solved Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.

Identify your own level of preparedness should disaster strike in your area. Visit the Red Cross site: to review details on disaster preparedness kit, plan and information. Discuss your response to this information. Were you surprised at your level of readiness? What steps will you take to prepare yourself and your family for the possibility of disaster? How can you share this information with your community in Houston, Texas?
Disasters occur every day. The community health nurse has a significant role in preparedness, response and recovery when disaster strikes locally. Effective response to disaster demands the community health nurse to develop specific competencies. These include understanding the role, recognition of disaster-related health conditions, infection control post disaster, disease reporting, public education and stress management in the affected community.

 Learning Materials

Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Chapter 25

Assigned websites:

American Red Cross. (2020). How to prepare for emergencies. 

solved Case: ApplePlease read the case “Apple” from Chapter 15 “Organizational

Case: ApplePlease read the case “Apple” from Chapter 15 “Organizational Structure” Page: – 503 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:Assignment Question(s): 1. Why do you think Apple’s functional structure has been so important for their products? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)2.What are the outside forces that might make Apple change their organizational structure in the future? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)3.How might Apple change their structure in a way that allows them to have the best of both worlds? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200)Part:-2 Discussion question: Page: – Please read Chapter 15 “Organizational Structure” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.4.Which of the organizational forms described in this chapter do you think leads to the highest levels of motivation among workers? Why?(1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)Important Note: – Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

solved ObjectiveThis Course Project gives you the opportunity to practice by

ObjectiveThis Course Project gives you the opportunity to practice by planning a project, from the onset with a project charter to an established project schedule and related artifacts. This Course Project will make the course content come alive through application of the principles from the textbook, course materials, and discussions. Each week, you will have Course Project assignments that will be related to the course outcomes aligned to that particular week. These assignments will build to the final presentation of your completed project.This week, you will select a project topic (Implementing a new business process like a sales process, customer service relationship process, procurement process, etc.) that you will need to submit via discussion for approval. The Course Project Approval discussion provides more information about the project’s requirement for approval. Once you receive approval from your instructor, create a business case to justify the need for the your project topic.The business case must contain the following.Executive SummaryReasons (Create Problem Statements)Business OptionsExpected BenefitsExpected Dis-BenefitsCosts (Budget estimate)Timescale (Schedule estimate)Investment AppraisalMajor Risks

solved Questions (choose one):According to Leo Steinberg, in Leonardo’s Last Supper,

Questions (choose one):According to Leo Steinberg, in Leonardo’s Last Supper, “as the person of Christ unites man and God, so his right hand summons the agent of his human death even as it offers the means of salvation. This two natured hand in its congruent godhood and frailty is the profoundest pun in all art.” Explain how Steinberg revises our understanding of what is happening at and on the table in the Last Supper.For Michelangelo, the male body is an architectural miracle, capable of conveying surprise and grace. It is governed by strict laws of symmetry and geometric design, but these laws can and should be relaxed and even challenged in sculpture in order to make the body express important truths. Discuss how Michelangelo’s approach to the male nude develops by comparing the Bacchus to the David. (Please consult the additional reading, Luba Freedman’s “Michelangelo’s Reflections on Bacchus” posted in module Week 5)How and why do Leonardo and Michelangelo diverge in terms of how they interpret the Madonna as a woman and mother? In your essay, choose at least one work by Leonardo and one by Michelangelo to compare, paying close attention to how they approach the depiction of the Madonna visually.

solved Hi, I need assistance please in answering 3 questions in

Hi, I need assistance please in answering 3 questions in details. Question 1: What is your vision of the ideal interdisciplinary team? Relate your answer to the textbook readings and find an article to support your response. Question 2: Why is it important for advanced practice nurses to understand the intricacies of the healthcare delivery system? Relate your answer to your readings and find an article to support your response. Question 3: What is the relevance of discussing advanced directives (AD) with your patient aged 65 and older? Include innovative approaches to educating patients about ADs that you might use. Relate your answer to the readings and find an article to support your response.The criteria are: For full points, a posting must meet all the following criteria. The posting will be at least 300 words, relate well to the topic/question demonstrating original scholarly thought and in-depth analysis. A minimum of one reference from within the past 5 years, other than the text, will be included and properly cited. All components of the question will be addressed in sufficient detail to provide for a comprehensive response. The posting will contain virtually no grammatical or typographical errors. Thank you

solved I’m working on a health & medical question and need

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.

