Part 1 Â Diagnosis and Opinion.:
Write your diagnosis and opinion for one of the evaluations provided. Make sure to indicate which evaluation you chose.
Part 2: Verifying Veracity
Defendants frequently provide some inconsistent or inaccurate information about their history. Explain your approach for obtaining the most accurate information regarding your evaluee. Consider the following methods:
Third-party data: Identify at least two potential sources of third-party data for your evaluee. Discuss why these sources are useful to determining the veracity of the evaluee’s statements.
Psychological testing: Identify at least two commonly used psychological tests to determine the veracity of the evaluee’s reported symptoms. Explain why these tests would be useful and appropriate in your particular evaluee’s case.
Interviewing skills: Discuss your approach to interviewing the evaluee to determine the veracity of their statements. What techniques might you use and why?
Part 3: Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is a very common issue for forensic evaluees. Explain how substance use on the part of your evaluee impacts your diagnosis and, potentially, your forensic opinion. Support your opinions with research.
solved An organization’s structure is the formal and informal differentiation and
/in /by adminAn organization’s structure is the formal and informal differentiation and integration of tasks. An organization needs a sound structure to coordinate its actions so that strategic goals can be achieved. Different companies and industries organize differently to meet the needs of their stakeholders. Though an organization’s structure is meant to facilitate operations and communications, there are times that it can impede its success.
National Bank and First American Bank merged to form First National Bank. The Vice-President of Retail Banking comes from First American Bank, while the Chief Operations Officer comes from National Bank. The COO and VP are meeting with First National Bank’s new President & CEO, who comes from neither predecessor bank. The new bank is facing quite a few challenges, including a decrease in clients and deposits and increased employee turnover.
Q1 : How is the leadership team handling this challenge? How would you? (3 Marks) Â Â ( 300 – 500 words )Â
– ( APA references are important )
Q2 : Comment on the answers of two of your peers. Â (2 marks) Â ………………. for this Q : I will attach it after I get it .. now I need Q1 answer to submit so I can open other answers
solved Perform a case study on the social determinants in the
/in /by adminPerform a case study on the social determinants in the access to health care
First, research the determinants of  health that affect the community, and give an overview of the  determinants of health that you identify. Provide data to support the  community health needs that exist.Â
Next, pick one determinant of health  that is of particular interest to you. You are encouraged to step out of  your comfort zone and take a look at all determinants of health, not  just ones that are considered common or seen in most areas across the  United States. Try to identify a determinant of health that is  indigenous to the community or one that has a unique impact on the  community.Â
Fully discuss all aspects of the  determinant of health that you chose, including its history and/or  development over time and its specific impact on the community. Use data  or examples to illustrate your findings. You should present an  insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence.Â
Finally, discuss a new community  health program you can develop as a community health worker to  positively affect the local determinant of health. Explain the expected  outcomes and effects on the community.Â
solved Challenges of Health and Human Services Delivery [WLOs: 1, 2]
/in /by adminChallenges of Health and Human Services Delivery [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 1]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read or view the following resources:Metropolitan Health and Human Services (MHHS) Case Study downloadOverview and Challenges of Clinical Decision Making in Mental Health PracticeSocial Justice and Public Policy AdvocacyA Visual Overview of Health Care Delivery in the United StatesCan Reflective Multicriteria Be the New Paradigm for Healthcare Decision-Making? The EVIDEM JourneyBetween the Patient and Politics—A Ready-To-Use Simulation for Human Service PractitionersShared Decision Making (Links to an external site.)HHS A to Z Index (Links to an external site.)Throughout your program you have explored a variety of methods through which health and human services have been delivered in communities. Either use the MHHS Case Study or a community organization of your choice and describe challenges that a health and human services professional would face. Explore how these challenges might impact decision making in the organization. Ensure you include a variety of perspectives (e.g., social, economic, psychological, political, etc.) Your initial post should contain a minimum of 400 words.
solved Choosing a major calls for gathering information, weighing alternatives, and
/in /by adminChoosing a major calls for gathering information, weighing alternatives, and allowing unhurried time for both thinking concretely and daydreaming. Â Choosing a major is a process, leading to self-discovery and ultimately, increased career satisfaction. Â In this class, we will just touch on the beginning step of choosing a major and focus on Step 1. Self-Assessment/Discovery. Â In this step, you will learn about your values, your interests, and your personality. Â For this assignment, we will focus on learning about your work values and interests.
Visit the Califrnioa CareerZone website and complete the Work Importance Profiler. Â Click the green “Go” button next to Start a new Work Importance Profiler.
Write down the results of your Work Importance Profiler.Â
Write a short paragraph discussing your results and be sure to address if you agree or disagree with the results and explain your answer.
Visit the O*Net Interest Profiler and complete the Interest Profiler. Â Click “Next” to begin the assessment.
Write down the results of your Interest Profiler.
