solved Can you help me understand this History question? 1) list

Can you help me understand this History question?

1) list [at least 5] different groups of people or individuals [in US history] that we discussed in class thus far
and then
2) list the historical time periods or historical events they were particularly impacted by or influential upon

The Online Free Version of the Textbook:

Ellis Island
On the east coast, a large portion of immigrants traveled into the United States through New York City. Prior to 1900, immigrants were processed at Castle Gardens. Upon its construction in 1900, however, immigrants completed their processing at Ellis Island–a huge immigration complex located in New York Harbor. Ellis Island’s peak year for immigrant processing was 1907. Over the course of the year, more than 1 million people gained entry to the United States through Ellis Island (that was approximately 3,000 – 5,000 newcomers a day). On April 17, 1907, 11,747 immigrants were process through Ellis Island (HOLY MOLY!)! Watch the video below to learn more about the experience of immigrants coming in through Ellis Island.


Angel Island
Ellis Island’s west coast counterpart was Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. Today, you can visit Angel Island and tour the immigration station. However, Angel Island is now more popular as an outdoor biking locale. The processing station did not open until 1910 and served a predominantly Asian immigrant population. While immigrants at Ellis Island faced a challenging, uphill, and often demoralizing battle, those coming in through Angel Island faced overt Xenophobia and Nativism visible through the requirement of forced quarantine.
Note: most of these statistics come from The Transplanted, A History of Immigrants in Urban America by John Bondar.

Living Conditions
Urban growth during the Gilded Age was a result of both industrial development and immigration. Despite coming to the United States for hope and opportunity, most immigrants did not have that experience (at least not initially). The industrial elite and middle class benefited from the rise of corporate capitalism and industrialization. However, immigrants (in addition to working class 
Americans) did not. The immigrant living conditions in cities is a good example of the divide between the Haves and Have Nots during the Gilded Age.
In places like New York City, immigrants congregated in poor, crowded communities with inadequate housing. The apartment style housing that 
made up these neighborhoods, known as tenement housing, was cheaply constructed buildings with little to no waste removal, indoor plumbing, and poor ventilation. Sometimes dozens of people lived in one or two room apartments. It was not uncommon to have two families share one tenement. Rats, pigs, and orphaned children wandered the streets along with those tenement dwellers who needed to escape the confines of their overcrowded apartment. With the lack of sanitation and overcrowding, the tenement dwellers experienced high rates of disease and overall poor health.
Watch this video to learn more about tenement housing in the United States:

The Tenement House Museum in New York City highlights the lives of those individuals and families who lived within its walls. Located in the Lower East Side, the museum preserves what the neighborhood once was. By 1900, the population density of New York’s Lower East Side (where the city’s Jewish population resided) reached 700 people per acre. That density rivaled the poorest sections of Mumbai, India at the time.
Working Conditions
While the middle class and industrial elite could escape the chaos and overcrowding of the cities, immigrants and the working class could not. They neither had the money nor the time to escape. Those immigrants who lived in poor conditions did not have much better working conditions. During 
the Gilded Age, working class laborers (those who did the manual labor in factories, mines, and on railroad lines etc.) worked dangerously long hours for extremely low pay.
1 in 3 industrial workers were immigrants. Poorer immigrants (from places like Italy and Southern/Eastern Europe) entered into the laboring underclass (taking on the most dangerous and least desirable jobs). Because separate spheres was a middle class ideal (unattainable by much of the working class who needed more than one income to survive), immigrant women often worked in factories, labored as domestic servants, and washerwomen.

Child labor was common among the working class but even more so among immigrant families. All family members needed to contribute in order for the family to survive. Although immigrant laborers were taken advantage of (given lower pay and least desirable jobs), children were outright exploited by industrialists. The safety and well-being of the children was of no concern to the factory or mine owners. Children could be paid even less than their adult counterparts, and their little hands and bodies put them in the most precarious and dangerous positions (in the smallest of coal mines and in between the moving parts of large, factory machines).
Watch this video to learn a bit more about immigrant labor and working class labor during the Gilded Age:

In addition to goal mines and steal mills, immigrants worked in New York’s Garment District, Chicago’s meat packing district (it’s as gross as it sounds), and New England’s cotton textile factories. Hours were ridiculously long and breaks were rare, leaving workers fatigued and undernourished, which in turn, created the perfect conditions for increased job accidents and injuries. The poor workplace conditions that immigrants faced is best exemplified by the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911. Watch this video to learn more about the fire:



16 Capital and Labor, Sections I – III (Yawp) (Links to an external site.)
16 Capital and Labor Primary Sources, 1 – 4 (Reader) (Links to an external site.)
18 Life in Industrial America, I – III, VI (Yawp) (Links to an external site.)
18 Life in Industrial American Primary Sources, 1 – 2, 4 – 9 (Reader) (Links to an external site.)

