solved first:Leadership CommunicationWatch the Amy Cuddy video above and then address

first:Leadership CommunicationWatch the Amy Cuddy video above and then address the following:Discuss how your non-verbal behaviors tell a story about you (e.g., attitudes, views, emotions, etc.). You might include facial expressions, body language, and symbolic behaviors (e.g., type of clothing you wear, artifacts in your office, car you drive, brands you like, etc.).Discuss what you would like to change to become more effective in your communication.Think of an example in which you regularly engage in negative self-talk (permanent, personal, and/or pervasive messages about events/situations). Describe the event, the negative self-talk and what you are going to do to become more optimistic (temporary, behavior-based, specific to a situation). Watch on YouTubeSecond:Leadership Power & InfluenceJohn Maxwell in a very popular leadership consultant who works with companies all over the globe. Please watch the video, then:Discuss briefly each of the five levels of leadership.Next evaluate one of your top leaders against the five levels of leadership. What needs to change and how can you apply your growing knowledge of leadership to help this person progress up to a higher leadership level? Watch on YouTube

solved List the principles that should be observed in a marketing

List the principles that should be observed in a marketing program. Give two specific examples of how these can be applied to a sport program. Describe why this would be advantageousKey Sport Marketing ConceptsThe Sport Marketing MixAs defined by McCarthy and Perreault (1988), the marketing mix refers to the controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy a target group. The marketing mix, then, is the recipe for creating a successful marketing campaign. The elements of the marketing mix most commonly associated with sport are often referred to as the “four P’s”: product, price, place, and promotion (Kotler, 2003). In sport marketing, we often refer to the “five P’s,” including public relations as its own P (instead of lumping it in with promotion), given the significant role it plays in sport marketing. In comparison with the marketing of a laundry detergent, soup, car, or telephone, there are some unique aspects of marketing the sport product that must be accounted for when discussing the marketing mix. Some of the most important differences are presented in Table 3-1. These differences and their relevance to sport marketers will be discussed throughout the rest of this chapter.

solved This request requires you to visit the The Research Clinic:

This request requires you to visit the The Research Clinic: will click to play Jan Klein, RN. Work your way through the brief videos, choosing the best response as the RN assisting in research.Upon completing the videos, you will submit a Word file that summarizes the following: (1) the essential elements of informed consent, (2) special populations that require special legal and ethical research considerations, and (3) the nurse’s role in advocating for the patient in research situations.Your summary should be between 200-300 words. Provide a minimum of 2 references, in APA 7th ed format, supporting your summary.- Use a separate title and reference pageThis will not be a summary of the video.-**Requires a minimum of 2 peer reviewed references (does not include the textbook or video, since this is a research class)- Journal articles must be 2016-2021- The reference for the video should be formatted as:Garrity, S. R., Tarzian, A.J., Lehmann, K.L., Browning, S., Dauses, T., Giffels, J., & Zimmet, S. The Office of Research Integrity and The Office for Human Research Protection.(2017). The research clinic[Video file].

solved Assignment:In teams, by the end of the week students will

Assignment:In teams, by the end of the week students will compose a research-based essay and informational brochure focusing on the Five Selves. This essay must be in APA format with a minimum of five (5) professional references.The Whole Child text is a practical methods book for foundational or introductory courses in early childhood education. It explains how to teach and care for young children from infancy through Grade 3 in ways that foster healthy development. It helps professionals understand what children need from the learning environment in order to thrive. For that reason, it focuses on the child and pictures him or her as composed of a number of selves: the physical self, the emotional self, the social self, the cognitive self, and the creative self.Part 1: EssayIn your essay, provide a comprehensive explanation of each of the Five Selves.Cognitive SelfCreative SelfThe explanation will include, but is not limited to:The benefits of developing eachResearch connected to each selfSpecific strategies that educators can implement to develop each selfYou will use the text as your guide, but you will also use outside research by citing a minimum of five (5) professional references.875-1100 Words

solved Part 1 In a few short paragraphs or less, share

Part 1
In a few short paragraphs or less, share your thoughts on this week’s reading. You could share a new insight, likes, dislikes, disagreements with the author, etc. This should NOT be a synopsis of the reading. You must also post a comment/reply on a classmate’s post. this should be on chapter 16 of Information systems Version 8 By John Gallaugher 2019 (must have this exact book)
Part 2
Review this weeks headlines for stores related to IT and choose one. Look for stories that you find interesting or have strong feelings about. must be a recent article and IT related. please make is simple easy to and clear to understand Post a link to your story and brief description of the article and why you believe it’s a good ITSoW here. please use this article…
Part 3
What advantages could broadband offer to underserved areas of the world? Is internet access important for economic development? Why or why not?