Write a short paragraph discussing your results and be sure to address if you agree or disagree with the results and explain your answer
solved You need to analyze The Male Character in David Fincher
/in /by adminYou need to analyze The Male Character in David Fincher Movies from several aspects.1.Analyze the Male Character in David Fincher Movies from the color presentation and lens presentation, for example, complementary colors convey the internal and external conflicts of the characters in the movie, and monotones convey a certain worldview. On the other hand, the switching of the medium and close shots reflects the changes in the relationship between the characters.2.Analyze the cultural background of the American era through the male characters in David Fincher’s movies3.Reflect on the gender relationship from the role of the male portrayed in the film of David Fincher and the plot of the film.4.Through the analysis of these issues, combined with the male characters in David Fincher’s movies, to reflect on the male image.In addition to the above four points, you can also put forward your own point of view and elaborate.You need to submit the thesis and outline.David Fincher’s movie (Analysis scope) 1992 Alien3 1995 Seven 1997 The Game 1999 Fight Club 2002 Panic Room 2007 Zodiac 2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2010 The Social Network 2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2014 Gone GirlWords: 3700
solved I’m working on a nutrition discussion question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a nutrition discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Use Attached ArticleB. Select a research-based article that answers your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal. (I have attached my selected Research Article to be used)1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the research article.2. Describe the research methodology.3. Identify the level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model.Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old. Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool†for information on how to level a research-based article.4. Summarize how the researcher analyzed the data in the article.5. Summarize the ethical consideration(s) of the research-based article. If none are present, explain why.6. Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool†for information on how to establish the quality rating.7. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.
solved Use the Dow Jones and company for this week’s assessment.
/in /by adminUse the Dow Jones and company for this week’s assessment.
A primary technique of deeper analysis of an organization is the Porter’s Five Forces Model. This technique is often used when looking at your competitive advantage. Looking at your competitive advantage is important to aligning your operational needs with your business strategies.
Review sources on your company.
Write a 700- to 1050- word proposal to the company of your plan to align the operational needs with business strategies based on your analysis. Include the following in your proposal:
An analysis of the company based on Porter’s Five Forces
An analysis on the effectiveness of the leadership model the company is currently using
Consider the current leadership style or styles in place at the company.
Determine the effectiveness of the leadership style/s and whether an alternative style/s would be more impactful.
Assess how to determine effective leadership. What makes a leader effective or ineffective?
Consider sources of managerial power when leaders are effective.
Recommendation for the following actions:
Leadership model changes
2- to 3- actions needed to align operational needs with business strategies identified in Week 1
solved Part 1 Â Diagnosis and Opinion.: Write your diagnosis and
/in /by adminPart 1 Â Diagnosis and Opinion.:
Write your diagnosis and opinion for one of the evaluations provided. Make sure to indicate which evaluation you chose.
Part 2: Verifying Veracity
Defendants frequently provide some inconsistent or inaccurate information about their history. Explain your approach for obtaining the most accurate information regarding your evaluee. Consider the following methods:
Third-party data: Identify at least two potential sources of third-party data for your evaluee. Discuss why these sources are useful to determining the veracity of the evaluee’s statements.
Psychological testing: Identify at least two commonly used psychological tests to determine the veracity of the evaluee’s reported symptoms. Explain why these tests would be useful and appropriate in your particular evaluee’s case.
Interviewing skills: Discuss your approach to interviewing the evaluee to determine the veracity of their statements. What techniques might you use and why?
Part 3: Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is a very common issue for forensic evaluees. Explain how substance use on the part of your evaluee impacts your diagnosis and, potentially, your forensic opinion. Support your opinions with research.
solved Discussion: The Cycle of Change ModelWeek 1: The Cycle of
/in /by adminDiscussion: The Cycle of Change ModelWeek 1: The Cycle of Change ModelIt is recognized that the following is a challenging exercise because it requires that you make a very difficult choice; however, this exercise will also ensure that you have fully evaluated each step of the Cycle of Change Model and that you have considered the requisite value of each step to the overall organizational change and transformation process.Your task for the Module 4 Discussion is to reflect on the various steps of the Cycle of Change Model from:Campbell, H. (2014). Managing organizational change: A practical toolkit for leaders. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.Answer the following question:If you were required to choose only one step in the Cycle of Change Model as being most important to the success of any major organizational change or organizational transformation initiative, which step would you choose? Why?Be sure that you justify your choice with sufficient depth. If possible, give an actual organizational example to defend your choice.Original post should include approximately 200 words and cite and reference at least 1 scholarly source found in the required or optional readings list.
solved First, you will identify the access to health care and
/in /by adminFirst, you will identify the access to health care and the issues related to it that you are working to address.Â
Next, offer and explain a specific  health policy or law that could be enacted to alleviate the issues of  the determinant of health. For example, the state of New Hampshire does  not have a law requiring persons over the age of 18 to wear a seatbelt.  If such a law were in place requiring seatbelt use for persons over the  age of 18, motor vehicle fatalities would likely decrease. The policy or  law you choose to apply to the social determinant may be an existing  one in another area, or you may propose your own policy or legislation.  Be sure to include what your proposed policy or law would entail, how it  would be enforced, and the effect you hope to achieve once it is in  place. Include relevant and specific data as you present the determinant  of health and the proposed policy or law.Â
Finally, identify specific  officials, businesses, nonprofits, or other stakeholders and players you  would need to collaborate with in order to get the change enacted in  the community. Explain a plan of how a community health worker could  reach out to these players to get support.Â