solved Write a Position Paper The study of various world religions

Write a Position Paper The study of various world religions and religious movements, along with the accompanying belief systems, cultural practices, and social phenomena that arise from religion, brings up an important set of questions for philosophical consideration. For this final assignment, write a “position paper,” which is a particular style of argumentative essay, of somewhere between 1600 and 2000 words that addresses the controlling question and related considerations listed below. (A controlling question raises the main or central idea of an essay or position paper.) Here is a link to a detailed article, including an example, that explains how to write a position paper. Also, please be sure to review the grading rubric for this assignment to ensure that your paper fulfills all evaluation criteria to the best of your ability. Here is your controlling question: A consideration of the history of world civilization as well as current world events suggests that there exists a chasm, a very wide gap, which must be crossed in order for interreligious communication to take place. In your view, given that the different historical backgrounds and cultural settings of people around the world entail that at least some sort of gap or divide does indeed exist, should there be an effort to bridge this to allow for interreligious communication? Is closing this gap even possible? What are some specific elements that create the gap? What are some of the reasons that may be advanced in favor of interreligious communication and understanding? What are some of the commonalities among religious belief systems that might form a basis for communication? Do the differences among various religious belief systems outweigh the commonalities? Should the cultural diversity stemming from such differences be valued and maintained, or should attempts be made to overcome or even erase some of the differences that make interreligious communication difficult? Here are the specific guidelines for writing the paper: Write a position paper of @ 1600-2000 words in response to the controlling question and related considerations listed above. A position paper is one in which you take a stand on a particular issue or question that you identify in your introductory paragraph, and your thesis statement [included in your introductory paragraph] asserts your position clearly and concisely. In the body of the paper, support the position you take in your thesis; support may be in the form of facts (historical, political, aesthetic, sociological, psychological, etc.), statistics, expert opinion and argumentation, personal experience, logical deliberation, and so on. It is a good idea to bring in specific examples of religious beliefs and attitudes and refer to particular historical or current events to illustrate your supporting points or premises. Additionally, in a separate section of the paper, first present, and then respond to, at least one other possible position in response to these questions. Typically, this will be a position in opposition to yours, but it may simply be an alternative view that does not necessarily oppose your view. It should, however, be a view that you reject in favor of the position you have asserted in your thesis. Be sure to answer any objections or counterclaims to your view that you raise in this section. If you have no response to an important objection, you may need to change your original position. Finally, summarize the argument(s) you have made in support of your thesis and re-state the thesis in an expanded form in your concluding paragraph. Two essential components of this paper are (a) demonstration of your attainment of the Course Learning Outcomes that are relevant to your argument(s); and (b) the incorporation of any relevant philosophical insights you have gained from the assigned readings and other learning materials you have studied throughout the course. Cite at least three credible sources outside the course text and include at least two citations from different sections of the course text, Living Religions (9e) by Mary Pat Fisher. Your sources should be from credible and academically respectable sources. Please note that Wikipedia is not acceptable as one of the three required sources. Use Wikipedia for basic information and as a starting point for more advanced research and a guide to other reliable sources. You may use MLA, APA, or CMS documentation style and formatting guidelines. Choose whichever style best suits your purposes, but note that philosophy papers generally use MLA or CMS. Approach the assignment in a spirit of critical inquiry, which implies a receptive, reasonable, discerning frame of mind that is open to considering different perspectives. A concern for accuracy, precision, and truthfulness is assumed. As a reminder, here are the Course Learning Outcomes: Analyze differences and similarities among familiar religious traditions and other, less familiar or foreign, religious traditions. Analyze different ways of understanding the concept of the divine through cognitive, experiential, and emotional pathways. Explain how the idea of “having” or “being” a soul, conceived as the basis or essence of personal identity or ego, informs one’s worldview and behavior towards others. Analyze what the various world religions understand by the term or concept, “God.” Evaluate the value and importance of religious belief and practice in human society both historically and in the present day. Create notions of how tolerance for people of other religious traditions can be built through understanding those traditions while reflecting on the value of religious tolerance itself.

solved 1)Refer back to your response to Topic 1 DQ 1:

1)Refer back to your response to Topic 1 DQ 1: “Statistics is an important component of public health. Explain the relevance of statistics in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a health promotion intervention. How do you envision using statistics in your current or future career?” After completing the course, how has your vision changed regarding the role statistics will have in your current or future career?
Guidi, F., Umbach, G., Scholz, N. (2015). The Importance of Statistics in Public Health Sector Analysis. Retrieved from,policies%20implementation%20and%20epidemiological%20tendencies

How do statistics guide public health policy?

Discuss an ethical challenge you might face as a researcher when collecting and analyzing data from human subjects. What is an IRB and why is it necessary?
Purpose of the Human Research Protection Office and Institutional Review Board
University of Pittsburg. (2021). Chapter 2 – Purpose of the Human Research Protection Office and Institutional Review Board

Discuss how an IRB protects human subjects.

