solved NURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationNURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterio

NURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationNURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsInformation thoroughly and completely addresses all elements of the assignment. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated, and well supported.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsInformation is complete. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated and supported.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsInformation is pertinent, but minor elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or ideas are not well formulated or supported.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsKey elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or some information is inaccurate.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and Citations8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsReference material is strong; current (within 3 years); and incorporated logically, insightfully, and elegantly to support ideas; and sources are documented accurately.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsReferences material is adequate, current (within 5 years), and used proficiently; and sources are documented accurately.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsSome reference material is weak, out of date (more than 5 years old), or not clearly pertinent. Sources are documented accurately, for the most part.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsReference material is inappropriate or lacking; and/or documentation is incorrect or lacking.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsOrganization of the content is logical with fluid transitions that capture and hold attention throughout entire presentation.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsOrganization of the content is consistently logical making it easy to understand, and transitions are evident4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsOrganization of the content is inconsistent, sometimes logical and sometimes not logical. Transitions are not always evident.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsOrganization of the content is not logical and/or some or all transitions are lacking.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsHighly creative, and original. Excellent use of audiovisual aid that captures the audience’s interest and engages them while clearly reflecting the purpose of the presentation.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsCreative and original. Good use of audiovisual aids that hold the audience’s attention and clearly reflect the purpose of the presentation.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsDemonstrates some creativity or originality. Use of audiovisual aids that holds the audience’s attention most, but not all of the time.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsLacking in creativity and originality. More audiovisual aids are needed. Does not hold the audience’s attention.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsLanguage is memorable and felicitous. Voice is clear, loud, and articulate. Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used to reinforce important ideas and6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsLanguage is memorable and appropriate. Voice is clear, audible, and articulate. Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used appropriately to4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsLanguage is just adequate, voice is difficult to hear or understand at times, gestures and paralinguistic cues to reinforce ideas are seldom2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsLanguage is mundane, voice is difficult to hear or understand much of the time, tone is inappropriate, gestures and cues are not used to8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsEye contact is well established and natural. Does not refer to written notes. Uses conversational style. Strong connection with the audience. Lively and meaningful interaction takes place.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsEye contact is consistent. Refers to written notes only occasionally. Speaks to audience and has a clear connection with some meaningful interaction4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsEye contact is inconsistent, refers to written notes frequently, and/or has a weak connection to the audience with minimal pertinent interaction.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsEye contact is hardly established, refers to notes constantly, lacks a connection with the audience, and/or no or inappropriate interaction takes place.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTiming8 ptsMeets ExpectationsPresentation completed in the allotted time.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsPresentation completed no more than 1 minute over allotted time.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsPresentation completed no more than 3 minutes over allotted time.2.01 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsPresentation was more than 5 minutes over or under the allotted time.8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism8 ptsMeets ExpectationsProfessionally dressed, polished appearance, with good posture and a confident but humble demeanor.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsProfessionally dressed, well groomed, with good posture and a secure demeanor.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsSomewhat casually dressed, and/or posture and movement reflecting lack of confidence.2 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsExtremely casually or provocatively dressed, unkempt, and/or inappropriate body language.8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHandout8 ptsMeets ExpectationsWell written, appealing, and interesting with proper grammar, and spelling. Excellent use of professional terminology and formatting.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsWell written, clear and easy to understand with proper grammar and spelling. Use of terminology consistent with university level expectations and the profession. Formatting adequate.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsAdequately written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors, use of terminology sometimes not consistent with university or professional expectations, and/or poor formatting.2.01 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsNot well written, not pertinent, having many or major grammatical or spelling errors, and/or having some inadequate or inappropriate terminology.8 ptsTotal Points: 75PreviousNext

solved Week 1 – Assignment In this dissertation research we would

Week 1 – Assignment
In this dissertation research we would want to pull literature reviews from academic journals based in the United States that concentrated on Division I NCAA football and basketball players graduation rates. We will also like to find 5 to 10 different articles dealing with course completion rates at a few of the NCAA Division I football and basketball programs. These articles should focus on minorities and women athletes who are seeking a degree at their respective institutions. We would also like to look at the overall completion rate of how long it took minority students and women to complete their four-year degree.
Throughout the next six weeks, you will plan and propose a qualitative research design of your choice, which may (or may not) involve an area of interest for your doctoral dissertation. You will select a research topic, generate researchable questions, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.
This assignment is the first step toward completing your Final Research Proposal in Week 6. Every research project begins with a well-understood topic.
After thinking about a topic area you are interested in researching, conduct a preliminary literature search on that topic using ProQuest, EBSCOhost, or another library search engine. ProQuest has a database called “Dissertations & Theses” that will be especially useful for finding dissertations that have been written on your topic.
Find the results of at least five studies (including at least two dissertations) related to your topic. Create a table that lists key aspects of those studies, including: author, date, methodology, methods used, and key findings. You may want to include the full APA formatted reference entry in your table, or you may put your full reference list in a page following the table. See sample table below for the topic of “student-faculty conflict.

A few paragraphs describing what your topic area is. Tell why this topic is important to you.
Your table of at least five studies, listing authors, date, methodology (fieldwork approach), methods used, and key findings.
An APA formatted reference list of the studies in the compiled table.

