solved For this essay I want you to apply the four

For this essay I want you to apply the four theories of justice we have learned about to the two historical episodes we have learned about. What would Liberalism, Republicanism, Conservatism and Socialism have to say about the American and French Revolutions? 
Now that topic is very broad so I want to focus it a bit. I want you to say at what point in each revolution each theory would say that the revolution went astray, or should have gone in another direction. To be clear this is about when the revolutionaries went too far, not the powers that were opposing the revolutions. So I don’t want to hear about ways King George III or King Louis XVI made mistakes. They are not revolutionaries.
So this will involve making eight applications of theory to history. Where did Liberalism say the American Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? Where did Liberalism say the French Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? Where did Republicanism say the American Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? And so on for each of the four theories for both revolutions.
And finally I want you to say where you personally think things went wrong, or could have gone better in each Revolution.

solved Problem-Solving Report : Sleepy EmployeesThe Problem:You are the HR Manager

Problem-Solving Report : Sleepy EmployeesThe Problem:You are the HR Manager of a health food store which sells vitamins and supplements. You recently gave a health and wellness survey to your sales team and found shocking results: 95% said that they weren’t getting enough sleep each night. When you told your boss about these results, she was very concerned that sleep could affect employees’ job performance. So, she has asked you to write a report to suggest 1 way to help employees improve their sleep. Please write a 1-1.5 page report which includes the sections below. To decide which order to put these sections in, find out if this is a direct or indirect report. Introduction ResearchRecommendationGuidelines:You have 3 hours Submit your answer in a Word documentDo not plagiarize Paraphrase instead of using direct quotesInclude 4-6 online sourcesEnsure your sentences are under 20 wordsInclude all your sources Include a title, headings and subheadingsUse simple and familiar languageMake your recommendations very specific and concreteUse transition words to connect your sentencesPut the subject and predicate at the beginning of your sentencesMake sure your sentences and bullet points are parallel

solved Choose one of the topics below and prepare an annotated

Choose one of the topics below and prepare an annotated bibliography about it:The psychological process in the development of a terroristIdentification with a terrorist/violent groupRole of leadership in terrorism/political violenceRole of organization in mobilizing terrorism/political violencePlease make the title the topic you choose for this assignment.Students are required to write annotations for 6 and 8 articles, respectively.You are free to choose any scholarly (e.g. peer-reviewed) article, except for the ones assigned in this syllabus, to annotate as long as they are relevant to the topic.The articles must be from academic resources such as peer-reviewed articles, a chapter from an edited book, a paper from an academic conference, etc. Note that journalistic reports are not academic resources.The annotations do not have to be extensive. The recommended length of each annotation is about 100-150 words per article.Each annotation should have a brief review of the main argument and salient points, and your comment about how the article contributes to our understanding of the chosen topic.You are free to use any standard citation style including but not limited to APA, MLA, Chicago Style, etc.

solved Utilize Readings/Resources/Video        Â

Utilize Readings/Resources/Video  
                                                Professional Nursing Organization Flyer Creation (15 points)

This assignment allows the student to take the information they know about a professional nursing organization, or information they have learned about a professional nursing organization, to create a flyer that could be shared with other professional nurses. The student should reflect on what professional nursing organizations they belong to, or a professional nursing organization they would like to be a part of. They will then create a flyer that could be shared with other peers about this professional nursing organization. While creating the flyer, absolutely no use of professional nursing organizations logos can be used in order to prevent any copyright infringements from occurring when a copyrighted work is distributed, reproduced, or displayed without the permission of its owner.
The Professional Nursing Organization Flyer Creation will be created following the list below.  Fifteen points are available for the Professional Nursing Organization Flyer Creation as follows:

solved I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need

I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Overview:For this discussion board, you will apply the right to remain silent to a scenario.Scenario: You are a newly promoted detective working on a burglary case where several ATMs were broken into over the past few weeks. Thousands of dollars have been taken. Surveillance video reveals a limited description of a male wearing all black clothing, including a mask and gloves. The same shoe tread pattern has been recovered from two different scenes. You have developed a suspect named Jim Davis. An anonymous tipster told you Jim is the one who has been committing the burglaries. You cannot act on the tip alone and would like to have more information. Your detective supervisor has recommended you attempt a non-custodial interview with Jim.Instructions:In your initial post:Discuss the strategy you would use to set up the non-custodial interview.What would you do to ensure it remained non-custodial?When might the interview transition from non-custodial to custodial?Discuss when the right to remain silent would and would not apply.Support your strategy and conclusions with Constitutional case laws.