In public health, data are often gathered from separate groups in order to describe health-related behavior for a topic of interest. In practice, a larger sample is often surveyed, and then focus groups or interviews can be conducted with a smaller subset of the sample. The quantitative survey data from a larger group helps to identify health-related trends and patterns within the sample group. The qualitative data collected with the smaller group complements the quantitative survey data and helps to determine why and how a phenomenon exists. The cumulative findings can then help public health professionals form a conclusion about the health issue and inform future public health research, policy, and practice. 
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze qualitative and quantitative data from two separate groups, propose a research question, and then disseminate your findings in a mixed-methods manuscript. The survey and focus group are both on the topic of nutrition. The quantitative data is adapted from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), and the qualitative data is from a focus group transcript in which 9th grade girls discussed healthy eating.
For this assignment, you will use:

IBM SPSS Statistics and the “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset” to conduct a basic quantitative statistical analysis.
The “9th Grade Girls Healthy Food Focus Group Transcription” to conduct a qualitative analysis and identify key themes.

Part 1: Analyzing Data
Using the resources indicated above, conduct the following analyses and record the results on the “Results and Outputs” template. Attach this document as an Appendix in your paper.
Qualitative Analysis: Read the “9th Grade Girls Healthy Food Focus Group Transcription.” This transcript is from a focus group of 9th grade girls discussing healthy eating with the moderator. Generate codes and summarize the qualitative data.
Quantitative Analysis:

Review the “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset.” Identify two or three variables of interest and identify a study topic for your paper. Conduct a literature search for three to five peer-reviewed articles from the last 5 years that have studies supporting your topic. Develop a research question for your study based on the selected variables. The research question should demonstrate support for the focus group results and should be supported by existing literature.
Prepare the data to complete the analysis based on your research question.
Using SPSS, conduct descriptive statistics to summarize the sample.
Using SPSS, select an appropriate quantitative inferential statistical test to analyze the data.

Part 2: Reporting Data
Prepare a 1,250-1,500 word manuscript to disseminate the findings of your proposed study. The study should be based on your proposed research question and supported by the findings from the qualitative and quantitative analyses above, as well as by current literature. Include the following:

A 150-250 word summary of the manuscript.


Summarize the purpose of the research, the problem being addressed, and your proposed research question.
Support your summary using three to five peer-reviewed articles from the last 5 years that are relevant to your topic and that support why the study is being conducted.

Qualitative Methods (Focus Group)

Describe the focus group sample and data collection process.
Describe the process used to analyze the qualitative data.

Quantitative Methods (YRBSS Survey)

Discuss how the data were collected.
Identify and describe the variables used in the analysis.
Describe the descriptive and inferential statistical tests that were conducted.
Identify the software that was used to conduct the analysis.

Qualitative Results (Focus Group)

Summarize the results of the qualitative analysis from the “9th Grade Girls Healthy Food Focus Group Transcription.”

Quantitative Results (YRBSS Survey)

Summarize the sample using the results of the descriptive statistics.
Describe the main outcomes of the inferential statistical analysis.
Include at least one table or figure to support the results.


Interpret the study results in relation to the related literature and study purpose.
Discuss the study limitations.
Based on the interpreted results of the study, provide recommendations for future public health research, policy, or practice.


“Results and Outputs” analysis document.

solved Assignment OverviewYour assignment this week requires you to write a

Assignment OverviewYour assignment this week requires you to write a personal leadership statement.What You Need to KnowBeing an effective leader requires you to first understand your own strengths, areas of potential growth, values, and more. An effective leader needs to maintain sufficient energy and a sense of engagement, but also be able to stay calm, handling stress well. This all fits with the idea of agility and embracing change, concepts we discussed in the first weeks of class. An effective leader must also have a sense of purpose—understanding what is important to you, what you want to accomplish, and how different parts of your life can work together. A good leader is the entire package and is always improving.Being an effective leader is also about awareness of who you are. Part of being aware is knowing your own values and how those values impact what type of leader you become.The following readings will help you understand your own values and how values impact your ability to lead. They will also help you prepare for the assignment this week.Values Exercise | Transcript.Leider, R. J. (1998). Leading our organizations on purpose. Leader to Leader, 1998(9), 10–12.Robichaux, R. (n.d.). To be a better leader, start on the inside, with inner work. Instructions: DEFINING YOURSELF AS A LEADERIntroductionThis portfolio work project helps you define who you are as a leader. It is something that would be useful to you in an annual performance review or as reminder of your strengths and best qualities.ScenarioYour leader is interested in your development as a leader in your organization. You have recently taken a variety of self-assessments designed to better understand your strengths, areas of improvement, communication ability, and values. Your leader would like you to spend some time reflecting on the results of your assessments and gathering some additional information from those who know you best.Your RoleYour role is to prepare a report in which you review and reflect on your strengths. For this paper:Discuss the strengths, skills, and other positives that were revealed in the assessments that you took. Do these strengths surprise you or reinforce what you already thought? How do you use these strengths currently? Be sure to clearly explain which assessment gave you the information and cite the assessments in APA format.Discuss your strengths further by summarizing what the people that you asked about you responded, and relating how what you learned in from the people you talked to and the assessments fits in with what you already knew about yourself, and with the work you currently do or hope to do in the future.Develop a statement of who you are as a leader, based on your analysis. This statement should include your values, strengths, goals, and more. You should include in your statement who you want to be as a leader—what you aspire to become. This way, your statement becomes your own vision of who you want to be and an affirmation to help you grow.Describe some of the areas that you learned are growth opportunities (where you did not perform so strongly). How did you feel about this? What areas do you feel are most important to strengthen? What steps might you take to do so? Deliverable FormatYour deliverable is a 2–3 page business report. Because this is a personal reflection, you may write it in the first person.Related Company StandardsThe Defining Yourself as a Leader business report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs. In addition to the report, include:Title page or a heading at the top of the first page with title, date, and your name.Conclusion.References page.APA-formatted references.You might consider using the following outline:Introduction (tell the reader what this paper is about. Do not assume that the reader knows what the assignment is).My Strengths (detail which assessments you took and what strengths and values were revealed in the assessment as well as your communication with others. Put this all in context of how you view and use your strengths).Leadership Statement (create a statement of who you want to be as a leader—make it aspiring, like an affirmation).Growth Opportunities (detail the areas where you have yet to grow and discuss some plans for achieving that growth). Conclusion (wrap up the paper effectively). References (in APA format. Be sure to cite the assessments that you took, and any readings that are applicable).Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your boss. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assignment.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Analyze the strengths and behaviors of successful leaders.Analyze personal leadership strengths.Develop a personal leadership statement that includes purpose and values as a leader.Competency 2: Apply leadership strengths and behaviors to workplace situations.Describe how you use your strengths in the workplace or plan to in the future and how you will develop your weaknesses to become strengths.Competency 4: Communicate effectively through academic and professional writing.Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the main topic and subtopics.Convey clear meaning in text through sound grammar, usage, word choice, and mechanics.

