solved Analyze the impact of intellectual property on business functions.Scenario:Your U.S.

Analyze the impact of intellectual property on business functions.Scenario:Your U.S. based company is a new start-up and they sell packaged consumer goods from dish detergent to fabric softener to air fresheners. They want to become the one-stop-shop for all household cleaning needs. Every product is guaranteed to be organic, sustainable, environmentally friendly, and will cost only $4.50 each. You work in the legal department and are assigned the duty to research what it will take to protect the company’s intellectual property rights; specifically, a trademark for their logo.Instructions:Prepare a flowchart in Microsoft Word for the given business situation that analyzes the impact intellectual property has on various business functions. Address the following using full detail and text within the flowchart: Start the flowchart by identifying the different intellectual property opportunities available to the company (such as registering trademarks, trade secrets and patents) and the process a company needs to undertake to secure its rights to those assets.Next, include in the flowchart the requirements to maintain intellectual property protections (such as renewal efforts) under federal, state (students should use their own state of residence regulations) and international laws as well as any other practical measures the company should undertake to protect their intellectual property rights.Provide a summary to the flowchart with an assessment of the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights that the company needs to consider.Use at least three credible sources. These should be cited and in APA format.ResourcesFor assistance with business writing, please visit Business writingFor assistance with the flowchart, please visit How do I create a flowchart? For assistance with grammar checking, please visit How do I create a Grammarly account?Grading RubricFFCBA01234Did not SubmitNo PassCompetence ProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedUsed unclear verbiage about the different intellectual property opportunities available to the company (such as registering trademarks, trade secrets, and patents) and the process a company needs to undertake to secure its rights to those assets.Adequately identified different intellectual property opportunities available to the company (such as registering trademarks, trade secrets, and patents) and the process a company needs to undertake to secure its rights to those assets.Clearly identified different intellectual property opportunities available to the company (such as registering trademarks, trade secrets, and patents) and the process a company needs to undertake to secure its rights to those assets.Comprehensively identified different intellectual property opportunities available to the company (such as registering trademarks, trade secrets, and patents) and the process a company needs to undertake to secure its rights to those assets in the well-crafted flowchart.Not SubmittedUsed unclear verbiage about the requirements to maintain intellectual property protections (such as renewal efforts) under federal, state (using student’s state of residence regulations) and international laws, and other practical measures the company should undertake to protect their intellectual property rights.Adequately determined the requirements to maintain intellectual property protections (such as renewal efforts) under federal, state (using student’s state of residence regulations) and international laws, and other practical measures the company should undertake to protect their intellectual property rights.Clearly determined the requirements to maintain intellectual property protections (such as renewal efforts) under federal, state (using student’s state of residence regulations) and international laws, and other practical measures the company should undertake to protect their intellectual property rights.Comprehensively determined the requirements to maintain intellectual property protections (such as renewal efforts) under federal, state (using student’s state of residence regulations) and international laws, and other practical measures the company should undertake to protect their intellectual property rights in the well-crafted flowchart.Not SubmittedUsed unclear verbiage about the flowchart with an assessment of the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights that the company needs to consider.Adequately summarized the flowchart with an assessment of the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights that the company needs to consider.Clearly summarized the flowchart with an assessment of the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights that the company needs to consider.Comprehensively summarized the flowchart with an assessment of the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights that the company needs to consider in the well-crafted flowchart.Not SubmittedFailed to use or attribute credible sources in the flowchart.Used and attributed some credible sources in the flowchart.Used and attributed mostly credible sources in the flowchart.Used and attributed all credible sources in the well-crafted flowchart.I did this assignment with another tutor and I failed it. I had the attached assignment for review and here is the feedback I got for it:Overall your flowchart is disjointed and hard to work through. You have a lot of work to do on this chart. It requires both identifying different IP opportunities available to the company (Ie identifying the company’s IP), and the process for securign those rights. Then you must identify the requirements for maintaining those rights. I think you understand these first two components are incomplete . You do identify some categories of protection, but these are not set forth in the right format, although they are accurate. YOu also don’t identify how to maintain the IP – 2, 1. . I don’t see any language regarding the assessment of the digital era – 1You have 3 sources, and only 1 of those seems on point with the assignment – 2Please do a new one. Thank you

solved Task one: the interpretive goal What do you think this

Task one: the interpretive goal
What do you think this story is about? What does it “mean?” You need to come up with some overall interpretive claim here—your thesis.
Sometimes, if you are stuck, you can use an “intentional fallacy” to help you out here: ask yourself, “what did the author want his reader to understand from the story?” or “what was the take-away lesson he intended?” Now, following from New Criticism, we know that is an interpretive fallacy; however, we are just using it to help generate our ideas, not argue them.
Alternately, you could think back through the tale and, looking at your annotations, determine which/what idea/ideas arise in your mind as the most important. Does it seem to be the narrator’s moments of rationalization? The instances of violent behavior? His direct addresses to the reader? His attempts to cast blame elsewhere? His “confession?” His focus on the cats? Whatever you determine, looking back through the story with this focus, what moments are relevant, and putting them together, what is the story “saying” about and through them?
Task two: the New Critic’s tool box

From the principles and strategies of New Criticism, which ideas will help you analyze the text to support your focus/interpretation? It could be one or several, but the point here is to use the “tools” of New Critical theory to focus your interpretation of Poe’s “Black Cat” as a New critic would.
List of potential New Critical tools: (hint: you defined these for Quiz 3)

organic unity
paradox (18)
ambiguity (18)
tension (18)
irony (19)
patterns (repetition)

