I don’t know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems, networks, and online resources. These cards, in combination with a personal identification number, meet two-factor requirements. PIV credentials also are designed to help reduce counterfeiting and are tamper-resistant.
An authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, is another method to achieve two-factor authentication. It is a free app available for installation on mobile devices.
The U.S. federal government authorizes the use of PIVs as well as authenticator apps, depending on the circumstances.
Answer the following question(s):
In what type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
In what type of situation would a PIV be required for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
Fully address the questions in this discussion, provide valid rationale or a citation for your choices
solved The challenge to designing a functional Fire Prevention organization is
/in /by adminThe challenge to designing a functional Fire Prevention organization is very complex. Â For the final project, you will create a comprehensive program for a city of approximately 100,000 population, already served by a full-time fire department of about 150 Â uniformed members and operating from 10 fire stations. Â In this assignment, you should include every aspect of the project to provide a high level of fire safety for this growing community. The sky is the limit! Â You are authorized to hire or transfer as many as 10 fire personnel to staff this totally new organization, under the authority of the new Fire Chief who has proposed this concept.
Among the important concepts to address are staffing and work schedule, primary duties and responsibilities, additional programs to be offered, the certifications, training and/or technical equipment (computers, tablets, software, vehicles, office space, linvestigation equipment, and the budget that will likely be needed to accomplish all of these tasks, as examples. Â An excellent list of both ideas and potential inclusions could be taken from the chapters in the contents of the textbook (introduction to fire prevention 8th)
solved Background of GilgameshPlease spend some time at the following website
/in /by adminBackground of GilgameshPlease spend some time at the following website The Big Myth. Make sure you watch Babylonian Creation and read Babylonian Culture and Pantheon. Then, answer the following questions within a slideshow or a prezi. Your presentation should utilize google slides or Prezi. Never used Prezi? Check out this informational video. Prezi videoYour presentation should contain the answers to the following questions:Look at a map of the world. Where is Mesopotamia? What different names has this region had in history? What is it known as today? (4 points)What are the codes of Hammurabi? Select a few to describe. (5 points)What gods are mentioned in the creation myth? How are they related to one another? (5 points)Describe the war between the gods. Who belonged to what side? What was the cause of the war? (5 points)In some versions of this myth, it is noted that Ea and the birth-goddess Nintu created humans. This differs from what you read. Why is that? (2 points)Make a list of Marduk’s deeds. (3 points)Why did Marduk create people? (1 point)What similarities do you see between the Babylonian creation myth and others that you have studied or know? (2 points)
solved This week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper
/in /by adminThis week, you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in Criminal Procedure: Adjudication (CCJ3950). Be sure to back up your statements and opinions for the below prompts with at least three (3) scholarly sources. OCompare and contrast probable cause and reasonable suspicion. What are some arguments for and against the exclusionary rule?Summarize the rules concerning a “stop & frisk.†Explain the practice and guidelines of conducting a protective sweep.Which constitutional provisions apply to confessions and interrogations and which is the most important to you and why?Explain how the Sixth Amendment right to counsel and the 14th Amendment right to due process applies in the identification context.Compare and contrast the role of the grand jury with that of the traditional trial (petit) jury.Explain when the right to a speedy trial, the right to a public trial, and the right to a jury trial applies. In your opinion, which of these trial rights is most important and why?As law enforcement or other criminal justice professional, how could you apply what you learned in this course of Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
solved – The first line of all paragraphs should be indented,
/in /by admin– The first line of all paragraphs should be indented, and the paragraphs themselves should be organized in the way that we discussed in lectures earlier in the semester.
– The introduction/thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion should accomplish what was discussed in the lectures on such topics earlier in the semester.
– You should cite at least two (2) sources in your Argumentative Essay.
– Your thesis statement should clearly articulate your main argument. (It should also do what a thesis statement does: answer the what, the why, and the how.) So, what would you like to argue for?
– The lectures for this part of the syllabus have been about rhetoric, rhetorical appeals, and logical fallacies. So, how do these lessons help us with crafting arguments for an argumentative essay? Rhetoric is all about making good, strong, persuasive arguments. Who is your audience? Who are you appealing to? How should you appeal to the specific audience, if you want to persuade them of your position? Are you avoiding logical fallacies so that you make sure your arguments are strong? Taking these lectures seriously will help you make your arguments air-tight and persuasive.
solved I don’t know how to handle this Computer Science question
/in /by adminI don’t know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is used in non-military government agencies for authentication and identification to gain access to systems, networks, and online resources. These cards, in combination with a personal identification number, meet two-factor requirements. PIV credentials also are designed to help reduce counterfeiting and are tamper-resistant.
An authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, is another method to achieve two-factor authentication. It is a free app available for installation on mobile devices.
The U.S. federal government authorizes the use of PIVs as well as authenticator apps, depending on the circumstances.
Answer the following question(s):
In what type of situation would an authenticator app provide adequate two-factor authentication for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
In what type of situation would a PIV be required for federal government use? Provide rationale or a citation for your answer.
Fully address the questions in this discussion, provide valid rationale or a citation for your choices
solved Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week.
/in /by adminRead and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Define the term quality and explain its relevance to project management. What intrinsic value does quality planning have for a project? How is quality control different from quality assurance?[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]
solved Please tell us about your story, your business (or business
/in /by adminPlease tell us about your story, your business (or business idea), and your goals. How did you become interested in entrepreneurship? What inspired you to pursue your business idea? What do you hope to achieve?While entrepreneurship is one of the most impactful ways to move communities and the country forward, the pipeline of funded entrepreneurs does not reflect the diversity of our country.And since the focus of funded start-ups tends to reflect the experience of their founders, lack of representation means blindspots in innovation. Critical, solvable problems go unaddressed. Concurrently, funding often flows in favor of ideas for businesses in saturated markets with less potential for impact and scale.Solving this problem will take deep dedication across the start-up, tech, and venture capital world. As one small part of this, the Elevate Black Entrepreneurs Scholarship will be awarded to a Black undergraduate or graduate school entrepreneur who is currently building or who aspires to build a new business.Current or aspiring Black entrepreneurs across any field or business stage will be considered.Talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity is not.400-800 words
solved In the United States, land resources are used for various
/in /by adminIn the United States, land resources are used for various purposes ranging from cropland, forest land, pastureland, rangeland, industrial land, and residential land. Each type of land usage can have positive or negative effects on the terrestrial ecosystems. While there are many factors that affect the health of individuals and communities, the urban environment can exacerbate or mitigate social well-being and health outcomes. In the capacious scope, housing, economic development, land use, and transportation are determinants of social health. Currently there are quite a few stressors that are disrupting the natural equilibrium and causing a strain on the natural resources.In a two to three-page paper, write about how climate change impacts the human and biophysical environment. Be sure to include information on the land-use pattern of the five land types (agricultural lands, residential, industrial, forest, wetland). What mitigation strategies can be effective in improving these health outcomes and reducing health disparities? Support your statements with at least two references from accredited sources, and make sure your paper follows current APA style guidelines.
solved Final ExamDue May 26 at 11:59pm Points 1 Questions 1
/in /by adminFinal ExamDue May 26 at 11:59pm Points 1 Questions 1 Available May 25 at 5pm – May 26 at 11:59pm 1 day Limit 121 MinutesInstructionsFor this exam, you will have 2 hours to answer the given essay prompt. Remember:You must in one sitting. The exam is only available from 11:59pm, Tuesday, 5/25-11:59pm Wednesday, . You must complete your exam on Your essay must be submitted by the end of the 2 hours. If you run out of , the system will not submit anything for your exam.If you are working in a Word Document or Google Doc, you must keep the exam open!! Do NOT close the Canvas exam for any reason during the 2 hours. Be sure to copy and paste your essay into the Canvas before the 2 hours runs out.Your essay must be submitted by 11:59pm on Wednesday, After that, the exam will no longer be available. I will upload your “Complete/Incomplete” score into Canvas by There will be no opportunity for revision. If you do not pass the final exam, your course letter grade will lower by one letter.Your time will start when you click “Take the ” Do not click that button until you are ready to start! I will not be able to reset the exam. You will see the prompt once you click “Take the
solved A performance appraisal is a regular review of employee job
/in /by adminA performance appraisal is a regular review of employee job performance and contribution to organizational objectives. In many cases, performance appraisals are conducted at the end of the year to evaluate employee performance, as well as set performance for the next year. For this assignment, you will evaluate another function of HR and management and its contribution to effective performance management. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article Adapting the Performance Appraisal Process to Meet the Needs of the Modern Workplace (Links to an external site.).In your paper,Discuss how performance appraisals are a function of HR and management.Analyze the basic components of an effective performance appraisal.Explain how performance appraisals can contribute to organizational goals and objectives.Explain the advantages of performance appraisals and how they contribute to effective training and development.Explain potential forms of discrimination based on labor laws and regulations when conducting a performance appraisalMust be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style