solved Why do we need to study Developmental Psychology? Choose something

Why do we need to study Developmental Psychology?
Choose something from each module that resonated with you – something that gave you an ah ha moment – or something that caused you to stop for a minute. 
You have to prove it by using examples from the previous units (copy and paste things from the discussion for example)

Mental disorders
Mental illnesses are considered a set of psychological or behavioral symptoms that affect various aspects of one’s life. A person who is having these signs is distressed by these conditions. Psychological health illness is often used to relate to mental illnesses or psychological conditions, which are more commonly recognized.
Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses various symptoms associated with cognitive impairment, such as memory loss. This is a sign of several underlying brain disorders. This type of disorder affects people primarily over 65 years of age, although it can also start to manifest itself to people who are in their 30s, 40s, and above years of age.
Dementia symptoms
Dementia can cause some of the symptoms mentioned below, which are often caused by memory problems. Some signs people may experience independently, while only caregivers and healthcare professionals detect some (Wiels et al. 2020).

Repeating oneself
A challenge to find the correct words
Mood swings

Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Either pharmacological or non-pharmacological approaches could be used to diagnose, treat, or help dementia patients. Both biological and lifestyle changes are included in this category. There is no cure for Dementia, and that there are no disorder medications to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders. Instead, these medications, but only in particular circumstances, treat warning signs of Dementia by reducing the development of cognitive decline. These medications, also known as anti-dementia medicines, can be administered by a licensed practitioner, and the treatment chosen would be based on the nature of Dementia (Dyer et al., 2018).
The availability of Acetylcholine in the brain affects how well these drugs work. It is a neurotransmission and brain chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate with one another. Alzheimer’s disease causes it to become exhausted. As a result, Acetylcholine Blockers, a class of medications designed to increase Acetylcholine receptors in the brain, are often used to treat Dementia. If drugs are administered at the proper dose, they have statistically significant but clinically minor advantages in operational, cognitive, and international results. Conversely, clinical trials and system analyses have found no clear proof that anti-dementia medications can enhance living standards.

Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy is a type of non-pharmacological treatment for people with mild Dementia. At CST, a qualified practitioner specializing in interpersonal communication and dementia treatment invites the individual with Dementia to engage in therapy sessions with a qualified therapist. And session includes a variety of participant characteristics that are meant to retain and motivate the participants. Food, finance, and current events debates are samples of good themes. Individual, respect, commitment, inclusion, choice, enjoyment, and use of recollection, and trying to maximize capacity and improving relationships are all core concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy. After therapy classes have been conducted, the dementia patients get some relieve from the disorder (Shigihara et al. 2020).
Current Treatments for Reversible Dementia
The cause determines dementia treatment. A few of the causes of Dementia is listed below:

Brain tumors can be treated through surgical operation.
Depression can be maintained through therapy.
Dietary by use of dementia supplements like folate, vitamin A, B-12

Treatment of dementia surgery can be used though it might not be of help to ill the disorder. Surgery is often used to treat blockages that cause Dementia. Angioplasties, among others, are some of the procedures used during surgery. Although surgery could counteract the trigger of Dementia, it cannot counteract the brain damage that has already occurred. If your Alzheimer’s is triggered by a tumor or strain on your mind, operation for dementia care can be beneficial.

In the video titled “The Neuroanatomical Transformation of the Teenage Brain”, Jill Bolte Taylor discusses how the physical growth spurt combined with the shift in hormonal system is all part of our body’s biologies and are responsible for the change in behavior that we experience during our teenage years. This may include changes in our impulse control, the way we think, and the way we express ourselves. This is why adolescents may often be regarded as rebellious due to the sudden changes in their transition to adulthood. This is why the TED Talk “Sleepy Teens: A public health epidemic” is considered a problem because “when teenagers do not get the sleep that they need, their brains, bodies, and behaviors suffer with both immediate and long-term effects.” This lack of sleep also contributes to many mental health problems including substance abuse, depression, and suicide. As teens are developing their brains and undergoing massive transformations, it is only optimal that they get enough rest to be able grow healthily. With this said, teenage years is evidently such an important chapter in a person’s life because several stages of growth happen during this period of time.

