Assess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received in Week Two, and finalize the topic and objectives for your training program. See attached word doc for topic and objectives. In a 20- to 25-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and references slides:
No more than 5 bullets per slide.
No more than 5 words per bullet.
Full sentence commentary and in-text citations for each slide belong in Speaker Notes section.
Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program. This should include both a person and a task analysis.
Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) training objectives based on the needs assessment and any assumptions you may need to make.
Create an original, detailed training proposal. This should include:Â
A title and description of the program.
A discussion of training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory.
Proposed instructors and the reason for using them.
A tentative training outline.
A tentative list and description of training materials needed.
Develop a plan for evaluation of training effectiveness including both short-term and long-term evaluation where appropriate.
solved Assess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received
/in /by adminAssess the Draft Training Proposal and peer feedback you received in Week Two, and finalize the topic and objectives for your training program. See attached word doc for topic and objectives. In a 20- to 25-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and references slides:
No more than 5 bullets per slide.
No more than 5 words per bullet.
Full sentence commentary and in-text citations for each slide belong in Speaker Notes section.
Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program. This should include both a person and a task analysis.
Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) training objectives based on the needs assessment and any assumptions you may need to make.
Create an original, detailed training proposal. This should include:Â
A title and description of the program.
A discussion of training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory.
Proposed instructors and the reason for using them.
A tentative training outline.
A tentative list and description of training materials needed.
Develop a plan for evaluation of training effectiveness including both short-term and long-term evaluation where appropriate.
solved Related Diversification. Related Diversification is the most popular distinction between
/in /by adminRelated Diversification. Related Diversification is the most popular distinction between the different types of diversification and is made with regard to how close the field of diversification is to the field of the existing business activities. Related Diversification occurs when a company adds to or expands its existing line of production or markets.For this assignment, consider your own company or one that you know well. Assume your company opted to pursue a strategy of related diversification and respond to the following questions. What industries or product categories could it diversify into that would allow it to achieve economies of scale?Identify at least two or three such industries or product categories?Describe the specific kinds of cost savings that might accrue from entry into each?Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your above responsesPaper should contain tittle pageConclussionabstractplease use this as text book as one of the referenceThompson Jr. A. A, Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., and Strickland III, A. J. (2022). Crafting & Executing Strategy: The
Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 23rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1-260-73517-8
solved TRELS – Statement of InterestExplain how your participation in the
/in /by adminTRELS – Statement of InterestExplain how your participation in the TRELS program will help you achieve your educational and career goals.TRELS – Statement of ObstaclesExplain what obstacles you have faced that have limited your ability to do research, participate in creative endeavors, or do community service projects. How will the TRELS program help to alleviate these obstacles?TRELS – IndependenceTRELS is meant to support your independent project, which should be supervised and mentored by a faculty member, but which should be your own work and responsibility. Please explain how your project reflects your independent work. If you are proposing to work on a larger collaborative project, please explain which piece of this project will be your specific responsibility.TRELS SRP – DeliverablesThe TRELS Summer Research Program requires each student to present the outcomes/findings of their project in the form of an oral presentation at the Summer Research Conference (SRC) in mid-August (week 8 of the 10-week program), as well as a written paper due by the end of August (week 10 of the 10-week program). Please explain your current plan for sharing your project in these formats and how you will plan to meet the timeline.
solved Leadership Management Project The Leadership/Management Project is a 20-minute, narrated
/in /by adminLeadership Management Project
The Leadership/Management Project is a 20-minute, narrated PPT presentation that will be presented and peer-reviewed by 3 classmates in a discussion. Â (Please note that since your classmates are depending on the timely submission of your PPT presentation, late initial post submissions to this assignment will result in an Unsatisfactory grade for the initial post.)
The project will integrate the 5-P assessment data (purpose, patients, professionals, processes, and patterns) to identify a Problem area needing improvement in a clinical microsystem (unit) where you work (or one with which you are very familiar). A literature search of current (within the last 5 years) NURSING journal articles is conducted to determine three possible interventions to improve the identified clinical microsystem problem. One evidence-based recommendation to address the problem is offered (and justified) Â to close the final project presentation. Implementation of the recommendation is not required. A total of 5 journal articles are needed to support the Evidence and Recommendation sections of the final project. (This is in addition to any articles needed to support the 5-Ps clinical microsystem assessments.)
solved Please watch the e
/in /by adminPlease watch the entire speech, and then answer the following questions. When writing your response, please use each question as a section heading and write 1-2 paragraphs in response to each item.
How did Amy Webb “hack†online dating?
Describe your opinion of her approach to online dating. (Do you think her approach was reasonable? Ethical? Smart? Why or why not?)
Communication science researchers often uses similar techniques to the one’s Amy describes in her speech. They analyze information on social media websites and try to use that information, partnered with responses from social media users, to predict outcomes for people’s lives and relationships. They do so with the hopes of learning more about how people relate to one another online and how to make online interactions better. What do you perceive the possible pros and cons of this type of research being from a practical standpoint?
