solved Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 13,

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 13, 14LessonMinimum of 1 primary or scholarly source (from actor/director or critic – either will count as your scholarly source requirement for discussions)Initial Post InstructionsMany people would say that the 1999 premier of The Sopranos was a turning point in the development of television as an art form. Choose a television or streaming show that you feel perpetuates the idea that television is indeed a form of art. For the initial post, address the following:Include the name of the show and the director.Explain why you think this program is art.What impact does the example have on viewers’ lives?What were some influences of this work?Include a statement from an actor, director, or critic of the program that supports your points.Follow-Up Post InstructionsRespond to at least one peer. Respond to one peer who chose an option different from yours. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.Writing RequirementsMinimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)APA format for in-text citations and list of references

solved Learning Assignment – Ethical Dilemma – Grading forum The instructions

Learning Assignment – Ethical Dilemma – Grading forum
The instructions were first posted in a Week 5 folder and includes the template for the paper. 
Write a paper reviewing a peer-reviewed article about an ethical need in the Pediatric setting. It can be home care, acute care, or general care.
The student will find the article. The instructor recommends search words such as: Ethics, Ethical care, Pediatric, Child, infant, adolescent, children, ethical issues, nursing care, etc., although the student may use other search words. The librarian may be helpful. Find something of interest to you. The paper is due week 4.
Paper must include:

In the Introduction, include:

What is an ethical dilemma?
What is the dilemma in this article?
What will be included in this paper (the thesis)?

The body of the paper should include at least, but not limited to the following:

What is the ethical problem from the article you selected?
Provide a brief background to the problem
Describe the solution the writers implemented.
From the student’s point of view, what thoughts do you have regarding this problem and generalize about caring for client’s in the pediatric setting. (You may write this section in first person.)

solved Intervention Paper Directions:Each member of the class will choose a

Intervention Paper Directions:Each member of the class will choose a health topic (see section Topics below) for a health promotion intervention paper. A minimum of a five-page paper, not including references will be due. The following headings must be included in your paper: Problem/Health Issue, Demographics/Statistics of Target Population, Intervention Description, Conclusion. A separate reference page(s) must be included at the end of the paper. A minimum of five scientific references are required. All references must be from peer-reviewed scientific sources. The paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. The paper should also be free of all grammatical and spelling errors. APA (6 th ed.) style referencing is required. APA guidelines for writing and referencing can be obtained from: www.apastyle.orgIntervention PowerPoint Presentation Directions:Each student must construct a PowerPoint presentation (including appropriate visuals) based on his or her individual research project. Each PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 15 slides, not including the reference slide. A reference slide must also be included in the presentation. APA (6th edition) style referencing is required.

solved Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer

Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer needs and requirements. The value chain is a higher-level view of those processes from a customer view. In order to meet customer requirements like quality and cycle time, organizations need to identify the value chain, subprocesses and measures needed to meet the customer needs.Consider a process from an organization you are familiar with. In 500-750 words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced, complete the following:Identify the steps in the high-level value chain required to fulfill the customer requirements from beginning to end.From the high-level value chain steps, identify the operational subprocesses.Identify those metrics that the organization should monitor at both the value chain level and subprocess level.Based upon the process you described above, if an organization needs to improve a process within the value chain, how would you analyze the process and metrics to know that the process is not workingExplain what steps the organization could take based upon your analysis for value chain improvement.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. Proper citations and references required.

solved Your teacher, Mr. Shifferd, has been murdered! (Not really. I’m

Your teacher, Mr. Shifferd, has been murdered! (Not really. I’m fine.) Not all facts are known, but here is what we do know:His body was found at an anime convention on Sunday, September 26th at around 3 in the afternoon.The body suffered multiple lacerations from a flurry of shuriken (ninja stars) that were thrown at him.A Naruto cosplayer was observed fleeing from the scene, his arms dangling behind him as he ran. Witnesses report that his real name is Chad. Motive is unclear.Here’s where you come in:Each group will be assigned a particular role in this mystery, so search for your group’s role below (the group numbers correspond to your usual Unit 2 groups). Write a 150-200 word paragraph based on the role you have been given, and post it as a blog post. Make sure you state your role within your blog post. Then, respond to two other blog posts from members of other groups (in other words, people who had different roles than yourself). In your reply, answer a few questions about the writer’s rhetorical situation (see the bottom of these instructions).My role is: Defense AttorneyYour job is to prove that your client, Chad, is innocent, or at least that there isn’t enough evidence of his guilt to convict him