Some Examples,
Using Poe’s notion of the “Single Effect” and/or the concept of organic unity, what is the “single effect” you see as unifying the story? How do the different aspects of the story work together to create this effect? (ambiquity in character, paradox in setting, symbolism of cat, etc….) The essay asks you to draw on four passages to support your interpretation, but you could analyze two symbols and two ambiguities, or four different aspects of the story. Remember, unity means it all works together.
If you find the narrator’s focus on the cat(s) to be the key to the story’s meaning, then perhaps you want to use the tools of symboland repetition/pattern to support your analysis. What is the cat(s) symbolic of, and how do the repeated focus on the cat(s) demonstrate the story’s meaning?
Perhaps you feel that the story is about the state of mind of the narrator, then maybe you would look at ambiguities of the character: is he sane/insane? Telling the truth or lying? Does he take responsibility? Where and how? All the answers here may beambiguous (evidence both ways). Why would Poe create this kind of character? What does it demonstrate? Maybe you want to discuss the Tension between these things.
Perhaps you want to focus on the characteristics of the narrator (violence, anger, blame, guilt, etc) or the difference between what the narrator tells the reader and the evidence Poe (the author) provides. Is the narrator’s reasoning logical? What is the difference between what he tells you about himself and what you perceive via his narrative, etc. In any case, you could examine where and how Poe represents this difference (throughout the story and your analysis, with this focus would support an interpretation grounded here. You could use the tools of paradox, tension, irony, 
enter the critical concepts or tools/terms you are going to use
Task three: the major claim
Now that you have a claim about the meaning of the story (task 1) and you have identified the critical tools you’ll use to demonstrate this claim, it’s time to put the two together into a statement claiming your interpretation. In other words, it’s time to write a provisional thesis. Blending the elements of task one and task two…
enter your provisional thesis.
Task four: the evidence
What will you use as evidence?
Now go back through the story for key passages where you see what you’re focusing on. What are the four best moments in the story that prove or demonstrate what you’re saying is evident? So, if the paradox between sanity/insanity is key or good/evil, or guilt/pride, whatever it is, then where do you see this in the story? Where is it most clear and where does it best show what you are talking about?
enter in the six quotes/passages that you see as key. Your essay may not use all six, but at this point they are necessary.

Task five: the minor or sub-claims
What does each piece of evidence demonstrate/show you that supports your major claim? Or said differently, how do you see each quote as part of the interpretation? What do you see as happening in each quote? These will become topic sentences for body paragraphs. For example, if you have six quotes that are showing the faults in the narrator, maybe the ambiguities between sanity/insanity of the narrator, then what specifically do you see each quote as showing? Does one show a “sane” narrator, another a narrator who is questionable, another a narrator who is contradictory, another a narrator who seems not to know right from wrong, another a narrator who flat out lies? This is what you would write above each quote.-
above each quote, write a claim stating what the quote shows

Task six: copy and paste your completed work into the Lab 2 submission text box
Lab 2 Worksheet – copy and paste below frame into any document, fill out the components, paste it backinto text box for assignment submission.
Task One: I believe this story is about…
Task Two: The tools of New Criticism that best uncover/support this interpretation are…. And how….
Task Three: putting together Tasks one and two, what is your provisional thesis?
Task Four: what are the six passages where this is most evident? (include page numbers to help you return) With
Task Five: what is your claim about each passage? Specifically how does it support your thesis? Write your assertion above each quote entered above. These are drafts of your topic sentences.

solved I’m working on a business multi-part question and need support

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need support to help me study.

