solved Below are some of the most common errorsThe main points

Below are some of the most common errorsThe main points should be in problem, cause, solution organization.The topic revelation statement, main points, and sub-points should be just 1 idea (1 sentence or small phrase without an and), the shorter the better.Support needs to be examples, statistics, and testimonials.Need 6 citations, 3 from databases in an APA works cited.Need transitions that review and preview points between main points, after the introduction, and before the conclusion.Make sure that you give verbal citations to make it support. In a verbal citation, you need a source, author, information, and date. The title of the article and/or the author’s name do not identify the source.Follow the below video lecture for fixing the symbolization and indentation.

solved please create a presentation You can pick a topic from

please create a presentation
You can pick a topic from the list. Then use the all components.
Candidates research a controversial technology issue with legal relevance in today’s public schools. Candidates will produce a presentation that demonstrates:
1) research and court cases representing a range of perspectives on the issue,
2) rights and responsibilities of stakeholders (e.g. privacy, freedom of speech, confidentiality, etc.)
3) practical examination of teaching and classroom practices that intersect with the issue, and
4) recommendations for teachers to consider with respect to the issue. The instructor will provide guidance on the means and mode of the presentation, whether the assignment may be performed individually or in groups, and final approval of topics.

solved OverviewNow that you have completed your work for the “With

OverviewNow that you have completed your work for the “With Social and Global Implications” aspect of yourEngineering Economics course, you will be asked to reflect on your intercultural, team, andinterpersonal communication experiences, understandings, and expectations.Each question is listed on its own page. Enter your answers in the spaces provided for you under eachquestion. Some questions are multi-part with all parts included as part of the same table.This is a reflection assignment, and there are no right or wrong answers. However, there are completeand incomplete answers, thoughtful and shallow answers, and answers given in good- or bad-faith1.Your responses will be assessed in terms of thoughtfulness, completeness, and whether they were givenin good faith.

solved What are the primary challenges of organizational teams and how

What are the primary challenges of organizational teams and how are Tuckman’s stages of team development involved? Looking for current information from 2018. I am struggling with putting this into words (150-250 words).From what I understand, is team’s primary challenge is working together as a team. Such as,,,Forming- building interest or coordinating schedules / Storming- managing conflict, valuing differences / Norming-avoiding stereotyping or being locked into a role (like type casting) / Performing- balancing creativity with a practical limitation / Reviewing or Adjourning-becoming self-managing and keeping from getting discouraged.Merrill, P. (2019, 06). HUDDLE UP. Quality Progress, 52, 20-25. https://www-magazines/huddle-up/docview/2246857312/se-2?accountid=7374

solved WWhatWhat areare thethe implimplicationsimplications of labelinglabeling human bebehaviors (a

WWhatWhat areare thethe implimplicationsimplications of labelinglabeling human bebehaviors (aandand by exteextension, human beings) aasas normalnormal oror aababnormal? What are somesome ofof tthethe consequenconsequencesconsequences of labelinglabeling in thethe workplace? PProvideProvide an exampleexample of howhow sspspecificspecific abnormalabnormal behaviorsbehaviors were viewedviewed in thethe pastpast in the workplace (e.g., ppostppostpartumrtum depressdepression). HasHas thisthis perspectiveperspective changedchanged frfrom thethe past? IfIf soso how? HowHow cancan ununusualunusual behaviorsbehaviors be classifiedclassified and identifiedidentified withoutwithout negativenegative consequencesconsequences to people? Be suresure toto use AAPAAPA stylestyle format

solved You may write a newspaper article describing the conditions faced

You may write a newspaper article describing the conditions faced by immigrants coming to the United States. Your newspaper article should be written to reflect the experiences of Asian or European immigrants in the early 1900s. Be sure to consider the following in your response:Where is the immigrant group you are writing about from?What were some of the reasons they immigrated to the United States?How was the journey to the United States?What was the process like to enter the United States?What is life like in the United States? What challenges do immigrants face? What immigration laws affect this group?
Your article or guide should be at least one page in length and in no larger than a 12-point font. You may include clip art or images. Be sure to cite your sources.

solved Public Service Motivation: From 1990 to Today. DQ: List the

Public Service Motivation: From 1990 to Today. DQ: List the challenges for democracy that the new public service poses, according to this author, James Perry. Discuss the issues driving organizations to change in today’s environment. What are the current ethical questions that managers of organizations face on a daily basis? ONE PARAGRAPH………….provide source at the end ONE PAGE ASSIGNMENT: Ethics and Organizational Change This TED Talk looks at regulations as built in habits. Identify and discuss the examples of how to get serious about intrinsic motivation to concentrate public policy on outcomes rather than outputs. Relate these concepts to the chapter readings and the course theme of managing human behavior in public organizations. (NO more than a page)

solved -Assignment #1: Write a paper on the benefits of Intramural

-Assignment #1: Write a paper on the benefits of Intramural Activity . Find 3+ scholarly articles about this topic and include them in your answer. You will also need to reference the Ch. 2 powerpoint that is attached as well and include it into the paper (3+ pages APA style)
-Must include (1). 3+ scholarly article references & (2). 1 reference from the book/powerpoint. (I will include the chapter 2 powerpoint where you can quote from this instead of the book) 
-Assignment #2: Write a paper on how geographical locations differentiates the offering of intramurals. Find 3+ scholarly articles about this topic and include them in your answer. You will also need to reference the Ch. 3 powerpoint that is attached as well and include it into the paper (3+ pages APA style)

solved I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need

I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Design and describe two (2) different types of assessments.
Describe in detail a specific informal (often known as formative) assessment that could be implemented during your 4-day Thematic Unit. Identify when you would use it, what you expect to learn from it, and how you would use the results.
Design and describe one non-traditional summative assessment for use at the end of your unit. This may not be an essay, fill-in-the blank, or multiple-choice type test, quiz, or worksheet.  Explain why you think your assessment would effectively show student learning.

I’m teaching 4th grade Health/PE

I have to incorporate literacy into my activities 

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain the benefits of discussing race and the experiences of U.S. minority groups in an era characterized by modern racism.The chapter text paraphrases the words of the historian Oscar Handlin (1951): “Once I thought to write a history of the minority groups in America. Then, I discovered that the minority groups were American history.” Explain this statement and provide examples.Use text book from chapter 10 attached below / 2 quotes from chapter 10 with page number / no outside sourcesexamples: quote 1. (Healey, chp.10, page number) quote 2- (Healey, chp.10, page number)Reference: Diversity and Society Race, Ethnicity, and Gender by Joseph F. Healey; Andi Stepnick