solved Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-300 words that respond

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Through improved financial strategies and data management, the supply chain of a company can improve their customer experience, business efficiencies and overall financial performance. By collecting data, improving customer intimacy, establishing financial strategies, and through the use of analytics, organizations can embark on new opportunities and stronger financial futures. Complete the following:Discuss why it is important for an organization’s supply chain to include the management of their data and financial strategies by answering the following questions:What types of supply chain tools help a company collect data? Please describe two types of tools.How does supply chain management help a company to improve efficiency and effectiveness? How does contract bidding improve a company’s financial outcome?Why is forecasting demand important?Be sure to include your required references and format your submission in APA format.

solved write a thesis-driven rhetorical analysis essay using specific, textual evidence

write a thesis-driven rhetorical analysis essay using specific, textual evidence (direct quotations) to support your assertions. Your thesis should articulate an important facet or idea (remember theme?)of the movie, and how Jordan Peele articulates its importance. Your entire paper should focus on that theme. Remember, a Rhetorical Analysis is NOT your OPINION of what is going on in the book/movie or text you are analyzing. You are to simply TELL the reader what Peele is saying, and how he uses the rhetorical devices to narrate this idea.
Some Tips:

Argument elements such as the claim of the author, the provided support, and what connects these elements.
Unusual language especially if the language is loaded. (what kind of language does Peele use and what does this define?) Remember, ethos, pathos, and logos. ( Do not write “He uses pathos by showing the maid crying” Instead place all these devices in the description without defining them as logos, pathos, and ethos.
Examples that the author uses and why he or she chose them.
The purpose of the work or goal.
Classification of the work, illustration or example
How the author narrates a story, the used analogy, definitions and descriptions

solved scenario: Pat, a 37-year old, single mother of three, is

scenario: Pat, a 37-year old, single mother of three, is a preschool teacher in a suburban area. She recently complained of pains in her chest and a persistent cough, which resulted in her coughing up blood earlier today. She decided to go to the emergency room in her local hospital to get checked out. Vivek is the ER nurse who processed Pat’s intake and took a sputum culture to be tested. Laboratory results confirm infection with tuberculosis. Concerned about Pat’s positive test result, Vivek decided to re-interview Pat and determined that she recently returned from a mission trip to poverty-stricken areas of Jharkhand, India.Explain the importance of accurate and valid health data and select one health problem to focus on.NOTE: For this Assessment, you are to identify a health problem or behavior and not an infectious disease or specific diagnosis (Some examples of health problems or behaviors: smoking, obesity, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, or mental illness).Identify two sources of data that you might access to research your health problem or behavior in your community.Explain why you would use these two sources of data, including the type of data you are likely to find with each source

solved Current Research Question – What effects can a 4-day work

Current Research Question – What effects can a 4-day work week have on turnover rates in non-profit organizations?Purpose – Improve work-life balance of non-profit employees to decrease turnover rates in non-profit organizationsAssignment: Post a 1-2 page response to the following prompts:Present your research question as two or three versions, based on the different approaches you have explored that seem most appropriate to your research problem and purpose.Make a case for why each approach would work.Identify the approach you believe best fits your research question. Then, re-formulate the question based on the approach you selected.Describe how the approach you selected will direct the procedures you will later develop.Summarize your choice of theoretical framework for your prospectus. Justify how your choice aligns with your current choice of research question and approach. If they are not aligned, choose a more appropriate framework.Given your choice of approach, describe what data collection tools will be most appropriate to consider. Note: This is not a commitment to use all of the tools you identify; rather, it is meant to be a reflection on what is possible given your choice of approach.

solved For this assignment, you will explain managerial concepts as they

For this assignment, you will explain managerial concepts as they pertain to business process costing. You will select a business process, describe the inputs and outputs, and define the job roles. In your paper, you will evaluate the current process effectiveness, estimate the cost of the process, and propose any improvements for management’s consideration. Be sure you have reviewed the assigned chapters and required unit resources on business process management.
Consider a business process using a firm with which you are familiar. Business processes include the following tasks:

developing and managing products and services,
marketing and selling products and services,
managing customer service,
developing and managing human capital, and
managing information technology.

Once you have identified the firm and business process, select, describe, and discuss the business process by elaborating on the following information:

what starts and what ends the process (inputs and outputs),
what roles (jobs) participate in the process (map them),
the effectiveness of the current process,
the cost of the process (document any assumptions), and
any improvements for management consideration.