solved Week 6: Case Study Purpose The purpose of this assignment

Week 6: Case Study
The purpose of this assignment is to apply endocrine pathophysiological concepts to explain assessment findings of a patient with Diabetes. Students will examine all aspects of the patient’s assessment including: Chief Complaint (CC), History of Present Illness (HPI), Past Medical History (PMH), Family History (FH), Social History (SH), Review of Systems (ROS), and Medications and then answer the questions that follow on the provided Comprehensive Case Study template.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Examine the case scenario and analyze the exam and lab findings results to determine the patient’s type of diabetes. (CO1)
Explain the pathophysiology of the type of diabetes. (CO1)
Differentiate between subjective and objective findings which support the chosen diagnosis. (CO4)
Apply evidence-based practice guidelines to develop an appropriate treatment plan. (CO1, CO5)

Content Criteria:

Read the case study listed below.
Refer to the rubric for grading requirements.
Utilizing the Week 6 Case Study Template (Links to an external site.), provide your responses to the case study questions listed below.
You must use at least one scholarly reference to provide pathophysiology statements. For this class, use of the textbook for pathophysiology statements is acceptable. You may also use an appropriate evidence-based journal.
You must use the current Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes -Abridged for Primary Care Providers provided by the American Diabetes Association to determine the patient’s type of diabetes and answer the treatment recommendation questions. The most current guideline can be found at the following web address: (Links to an external site.). At the website, locate the current year’s CPG for use. 
Proper APA format (in-text citations, reference page, spelling, English language, and grammar) must be used.

Case Study Scenario
Chief Complaint
J.T. is a 48-year old male who presents to the primary care clinic with fatigue, weight loss, and extreme thirst and increased appetite.
History of Present Illness
J.T. has been in his usual state of health until three weeks ago when he began experiencing symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, and extreme thirst. He reports that he would like to begin a walking program, but he feels too fatigued to walk at any point during the day. Now he is very concerned about gaining more weight since he is eating more. He reports insomnia due to having to get up and urinate greater than 4 times per night.
Past Medical History?


Family History

Both parents deceased
Brother: Type 2 diabetes?

Social History

Denies alcohol or recreational drug use


No Known Drug Allergies?


Lisinopril 20 mg once daily by mouth
Atorvastatin 20 mg once daily by mouth
Aspirin 81 mg once daily by mouth
Multivitamin once daily by mouth

Review of Systems

Constitutional: – fever, – chills, – weight loss.
Neurological: denies dizziness or disorientation
HEENT: Denies nasal congestion, rhinorrhea or sore throat.??
Chest: – Tachypnea. Denies cough.
Heart: Denies chest pain, chest pressure or palpitations.
Lymph: Denies lymph node swelling.

General Physical Exam??

Constitutional: Alert and oriented male in no acute distress ??
Vital Signs:?BP-136/80, T-98.6 F, P-78, RR-20
Wt. 240?lbs.,?Ht.?5’8″, BMI 36.5


Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation, normal conjunctiva.?
Ears: Tympanic membranes intact.?
Nose: Bilateral nasal turbinates without redness or swelling. Nares patent.?
Mouth: Oropharynx clear. No mouth lesions. Teeth present and intact; Oral mucous membranes and lips dry.?

Neck/Lymph Nodes?

Neck supple without JVD.?
No lymphadenopathy, masses or carotid bruits.?


Bilateral breath sounds clear throughout lung fields. Breathing quality deep with fruity breath odor


S1 and S2 regular rate and rhythm; – tachycardia; no rubs or murmurs.?

Integumentary System?

Skin warm, dry; Nail beds pink without clubbing. ?

TestPatient’s ResultReference
Glucose (fasting)
60-120 mg/dL
7-24 mg/dL
0.7-1.4 mg/dL
135-145 mEq/L
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
95-105 mEq/L
22-28 mEq/L
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
220 mg/dL
J.T. is diagnosed with diabetes. Review all information provided in the case to answer the following questions.
Case Study Questions
Pathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the Disease

Review the lab findings and decide if the diagnosis is Type 2 or Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
Explain the pathophysiology associated with your chosen diagnosis
Identify at least three subjective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis.
Identify at least three objective findings from the case which support the chosen diagnosis.

Management of the Disease
*Utilize the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support your treatment recommendations.

Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended medication classes for the treatment of this condition and provide an example (drug name) for each.
Describe the mechanism of action for each of the medication classes identified above.
Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended non-pharmacological treatment options for this patient.
Utilizes the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support the chosen treatment recommendations

solved Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.1) Assessment Description Explain how

Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.1)
Assessment Description
Explain how you could use the information contained in the Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle and the Kaplan three Stages of Sexual Response in your work with clients. In your response, include a clinical scenario to illustrate your points.
Lehmiller, J., Whitbourne, Stacey B., & Whitbourne, Susan K. (2020). Human Sexuality and Issues in Aging for Grand Canyon University (Custom). Wiley ISBN-9781119828099 – Custom. (Available as a custom ebook-includes only Chapters 1, 2 , 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 13, 14, and 15 from Lehmiller, J. (2017). The Psychology of Human Sexuality (2nd ed.). ISBN- 9781119164739; Chapters 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, and 13 from Whitbourne, Stacey B., & Whitbourne, Susan K. (2020). Adult Development and Aging, (7th ed.). ISBN ISBN 9781119607878)