solved I interviewed this social worker from an agency and she

I interviewed this social worker from an agency and she gave me certain responses that can help you on writing about the listed questions.Interview Q and A1.. What is the name and location of the agency you work with? D.A. Blodgett- St. John’s in Grand Rapids2. What is the name of your position? My official job title is TF-CBT Lead Therapist; but I provide both TF-CBT (trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy) and Infant Mental Health Therapy3. What kind of programs does your job offer? The two programs that I work in (TF-CBT and Infant Mental Health) both provide therapy/counseling to children and adolescents. These services are primarily provided to families in the home or community. TF-CBT is an evidence based model that is proven to be very effective for individuals who have experienced trauma of any kind. It entails learning skills for coping, managing feelings, processing trauma, and learning to manage trauma triggers. Infant mental health therapy focuses a lot on parent-child attachment and relationship. This entails learning skills for bonding with a little one, parenting, setting little ones up for lifelong success, and some trauma work.4. What are the criterias clients must meet in order to obtain services. Our agency offers a wide variety of different programs each of which have different criteria. For me, TF-CBT requires that some between 4-18 has experienced some kind of trauma they can identify and that the trauma has caused some kind of significant reactions (anxiety, depression, nightmares, aggression, intrusive thoughts, ect). Infant Mental Health is a bit more broad. For that program there needs to be a child age 5 or younger and their caregiver. As far as symptoms go we look for difficulties with attachment, developmental concerns, environmental risk factors (poverty, drug abuse, foster care, ect), and need for support. As a general rule both programs require Medicaid insurance and residence in Kent county; however there are always lots of exceptions to both of these with different circumstances.5. As a social worker what do you hope to achieve? My biggest goal as a social worker is to support kids and families in dealing with trauma and the other difficulties that get in their way of being their best selves.6. What does a typical day look like? My days vary so much! Some days are really quiet and others are super crazy. Most days I travel around the county seeing somewhere between 3-5 clients. In my breaks between travel and sessions I write case notes and complete other necessary paperwork/documentation. About once per week I have a meeting with just my supervisor to go over things or a team meeting with other clinicians to provide support and tools to one another. I also spend a good bit of time talking on the phone/texting with clients to provide support or answer questions. I also squeeze trainings in where I can to keep learning new skills.AssignmentIV. Writing – Prepare a 7-8 page paper on the agency, the population served, and your own reflections/impressionsYour final paper for this class should be 7-8 pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt. ft, 1-inch margins). A title page is not required and will not be considered in the page count; a works cited page is required, but also will not be considered in the page count. The final essay should be submitted to the professor via Canvas by Friday, August 6. (See the rubric below for more details on the assignment). As with your video presentations, the final paper should include three main sections:1. Introduction/Overview of the Agency2. Social Problem/Population Served by the Agency3. Impressions of the Agency (Reflections)1. Introduction/Overview of the Agency – Provide the reader with a bit of background or context for the rest of your paper. a. Briefly (1 paragraph) explain the name & location of agency, who you interviewed, and their position in the agencyb. In several paragraphs, capture the agency’s mission and objectives, programs offered (please note micro, mezzo, and macro activities), and characteristics (e.g., private, public, nonprofit, sectarian, urban).c. Briefly (1 paragraph) explain the population(s) served by the agency – ages, race, religion, gender, socioeconomic, geographic area, etc. Include criteria clients must meet in order to obtain services.2. Social Problem/Population Served by the Agency – Most social service agencies target a particular population that is eligible for the services offered by the agency because they suffer from a social problem (homelessness, child abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, etc.) Some serve multiple needs. Choose one population served by the agency you visited and research it. Learn more about the group via multiple peer-reviewed sources. In your final paper, discuss the findings of at least 3 scholarly sources related to the population chosen. These should be listed in a works cited page, in APA format, at the end of your paper. Finally, describe how the inclusion of different perspectives/sources can influence one’s view of the problem/population served.(3 articles are attached)3. Impressions of the Agency (Reflections)a. What were your initial thoughts of the agency? What surprised you? What did you like or dislike? What do you think it is like for a client coming to that agency? Could you envision being a client there?b.How is the agency addressing the problem or serving the population you studied?c.What was empowering about the agency, to whom, and in what way?d.How does this agency continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services?e.What is the most important thing to know about social welfare at the agency? Why?f.What is the most important thing to know about social workers and social work at the agency? Why?Please include:One in-text citation for every body paragraphNo plagiarismPlease use the three articles attached and scholarly sources published within the last five years, so between 2017-2021Please be sure to include an introduction and conclusion

solved 1. Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? Explain. 2.

1. Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? Explain.
2. How should a police officer respond if the officer witnesses the unethical behavior of another officer?