Question 1
Integrated Waveguide Technologies (IWT) is a 6-year-old company founded by Hunt Jackson and David Smithfield to exploit metamaterial plasmonic technology to develop and manufacture miniature microwave frequency directional transmitters and receivers for use in mobile Internet and communications applications. IWT’s technology, although highly advanced, is relatively inexpensive to implement, and its patented manufacturing techniques require little capital as compared to many electronics fabrication ventures. Because of the low capital requirement, Jackson and Smithfield have been able to avoid issuing new stock and thus own all of the shares. Because of the explosion in demand for its mobile Internet applications, IWT must now access outside equity capital to fund its growth, and Jackson and Smithfield have decided to take the company public. Until now, Jackson and Smithfield have paid themselves reasonable salaries but routinely reinvested all after-tax earnings in the firm, so dividend policy has not been an issue. However, before talking with potential outside investors, they must decide on a dividend policy. Your new boss at the consulting firm Flick and Associates, which has been retained to help IWT prepare for its public offering, has asked you to make a presentation to Jackson and Smithfield in which you review the theory of dividend policy and discuss the following issues.
a.         (1) What is meant by the term “distribution policy”? How has the mix of dividend payouts and stock repurchases changed over time?
(2) The terms “irrelevance,” “dividend preference” (or “bird-in-the-hand”), and “tax effect” have been used to describe three major theories regarding the way dividend payouts affect a firm’s value. Explain these terms, and briefly describe each theory.
(3) What do the three theories indicate regarding the actions management should take with respect to dividend payouts?
(4) What results have empirical studies of the dividend theories produced? How does all this affect what we can tell managers about dividend payouts?
b. Discuss the effects on distribution policy consistent with: (1) the signaling hypothesis (also called the information content hypothesis) and (2) the clientele effect.
c.         (1) Assume that IWT has completed its IPO and has a $112.5 million capital bud-get planned for the coming year. You have determined that its present capital structure (80% equity and 20% debt) is optimal, and its net income is forecasted at $140 million. Use the residual distribution approach to determine IWT’s total dollar distribution. Assume for now that the distribution is in the form of a dividend. Suppose IWT has 100 million shares of stock outstanding. What is the forecasted dividend payout ratio? What is the forecasted dividend per share? What would happen to the payout ratio and DPS if net income were forecasted to decrease to $90 million? To increase to $160 million?
(2) In general terms, how would a change in investment opportunities affect the payout ratio under the residual distribution policy?
(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the residual policy? (Hint: Don’t neglect signaling and clientele effects.)
d.         (1) Describe the procedures a company follows when it makes a distribution through dividend payments.
(2) What is a stock repurchase? Describe the procedures a company follows when it makes a distribution through a stock repurchase.
e. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a firm repurchasing its own shares.
f. Suppose IWT has decided to distribute $50 million, which it presently is holding in liquid short-term investments. IWT’s value of operations is estimated to be about $1,937.5 million; it has $387.5 million in debt and zero preferred stock. As mentioned previously, IWT has 100 million shares of stock outstanding.
(1) Assume that IWT has not yet made the distribution. What is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? What is its intrinsic stock price per share?
2) Now suppose that IWT has just made the $50 million distribution in the form of dividends. What is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? What is its intrinsic stock price per share?
(3) Suppose instead that IWT has just made the $50 million distribution in the form of a stock repurchase. Now what is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? How many shares did IWT repurchase? How many shares remained outstanding after the repurchase? What is its intrinsic stock price per share after the repurchase?
g. Describe the series of steps that most firms take when setting dividend policy.
h. What are stock splits and stock dividends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
i. What is a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), and how does it work?
Question 2
Gamut Satellite Inc. produces satellite earth stations that sell for $150,000 each. The firm’s fixed costs, F, are $1.5 million, 20 earth stations are produced and sold each year, profits total $400,000, and the firm’s assets (all equity financed) are $5 million. The firm estimates that it can change its production process, adding $10 million to assets and $500,000 to fixed operating costs. This change will reduce variable costs per unit by $5,000 and increase output by 30 units. However, the sales price on all units must be lowered to $140,000 to permit sales of the additional output. The firm has tax loss carryforwards that render its tax rate zero, its cost of equity is 18%, and it uses no debt.

Determine the variable cost per unit
Determine the new profit if the change is made
What is the incremental profit?
What is the projects expected rate of return for the next year (defined as the incremental profit divided by the investment)?
Should the firm make the investment? Why or why not?
Would the firm’s break-even point increase or decrease if it made the change?
Would the new situation expose the firm to more or less business risk than the old one? Show workings

solved GEA2_GAP(A) – Disc Board Group 5 From WST3015.799U21 No unread

GEA2_GAP(A) – Disc Board Group 5
From WST3015.799U21
No unread replies.11 reply.
The name of this assignment is weird. What’s it mean?
GEA2_GAP(a) is just a way of indicating that this is a General Education Assignment (GEA) that allows this course to apply to your USF General Education requirements. The GAP part is the important part.
Okay, so what’s GAP stand for?
GAP stands for “Grassroots Activism Project” — and the key is doing something yourself to make a change in the world. (It’s like a service-learning project, if you’ve done those in other courses.) Our “GAP” assignment will help you fill the “gap” between our course materials and the world beyond our class. It’s your chance to take something you personally care about or that relates to your career or family and then make a change. Grassroots means right here, right now. We’re not talking laws and judges and books and celebrities and big money and industries. We’re just talking about that feeling we sometimes get when we say, “Hey, that’s not fair! Let’s make it fair!” Or “Hey that doesn’t really work! Let’s fix it!” An attractive part of grassroots activism is that anyone can do it almost anywhere and almost any time.
GAP(A): Does that mean there’s a GAP(B)?
Yes, there is a GAP(B) assignment near the end of the semester when you will report back on the action you took and discuss whether it worked or not and how you might do things differently in the future. 
What are the instructions for this assignment?
You’ll need to do something to address your issue — whether it’s attending a webinar or training, creating a professional infographic, doing a clothing or food drive, or something else. Be sure to see the two samples from previous students that I’ve posted below! They will really help. 
For this assignment, compose an essay/proposal of four paragraphs using the following prompts. Each paragraph should address one of the following prompts and you should include the prompt in your essay/proposal. You will need to do some some research using legitimate sources.

Identify an injustice or inequity in (y)our community (broadly defined — your own life, your neighborhood, your city, etc);
Provide a brief synopsis of the issue and include background/statistics from at least one legitimate source;
Using terminology from our course (and defining those terms!), discuss how you the issue is related to our course materials in some way; and
Provide details (who, what, when, where, etc) of the “grassroots action” plan you will take to address the injustice. Please note that once your GAP(a) action has been graded and approved, you will need to do it and then report about it in the GAP(b) assignment later this semester. 

What are some tips for success in this assignment?

