Take a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art ( Choose an artwork that you like and that we have not learned about in class. Describe what you think this artwork means. Use (at least) three of the artwork’s formal elements to support your thesis.
Deeply analyze at least three of the following formal elements (listed in bold). You do not need to write about all of the elements. Write only about the ones that are most relevant to your subject. Below is a list of the formal elements and a word bank of vocabulary specific to each element for your reference.Â
Line: Implied line, contour line, outline, line weight (thick, thin), engraved, protrudingÂ
Space: Linear perspective, deep space, flat space, atmospheric perspectiveÂ
Values: Highlights, shadows, illusion of volume (chiaroscuro), dramatic contrast (tenebrism)
Color: Local, perceptual, expressive, monochromatic, polychromatic, saturated, desaturated, complimentary, analogous, open palette
Scale: Consider not only the size of the artwork, but also how a viewer’s body relates to the work in space
Composition: Balanced, unbalanced, symmetrical, asymmetrical, positive/negative space
solved Attached Files: Framingham Heart Study Dataset-Student 2021.xlsx (685.055 KB) Critical
/in /by adminAttached Files:
Framingham Heart Study Dataset-Student 2021.xlsx (685.055 KB)
Critical Thinking Assignment (105 points)
This week we are learning about ordinal/categorical, continuous, and dichotomous variables. Using the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset that is located in the tabs at the bottom of the Framingham dataset provided, perform the following problems using R Studio or Excel.
Create a simple distribution graph (histogram) where we will explore the age of women after giving birth to their first child. Remember that a histogram consists of parallel vertical bars that show the frequency distribution of a quantitative variable in the graph. See the example in Introductory Statistics with R on pages 71-7 or pages 123-124 in EXCEL statistics A quick guide. The area of each bar is equal to the frequency of items found in each class.
Determine the mean of the age of the women in the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset.
We will be testing the hypothesis that assumes the mean age (? = ?0) for women is 32 years in the Gestation Demographics SEU dataset.
H0 The mean age of women giving birth is 32 years old. (Null Hypothesis)
H1 The mean age of women giving birth is not 32 years old. (Alternative Hypothesis)Â
solved Summary: Take a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern
/in /by adminSummary:
Take a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art ( Choose an artwork that you like and that we have not learned about in class. Describe what you think this artwork means. Use (at least) three of the artwork’s formal elements to support your thesis.
Deeply analyze at least three of the following formal elements (listed in bold). You do not need to write about all of the elements. Write only about the ones that are most relevant to your subject. Below is a list of the formal elements and a word bank of vocabulary specific to each element for your reference.Â
Line: Implied line, contour line, outline, line weight (thick, thin), engraved, protrudingÂ
Space: Linear perspective, deep space, flat space, atmospheric perspectiveÂ
Values: Highlights, shadows, illusion of volume (chiaroscuro), dramatic contrast (tenebrism)
Color: Local, perceptual, expressive, monochromatic, polychromatic, saturated, desaturated, complimentary, analogous, open palette
Scale: Consider not only the size of the artwork, but also how a viewer’s body relates to the work in space
Composition: Balanced, unbalanced, symmetrical, asymmetrical, positive/negative space
solved Textbook ReadingsLee, Neeley & Stewart, Chapter 9: Ethics in Government
/in /by adminTextbook ReadingsLee, Neeley & Stewart, Chapter 9: Ethics in Government Public RelationsLee, Neeley & Stewart, Chapter 10: Doing Right and Avoiding Wrong with the Law and PoliticiansDiscussionINSTRUCTIONSBy the mid-week deadline, answer each of the prompts with 3 paragraphs using concepts and citations from the text or your own research. QUESTIONSWhat are the phases of the strategic issues management? Which type of moral framework out of the three ethical approaches would you use to analyze the Wild Horses case referenced in chapter 9?Chapter 10 reviews the five macro contexts. Please discuss the five macrocontexts and what issues can arise if government public relations practitioners do not consider them? Few things to be mindful of:1. Please provide foundational background and detail as well as resources for your opinions & statements. ***Never assume the reader understands your POV, always explain it.2. Please make sure you complete a Works Cited at the conclusion of your posts3. Make sure you are answering all of the questions in the prompt with complete answers4. I always enjoy when students integrate their experiences, background knowledge and passions/interests into their answers; in fact, I encourage it!!
solved Complete an analysis of QuikTrip. Assess the organizational layout, performance
/in /by adminComplete an analysis of QuikTrip. Assess the organizational layout, performance metrics, and the technology that is used to measure performance and connect with consumers.InstructionsUsing the QuikTrip case study, write a 6–7 page paper in which you:Evaluate QuikTrip’s operations strategy and explain how the organization seeks to gain a competitive advantage in terms of sustainability.Analyze how operation management activities affect the customer experience. Select two operation management challenges and provide the solutions for confronting them.Examine QuikTrip’s value chain and evaluate its effectiveness to operations in terms of quality, value creation, and customer satisfaction.Determine the different types of performance measurements that can be used to measure QuikTrip’s service-delivery system design. Select at least two types that can be applied and provide justifications for the selection.Examine the different types of technologies applied to QuikTrip’s service operations and evaluate how the technologies strengthen the value chain.Use at least two quality resources in this assignment that do not include the initial case study. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
solved *Read Chapter 6**Write a five (5) paragraph Cause and Effect
/in /by admin*Read Chapter 6**Write a five (5) paragraph Cause and Effect Essay in MLA format.***Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:1. What impact does frequent violence (either from war or street violence) have on a community?2. What effect does social media have on real-life communications?3. What are the effects of modern technology on children?4. What are the causes and effects of changing a major in the middle of one’s studies?5. What causes a person to become an excellent student?A. You must choose one of the essay options I have provided for this assignment. If you submit an essay that does not respond to one of the prompts, your essay will not be accepted as an appropriate response to this writing assignment; instead, you will be asked to write another essay that does respond to the prompt you were assigned. B. You must use the MLA format.C. You must include at least three (citations).D. This essay is due next Sunday, November 21, 2021, at midnight. The document with the rubrics (criteria) that I will use to grade this essay is attached below.Also, remember to reference your Lectures for Week 4 folder enclosed in this week for important information that will help you write and revise your essay.
