solved observe the interactions between the teacher and the students, and

observe the interactions between the teacher and the students, and the interactions between the students, during classroom activities, such as instruction and free time. The field observation guidelines provide a structure for your observations. In a narrative report, summarize your classroom observation experience in terms of the explicit and implicit curriculum. Examine the evidence from your field notes and identify the societal, historical and philosophical influences on what you see enacted in the classroom. What role does the teacher play? In what ways do systemic forces (social, cultural, political, historical, economic) affect teaching? How are students engaged? What are the power structures? Is the class a microcosm of the larger society? Cite references to support your thinking. 3-4 pages. Observe teachers and classes using YouTube. I’ve provided you with some links to get you started. Please feel free to utilize any other classroom observations of elementary classrooms you might find.Elementary Math Classroom observation of Ms. Ainge Observation Part 1

solved Evidence-Based Clinical Question Search AssignmentPurpose:The purpose of this Assignment is

Evidence-Based Clinical Question Search AssignmentPurpose:The purpose of this Assignment is to give you a practical application to implement your PICOT idea, supported by the evidence-based research you have obtained in during your systematic review. You will apply evidence-based research findings discovered from your clinical question, and then integrate those to support your suggested change in nursing practice.Directions:Identify your refined PICOT question.Using PubMed and the Cochrane collaboration database, do a systematic review of your clinical question.Describe your systematic review and include an errors analysis.Determine an evidence-based quantitative article from the search that contains an evidence-based randomized control trial.Summarize the case study selected.Describe the study approach, sample size, and population studied.Apply the evidence from this review to your practice specifically in your overview.Evaluate the outcomes, identifying the validity and reliability.Discuss if the study contained any bias.Determine the level of evidence identified in the review.The length should be no less than 10 Pages in APA 7 format.3-5 Peer reviewed References

solved I am sending you a link to a lecture video

I am sending you a link to a lecture video and a lecture summary form.

All you have to do is to watch the video and do a lecture summary.

The content should be one or two new things you have learned from the lecture.

You must complete the weekly lecture summary from now on and send it back to me each week which will count as your attendance and added toward your final grade. You also have to make sure you email back your weekly lecture summary form with your name and your email address and send it back in word or pdf form. Since I teach a few other schools, I need to know your name and your email address. Please use the lecture summary form that I am sending you. It would be easier for me to keep track of all my student’s work.

Lastly, email back only to me instead of sending it to all other students (using reply, not reply to all).

If you have any questions, please email me.

God bless.

Follow this link and download the three files below.

(1) video lecture links 4th week:

3rd week:

2nd week:

1st week:

(2) syllabus

(3) a lecture summary form.

(4) a lecture note (main textbook)

P.S.: Please send me back your lecture summary to my yahoo email.

solved I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support to help me understand better.

Part 1:
Read a topic from Chapter 8 and write a summary on it.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Consider the trends described in the chapter (e.g., aging, heightening environmental concern, or China). How will each affect the business you are in (or were in before coming to b-school)?

Make a list of 3 of your favorite brands. What would be a great brand-, or line-extension that you would like to see developed as a new product? 

Part 1 needs to be 500 plus words and APA format (refer chapter 8 from the Marketing Management textbook)
Part 2:
Find four different products that are in the four different phases of the product life cycle. Give your opinions on the product in the market decline phase: whether the company should divest, harvest, or rejuvenate the product and the reasons behind your choices.
Please answer part 2 from a manager’s point of view, part 2 should be 600 plus words APA format. Site all the references used. At least one scholarly journal related to marketing management should be used along with the textbook.

solved My topic is : is GMOs food really a solution

My topic is : is GMOs food really a solution for future food shortagesNeed at least 12 annotated bibliography. At least 6 from scholar resources. Total 12 annotated bibliography1. Create an Annotated Bibliography.
–> Your annotated biblography should have a minimum of twelve (12) sources.
–> Of these, at least 6 must be scholarly sources (either peer reviewed journal
articles or academically-sound books—popular interest books or journalism don’t count.
–> No more than two standalone websites will count toward your total. What do I
mean by “standalone?” Well, if there is an academic journal that happens to publish their
issues online, that wouldn’t be considered a “website.” If you have questions, ask.
–> Each annotation must begin with a correctly-formatted citation of the source.
Then you’ll write a paragraph or two or three (at least 125 but probably not more than 300
word). In this text do the following: a) provide a brief summary of the overall argument of
the book or article or chapter, then b) explain how it is relevant to your paper topic, and
how you plan to incorporate it. Look at Beacon Learning under Unit 1 for an example