CHOOSE YOUR ISSUE WISELY: As you’re thinking through this assignment, remember that an injustice or an inequity is different than a mere inconvenience. For example, we all know that parking on campus is difficult and annoying but that’s more of an inconvenience than it is an injustice. It might rise to the level of an injustice, however, for folks who have mobility issues and need designated handicapped parking spaces. What if your research determines that out of all the parking spaces at USF only 2% are designated handicapped? Now, there’s an injustice or inequality. See the difference?
MAKE SURE YOU CAN “DO” SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR ISSUE: You will need to take action and do something that addresses the issue. Donating money or signing a petition on Facebook isn’t really taking meaningful action. (There are some ideas below, but I encourage you to get creative!) There’s no specific amount of time you need to devote to your action; it’s more important that you show effort and a real connection to creating change. Please note that once your GAP(a) action has been graded and approved, you will need to do it and then report about it in the GAP(b) assignment later this semester. 
RELATE THE ISSUE TO YOUR PERSONAL INTERESTS, CAREER, ETC. A fun, useful way to approach this project is to think about what you care about or what affects you or what issues might help you be better in your career. For example, if you’re going into health care actions that help you learn more about diversity and inclusion would be good — e.g., SafeZone LGBTQ+ Training, a webinar on communication with patients who are elderly, volunteering with an organization that focuses on Black women’s health needs, do a health and personal care needs supply drive for homeless or underprivileged folks (i.e., Band-Aids, tampons, toothpaste and toothbrushes, etc).
HAVE SOME FUN AND GET CREATIVE! Invite friends or family to work with you, whether it’s attending a webinar, participating in a food drive, etc. 

Are there any examples to help me?
Here are two sample GAP(A) submissions downloadfrom previous students. Check them out because they provide a format for your assignment and give you an idea of ways to do your best work.
How does COVID-19 affect this assignment? I need some more ideas.
Because we are all still puzzling through how COVID-19 will continue to affect our lives, you should not propose any actions that will require you to put yourself or others in harm’s way. A good idea might be to focus on education and advocacy. The following list of actions might help as you brainstorm:

Research your topic and then create an infographic or PowerPoint that helps you and others learn about this issue and ways to address it.
Attend an online/virtual training or workshop on an issue of concern — e.g., LGBTQ+ sensitivity, anti-racist strategies for change, etc.
Conduct an online/virtual “consciousness raising group” in which you and a few friends share insight about your issue of choice and strategies for addressing it.
Create a resource list of materials related to education and change on your issue.
Design a lesson plan (for kids? for seniors?) that would help others learn about this issue.
Get creative and connect the issue to your career plans or goals!

solved Public Health PresentationA primary end goal of epidemiology is to

Public Health PresentationA primary end goal of epidemiology is to make recommendations for control and prevention efforts. You have already given a detailed analysis of the descriptive factors associated with an increased incidence chronic disease you chose in PE4002. You proposed changes to existing studies that you might make to gain a greater understanding of the disease. In this Competency Assessment, you will be creating a presentation to share with community officials about the importance of addressing the five key areas of social determinants of health and the connections these have with your selected disease. You will use additional community assessment tools to research risk factors and provide recommendations to control and prevent the disease.Using a PowerPoint presentation with in-slide narration, you will encourage action and policy change to improve the health of a community of citizens. One of the roles of an epidemiologist is to use the science and art of epidemiology to inform and guide the political and social decisions of public health. Your slides should contain notes to guide the presentation forward, and the narration should contain what you would actually say during the presentation (which is not reading the slide verbatim).The following resource can help you create audio narration within your slides: Microsoft. (n.d.). Record a slide show with narration and slide timings. Retrieved February 7, 2019, from prepare for this Competency Assessment:Review: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Social determinants of health. Health People 2020. Retrieved February 21, 2019, from Review: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Ten essential public health services and how they can include addressing social determinants of health. Retrieved from County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2019). 2019 county health rankings key findings report. Retrieved from presentation should include the following:Slide 1: Title Slide (You should introduce the presentation and explain why you are giving it within your narration.) Note: For slides 2 through 11, use resources to assist in making the connection between the social determinants of health and your disease. Provide some descriptive epidemiological information from your resources to verify the risks associated with the key areas and your chosen disease. (Reference: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Social determinants of health. Retrieved February 21, 2019, from 2–3: Economic StabilityAnalyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of economic stability listed below.EmploymentFood InsecurityHousing InstabilityPovertySlide 4–5: EducationAnalyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of education listed below.Early Childhood Education and DevelopmentEnrollment in Higher EducationHigh School GraduationLanguage and LiteracySlide 6–7: Social and Community ContextAnalyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of social and community context listed below.Civic ParticipationDiscriminationIncarcerationSocial CohesionSlide 8–9: Health and HealthcareAnalyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of health and healthcare listed below.Access to Health CareAccess to Primary CareHealth LiteracySlide 10–11: Neighborhood and Built EnvironmentAnalyze the relationship between the disease you chose and two of the factors of neighborhood and built environment listed below.Access to Foods That Support Healthy Eating PatternsCrime and ViolenceEnvironmental ConditionsQuality of HousingSlide 12–14: Select a state using the County Health Rankings link ( Then select a county within the state map.Compare how your county ranks within the state on Health Outcomes? Compare how your county ranks within the state on Health Factors?Health Factors include Health Behaviors, Clinical Care, Social & Economic Factors, and Physical Environment. For your county, report findings for two Social & Economic Factors and one Physical Environment factor.Describe some of the main social determinants of health indicators that may put your county more at risk for certain diseases, including your chosen disease.Slide 15–16: Current Control and Prevention EffortsIdentify public health programs that address one or more social determinants of health to reduce the incidence and prevalence of the disease.Explain some of the specific strategies of these programs.Slide 17–18: Recommendations for Future Control and Prevention EffortsRecommend a future control and prevention effort for three of the Ten Essential Public Health Services.Slide 19–20: Disseminating Information to Community OfficialsDescribe which community members and officials need to be aware of this information on control and prevention efforts.How will you encourage action among the community officials and members?Explain the important communication strategies to ensure credibility and improve the community’s trust.What current community policies should be changed or created to promote change?How will program success be measured?Slide 20–21: Social Determinants of Health and Public Health DecisionsHow do the social determinants of health impact decision making in public health?Consider issues relating to scientific, ethical, economic, and political decisions.Slide 22: ReferencesInclude at least three scholarly, APA formatted references and cite each appropriately within the presentation.