-Must respond to two peers:
PEER 1:Ethical theories are the ideas that theorists come up with to define moral and ethical thinking, reasoning, and action. We can not discuss ethical theories without mentioning some of the most popular theories such as the Kantian theory, Teleology, or Utilitarianism. The Kantian theory was developed by Immanuel Kant that made up other different ethical theories composed of good will, duties of the job, moral obligations, rationalism ect. Teleology comes from the Word Telos which is defined as goal or aim. It’s an explanation of the end purpose of the goal or function. Last but not least Utilitarianism is the idea that an action is appropriate if it produces benefits to most of the population (Stafford Library). Ethical theories can be for ethical leadership to develop since many of the ideas that ethical leadership use comes from the ethical theories itself or came from the ethical theories in other forms. To further explain that since ethics is not a universal concept, the definition of ethics is created through cultural experiences and practices ( Dion 2012). In an analysis between many leadership approaches there are connections between ethical theories and leadership.
A police officer has a lot of control on the streets since discretion is one of the main decision making factors that dictates what action an officer will take. Urges and desires will be present when the officers are at their most vulnerable. In an ideal world police officers should be able to report any unethical and immoral behaviors to their supervisors to preserve the dignity of the organization but that does not always happen. Sunahara (2003) explains the aspect of what it’s like to be an officer working in the security departments of the agency. Unethical practices occur in police workplaces all the time and it’s difficult to set examples for recruits to follow when the police officers themselves are condoning those same behaviors. The workplace environment within a police department is the decider of what culture and practices are tolerable and what is not. The subculture of law enforcement can include subtle control over other officers, lack of trust between citizens and law enforcement, and the hierarchy that they serves allow them to think of their position as superior to civilians which creates a illusion of power abuse.

Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? Explain.
Ethical theories are relevant for ethical leadership. Although ethical theories are composed of different many different variables, they all revolve around what would be considered right by social standards. These variables include, beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, justice ect. Through all these variables, the focus is drawn on doing what is morally right. In being a leader, we should always want to set a good example, and in turn those that are following our lead to do the same. In this week’s article, a quote from John C. Maxwell stated, “A leader is one who know the way, goes the way, and show the way (Miguel, 2017).” If leaders know what’s ethically right, does what’s ethically right, and shows others ethically right, then their followers should do the same.
The ethical principle beneficence, express that the decision maker do what is right and good (Chonko, n.d.). This philosophy states that we should try to produce as much good as possible to over evil. In any profession, we should all strive to do as much good as we can. This creates a stable environment in the workplace and also is a way of encouraging other to do the same.
Least harm is pretty similar to beneficence. Utilizing that way of thinking, individuals are expected to deal with situations in an effort to do the least harm as possible. Trying to harm the fewest people as possible is the objective.
Having respect for others should always be a priority for every. If we lived in a world where everyone respected on another, the world would definitely be different. Being a leader, he/she should always encourage their followers to respect other. Always teach others how you would want to be treated.
The justice principle tells us that our actions should be fair to every individual involved. This means that our decisions should coincide with what is ethical in society.
Ethical theories are very important in any situation, workplace and especially leadership role. With ethical leadership come more ethical behavior. Ethical behavior can bring about change in any environment.
How should a police officer respond if the officer witnesses the unethical behavior of another officer?
Within the law enforcement community there is a tight bond between officers. This bond comes from training, being on the front line is stressful situation and trusting their fellow officer with their live and a daily basis. Although this bond is strong, every officer should be held to a very high standard. Police officers across the nation is task with one of the toughest jobs in world. With enormous task come great responsibility. Every day officers deploy to the streets and at any given time the faith of someone life can be in their hands. Preforming this this in an ethical manner should always be on the forefront. Any unethical behavior should not be tolerated. If another officer witness’s unethical behavior, he/she should step in and explain to the officer that this behavior is not expectable and not what they were taught. In order for department to have change it starts with the guys on the front lines holding each other accountable for their actions. Without this, we have situation like George Floyd and countless others. Everyone needs a reality check, if he/she doesn’t address this unethical behavior then it becomes the norm for that officer committing it. Holding each other accountable for their action not only starts with leadership, but also the person witnessing these actions.

solved Listen ReadSpeaker webReader: Listen CompetenciesIn this project, you will demonstrate