solved Essays are one page, 12 point Times New Roman font

Essays are one page, 12 point Times New Roman font double-spaced essays about a section of Washington, D.C. that discuss the history and current demographics of the area, and provide a personal reflection on how you understand the relationships between the them.To find demographic and other data, use the PolicyMap (链接到外部网站。) online tool provided by American University, the tool provided by the Urban Institute (链接到外部网站。), or (链接到外部网站。). If you are in an area that does not permit access to this tool, email me. Consider the sample size that you use when associating demographic data. For example, the smallest unit is a block.Each essay must cite three sources, include a Works Cited written in an accepted academic format , and use in-text parenthetical citation. The Works Cited must begin on a new page after the essay.Please see the associated rubric for detailed scoring guidelines and Course Resources, particularly Cultural Tourism DC Neighborhood Heritage Trails.Source:…

solved For your assignment this week, please choose ONE song that

For your assignment this week, please choose ONE song that you like and then analyze it in terms of the elements of music discussed in the interactive video for this week. You should choose a song that incorporates as many of the elements of music as possible, so it might not be wise to choose a hip-hop song with just rapping and beats, for example. Choose a song uses EVERY one of the elements (this shouldn’t be hard…most songs do).Basically you’ll define each of the elements in your own words, and then analyze your chosen song in terms of those elements. Use this template for your work!a) TIMBREDefine “Timbre” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits different timbresb) CONSONANCE/DISSONANCEDefine “Consonance/Dissonance” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits one or both of thesec) RHYTHMDefine “Rhythm” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits rhythmd) MELODYDefine “Melody” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits melodye) HARMONYDefine “Harmony” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits harmonyf) DYNAMICSDefine “Dynamics” in your own wordsDescribe how your song choice exhibits dynamics

solved Directions: Â Â Â The Paul-Elder Model of Critical Thinking

The Paul-Elder Model of Critical Thinking

In this module, you learned about the Paul-Elder Model of critical thinking.  In 12 – 15 sentences, answer the following questions:
1) What was your main takeaway, or takeaways, after learning about this model of critical thinking?  For example, did this model provide you with a more concrete method of defining critical thinking?  
2) The Paul-Elder Model clearly identifies a set of intellectual standards possessed by critical thinkers.  Which of those standards do you consider relative strengths for yourself?  Briefly explain why you believe you have a relative strength in that area.
3) Which of the Universal Intellectual Standards do you believe are relative weaknesses for you?  Briefly explain why.  
4) Provide three examples of how you can use the Paul-Elder Model of Critical Thinking in your job as a teacher and/or a teacher leader?

Make sure you clearly, professionally, and thoroughly address the prompt above in your response. Include any information you feel is relevant to the discussion. 10 – 15 sentences is required for your initial response. 
The Paul-Elder Model of Critical Thinking

solved Help me study for my Research & Summaries class. I’m

Help me study for my Research & Summaries class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

For this discussion, review the various healthcare settings in your reading (such as hospital, community health center, etc.) and select one. Once selected, research the internet to identify a facility that represents your selected healthcare delivery setting. Review their website and determine:Location and sizeMission and valuesAccreditation and awardsHow long they have been serving their target populationWhether they are part of a system or a single institutionAre they for profit or not-for profitThe target populations they serveThe clinical and client services they provideThe type of staff who work in the settingContributions to the communityIn a two to three paragraph discussion post, identify key aspects of the selected healthcare setting, how their mission and values compare with the services they provide and their target populations, the type of staff who work there, any special or unique aspects of the healthcare setting, and your impression of the healthcare setting after reviewing their website. You don’t need to identify the name of the healthcare setting just the type.

solved Terrorism and Society: Survey of Terrorist Groups in ModernityQuestionAccording to

Terrorism and Society: Survey of Terrorist Groups in ModernityQuestionAccording to the Singapore Terrorism Threat Report 2019, there are signs that Al-Qaeda (AQ) and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) have been regrouping and may again launch large-scale attacks. The international focus on countering the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has provided AQ with the space to rebuild its capabilities. Recent reports indicate that AQ is reviving its global networks and issuing more propaganda. AQ has also built – through its affiliates – strong bases in areas of conflict and instability, especially in the Middle East and Africa. Propose factors responsible for the regrouping of AQ and JI.APA Format; maximum 1,500 words. Times New Roman; 12px; Essay Format.minimum of 8 references from context but do focus more on the Middle
East and Africa. You can also include Southeast
Asia (SEA). What are the signs that AQ and JI are regrouping? Discuss the evidence. How are AQ and JI reviving their global networks and issuing more propaganda? Evaluate by discussing the extent of the security threats posed by AQ and JI? Is there a cause for concern