Keep adding to your table throughout this course as you will need to use it to write a literature review on your topic in Week 6.
Sample Literature Review Table
[Example Topic:  Student-Faculty Conflict]
List all the related studies and how they were conducted, and the key findings:
Fieldwork Approach
Description of method
Chory-Assad & Paulsel
Surveyed 154 undergraduates in communication courses at mid-Atlantic university. Participation was voluntary and took place during class time.
College students’ perceptions of procedural justice in a course predicted the likelihood of indirectly aggressing against and expressing hostility towards an instructor.
Dunn & Gokee
Quantitative & Qualitative
Surveyed 122 undergraduates in psychology classes at a large university in the Southeast. Used a Faculty-Student Questionnaire to gain insight on conflicts with 8 open ended questions asking for specific instances of faculty-student conflict.
Surveys showed that professors may prevent the majority of classroom conflicts by implementing strategies that enhance students’ ideas of “fairness”, such as carefully explaining policies early in a course to prevent misunderstanding later.
Office hour appointments at two German universities were video-recorded and then written into transcripts. Further examination of the transcript followed.
The significance of office hours in academics needs to be rethought since time spent during these hours are often not used to discuss a student academic career. A learner-centered atmosphere has to be created that helps them become socialized in the academic community.
Quantitative & Qualitative
Observation and Surveying of 104 undergraduate students who agreed to be placed into a mock classroom where new forms of teaching were demonstrated in attempt to assist in student note taking.
Students recorded more details and points of a lecture when listen to lectures with lower levels of immediacy. The number of details and points recorded in notes were strongly related to a student’s outcome.
Banfield, Richmond & McCroskey
Surveying of 288 undergraduate students including an Affect Toward Teacher Scale and a Source Credibility Scale after being placed in one of four experimental learning conditions.
Negative teacher behaviors do impact the student’s affect for the teacher; they impacted each person in different degrees. These misbehaviors had the backlash of students no long wanting to take that teacher’s classes in the future.
Miller & Harris
Study examined semester long observation, three focus groups of white students from the class, and student documents.
Although students in the class made up a total of six ethnicities, over the semester there were only three distinct groups: Black, White, and Jewish students. Three themes of student communication emerged about whiteness: white privilege, how to live anti-racist lives, and how to talk about race.
Qualitative & Quantitative
Data collection included interviews with role groups, observation of classes, questionnaires, plus documents and records from 21 schools across the United States.
Outcomes varied in the 21 schools, however, Henze focused on Cornell, who has made efforts to improve ethnic relations, and through use of multiple programs improving these relations with its students.
Glascock & Ruggiero
Surveying of 486 students at a public university, including questionnaires based on instructors behavior in the class they had most recently attended.
Multiple variables came into play on perceptions of ethnic teachers, with Caucasian instructors rated higher than Hispanic Instructors. Nonverbal immediacy made up a larger difference in student perceptions on teacher credibility.

solved Accurately diagnosing depressive disorders can be challenging given their periodic

Accurately diagnosing depressive disorders can be challenging given their periodic and, at times, cyclic nature. Some of these disorders occur in response to stressors and, depending on the cultural history of the client, may affect their decision to seek treatment. Bipolar disorders can also be difficult to properly diagnose. While clients with a bipolar or related disorder will likely have to contend with the disorder indefinitely, many find that the use of medication and evidence-based treatments have favorable outcomes.TO PREPARE:Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the insights they provide about assessing and diagnosing mood disorders.Download the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Template, which you will use to complete this Assignment. Also review the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Exemplar to see an example of a completed evaluation document.By Day 1 of this week, select a specific video case study to use for this Assignment from the Video Case Selections choices in the Learning Resources. View your assigned video case and review the additional data for the case in the “Case History Reports” (ATTACHED BELOW) document, keeping the requirements of the evaluation template in mind.Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient.Identify at least three possible differential diagnoses for the patient.Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment? Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).ATTACHED IS THE VIDEO CASE STUDY AND CASE HISTORY REPORT IS LISTED BELOWhttps://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezp.waldenulibra…Name: Mrs. Leslie TilmanGender: femaleAge: 32 years oldT- 97.6 P- 97 R 22 149/98 Ht 5’3 Wt 245lbsBackground: Recently had her first child two months ago. Currently married; stay at homemother after working in retail for 5 years. Grew up with both parents, one sister in Omaha, NE.Completed education through bachelor’s level, studying physics. Previous employment includedresearch science as well as high school substitute teaching for 5 years prior to birth. Noprevious suicidal gestures; has uncle who committed suicide via GSW. She denieddrugs/alcohol; uncle was opioid abuser. Hx of HTN-prescribed labetalol 100mg twice daily,admits to missing doses due to forgetting. No legal hx. Allergies: codeineSymptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title 8 [Video]. https://video-alexanderstreetcom.ezp.waldenulibrar…Please note that the video cases may not have all the necessary information needed for your evaluation. Supplementary case histories are provided. Rather than write “not provided” in your evaluations, be sure to use the fact sheets to fill in gaps. For any information still missing, explain what information is needed and why it is important.Select one of the videos under this week’s resources to use for your Assignment this week. Then, access the document “Case History Reports” and review the additional data about the patient in the specific video number you selected.Complete and submit your Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life? Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?  Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).

solved During Week 5, you read the short essay on health

During Week 5, you read the short essay on health misinformation and watched a documentary about the importance of media literacy and the prevalence of misinformation. Now it’s time to engage with your peers and take a moment to reflect on the information you learned. Write an original response or record a video where you address the following: 

Explain which aspect of the documentary and the essay resonated with you the most and why? 
Discuss the dangers of misinformation in our society and more specifically to a working public sphere. Be sure to anchor some of your discussion to either the essay or the documentary. 
Propose specific steps that can be taken (as an individual, a class, a public sphere or society) to begin fixing the issue of misinformation.  