ReadSpeaker webReader: Listen
CompetenciesIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:Apply relevant aspects of law to current business situationsDifferentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situationsScenarioThe Friendly Dawg is a retail pet supply store owned by Dave Dawgs.
Dave has worked in the store since high school and took over running the
store after his father died two years ago. Originally the store sold
only pet food and supplies, such as animal food, bird cages, water
bowls, pet beds, and so forth. Upon taking ownership, Dave added fish
tanks with fish for sale. Recently he built a kennel and cages in a
former storage area in the rear of the store in order to sell live
animals, such as snakes, birds, dogs, and cats. Landlord Lou came by
during renovations and asked what was going on. One of Dave’s employees
told Lou that The Friendly Dawg was expanding its inventory and needed
the space. Landlord Lou told the employee, “Very exciting! Good luck!”A few weeks later, landlord Lou began receiving complaints from the
neighboring tenant, the Sunshine Yoga studio, that the noise from the
dogs and parrots was very disruptive.The signed lease between Dave Dawg’s deceased father and Lou
describes the business as a pet supply store only and does not mention
selling live animals. The lease specifies a rent in the amount of $500 a
month. Sunshine Yoga does not have a written lease. The owner of
Sunshine Yoga, Jasmine, met Lou one night in a bar two years ago where
he verbally offered to rent her the space for $300 a month. Jasmine
claims that landlord Lou told her that night that she could rent from
him forever and that he would never evict her.Lou called Dave, asking him to quiet the animals. Dave said he would
try, but the complaints from Jasmine continued. Dave also demanded that
Lou improve the air-conditioning system, claiming it was too hot in the
rear of the store for his animals and it was causing them to become
agitated. Landlord Lou refused, claiming that air-conditioning was not
meant to cool that area and it was not his job as landlord to take care
of live animals.Dave stopped paying his rent, claiming that he was not obligated to
do so because Lou was breaching his obligation under the lease to
maintain the property in good repair. The next day, a dangerous snake
escaped through the air vents and slithered into the neighboring yoga
studio, frightening Jasmine, the owner, such that she had a heart
attack.After recovering, Jasmine stopped paying her rent, claiming that the
premises were unsafe due to the presence of wild animals. She also
claimed that she has been very depressed and anxious as a result of the
ongoing situation. And she contends that she has lost clients because of
the noise coming from The Friendly Dawg.The Friendly Dawg has been a good tenant, enjoys a strong customer
base, and pays more in rent than Sunshine Yoga. Sunshine Yoga has always
been late with rent, and Jasmine constantly bothers Lou over minor
issues.DirectionsWrite two short papers—one on contract law and one on tort law.Contract LawEvaluate the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and
remedies for each party from the perspective of contract law. Determine
whether landlord Lou has a right to evict either party. Use reliable
resources, such as the textbook and other course resources, to support
your evaluation. Specifically, include the following components in your
evaluation:Contract between The Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou
Analyze the scenario to determine whether a valid contract still exists between The Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou.
Explain the elements of a valid contract, and identify which
contract elements, if any, exist between The Friendly Dawg and landlord
Analyze the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and remedies available to both landlord Lou and The Friendly Dawg in this scenario.
Support your analysis by referencing specific legal principles or laws.

Contract between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou
Analyze the scenario to determine whether a valid contract still exists between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou.
Explain the elements of a valid contract, and identify which
contract elements, if any, exist between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou.
Analyze the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and remedies available to both landlord Lou and Sunshine Yoga in this scenario.
Support your analysis by referencing specific legal principles or laws.

Grounds to evict
Describe whether, based on your analysis of each party’s rights and
obligations, landlord Lou has the grounds to evict either The Friendly
Dawg or Sunshine Yoga.Support your conclusions by referencing specific legal principles or laws.
Include a References section and cite your sources using APA style.Tort LawEvaluate the implications of tort law in this scenario and what legal
claims Sunshine Yoga might have. Use reliable resources, such as the
textbook and other course resources, to support your evaluation.
Specifically, include the following components in your evaluation:Tort law: Define what tort law is and how torts may affect business practices.Relevant tort laws: Identify tort laws relevant to the scenario, specifically the incident involving the snake.Legal claims
Identify what legal claims Sunshine Yoga might have against The
Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou, based on those tort laws and related
legal principles.Support your conclusions by referencing the applicable tort laws and related legal principles.
Include a References section and cite your sources using APA style.What to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following two papers:Contract LawYour submission should be a 3- to 5-page Word document with 12-point
Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources
should be cited according to APA style.Tort LawYour submission should be a 2- to 4-page Word document with 12-point
Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources
should be cited according to APA style.