Kaplan believes that any stage of the sexual response cycle can elicit problems, and
identifying the problem stage is a necessary step in treating clients with sexual dysfunction
(Lehmiller, 2018). Jane became sexually active couple of years ago and is struggling to
understand what all the “hype” is about surrounding sex. She has had three different
partners since she started having sex but can’t seem to find the desire for sex that everyone
else seemingly has. She wondered if it was a lack of attraction to her first boyfriend, and
eventually broke it off with him due to the lack of spark. In her new relationships she hoped
that the sex would be better but the “unsuccessful” times far outweigh the “successful” ones.
To help Jane, I would ask her which of these stages seem to pose the issues; sexual desire,
excitement, orgasm, or resolution. We will work through what happens at each of these
stages and see if we can find what issues or anxieties may lie behind them. Perhaps there is a
certain part of the process where she is turned off, or where she and her partner can
introduce other stimulants whether that is through senses, hormones, or introducing
different substances. If she enters into a sexual encounter with the mindset that it won’t go
well, it likely won’t. So, we will work together perhaps with the use of CBT to condition her to
get more excited when a certain point of the cycle presents itself.

The Masters and Johnson Human Sexual Response Cycle details the genital and extra-genital responses during excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Understanding these four phases can help a counselor identify sexual dysfunctions happening in their client or their client’s partner. These physical responses, or lack thereof, could help a counselor identify if any issues are present. Since Master and Johnson identified that one might not recognize when one phase begins, or the other ends it may help a counselor “normalize” what their client is experiencing or not experiencing. Since the world seems to be preoccupied with what is considered “normal.” Kaplan identified a three-phase model consisting of sexual desire, excitement (excitement and plateau), and orgasm. Her identification that sexual desire is needed for excitement and orgasm was a revelation in the psychological world of sex. This helped classify female sexual dysfunction in the third and fourth DSM’s (Magon et al., 2012).
My client is a male in his mid-forties. He is nervous because his wife is going through menopause and their sex life has taken a downward turn. He and his wife have always had a happy, healthy, and vast sex life and he does not want that to go away completely. As his counselor, I can discuss Kaplan’s three phases and the importance of sexual desire with him. He believes that his wife experiences sexual desire for him, and he does in return. Although the female sex responses can alter with age, dryness, lower libido, etc., it will be helpful that sexual desire remain strong. With the help of lubrication and discussion about their new sex life, they should be able to make it work. The importance of sexual desire in a relationship before menopause begins is important.

The Masters and Johnson Model is well-known and came from observing over 10,000 sexual cycles of men and women. Evidence screamed a predictable pattern related to sexual arousal and response. Although individuals experience different kinds of sexual arousal and response with sexuality and sex, the predictable patterns are telling and reliable (Lehmiller, J., Whitbourne, Stacey B., & Whitbourne, Susan K., 2020). With this information, counselors can work with and help clients with issues surrounding sexuality and sex.
Helen Kaplan modified or simplified the sexual response to three stages, as opposed to Master and Johnson’s 4 stages. These universal sexual responses, defined and explained by these scholars, relate to every human, in some way, during their lives. Therefore, understanding these responses and the psychological and emotional aspects that are associated with these responses, will enhance a counselor’s ability to understand and empathize with clients.
For example, a clinician who understands these physiological sexual responses can help a couple who are not on the same page with sexual desire, level of excitement, or timing of orgasms. Helping the couple understand and distinguish the physiological realities can bring clarity to the bedroom issues and not confuse or disregard the emotional connection that the couple should have. Ironically, although predictable men and women’s sexual responses are, levels of understanding vary with individuals and couples. Therefore, understanding these sexual responses will aid a clinician in working with clients’ issues.

solved Module 1 – CasePRESENT VALUE AND THE RISK/RETURN TRADE-OFFAssignment OverviewFor