Respond to two peers by extending the conversation, providing additional support in the way of new examples or by drawing attention to class material that can help us think about the topic from the public sphere perspective, or engaging in a dialogue if there are disagreements. 
here is the link to watch the documentary about the importance of media literacy and the prevalence of misinformation;


I felt very uncomfortable watching the documentary because I felt the content is so relevant to current events and like the saying goes “the truth hurts”. From the fake articles disbursed to the masses to the parents who almost lost their child due to not vaccinating, everything covered is relevant and very much now. One of the stories or topics covered was the death of the young man who was accused of being a kidnapper and as a result, lost his life. This is a prime example of “word of mouth” and how incorrect information in the hands of a small community can have a huge impact on lives. In this particular case, information was exchanged accusing the young men of being kidnappers and by the time the angry mob got to them, all sorts of made up details were pare of the story. One example is when they mob is convinced theres children in the vehicle. Eventhough no one had proof that these mens were kidnappers or that they had any children in the vehicle, this was the story the people believed. After watching the documentary I was left convinced that the darker and more sinister the story is, the more likely it is that people will believe it and take the little information and run with it.
In current events, as many of us have pointed out, the covid 19 pandemic has show prime examples of misinformation permeating the public sphere and causing chaos and havoc. The lack of “want to know” that exists in our society, coupled with the fact that literally anyone can disburse erroneous information has been a recipe for disaster. The fact is we don’t live in a time where people ask questions or research the “articles” they read or take a moment to consider what makes sense and what doesn’t. The lack of initiative and lack of want to know culture has singlehandedly played a key role in the way we received information.
Making asking questions, checking sources, and questioning everything something popular would help in minimizing misinformation having such leverage. The bottom line, at least to me, is that our culture needs a major shift and the only way to make this happen is using education and the popular platforms to help with this shift.


Misinformation has been the scariest thing to happen in the information age. The internet has absolutely changed how we gather information and what we choose to believe. With the introduction of social media platforms like twitter, facebook, Instagram, and tiktok where people and entities can share information in a matter of seconds, people have relied on these platforms for their up-to-date reporting.
The aspect of both the documentary and the essay that resonated with me the most is the fact that companies knowingly designed platforms that would hook their consumers. In a capitalistic society, this shouldn’t be surprising, but the technology and manipulation used by the ever-changing technology is a human rights violation. People are actively bombarded with misinformation. Many of the creators of such platforms and technology, limit their own use and that of their families because they know the negative effects that these platforms cause. They call this highly manipulative technology as brain hacking and it is highly addicting. Even search engines use this technology to give their consumers something more tailored to them rather than search results that are unbiased and truthful.
In our society, currently battling a pandemic, there has been mass misinformation on political issues, health, infrastructure. This unrelenting spread of misinformation leads to catastrophic problems. The documentary explains that misinformation plays on people’s fears in order to polarize people and to have them support a cause. Political conspiracy theories have led to the support of bigot politicians that support Alt-right hate. Misinformation has also led the resistance against Covid-19 vaccinations, masking, and social distancing. Misinformation also allowed for the insurrection of the Capital. Ultimately people die at that the hands of people that were misinformed and doubled down on their beliefs. The media people consume confirm their beliefs and they act and relate to others that have those beliefs or don’t. Social media can be a platform where the public sphere deliberate and discuss important information. People can then come to a consensus that allows for positive change in society, but steps need to be taken to combat the misinformation.
Ultimately, I think that more social platforms and search engines need to be unbiased and not have political interests or ties. But there are steps people can take like adjusting their privacy settings and location sharing on their social media platforms. A helpful tool on many phones now it to lock your apps after a certain time to only allow for an allotted time of usage. People can also cross reference the posts they read by using reputable sources. Most importantly, people can also avoid clickbait!

