We have just started to discuss the ecological model and the process of socialization. We have been examining how these entities influence children and how important it is to see children in the context of their greater world.
For this 2-4 page paper you will:
On Kanopy platform, https://glendale.kanopy.com/ (Links to an external site.), please choose one of the documentaries MissRepresentation OR The Mask You Live In. Both examine the ways in which the microsystem and the macrosystem dictate how children understand different roles in society.
While watching, look at our readings so far and make direct connections on how we socialize children.
Do additional research on how these systems influence socialization, particularly in terms of gender identity. This research should be academic in nature, the GCC library database will be a strong resource. You may use our readings, peer-reviewed journals, or experts in the field discussing the topic in papers, newspaper articles. Please use at least one source, not including our readings or the documentaries.
Then, using all of the above sources, answer the following:
What are some ways that the microsystem and macrosystem socialize children?
solved 1. First impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find
/in /by admin1. First impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting? 2. Essential message 3. What are the structural and cultural theoretical frameworks that impact the academic failure of African American males? 4. Name and describe the seven major themes that are common factors of influence to the academic success of African American males. 5. What accounts for the dismal Black male enrollment and completion rates in higher education when compared to other ethnic groups? 6. Name and explain the five theories and philosophies that contribute to the dismal performance and progress of African American men. 7. What role does critical theory play in African American male achievement? 8. Describe the “hidden curriculum†inside and outside of the classroom that discourages the academic achievement of African American men. 9. How can educators, policymakers, activists, parents and/or guardians, and African American males in particular benefit from the practical implications to academic success as suggested from the readings?10. Significance for African Americans and education11. Points of agreement/dissension12. Summary/closing
solved I’m working on a management question and need a sample
/in /by adminI’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Unit Learning OutcomesEvaluate the various schedule compression techniques available.Explain when each schedule compression method should be used.Analyze the basics of schedule management to gain a better understanding how to calculate float, slack, and other scheduling calculations.DirectionsAfter reading this week’s material, engage in an active discussion regarding the various type of schedule Compression Techniques and note the differences between crashing and fast tracking. Also, denote the key components of each method. Please find an additional reference source and cite the source in your discussion post. Sources must be used to enhance the learning experience. By finding a referenced source, you are enhancing the learning experience by searching for another source of information on the topic. Also, please ensure you are using a source that is peer reviewed to ensure accuracy of information (select peer-reviewed journal articles in the Park Library).Your original post should be in the format of an executive summary (must contain verbiage and bullet points to name the key points). Use APA formatting.
solved Listening to music is something everyone does. Some people listen
/in /by adminListening to music is something everyone does. Some people listen to music constantly, while others listen to it situationally, such as when driving, studying, exercising, or relaxing. Different playlists can be made for these different tasks. But how carefully and deeply does the listening experience go? This assignment requires you to delve deeper into one of your favorite songs to maximize appreciation of it through achieving an understanding of the complexities that go into the creation of your preferred music. In doing so, you will increase your perceptual awareness, not just for music, but for all things!Instructions: Choose a musical artist (from any music era). Choose one of his or her main works (songs or compositions) and listen to the piece so that you can comment on your reaction to the work. Write a 1-2 page essay about the following:A brief summary of the background or history of the artistThe meaning of the song you choseThe musical elements being used, with examplesThe contribution that the piece has had to the development of music and how it influenced future musicYour assignment should be written in APA format and should include in-text citations and a reference page.
solved Video Link: https://youtu.be/CNW-AzZdBRU (Links to an external site.)Piece Information: (Make
/in /by adminVideo Link: https://youtu.be/CNW-AzZdBRU (Links to an external site.)Piece Information: (Make sure you include this information below in your opening paragraph)Dance Until the Dawn (1931) from the musical Flying HighChoreography by Busby BerkeleyMusic by Ray HendersonGeneral Resources: https://filmschoolrejects.com/beginners-guide-to-busby-berkeley/ (Links to an external site.)https://www.britannica.com/biography/Busby-Berkeley (Links to an external site.)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_High_(1931_film) (Links to an external site.)Instructions: Watch the above video links and then review the resources link that can help you gain more general knowledge for your critique. Then write a three paragraph critique using the Mini Video Critique Guidelines. Make sure you included the piece information listed above about the piece in the opening paragraph. Also remember that your readers have NOT seen this piece so do your best to describe it to them within your critique. Use the information you have learned in your lectures and readings to help support your thoughts. Written in 3 paragraphs with minimum of 5 sentences in each paragraph. Details in each paragraph followed guidelines given.
solved please respond to the following peer discussion post: The selected
/in /by adminplease respond to the following peer discussion post:
The selected start up company, FRIENDS Upscale Comfort Food, specializes in providing high quality food and beverages for all events. We service the general public by providing elevated dining experiences to our clients featuring creatively plated southern comfort food.