solved 1. The GlobePlease check to see if the Image(s) you

1. The GlobePlease check to see if the Image(s) you are being asked to review has a title. If there is a title, then I expect you to click on the title and read the corresponding document about the image and phrase your answer in a way that demonstrates your comprehension of this document as it relates to the theory in the text.Go to The Globe. Locate Jordan (in Asia). Take a look at the photograph for Petra and the corresponding link. This structure is on the list of Forgotten Wonders of the World. Millions of people each year visit this site. This brings in much need money to the economy, but it also endangers the site as people try to steal a piece of the structure, they mark up the site with carvings of their initials or graffiti, they leave trash behind, and just the sheer number of people walking on the floors and touching the artifacts wears them down.What issues need to be addressed to preserve wonders such as Petra from destruction?2. Movie ClipYou just viewed a scene from the movie “Anna & the King” starring Jody Foster. Anna (played by Jody Foster) has just arrived in Thailand from her home country of England. King Mongkut is the beloved King of Siam (now Thailand). Before becoming King (at the age of 47) he spent 27 years as a monk. During this long seclusion, he acquired a profound knowledge of Buddhism, which people say made him the compassionate person he was. He also intently studied science, English and western philosophy. Many attribute this to his accomplishment of Keeping Thailand as an independent country while many other Asian countries became colonies of the French, British, etc. during this period in history. King Mongkut ruled during the mid-1800. Anna is in Thailand to be the tutor for the King’s children.In this particular scene, she is being introduced to the Prime Minister as she has just arrived at the Royal Palace.How is business conducted differently in relation to time (from the chapter on nonverbal communication), as employed in this scene? EcuadorPoor Maria was ill and probably needed medical attention. But her mother’s deeply ingrained cultural beliefs and notions prevented anybody from coming hear her. No amount of persuasion could get her to cooperate until one caseworker drew upon her knowledge of cultural differences and finally convinced the woman to allow her daughter to receive medical treatment.The following account is based on true story and illustrates the need for intercultural understanding.A child protective service worker had been asked by local school authorities to find out why Maria Ramirez had been out of school. The school principal had received alarming news from the school nurse sent on several occasions to look into the girl’s absence that Maria’s mother refused to cooperate and allow her daughter to receive the medical attention she probably needed urgently. The worker left for the Ramirez’s home in the predominantly Hispanic suburb of the sprawling American city. Upon her arrival she found Maria’s mother was very glad to have somebody with whom she could speak Spanish. Visibly upset about Maria’s illness, she told the worker that she had resorted to several remedies well known back home to bring her daughter’s fever down. But she was convinced that it was too late because evil spirits had already taken possession of Maria and were causing her to suffer. This is why she had locked her daughter in her bedroom and had put a pair of large sharp scissors, suspended at the end of a string, directly above Maria’s bed (and her head). The scissors would “cut” any spirit that tried to enter the young girl’s body.The alarmed worker immediately asked whether she could see the child. The reply was, No. Nobody could enter the room. They might possibly bring spirits into the bedroom. The mother calmly explained in a very matter-of-fact way that evil spirits could cling to any person. Under no circumstances would she let anybody, including the Spanish-speaking woman, into her daughter’s room. The worker knew that she had to remove those dangerous scissors. But how could she persuade her mother to let her see the child, let alone remove the scissors in which the woman had so much faith?Knowing that such beliefs run deep in people’s cultural patterning, the worker was facing a dilemma: how to gain access to the child’s bedroom, remove the dangerous scissors, and get the mother to agree to allow a doctor to examine her daughter. The worker, although familiar with many Southern and Central American folk practices, had never heard of this remedy before, but had heard from her own grandmother of a similar practice whereby scissors were placed over the door to a sick person’s room.The worker started by gaining the mother’s confidence in recognizing the cultural validity of such folk healing practices. She then explained that the mother should remove the scissors from above her daughter’s bed and place them over the door to her bedroom. This would prevent any evil spirit that clung to a person from entering the room. This would allow a doctor to enter the child’s room with no risk of evil spirits’ also entering the room.The mother agreed, saying that all she wanted was to see her daughter well again. The caseworker and a doctor were able to examine Maria and treat her and within days the child was well again.What would have happened if the case worker had insisted on taking Maria to a hospital immediately, or tried to force her way into Maria’s room? Relate this to what the text says about Culture’s Influence on the Health Care Context.4. Business Communication VideoWhy did an American automakers car not sell well in South America?What two add campaigns failed due to their mis-translation of words?Video:…5. In detail, summarize at length the video “Communicating Across Cultures” and relate it to ANY aspect of the course you wish.…

solved Question 1Integrated Waveguide Technologies (IWT) is a 6-year-old company founded