solved Part I. Â True-False Questions [1 point each; total points

Part I.  True-False Questions [1 point each; total points = 15]__________
  1.  Principles and concepts from supply chain management can only be applied to physical products and NOT to intangible (digital or electronic) products.__________
  2.  While supply chain automation can help companies improve customer satisfaction, it does not guarantee that a firm will be profitable or achieve sales goals.__________ 
 3.Supply chain management includes the flow of goods and services, but not the flow of information, which is exclusively an information systems responsibility.__________ 
 4.  The first step in developing the most optimal supply chain is to map or flowchart it.__________ 
 5.  Lean manufacturing means producing goods with less; it applies fewer resources without affecting the quantity or quality of the goods produced.__________ 
 6.  Organizations can outsource various supply chain activities, thus shifting assets to various suppliers and vendors, generally resulting in reduced assets but increased expenses.__________ 
 7.  The SCOR Model is an example of a supply chain map or flowchart.__________ 
 8.  Because supply chain network design is so comprehensive, periodic review of the supply chain process map is not required.__________ 
 9.  Supply chain efficiencies are typically less difficult for competitors to duplicate in the short-term than are other marketing, manufacturing, or finance/accounting elements.__________ 
10.  The process of delivering products digitally (referred to as digital supply chains) and involving no physical supply chain at all, is very good conceptually, but there are no companies that have a digital supply chain today.__________ 
11.  Unlike other accounting approaches for evaluating strategy, the “balanced scorecard” method includes both financial and non-financial issues.__________ 
12.  While supply chain management can have significant impact on individual firms within the supply chain, the impact of SCM on gross domestic product (GDP) is relatively small.__________ 
13.  Supply chain metrics should be focused on customer needs, requirements and expectations.__________ 
14.  Product return rates are lower in Internet sales than in brick-and-mortar stores.__________ 
15.  A make-to-stock (MOS) manufacturing strategy produces products in advance of sales and hold them as finished goods inventory until demanded by customers.
Part II.  Multiple Choice Questions [3 points each; total points = 30]__________   1.  All of the following functions or activities would likely be part of supply chain management except:  A.  Collaboration efforts with suppliersB.  Logistics managementC.  Manufacturing operationsD.  Market research__________ 
 2.  Excluding pandemics, the most important ongoing or continuous issue facing procurement executives in domestic and/or global sourcing would be:  A.  Actions of competitors.B.  Contingency planning.C.  Cost reduction.D.  Major climatic events.__________ 
 3.  Which of the following would be the most important reason that a firm would implement a sustainable supply chain strategy?A.  To achieve corporate responsibility and/or product stewardship goals and objectives.B.  To achieve government compliance relative to environmental regulations.C.  To improve customer relations since many final customers have become “green conscious.”D.  To minimize environmental impacts from the firm’s entire product line.__________ 
 4.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?A.  Advances in information systems and technology have allowed organizations to better manage their supply chains.B.  Communication is the vital link between members of the supply chain and between customers and the supply chain.C.  Increasing amounts of products are being sold to consumers and businesses via the Internet.D.  The Internet and electronic commerce have not changed the way companies do business and the way firms relate to customers and suppliers.__________ 
 5.  Which of the following industries/sectors would not use supply chain management principles and concepts?A.  BanksB.  Government agenciesC.  ManufacturersD.  All these industries/sectors would utilize supply chain management principles and concepts.
 6.  Which of the following is not an example of structural or economic changes that are requiring companies to optimize their supply chain networks?A.  The “Amazon” factor.B.  Reduction in supply chain management costs.C.  Escalating customer demand for faster service.D.  Increasing demand volatility.__________ 
 7.  Which of the following statements regarding the increasing importance of purchasing and procurement is FALSE?A.  Complying with country-specific regulations and rules remains a challenge for most firms.B.  Digital technology growth is impacting every aspect of supply chain management.C.  Emergence of a global economy requires that organizations locate potential suppliers around the world or close to home.D.  It will become easier to manage complexities effectively in markets that are becoming more global.__________ 
 8.  Which of the following statements about customer service is FALSE?A.  All customers should receive the same high level customer service.B.  All customers require consistent service levels.C.  The costs of serving the “best” customers are often higher than serving less important customers.D.  Key accounts should receive higher service levels than customers that are not key accounts.__________
  9.  The “Amazon Factor” refers to:  A.  Variability in transportation lead times as markets and sources of supply expand globally.B.  Next day and same day delivery becoming commonplace.C.  Need for greater cooperation and collaboration between supply chain functions.D.  Rules, regulations and other uncertainties have increased risks to companies.__________ 
10.  Which of the following would NOT be an advantage of electronic procurement?A.  Cybersecurity.B.  Easier access to more suppliers.C.  Improve procurement and sourcing efficiency.D.  Lower operating costs

