid Addiction Video Presentation Would Approaching the Over prescription of Opioids as a Public Health Issue Decrease the Rates of Opioid Addictionsfor Low-Income Americans?Opioid over prescription should be approached as a public health issue to ensure that U.S. citizens maintain autonomy and good health.Low-income citizens would be able to improve their socio-economic status and prevent losing their health and wellbeing.

solved I’m trying to study for my English course and I

I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

Part 1>

What three things affect how you use your command systems and why?
What are three reasons you should evaluate and understand your command systems?
Explain why understanding command systems can help with making and receiving bids. Give an example from the book of a failed cross command system bid and a successful one – explain how the successful interaction was achieved.

Part 2] Summary Practice: What are the 8 biggest ideas in chapter 4? 
Write 8 sentences in your own words to capture those ideas. No quotations.
Part 2] Now, I want you to look at those 8 ideas and combine them into 4 sentences, where you still capture the most important information. You might want to use sentence combining to make compound and complex sentences 🙂
Part 3] Look at one of your group mate’s work. Write 5 sentences to help them improve. Do you agree s/he answered the questions well? Did s/he capture the big ideas in the first 8 sentences? Did s/he miss anything? How did they do in putting those ideas together to make 4 sentences? Do you have any questions for him/her? Did s/he do anything really well.

solved I need 1000 word concert report on the concert

I need 1000 word concert report on the concert
Basic information: where and when the concert was held, who was performing, titles and composers of the music performed, etc.
• Description and context: what did the concert hall look like, how many people were there, generalizations about the people who attended the concert, how did the performer(s) dress and behave, was the atmosphere formal or casual, etc.What do the audience, venue, etc. tell you about the music and/or the performers’ approach to the music?
• Musical analysis: choose a couple of pieces performed and describe them using the terms we learned in the music fundamentals unit
• Background research on one or more of the composers featured in the concert. You must consult at least two outside sources and attach a bibliography (in addition to the three or four pages of text) listing your resources.  How does your knowledge of the composers’ life affect your understanding of their music?
• Your impressions of the concert: did you enjoy the experience? Did you feel that the performer(s) were successful? Did the concert fulfill your expectations, or did anything about the concert experience surprise you?Â