Question 1Integrated Waveguide Technologies (IWT) is a 6-year-old company founded by Hunt Jackson and David Smithfield to exploit metamaterial plasmonic technology to develop and manufacture miniature microwave frequency directional transmitters and receivers for use in mobile Internet and communications applications. IWT’s technology, although highly advanced, is relatively inexpensive to implement, and its patented manufacturing techniques require little capital as compared to many electronics fabrication ventures. Because of the low capital requirement, Jackson and Smithfield have been able to avoid issuing new stock and thus own all of the shares. Because of the explosion in demand for its mobile Internet applications, IWT must now access outside equity capital to fund its growth, and Jackson and Smithfield have decided to take the company public. Until now, Jackson and Smithfield have paid themselves reasonable salaries but routinely reinvested all after-tax earnings in the firm, so dividend policy has not been an issue. However, before talking with potential outside investors, they must decide on a dividend policy. Your new boss at the consulting firm Flick and Associates, which has been retained to help IWT prepare for its public offering, has asked you to make a presentation to Jackson and Smithfield in which you review the theory of dividend policy and discuss the following issues.a. (1) What is meant by the term “distribution policy”? How has the mix of dividend payouts and stock repurchases changed over time?(2) The terms “irrelevance,” “dividend preference” (or “bird-in-the-hand”), and “tax effect” have been used to describe three major theories regarding the way dividend payouts affect a firm’s value. Explain these terms, and briefly describe each theory.(3) What do the three theories indicate regarding the actions management should take with respect to dividend payouts?(4) What results have empirical studies of the dividend theories produced? How does all this affect what we can tell managers about dividend payouts?b. Discuss the effects on distribution policy consistent with: (1) the signaling hypothesis (also called the information content hypothesis) and (2) the clientele effect.c. (1) Assume that IWT has completed its IPO and has a $112.5 million capital bud-get planned for the coming year. You have determined that its present capital structure (80% equity and 20% debt) is optimal, and its net income is forecasted at $140 million. Use the residual distribution approach to determine IWT’s total dollar distribution. Assume for now that the distribution is in the form of a dividend. Suppose IWT has 100 million shares of stock outstanding. What is the forecasted dividend payout ratio? What is the forecasted dividend per share? What would happen to the payout ratio and DPS if net income were forecasted to decrease to $90 million? To increase to $160 million?(2) In general terms, how would a change in investment opportunities affect the payout ratio under the residual distribution policy?(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the residual policy? (Hint: Don’t neglect signaling and clientele effects.)d. (1) Describe the procedures a company follows when it makes a distribution through dividend payments.(2) What is a stock repurchase? Describe the procedures a company follows when it makes a distribution through a stock repurchase.e. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a firm repurchasing its own shares. f. Suppose IWT has decided to distribute $50 million, which it presently is holding in liquid short-term investments. IWT’s value of operations is estimated to be about $1,937.5 million; it has $387.5 million in debt and zero preferred stock. As mentioned previously, IWT has 100 million shares of stock outstanding.(1) Assume that IWT has not yet made the distribution. What is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? What is its intrinsic stock price per share?2) Now suppose that IWT has just made the $50 million distribution in the form of dividends. What is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? What is its intrinsic stock price per share?(3) Suppose instead that IWT has just made the $50 million distribution in the form of a stock repurchase. Now what is IWT’s intrinsic value of equity? How many shares did IWT repurchase? How many shares remained outstanding after the repurchase? What is its intrinsic stock price per share after the repurchase?g. Describe the series of steps that most firms take when setting dividend policy. h. What are stock splits and stock dividends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?i. What is a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), and how does it work?Question 2Gamut Satellite Inc. produces satellite earth stations that sell for $150,000 each. The firm’s fixed costs, F, are $1.5 million, 20 earth stations are produced and sold each year, profits total $400,000, and the firm’s assets (all equity financed) are $5 million. The firm estimates that it can change its production process, adding $10 million to assets and $500,000 to fixed operating costs. This change will reduce variable costs per unit by $5,000 and increase output by 30 units. However, the sales price on all units must be lowered to $140,000 to permit sales of the additional output. The firm has tax loss carryforwards that render its tax rate zero, its cost of equity is 18%, and it uses no debt.Determine the variable cost per unitDetermine the new profit if the change is madeWhat is the incremental profit?What is the projects expected rate of return for the next year (defined as the incremental profit divided by the investment)?Should the firm make the investment? Why or why not?Would the firm’s break-even point increase or decrease if it made the change?Would the new situation expose the firm to more or less business risk than the old one? Show workingsNote: The textbook is attached in the following google drive link.…

solved ASSESSMENT 1 CONTEXT Assets A company must satisfy its customers

A company must satisfy its customers in order to succeed. A company also needs to sell products and services at a profit. (Non-profit and public organizations are not covered in this course.)
Companies have both tangible and intangible assets and need both of these types.
Goals of Financial Management
Should financial managers focus only on long-term sustainable value or should they account for the short-term demands of shareholders seeking immediate gain? Let us look at an example. A relatively new company without actual profits or a solid business strategy called V.A. Linux (ticker symbol LNUX) went public December 9,1999, at an initial price of $30 per share, and its stock hit $320 per share the same day. In the year 2000, its stock hit a low of 6. There are numerous stories just like V.A. Linux. In general, maximizing value is a short-term proposition and one that does not always fit every situation in the short term.
Working to maximize shareholder wealth is a simple and obvious management mandate. Complications surface when managers try to balance short-term and long-term goals, sustainable performance, social responsibility expectations, ethical and legal behavior, and sometimes personal objectives. This course will touch on all of these complicating factors.
Financial Environment
Financial managers are not independent operators. Financial institutions make their decisions in larger financial environments.
Financial managers need to understand the environment within which their businesses operate. You will look at the markets in which capital is raised and securities are traded and priced, and you will examine institutions that operate in these markets. In the process, you will also explore the principal factors that determine the level of interest rates.
People and organizations with borrowing needs often use the services of different financial intermediaries. This involves analyzing different existing types of financial markets such as primary and secondary markets, equity and bond markets, money markets and capital markets, and some of the recent trends in the financial markets.
It is important to consider different financial intermediaries, which not only efficiently transfer money between borrowers and savers, but essentially create new financial products. There are major types of intermediaries with highly specialized functions in our financial environment.
Financial Statement Analysis
There are four basic financial statements: the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the statement of cash flows. These statements contain a lot of information that should be dissected and analyzed to help managers to draw conclusions regarding the overall financial performance of the company.
Ratio Analysis
It is useful to anticipate future conditions and to plan actions that will improve a firm’s future performance. The primary method used to analyze financial statements is ratio analysis. The most important ratios to analyze can be grouped into liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, debt management ratios, profitability ratios, and market value ratios.
Financial Statement Forecasting Techniques
This assessment will focus on some of the techniques used to forecast financial statements as a critical part of the overall financial planning process. Financial forecasting usually starts with a forecast of the firm’s projected sales based on projected or pro forma financial statements. These statements can also provide ratios to be used in evaluating alternative business plans and strategies. Consider the uses and limitations of the additional funds needed (AFN) formula, which is used to estimate additional funds needed to support a higher projected level of sales, as well as the need for a comprehensive approach to forecasting and an understanding of financial and non-financial factors in the financial environment.
Combine the following three parts into one document.
Part 1. Ratio Analysis (1–2 pages)
Using the XYZ Balance Sheet and Income Statement linked in the Resources and the table provided below, complete the following for XYZ Inc.:

Calculate the indicated ratios for XYZ.
Construct the DuPont equation for both XYZ and the industry.
Use your analysis to outline XYZ’s strengths and weaknesses.
Say XYZ had doubled its sales as well as its inventories and common equity during 2013. Do you think this would this affect the validity of your ratio analysis? No calculations are necessary.

RatioXYZ Inc.Industry AverageCurrent 2.0xQuick 1.3xDays sales outstanding 35 daysInventory turnover 6.7xTotal assets turnover 3.0xProfit margin 1.2%ROA 3.6%ROE 9.0%
Part 2. Investment Analysis (1–2 pages)
For this part of the assessment, imagine that you are looking into investing in a manufacturing company, such as a car company or a steel company. Your goal is to create a plan for determining the potential strength of an investment in the company (investment analysis) and determining how the company might perform over a selected period of years (forecast).
After considering a potential investment in this manufacturing company, address the following:

What are some of the qualitative factors that must be considered when selecting a company in which to invest?
What financial ratios would you examine, and why?
What non-financial factors would you examine, and why?

Use research from at least two references to support your ideas.
Part 3. Forecast (1–2 pages)
Using the same hypothetical manufacturing company described above, address the following questions related to forecasting the performance of the company:

How would you forecast revenue, profitability, and asset management, such as inventory control and accounts receivable, for a hypothetical manufacturing company?
What ratios would you analyze?
What techniques would you use? Why?
What non-financial factors would be important in your analysis?

Use research from at least two references to support your ideas.

solved STUDENT 1 BJ DB Forum 2 For a work to

DB Forum 2
For a work to be copyrighted it must be original, a work of an authorship, and fixed in a tangible form of expression. In order for a work to be considered an original, it must have been independently created and must possess a modicum of creativity. The requirement is the material must be an independent product of the author and not merely some copy or minimal variation of existing work. Deborah E. Bouchoux, Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets, Section 10-2, (5th ed. 2018). Works of authorship is fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or hereafter developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, and otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine. 17 U.S.C. § 102. Id. at Section 10-4. A work is “fixed” when it is embodied in a copy or phonorecord and is sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or communicated for a period of more than transitory duration. 17 U.S.C § 101. Id. at Section 10-3. One famous case held that the rolls of music for a player piano were not subject to copyright protection because they could not be read by humans as sheet music could. White-Smith Music Publ’g Co v. Apollo Co., 209 U.S. 1 (1908). Id. at Section 10-3. There are two categories that are considered fixed, copies and phonorecords. Examples of copies are books or movies and examples of phonorecords are CD’s and records.
Based on that, would the following be copyrightable?
The lyrics to the hymn “Amazing Grace”: Yes
The dance steps to the hit song “YMCA”: Yes
The slogan for Nike, “Just do it.”: No
An app that you download to your smartphone or tablet: No
The United States Code, in print form: No
A blueprint design to a new building: Yes
An idea for a new movie: No
I think the federal copyright laws comport with Biblical principles. Copyright laws protect the creator and we have a duty to ensure that if we want to enjoy those creations then we owe them credit for it. Otherwise, we would be taking advantage of each other. The wealthy would take over the pieces of work from the lower class, and the creators would have their rights to their own work taken away from them. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13:7, (New International Version).
Discussion Board: Copyright
The Patent and Copyright Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America at Article 1, Section 8, is the basis of copyright law in America.  The clause reads that Congress should have the authority to legislate laws “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their respective writings and discoveries.”  The very first law that was passed in reference to this clause was the Copyright Act of 1790.
Up until the federal Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17 U.S. Code §§ 101 – 1401 (Copyrights)) became law on January 1, 1978, the only requirement for an American writer or artist to copyright their works that they had not yet published was to make a public affirmation that the work was yours.  I remember when I was growing up, my Uncle Fred who always wrote and sang songs, would print his songs out, put them into a sealed envelope, sign the back of it, and then mail them to himself.  He told me that the date of the postmark was the date of his perpetual copyright on a particular song.
But, once you distribute your work for profit to the general public, the second component of the then prevalent copyright law was for the American to pay the $35 to register your work online with the USPTO to obtain copyright protection for only 56 years.
The USTPO’s Circular #1 lists the nine different broad categories of copyrighted materials to include: “(1) Literary works; (2) Musical works, including any accompanying words; (3) Dramatic works, including any accompanying music; (4) Pantomimes and choreographic works; (5) Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; (7) Motion pictures and other audiovisual works; (8) Sound recordings, which are works that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds; and (9) Architectural works.”  It also listed, generally, what cannot be copyrighted as:  “(1) Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, or discoveries; (2) Works that are not fixed in a tangible form (such as a choreographic work that has not been notated or recorded or an improvisational speech that has not been written down); (3) Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; (4) Familiar symbols or designs; (5) Mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; and (6) Mere listings of ingredients or contents.”
Additionally, there are three minimum criteria to go a work registered are (1) originality, (2) creativity, and (3) fixation.
Originality means that the work must be something new that must have been created independent of all other existing creations, and not merely copied.  Creativity means that the work must demonstrate a very small amount of ingenuity.  Fixation means that it must be a tangible piece of artwork.
Based on these requirements,
the lyrics to the hymn “Amazing Grace” are copyrightable;
the dance steps to the hit song “YMCA” are not copyrightable;
the slogan for Nike, “Just do it” is not copyrightable;
an app that you download to your smartphone or tablet is copyrightable;
the United States Code, in print form, is copyrightable;
a blueprint design to a new building is copyrightable; and
an idea for a new movie, is not copyrightable.
Deborah E. Bouchoux, Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets, 5th Ed., 2016, available at…