solved you are to respond to the two posts below in

you are to respond to the two posts below in at least 150 words each. If their situation is positive, give feedback as to how you will apply their positive experience the next time you are in a writing bind.If the situation is negative, offer two pieces of advice to the situation described in other students’ responses.Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support them1- FIRST STUDENT: All the Ted talks were very interesting my favorite one being the first one by John Mcwhorter as his correlation between texting, speech, and writing was extremely interesting I have never once thought about it so deeply and seen the connection between the three. The second talk by Lera Borditsky stood out due to her doing a great job of pointing out how language blatantly shows our differences in culture with no remorse as the tribe of people she met literally looked at directions and time different then any other culture I’ve ever heard of. The third talk by Mark Pagel had a detail that stood out to me the most was the talk of chimps and Neanderthals not having the ability of “social learning” like humans do. My reactions to the talks were surprised as all of the talks except for Pagels’ talked heavily about about a topic I have never thought about before; texting’s heavy impact on language and speech that it has and will continue to have and how being born with a language doesn’t just affect how you speak but also your ways. I agreed with all of the talks they all had great insight on how language works and how it has changed, can change based on location, and will change in the future. I have no other languages I know besides english but I do express myself differently depending on who I am talking to though I definitely have never used code shifting. These resources have not changed my outlook on language and audience at all as they all seemed very professionally relaxed, they all were in the medium of talking like a teacher and a friend at the same time I didn’t find myself thinking about their language and audience even once. These Ted talks will likely not affect how I write in this class or the future but they definitely will change how I look at writing and language from this point forward. My favorite line was form the second ted talk when Bordisky was talking about how english differs from other languages and said “In English, quite weirdly, we can even say things like, ‘I broke my arm.’ Now, in lots of languages, you couldn’t use that construction unless you are a lunatic and you went out looking to break your arm — (Laughter) and you succeeded. If it was an accident, you would use a different construction.” I thought that this was not only funny but also very interesting as I didn’t know that the phrase “I broke my arm” would sound insane if said to someone who speaks a different language.2- SECOND STUDENT: In John’s first video, he explained that texting is a killer language because texting is not writing at all and it is loose in structure. Speech is two languages, like general speech, and speech is like writing. When Edward Everett spoke, he was speaking like writing, and people stood up and heard him and were drawn to him. The point of this video is that speaking, like writing is more flexible and it a telegraphic nature. In the second video, Lera Boroditsky says how language shapes they way of thinking and how the human mind is genius and flexible, there are 7000 language spoken in the world, and the languages differ from each other, some language have different vocabulary and sound in some countries, like the Kuuk Thaayorre people, they don’t use words like right and left instead they use north, south east, and west. Speaker of different language think differently.Mark Pagel was talking about how language transformed human language and that social learning is visual theft by stealing other people’s best ideas and making use of them without the time and energy that went into developing them. the development of communication system allows us to share ideas and collaborate with others. My reactions, I was surprised in some lines, there are words and symbols that have developed at the present time. Yes I agree with Mcwhorter because the slang has changed since the era of a love story and there is a new way of writing that young people develop this mean that they are able to do two things, first, the growing evidence that you are a correct pair in terms of your writing. second, that the texting is a method of writing that young people develop and expand their linguistic repertoire. No, I don’t have the same experience. I have noticed that he changes the subject in slash it’s interesting i don’t really know this experience in transcoding. My experience is to change the subject with different words like hello, how are you now? The slash method will change the subject safely and easily.I will change my way i will strive for an ideal way to adjust my writing style and that the main function of language is to speak and communicate with each other and that language is an important aspect in our daily life and has a great and clear impact on developing ideas and communicating them to others. That is my favorite line in the first video when Mcwhorter said, “please show me a sheaf of texts written by 16- year-old girl, because i would want to know where this language had developed since our times” In the second video Boroditsky says, there are about 7000 languages spoken aroud the world. “So if you ask German and Spanish speakers to say, describe a bridge, like the one here bridge happens to be grammatically feminine in German grammatically masculine in Spanish –German spekers are more likely to say bridges are beautiful, elegant and stereotypically feminine words. Whereas Spanish speakers will be more likely to say they’re strong or long these masculine words”. Mark Pagel says,”We can learn watching other people and coping or imitating what they can. We can then choose, from among a range of options the best oneReplyForward

solved OverviewThis discussion is about international markets and strategy. Conduct research

OverviewThis discussion is about international markets and strategy. Conduct research on current events relating to one of the unit concepts of interest to you. Then, share your findings in an initial post. Try to choose a concept that has not been, or is rarely, addressed by your classmates. Review peers’ findings and then engage in an active discussion to learn more about the topic at hand. ResourcesPark LibraryLinks to an external site.Click on the Library Sources tab.Enter your topic in the search box.Click on full text, and you will find one, or several, articles to analyze. Due DateInitial post by 11:59 p.m., Thursday, CT.Response post(s) by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.DirectionsComplete the unit readings.Select one of the unit concepts to research. Find a current event in an article through Park’s library, that will illustrate that concept. Compose an analysis of that event or situation in the article that you selected.Initial PostProvide the name of your source (online journal)Provide an overview of the issue at handSummarize the articleAnalyze the event or situation based on a concept covered in this unit.Support your response with at least one credible reference.Response Posts
Select two peers to respond to.Explain why you agree or disagree with their analysis.Support your responses with credible references, where applicable.Student 1Hi class,Article: To win EV wars, Europe’s auto CEOs want more taxes on gas guzzlersFor this week’s discussion, I chose an article on how automakers in Europe want to boost sales of their electric vehicles by raising taxes on conventional vehicles that use gas and diesel. The electric vehicle automakers are calling on their government to introduce new taxes on carbon dioxide emissions from gas- and diesel-powered vehicles with levies in the form of highway tolls or higher fuel taxes. The issue they face is that most traditional automakers still build and sell regular vehicles and raising taxes could hurt sales of those vehicles. By implementing a higher tax on carbon emissions, they hope to ensure electric vehicles remain an attractive option for buyers since subsidies for EV are set to expire. Germany’s main automotive lobby has called on the EU to provide tax exemptions for EVs and cars that run on biofuels. The EU has been focusing on finding ways to become more environmentally sustainable, as has many other countries. The article also mentions President Biden calling for an increase in gasoline taxes, but Biden’s administration believes it will unfairly burden low-income households.This article highlights the need and actions being taken to find more environmentally friendly fuel alternatives and the strategy that EV automakers are using to do it. By making fuel and diesel-powered vehicles more expensive to operate, they believe it will make EV a more comparable option. I think their strategy will help get more EVs on the road, but I also think it will hurt the economy and be a burden to people who simply cannot afford them. I think this strategy could end up being a case of trying to do something helpful that will eventually backfire and cause economic repercussions. The government may try to assist with climate control, but it seems as though the EV automakers are trying to use leadership power to help increase their vehicle sales and use the gas taxes for their own personal gain. Wanting electric vehicles to replace fuel-powered vehicles is a great idea, and I agree it would be beneficial to our environment, but until the price is more economically affordable, I do not think it is smart to impose higher taxes on gas- and diesel-powered vehicles. If gas and diesel become more expensive and harder to come by, it can cause inflation and force many big businesses out of the country.ReferencesBoston, W. (2021, April 20). To Win EV Wars, Europe’s Auto CEOs Want More Taxes on Gas Guzzlers. Bangkok Post (Thailand).Boston, W. (2021, April 16). To Win Electric-Vehicle Wars, Europe’s Auto CEOs Want More Taxes on Gas Guzzlers. Morningstar., J. M., Ball, D. A., Minor, M. S., & McNett, J. M. (2016). International business. McGraw-Hill Education.Student 2Source: Business Manchester, Virtual trade mission to New York for B2B tech companies also see Global Scale-Up ProgrammeThis article, published by Business Manchester, identifies a trade mission opportunity for London and Manchester tech businesses to explore possible expansion into North America. This particular trade mission promotes minority backgrounds of tech founders as part of the Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage (REACH) Mission. I think this opportunity fits with the change in tides in promoting diversity in the work place but on an international scale of building business relationships. Since the article was rather short, I also followed the link to the Global Scale Up Programme web site. The program as a whole provides a resource for Manchester based businesses to explore building partnerships and begin international planning with the use of an account manager. The cohort brings together various global market opportunities and peer networking to help develop Manchester businesses. In chapter 12 of our text, we learned about trade missions and trade fairs. The use of these events is to bring different business people or governments together to promote opportunities, products, and face-to-face networking. Being military and also involved in the tech industry, I think this is a great way to scope out the competition but also seek out ways to improve different methodologies and build relationships to foster innovation. ReferencesWhitear, S. (2021, April 22) Virtual trade mission to New York for B2B tech companies. Business Manchester. (Links to an external site.).Global Scale-Up Programme (n.d.) Know You’re Limitless: The Global Scale-Up Programme. Business Growth Hub.…

