solved The controller at Ranyah Corporation analyzed a proposed equipment purchase

The controller at Ranyah Corporation analyzed a proposed equipment purchase for the firm and decided that the investment met all the firm’s criteria regarding payback, net present value, and internal rate of return. Notwithstanding the positive results, top management decided to reject purchase of the machine. Elaborate on why a firm might reject a project even though it satisfies all the capital budgeting analyses. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requires supporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Electronic Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

solved IDENTIFYING REPORT WRITING TRENDS Identifying Report Writing Trends Scenario The

Identifying Report Writing Trends
The Chief liked your professional development seminar and summary so much that you have now been asked to assist the department on another project. You will be giving a “lunch-and-learn” seminar for your department next week. You have been asked to give a brief presentation on current and projected trends in criminal justice report writing.
Submit a written one-page summary of the trends you have researched:

Here are some links to current articles on emerging technologies in law enforcement and report writing. Feel free to use any of these or any other articles or sources that you find through your own research.

How Safe Is Your City?
Report: As Tech Changes Law Enforcement, Its Workforce Must Adapt.
What New Technology Has To Do With Criminal Justice.

Explain why you feel the technology or trend you have selected is important as it relates to current technology.
Describe what impact you think it will have on how criminal justice reports will be handled in the future.

How Safe Is Your City?Report: As Tech Changes Law Enforcement, Its Workforce Must Adapt.What New Technology Has To Do With Criminal Justice. 

solved Course Learning Outcomes: Describe the basic steps of the organizational

Course Learning Outcomes: Describe the basic steps of the organizational development process.Analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development. Part 1 (2.5 marks): Please read the case study entitled as “Job Design at Pepperdine University.” available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change”, p.115, in the 10th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions: 1. Describe the culture of Pepperdine University within which an individual job is enriched. 2. Explain why it is important for an individual job design to be congruent with the larger organization design. Support your answer using one example from the case. Part 2 (2.5 marks): Please refer to Figure 5.2 in your textbook (comprehensive model for diagnosing organizational system) and answer the following questions based on your understanding: 3. Choose an example of a hypothetical organization and explain the three key inputs (or environmental types) that affect the way such organization could be designed. 4. Choose an example of a hypothetical job position and describe each of its design components at the individual level. Answers: Part 1: A.1 A.2 Part 2: A.3 A.4

solved Assume you have recently been hired as the director of

Assume you have recently been hired as the director of corporate communications for On your first day on the job, you realize that the company has neither a people-centric corporate culture nor an open culture. As former director of corporate communications at Google, which has a more open environment, you are concerned about the potential crises this work culture could create. Your task: Draft a 1-page memo to CEO Jeff Bezos consisting of 10 main points to accomplish the following:Assume that Jeff Bezos has read the disparaging news articles about his company’s work place culture.Convince him why a strong people-centric corporate culture is an effective and imperative crisis prevention toolProvide ideas/strategies to develop programs that foster open communication and strong relationships with Amazon’s employees As you draft your memo, think critically about the following:What the warning signs were and explain if you paid attention to them, you could prevent the crisis.How to persuade a CEO who may not respond well to PR tactics.What issues would be relevant to a CEOIf you don’t know how to write a memo, please go to search on GOOGLE. THE FORMAT IS IMPORTANT.The attachment is the rubric.

solved Hello,This is a HR graduate class. If you are not

Hello,This is a HR graduate class. If you are not familiar with Human Resources on the graduate level please do not select his class. Write a 3 page briefing to senior leadership explaining the process of job analysis and it’s importance and connection to organizational effectiveness. Using the three jobs you identified in week one in your group (a Rank and File job, a White Collar job, and an Executive/Management position), using job analysis, compile a job description and job specification for each of your 3 jobs and attach them to your Executive Briefing. In developing your job specifications be sure to include at least 3 competencies for each position that an organization would desire a successful candidate for the position possess. Be sure to discuss the importance of developing jobs around competencies in your Briefing. **** I have not identified the 3 jobs but please do not make the job complicated. Please make sure the 3 jobs are in the same job series for example; the Rank and File Job could be Bank Teller, the White Collar Job could be Accountant or Financial Advisor, and the Executive/Managment position could be Bank Director or Bank Vice President. if you have any question please let me know.