solved Prepare a spreadsheet of cost savings data showing efficiency gains

Prepare a spreadsheet of cost savings data showing efficiency gains attributable to care coordination over the course of one fiscal year, and report your key findings in an executive summary, 4-5 pages in length. Your spreadsheet should contain at least four cost-saving elements. Identify the cost-saving element, current costs, and anticipated savings. Please use scoring guide to ensure passing grade.IntroductionInformation plays a fundamental role in health care. Providers such as physicians and hospitals create and process information as they deliver care to patients. However, managing that information and using it productively poses an ongoing challenge, particularly in light of the complexity of the U.S. health care sector, with its many diverse settings for care and types of providers and services. Health information technology (HIT) has the potential to considerably increase the productivity of the health sector by assisting providers in managing information. Furthermore, HIT can improve the quality of health care and, ultimately, the outcomes of that care for patients.The use of HIT has been upheld as having remarkable promise in improving the efficiency, quality, cost-effectiveness, and safety of medical care delivery in our nation’s health care system. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to examine how utilizing HIT can positively affect the financial health of an organization, improve patient health, and create better health outcomes.PreparationAs the senior care coordinator in your organization, your manager has asked you to examine and report on how care coordination can generate cost savings, improve outcomes, enhance the collection of evidence-based data, and improve health care quality for the community. She would like you to compile cost savings data in a well-organized spreadsheet and present your key findings in an executive summary.Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft spreadsheet and executive summary to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version of this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.InstructionsDetermine how care coordination can reduce costs. Compile your cost savings data in a spreadsheet, using Microsoft Excel or a suitable application of your choice. (If you elect to use an application other than Excel, check with faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.) Your spreadsheet should contain at least four cost-saving elements. Identify the cost-saving element, current costs, and anticipated savings.Then create an executive summary using the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. Discuss your cost-saving elements and report key findings from your analysis.Analyzing Cost SavingsThe requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your analysis addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Cost Savings Analysis Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.Describe ways in which care coordination can generate cost savings.What are your primary evidence-based sources of information?Are your conclusions substantiated by the data?What assumptions, if any, underlie your analysis?Explain how care coordination can promote improved health consumerism and effect positive health outcomes.What evidence do you have to substantiate your claims?Describe at least five ways in which care coordination efforts can enhance the collection of evidence-based data and improve quality through the application of an emerging health care model.Choose any emerging health care model.Present cost savings data and information clearly and accurately.Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.Additional RequirementsExecutive Summary Format and LengthFormat your executive summary using APA style:Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] provided. Be sure to include:A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.A running head on all pages.Appropriate section headings.See also the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your executive summary.Your summary should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.Supporting EvidenceCite 4–5 sources of relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your cost savings analysis.Apply APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.Submit both your spreadsheet and your executive summary.Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your spreadsheet and executive summary to your ePortfolio.ePortfolio.This resource provides information about ePortfolio, including how to use the different features of the product.Online ePortfolio Guidelines [PDF].Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Apply care coordination models to improve the patient experience, promote population health, and reduce costs.Describe ways in which care coordination can generate cost savings.Competency 2: Explain the relationship between care coordination and evidence-based data.Describe ways in which care coordination efforts can enhance the collection of evidence-based data and improve quality through the application of an emerging health care model.Competency 3: Use health information technology to guide care coordination and organizational practice.Explain how care coordination can promote improved health consumerism and effect positive health outcomes.Competency 4: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.Present cost savings data and information clearly and accurately.Support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