solved I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and

I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Consider Your Audience
As some of you know, I also teach public speaking. The textbook we use for that course includes a chapter on audience analysis. In the chapter, the author says, “This is one of the most important chapters in this text. As good speakers everywhere know, sensitivity to a specific audience is not optional. It is essential to good speech-making” (Jaffe, 2016, p. 78). In speaking, the importance of considering the audience may be right in front of us–literally. Imagine these two speakers:
We can’t see their audiences, but I’d guess the audiences are very different. And given the different audiences, these speakers may dress differently, use different language, cover different content, speak with different styles, etc.
Depending on our audiences, we should be doing the same as writers. Perhaps because readers are rarely right in front of the writers, the importance of audience consideration is a sometimes neglected part of the writing process. But not in 100W!
For this course, I invite you to put the reader on the forefront of your mind as you write. As you think about your reader(s), you might ask yourself:

Who are they?
What are their goals?
What about their backgrounds, knowledge, experience, training?
What are their needs and interests?
What’s the culture and communication preferences?
What’s their social location?
What’s their physical location?

Depending on your reader(s), every so-called rule about writing can go out the window. Spelling, grammar, active v. passive voice, concise v. flowery language. Audience might impact all those things. Lean into the flowery language for that love letter. Maybe not so much for the business memo.
Audience Impacts Writing
What might change depending on your audience?

type of language
colloquialisms and clichés
tone and style
use of humor
type of visual aids

Take a look at these sample texts. What type of audiences do you imagine each writer had in mind? How is the writing tailored for the audience? Classified Ad for Philz Coffee:
Philz Coffee ? Now Hiring Baristas ?
Life at Philz is pretty simple: We are committed to do whatever it takes to better someone’s day.
When you join Philz you become part of the Phamily. It’s a place where you can be yourself…
Discussion of Classified Ad for Philz Coffee:
Did anyone proofread the Philz ad before they posted it? They misspelled “Family.” Hopefully you know I’m being facetious. Who’s Philz audience? They’re probably not looking to hire anyone who has a problem with their creative spelling of Phamily. The key thing to take away from this: even spelling can vary depending on your audience.
And check out those hearts surrounding the phrase “Now Hiring Baristas.” The appropriateness of using hearts will really vary based on your audience and context.
Email from Food Delivery Service (sent to me–I live in the Bay Area):
Do the Dubs win more games when you order curry? Is there a positive correlation between 3’s going in and tandoori going in your mouth? Is the secret to free throws (Shaq still wants to know) actually just garlic naan? The answer is yes.
So order your favorite tikka masala (or whatever else, no pressure) on our statistic-influencing app.
You’re the boom to our shakalaka.
Discussion of Email from Food Delivery Service
This email has some fun based on knowing the reader’s location. The message wouldn’t make as much sense to someone living in Chicago.
Your Text Messages
For some great examples for the ways a reader influences a message, take a look at your own text messages. Do they change depending on the intended reader? Do they always use the ‘proper’ grammar and spelling and punctuation we learned in school? Maybe not. Are the messages still effective? Probably. 
Readers You Know Well
Text messages often benefit from familiarity between the sender and receiver. We don’t always have that luxury in writing, but when we do, we should take advantage of that!
If you know your reader well:

jargon might be okay
inside jokes might be okay
Star Statements (see below) might be useful
allusions (see below) might be useful