solved Criminal justice agencies sometimes rely on private funds. These funds

Criminal justice agencies sometimes rely on private funds. These funds come from charitable giving, foundations, businesses, private individuals, and community groups. For example, some agencies may accept funds to offset the cost of mounted patrol units that would otherwise be the victim of budget cuts.
For this article review, you are required to locate a peer reviewed article about a city, county, or state agency that accepted private funding. The article you review should be at least two pages in length. Explain the circumstances surrounding this article. Also, be sure to address these questions in your response.
Do you agree or disagree with accepting private funds for the agency and program in the article you chose? Why, or why not?
Describe how environmental factors may play a role in criminal justice agencies needing funding.
Were there any outside factors that played a role in the agency needing and accepting this funding?
Can you think of any other ways that funding could have been secured other than private funds? Did the agency attempt to secure any other sources of funding prior to accepting private funds?
Do you feel the organization donating funds has any influence on policy? Why, or why not?

solved This is a 2-4 page opinion piece. Based on your

This is a 2-4 page opinion piece. Based on your readings, how would you address the questions below. This assignment is very different from the blog assignment in which I have very specific citation requirements, and remind you not to “just shoot from the hip.” In this case, not only can you “shoot from the hip” but it is welcomed. No citations are required unless you are quoting directly or paraphrasing from someone else’s work. Tell me what you think of the business issues presented in this film clip. Absolutely proofread before posting. No rubbish!In the following scene from AMC’s “MadMen” a group of marketers present a rather simple product (now defunct) in a most appealing way. Kodak’s slide “Carousel” owned the market for decades prior to the coming of digital technology. Some organizations are able to consistently maintain a loyal customer base. Consider Apple for a moment. First, why would it be able to maintain its customer base when so many quality alternatives exist? Second, in the post Steve Jobs era, what recommendations would you have for Apple regarding the marketing of products? Keep in mind that I am not asking you whether you like Apple products or not. It is about the marketing of them.

solved Choose 5 questions and answer them before Friday 3rd: 1/What

Choose 5 questions and answer them before Friday 3rd:
1/What does the Hyppocratic Oath requires of the physician ?
2/What are 2 examples when confidentiality rights can be overruled ?
3/Who was Henrietta Lacks ?
3/What is medical paternalism ?
4/Is adequate disclosure the same thing as informed consent ?
(Truth Telling:)
5/how much doctors and nurses should tell their patients?  In general, patients have a right to information needed to make good decisions.
6/Does this mean that doctors and nurses need to disclose every possible fact about a patient’s condition, or some procedure, or chances for recovery?
7/May they ever withhold or strategically delay giving such information to benefit the patient and bolster her spirits?
8/Is staged disclosure over time a desirable and justifiable strategy in many situations?
9/Can Jehovah’s Witnesses parents decide the fate of their child ?
10/Provider’s autonomy : What are the four considerations that are relevant to the question of whether a health care provider has a duty to help a patient who needs assistance in carrying out a decision, or whether that provider can ever justifiably refuse to help ?
11/Give 2 examples of medical material cooperation/ complicity.

solved I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

Based on the attached paper, please assist with the following:By Wednesday, please have one member from your Change Case Group post your one-page summary of your case response. Please make sure that your summary covers the following: introduce the circumstance, the players, the differing perspectives regarding the need for leading change, and the leadership attempts to do so. Also, be sure to note everyone’s name at the top of the summary.Review your colleagues’ summaries and once you have read our Week 3 resources and watched the videos, please reflect and present on how the week’s materials inform the previous perspectives of the change cases. Use the following questions to guide your reflection: What leadership assumptions about leading change are presented by your classmates and others in their responses to the cases? How might your perspective about the cases be different from the ones presented by classmates? What different questions should we ask about the case study in light of the week’s materials? How are your considerations about leading change shifting? How might our discussions and materials influence this shift?

solved I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the discussion. If appropriate, support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.Mr. DMr. D is a 90-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, left arm pain, and chest pain. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed, and he is diagnosed as having a myocardial infarction. Mr. D has a long history of comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (CHF). With this in mind, the physician asks Mr. D if he wants life-sustaining measures taken (e.g., CPR, mechanical ventilation, etc.) should he experience cardiopulmonary arrest. Mr. D tells the physician that he wants all measures taken to save his life.Imagine that you are the nurse assigned to provide care to Mr. D, and address the following:Considering Mr. D’s advanced age, what are the benefits/risks associated with providing life-sustaining measures?What factors should you consider based on the Mr. D’s age and health history?If Mr. D were your family member, how would you respond to his decision?