Module 1 – CasePRESENT VALUE AND THE RISK/RETURN TRADE-OFFAssignment OverviewFor this assignment, make sure to first carefully review all of the required readings about present value, future value, risk and return, and the CAPM. Once you are relatively comfortable with these concepts, try working through some of the examples in the background readings and try computing the answers on your own. Once you are confident you both understand the concepts and the computational steps, complete the assignment below.Case AssignmentPresent your answers to the problem below in a Word document, and also upload an Excel file with your computations. Excel is required for Questions 2 and 3. Excel is optional for Questions 1 and 4, but you are required to show your steps for all quantitative problems. Even if you get the answer wrong, you can still get partial credit if you show your work.Calculate the following:Suppose you wish to raise some money for your favorite local charity. This charity needs $50,000 a year to run its operation and you want to make sure that it is ensured an annual payment of this amount from now on for every year in the foreseeable future. Given an interest rate of 5%, how much would you have to fund this perpetuity to guarantee the charity a payment of $50,000 per year?You decide to put $1,000 in a new bank account and don’t plan to withdraw the money for 10 years. If your bank does continuous compounding and the interest rate is 1%, what will be the value of this bank account in 10 years?Suppose you won the lottery but not all of your winnings will come in one year. Instead, you will get a series of annual payments over the next five years. The table below tells you what your payment will be every year for the next five years. Use the information in the table to make the following computations:The present and future value of your lottery ticket if the interest rate is 8%The present and future value of your lottery ticket if the interest rate is 10%YearPayment1500026000370004800059000The table below gives the probability of different returns for three different assets. Using this table, calculate the following:The expected return of each assetThe standard deviation of returns of each assetThe coefficient of variation of each assetBased on your answers to B) and C) above, which asset has the highest total risk and highest relative risk?Asset AAsset BAsset CProbabilityReturnProbabilityReturnProbabilityReturn0.350.1250.140.480.3200.850.390.5150.160.114Suppose the market return is 8%, the risk-free rate is 1% and the beta for a given stock is 1.2. Answer the following questions based on this information:What is the required return for this stock?If the beta increases by 50% (but risk-free rate remains 1%), what will be the new required return for the stock? What is the percentage-wise change in required return compared to your answer to A) above?If the market return increases by 50% (but beta remains at 1.2), what will be the new required return for the stock? What is the percentage-wise change in required return compared to your answer to A) above?Suppose there are three different companies. The first one, Trendy Tech Inc., has investors who are “fair-weather friends.” When the stock market is going up, everybody wants to invest in Trendy Tech, but as soon as the market goes down everyone jumps ships and sells their shares. The second company is Oily Oil Inc. Oily’s stock price seems to depend only on the price of oil and nothing else. Finally, there is Conglomerated Conglomerate Inc. Conglomerated is a giant company with holdings in almost every industry imaginable—from cell phones to grocery stores and even amusement parks. Based on this information, which company would you think has the highest beta? The lowest beta? Which one do you think has a beta closest to 1?Assignment ExpectationsAnswer the assignment questions directly.Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.For computational problems, make sure to show your work and explain your steps.Module 1 – BackgroundPRESENT VALUE AND THE RISK/RETURN TRADE-OFFTo begin the module, start off with a video explaining time value of money:Clifford, J. (2014, November 8). Time value of money – macroeconomics [Video file]. Retrieved from you have finished viewing the video, read through these book chapters. In addition to reading about the basic concepts, make sure to work through some of the numerical examples as these will help you with your assignmentsVernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le, F. Y., & Salvi, A. (2017). Chapter 16: The time value of money and net present value in Corporate finance: Theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.ISBN:978-1-119-45180-8. Available in the Trident University Library.Vernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le, F. Y., & Salvi, A. (2017). Chapter 18: Risk and return in Corporate finance: Theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.ISBN:978-1-119-45180-8. Available in the Trident University Library.Finally, if you don’t have much experience with Microsoft Excel then please take a look at the following videos:Davis, J. (2013). Present value of a single amount in Excel. Retrieved from:, R. (2014). Present value of multiple cash flows in Excel. Retrieved from: (2012). Future value for a series of annual deposits. Retrieved from:

solved Discussion Topic #7 – Chapter 6 – Client Advocacy Chapter

Discussion Topic #7 – Chapter 6 – Client Advocacy

Chapter 6 presents the importance of client advocacy not only to help clients achieve a sense of power, but also to help create social/environmental change.
For this discussion:
Read the examples in the text addressing the Counseling-Advocacy Process
What are some of the questions you might ask an individual who has been imprisoned, is now being released, and wishes to return to their home community?
What are some of the interventions you might undertake in order to help this person succeed in their new life?

Advocacy services serve two purposes, increase clients’ sense of power and personal power and fostering environmental change.
   Advocacy-oriented counselors work with individuals or families, helping them develop self-advocacy skills, to advocate for their rights of access to education resources or services they need. When counselors direct attention to environmental changes, they remain aware of the complex responses of the individual. Based on this, the questions you would ask a person who has been imprisoned, who is now being released and wants to return to his community of origin, would be:
Now that you are free, what have you thought to do?
How are your relationships with family and friends? Would they offer you psychological support during this situation that you are living in now? How have they adjusted to the fact that you have been in prison and are now at liberty?
Do you have someone close in particular who would be willing to help you?
Can you support yourself? What job skills could you learn? Do you know of an opportunity open to you or could it be?
Do you need help and information to find a job?
Do you have ready access to whatever legal assistance you need?
Do you or your family need a financial help? What sources of financial aid does your family have? Do they depend on you?
   The Counseling-Advocacy Process must accompany the Client, until he can overcome his obstacles; interventions to help this person to be successful in his new life begin, by navigating the system to find possible short-term solutions.
   As an advocate for the client, the counselor should help make connections with a variety of community resources that can help him. This person as an individual who just got out of jail needs resources to help insert him into society.
   The system has employment or rehabilitation centers that help people acquire the skills and opportunities he needs to achieve independence and financial security.

   Counselors’ advocacy work on behalf of clients is greatly improved, when the community is home to a responsive support network. Community counselors can use their knowledge and skills to play a role in construction assist networks and help carry out community planning.
Advocacy services are fundamental and designed to increase clients’ sense of power and foster environmental changes; these two purposes are complimentary to each other. Advocacy and counseling are linked in the helping process. As counselors advocating for clients, you are not only working for them you are also working with them in order to assist and lead them in acquiring the proper skills for self-advocacy and empowerment. When clients face barriers they cannot overcome, community counselors use their own skills and stature to speak up for them. 
When addressing the Counseling-Advocacy Process you must examine both the personal and environmental factors which will influence change and determine the strategies used. Some questions I would ask an individual who has been imprisoned and is due for release back into their community would include, but not be limited to: 
01. Whom/What does your support system consist of?  Are you close to anyone in your family?  
02. You have ideas concerning what to do differently upon your release, but how would you go about accomplishing them? 
03. Are the people close to you before your sentence still there for you now? Do they add support or positively impact your life in any way? If not, are they worth keeping? 