Star Statements
Star Statements are direct quotes from experts, eyewitnesses, world leaders, celebrities, etc. They can lend credibility to your writing while also varying the voice.
To make Star Statements extra effective, choose them based on your audience. Who does your reader know, like, or respect? It doesn’t even need to be someone famous (e.g. As Grandpa always said…).
For example, if you’re writing your teenage cousin an email, she might value a quote from–actually, I really don’t know. You know your cousin better than I do. But you might choose to quote someone else when you’re writing to SJSU President Mary A. Papazian.
Allusions are short references to people, events, stories, songs, etc. They rely on your reader being familiar with the reference and its meaning. If your reader gets it, an allusion can be a great way to stimulate ideas and associations in a short amount of space.
As with quotes, the reference could be to something or someone famous, for example: I wish I could just click my heels and go home. This relies on you being familiar with The Wizard of Oz.
But it doesn’t have to be something or someone famous, as long as your reader will get it (e.g. Please stop acting like my ex-husband.)
More on Audience
We’ll continue to think about audience. Coming right up for Workshop 3, you’ll practice writing with a specific audience in mind.
Jaffe, C. I. (2016). Public speaking: concepts and skills for a diverse society. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Then, please excuse the language and read “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott.
Write at least 200 words summarizing Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts” for an audience of your choice. This audience might be children, your aunt, your soccer team, a crowd waiting for a flight at the airport, your dental hygienist–the choice is yours and feel free to be creative!

solved Process: Read the poetry that is listed. Just enjoy it.


Read the poetry that is listed. Just enjoy it. Listen to it when there is the option.
Choose two poets and research their lives. Keep a Works Cited of this information. NO WIKIPEDIA! Use the LAVC databases. I really like BIOGRAPHY IN CONTEXT. It’s in our school’s databases. (Links to an external site.)
Then set up your paper like this:

You are at a poetry reading and the poet comes on stage. Have him/her/them introduce themselves (here cite real information and use MLA in-text citation format). Then have them read the poem. (The poem itself is not included in page count. You need to choose one of the poems listed.) After they read it, have them explain what it is about and the devices and effects and overall message of the poem.
You must have the poet mention at least FOUR devices and effects and the overall message/theme of the poem to meet criteria.
Repeat this for one more poet.
You can add setting to be creative, if you wish. Where is the poetry reading happening? What does it feel, smell, look like? Only use quotes when it is information from sources. You do not need to use dialogue quotes when the person is speaking.

Creative License and Limitations:
*Cannot change the real person’s personality
*Need to stay within the page limitations 5 – 7 pages
*Use language appropriate for the person.
Required Sources:

TWO Scholarly sources (peer-reviewed academic journals, and/or credible books—or e-books—from publishers about the poets and their work or time periods or event that insured their poems). Use the school library and go to databases. (Links to an external site.)
TWO Open sources (newspapers, magazines, videos, YouTube, TED Talks, blogs. But do review quality).
TWO poems cited that you use and where you found them

Six total from the aforementioned categories
FORMAT in Short:
Introduction. You arrive somewhere, to a bookstore, club, poetry jam, theatre, etc.—(creative and descriptive) (page one)
Poet number one introduces him/her/themselves (CITE your in-text citation from biographical research). The poet reads a poem (include the poem and in-text citation where you got it) and the poet analyzes one of their poems for the audience (you are in audience) (page two and three)
Poet number two introduces him/her/themselves (CITE your in-text citation from biographical research). The poet reads a poem (include the poem and in-text citation where you got it) and the poet analyzes one of their poems for the audience (you are in audience) (page four and five)
Conclusion. Wrap it up creatively. Sign their book? Leave with your date? Meet the author? Have fun with it! (page five or six)
Works Cited. Six sources minimum cited with correct MLA format (page six or seven)
The first poet I chose was James Baldwin. The poem was “The Giver” and here is the short analysis I wrote that you can write about in this essay. 
The infamous James Baldwin, was born in the Big Apple on August 2nd of 1924. He was the first of 9 children and was raised by his stepfather who showed him little to no love. James was compelled to find a job shortly after graduating high school in 1942 in order to take care of his younger siblings. As Baldwin went through years of obstacles and failures, he slowly began to pursue and achieve success in his chosen field. His essays targeted various topics and eventually reached bigger audiences. Baldwin died of stomach cancer in 1987 yet his name still carries on. 
“James Baldwin.” Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 1, Gale, 1992. Gale In Context: Biography, Accessed 28 June 2021.
“The Giver” (for Berdis) by James Baldwin has a very effortless meaning and message. It is about the consequences of giving and giving your love away. The message is given right from the start of the poem when it says, “If the hope of giving is to love the living, the giver risks madness in the act of giving”. 
5 Poetic Devices
The entire poem is a metaphor. The poem depicts the troubles that every giver goes through in their quest to assist and support the less fortunate. The giver here presents the repercussions of their giving spirit and resounds the giving message onto the reader. In the first stanza, Baldwin opens by providing his general sentiments towards the theme of the poem,” if the hope of giving is to love the living, the giver risks madness in the acts of giving”. The effect of the metaphor here conveys Baldwin’s message that we should be careful if we are givers.
The entire poem is laden with instances of imagery. In the third stanza, Baldwin utilizes heavy imagery,” Needy and blind, unhopeful, uplifted, what gift would give them the gift to be gifted?” The use of imagery here is meant to trigger the reader’s imagination as to the kind of person receiving from Baldwin but not reciprocating. The effect here is that the audience can draw a clear picture of how the poets see; an ungrateful lot that is selfish and does not know how to give back.
In the fourth stanza, Baldwin symbolizes the giver’s thoughts to the recipient’s problem. “if they can not claim it if it is not there,… knows that all of his giving has been for naught”. Here, the reader is made aware that if they do not have anything to give, then the recipients’ do not have anything to claim from them.
Baldwin has utilized a lot of repetition of the word “the giver” and “gift” in the poem. “The giver” is constantly repeated to highlight the plight of the affected individuals. Baldwin sympathizes with everyone that gives out to the needy while at the same time cautioning them about giving out to the needy. The effect is that the audience can take up the warning the poet has highlighted.
Baldwin concludes the poem in a contradictory manner. Despite having formulated a very uncompromising stand on giving to the needy and cautioning his readers, he ironically ends the poem. “I cannot tell how much I owe”, here, the reader is left wondering what to do next as all along, the poem has advocated strongly against giving to the poor.