Marketing Vehicles Table
Marketing Vehicle
Social Media:Â
– Facebook
– Instagram
3 times per week;Â
2 photos, 1 video post
At least 1 story post weekly
$120 per month – $30 per week (optional post boost)
Wedding Pro
Daily generation on:
$400 per month
Google Ads
SEO ranking – daily refreshing
$100 per month
Business Cards
As needed – every 6 months
$16.67 per month – $200/ yr
Vendor Fairs/ Trade Shows
As needed – quarterly
$166.67/ monrh / $500/ event – $2,000/ yr
Website Hosting
Maintained internally – annual fee
$30 per month – $360/ yrÂ
Flyers/ Menu Displays
As needed – every 6 months
16.67 per month – $200/ yr
See excel spreadsheet attached with “setup” and “MktBudj” tabs complete.
PORTIA_PlanningShop_BizPlanFin(3.1) BUS599.xlsm (1.651 MB)
solved In a cogent essay, take and defend a position on
/in /by adminIn a cogent essay, take and defend a position on the following debate:Â
Should corporations be expected to actively contribute to social causes even if doing so would decrease their profits?Â
In your answer, use the course readings (1. Friedman, “The Social Responsibility of Business,†2. Taylor, “We Shouldn’t Always Need a ‘Business Case’ to Do the Right Things,† and 3. Greenfield, “If Corporations Are People, They Should Act Like it,â€),  (See attached file for readings!!!)
In addition to lectures on ethical approaches to business ethics. Formulate your position as well as addressing significant counterarguments to your position, to demonstrate your understanding of the debate. Supplemental videos should not be used in place of the lectures.
Readings (Need reference and use all these three readings!!:)Â
1.Friedman, “The Social Responsibility of Business,† (see attached files)Â
2. Taylor, “We Shouldn’t Always Need a ‘Business Case’ to Do the Right Things,†LinK:https://hbr.org/2017/09/we-shouldnt-always-need-a-…
3.Greenfield, “If Corporations Are People, They Should Act Like it,†Link: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/…
solved We have just started to discuss the ecological model and
/in /by adminWe have just started to discuss the ecological model and the process of socialization. We have been examining how these entities influence children and how important it is to see children in the context of their greater world.
For this 2-4 page paper you will:
On Kanopy platform, https://glendale.kanopy.com/ (Links to an external site.), please choose one of the documentaries MissRepresentation OR The Mask You Live In. Both examine the ways in which the microsystem and the macrosystem dictate how children understand different roles in society.
While watching, look at our readings so far and make direct connections on how we socialize children.
Do additional research on how these systems influence socialization, particularly in terms of gender identity. This research should be academic in nature, the GCC library database will be a strong resource. You may use our readings, peer-reviewed journals, or experts in the field discussing the topic in papers, newspaper articles. Please use at least one source, not including our readings or the documentaries.
Then, using all of the above sources, answer the following:
What are some ways that the microsystem and macrosystem socialize children?
solved You will work on a research project for the duration
/in /by adminYou will work on a research project for the duration of this course that you will deliver as a presentation in Week 8. For this project, select a person whom you believe had significant influence (positive or negative) on a movement for social, economic, and/or political change in the 20th and 21st centuries. Explore and address the following in your project:
Summarize the person’s ideas.
How did the ideas or changes affect the establishment and status quo?
What was the context in which this person proposed ideas/change?
How did the government or the people respond to the ideas/change?
What sort of following or support did he/she have?
How have the ideas/actions of the person influenced contemporary cultures and ideas?
For the assignment this week, address the following:
State the topic.
For the stated issue, identify at least three (3) aspects of the issue that you think you will likely develop in your presentation. Briefly state why you have chosen each aspect.
You are not confined to three aspects only, but you must develop at least three. As you develop your presentation, you may find other aspects that you deem more relevant, and you may add or substitute those.
solved Please pick one of the below topics to respond to:
/in /by adminPlease pick one of the below topics to respond to:
Topic 1
What do you hope to gain from a college education? At this point in time, what interests you in psychology? Do you know any psychology majors? What do they find interesting about being a psychology major? What would you be doing if you were not in college?
If you’re not a psychology major, answer the following :
What is it about this course that made you sign up? What do you hope to gain from a college education? Do you know any psychology majors? Assuming you’ve taken psychology courses already, what interests you about psychology? What would you be doing if you were not in college?
Topic 2
What are the key features of a psychology curriculum? What are some inaccurate beliefs about the nature of a psychology degree? What are some profitable minors that can enhance the value of a psychology BA?
If you’re not a psychology major, answer the following:
What is your major, what are the key features of your major’s curriculum and how can psychology courses contribute to your major? What are some profitable minors that can enhance the value of the degree you’re majoring in?  Are you minoring in Psychology? Why or why not?
solved Chapter 1. What Does It Mean to Be a Leader?Initial
/in /by adminChapter 1. What Does It Mean to Be a Leader?Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:undefined 1. What do you consider your own strengths and weaknesses for leadership? Discuss your answer with another student. 2. Describe the best leader you have known. How did this leader acquire his or her capability? 3. Look through recent magazines and newspapers and identify one leader who seems to illustrate the “leader-as-hero†mindset and one who seems more typical of the humble Level 5 leader described in the text. Describe their differing characteristics. Which was easier to find?
Post should be at least 550+ wordsAPA FormatReferences