04. Do you have children? If so, are you in contact with them? (Depending on answer and if interested) How will you go about restoring and strengthening the relationship with them? 
05. Do you have your living arrangements accommodated for your return? Who would you be living with?  
06. Would you need to apply for financial assistance? Do you have access to medical health benefits, medications, and/or food assistance? 
07. What job skills do you possess? Which skills are you open to obtain? Where will you begin looking for employment?
08. (Depending on history) What are your plans to continue being financially stable in a legal manner? 
09. Are there any obstacles you fear, or feel you may encounter, in accessing resources and services needed? 
10. Is this your first time serving a sentence? What are your reasons and methods to avoid returning to old behaviors and risk coming back to prison? 
11. Have you been able to acquire and implement coping and life skills?  
12. Have you analyzed how your past reactions/emotions/thoughts led you down the wrong direction? How can you go about it differently?
13. (Depending on inmates age range)What are your thoughts on acquiring your GED for you to return or upon your return to the community?  
14. Do you know of, and have access to, community resources in case of emergency; such as hot-line numbers or crisis and suicide prevention units you may contact? 
15. Are you interested in seeking additional professional help by receiving counseling and/or joining a program/center?

solved The topic is about the development of the textile industry

The topic is about the development of the textile industry in England from 14th to 15th centuries.This is a shorter paper: 6,000 words, and you take an extra taught course. The content can be a critical literature survey:This can mean any one (or more) of these:Original perspective applied to a topic or issue where it has not been usedNew comparisons across time or spaceChallenge to existing interpretations Keep in mind: Ø We still expect a clear research question.Ø You cannot just write a summary of what other people have said, you have to interpret and assess what they have said. Ø Demonstrating originality can be more difficult as you are starting with published research works that have been peer-reviewed. A. After the introduction, we should make a part of literature reviews to assess their ideas, and then give and briefly describe the methodology which we think is chronological method. When we use chronological method, we should categorize the time periods not to just saying which year happening what things. B. The contents relating to textile industry should be assessed. The Hundreds Year War between England and France is a starting point of textile industry, because before war the England mainly exports wool. The expense to sustain the war relied on the exported tariff of wool, so this creates the conditions of producing wool textile in England. Except that, you should interpret the capital sources to sustain the textile industry and related financing. C. The technology of water powered spinning machine is very important factor to spur the development of textile industry. The reasons and effects of using water powered spinning machine should be described. For example, the weak influence of guilds relative to Flanders and the abundant water resources in rural areas are preconditions for applications of the machine. And the effects include rural industrialization, urbanization, and cumulative industrial capital from expenditure in luxury goods in feudal society. Therefore, this causes the decentralized development of textile industry.D. The Black Death really is fundamental to economic change in this period. Certainly, it may have provided a spur to technological innovations but you should also think more widely than this. Significantly the Black Death was a huge demand shock – the population perhaps halved leading to a contraction in aggregate demand which is seen to have negatively affected the cloth industry in some areas. However, at the same time, the survivors of the Black Death had significantly higher real incomes and this may have led them to spend a greater proportion of their household incomes on cloth products – I recommend you look at the below article by Oldland who discusses this in detail:OLDLAND, JOHN. “Wool and Cloth Production in Late Medieval and Early Tudor England.” The Economic History Review, vol. 67, no. 1, 2014, pp. 25–47., also suggest these readings to help you explore the wool and cloth industry in Italy and the Low Countries:S. R. Epstein, CITIES, REGIONS AND THE LATE MEDIEVAL CRISIS: SICILY AND TUSCANY COMPARED, Past & Present, Volume 130, Issue 1, February 1991, Pages 3–50,, S.R. (1993), Town and country: economy and institutions in late medieval Italy. The Economic History Review, 46: 453-477., B. J. P. Van. Manors and Markets : Economy and Society in the Low Countries, 500-1600. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010.E. We should add some contents to compare and contrast the textile industry with other regions in Europe such as France, Flanders, and Italy. Then briefly interpret the positive relationship between textile industry and Industrial Revolution in England.F. This is mainly a literature review dissertation, so we do expect to see that you’ve engaged with a broad set of secondary sources. There’s no official number but I would say around 40 at a minimum.G. Please find below some initial ideas for readings on the wool industry in other parts of Europe. Don’t worry if you can’t get access to all of these – they’re just suggestions for a starting point. I also recommend you use some bibliographic search engines – eg jstor – to see if you can find some more potential readings on your own. Shennan Hutton, ‘Organizing specialized production: gender in the medieval Flemish wool cloth industry (c. 1250-1384)’, Urban History, 45.3 (2018) 382-403. Doi: 10.1017/S0963926817000566John H.A. Munro, ‘The dual crises of the late-medieval Florentine cloth industry, c. 1320 – c. 1420’, in Textiles and the Medieval Economy: Production, Trade, and Consumption of Textiles, 8th-16th Centuries, ed. by Angela Ling Huang and Carsten Jahnke, Ancient Textiles Series, 16 (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2015), pp. 113-148.Beverly Lemire, ‘Wool: products and markets from the thirteenth to the twentieth century’, Costume, 40. (2006) 72-74. Doi: 10.1179/174963006X99475Robert B. Ekelund, Donald R. Street and Robert D. Tollison, ‘Rent seeking and property rights’ assignments as a process: the Mesta cartel of medieval-mercantile Spain’, Journal of European Economic History, 26.1 (1997) 9-35.Stephan R. Epstein, ‘The textile industry and the foreign cloth trade in late medieval Sicily (1300-1500): a “colonial relationship”?’, Journal of Medieval History, 15.2 (1989) 141-183. Doi: 10.1016/0304-4181(89)90014-6John H. Munro, 2000. “The West European Woollen Industries and their Struggles for International Markets, c.1000 – 1500,” Working Papers munro-00-04, University of Toronto, Department of Economics