Part 4
Investigate the current status of Net neutrality regulations in your state or nation (California). Do you agree with the stance currently taken by your government (local and/or federal). Why or why not? Did any of your findings surprise you?

solved 1. Why are Victor Arnautoff’s murals at George Washington High

1. Why are Victor Arnautoff’s murals at George Washington High School controversial? In your
answer, summarize the basic arguments for and against the school district’s decision to
destroy them. You may (but need not) offer your own view of the decision, which was later
rescinded. 2. Who were the Beats, and how did they help create what Nancy J. Peters calls San
Francisco’s “culture of dissent”? In your answer, discuss at least two Beat writers and their key
literary works. Also, consider the Beat influence, either direct or indirect, on specific persons or
groups here in the San Francisco Bay Area.
3. Compare and contrast Hunter S. Thompson’s “The ‘Hashbury’ Is the Capital of the Hippies”
and Joan Didion’s “Slouching Towards Bethlehem.” In their depictions of the San Francisco
counterculture, what do the articles have in common? Where do they differ? 4. Berkeley in the Sixties features three main groups: campus activists in Berkeley, the Black
Panthers in Oakland, and the San Francisco counterculture. How did the Berkeley activists
relate to the other two groups? In your answer, be sure to mention how the campus activists
influenced or were influenced by those other groups.

solved please see attached pdf these are the two zappos

please see attached pdf these are the two zappos videos on the document:View the two Zappos Culture video and the lecture video on culture in Week 15. Make sure you take good notes on this lecture topic. Please answer the questions below using the two Zappos videos provided. Please do NOT use other videos/information as we cannot verify the validity of your answers. Assignment: Imagine that you are a consultant doing an organizational assessment of culture. Fill out the following information about Zappos for each of these levels of culture as portrayed in the two videos. Each item below is worth 4 points for a total of 40 points. Please save the completed document with your name on it and submit as attachment. Otherwise, enter your entries directly into the text box.ArtifactsPersonal enactment (provide one example):Ceremonies and rites (name one rite of enhancement and one rite of integration):Enhancement:Integration:Stories (name one story about Tony Hsieh, the CEO in the videos):Rituals (name one ritual):Symbols (provide their company symbol):Espoused values (name two values):Basic assumptions (name two possible basic assumptions)

solved Utilizing one of the books you mentioned in your group

Utilizing one of the books you mentioned in your group discussion this week, “How to support the intellectual development of children”, and create a circle time plan. You will need to address in the objectives the intellectual skill you will be focusing on. You will also need to have directions on how you will gather the children and how you will transition them out after the circle time is over. Think of creative ways to do this. Also, include any other activities you might do during the circle time to support the topic besides just the reading of the book. Will you hold a class discussion, will you have a supporting finger play or music activity, will you have an investigative box to explore, etc. Remember a child who has intellect can reason and understand objectively abstract or academic matters so you will need to be creative to decide on a focus for the activity and remember it needs to incorporate one of the books from this weeks discussion topic.Activity Plan Guideline downloadTo receive full credit…..1) Develop a circle time activity plan based on one of the books you shared in the group discussion this week2) Submit a full lesson plan for your classmates to view and add to their portfolio

solved I need support with this Social Science question so I

I need support with this Social Science question so I can learn better.

What Constitutes Communication?Read the following scenarios and decide if communication has occurred. If it has, was it effective, and who communicated what to whom. Please use the book as a reference thanks 1. As Mrs. Maria De Wormer is boarding a bus, she notices a grubby-looking “weirdo” in one of the front seats where she usually sits. She decides to take another seat toward the rear of the bus. 2. Benny Lackluster is among a group of observers who are “oohing” and “aahing” over an abstract painting in an art gallery. Later it is discovered the painting was hanging upside down.3. Armando, a continental, Italian lover-type, is having dinner with Loretta Whizbang, a ravishing brunette. Although he hopes to ply her with margaritas at the El Paso Cantina and then whisk her back to his apartment for the “coup de Gras,” the conversation seems to be going nowhere.4. During a dramatic pause in his lecture, Professor Windplenty overhears a student’s stomach growling.5. Hiram Hardcase overhears a conversation his roommate is having on the telephone one day: “No . . . I don’t think he knows I’m moving out . . .

solved NSG/468: Influencing Quality Within HealthcareWk 1 – Quality and Safety

NSG/468: Influencing Quality Within HealthcareWk 1 – Quality and Safety in PracticeAssignment ContentThis assignment is designed to highlight the role you play in quality, safe patient care on a daily basis.Identify a patient care case from your own practice experience that involves quality and safety.Note: If you are not practicing or have nor practice, use a case that has received media attention or one from the textbook.Summarize the situation.Describe your (or the nurse’s) role in the patient care situation.Explain the role the patient played in their own quality- or safety-related situation.Evaluate the relationship between the patient’s care and the outcome.Identify how the care environment affected the situation, including the nurse or provider, the patient, and the outcome.Determine whether a quality model was employed. If yes, identify and explain it. If not, identify one that could have improved the situation.Explain what actions you might take to improve the outcome or prevent an adverse outcome in the future.Format your assignment as one of the following:18- to 20-slide presentation875-word paperRubric attached Please make sure to put proper heading, subgheading as per APA format attahced