ALL WOK MUST BE ORIGINAL. MUST USE RELIABLE ACADEMIC RESOURCES FOR ALL REFERENCES AND IN TEXT CITATIONS.undefinedPlease respond to two of your colleague’s discussion postings. This response posting is limited to 175 words each. Your response is intended to further the discussion and express your thoughts and opinions about the discussion topic as if you and your colleague are having a discussion in person about the topic. This discussion is meant to be a conversation with your classmatesundefinedDiscussion Topic:undefinedAfter learning about your DISC results (reading through your results packet) and seeing communication through a different lens, think about these questions in the context of your current/previous job. undefined What types and styles of communication are used day-to-day? What does communication require of you as a member of this company? What interferes with or serve as obstacles to communication in this company? What does successful communication look and feel like at your company? What happens if your communication is unsuccessful or below average? undefinedundefinedCOLLEAGUE 1 RESPONSE:undefinedWhat types and styles of communication are used day-to-day?undefinedThe types and styles of communication that are used day-to-day at my current job are the Dominant and Conscientious styles. At my organization, the Dominant style is the most common style of communication that is used. Thinking logically, wanting facts and highlights, needing to be in charge, and delegating are the characteristics most shown in this style at my work. The Conscientious style is also used, as we’re extremely focused on seeking data, knowing the process, and gravitate towards quality control.undefinedWhat does communication require of you as a member of this company?undefinedAs a member of my company, communication requires me to display and show reasoning, provide concise data, allow others to take the lead when appropriate, and look for new opportunities. Giving data in writing, providing explanations and rationale, and letting others be involved in the quality control process when possible are additional communication requirements that I am faced with.undefinedWhat interferes with or serve as obstacles to communication in this company?undefinedAll team members not being on board with my company’s communication style serves as an obstacle. The company has developed a very specific communication style, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for employees to adapt to this style when coming from other companies.undefinedWhat does successful communication look and feel like at your company?undefinedSuccessful communication at my company is when all team members are able to express their ideas freely without any backlash or judgement from other team members. This allows ideas to be shared and for maximum collaboration to occur. Successful communication at my company also is short and to the point – we have a specific writing style that is used internally that simplifies all emails and memos.undefinedWhat happens if your communication is unsuccessful or below average?undefinedTasks often are not completed if our communication is unsuccessful or below average. Not having strong communication leads to employees not knowing what their assigned responsibilities are and creates confusion amongst team members. This can be avoided if all team members work to communicate effectively.undefinedCOLLEAGUE 2 RESPONSE:undefined The day-to-day communication styles used in my workplace are usually informal and relaxed conversations. Typically, there are come icebreakers and personal discussion when beginning a meeting, for example. We quickly change gears and get down to business, however, but in a non-threatening way. Influence would be the most relatable behavior style used at my company. As a member of my company, I am expected to communicate thoroughly and swiftly. My company has a fast-paced environment where things are everchanging, so it is very important to have quick and clear communication. However, it is also expected to be respectful and friendly when communicating. Adaptability is key as there are many different behavior styles. Lack of adaptability could be an obstacle to communication. If I don’t react well to another person’s behavior/communication style, it could cause tension between us, impacting our working relationship. It could also lead me to not care for their opinion or asks so could impact the actual work being done. Other factors, especially in today’s world, is technology. Most meetings are now online so if our technology suffers, our communication suffers. Also, not being in the office close to the people you work closely with removes the quick conversations and leads to less overall communication since people may not want to take the time to schedule time with someone online to have a quick conversation. Successful communication leads to results while also pleasing the parties involved. If someone left a very productive meeting on edge or angry from the conversation, I would not call that meeting a success. Yes, it was productive, however, the upset person could lead to a poor working environment for others and will more than likely impact that person’s motivation for at minimum the rest of the day. Successful communication is productive, considering everyone’s point of view, no matter their level in the company. It also builds positive relationships that will consistently lead to better communication. As mentioned earlier, unsuccessful communication can lead to lack of motivation from employees. It can impact the working environment for everyone around. Poor communication can lead to people being upset that they are caught off guard by something. This can lead to higher employee turnover and cause the company more money and resources to continuously onboard new hires, also potentially hurting results. The feeling of being “in the know” is important to me and feel that it is important to have in a successful company. Obviously, things can get missed and results can suffer if have below average communication as well.