solved Part 1:When thinking about data visualization, it is important to

Part 1:When thinking about data visualization, it is important to understand regular expressions in data analytics.  Therefore, note the importance of data visualizations and choose two types of expressions (* – wildcards for example) and discuss the difference between the two types of expressions.
Your response should be 250-300 words.
There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
Part 2: we need to respond to 2 of the class mates posts.
Required Text
Title: Data Visualisation
ISBN: 9781526468925
Authors: Andy Kirk
Publisher: SAGE Publications Limited
Publication Date: 2019-10-07
Edition: 2nd ED.

solved You can choose to take a deep dive look at

You can choose to take a deep dive look at the metrics behind one of the Superbowl ads from this past Superbowl 2020. Choose any commercial that resonated with you and then find KPIs that are being measured and analyze it. Be sure to look at:-Introduction of the company and the ad they created -Discuss how the company used metrics in its advertising strategies -What are some KPIs the company used?-Did the ad work? What were the results?-Did sales go up after the ad aired?-Were there lasting effects of the ad on social media after it debuted?-Look at the timing of the ad and when it aired, etc.* Please write the paper in a basic language, not anything too advanced this is an intro class about data analytics so my knowledge is not advanced**NEED PAPER DONE BY MONDAY

solved In A Controversial WPA Mural Is a Litmus T est

In A Controversial WPA Mural Is a Litmus T est for the Longevity of Public Art, author Zachary Small describes the George Washington mural that is about to be covered up. In 100 words or less, briefly describe your own perspective on this topic. Should Victor Arnautoff’s The Life of George Washington, be removed from public view? What role does Arnautoff’s artistic intention play in this debate? What did you think about the school boards decision to “conceal” the mural as opposed to destroying it? Whose personal agenda might concealing or destroying this mural be serving? These are some of the types of questions you might want to consider before formulating your response.You will receive full credit for this discussion assignment by responding to the prompt.

solved Discuss how you would redesign a quantitative data report you

Discuss how you would redesign a quantitative data report you receive at work to make it more useful for you. Would a visual presentation of the data be helpful? How would you present the data? Make sure to highlight the importance of visual presentation of data versus columns of numbers. Select a visualization tool that you could utilize to increase understanding of the data.500 words, must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in APA format. All sources cited must should be published within the last five years with the exception of the Bible. Acceptable sources include scholarly, peer-reviewed references and the Bible.BOOK: Daniel B. McLaughlin, John R. Olson, Healthcare Operations Management, Third Edition, 2017, AUPHA Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1567938517

solved I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Statement of Professional GoalsPlease complete an essay of 500 words at minimum outlining your professional goals. The essay should address the following questions:1. What are your professional goals and how will a Criminal Justice, general track (or chosen specialization) degree from Saint Leo University assist you in reaching those goals?2. Based on your previous collegiate, professional, and life experience, why do you think now this is the right time for you to enroll into the Criminal Justice program?3. How do you think you will be able to handle an academic rigor of a graduate program that requires students to maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA? My goal is to be in the FBI

solved 1. B. Analyze the inter-generational relationships in the movie, On

1. B. Analyze the inter-generational relationships in the movie, On Golden Pond: (1) teenager to middle age parent; (2) middle age woman, Jane Fonda to old parent, Henry Fonda (3) between the partners of the old couple and (4) teenager to grandparent, Henry Fonda2.Analyze the inter-generational relationships in the movie, Driving Miss Daisy : (1) son to mother “Miss Daisy” (2) daughter in law to “Miss Daisy” (3) Chauffeur( Morgan Freeman) and “Miss Daisy” as this develops over time (note the issues of race too)3. Identify the standards and elements for discrimination under the ADEA ? 4. Debate the fairness of forced retirement of pilots, state police and other professions which treat age as a BFOQ. 5.What are the evolutionary benefits of grandmothers (menopause)?

solved . Read the attached article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need

. Read the attached article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us” EditEdit downloadby Bill Joy. Appeared in Wired, issue 8.04, April 2000;
2. Read a summary of Professor Peter Singer’s lecture on ethics and technology; (Links to an external site.)
3. Read Tech Ethics Issues We Should All Be Thinking About In 2019 (Links to an external site.).
4. Write a paper containing answer to the following questions. Your paper should present your understanding of ethical dimensions and unintended consequences of technology.

What do you strongly agree with in the articles? and Why?  
What do you disagree with in the articles? and Why? 
What kind of person Bill Joy seems to you, an idiot, a Luddite, or a genius? and Why? 
Are the assumptions in both the articles sound?  


solved For this task, you will choose two articles from this

For this task, you will choose two articles from this week’s readings (or of your own choosing, as long as they are a sociological or constitutional theory) and complete a summary of the articles, including the key points of research and learning points. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts presented in the articles as you critique the research and ethical considerations being presented.Length: 2-3 pagesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect doctoral-level writing and APA standards……

solved . Develop  a PowerPoint presentation with complete speaker notes

Develop  a PowerPoint presentation with complete speaker notes for a staff  in-service on the pathophysiology and pharmacologic agents for a select  disease process. The total maximum number of slides is 30 (Parts 1 and 2  combined). Your group may determine how to divide the number of slides  between Parts 1 and 2.
Each CLC will choose one disease process to present from the following list with the instructor’s approval:

Alzheimer’s disease
Diabetes Type 2
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Multiple sclerosis
Peptic ulcer disease

Part  1 of the presentation will focus on the physiology and pathophysiology  of the disease, clinical manifestations, and evaluation (e.g., labs,  imaging).

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need support

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Subject 1:  Factors to Consider When Expanding International Markets
Question 1: Provide a real life example from current news of a company that made a critical success or failure in international business. Discuss, post why?
subject 2: Developing a Plan to Maximize the Benefits from International Market Entry & Leverage the Same
Question 2: In selecting the first international market to penetrate, companies often think about how success in that market could lead to more success in other international markets.  What in your view are the two most important considerations when selecting the first country to enter overseas? Discuss,