solved Please write an essay on the following topic:Herodotus and Thucydides

Please write an essay on the following topic:Herodotus and Thucydides are not simply two important ancient historians (or indeed the parents of history in the Western tradition), but also the two faces of Western historiography: what does that mean? Please discuss the extent to which Herodotus and Thucydides represented two different and complementary modes of historical inquiry, and make at least two examples of subsequent historians (medieval or early modern), showing how each of your two examples followed either Herodotus’s or Thucydides’s models (or both).Your essay should be 4 pages long (12pt. font, double spaced), and it should use quotations from the primary sources you read for the class. Engage with the primary sources and use them to support your argument.This is a very prestigious essay. More information, like notes and how to structure this 4 paragraph essay will be given when the tutor accepts the question.The 3 Primary sources are attached.NOTES4 PARAGRAPHS: INTRO (THESIS, EXPLAIN ARGUMENT), BP1, BP2, BP34.5 PAGES DOUBLE SPACED – 12 POINT FONT – TIMES NEW ROMANNO BIBLIOGRAPHY/WORK CITEDEACH PARAGRAPH SHOULD BE LENGTHY ENOUGH THAT EACH PARAGRAPH TAKES UP AT LEAST ONE PAGE EACHCREATIVE, GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT, STRONG, PRESTIGIOUS, COLLEGE PAPERKEEP QUOTES SHORT, IF THEY ARE TOO LONG USE ELLIPSES, NO QUOTES FROM THE SLIDES ARE ALLOWED, YOU CAN ONLY USE QUOTES FROM PRIMARY SOURCES THAT’S NOT IN THE SLIDES.2 QUOTES A PARAGRAPHUSE TEXTBOOK ONLY FOR CONTEXTDON’T NEED TO USE CITATIONS, ONLY QUOTESTRANSITION SENTENCES SHOULD CONNECT PARAGRAPHSSTRUCTUREStrong Title – Create a Strong title that resonates with the prompt, something creative and that would take your eyes.IntroStrong Hook, DO NOT use rhetorical questions. DO NOT make unsubstantiated claims.What is the argument? What do I want to prove in the body paragraphs?The thesis is the annunciationPresent the argument, make it a very strong argument that can be explained and broken down into three pieces.Don’t give background in the intro paragraph, since the audience already is an expert on the information.Thesis statement should be a good lengthNothing general at allNo filler sentences, get straight to the point of the argumentState the argument up frontStick to the factTAKE INTO FACTOR THATDescriptive vs. perspectiveHerodotus’ purpose of history is to describe past events so that they don’t die in the oblivion of the past. He gives the past immortality, keeps the past events alive.Thucydidies is writing a prescription of the past, so that people don’t make the same pasts. Reading about the past gives rules you can apply in the present.Example: World War II, explanation of what happened and why, which leads to an account of what occured. Like a prescription from the doctor, it’s about the purpose and how to prevent it in the future. Giving tips about how to not mess up again.*Spend all these paragraphs supporting the argumentBody Paragraph 1Herodotus and Thucydides are not simply two important ancient historians (or indeed the parents of history in the Western tradition), but also the two faces of Western historiography: what does that mean?Topic Sentence, strong, tie back to the thesis statementAnother sentence that is strong that includes background info and leads into the quotes1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 Sentences1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 SentencesConclusion/Transition SentenceBody Paragraph 2Please discuss the extent to which Herodotus and Thucydides represented two different and complementary modes of historical inquiry.Topic Sentence, strong, tie back to the thesis statementAnother sentence that is strong that includes background info and leads into the quotes1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 Sentences1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 SentencesConclusion/Transition SentenceBody Paragraph 3Make at least two examples of subsequent historians (medieval or early modern), showing how each of your two examples followed either Herodotus’s or Thucydides’s models (or both). For this use Machiavelli and . They can both be compared to Herodotus only or Thucydides only, or one historian for each, Herodotus or Thucydides.TAKE NOTE THATGood connection between other historians.Give focus to the fact that the historians were living during different times. The 3rd dimension.What was going on in their time period; what was going on with the author?Topic Sentence, strong, tie back to the thesis statementAnother sentence that is strong that includes background info and leads into the quotes1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 Sentences1 Strong quote from PRIMARY SOURCESDoes the quote support the argument made in the thesis?Does it make sense in the context of the time period?Does it explain what you’re thinking?Explain the quote with 2 SentencesStrong conclusion SentenceNo ConclusionPlease:Include one in-text citation for every body paragraphPlease be sure to carefully follow the instructionsNo plagiarism & No Course Hero & No CheggPlease use the sources I have providedPlease be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis statement and conclusionRequirements: Full 4 Pages Excluding the Title and Reference Pages Written in Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced MLA Format

solved For this assessment you will create a 2-4 page plan

For this assessment you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment.
The health care industry is always striving to improve patient outcomes and attain organizational goals. Nurses can play a critical role in achieving these goals; one way to encourage nurse participation in larger organizational efforts is to create a shared vision and team goals (Mulvale et al., 2016). Participation in interdisciplinary teams can also offer nurses opportunities to share their expertise and leadership skills, fostering a sense of ownership and collegiality.
You are encouraged to complete the Budgeting for Nurses activity before you develop the plan proposal. The activity consists of seven questions that will allow you the opportunity to check your knowledge of budgeting basics and as well as the value of financial resource management. The information gained from completing this formative will promote success with the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal. Completing this activity also demonstrates your engagement in the course, requires just a few minutes of your time, and is not graded.
Demonstration of Proficiency

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.

Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan.

Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.

Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.

Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.

Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Mulvale, G., Embrett, M., & Shaghayegh, D. R. (2016). ‘Gearing up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: A systematic review and conceptual framework. BMC Family Practice, 17.
Professional Context
This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment.
Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue.
Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization.
For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview.
The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome.
Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end.
Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made.
Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

solved You have just been hired as a Human Resource Manager

You have just been hired as a Human Resource Manager in a small, but rapidly growing organization with 160 employees.  During the interview and selection process, the CEO stated that the reason an HRM Manager was needed was because there was an increase in customer complaints concerning errors in shipments of orders.  Errors included incorrect products and quantities, as well as increases in defective products.  The errors seemed to be random; in other words, customers did not know if and when they would receive a correct and complete order or one with missing and/or incorrect or defective products.
You have one non-exempt HR clerical-type employee in the department.
Obviously, this is an important problem for a growing start-up organization.  Where would you start to determine what is wrong?  What would you do to quickly, but effectively, correct the problem? How would you measure the effectiveness of your solution?