solved In at least 250 words, please do the following:(a) describe

In at least 250 words, please do the following:(a) describe the interaction between Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability.(b) Then, please read the article titled: “Peter F. Drucker on Executive Leadership and Effectiveness” (link) download, and explain how this article aligns with Chapter 10 of the textbook.(c) From reading “Peter F. Drucker on Executive Leadership and Effectiveness”, are there any aspects of Management as a Liberal Art (MLA) that seem to also emerge in Chapter 10 of the textbook? Please explain the connection between these two readings.reply#1Although it looks like that business ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability are different sections, the topics are quite interrelated and key strategic issues facing all organizations. For example, if a company is socially irresponsible, such as financial scandal of Lehman and accounting scandal of Enron, it is considered unethical. Socially irresponsible companies also neglect environmental, ethical, and social responsibility. Business ethics refers to appropriate business policies and principles of conduct within organizations that guide business practices. Shareholders, such as customers, employees, and the public, have become less and less tolerant of business ethics violations in organizations, and more and more appreciative of ethical organizations. Good business ethics is a prerequisite for good business. Social responsibility means that companies should adopt ethical policies that promote the well-being of society and the environment as a whole. Customers are more likely to do business with socially responsible companies, hence impacting their profitability. Social responsibility has become increasingly important to investors who seek to invest companies that are not just profitable but also contribute to the welfare of society and the environment. Sustainability is the balance between business operations, economy, equity, and the environment. Polluting the environment is unsustainability, unethical, and irresponsible. One of the best ways for an organization to be socially responsible is to protect, mend, and preserve the natural environment. Business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are interrelated and impact all areas of business process (David & David, 2017, P. 305-322).According to Maciariello (2006), leaders must exhibit high levels of integrity in their moral and ethical conduct, and lead beyond borders to meet at least minimum requirements of all stakeholders, thereby serving the common good. An organization should be led by executives who are committed to doing the right thing and to getting the right things done. Organizations must minimize negative social impacts and take a proactive interest in the common good because they are significantly dependent upon the welfare of society for their own welfare.Peter Drucker defined Management as a Liberal Art (MLA) in his book: “Management is what tradition used to call a liberal art: ‘liberal’ because it deals with the fundamentals of knowledge, self-knowledge, wisdom, and leadership; ‘art’ because it deals with practice and application. Manager’s responsibility is to make the organization perform the function and make the contribution for the sake of which it exists (Drucker, 1974). An organization’s social action should not interfere with its primary mission. Creating an image for business is a smart way to win more customers. Customers love brands that care about their environment and help the community. People have more incentive to support businesses thathave more social responsibility. For most firms, the ultimate goal is stated in financial performance. The trust of customers and the public is very important asset. It will lead directly to improve financial performance and stakeholders’ benefits.ReferencesDavid, F. R., & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases: A Competitive Advantage Approach (16th ed.). Pearson Education.Drucker, P. F. (1974). Management. London: William Heinemann.Maciariello, J. A. (2006). Peter F. Drucker on executive leadership and effectiveness. In F. Hesselbein & M. Goldsmith (Eds.), The leader of the future 2: Visions, strategies, and practices for the new era (pp. 3–27). Jossey-Bass/Wiley.reply#2Business ethics is the proper way an organization runs with its policies, mission statements, and principles. Social responsibility refers to the methods an organization adopts to engage with the public beneficially that is also advantageous to the organization itself. Sustainability is the how the organization balances its profits, ethics, responsibility, and the well-being of the society.Chapter 10 of the textbook talks about how business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability take huge part in the success of a business, and the article provides a more detail explanation on how all three of them are correlated to each other. For example, an organization needs to minimize the social impact while maximizing its financial profits; meanwhile, they need to make sure the policies and procedures they adopt for the organization matches the requirements from all stakeholders to ensure business ethics.In the article Peter F. Drucker on Executive Leadership and Effectiveness (Drucker, 1974), we see that the society actually prefers to buy from companies that are more socially responsible. For example, Tesla came out with Vegan leather for all of its vehicles produced. This marketing method creates a positive and environmental social perspective, therefore created large profit to its vehicle market.ReferenceDavid, F. R., & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases: A Competitive Advantage Approach (16th ed.). Pearson Education.Maciariello, J., A. (2006). Peter F. Drucker on Executive Leadership and Effectiveness. Academia. Retrieved from