solved I’m working on a accounting writing question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a accounting writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
Introduction In October 2002, the FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) announced their participation in the “Norwalk Agreement.” This agreement outlines each entity’s commitment to the converging of U.S. and international accounting standards. The convergence initiative has made it critical for accountants in the United States to understand both sets of standards. Directions Provide a brief background of the initiative. This should be no longer than one page.Choose at least two accounting standards that are affected by differences between US GAAP and IFRS. Describe the differences in depth.You must include examples to reinforce your discussion.Comment on how the accounting profession may be affected by converging the standards you chose.Based upon the research you have conducted for this project, conclude by discussing whether you think full convergence is possible.Include a bibliography.The paper must be a FULL five pages, not including title page or bibliography. (Will need a quick draft of something to turn in by July 4th that paper is being started. The full complete request is needed by July 25th)
solved Hi, I need assistance please in answering 3 questions in
/in /by adminHi, I need assistance please in answering 3 questions in details.Question 1: What is your vision of the ideal interdisciplinary team? Relate your answer to the textbook readings and find an article to support your response.Question 2: Why is it important for advanced practice nurses to understand the intricacies of the healthcare delivery system? Relate your answer to your readings and find an article to support your response.Question 3: What is the relevance of discussing advanced directives (AD) with your patient aged 65 and older? Include innovative approaches to educating patients about ADs that you might use. Relate your answer to the readings and find an article to support your response.The criteria are: For full points, a posting must meet all the following criteria. The posting will be at least 300 words, relate well to the topic/question demonstrating original scholarly thought and in-depth analysis. A minimum of one reference from within the past 5 years, other than the text, will be included and properly cited. All components of the question will be addressed in sufficient detail to provide for a comprehensive response. The posting will contain virtually no grammatical or typographical errors.Thank you
solved Final Paper Guidelines Overview Analyze thinkingAnalyze Tesla Company and include
/in /by adminFinal Paper Guidelines Overview Analyze thinkingAnalyze Tesla Company and include the ecosystem Tesla competes inSWOT AnalysisCurrent, past Situation and Future SituationWho Are They Disrupting?Are They Being Disrupted?Public/Private CompanyWhat makes the company innovative and Why?Stock price?Where Do You See Them In 2022? Where do you see this company in five years?Will They Be Acquired? What Do You Think and Why.Align with Course Content – 5 Transformative Technologies Are they a line of five transform technology?Weak Signals/Macro ChangesAI, Blockchain, Cloud, IoT (Sensor Data, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality)Also, Contact Them! Are they affected by 11 sources of disruption?I Do Not Want A Large Percentage of Citations From The Company’s WebsiteTertiary Sources: Sources that identify and locate primary and secondary
• Credible Tertiary Sources Example : Some Periodicals and media like:
• The Economists, WSJ
• Harvard Business Review
• Articles on Consulting firms’ websites based on reports compiled by other organizations
• Some Statistical Websites like Statista. Factiva, CEIC, Passport etc.
• One can access plethora of Credible tertiary sources through Virtual
Business Library.
solved For this assignment, refer to the scenario located in the
/in /by adminFor this assignment, refer to the scenario located in the “Questions & Problems†section of Ch. 2, “Business Ethics†in Dynamic Business Law. This scenario involves Steven J. Trzaska, the head of L’Oreal USA’s regional patent team, and ethical rules and core values of the company.Read the scenario in the textbook and complete the following activity.Create a WH Framework chart, similar to Exhibit 2.1. Refer to L’Oreal’s core values and the primary values in Exhibit 2.3 to determine the guidelines to include in the WH Framework.Write an explanation of how you decided on the list of stakeholders and guidelines to include in your WH Framework. Address the following questions in your explanation:Which stakeholders did Traszka and the management of L’Oreal cater to? Why?What values did L’Oreal’s management choose when they made the decision to fire Trzaska? Why?Self-ReflectionIn addition to your explanation, address the following self-reflection questions:How did the WH Framework help you analyze the situation?Now that you’ve put together the framework, how does the WH Framework help managers with making business decisions?What type of decisions would the WH Framework chart help you make as a manager
solved Help me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and
/in /by adminHelp me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
Question: Teresa has asked you to do a preliminary country analysis. She has asked you to put together a list of three potential countries to expand into. She has specifically asked that one of the countries be a developing or lesser developed country. Â Here is a list of developing countries: Â
She would like to get a better sense for the type of political situation each country has. As you look at each country, look closely at the political system- is it stable? Are there any current issues that could cause uncertainty? Who is in charge of the government? What kind of participation is there (who gets to vote? Are there groups that are forbidden to vote?), what kind of protection is there for intellectual property? Should Mart-Rivers be concerned about a company copying their designs and technology and passing it off as their own? What kind of product safety laws are in place? Does the consumer assume all liability for a product or is the company liable if something goes wrong with it? You will present your results to Samuel at brief meeting.