How do you perceive romantic relationships to have changed in light of new technology and media?
Analyze Amy Webb as a public speaker. What does she do well (in terms of delivery, style, rhetorical devices)? In what areas could she improve?
solved Powerpoint or this one 1. Can you
/in /by adminPowerpoint or this oneÂ
1. Can you provide an explanation of the current and future process like the below example?
For example, “Business Online Purchase Process”
Select Items- Ordering online start with selecting a series of item from an e-commerce website such as Amazon.
Place Order- When one has selected all items that they need they place an order and make the purchase.
Order Complete?-The system checks whether the order has been placed and the correct amount has been paid.
2. Recommendation: Pls explain in detail the process as well as your recommendations for the future improved process. What did you recommend for the future improved process and why?Â
“Map a second desired future process which may utilize information technology, tools, or improved data management resulting in an improvement of one of the six areas for IT investment.”Â
1. Explain your future process step by step like you explained in the current process.
2. Recommendation: Your recommendation is not explained very well. Pls explain in detail the process as well as your recommendations for the future improved process. What did you recommend for the future improved process and why?Â
solved 3 (300-word summaries at least) using Prothero “Religion Matters” Summary
/in /by admin3 (300-word summaries at least) using Prothero “Religion Matters” Summary 1 A famous rabbi once wrote, “Right belief follows right practice.” What do you think this means, and how does it reflect Judaism’s focus on practice? What does it suggest more broadly about the ways that we come to “believe” anything at all? *It is not necessary to refer to Prothero’s text for this one. This one is pure free-thought! Have fun. Summary 2 Again, I want to break from our textbook briefly, because I really want to focus on the fascinating break from Judaism that creates “Christianity” as a universal new religious movement, entirely separate from Judaism. It demonstrated that Jesus, as a wisdom teacher and a wandering preacher, did attract a lot of attention and inspire a movement. But, it was Paul who actually should be understood as the founder of Christianity. Without reference to any particular source (i.e. feel free to speculate), why do YOU think this new religious movement became SO popular despite the opposition of both Jews and the Roman Empire more broadly? Summary 3 With reference to your textbook, what makes Sufis different from other Muslims? Why do you think poetry and dance are so important in the Sufi tradition?
solved I’m working on a latin american studies multi-part question and
/in /by adminI’m working on a latin american studies multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
answer the following questions in around 4 sentences:1. What is a casta painting? Describe the origins of this type of painting during the end of the colonial period in Latin America and discuss how visual culture shapes collective experiences in Latin America even in the contemporary world. 2. Late-colonial sociopolitical transformations began when royal administrators in both Spain and Portugal planned to tighten their control over their Latin American colonies to extract more revenues from them. Describe how raising taxes, improving the collection of taxes, creating more effective colonial administration, and improving technology to better serve the interests of the empire would have precipitated revolutionary activity in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century South America. 3. How did Latin American nations begin to take shape during the nineteenth century? Discuss how the relationship between political and cultural practices shaped that development. 4. How have extractive technologies impacted environmental conditions and indigenous lives across Latin America in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries?
/in /by adminPLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES. PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.DIRECTIONS: You can receive up to 2.5 points per argument brief. In an argument brief, students are expected to include the following:Choose a popular debate/argument that is happening nowadaysBanned: abortion, any topic already discussed in the Case Study Project, or a topic we debated on in class.Provide a description of the general debate (the who, what, when, where, why)Identify the resolution (fact, value, or policy)Identify and cite at least one of the strongest arguments made on both sidesConsidering the arguments provided, which side are you on and why?MAXIMUM SUBMISSIONS: (5) FIVERequirements:Minimum 300-600 wordsIndicate where you got the arguments from. At least 2 sources.Clearly organized with the following headings:DESCRIPTION:RESOLUTION:ARGUMENTS (PRO SIDE):ARGUMENTS (CON SIDE):YOUR POSITION:PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.PLEASE DO IT 5 TIMES WITH 5 DIFFERENT DEBATES.
solved Review the Tenerife Accident and the Article on Threat and
/in /by adminReview the Tenerife Accident and the Article on Threat and Error Analysis Models.Write a PostIdentify two issues that played a role in the error chain leading to the tragedy at TenerifeDiscuss what levels within Reason’s Model (Administrative, Supervisory, Pre-Conditions, and Operator Actions) these issues could be categorized as.Suggest a mitigation strategy to bolster management in this area.Respond to another classmate’s post with a meaningful contribution to the conversation.(optional) carry on that conversation to gain further insight.(everyone should complete two separate entries in the discussion board, one a post and at least one response)Grading:ContributionDescriptionPointsProvocativeResponse goes beyond simply answering the prompt; attempts to stimulate further thought and discussion20SubstantialResponse provides most of the content required by the prompt, but does not require further analysis of the subject15SuperficialResponse provides obvious information without further analysis of the concept; lacks depth of knowledge or reasoning10IncorrectResponse does not accurately address the prompt; rambling and/or without consistency5NoneNo response provided to the prompt within the associated timeframe0