solved Project overviewYou can choose to create an infographic, a PSA,

Project overviewYou can choose to create an infographic, a PSA, a social media page- whatever you want that you feel would best capture the interest of someone who has not taken a psychology class. You cannot create a PowerPoint or write a paper.As long as you have the required information, the way it is presented is really up to you. The project will be broken down into multiple assignments throughout the semester so that you will not be waiting until the last minute to complete it. Your project must include the following information:What is your topic and why is it important? Please include a definition if appropriate Describe the signs and symptoms of the disorder/issue? What is the prevalence of the disorder/statistics on the issue, specific populations- race, gender, age groups the disorder effects? What are the current treatment(s)/ways to address the disorder/issue? What are your recommendations for future treatment of the disorder/approaching the issue in a different way? How can we reduce the stigma around seeking treatment/talking about/doing something about this issue? Please provide some concrete strategies based on research. Your project needs to have at least 5 references cited in APA style

solved WEEK 6 DISCUSSION COLLEAGUES RESPONSEPlease make sure Minimum 4 full

WEEK 6 DISCUSSION COLLEAGUES RESPONSEPlease make sure Minimum 4 full paragraphs for EACH colleague respond.Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings that contain a perspective other than yours. Share an insight about what you learned from having read your colleagues’ postings and discuss how and why your colleague’s posting resonated with you professionally and personally. (Note: This may be a great opportunity to help you think about passions you share with your colleagues who could become part of your Walden network.) Offer an example from your experience or observation that validates what your colleague discussed. Offer specific suggestions that will help your colleague build upon his or her perceptions as a leader. Offer further assessment from having read your colleague’s post that could impact a leader’s effectiveness. Share how something your colleague discussed changed the way you consider your own leadership qualities. Your post should be clear, logical, and organized. Posting should address the question or issue, is interesting and pertinent to the course content and purpose of discussion, is original, is appropriate in rigor, and provides context that establishes relevance.

solved In an internet article for, (

In an internet article for, (, the authors state that the:
“Adoption of the IFRS in many countries has various advantages. It will lead
to economic stability in different countries due to the increased foreign investment
and division of labor. There will be decreased transaction costs such as training,
accountancy, and audit fees for foreign investors. IFRS greatly reduces earnings
manipulation as it increases the transparency of financial statements. There are
mandatory disclosures in the off-balance sheet items that make it hard for the
company accountants to manipulate the profit and asset figures. It also decreases
the costs of equity. The investors are able to understand the accounting data of
investments clearer reducing the perceived risks of the project. They are more willing
to accept lower returns.
Finally, the IFRS encourages fair value accounting which shows the investors
the market prices of the company’s assets and liabilities. It acts as a signal in times
of economic boom and depression. It also encourages and ensures corporate
governance in the company which leads to healthy companies.”

solved In your discussion, be sure to integrate your knowledge of

In your discussion, be sure to integrate your knowledge of advanced pathophysiology across the lifespan with the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse.
Case study:
Felicity is a very busy 29-year-old woman in a professional career. She has diabetes mellitus and is also pregnant for the first time. Because of her busy schedule, it was over 3 weeks after missing her menstrual cycle when she visited her family doctor to have the pregnancy confirmed. Felicity became very concerned when her physician asked if she had been taking folic acid. It was all Felicity could do to remember to manage her insulin levels, and taking folic acid supplements was something she had not even considered. Her doctor told her to take 600 ?g of folic acid daily and advised Felicity to return later for maternal serum marker testing.

Explain the potential teratogenic effect of folic acid deficiency on the developing fetus. What other risk factor is noteworthy in Felicity’s case?
What is the benefit of maternal serum marker testing? What other test would be particularly useful to monitor the development of Felicity’s baby in this situation?
When is the fetus most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens and why?

solved Health Promotion: Prevention of DiseaseCase Study Module 12Instructions: Read the

Health Promotion: Prevention of DiseaseCase Study Module 12Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.CASE STUDY: Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault: JessicaSexual assault includes any type of sexual activity to which an individual does not agree. Because of the effects of some drugs, commonly called date rape drugs, victims may be physically helpless, unable to refuse, or even unable to remember what happened. Jessica, a 16-year-old high school sophomore, expresses concern to the school nurse practitioner that she knows someone who might have had sex “without knowing it.” How can the nurse practitioner answer these common questions?Reflective Questions1. What are date rape drugs and how can a person be unaware that such a drug has been ingested? 2. What can you do to protect yourself? 3. What do you do if you think you have been sexually assaulted? 4. What can you do when someone you care about has been sexually assaulted? 5. What role does a nurse practitioner play in the care of sexually assaulted patients, particularly in the adolescent age group?