Student 1 (Jacqueline)
The HR department is known for helping improve the efficiency of the organization by establishing processes and procedures. As an HR trough inside a firm that depends enormously on consumer loyalty, guarantee that the provided item is correct and ready to go. A necessary requirement of all administrators is to ensure that the work is successfully finished (Huntley & Kleiner, 2005). In any case, after entering an association that has a set cycle and systems, first, watch how they are carried out before totally changing the interaction. For example, to decide how to bundle and make items, you should first pay attention, take notes, and discuss the most proficient way to solve any problem successfully. Another human resources director knows about the representatives currently working for the association. Human resources are the total fixation of utility. To amend creation mistakes, the HRM should ensure that workers have the correct ranges of abilities to do the task, “abilities are essential for representatives to add to the worth of an association, associations might have to take on different human asset the executives practices to improve representative abilities.” (Ferguson and Reio, 2010). Similarly, in order to further develop the capabilities of workers, HRM should also provide representatives with training courses corresponding to the new practices created. Third, after adopting another approach or method, managers must clarify the process, and then motivate employees to accept the new cycle. “Human asset chiefs should utilize their position and impact to guarantee that their representatives are working inventively to achieve the objectives for the association” (Huntley and Kleiner, 2005). Examination by Ferguson and Reio (2010), shows that inspiration empowers an association’s groundbreaking cycles and capacity to make and convey items and administrations that are esteemed by clients.

Ferguson, K.L. and Reio, T.G. (2010), “Human resource management systems and firm performance”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 471-494.

Huntley, J. and Kleiner, B.H. (2005), “Effective human resource management of county employees”, Management Research News, Vol. 28 No. 11/12, pp. 52-59.

Student 2 (Eric)
Customers should be regarded as the heart of every business, and this attitude should permeate every decision made. No one likes product defects, including the suppliers themselves; however, delivering low quality and defective products to the customers is a significant problem, especially for a growing business. As a human resource manager, I’m positioned to make customer service an integral part of the business culture; therefore, I have to ensure quality products are delivered to ensure customer satisfaction and meet their expectations. According to Paul et al. (2019), there are risks associated with the failure of the supplier to meet the quality terms, and poor supplier performance might wreak havoc to a business and impact customer satisfaction. Putting into consideration the customers were complaining about errors in shipment orders, I had to change the company’s supplier.
To correct the problem effectively, I would take the necessary steps to choose the right supplier. Lin et al. (2018) states the choice of a supplier may directly affect the business; adding finding and selecting the best suppliers is a crucial step for product quality management and limits the product’s defects. I would find an accountable supplier, verify their production capabilities and establish an excellent relationship to ease communication. I would also check their profile statistics, prices, and quantity of their products. Most essentially, I would cooperate with third-party Quality Control and ensure the supplier complies with the company’s request to have an outside inspector verify the products before the shipment.
To measure the effectiveness of this solution, I would do customer satisfaction surveys to understand the levels of their satisfaction and understand whether or not the organization is meeting their expectations. A customer satisfaction score would also work. I would ask customers to rate their satisfaction with the business products and services. Additionally, given the immense impacts of social media on business-customer relationships, it would be a perfect platform to hear what they think about the business.
Lin, C. T., Hung, K. P., & Hu, S. H. (2018). A decision-making model for evaluating and selecting suppliers for the sustainable operation and development of enterprises in the aerospace industry. Sustainability, 10(3), 735.
Chowdhury, N. A., Ali, S. M., Mahtab, Z., Rahman, T., Kabir, G., & Paul, S. K. (2019). A structural model for investigating supply chain risks’ driving and dependence power in the readymade garment industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51, 102-113.
(S) themrs2u:

