solved I’m working on a writing report and need support to

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.

Please 3 sentences in which you reflect on your experience creating the annotated bibliography. You might discuss (1.) the research process itself (did you struggle to find sources? did you find too many sources?); (2.) the work of annotating (did you struggle to represent the sources you found? did you find it helpful to annotate the sources?); (3.) the evolution of your critical evaluation of your author/artist (did you learn something from this research that has altered your thinking in important ways? did you learn something that led to greater insight into the body of work?).

solved SSC120 Dimensions of health and social care Canvas Submission Deadline:

SSC120 Dimensions of health and social care
Canvas Submission Deadline: Tuesday 10th August 2021
Assessment : Summary
Essay 2,000 word Local 100 Essay assessing
learning outcomes 1-5
Overall Mark 100
Write a 2000 word essay choosing ONE of the following questions 1. Discuss how one’s social position in society is a key determinant of health.reaInequalities in health (e.g. by region, ethnicity, soci-economic position or gender) and in access to health care, including their causes | Health Knowledge :

solved One page response for each question (double space)Wild Wild Country

One page response for each question (double space)Wild Wild Country (available to stream on Netflix): For this option, you can opt to watch either 2, 4, or 6 episodes (for 1, 2, or 3 observations, respectively). You might start watching and find yourself drawn into the storyline, in which case you have the option to watch the whole series and submit all three response papers.
Episodes 1-2:
Why do you think Sheela followed the Bhagwan?

Episodes 3-4:
How would you describe the conflicts between Rajneeshpuram and the surrounding community?

Episodes 5-6:
Do you think the Rajneeshpuram community was a destructive religious movement? Why or why not?

solved I’m studying for my History class and don’t understand how

I’m studying for my History class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Directions: choose one question below and write a formal essay with a thesis statement (take a position). Make sure you have an introduction, body and conclusion paragraph that supports your thesis statement throughout. 
rite two pages 12-point font, double spaced about ” What were the Pentagon Papers? Why did the government want to keep them secret”
The information, sources and “quotes”  must be from chapter 18 of “A People’s History of the United States Chapter essay” I will provide it.…

solved I’m working on a article writing writing question and need

I’m working on a article writing writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Watch the video (video is at the bottom of the page): 

Gene Zelazny, former director of visual communications for McKinsey & Company and the author of one of our recommended resource texts, gave this lecture on presentations at Wharton Business School in 2001.
In no more than two paragraphs of four to five sentences each, discuss two points that Zelazny makes about developing and delivering presentations that will be helpful to you in preparing your own presentations.

solved objective : undefined 1- identify the business of dentistry undefined

objective :
1- identify the business of dentistry
2- recognize the different items of dental items of dental team management
3-appraise the important of the patient management and risk management in dental practice in order to develop risk management program and strategies for patient  management as risk  management
4-describe the office design and equipment placement
5-identify how to work with dental office document
6-illustrate the basic concept of appointment management system
7-employ the basic principle of recall system
8-demonstrate how to market your service

solved I’m working on a business question and need an explanation

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

Then locate the rule in any other country.

Discuss the following:

1.   What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
2.   Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country.  If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways.  If different, discuss the differences.

If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

solved After reading Chapter 11 in Erford (Multicultural Counseling) please answer

After reading Chapter 11 in Erford (Multicultural Counseling) please answer the following questions:What are your perceptions of a culturally competent counselor? Describe personal attributes and skills you possess that would help you practice as a culturally competent counselor. Which qualities and skills do you need to cultivate more? Use material from the readings to support your assertions.Describe and explain the etic vs. emic debate. What are your perceptions of each perspective?Identify and explain a racial/ethnic development model based on the cultural group in which you identify. If you don’t want to use yourself, pick someone you know.

solved Part 1Â Reflecting on your readings and your personal experiences,

Part 1 
Reflecting on your readings and your personal experiences, what is your understanding of the human resource function? (Select your perspective to respond)

Non-HR Perspective: If you are not pursing a human resource career, explore this question from the role you expect to obtain in an organization. For example, if you are pursuing health care management, how do you envision your roles would interact, what do you expect from the human resources department in support of your responsibility?
HR Perspective: If you are pursuing a human resource career, how do you envision yourself in the role? What do you hope to bring to an organization?

solved The Great Depression was the most severe economic downturn in

The Great Depression was the most severe economic downturn in United States history. The 2008 financial crash and subsequent economic damage it caused has been often compared to the Great Depression, although most scholars do not believe it was as severe or as devastating as the events of the 1930s.From what you have read this week about the Depression, its causes, its aftermath, and its end, and from what you can discover with a bit of Internet research about the 2008 collapse, what separates the two events? Why do you think the 2008 collapse was not worse than it was, or alternatively, why do you think it was more damaging than the Depression?