Answer the questions in paragraph form 
1.     Your office has a strict policy with regard to release of information in health records, and despite a state statute allowing patients access to their records, the physicians you work for will not give patients their records. An obnoxious attorney storms into the office and demands access to your files. The patient has signed a release form. You are at the front desk and the office is full of patients. What do you do?
2.     Your office has a relaxed policy with regard to the release of information in health records. A patient asks to see his record. You know that there is information in the record regarding telephone calls from the patient’s relatives that would interfere with the family relationship. The physician is away for a week. How would you handle the matter?
3.     A health record has been subpoenaed and a court order accompanies it. The physician has removed important parts of the record. You know that this information is missing. The office sends you to court as the keeper of the record. You must testify about the completeness of the record. What are you going to say?

solved I will need this power point done with minnium of

I will need this power point done with minnium of 5 to 6 slides not including title page or references. Then I will to classmate response down too.Submit your midway company performance summary. As a way to prepare for your final company summary, which is due in Module Seven, prepare a five- to six-slide PowerPoint presentation that describes the progression of your Capsim company during Competitive Rounds 1 through 3. Your audience consists of new members for your company’s board of directors, and the presentation is intended to quickly bring them up to speed.Submit your PowerPoint here. Additionally, post your PowerPoint to the Peer Review discussion Topic so that you can get feedback from your peers and your instructor.For additional details, please refer to the Midway Company Performance Summary Guidelines and Rubric PDF document. 1st classmate response needed5-2 Midway Company Performance Summary Peer ReviewJennifer Blevins posted Sep 30, 2021 7:30 PM Any advice would be welcome. Please let me know what you think. Andrew’s Company.pptx(186.66 KB) 2nd classmate response needed5-2 Midway Company Performance Summary Peer ReviewKevin Davis posted Sep 30, 2021 8:54 PM Presentation attachedTQS Midway.pptx(654.42 KB)

solved One of the most important things we all need to

One of the most important things we all need to learn and master is our finances. What I would like you to do. Is to complete this form below. Please estimate your yearly, monthly, and semester income. Also, estimate your monthly “Fixed and Variable” monthly expenses. Then answer the following questions below:1. What did you learn from doing this exercise. Are there areas that in your opinion that you need to cut back on? Are there other areas where you feel you are being economically efficient with your finances, if so, which areas.2.Describe your responses to discovering this figure. Also, list anything you will do differently as a result of knowing the hourly cost of your education. Link to “Budget Exercise.”Budget.docx download(To receive full credit– Remember to respond/comment to at least 2 classmates’ posts, in addition to your discussion board post). Your initial discussion board post is due Friday May 21st 2021 at 11:59pm, and your response to 2 of your classmates is due Sunday May 23rd 2021 at 11:59pm.*Remember to respond to 2 of your classmates posts to be eligible receive full credit for this assignment.****Friendly Reminder****Please Note that your Final Project will be due on Friday June 4th by 11:59pm

solved 1. First, how did the Indian Removal plans/policies emerge based

1. First, how did the Indian Removal plans/policies emerge based on this week and last week’s materials? 2. Next, please rhetorically analyze Andrew Jackson’s speeches (inaugural and second annual message.) How would you describe the overall language/tone Jackson uses in his speeches? How does his language/tone change with each speech? Who is his intended audience in each speech, and what are his goals regarding dealings with American Indian tribes? What kind of patterns or trajectory do you notice?3. After, please rhetorically analyze Andrew Jackson’s” Letter to the Cherokee”. Who was the intended audience, and what was the purpose? How would you describe his tone and word choice? What historical allusions does he use? What were some key quotes/parts that stood out to you, and why?4. What aspects of the chapter “Jackson’s White Republic” stood out to you? What, in your opinion, was a key passage or quote, and why?5. Lastly, please share your overall thoughts/reactions/connections to this week’s materials.….and..…

solved Case studies are illustrations of social engineering in the field.

Case studies are illustrations of social engineering in the field.  Case study four will begin to prove to you the effectiveness of social  engineering and examples on how it can be used. Using what you have  learned in the assigned reading, The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security  by Kevin Mitnick – page 36,  please explain the pertinent details of  the case study. In the submission, describe the 8 components of the Case  Study to understand the makeup of a social engineering activity.
Case studies will require completing the reading assignment for the week and documenting the following:

Target – From whom is the Social Engineer trying to get information?
Analyst/Auditor/Attacker – Who is the social engineer?
Motivation – Why is the social engineer interested in this information?
Goal – What information or access is the social engineer trying to obtain?
Pretext – What pretext is the social engineer using?
Tactics – What tactics are social engineers leveraging in this scenario?
Risk – What risks exist to the social engineer?
Ethical Considerations – What considerations are there for moral or  ethical issues? Is there a conflict or potential conflict? Why or why  not?