solved Week 3 Assignment: Analyzing Body LanguageStart AssignmentDue May 23 by

Week 3 Assignment: Analyzing Body LanguageStart AssignmentDue May 23 by 11:59pm Points 175 Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file uploadRequired ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 7, 8Lesson 3APA style manualCitation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers At CULibrary OverviewHow to Search for Articles – the Everything TabInstructionsSocial Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream (Links to an external site.) speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movement (Links to an external site.) and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches.Importance of body language while delivering the speech.Gestures, cadence and delivery style.Answer the followingProvide a summary of the two speeches.Compare Dr. King’s leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza’s speech. What are the similarities, if any? What are the differences, if any?How does the location of the speeches support their messaging? Dr. King’s speech was held in a church and at the Lincoln Memorial, whereas today we have social networking and more avenues to relay messages. Does messaging make a difference?Describe how the audience in Dr. King’s speeches relate to the Alicia Garza’s audience. Do you see a similarity or differences in the speeches and in the audience?Paper Requirements (APA format)Length: 2-3 pages of substantive content12 pt fontParenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style  References page (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) . At least one of the references should be a state constitution.Title and introduction pages are present.GradingThis activity will be graded based on the Written Assignment Grading Rubric.Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 4, 6Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on SundayRubricWeek 3 – Analyzing Body LanguageWeek 3 – Analyzing Body LanguageCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength15 ptsThe assignment is at least 1½- 2 pages long.13 ptsThe assignment is at least 1½ pages long11 ptsAssignment is 1 page in length10 ptsAssignment is ½ page in length0 ptsNo effort15 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Speeches20 ptsPaper begins with a clear and concise summary of both speeches17 ptsPaper provides a summary of both speeches, but more detail could be added.15 ptsPaper provides a summary of both speeches but is short on specifics13 ptsPaper provides a summary of one speech. Second summary and details incomplete0 ptsNo effort20 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLeadership and Charisma: Similarities and differences between Dr. King and Alicia Garcia’s speech35 ptsProvides a thoughtful and clear description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture their audience and make their points31 ptsProvides a thoughtful description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience27 ptsProvides some description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience24 ptsMinimal description of the ways Dr. King and Alicia Garza capture audience and make their points to the audience0 ptsNo effort35 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLocation Impact30 ptsClearly discusses the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza26 ptsDiscusses the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza.23 ptsMentions the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza20 ptsMinimal mention of the significance of the locations in reinforcing Dr. King’s message and that of Alicia Garza0 ptsNo effort30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudience Reaction: Compare and Contrast35 ptsDraws clear, explicit connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.31 ptsDraws good connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.27 ptsSome connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and/or body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.24 ptsMinimal connection between the audience reaction and Dr. King’s vocal intonations and/or body language in comparison/contrast to Alicia Garza.0 ptsNo effort35 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics and Usage20 ptsThe writing is concise, free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.17 ptsThe writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.15 ptsThe writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.13 ptsThe student presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message0 ptsNo effort20 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations10 ptsThe references are provided in accurate APA format.8 ptsThe references contain 1 error in APA format.7 ptsThe references contain 2 errors in APA format.6 ptsThe references contain 3 or more errors in APA format.0 ptsNo effort10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences10 ptsContains at least two references, one of which is a state constitution8 ptsContains at least two references, but one of the two is not a state constitution7 ptsContains one reference, which may or may not be a state constitution6 ptsReferences have significant errors, are incorrect, or not related to the content0 ptsNo effort10 ptsTotal Points: 175PreviousNext

solved For this assessment, you will develop a 3-5 page paper

For this assessment, you will develop a 3-5 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting. You will analyze the issue and examine potential evidence-based and best-practice solutions from the literature as well as the role of nurses and other stakeholders in addressing the issue.
Health care organizations and professionals strive to create safe environments for patients; however, due to the complexity of the health care system, maintaining safety can be a challenge. Since nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals, a great deal of responsibility falls in the hands of practicing nurses. Quality improvement (QI) measures and safety improvement plans are effective interventions to reduce medical errors and sentinel events such as medication errors, falls, infections, and deaths. A 2000 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report indicated that almost one million people are harmed annually in the United States, (Kohn et al., 2000) and 210,000–440,000 die as a result of medical errors (Allen, 2013).
The role of the baccalaureate nurse includes identifying and explaining specific patient risk factors, incorporating evidence-based solutions to improving patient safety and coordinating care. A solid foundation of knowledge and understanding of safety organizations such as Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and The Joint Commission and its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) program is vital to practicing nurses with regard to providing and promoting safe and effective patient care.
You are encouraged to complete the Identifying Safety Risks and Solutions activity. This activity offers an opportunity to review a case study and practice identifying safety risks and possible solutions. We have found that learners who complete course activities and review resources are more successful with first submissions. Completing course activities is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.

Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.

Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.

Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.

Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.

Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would need to coordinate to drive quality and safety enhancements with medication administration.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar or punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Allen, M. (2013). How many die from medical mistakes in U.S. hospitals? Retrieved from
Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Consider a previous experience or hypothetical situation pertaining to medication errors, and consider how the error could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based guidelines.
Choose a specific condition of interest surrounding a medication administration safety risk and incorporate evidence-based strategies to support communication and ensure safe and effective care.   
For this assessment:

Analyze a current issue or experience in clinical practice surrounding a medication administration safety risk and identify a quality improvement (QI) initiative in the health care setting.

The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in enhancing quality improvement (QI) measures that address a medication administration safety risk. This will be within the specific context of patient safety risks at a health care setting of your choice. You will do this by exploring the professional guidelines and best practices for improving and maintaining patient safety in health care settings from organizations such as QSEN and the IOM. Looking through the lens of these professional best practices to examine the current policies and procedures currently in place at your chosen organization and the impact on safety measures for patients surrounding medication administration, you will consider the role of the nurse in driving quality and safety improvements. You will identify stakeholders in QI improvement and safety measures as well as consider evidence-based strategies to enhance quality of care and promote medication administration safety in the context of your chosen health care setting.
Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you know what is needed for a distinguished score.

Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.
Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.
Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would coordinate to drive safety enhancements with medication administration.