solved Question 1: Recording Actual Bad Debts On May 6, 2021,

Question 1: Recording Actual Bad Debts
On May 6, 2021, Alice Company determined that N.O. Money’s $6,200 account receivable was uncollectible.  On September 14, 2021, the $6,200 cash was unexpectedly received on account from N.O. Money.
Give the general journal entries necessary to record the May 6 and September 14 transactions for Alice Company assuming Alice uses the direct-write off method of accounting for bad debts on the attached workpaper #1.
Give the general journal entries necessary to record the May 6 and September 14 transactions for Alice Company assuming Alice uses the allowance method of accounting for bad debts on the attached workpaper #1.
Question 2: Under the allowance method in Question 1, if the cash realizable value of the accounts receivable of Alice Company  is $93,000 before the May 6 write-off, what is the cash realizable value of accounts receivable after the  May 6 write-off?
Question 4: Recording estimated bad debts
Dinah Company uses the allowance method to account for bad debts.  On December 31, 2021, the following information was available:
Net Sales   $4,890,000
Accounts Receivable $995,000
In the attached Workpaper #2, give the adjusting general journal entry required on December 31, 2021 to record estimated bad debts assuming:
Bad debts are estimated at 3% of net sales; the unadjusted balance of the Allowance for Bad Debts account is $29,400 credit.
Bad debts are estimated at 3% of net sales; the unadjusted balance of the Allowance for Bad Debts account is $31,800 debit.
Bad debts are estimated at 15% of accounts receivable; the unadjusted balance of the Allowance for Bad Debts account is $29,400 credit.
Bad debts are estimated at 15% of accounts receivable; the unadjusted balance of the Allowance for Bad Debts account is $31,800 debit.
Question 6: Recording Plant Asset Disposals
Hatter Company purchased a truck costing $66,000.  The truck was estimated to have an 11 year useful life and a zero salvage value.  The straight-line depreciation method is used. 
In the attached workpaper #3, give the general journal entry required to record the disposal of the truck in each of the following independent cases (Note: enter the case number in the Date column of the journal.)
The truck is discarded at the end of year 11.
The truck is discarded at the end of year 10.
The truck is sold for $32,600 cash at the end of year 6.
The truck is sold for $18,800 cash on July 1 of year 8.
The truck is exchanged for a new truck at the end of year 7.  The old truck has a fair market value of $21,600 and Hatter Company pays $51,400 cash in the exchange, which is presumed to have commercial substance.
The truck is exchanged for a new truck at the end of year 7.  The old truck has a fair market value of $28,300 and Hatter Company pays $44,700 cash in exchange, which is presumed to have commercial substance.
Question 7: Accounting for Notes Receivable and Notes Payable
On May 1, 2021, Tart Company borrowed $9,000 cash from Queen Corporation giving Queen a $9,000, 14%, 9-month note.  Tart Company  repaid the note on February 1, 2022.  

Give the general journal entries required to record the notes receivable transactions for Queen Corporation (the lender) for 2021 and 2022 in the attached workpaper #4.  Queen Corporation prepares financial statements semi-annually on June 30 and December 31 of each year.
Give the general journal entries required to record the notes payable transactions for Tart Company (the borrower) for 2021 and 2022 in the attached workpaper #4.  Tart Company prepares financial statements annually on December 31 of each year.

Question 8: Accounting for Payroll
Dormouse Company had the following payroll information available for the week ending on February 21, 2021:
Gross Pay   $72,000
Federal Income Tax Withholdings $10,800
State Income Tax Withholdings $4,320
FICA Tax Withholdings $5,510
Federal Unemployment Taxes $432
State Unemployment Taxes $2,160
In addition, the employees have $1,020 withheld for the company health insurance program.
In the attached workpaper #5, give the general journal entries required to (1) record the employee payroll and (2) record the employer payroll taxes.
Question 8: Accounting for Payroll
Dormouse Company had the following payroll information available for the week ending on February 21, 2021:
Gross Pay   $72,000
Federal Income Tax Withholdings $10,800
State Income Tax Withholdings $4,320
FICA Tax Withholdings $5,510
Federal Unemployment Taxes $432
State Unemployment Taxes $2,160
In addition, the employees have $1,020 withheld for the company health insurance program.
In the attached workpaper #5, give the general journal entries required to (1) record the employee payroll and (2) record the employer payroll taxes.
Question 9: Duchess Company had the following expenditures related to the purchase of a machine:
Purchase Cost $8,300
Shipping Costs $240
Testing Costs $180
Installation Costs $400
Sales Taxes $660
Oils needed to lubricate the machine during operation $220
Annual inspection of the machine $140
When the machine is purchased, what total cost should be debited to the machine account?  [   ]
Question 10: Wonderland Corporation purchased equipment costing $47,000.  The equipment had a 6-year useful life and a salvage value of $5,000.  Complete the following depreciation schedule using straight-line depreciation:
YearDepreciation ExpenseAccumulated DepreciationBook Value
Give the adjusting general journal entry to record the depreciation at the end of the first year:
Account TitlesDRCRQ